A Preacher's Kid Written by Dr. David Kyle Foster Thursday, 28 August 2008 17:36
This was it! Star! The rush of satisfaction was indescribable. The NBC execs were bowing, (in their own way), as were the producer, director, actors, stage hands - everybody. I was the hope and the focus of the entire production - the lead. Whisked around in limos, private dressing rooms, fawning publicists, autograph seekers - the whole bit. This was a mountain-top - the mountain-top of my life. George Hamilton even had lower billing than I. What a trip for a confused young preacher's kid trying to find some semblance of meaning in life, on a TV movie set in Hollywood.
To my great surprise, after the luster of the moment wore off, it turned into one of the most devastating events of my life - for in achieving the ultimate (or at least the beginning of the ultimate), I had made a horrifying discovery: the payoff wasn't there; the peace wasn't there; the fulfillment and completion wasn't there. The dream was a fraud! It didn't deliver like it was suppose to. The love and acceptance it garnered was as tenuously conditioned as any could be. It flashed and then faded like an unending succession of cocaine highs. I wasn't being loved for who I was. I was being loved for what I was - the position, the title, the holder of a certain prized power. I had achieved a romantic's nirvana only to discover a realist's nightmare. I knew that as soon as I fell from the lofty perch, my name would be as forgotten as if it had never been. And it was.
No one remembers David Kyle - emerging star of TV, motion pictures and commercials. Long gone are the worshiping agents and fans. Now David Kyle Foster is on his own. The glamor is gone, the looks have faded, the promise of fame and fortune, a long forgotten joke. Yet, I am fulfilled, I am loved, I am filled with joy and purpose. Why? Because I've discovered the purpose of my life. I have discovered that knowing and serving God is the center and meaning of existence. And I have been forgiven from a past riddled with maximum sin and rebellion.
I first tried to kill myself when I was nine years old. In college, I tried twice again. In Hollywood, others tried to kill me - three times. On one occasion, while being strangled, God spoke out of my mouth and stopped the would-be murderer in his tracks. I knew that God was shadowing me. I knew that God was not allowing me to die.
As far as I was concerned, I should die. My sins were quite severe. I hated my father - the preacher, and I hated God. In one way or another, I demanded to be destroyed, even if it took committing the worst sins I could think of to get God to do it. And so, while dazzling my friends with acting triumphs, I led a dark and secret life as a male prostitute, often leaving the Hollywood sound stages to hustle my body on the streets, hoping that somehow God would allow me to destroy the success I didn't deserve - not as penance, but as justice.
By the time I was twenty-nine, I was fed up with it all - I was even fed up with trying to kill myself. I'd been a drug addict, alcoholic and male prostitute for ten years, and for twenty years, I'd been a sex addict, a worshiper of fame and fortune, and an idolater of beautiful and successful people. Finally it was time to see if God really existed. It was the only possibility left that could make sense out of life - only, in my mind, the God I was looking for could not be the God of my preacher father, whom I hated.
Enter one Guru Maharaj Ji, self-proclaimed "perfect master of the universe" - reincarnation of Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed and Krishna. Now there's a title! Only someone with supernatural miracles in his repertoire could pull that one off. And he did.
I was soon an ashram devotee and "premie" supreme. On one occasion, I actually attained nirvana, or god-consciousness - becoming "light" and one with God and the universe. It was a year of great spiritual passion and great spiritual deception. My prior experiences had made me well schooled in worldly deception, but this year, I became an adept in the world of spiritual deception.
Finally, upon discovering many flaws in my guru god, I sought out Jesus Christ in Israel, and met Him there. In a church in the Garden of Gethsemene, Jesus answered my burning question: "If both God and Satan can do miracles, how am I suppose to know who is really from God?" Jesus spoke the answer directly into my spirit: "Who proved His love for You?" Suddenly, scenes from the scourging and crucifixion of Christ started flashing through my brain and I finally realized that it was only Jesus who had demonstrated His love toward mankind. All other pretenders to the throne could be proven fraudulent simply by virtue of this contrast.
The year was 1980, and within six weeks I was attending Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Thanks to a man named Anthony Rossi, who generously paid the financial cost, I graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in 1983. For many years, I worked for various Christian ministries, (Bob Larson Ministries, Christian Broadcasting Network, Youth With A Mission), and in 1993 God called me into full time work as director of "Mastering Life Ministries".
That leaves the question: "How did God heal me of my deeply entrenched, sinful and addictive behaviors?" To answer that question is why "Mastering Life Ministries" has been formed - to share with the body of Christ, how God heals, whether it be physical, spiritual or emotional, and how He enables us to live holy, righteous and purposeful lives.
In 1980, as I began nurturing and developing an intimate relationship with God the Father, the Holy Spirit began to reveal to me the hidden, root causes for my actions and feelings. He began showing me how to seek God so as to be transformed into His likeness. He began showing me how to receive into myself a transfusion of God's wholeness and power, which fulfills my needs much more naturally and completely. The Lord eventually led me to write down all that He had taught me and began urging me to teach it to others.
At first, I protested that if I held seminars on "How to Get Healed from Sexual Sin", nobody would come for fear of publicizing their sin by attending. God replied that I should hold seminars for training the church (laity and leaders) in how to minister to their friends who have sexual sin and brokenness. That way, those who have their own problems are freed up to attend, under the broader purpose of the lectures and seminars. Secondly, in that way, the entire church can become equipped to minister in this area. When the expected great revival finally hits America, those churches that have equipped their saints to do the ministry of the church, will be the ones where God can send the flood of newcomers.
The Church in America is very weak spiritually. One of the reasons for this is that it is riddled with sexual sin. People are not getting help for their sexual sin problems because they are too embarrassed by them. They fear rejection and loss of face. They may tell their best friend, but they will not risk going to the pastor or counselor. Unfortunately, their best friend doesn't know how to help them. And so they remain steeped in sin with no where to go. If, however, we train everyone in the Church how to minister to their friends, then we can remove this scourge of secret sin from the Church.
The call that God has given Mastering Life Ministries is to teach the body how to minister healing, primarily in the area of sexual brokenness, but also in other areas of life, such as: "anger", "shame", "spiritual deception" and "spiritual warfare". I'm very excited with life now. God has given me meaning, purpose and direction. I have a call from the one true God - our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - who has taken the very realm where I was the most broken and turned it around so that I can minister in the power of the Holy Spirit for the healing of those still trapped in sin, as well as teach the body of Christ how to do the same.
http://www.masteringlife.org/index.php/mastering-life/articl es/personal-stories
dear christians friends, if you or your friends has the issue of same sex attraction, There is a great news, God can heal them and will heal them! if you ask and seek God to help, the bottom line is that do you want GOD to help ? I heard so many testimony that people overcome homosexuality, I found there is a key is that people or people around them Did CRY OUT to GOD to ask for help !
THE EXODUS : From Slavery Into Sonship
I also felt the EXODUS is so vivid spiritul journey for persons who set free from homosexuality(or any brokenness) by GOD.
God news, By Jesus stripes we are healed ! there are so many homosexual people are transformed by the Spirit of God and be free from homosexual life style,
the following website are all for the people who need God’s healing touch ! http://www.desertstream.org/ (ministering the life of Jesus to the sexually and relationally broken) watch many testimony of who overcome homosexuality (PURE PASSION) do not miss
Sarah's book THE EXODUS : From Slavery Into Sonship
is a book for today. It speaks of God's sovereign and accelerated shift of His harvest across the nations to Asia. It is also a clarion call for His children to move from slavery into sonship - into the fullness of who they are as God's sons and daughters - and truly understand His love and grace that are freely given.
The life of Sarah foreshadows these two great movements. Once bound by homosexuality and devil worship, she has since experienced immense love and liberation in Christ Jesus, and has witnessed the wonders of His magnificent works. In this book, Sarah shares her personal relationship and revelations of her Heavenly Father. Her journey of transformation has the power to change both your life and the way you know God
the Son of God (Jesus) manifest will destroy the work of devil, homosexual life style is the work of devil, God come to destroy the sin. Jesus come to set the homosexual people free from the bondage of sin (homosexuality).
Do not forget , Jesus says that It is FINISHED on the cross ! the message of Cross is the power of GOD. the Almighty God ALREADY Wins and Wins always , through the finished work of Cross and His Resurrection !!!
never never forget the Power of Prayers !!!! we need more prayers and prayers work ! if we call us Christian, children of God , our head (the head of Church) is Jesus,
it is end time, there are so many immorality coming around . we need to prepare for the coming the Jesus Christ. be alert and watch and pray ! uphold the GOD's Word and believe and press in , NEVER GIVE IN and NEVER GIVE UP ! There is Mighty power in Jesus' Blood , there is mighty power in Jesus Name, there is mighty power in God's Word ! through the Crucifixion of Jesus, it release the resurrection power of God to destroy the sin, the darkness, the death. please do not forget God's Victory .
We’ll meet in a field where we’re preparing for a great battle to set those free who are enslaved to sin. Some of the so-called church has justified sin. When sin is justified the people become a slave to it. The Spirit of Truth is rising up in the church. It is calling the true church to action to combat this slavery and set the people free from sin.
Dear Friends,
Sarah's salvation and healing start from a little girl prayers who was Sarah's classmate,
there are so many gay people around us, let us start to pray for them. prayer and pure love are very weapon we could win the people back.
I heard overcoming homosexuality stories not only from protestant church, also heard some stories from catholic church( SOME of them are true followers of Jesus Christ ), I heard a true story a guy had HIV who was healed by GOD, physically , emotionally and spiritually. I also heard a true story of whom was gay , attending prayer group seeking for help in a catholic church, in very day, he was set free from homosexuality,
in fact , there is no man born as gay ,God never create gay.