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The Shack - by William P Young

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Forum Name: Encountering Life's Issues - Is there a God? Is God real?
Forum Discription: What's a relationship with God all about, and what's Jesus Christ got to do with it? Have you recently been touched by God's reality? Are you wondering how you can be? Are you feeling there's a deeper purpose for your life? Are you facing a crisis and need prayer. Someone cares. Post your need here
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Topic: The Shack - by William P Young

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Subject: The Shack - by William P Young
Date Posted: 12/02/2007 at 4:17pm

A good friend of mine recommended a book to me recently. I picked up a copy and read it and I have to say that it is a simply wonderful book that delves into this very topic.  I was so blessed!

The Shack - by William P Young -

You can pick up a copy on as well as through Barnes and Nobles... simply, IMHO, a must read!


See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing


Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 12/04/2007 at 4:47am

Hey, the story sounds really great. I can't believe those readers were in tears by page 100 

Thanks for sharing Julie. 

Think I will ask my parents to offer me this book for Christmas  


Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 12/04/2007 at 6:45am

Hey Eric!

You won't be disappointed. I am on my second (slower) reading. I got so immeshed in the book on the first reading I read it in one sitting on Thanksgiving holiday. I find myself reflecting on details as it really makes you think 'outside the box'.

Enjoy your posts here.. thanks for being so cool!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 02/26/2008 at 9:01pm

This is a great book with much revelation for today. I reccomend anyone read it.

Kris Couchey

One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 10/05/2008 at 9:59am

Julie, I finally got a copy of The Shack and have been reading it this weekend. What a wonderful book! I love it! I love Papa cooking all the time; Sarayu working in her garden and being ethereal and Jesus being wonderful. What a sweet gift from Papa to have this book made available to the Body of Christ. I understand the more religious side of the family is freaking out over this book--kind of like they did about The Lord of the Rings and Barna's "Revolution" and Viola's "Pagan Christianity" and on and on we go.  How lovely to be able to stop and realize how we've "created" who we think/perceive who God is and does and feels towards us and others. Kim Clement's "word" is posted on the Voice of Prophecy. His word looks/feels like Papa in The Shack. God is good and God is love and He brings good out of our lives--the good and the bad (per our perception of what's good and bad). If  folks haven't read The Shack, go get a copy and get blown away. It'll short your brain out but you'll keep going back for more.

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 10/05/2008 at 10:19am

hey Leslie... good hearing from you!  My future son-in-law read this whole book on his way up to fishing in Alaska back in May... then gave it away to the person he was seated with when he got off the plane.... it impacted him greatly... Wal-mart has it in paperback for $10.43 I believe. I need to pick up another copy... my daughters have my copy now.... it really does take God out of the Box for sure.... which He is anyway... and even when bad things happen, God works them all together for good.... because He is good.... and He loves up beyond anything we can comprehend....  awhile back God gave me a very real revelation of just how BIG He is.... I 'saw' his hands cupped togegther and within his cupped hands sat our whole UNIVERSE!!! like the size of a blue robin's egg....  it was incredibly astounding to get a finite minds perspective in picture form of the true magnitude of how really big 'Papa' is.... I reflect back on that revelation quite a bit these days with things being as they are... and I just have an immediate peace about the sovereignty and greatness of overall profoundness of our God.... All glory to His Name forever!

ps: I really was dealt with by the chapter where judgment of God was addressed.... how many times have 'i' judged God from my finite worm existance..... it was very convicting and brought me a lot of forgiveness and deliverance too! Awesome book as far as I am concerned and MUST READING!!

love you lady! hope all is well with you.... lata!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Jess Cousineau
Date Posted: 10/05/2008 at 9:10pm

I bought a copy and I was going to return it because I was having bad dreams just after I bought it and I thought it was from the book. But it's still in the house, and since you guys said its ok, maybe ill keep it 

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 10/05/2008 at 9:50pm

Jess, I don't believe that there is anything 'demonic' attached to this book... it is simply a tool that expresses the father's heart a bit 'outside the box' of religious thoughts and thinking....  just pray as ask Holy Spirit if you are suppose to read it and do whatever HE directs you to do.... you have authority over the enemy and any demonic dreams .. it may be that you are suppose to read the book b/c the Lord will use it like He has in so many other lives to break them free from the lies and deceptions and bondages of the enemy....  the enemy may just be the one trying to hinder you from reading this book?? as always, you must seek the Lord by Holy Spirit and follow whatever HE directs you to do.... blessings

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 10/06/2008 at 5:26am

Greetings to you, Julie. Thanks for the affection and back at ya.

Jess, if I remember correctly, you are young in the Lord. May I suggest you go to a web site "" and click on the "Blessings" icon. Each day (M-F) there will be a blessing spoken to your spirit. It will take about 3 minutes. Try and sit quietly and allow your spirit to listen to the blessing. The blessing is for your spirit, not your soul or your body. Doing this will nurture/build/mature your spirit, which is the part of you that communicates/interfaces with God. The larger  your spirit, the more you can know Him. Your spirit is supposed to be leading your person (body/soul/spirit). The man who speaks the blesssing (Arthur Burk) says that we know how to minister to our bodies and souls, which is the size of a sumo wrestler, but our spirit is the size of a stick man. Your spirit should be the sumo wrestler and your souland body in alignment behind your spirit. We're supposed to be living out of our spirits, not our wounded, screwed up souls that often operate out of the lies we believed as children. But, that's an entire afternoon by itself. Just consider going to the above site, sit quietly and listen. Sometimes I'll listen 2-3 times. Do that for a month and get back to me and tell me what you are sensing. Also, consider asking daily for God's knowledge, wisdom, understanding and discernment. Ask God for the Gift of wisdom to make you wise. He will give it because he is a good God and and he's very fond of you. (Read The Shack and you'll understand that part.) I know that in the past you might have perceived me as harsh towards you, but I really am a nice lady. I just don't brook a lot of nonsense, am a mother of two teen daughters and am 56 years old. (Had them at 39 and 42 years of age.) Plus, I've been praying for God's knowledge, wisdom, understanding and discernment for about 30 years. I know I have wisdom because I've asked for it and spent years in the Word, which also promises to make you wise, and I have a strong discerner.  Hopefully that doesn't sound arrogant because it's not my intent. I have also endeavored to be a "mother of Israel"/older sister in the family attempting to raise the younger ones in the Family. Have a lovely day. Do what God has set before you with your best efforts and listen to your mother. She knows you best because she's known you the longest--you started your life under her heart. have a good day and how's school?

Posted By: Jess Cousineau
Date Posted: 10/06/2008 at 7:53am

School - I think is ok, but the Lord keeps telling to study and I get the feeling if I don't, I will be sorry.

I never thought of you as harsh! I thought of you as caring enough to reply.

Thank you I will look up that link

I don't think I'm that young in the Lord, but I guess I am compared to most here... I "asked Jesus into my heart" when I was 9, and redicated my life to Him when I was 18, and Jesus baptized me in the Holy Spirit when I was 24 (I'm 26 now). I had a vision when I was about 18 or 19, and in that vision, I was a baby (I thought I was going to have sleep paralysis again, but instead God came and picked me up and held me in His arms like I was a little baby. I will never, ever forget that!)

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 10/07/2008 at 2:06am

Funny thing...

I haven't felt led to read any books, other than the bible, for quite some time, but on coming to the library this morning to use the internet as usual, there on the bookstand at the entrance, right in front of me, was "The Shack".  I Haven't noticed it there before.  Well anyway, I've got it to read now.

Love Mandy

Posted By: Jess Cousineau
Date Posted: 10/07/2008 at 11:39am

Thank you Leslie!!! I just checked out that site, itis exactly what I need! Thank you! 

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 10/07/2008 at 11:46am

Hey Leslie... I went through a Plumbline at my former church a couple of years back... it was intensely beneficial!! Thanks for the link... I think every one should do a Plumbline if they possibly can... have you gone through one?

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 10/08/2008 at 2:57am

I read the book yesterday.  Wow!!!

I love the way Papa is portrayed.  Such a relief from so much heavy stuff that's commonly attributed to our Father.  There are so many different facets in this story though, that its gona take a while to digest it all.

It seems suitable to give to non-believers as well.  A way of introducing them to the reality in an easy to follow way.  It sounds like there will be a film to follow too.


Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 10/08/2008 at 12:03pm

Julie, I don't know what you mean by being Plumblined. I think that might be different from Arthur Burk and his teachings.

Mandy, I'm delighted you liked The Shack. I think it's worthy of several readings in order to absorb all the content it contains.

Jess, I'm glad you like the Blessings from Arthur Burk. There's an archive that you can check out and linger in AFTER you've done your studying. If God is telling you to study, then you'd better because you don't blow God off and get away with it. It will eventually come back and bite you. Plus, if you eat your spinach first and save dessert for last, it builds character into you and that's a very good thing. God holds good character in very high esteem. As Arthur and his crew say, "Now, go be dangerous!"

Posted By: alicia myers
Date Posted: 10/13/2008 at 2:36am

I heard about this book just recently, I heard someone mention it... but have no clue what it is about. Sounds interesting.

More of Christ, Less of Me..

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 10/13/2008 at 8:05am

Alicia, I think you'll be delighted as you experience a different perception of the Godhead. This is a book that will take several readings to wrap your head around. Enjoy!

Posted By: alicia myers
Date Posted: 10/13/2008 at 1:40pm

Thanks Leslie, sounds like it is a 'winner' from what I am reading on this thread..

More of Christ, Less of Me..

Posted By: Mary Chretien
Date Posted: 10/13/2008 at 3:06pm

Hi you all  I too have the book have had it for some time just dose not seem to be the time to read it for I am going through one of the biggest trials I have ever been in and I have heard that the first 6 chapters are a hard read but then it get easer and well worth it. Well I will read it soon ...... I wanted to let you all know that there is a great website that is call  The God Journey -     one of the men on this website goes on book tours with the man who wrote this book and they have some very good out of the box talks on this site I really like it.

Mary CA.

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 10/25/2008 at 10:38pm

Okay, Alicia, Mandy and Jess, have you gals opened the book and begun to read The Shack? If not, you're missing something totally cool that will greatly touch your hearts!

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 10/26/2008 at 4:10am

loved "The Shack" myself. when I read it, it seemed to me that the author
has been getting to know the same Person (God) as I have over the past
several years or so.

I have been sharing about it at work and actually my copy has been
circulating around the office. It to me is very accurate insofar as to WHO
God is and THAT He is. It goes very much into His nature and character
as revealed throughout scripture.

Some people expect it to be fully exhaustive, and that it is not...nor are
many writings, or even any one single book of the bible. But it does
incorporate a great deal of stuff about God that is described and touched
on in the Old Testament which very few people lay hold of, let alone read.

I was a little surprised that one of my friends, who has been a Christian
but out of church for at least 15 yrs (I have known her 11) had some
disturbing dreams and feelings about the book. However I believe these
were more to do with some "stuff" going on within her that was "touched"
as same issues were touched on in the book.

It's so essential to come into relationship with God, even as it deals with
the hidden painful stuff that we would rather would be locked away in
"The Shack" before we can really continue and deepen and expand in our
relating with others...and this book can sure help with these things.

I pray that my friend would make that path of discovery with God and you
know, I gave her the book to read trusting I was hearing God in it and so
now I must let it go and trust Him with the results. She knows God and
she loves Him and so....anyhow...


Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 10/27/2008 at 3:06am


I lent the book to my mother and my sister who are both not-yet-believers.  My mother, who is very Phariseeical in her attitudes, found it quite perplexing, trying to understand the general plot rather than the message of God's nature therein.  But at least she did read it and didn't throw it back at me!  My sister was very taken with it and has even thought about getting a copy for a workmate of hers who is struggling with grief after tragically losing the love of her life last year.

Even though they may not be able to clearly express their impressions of the book, I take encouragement that at least a picture of the true nature of God will have tucked itself away in their minds.

Love Mandy

Posted By: Marjo Richardso
Date Posted: 01/25/2009 at 5:44am

Bumping this up since it's being discussed elsewhere...

Posted By: Lisa Simmons
Date Posted: 01/26/2009 at 12:33pm

I will stand alone in this.  I would not read this book.  The Lord, not by coincidence brought this book to my attention the same day that a family member mentioned she was reading it.  I researched some of the books writtings and am convinced that the spirit behind this book is not of God.  There are many reasons, but how can man, the created portray The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit as humans, or as female..That is not who my God is.  Is the author trying to give us a more "open mind" of who God is that is not of God?  I am sure there are some touching parts of the book, but step back and look what creation is creating the creator to be.

Lisa Simmons

"Though He slay me,yet will I trust in Him..." Job 13:15

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 01/26/2009 at 1:37pm

Amen Sister Lisa.  I too was told by God NOT to read this book.  WE must be careful what we read, watch, and bring into our homes.  We think it is all innocent but take a step back and look at what is happening in your life when you allow this.  Are you getting attacks from the enemy that you don't understand??  Is there chaos in your home that you just can't reason why it is happening??  Are your children acting up or your spouse?  Take a look around your house, what you are watching or reading.  Without knowning sometimes we open the door for the enemy to come in.  Since God has been dealing with me about this my home is peaceful more than ever!  I thank God for his direction and chastisment.  When the Lord was dealing with me about candles I thought, "Gosh there can't be anything wrong with a candle," and just walked past them and didn't throw them away.  Instantly I heard the voice of my Father say, "why are you being so stubborn?"  WOW  I was taken back.  So then I obeyed and threw them all away.  These were expensive candles too. (Yankee)  But after obeying the Lord there is such sweet peace in my house.  I don't get awaken at night by satan buzzing by my ear or him coming in my dreams trying to kill me.  I pray that someone takes this serious.  If you are living a Holy Life but still are feeling attacked by satan then check your HOUSE!!! 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/26/2009 at 7:33pm

personally, I have read this book through 4 times.

Each time I read it, I am taken to a deeper depth of revelation and understanding of my Father, His one and only Son and my Precious Holy Spirit. I am under NO CONVICTION whatsoever that this book is biblically unsound. I believe that Holy Spirit is very present to reveal in the pages of this book and I have personally experienced that.

Since I grew up with a very abusive father, having God portrayed as a woman was a wonderful twist because GOD IS male AND female. We are created in HIS image. There is no offense to view God in female format. It is a finite way to comprehend a very INFINITE God...  If you read further in the book, after the character has dealt with his own father issues, God becomes a male form.  Jesus is fully represented as he would have been walking on earth 2,000 years ago and Holy Spirit is just exquisitly portrayed.  The book THRILLED my spirit and my soul!

If God tells you NOT to read something, I respect what He has led you to do and I know that HE has reasons for so doing. Each person needs to just ask the Father if they should read it rather than read someone's negative report and assume that the reason the Lord told them not to read it is because its biblically unsound. There are many reasons the Lord has us NOT do something... they are not always for the neative... or because something is unsound.

Unless God personally says not to read this book, this book is a blessing and a joy to read and will bring you closer to the triune God, definitely!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 01/26/2009 at 10:26pm

i have not read the book, but have heard wonderful things about it. Have seen some negative things shared about it as well, mostly from a religious mindset. not saying anyone here is doing so, but we need search our heart in the matter before the Lord and get in the scriptures and it is plain to see the `mother-side', female side of God. Throughout the old, in His Names and in the gospels through Jesus Who was anointed of Holy Spirit, empowerd of Holy Spirit, full of the Holy Spirit. Just for one example is : Matt.23:37 portion of which says.."how I would have gathered your children even as a hen does her chicks under her wings..."

one can look up the Name El-Shaddai and find meaning


In His Love

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 3:14pm

 have to tell you that I really hate this book.
It may make people feel all warm inside BUT THAT'S WHAT SATAN DOES.
He takes a thread of God and winds it into his lies and changes who God is and what is does or doesn't do.
Please read this. -

Listen to lking_It_Over__part_01.asx - this edition of "Thinking it Over" with Janet Parshall broadcast on Moody radio, THE most reliable Christian radio network.
You will not hear false religion or doctrine on this network.
and from yesterday lking_It_Over__part_02.asx - Part 2 - Talking It Over December 27, 2008

A lot of Christians are enamored with this thing.
It changes who God is, misrepresents God, and the trinity, plays with salvation and says God doesn't need to punish sin!

Please give a listen.
Perhaps you know Michael Youseff.
Or Janet Parshall.
But I would respect that if you checked the web site of some one you respect, maybe Chuck Swindall, or David Jeremiah or any solid, Bible teaching preacher, pr pastor, and search on the book title, you will very likely find them saying that same things.
I intend to do so myself.
But The folks I have included here are just the ones I got to first, one I heard yesterday.
The others I know to be the real deal when it comes to standing foirm on God's word ONLY for what God has said and Who God is.

God bless.
Just wanted to share someone else's thoughts.

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 3:17pm

The above post was  an opinion of someone else.  Just wanted to share.  I thought it was interesting.  I just wouldn't read a book that makes God something He's not.  I guess I am just at another level in Christ.  I only want to read something that I can learn about God's ways.  I want to know the truth about God and not something fiction.  That's just me. 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Marjo Richardso
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 7:33pm

I can relate to the "fictional aspect" Anita!   haven't read the book and the reason for it may be traced back to the religious upbringing of my youth (I can understand Julie's outlook on "that aspect" also).  Reading any kind of a novel was considered sinning, so I'm probably prone to react suspiciously toward any kind of Christian fiction.

Therefore I'm not going to discuss such because I would probably be biased...
PS : I do like Youseff's uncompromising style though it may appear like a harsh approach to some.  Is he the one who's origins are from Egypt?  He has a unique perspective.

Posted By: Sandy Phillips
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 8:04pm

I wrote a long post, but thought better of it, since this is such a hot topic.

I will say this though, I have to agree with Lisa and Anita.

When we try to be open minded.....well, that teeters on the edge of new age thinking. I am not closed minded, I am just bible minded and that book in no way ( IMHO) lines up with the Word of God, nor His sovereignty, his character.



I will find shelter in the Most High. I will rest in the shadow of the Almighty

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 8:33pm

700 Club interview with William P Young -

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 8:35pm

A specific post from the Windblown Site that is good to read in terms of the more common charges of "heresy" within the Shack.

Is the Shack Heresy?  By Wayne Jacobsen  -

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 8:36pm

Is The Shack Heresy?

By Wayne Jacobsen

We knew it would happen eventually. Frankly we thought it would happen far sooner and in far greater quantity than we have seen to date.  But we knew The Shack was edgy enough to prompt some significant backlash, which is why so many publishing companies didn't want to take it on at the beginning.

I never thought everyone was going to love this book.  Art is incredibly subjective as to whether a story and style are appealing. I have no problem with a spirited discussion of some of the theological issues raised in The Shack.  The books I love most are the ones that challenge my theological constructs and invite a robust discussion among friends, whether I agree with everything in them or not in the end,.  That is especially true of a work of fiction where people will bring their own interpretations of the same events or conversations.  I never view a book as all good or all bad.  It's like eating chicken.  Enjoy the meat and toss the bones.

What is surprising, however, is the hostile tone of false accusation and the conspiracy theories that some are willing to put on this book.  Some have even warned others not to read it or they will be led into deception.  It saddens me that people want to use a book like this to polarize God's family, whether it's overenthusiastic reader thrusting it in someone's face telling them they "must read" this book, or when people read their own theological agendas into a work, then denounce it as heresy.

If you're interested, read it for yourself.  Don't let someone else do your thinking for you.  If it helps convey the reality of Jesus to you, great!  If all you can see is sinister motives and false teaching in it, then put it aside.  I don't have time to give a point-by-point rebuttal to the reviews I've read, but I would like to make some comments on some of the issues that have come up since I'm getting way too many emails asking me what I think of some of the questions they raise. I'll also admit at the outset, that I'm biased.  Admittedly, I'm biased. I was part of a team with the author of working on this manuscript for over a year and am part of the company formed to print and distribute this book.  But I'm also well acquainted with the purpose and passions of this book.

What do I think?  I tire of the self-appointed doctrine police, especially when they toss around false accusations like "new age conspiracy", "counterfeit Jesus" or "heresy" to promote fear in people as a way of advancing their own agenda.  What many of them don't realize is that research actually shows that more people will buy a book after reading a negative review than they do after reading a positive one.  It peaks their curiosity as to why someone would take so much time to denounce someone else's book.

But such reviews also confuse people who are afraid of being seduced into error and for those I think the false accusations demand a response.  Let me assure any of you reading this that all three of us who worked on this book are deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ who have a passion for the Truth of the Scriptures and who have studied and taught the life of Jesus over the vast majority of our lifetimes.  But none of us would begin to pretend that we have a complete picture of all that God is or that our theology is flawless.  We are all still growing in our appreciation for him and our desire to be like him, and we hope this book encourages you to that process as well.  In the end, this says the best stuff we know about God at this point in our journeys.  Is it a complete picture of him?  Of course not!  Who could put all that he is into a little story like this one?  But if it is a catalyst to get thousands of people to talk about theology--who God is and how he makes himself known in the world--we would be blessed.

This is a story of one believer's brokenness and how God reached into that pain and pulled him out and as such is a compelling story of God's redemption.  The pain and healing come straight from a life that was broken by guilt and shame at an incredibly deep level and he compresses into a weekend the lessons that helped him walk out of that pain and find life in Jesus again.

That said, the content of this book does take a harsh look at how many of our religious institutions and practices have blinded people to the simple Gospel and replaced it with a religion of rules and rituals that have long ceased to reflect the Lord of Glory.  Some will disagree with that assessment and the solutions this book offers, and the reviews that do so honestly merit discussion.  But those who confuse the issues by making up their own back-story for the book, or ascribing motives to its publication without ever finding out the truth, only prove our point.

Here are some brief comments on the major issues that have been raised about The Shack:

Does the book promote universalism?

Some people can find a universalist under every bush.  This book flatly states that all roads do not lead to Jesus, while it affirms that Jesus can find his followers wherever they may have wandered into sin or false beliefs.  Just because he can find followers in the most unlikely places, does not validate those places. I don't know how we could have been clearer, but people will quote portions out of that context and draw a false conclusion.

Does it devalue Scripture?

Just because we didn't put Scriptural addresses with their numbers and colons at every allusion in the story, does not mean that the Bible isn't the key source in virtually every conversation Mack has with God.  Scriptural teachings and references appear on almost every page. They are reworded in ways to be relevant to those reading the story, but at every point we sought to be true to the way God has revealed himself in the Bible except for the literary characterizations that move the story forward.  At its core the book is one long Bible study as Mack seeks to resolve his anger at God.

Is this God too nice?

Others have claimed that the God of The Shack is simply too nice, or having him in humorous human situations trivializes him.  Really?  Who wants to be on that side of the argument?  For those who think this God is too easy, please tell me in what way does he let Mack off on anything?  He holds his feet to the fire about every lie in his mind and every broken place in his heart.  I guess what people these critics cannot see is confrontation and healing inside a relationship of love and compassion.  This is not the angry and tyrannical God that religion has been using for 2000 years to beat people into conformity and we are not surprised that this threatens the self-proclaimed doctrine police.   

One reviewer even thought this passage from The Shack was a mockery of the true God:  "I'm not a bully, not some self-centered demanding little deity insisting on my own way. I am good, and I desire only what is best for you. You cannot find that through guilt or condemnation...."   That wasn't mocking God but a view of God that seems him as a demanding, self-centered tyrant?  The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself as the God who would lay down his life for us to redeem us to himself.

The words, "I don't want slaves to do my will; I want brothers and sisters who will share life with me," are simply a reflection of John 15:15.  Unfortunately those who tend toward legalism among us have no idea how much more completely Jesus transforms us out of a relationship of love, than we could ever muster in our gritted-teeth obedience.  This is at the heart of the new covenant--that love will fulfill the law, where human effort cannot.

Does it distort or demean the Trinity?

One of the concerns expressed about The Shack is that it presents the Trinity outside of a hierarchy.  In fact many religious traditions think they find their basis for hierarchical organizations in what they've assumed about the Trinity.  To look at the Trinity as a relationship without the need for command and control is one of the intriguing parts of this story.  If they walk in complete unity, why would a hierarchy be needed?  They live in love and honor each other.  While in the flesh Jesus did walk in obedience to the Father as our example, elsewhere Scripture speaks of their complete unity, love and glory in relating to each other.  Different functions need not imply a different status.   

This extends in other ways to look at how healed people can relate to each other inside their relationship with God that defines authority and submission in ways most are not used to, but that are far more consistent with what we see in the early believers and in the teaching of Scripture.  It is also true of many believers around the world who are learning to experience the life of Father's family without all the hierarchical maintenance and drama that has plagued followers of Christ since the third century.

People may see this differently and find this challenging, if only because it represents some thought they have not been exposed to before.  Here we might be better off having a discussion instead of dragging out the "heretic" label when it is unwarranted.

Does it leave out discussions about church, salvation and other important aspects of Christianity?

This is some of the most curious complaints I've ever read. This is the story about God making himself available to one of his followers who is being swallowed up by tragedy and his crisis of faith in God's goodness over it.  This is not a treatise on every element of theological study.  Perhaps we should have paused in the story to have an altar call, or perhaps we should have drug a pipe organ into the woods and enlisted a choir to hold a service, but that was not the point.

Is this a Feminist God?

The book uses some characterizations of God to mess with the religious stereotypes only to get people to consider God as he really is, not how we have reconstituted him as a white, male autocrat bent on religious conformity.  There are important reasons in the story why God takes the expressions he does for Mack, which underlines his nature to meet us where we are, to lead us to where he is.  While Jesus was incarnated as man, God as a spirit has no gender, even though we fully embrace that he has taken on the imagery of the Father to express his heart and mind to us. We also recognize Scripture uses traditional female imagery to help us understand other aspects of God's person, as when Jesus compares himself to a hen gathering chicks, or David likens himself to a weaned child in his mother's arms.

Has it touched people too deeply?

Some reviewers point to reviews and people who have claimed it had a transforming effect on their spiritual lives as proof of its demonic origin.  Please!  How absurd is that? Do we prefer books that leave people untouched?  This book touches lives because it deals with God in the midst of pain in an honest, straightforward way and because for many this is the first time they have seen the power of theology worked out inside a relationship with God himself.

Does The Shack promote Ultimate Reconciliation (UR)?

It does not. While some of that was in earlier versions because of the author's partiality at the time to some aspects of what people call UR, I made it clear at the outset that I didn't embrace UR as sound teaching and didn't want to be involved in a project that promoted it.  In my view UR is an extrapolation of Scripture to humanistic conclusions about our Father's love that has to be forced on the biblical text. 

Since I don't believe in UR and wholeheartedly embrace the finished product, I think those who see UR here, either positively or negatively are reading into the text.  To me that was the beauty of the collaboration. Three hearts weighed in on the theology to make it as true as we could muster.  The process also helped shape our theologies in honest, protracted discussions. I think the author would say that some of that dialog significantly affected his views.  This book represents growth in that area for all of us.  Holding him to the conclusions he may have embraced years earlier would be unfair to the ongoing process of God in his life and theology.

That said, however, I'm not afraid to have that discussion with people I regard as brothers and sisters since many have held that view in the course of theological history.  Also keep in mind that the heretic hunters lump many absurd notions into what they call UR, but when I actually talk to those people partial to some view of ultimate reconciliation they do not endorse all the absurdities ascribed to them.  This is a heavily nuanced discussion with UR meaning a lot of different things to different people.  For myself, I am convinced that Jesus is someone we have to accept through repentance and belief in this age to participate in his life. 

Throughout The Shack Mack's choices are in play, determining what he will let God do in his life through their encounter.  He is no victim of God's process.  He is a willing participant at every juncture.  And even though Papa says "He is reconciled to all men" he also notes that, "not all men are reconciled to me." 

Is the author promoting the emergent movement?

This guilt-by-association tactic is completely contrived.  Neither the author, nor Brad and I at Windblown have ever been part of the emergent conversation.  Some of their bloggers have written about the book, but we have not had any significant contact with the leaders of that movement and they have not been the core audience that has embraced this book.

That said I have met many people in the emergent conversation that have proved to be brothers and sisters in the faith.  While I'm not nuts about all they do, a lot of the statements made about them by critics are as false as what some say about The Shack. They do deeply embrace the Scriptures.  As I see it they are not trying to re-invent Christianity, but trying to communicate it in ways that captures a new generation.  While I don't agree with many of the conclusions they're sorting through at the moment, they are not raving humanists. I have found them passionate seekers of the Lord Jesus Christ, who are asking some wonderful questions about God and how he makes himself known in us.

Does The Shack promote new age philosophy or Hinduism?

Amazingly some people have made assumptions about some of the names to think there is some eastern mysticism here, but when you hear how Paul selected the names he did it wasn't to make veiled references to Hinduism, black Madonnas, or anything else.  It was to uncover facets of God's character that are clear in the Scriptures.

It's amazing how much people will make up to indulge their fantasies and falsely label something to fit their own conclusions. Some have even insisted that Mack flying in his dreams was veiled instructions in astral travel.  Absolutely absurd!  Has this man never read fiction, or had a dream?  Just because someone screams there is a demon under that bush, doesn't mean there is. 

* * * * *

We realize this would be a challenging read for those who see no difference between the religious conditioning that underlies Christianity as it is often presented in the 21st Century and the simple, powerful life in Christ that Jesus offered to his followers.  Our hope was to help people see how the Loving Creator can penetrate our defenses and lead us to healing.  Our prayer is that through this book people will see the God of the Bible as Jesus presented him to be--an endearing reality who wants to love us out of our sin and bondage and into his life.  This is a message of grace and healing that does not condone or excuse sin, but shows God destroying it through the dynamic relationship he wants with each of his children.

We realize folks will disagree.  We planned on it.  We appreciate the interaction of those who have honest concerns and questions. Those who have been captured by this story are encouraged to search the Scriptures to see if these things are so and not trust us or the ravings of those who misinterpret this book, either threatened by its success, or those who want to ride on it to push their own fear-based agenda.

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 8:37pm

An Excellent Review of The Shack which touches on several themes often brought up on this board in response to accusations of "Heresy" and "UnBiblical" Themes.  This is by an Assistant Editor in Christianity Today. dies/articles/080820.html

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 8:58pm

Julie, I just watched the 700 Club interview with the author of The Shack. Thanks for putting it on OH. I thought The Shack was wonderful. There are a lot of people getting agitated about this book and, interestingly, most have not read the book. "OMG! How can you say that God is a wonderful black women that grooves to cool, contemporary music! You heretic! Shame on you! Yada, yada, yada." You've been more than gracious adding various web sites approving the book. It is controversial and there are going to be folks that just aren't going to go for it and that's fine. There are bunches of other folks that read it and get blown away with the loveliness of God and the most excellent messages in the book.

Lisa, there are some fabulous Christian books that are fiction that you're missing out on. You could try "The Martyr's Song" or "When Crickets Cry." How very narrow to not read good fiction. That's like saying it's wicked to play cards or dance. Yikes! Surely Jesus wouldn't do those things. What? You mean he drank wine at a wedding? No, never! Not my Jesus because that wouldn't be biblical...

Posted By: Sandy Phillips
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 9:04pm

I know this is a very controversial topic, but to be fair, here is another interesting word about the book ed - ed

another view ( by Chuck Colson) -

Just some points to ponder

I will find shelter in the Most High. I will rest in the shadow of the Almighty

Posted By: Sandy Phillips
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 9:25pm

Leslie you said " "OMG! How can you say that God is a wonderful black women that grooves to cool, contemporary music! You heretic! Shame on you! Yada, yada, yada."

First of all I really don't like OMG ( OH MY GOD). Is that not taking the Lord's name in vain? One may call that nit picking, but is  pointing out a commandment nitpicking?

Too mock anyone that feels that portraying the creator of the Uninverse as "wonderful black women that grooves to cool, contemporary music!".......I'm sorry but that seems so disrespectful.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

He's not the "big guy upstairs"........He is God Almighty and completely deserving of our complete respect and worship.

Has this subject come to the point that sarcasm is beginning to come out and is sarcasm a fruit of the Spirit? Is this what that book truly brings out?

I for one, love the 700 club.......that doesn't mean for one second that I have to believe everything said there. I respect that minsitry completely.

But my respect for a ministry is completely different than my deep respect for our Father.. I respect every word that proceeds out of HIS mouth, more than anything else

Just because one does not agree with the content of a fiction book , it should not cause division amongst the brethren. If it does, then I would say there is someing hinky about the book, not the brethren......not if we all believe the same bible, the same One True God.

There is only one who would like to see division among the brethren ( because a house divided will fall) and that  is the enemy of our souls.

THink about defending a book written by a man worth sarcasm toward brothers and sisters.

God's Word is worth defending, but even then we are told how to do and still be an example of Christ Jesus.

I will find shelter in the Most High. I will rest in the shadow of the Almighty

Posted By: Sandy Phillips
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 9:31pm

Many have taken the time to listen to pro Shack commentaries. Please listen to this and hear this man out ed - ed

I will find shelter in the Most High. I will rest in the shadow of the Almighty

Posted By: Lisa Simmons
Date Posted: 01/27/2009 at 9:59pm

Julie, the article you posted by Wayne Jacobson is disturbing.  If one skimmed over the message and substitued any other issue in there, as well as the intended one, the Shack book, the message I get is "How dare you test something for Truth!!"  That is very unsettling to me when I am mocked for obeying God when He tells us to use discernment...that is even a gift of God, why does this author of that article not want to encourage it?

He wrote:  "What do I think?  I tire of the self-appointed doctrine police, especially when they toss around false accusations like "new age conspiracy", "counterfeit Jesus" or "heresy" to promote fear in people as a way of advancing their own agenda." 

--->Self appointed doctrine police?  Interesting.  I actually get offended when God is misrepresented, while this author appears to suggest that there is no absolute truth to who God is.  And I will not be silent while the majority receive these distorted views of God.








Lisa Simmons

"Though He slay me,yet will I trust in Him..." Job 13:15

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 2:35am

There is a dilemma, and that is to reconcile the Almighty God we've come to see in the scriptures, especially from the Old Testament writings, and the God who became a man and stooped down into our humanity in order to reach us. 

Having already welcomed Jesus into my heart in order to heal some very painful and intense wounding, I can say that the image of God portrayed in "The Shack" is very helpful in inspiring this "welcoming".  In order to let him in to deep wounding, as is the case with the man in the story, you need to be able to trust him.  When you have an image of God as an Almighty stick-wielder, then trusting him with the fragility of your broken heart is just about impossible.  A revelation of his gentleness and complete understanding of your humanity is essential.  The book does a lot to bring this revelation.

There still remains, however, the image of God as Almighty which necessitates reverence.  The book does not tackle this matter, and has not set out to do so.  It is a book which sets out to help those who have a poor image of God, to come closer to him and receive his tender love to heal their broken hearts.

We all need greater revelation of Him.  We all need to know Him better.  Many, including myself, are being surprised and delighted, by what we're discovering, as old mindests are demolished and replaced with the actual reality of God's nature, which really does bind up the broken-hearted and set us free!

Love Mandy

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 4:55am

The fear (reverence) of God is a good thing, but if the fear actually keeps you away from him then you're in trouble.  That's what the book seeks to help with.

I've seen this in ministry, where a person who has been abused by men or father figures cannot bear to be in the same room as a man.  To put an man, however godly they may be, into minister to that person is just not going to help at all, in fact it could well cause more problems.  The person is going to clam up or run a mile.  I can relate to this in my own life.  I have had trouble opening up to alpha male type godly men, due to previous experiences in my life.  The way I've seen this dealt with it is to put a godly woman with the person, so they can learn to trust God in a way that's safe to them, and to which they are receptive, first before introducing the male element later.

This is what the book demonstrates for us.  God, in his perfect wisdom, overcomes the obstacle the man has about Him as a father figure, and gets him to trust him in a way that he is able, as a motherly figure, before then coming to him as a fatherly figure later on, when he could relate to him in that way.  Through this the man's incorrect image of God was healed in some measure.


Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 6:59am

I admit I was sarcastic and some of my comments weren't appropriate. Actually, I don't say "oh my God" in conversations. I stand corrected on that account. I do find it tedious when folks declare heresy when they haven't even bothered to read something. That's happened on past threads where someone will throw their opinion in when they haven't even bothered to read the thread. What's up with that? Regarding not reading Christian fiction, I do find that narrow and limiting. There is much good Christian fiction out there. There's also a lot of "anemic milk" too.  Lis, what did you read? Only the Bible or perhaps only nonfiction (biographies, autobiographies, National Geographic)? In the 80s some folks would declare that they would not read anything other than the Bible because it had all the answers they needed. They usually said it with puffed out chest and were usually religiously admant on their points of doctrine. That kind of attitude is really going to minister to a nonbeliever, isn't it? I knew some folks from a denomination that wouldn't allow jewelry except wedding rings and watches. Honey, I'm telling you these women more than made up for no jewelry by wearing these heavy duty jeweled rings and watches! You could usually spot them because they had mounds of hair on top of their heads, were plain as could be but had serious rings and watches on. Lis, I'm not intimating that you were pious and self righteous in your comment. I can see where you might have hesitations about reading fiction when you were brought up otherwise. I encourage you to consider carefully venturing out with Holy Spirit's direction.

Sometimes I get tired of pious pontifications on OH. I believe that folks need to learn how to hear God's instructions for themselves and allow others to hear what God is telling them. I also get tired of self appointed church Internet monitors that decide they've got a mission from God to determine what is right and true and what is heresy. Please notice that most of the folks that are "anti-The Shack" are not spirit filled believers. They're saved evangelicals whose eyes have not been fully opened to all that God has available. They don't believe in God healing folks today, speaking in tongues, God speaking to folks personally, God being absolutely crazy about them, and/or having deep, heart-felt relationships with God. Yes, they bring good things to the table, but they are not fully filled with God's Spirit--and I'm not going to argue about what that means. If you have it, you know what you have. If you don't have it, then you'll want to argue that you do have it but your life in God is in black and white when it could be in technicolor. (That's how I describe being Spirit filled.) Why do folks get so cranky about being Spirit filled when they aren't?

Mandy, I believe you hit the spot with your last two postings. We love Aslan, don't we? Well, God's not a lion, is He? Folks thrilled to Pilgrim's Progress, didn't they? How about stuff by Calvin Miller? They were symbolic. I guess we shouldn't even discuss Lord of the Rings, should we? Going back to The Shack, I loved the Trinity and how they were presented especially around the dinner table. I wanted to go to a shack and hang out with them for at least a month! Mandy, if you have access to a library, you might want to consider finding Ted Dekker's early books (Blessed Child, Martyr's Song and two others in his early writings.) His later books get to intense with evil so be aware. There's also another wonderful book titled "When Crickets Cry."

For those that are offended, ask God why you're feeling so cranky and then deal with it. Mix my sarcasm with all the pious platitudes and it will be negated. I'll repent later. 

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 7:07am

Anita, Sandy and other's I'm not saying you're not Spirit filled, I'm saying that folks like Chuck Colson aren't spirit filled. They're good evangelicals Bible Church folks.

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 7:16am

Hi Leslie,

I too loved the stuff around the dinner table, especially the bit where Mack bowed his head to say grace and the others (the Trinity) had already started eating.  It just made me laugh so much at myself.  It broke through some stuffy spiritless attitudes I've taken onboard.  I loved the bit where they were laughing hysterically when Jesus dropped the bowl of food on the floor.  It just highlighted wonderfully the difference in our way of dealing with mishaps. 

I saw the book here on the shelf again in the library today, so I've just got it to read again.  I'm sure there'll be lots of bits I missed the first time around which will grab me this time.

I'm in the library at the moment and have just asked about the other books you mention.  They don't have them here, but I'm told that after April they may be able to get them for me from other libraries (something about budgets).

Love Mandy

Posted By: Sandy Phillips
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 8:04am

Well, guys, this Spirit filled Christian here has no problem with works of fiction. I am NOT religious, I just plain love the Lord.

The fear of the Lord is not being afraid of HIm, that is not what that means at all. It's an overpowering humble reverance of the Almighty.

There truly is no religious spirit here.

What I see as I have gone and done a lot of reading is folks being sucked into this as good because it speaks to the "flesh"

No one is to beat ANYONE over the head with the Bible and make our Abba Father out as an angry God. God is love, that is not at issue here.

What I see is people loving the God portrayed in this book because He is lining up with them, rather than we lining up with Him.

Just my opinion, which really counts for little and I know that no one who likes the book will be judged for that. It's one of those pesky veiwpoints we simply disagree on.

WE just must beware of watering down the Word in order to please the flesh and make it ( the flesh) "feel" better...........Does that make any sense?

We have to questions like, does this in any way "Humanize" God, who is Spirit?( The Almighty is not flesh and blood, He created flesh and blood.) Does this make our Father "user" friendly instead of portraying Him as who He really is according to the Word of God. Does this in any way mock God?

I have absolutely nothing against the author of this book. He genuinly believes that what he wrote is an innocent work of fiction.

Does anyone truly believe that deception will be completely obvious?

Okay, guys, I will say no more. A book is not worth strife among the brethren. I truly am sorry I riled anyone. I should have just kept quiet.

God Bless

love, Sandy

I will find shelter in the Most High. I will rest in the shadow of the Almighty

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 8:31am

Sandy, I don't think you riled anyone. I appreciate your viewpoint and graciously agree that you have every right to it and, no, I don't think you had to be quiet about. I think healthy and vigorous discussion is good. I haven't posted in quite a long time and am usually the bomb thrower. I probably riled more folks than you did. I'm sure I did with my rant. BTW, my teenaged daughters told me that OMG can be Oh my God or Oh my gosh. So, don't give up posting, join the fray and let's all be real.

Mandy, can you put a "Hold" on the books and receive them when they arrive? I guess you live in a small town. We're in Kansas City and there are many libraries we can get books from. We order them and then get an email when they've arrived from other libraries. We can do it all on the Internet which is totally cool. We are reading machines in this household! I'm gonna have to dig out my copy of The Shack and re-read it when I'm finished with "Blessed Child." Have a good day!  I just remembered that I got saved from reading a "heathen book" by Caldwell Taylor. It was title "Dialogues with the Devil" and it was letters between Michael the Archangel and Satan. Caldwell Taylor was/is a Catholic and has screwy religious beliefs but, being a Catholic, I was exposed to God stuff enough that I understood what she was writing. God moved in me and it was this book that convicted me and I got saved through a neighbor's ministry. Interestingly, Madelaine Murray O'Hare's son, who is now a Christian, was also saved from reading a Caldwell book. So, you never know what God will use to bring someone to Himself.

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 9:24am

LESLIE!! you're back! Good to see you lady! How's life? (( hugs to you ))

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/28/2009 at 11:25am

LOL ... I am thrilled with the dialogue going on over this book!  I think it is wonderful and shows exactly where each one is in their walk with Jesus Christ!

The only thing that I claim to know for myself is this:  Jesus Christ and HIM CRUCIFIED. (I Cor 2:2 "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.")

For those of you NOT led to read The Shack, OBEY THE LORD.

For those of you who have read and will read The Shack, I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you according to Jude 1:24 and  in the One Who alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life ... for as the word says, you have no need that any 'man' should teach you but that His Holy Spirit teaches you and leads you in to all Truth. (1 John 1:27: "As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit-just as it has taught you, remain in him.")

For those of you who are judging me in my liberty, I pray that the Lord forgive you and grant you great mercy and grace and that He would fill you with His Spirit in greater measure and fullness. For we each see through a glass dimly and we only know in part and see in part at this time ... and I bless you for following the convictions and leading of Holy Spirit in your hearts ... and I pray that you would allow others to follow that same leading for themselves WITHOUT JUDGING them by YOUR CONVICTIONS.

God is able just as his word says in: Jude 1:24-25: "To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen!

I John 4:1-3: "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

The One IN US is greater than the one who is in the world.. and God is able to keep each of us from falling and present us FAULTLESS and with GREAT JOY before our Father - John 17:15 "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."

Yes Lord... do this... make it so!!  Keep us in the One who is the Truth: Jesus Christ!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 01/29/2009 at 4:44am

Thank you for those words of balance Julie.

Part way through reading "The Shack" again, and I'm seeing this time how it's like reading a parable, or several parables, which help bring the reality into focus.  I've just re-read the bit where the man and the Holy Spirit are in the garden, clearing the ground ready for the new seed to be planted.  The Holy Spirit has asked the man to help pull up the roots so they wont choke the new seed.  While he's doing this the man is struggling to deal with the deepest pain in his heart and the underlying beliefs feeding that pain, whilst at the same time uprooting some deeply entrenched roots.  Very clever!


Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 01/29/2009 at 6:42am

Sorry to stop mid-flow but I had to go something else.

This uprooting made me think of Anita's reference to tendrils that don't want to let go on another thread.  It also made me think of what Kathy has referred to as "stinkin-thinkin" on another thread.  It's process we're all in I guess.  The book just serves to draw the picture in commonly experienced terms.

Just like Jesus, teaching the disciples in parables.  He made reference to things within the human experience in order to shed light on spiritual truths.  He used the examples of land-owners, farmers and gardeners as ways of expressing truths of the kingdom of God, as well as many other examples.  In fact he was God made flesh himself.  God made himself into flesh in order to bring himself into the human experience, so we could relate to him and be one with him.

And just like then, when the parables were shared, it was intended for those who had/have ears to hear.  Not everyone will be able to hear the same thing at the same time.  There are things I've walked away from in the past, because they just don't sit right with me, that I've come back to a couple of years later, after some things have been sorted in my heart, and they speak very clearly and helpfully to me.  So sometimes it's just a matter of timing.  We're all in the weeding and uprooting process, some at different stages than others. 

No red flags have come up for me in reading the book.  I have only been blessed by it.  As a backup for my own discernment in this, as well as other things raised here on OH, (being a spiritual adolescent who still at times is prone to getting it wrong), I tend to look at what others are saying.  I've been here 6 months now, and there are some I'm coming to recognize as the elders of the family here and I tend to take note of their views.  No red flags there either from what's been posted, in fact, if I remember rightly, a hearty recommendation from Kriston, who I would expect to be down on it like a ton of bricks if there was anything dodgy in it.

So, I think it's been said already, if you feel drawn to read "The Shack" be blessed.  If you don't, then be blessed too.  God can speak to us through a multitude of ways, this is only one.

Love Mandy

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 01/29/2009 at 6:55am


I guess this would be classed a small town by US standards - about 60,000 people.  Anyway, I'm not bothered at the moment, I've got loads to keep me occupied.

I was thinking upon your comment about wanting to spand at least a month at the shack yourself, and it evoked the same feeling in me when I first read it.  But on pondering this thought last night, it dawned on me that we can be there any time we want, because it's within us.  We can have this experience 24/7 365 days a year!  That was one of the things pointed out further on in the book, if I remember rightly.  It got me talking to Jesus in a different way anyway, giving me more security.

Love Mandy

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 01/29/2009 at 11:51am

I understand what you meant, Mandy, but I'd like to do in the "skin" also. I'd love to hang out with the Trinity in a kitchen eating good food, having wonderful conversations and laughing hysterically.

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/29/2009 at 4:32pm

right on girls.. a long time back the Lord let me know that my desire to 'build a huge Swiss Family Robinson type of tree house in the back yard of my 'mansion' in heaven is a GO! In fact, He provided me a good dream where I saw him (the carpenter) and me sawing logs and in process of building.. We were having such a grand ole time... and there was a beautiful creek right by the huge oak tree  that we were buidling up in.  We were laughing and carrying on in our workings and it was absolutely profound to me back then and gets me through so many BAD times down here now...

so allow me to extend the invitation girls.. any of you want to come help me and Jesus build my huge swiss family robinson type of tree house in the back yard of my mansion in heaven? cause you are all welcome! it'll be a very awesome time of fun and fellowship.... woo hoo!!

What I almost wouldn't give for a true "Shack" experience with my Father, my BBJ (Big Brother Jesus) and Holy Spirit down here now! Uh-huh... I'm trackin with ya!  ((( Hugs )))

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 01/30/2009 at 1:14am

I'd be up for that Julie!  The idea has appealed to me a lot too.  I don't know why I'm so drawn towards tree houses and log cabins in woods?  The closest I've got to it is living in a tent up on the mountain overlooking the town here.  It was one of those wild dreams that I really wanted to experience, so not having anywhere else to live at the time, I did it.  For 5 months I lived up on the top of the mountain, just me & the Trinity.  It was so fab!  It wasn't quite as luxurious as "The Shack" but I loved being that close to nature and discovering alternative ways of doing stuff.

Love Mandy

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 01/30/2009 at 9:03am

Me with ya Sister Jules-spent ALL my time at "the tree" at Disneyland when we took our kids there years ago,,,stood up at the top and sang to JESUS,,,it was the best & only place I wanted to be-wanted to stay as I remember the 'freedom & joy" within me 'bubbling out'. I will bring JOY with me when I come join ya at the tree,,,LOL! Kinda like the prayin' kids, "See You At The Pole"! OH, and the scripture came alive to me at that time, "I am YOUR 'oak of rigteousness', LORD, YOUR planting for he display of YOUR GLORY." GOD IS SO GOOD-"OH, GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD FOR HE IS GOOD, AND HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER." Love you ALL-prayin' & decreein' & rejoicin'-shouting to YOU ABBA FATHER GOD with ONE voice of triumph & praise,,,\o/\o/\o/

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 01/30/2009 at 12:03pm

ok then girls! ... meet you in heaven, my back yard .. to build my tree house and have some great fun and fellowship!!

your brave Mandy.. campin on a hill... lol.. I love camping... and all that out doors stuff.... wish I could do more of it... lol


See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 02/01/2009 at 8:35pm

Mary Chretien, where are you? In October you mentioned that you were going through a very stressful time. How are you doing?

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