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hypothetical situation

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Forum Name: Encountering Life's Issues - Is there a God? Is God real?
Forum Discription: What's a relationship with God all about, and what's Jesus Christ got to do with it? Have you recently been touched by God's reality? Are you wondering how you can be? Are you feeling there's a deeper purpose for your life? Are you facing a crisis and need prayer. Someone cares. Post your need here
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 4:29pm

Topic: hypothetical situation

Posted By: Jess Cousineau
Subject: hypothetical situation
Date Posted: 01/24/2009 at 6:59pm

This is my hypothetical situation:

Imagine if you're whole life you dreamt of eating candy. And even though other people had candy, for some reason in your life, you could never, ever, have any. It just never worked out that way. Then one day you get soooo depressed and then, God takes you to a candy store (!!!) but asks you  not to eat any candy. (possibly forever). What do you do? I keep getting upset and crying to God that I don't understand but ok even though it is a struggle, and He says I'm being like a yo-yo going back and forth. And He called me a piglet. (God! ) I keep repenting of that but I don't know to overcome it. Any advice for me?


Posted By: Jess Cousineau
Date Posted: 01/25/2009 at 11:17pm

you can delete this... it was kind of dumb of me to post it.

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 01/26/2009 at 2:23am

Hi Jess,

It's not dumb at all to try and express your struggles and try to get help.  That is wise not dumb!  It'd be dumb to not seek help with something you're struggling with.

In your hypothetical situation, it seems that candy has become an addiction, the thought of not having it causing distress.  As we grow up we resort to using coping mechanisms for dealing with the stresses in our lives.  Food or candy addiction is one such coping mechanism.  It's a way of providing comfort when stressed or anxious.  You can probably think of many more that people use.  They give the illusion of working, but in reality they don't do a very good job, and they cause other problems such as overweight.  It's the enemy's cunning, to get us to do something that's not good for us then to make us feel ashamed for doing it.

At the end of your writing you say you keep repenting but don't know how to overcome it.  I've been there too and it is very depressing, I know.  That's because there is a deep seated reason why we turn to candy, or whatever else it may be, and it's this that needs fixing.

Repentance is coming to Jesus, confessing the mess we're in, taking responsibility for it and acknowledging that we can't fix it ourselves.  When we come to the end of ourselves and admit that we can't do it, that's a good place to be in.  The next part is to invite Jesus to do it for us.  We give the whole mess to him and trust him to fix it.  It may take a bit of time, but we can be sure he's working on it.

So I reckon you're in a good place Jess!  You just need to make the next step, which is surrendering all to Jesus for him to sort out.  This is the best bit.  It's his job, not yours.  It's the same as needing healing.  We can't do it ourselves, only Jesus can.  It's good when we realize we can't do it and stop beating ourselves up because we can't.  You're not a failure because you can't overcome it, you're no different to the rest of us.

Love Mandy

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