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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 12:28pm


Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 10/30/2009 at 1:01pm

About Forums Forums are a vital part of the ministry of website, an apostolic, prophetic portal serving the Body of Christ.

The God-given focus of ministry coordinated by Ron McGatlin is Kingdom Awakening. Many believers in Christ Jesus are awakening to the greater gospel of the Kingdom of God as Jesus and the first century apostles preached, taught, and demonstrated it in the first century.

The purpose of these forums is to provide a safe place for gathering of apostolic and prophetic writings and discussion regarding the gospel of the kingdom and the major shift or transformation taking place today as the revelation of the kingdom of God is being freshly revealed to many believers worldwide.

We seek to encourage and enlighten those who are seeking more of the reality and experience of the kingdom of God now in this life and the life to come.

We seek to provide a place of worldwide connection for kingdom seekers who are moving from religion to a life of relationship to God and to one another in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

We desire to be a place where the voice of many waters can be heard as many receiving the revelation of the kingdom of God can speak freely what God has given to them and receive feedback from others through discussion.

We are to be first a place where the love of God is manifest in all that is said and done. Love is the predominant characteristic of the kingdom of God. Forums are not a place for debate and strife but a place of respectfully preferring one another in love while discussing the kingdom of God and related experiences. These forums are not a place for grandstanding and political or religious agendas. Debates on traditional teachings that attack the kingdom of God reality presented by non seekers of the kingdom will be better suited for other places on the internet.

Ron McGatlin coordinates a group of volunteer moderators who seek to maintain the stated focus and purposes of forums. The names of the primary moderators appear on the forum others may work under the generic name of moderator.

We welcome everyone who is seeking more of the kingdom or who desire to fellowship and share their experiences and what God has given them regarding the kingdom. has its past roots in revival now become Kingdom Revival. The glorious outpourings of God by the Holy Spirit in recent past revivals have brought us to an intimate relational reality of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Thank you for being a part of the ministry and please feel free to contact me or any of our moderators by personal email.

Much love and respect to all who give of themselves to serve God by spreading the word of the kingdom at God is love.

Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin
Coordinator" target=_blank eudora="autourl - -

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