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Revival Fever in Florida and other places in USA - Many Healings - In large and small gatherings - Thousands gathering every night

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Forum Name: HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL - LOVE INVASION Reports, Articles and Discussion
Forum Discription: Tell us about your experience in the current Holy Spirit LOVE Invasion. Report what is happening in your area. Ask your questions about the outpourings of God today.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 12:23pm

Topic: Revival Fever in Florida and other places in USA - Many Healings - In large and small gatherings - Thousands gathering every night

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Revival Fever in Florida and other places in USA - Many Healings - In large and small gatherings - Thousands gathering every night
Date Posted: 04/18/2008 at 2:01pm

Revival Fever Breaks Out in Florida
In Lakeland, Fla., thousands are packing a church every night for the past two weeks looking for a taste of what could be a major spiritual outpouring.
Revival Fever Breaks Out in Florida
[04.16.08] Meeting in a converted storefront on a highway in Lakeland, Fla., thousands are packing a church every night for the past two weeks looking for a taste of what could be a major spiritual outpouring.
Pockets of the Christian community in this area and beyond are buzzing over what could be compared with the early meetings revivalist Rodney Howard-Brown held here 15 years ago at Carpenter’s Home Church two miles down the road.
With an almost palpable sense of expectation hanging in the meetings, wild stories of healings have been lighting up the blogosphere, from reports of permanent scars disappearing off bodies to tumors disintegrating in stomachs.
Word of the meetings has spread across the globe via GOD TV’s live Web stream, and will air live on the network every night this coming weekend.
If hunger, as in the outpourings in Toronto and Pensacola during the 1990s, is a characteristic of revival, then believers here appear starved. “I’m just here for the presence of the Lord,” said one young man last night.
In loud heart-crying worship, one song lyric in particular—“healing is the bread of your children”—has become an anthem of the meetings being held in Lakeland by Todd Bentley, a Canadian revivalist and founder of Fresh Fire Ministries. - More>
Source copyright 2007. Strang Communications


Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/18/2008 at 2:08pm

Lord.... spread the fire!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/18/2008 at 2:16pm

From Larry Silverman s-her.html - Revival... It's Here!

Hi All,
It's 3:14 A.M. Central Time..... I just got woke up by a tornado warning in Stephenville, TX.  The storm passed thru O.K. and we just got a few bumps in "Pilgrim I."  (our motor home) But after the storm settled I checked my email and noted the following email from my evangelist friend, Roger Webb (" target=_blank rel=nofollow> - ) from Orlando, FL.  Roger has been attending the meetings at Ignited Church in Lakeland, FL since last week. (with Todd Bently)  These meetings have just been extended into week #3 for next week!
The 3 links below are so you can connect to live video feed being sent out on the net at 10:00 A.M and 7:00 P.M." target=_blank rel=nofollow> - - -

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/18/2008 at 2:24pm

I have been watching some of the outpouring in Lakeland, Florida. I just listened today to one of the most impacting prophetic words regarding this season that I have ever heard.

Wow! This is awesome! "River of Fire Being Released." This powerful prophetic word regarding this season of the fire of God outpourings was received by Christine Beadsworth in South Africa while watching the healing revival and outpouring in Lakeland, Florida on the internet. Listen to Christine speak this powerful word here: 0 - Ron McGatlin -  

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/18/2008 at 2:47pm

Revival Fires in San Antonio, Texas

Keith Miller

Praise the Mighty name of Jesus! We have seen an incredible realm of God's Glory and Power being released in the meetings. We are experiencing a new level of breakthrough in which the Lord is impacting lives, churches, cities and regions.

First we give Him the glory and the honor.

Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with honor and majesty. Who covers Yourself with light as with a garment; Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain. (Psalm 104:1-2)

Isn't that a great scripture... He is clothed with light, honor and majesty& In the Throne Room and in the activity of Heaven you see why the song around the throne is, "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created!" (Revelation 4:11)

We are seeing this atmosphere of His glory flooding the services in a great way. We are experiencing the deep calling to deep place...the place where you worship out of the deepest part of you to the deepest part of Who He is...a place that you are literally moved deep within your inner man and are being established by the width and length and depth and height of His love.

Get ready for even greater depths of the Glory and Honor of God to flood services during the worship, the offerings, the ministry of the Word and the ministry time. Recently, Janet and I were in San Antonio, Texas for three days of Glory and Power meetings with our good friend, Bobby Conner, and several powerful things took place. During worship in one of the evening sessions, I went up to share and the power of God began to hit me so strongly that it felt like waves of raw power from my head to my toes. During the ministry time, a wave of power was released in the front causing as deep as 5 rows to literally be overcome by the power of God. We saw instant healings take place. People were weeping and giving the Lord honor and glory for what He had just done for them. One young lady's shoulder was instantly healed by the Lord. As every bit of the pain left, a release of fresh oil and anointing hit her and all she could do was weep and thank the Lord. The next morning the same young lady came again and was healed in her abdomen area from pain that she had since giving birth. It was awesome!

Another healing that took place was a precious man who had back problems for several years. The Lord instantly took His pain. It was awesome to see what the Lord had done for him. There were so many healings that took place as the Lord moved in great power among the people. One young group was so excited by their experience, they brought back more of their friends the next night! As the word spread that the Lord is still the same today as He was yesterday and will be forever, several different denominations began to show up for the meetings!

On the last night, a wave of power literally swept the building. Many say that the ground actually rumbled from the Presence of the Lord. The worship leader was overcome and began to weep as she felt the Angel of Presence step onto the platform. The entire platform began to shake from His

Presence. Several people testified that they felt a rumbling hit the room from the back to the front. This activity was attested to in the Spirit by Chuck Pierce. While preaching in an unrelated meeting that same week, Chuck said he stopped preaching and said that a shift or moving is taking place in San Antonio. The next day a small earthquake registering 3.7 on the Richter Scale was reported near San Antonio!

Click Here to Read Full Ministry Report!


"Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough!"

Roger and Kerry

This past week during the Glory & Power Meetings held in San Antonio, Texas, we saw amazing things happen. First, building up to the meetings, I felt a stirring in my spirit that this was not going to be just another set of meetings. These meetings were holding an encounter for those wanting more of the Lord. As we walked in the first night, you could feel the expectation of those present already drawing the presence of the Lord down. The praise and worship was awesome.

We didn't have any money to put in the offering so I asked the Lord to provide us with seed for an offering. The speaker prophesied over us, "Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! No, I really mean it. Breakthrough is coming for you two." At the end of the meeting, a man came up and said, "This is for you." He placed some folded bills in my hand. I knew immediately what it was for. Roger and I just had to wait to see when the Lord wanted us to sow it. We didn't have to wait long. The next morning's offering was for breakthrough! We put all we had in it. That was Friday morning. Three days after the meetings, we received an e-mail indicating that our company had been selected to provide hunting services for a company " a $10,000 profit! With these funds, we were able to get completely debt-free. PRAISE GOD!

I also had an encounter with the Lord on Saturday night. After the offering, Keith stepped up onto the stage and I began trembling. The more he spoke, the more intense the tremble became. I had to bend over in my chair because the weightiness was so great. This divine encounter lasted the entire meeting.

At one point the intensity let up enough that I could raise up a bit, and as I did, the ground underneath my feet began trembling "
Click Here to Read Full Testimony!


"Hungry for the Word!"


I was at your meetings here in San Antonio on Friday morning and evening and Saturday morning and evening. Aside from thoroughly enjoying the touch of God and being in wonder of the revelation that was brought forth from the word by Keith Miller, Bobby Connor and Denis Davis from San Antonio, something deeper took place in me.

The way I testified at my church, Living Word Church, on Sunday morning was that I had been in-filled with the Spirit, but rather than walking out fully satisfied with that in-filling, I actually walked out hungrier than when I went in. By that I mean that hearing every teaching and seeing how you all have mastered the Word of God, and by that I mean, the way all of you gave us understanding of its application, has caused me to want to seek and search God's Word. I believe that I know the Word to some extent and have even taught the Word with revelation that the Lord gives me, but my knowledge and understanding is far from what it needs to be. Someone said at the meeting that it was your goal that we should have both knowledge and understanding of the Word. Those words must have been driven deep into our spirit by the Holy Spirit, because that is now my greatest desire. Click Here to Read Full Testimony!


A Region Impacted!

Pastor Randy Scott

Your time of ministry to us here in Bryan-College Station in February was powerful and has had long-lasting effects. As you shared the Word of God, there was so much revelation and insight that it was difficult to take notes. God's heart poured through you as you helped us to see how to apply ancient truth to the place where we now stand. There were a number of testimonies of physical, mental and spiritual healings. Many were touched and changed by the prophetic word spoken over them. I have heard a number of people say that your four days with us was a turning point and breakthrough in their lives.

Click Here to Read Full Report


Yes! Miracles Happen!!


I want to share a few testimonies -

A man from Littlefield, TX was at the meetings and was healed of bi-polar disorder (confirmed by doctors) and of diabetes! Praise God!

A pastor from Brownfield, TX was at the meeting were you had a word of knowledge about a right foot that needed healing. Many raised their hands and he went to lay hands on them. He had forgotten that he also needed healing of an acid-type hole in his foot that needed to be cut out. When he got home, he took off his socks. Brand new skin had formed - no scab, no more deep, acid-type sore, just baby soft skin!

Click Here to Read Full Report

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/18/2008 at 2:52pm

Larry & Carol Taylor
Apr 17, 2008

It is my privilege to once again be working with my good friend, Rohn Bailey, in the meetings in Graham.  I thought you might be interested in what he had to say about what God is doing.  This is the notice he sent out to his email list today:

This is That!!
Greetings everyone!

   I remember reading a quote in a Tommy Tenney book that said, "We advertise bread in the house but left them searching through the carpet fibers for crumbs".  Many talk about revival and renewal but leave us wondering where it is. People are hungry for something real. Real hope, real miracles, real healing, real restoration and the real presence of an interactive God.

    Larry Taylor and I started meetings at Oasis of Grace Church in Graham, Texas on April 6-8. It started with a three day meeting and we felt God wasn't finished so we agreed with pastor Larry Milhollin to begin again Sunday April 13th. It is now the 16th and we see no end in sight. God showed up in full force with miracles, healings, restoring dreams and visions, downloads of joy and intimacy. There is a release of anointing that has not been seen like this before.  The familiar signs are present but the release is not through one person or a common method. It is an exponential process that is both nameless and faceless. It is birthing a generation of revolutionaries that WILL change the world without the need for credit. It is truly a release of the inheritance of grace in the power of the Holy Spirit. God is using imperfect people to spread His perfect, miraculous power in the body of Christ. In this move of God, He is releasing His children into the marketplaces and pools of community with supernatural love and prophetic insight. Gods children are now being prepared to do what has been called for since the first church got together... power to DO the work of the ministry.
If you are hungry for the real deal. If you are thirsty for the genuine presence of God that has no strings attached. Do whatever you have to do to get to these meetings. There is bread in this house and HOPE that produces faith. And faith that reveals destiny.
The church is located on the corner of 2nd and Cherry.
Oasis of Grace
622 Cherry Street
Graham, Texas 76450
Pastor Larry Milhollon
If you want to get away and spend the night, here is the number for the Best Western near the church.
 Best Western

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 04/18/2008 at 4:25pm

Surely we are in the Great Outpouring of God's Spirit, with testimonies around the nation, to the Glory and Power of God being manifested in healings, miracles and other signs of HIS Presence. An impartation of HIS Anointing is flooding the hearts of those attending meetings around the country.
I wanna SHOUT, Hallelujah!!!
Quoting Dr. Ron;
"You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created!" (Revelation 4:11)

When God's people fall upon their face in Praise and Worship, HIS WORD says that HE will show HIS Glory. I truly believe this is what is happening now, my brothers and sisters in Christ. REJOICE!
Yes, the RIVER is rising, HIS Wellspring of Life if overflowing, and we must dive into the Waters of Healing and Restoration.
Praises to the Lord will forever be upon my lips.....

For HIS Glory,
Jake Tribble

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/21/2008 at 8:27am

Youth Revival Coming!

When the Holy Spirit filled 120 people on the Day of Pentecost two thousand years ago, the apostle Peter said it was a direct fulfillmnt of prophecy: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions. Your old men shall dream dreams" (Acts 2:17). 

Recently, at a youth service, I witnessed something awesome! After the message was given, the Spirit began to move powerfully. Many of the youth present began to cry out to the Lord and were overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit. Several fell on the floor and spoke in tongues as they were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Others were healed in theior bodies. One teen who had never attended a Charismatic church before was glowing with the presence of the Lord as she proclaimed, "What is this; it is so beautiful."

The testimony that touched me the most is that of the eleven year old boy in the picture who fell down under the power of the Holy Spirit. While in this state, he had a vision of a very bright light coming into the room and then he saw Jesus Himself wearing a long white robe! Immediately after coming out of this trance, he testified that he knew he was called to preach the gospel and perform miracles in Jesus' name!

Such a phenomenon is clearly a fulfillment of the prophetic word originally recorded in the  Joel, the same passage quoted by Peter on the Day of Pentecost. God says in the last days, "Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions...." A 

After witnessing this sovereign move of God at the youth service, I sensed the Lord speak to me that it had a prophetic significance and deper meaning. The Spirit said to me that we are transitioning into a new season where miracles are going to be much more frequent and powerful than in many years. We know that the purpose for miracles, signs and wonders and Gifts of the Spirit in operation today is to testify to the fact that Jesus Christ alone has power to forgive sins on earth (See Matthew 9:6). The write of Hebrews says that God testifies to the Gospel of the Kingdom " signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will" (Hebrews 2:4 NIV).

In Judges 2:10 we read of a generation that had not known God and His might works in the same way their parents and grandparents had. "When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done for Israel."

Today we see the same thing: there are many, particulalym the emerging generations, that are completely oblivious to the power of God. I am reminded of an event that occured when I was ministering at a youth service about three years in Chicago, Illinois. I had a word of knowledge that someone had significant hearing loss in both ears and if they would come forward for prayer, God would heal them. After much prodding from her friends, a young lady who had never been to church before came forward for the laying on of hands and was completely healed. What amazed me the most was her response after she realized she could hear fully. She cried out, "Your a psychic and you have metaphysical powers." She had no biblical frame of reference, so this is the only thing she could attribute her healing to. Of course, I corrected her and explained that it was Jesus Christ who had performed the healing. 

Friends, I want to encourage you! We are living in season where the glory of God is about to reveal Himself to a generation that has not witnessed Him in truth. Stay tuned! Have faith. God is raising up a people that will demonstrate His power to those who have not seen His glory!

Here is a last day's promise for the Church that will inspire you! "I will perform a sign among them. And I will send those who survive to be messengers to the nations--to Tarshish, to the Libyans and Lydians (who are famous as archers), to Tubal and Greece, and to all the lands beyond the sea that have not heard of my fame or seen my glory. There they will declare my glory to the nations. They will bring the remnant of your people back from every nation"  (Isa 66:19-20 NLT).

For the Kingdom
Glenn G. Bleakney - -  


Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/21/2008 at 1:09pm

It's A New Season of Miracles And Greater Glory - Matt Sorger

God is up to something. Over the last few months we have been witnessing a dramatic increase of God’s healing, miracle power. We are stepping into a new season where signs, wonders and miracles are becoming easy. There is a shift happening in the spirit and God is calling everyone to access and step into it. Now is the time to pray for the sick like never before. There is a great healing grace being poured out.

As we have been traveling across America over the last several months the glory of God has been poured out in such a tangible, overwhelming way. There is a heavy weight of glory sweeping over those who are hungry for more of God! Hunger and thirst are the key to receiving this GREAT GRACE God is releasing. We must get our eyes off of ourselves and onto Him.

I have found myself saying “IT’S JUST THAT EASY!” As the weight of His glory has filled entire rooms His healing grace and presence has been sweeping over the people healing them right in their seats! We worship until His glory comes and then He does the rest. There is a new realm of corporate healing glory being released. We call out a sickness by the Holy Spirit and it gets healed. It’s just that easy. It’s not hard in the glory!

All throughout Church history men and women have partnered with God to see great movements of His Spirit released in the earth. God is still looking for such individuals today. You can be one of them! 

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 12:53pm

Lakeland, Florida: Healing Testimonies Flood in From  Revival; God Using the Internet to Bring Healing to People Around the World

God REMOVED many serious scars and birthmarks on people's bodies, raised scars gone, scars that used to dip down into the skin filled in, purple and dark red blotches, gone! Many, many scars healed. He not only heals us, He removes even the scars that are left behind!

(Lakeland, Florida)—Reports are flooding in from the Revival breaking out in Lakeland, Florida. As per a previous BCN posting, because of the continuing outpouring of Holy Spirit healings and salvations, evangelist Todd Bentley has extended his healing meetings at Ignited Church in Lakeland.

Linda Dodson of Albany, Oregon, flew to Lakeland after hearing about the healings there and submitted the following report:

"I just had to come and experience [the revival] for myself! The internet is spreading this move of God all over the world. There are people in the meetings from many states and countries. I met a man at the front desk this morning from the UK that was booking a room for his friends from Switzerland coming in for just four days!

"Oh, the anointing of God: there is a glory in the room that heals, that brings peace, that delivers, that brings joy, that causes hearts to weep and worship from the depth. At one point, the worship rose and rose to higher levels and I heard angelic singing, joining our singing. This glory, this anointing, this move of God is so free-flowing, with no effort, and so full of peace. Todd is not striving one bit, and he has such a look of joy, Holy Ghost presence and anointing, wonder on his face. He is like a true child of God saying: "Did you see that?!" or "Did you hear that!" then repeating the miracle testimonies.

"His words of knowledge are flowing so strongly. He'll give a word of knowledge about God healing someone's lungs, and then there is that person right in front of him giving testimony to the burning or warmth flowing in their lungs and then they can breathe freely. Just imagine in one evening dozens of illnesses being healed, things people have carried in their bodies for years and years—gone. And one night, God REMOVED many serious scars and birthmarks on people's bodies, raised scars, gone; scars that used to dip down into the skin, filled in; purple and dark red blotches, gone! Many, many scars healed. He not only heals us, He removes even the scars that are left behind!

"People are going out into the community during the day and hundreds are being saved at Wal-mart, in the hotels, in the restaurants and on the streets. Todd said reports are coming in that people are feeling this anointing all over town. As I'm sitting at the hotel computer right now, I can hear a conversation about the revival from the two women working at the front desk. One woman had a headache and I've prayed for her twice already. She's feeling better.

Watch - which is carrying the meetings live." target=_blank rel=nofollow> - Source: Linda Dodson—Breaking Christian News

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 1:03pm

Larry & Carol Taylor
Apr 21, 2008

It is sometimes difficult to report what God is doing in our meetings without sounding self-serving.  However, I’ve have to say that what we are experiencing in Graham, Texas at Oasis of Grace Church is a genuine visitation.  Although the numbers haven’t been large, I believe what is happening is an indicator of what God is doing in a fresh release of His power throughout the earth.  I continue to read of reports from all over the USA that indicate a dramatic increase in healing miracles in the past few weeks.  This confirms for me what we saw and heard in the South Pacific on our last trip.  God is releasing another wave of miracles, signs and wonders and harvest is His intent.


  • Notable healing miracles- One remarkable lady is coming every night and seeing dramatic improvement in mobility.  She was injured in an accident several years ago and could only walk with the aid of a walker or a motorized chair.  On Saturday night she walked to the front of the auditorium to give her offering without any aide—no chair, no walker and no cane! 
  • Pure prophetic ministry- On Tuesday night of this past week a wave of prophetic words came through the people of the Church.  Three different people brought remarkably similar words.  Here is a sample: “The Lord says, it’s wells, wells, wells, wells, wells, of the demonstration of my Spirit…an activation of the living waters that are within the house—within the saints of God…I am skillfully and I am meticulously and I am tenderly and I am carefully dismantling your expectations of the usual…I am dismantling them with the sounds of heaven…with the notes that are released, with the words that cannot be understood by your minds…that you can no longer think what I ought to do, but that you give your thoughts to me…Let my thoughts be your thoughts…”
  • Breakthrough worship- Rohn Bailey has been the instrument, but the Spirit of God has led us to the throne room night after night.  We have seen spontaneous dance and incredible supernatural creativity with the musicians.  Both Rohn and the worship team at Oasis of Grace have approached new levels or worship that have left us hushed and speechless in the awesome presence of God.
  • The Body of Christ released- As many in the Body have felt a release and freedom, powerful ministry has been occurring, both inside and outside the walls of the Church.  One night this week, two sisters drove over 3 hours to be in the service.  One of the ladies reported that she had no hearing in her left ear for several months.  When the presence of God touched her, she went down to the floor.  One of the women of the Church began to pray over her and whisper in her ear, not knowing about her hearing loss.  The woman began to weep and praise God passionately, reporting that she could hear even the faintest whisper clearly in the previously closed ear!


Several hungry people have traveled over three hours to attend these meetings (Abilene, Lindale, Mabank, and the Metro-plex).  The meetings have been extended another week beginning Thursday night and going through Sunday night.  I encourage anyone who can join us in this fresh outpouring to come.  Rohn Bailey, my fellow team member, described what is happening as more of a release of what is already in the Body, rather than a new impartation.  I believe he is correct in His description.  So many wonderful gifts have been deposited in the people of God.  It is time for release! - -

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 3:18pm

Another sleepless night... Alas..."The Sleepless Revival" is underway!  grin!  Corinne and I got in from a meeting in north Texas last night about midnight and the Lord had me up, awake and stirred up since 6:00 a.m.  It's now a little after 11:00 a.m. Texas time, and I'm so stirred and pumped that I can't hardly stand it! 
This move of God is getting ready to blow our socks off!  Get ready!
Corinne and I were on a conference call with some of our ministry partners in the Tulsa area around 8:30 this morning.  They had a spontaneous prayer meeting going at the time. The Fire is falling there this morning!  We shared and wow... it's getting good!  One of the gals there was fixing some breakfast for her husband early today.  She asked her husband, "Did you hear that?"  He didn't hear a thing!  She said I just heard a shofar blow!  It was God Himself blowing the shofar!  Wow... Folks I believe that Sister Kelly did indeed hear a shofar.  I also believe that it was the Trump of God!  I sense strongly that He is blowing the Call to Revival!  The Fire of God is about to fall!
Friends, this is a move of God like none other!  I know many of you are seeking God for revival, and many are still hanging on to past moves of God.  But get ready... this move is coming with Fire!  It's not another move of the "River!"  This is the Fire of God getting ready to fall on us.  It's going to be the most powerful move of God that we've ever seen!
Now... for those of you that have an ear to hear... Please listen by the Spirit, not your flesh!  Please hear me... God has spoken over Corinne and I, actually last Fall while in PA, that we are, "Firebrands, and everywhere there is dry tinder, we will light fires!"  You may think that this is a sneaky way for Larry to try to book some meetings!  Well think that if you wish, but I would just ask you to ask the Lord about that.   I'm sending this email to many who are not pastors or leaders, so they won't be able to book us into anything.  Also... if you don't want us in for some meetings, let me know... I've got some other "Firebrands" that I can introduce to you!   However, this is all a timing issue Friends!   Please don't miss your day of visitation! 
Will you please pray about bringing in some traveling minister, someone who is also "Firebrand!"
Oh... one other thing about the timing issue...Zech. 10:1, "Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the later rain!" 
Friends, will you spend some time with the Lord today...I really believe that you too will smell the wonderful smell of Revival in the Air.
You know we are getting scheduled for certain places around the country, you can read them on our schedule place on our webpage...." target=_blank rel=nofollow>   But I also feel to tell you that planes are still flying and we do have a car to drive to places as well.   Let's see what the Lord will show you!
By the way.. this might be the most important email that I've ever sent out!
Lord... Let the Fire Fall!
Larry & Corinne Silverman
"Revivalists to Today's Generation!"
Our Website:" target=_blank rel=nofollow>
Larry's Blog:" target=_blank rel=nofollow>

Posted By: DaleRosser
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 4:05pm

anything happening in South Carolina?

Matt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Posted By: Brenda Robinson
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 5:42pm

Yes Yes Yes Yes.  The excitement of what He is going to do - what He is doing NOW pulsates through my veins.  I have been hearing Him clearer - clearer - clearer.  I feel breakthrough.  My my goodness - I have waited SO VERY LONG for breakthrough.  I have been wandering in the wilderness for years.  BREAKTHROU GH --- YEAHHH  --- I AM SCREAMING BREAKTHROUGH --- I also hear Him say - Grace - Great Grace - Grace - over and over and over.  It is showing up everywhere I look. Even my silent clock that I never knew played Amazing Grace came blaring through at 3:00 AM when I was up the other night and dropped it on the floor!  Every hour on the hour now it blares out Amazing Grace.  I have left it "RING OUT" - because IT IS A WORD FROM THE LORD - it spells out BREAKTHROUGH to me.

How long -- how long we have waited to see this.  I think I could die just from the excitement of it all.

Ron - I have given this posting location to my friends - the birthing of His Kingdom is coming forth across Across America.


Brenda Rob

Posted By: Sonia Greenhill
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 5:46pm

I made the 11 hour drive to the revival last Friday and returned home on Sunday.  We had the most amazing experience in God's presence.  The glory fell, the angelic choirs were present, the trumpets were sounding and the miracle power of God was in the house.  People were delivered from bondages.  Many healings took place.  One kid had about 40 scars on his arms from being a cutter.  He was healed from the bondage of self-hate, among other things....and, his scars were removed by the power of God.

The Lord is moving in a mighty way.  What a joy to be alive for such a time as this!


Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 6:54pm

Check out these revival video clips from a number of countries." EUDORA="AUTOURL -


Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 8:02pm

There's been an increase in heaing here in our neck of the woods too, including Dr verified and cat scanned images of dissappearing lung nodules on two people and a stone on another.  Angelic flute and voices during corporate worship that is literally out of this world...

and in the past two weeks in Ukraine, meetings were packed beyond capacity and after an hour of worship and an hour to hour and a half of message (with interpreter) ministry would extend 2 or 3 hours.  Not only our team ministering but also the attendees ministering to one another and to and with us as well....then meals were in effect small ministry sessions.  One Ukrainian pastor has a web site in Russian which gets something like a million hits per month -- this is the level of spiritual hunger in Eastern Europe. In the meetings we were part of there were healings that manifested as well as a great deal of deliverance, restoration, and outpouring of the Spirit resulting in unusual response of the people in weeping, laughing, falling down and so forth.  Virtually every person threw themselves into worship with abandon and came at least once in every meeting for ministry.  hundreds of people.


Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/22/2008 at 8:13pm

I finally tried watching the Lakeland revival on God-TV. Even though I have dial-up, I'm now able to watch it. It did cut out sometimes, but I could hear and see a lot of it.

Wow!!! I've been in a lot of meetings with words of knowledge going forth when Mario Murillo did them...but nothing like these with Todd Bentley. The dead are now being raised, and homosexuals are being delivered. One lady tonight was healed of 52 infirmitites.

From the meetings I attended before, as I'd interceded a lot for them, and then seeing the Lakeland meeting this meeting, I began to better understand what is now happening in my life. Some of the things/feelings I've experienced are not my own, but are words of knowledge for others. That used to happen to me prior to going to Mario's meetings, especially on one particular occasion.

I'd heard that Kathryn Kuhlman prayed in tongues for 3 hours before each of her miracle I prayed as long as I could one time, as I drove from Oakland to Ventura, California...where Mario was going to be preaching that afternoon, about a 6 hour drive. I prayed about 2 1/2 hours in tongues. By the time I hit the city limits, I was calling out words of knowledge.

To my utter amazement, as the meeting was about to close, Mario began calling out words of knowledge...and they were the very ones I'd just spoken as I'd driven into the city.

As Todd Bentley said tonight, there is a price to pay for the anointing. As Kathryn Kuhlman used to say, "It costs everything." Yes, it does. As Todd mentioned tonight, it's the church people who will betray you...they don't understand you...and more.

We can have this same anointing, too...but the question is, "Are we willing to pay the price?"



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Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/23/2008 at 7:33am

Lakeland Revival Intensifies
Update: Twice daily meetings in Lakeland, Fla., move into fourth straight week of revival.
Lakeland Revival Intensifies
[04.22.08] Thousands of people longing for a physical or spiritual touch from God are flocking to central Florida for ongoing revival meetings that some have dubbed the “Lakeland Healing Outpouring.”
The services, which are being broadcast live daily on GOD TV to millions of potential viewers, reveal the excitement radiating from this area of the Sunshine State, prompting some people to jump on planes and fly in from across the country and even from abroad.
Todd Bentley, the 32-year-old Canadian healing evangelist with a boyish grin responsible for the meetings, reported on Friday that people’s faith alone has healed them even while they were booking their flights online or boarding planes bound for Lakeland, a city of about 90,000 between Orlando and Tampa along Interstate 4.
The 700-seat sanctuary of host pastor Stephen Strader’s Ignited Church can no longer contain the crowds. More than 1,000 worshipers stood inches apart at Friday night’s service, jamming every aisle and altar area. Their bodies rocked back and forth, and their faces wore peace-filled, lovesick and euphoric expressions.
The cars parked outside were also inches apart, with every grassy parcel of land on bordering properties used for overflow. During worship, song lyrics on PowerPoint were replaced with a warning to drivers parked at a nearby store that their cars would be “towed immediately.”
“We are all shocked that each night a minimum of 60 percent [are] first time [visitors],” Strader said yesterday.
Fire marshals locked the church doors at last night’s meeting, forcing 400 people to remain in front of the church. The crowd watched the service on a large TV, and more than 200 waited until midnight for Bentley to come out and pray for them, Strader said.
John Arnott, who pastored the historic revival ignited at his Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship in 1994, wrote in a letter last week to Bentley: “Todd, you need to keep going in these meetings as long as the Lord is moving. I feel that this is a prophetic sign that another wave of revival is coming to North America.”
John Kilpatrick, who pastored Brownsville Assembly during the Pensacola Revival of the 1990s, told Charisma today that he wants to visit Lakeland as soon as possible in order to encourage Bentley. “It saddened me that many weren’t willing to at least come and check things out,” he said of his early meetings with revivalist Steve Hill. “I made a vow before God that if revival ever broke out again, no matter where it was, that I’d at least go.”
Kilpatrick added that revival is not something that can be controlled and that people hungry for God need to simply ask Him to touch them. “I feel in my spirit very strongly that there’s another wave of the Holy Spirit coming, a tidal wave of the glory of God,” he said, stifling his sobs on the phone. “I’m sorry, there’s nothing like the presence of God. It has ruined me for life.” 
Wendy Alec, co-founder of GOD TV, just released a prophecy to Bentley in which she said God has called what’s happening in Lakeland “just a warm-up party” that would eventually go global.
After long periods of worship, Bentley invites to the stage all those with testimonies, much like the late healing evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman did in her meetings.
At Friday night’s meeting, the mother of a 6-year-old girl said her daughter broke her elbow about two weeks ago and was healed after a word of knowledge from Bentley. The little girl told the crowd: “Jesus came out of heaven and touched my elbow.” The girl’s before-and-after X-rays are posted on - YouTube -
Amber, a thin 15-year-old girl born with scoliosis, said she was healed and could now carry her schoolbooks as well as bend over and touch the floor, which she did publicly during the meeting. One man said he was healed of Hepatitis C. An elderly woman said she went to the doctor for confirmation first before telling the crowd she was healed of glaucoma.
Others on Friday night said they were healed of rheumatoid arthritis, panic attacks, ruptured discs, deafness, post traumatic stress disorder, cancer, leukemia and emphysema.
After a half hour of testimonials Bentley asked the crowd “to give the Lord the glory.” For at least 40 minutes people continually cried the words “holy” and “glory” in a chorus.
Some worshipers fell to the floor weeping. From behind his keyboard, a blonde-locked worship leader named Roy Fields led the procession, his face beaming heavenward.
“What is happening is so much bigger than anyone in this building,” Bentley said from the stage where he was kneeling. “I hear the angels joining in. … The Holy Spirit is taking over.”
Bentley, who looks more like a gang leader than the founder of a Christian ministry, came to Lakeland on April 2 and has shown no sign of leaving since an angel, he said, visited him the day after he arrived.
Prophetic minister Bob Jones told Bentley he believed the angel’s name was “Winds of Change”--the same angel, Jones said, that visited healing evangelist William Branham in the 1940s.
Aside from heavily reverential moments of worship, services can turn comical, as Bentley listens to accounts of healings and becomes filled with anticipation. He asked one woman on Friday, “Why are you here?” and after she responded, “I have a tumor on my rib,” he cried: “Good! That’s good!”
One man brought his small son to Bentley, saying the youngster was in need of a kidney. “Where does it hurt, boy?” Bentley asked before praying for the child and seeing him fall out.
The boy lay motionless on the platform, and his father bent over him, pressing his forehead to his son’s. “I feel he’s in some kind of vision or something,” Bentley told the crowd. When the boy got up five minutes later he said bright angels had come to him and “put their hands on me.”
The meetings have been extended due to swelling crowds. Bentley announced Friday the revival would continue daily through at least May 4. He also said he believes the same revival will hit Kansas City, Mo., next. —Paul Steven Ghiringhelli in Lakeland, Fla. - Source Chrisma Online
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Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/23/2008 at 7:43am

Christians Summoned to Day of Repentance
Dubbed ReignDown USA, the three-hour prayer meeting will be held April 26 at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Organizers believe it could lead to a national revival.
Christians Summoned to Day of Repentance
[04.22.08] Christians across the U.S. are being summoned to a time of prayer and repentance this weekend for what organizers believe could lead to a national revival.
ReignDown USA (, a three-hour prayer meeting, will be held April 26 at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and in satellite venues in 31 states. Participants will worship, pray and repent of their own sins.
"We're not pointing out the speck in our brothers' or sisters' eyes, but we are dealing with the log in our own, and we're ... saying, 'Start with me first, Lord,'" said Shawn-Marie Cole, who is organizing the event with her father, Walt Kallestad, senior pastor of 10,000-member Community Church of Joy in Glendale, Ariz. Cole, a homemaker with two young children, said the idea for ReignDown was birthed from a vision she received in 2005.
"It was gathering the body of Christ together in unity, humbly coming before our Lord, seeking His face and ... asking for Him to be placed back in the center of our lives and our nation," she said. Although 2008 is an election season, Cole said ReignDown would have no agenda beyond personal repentance. "We're just going to worship, and as we hear what the Lord is saying, someone will get up and read Scriptures," she said. The prayer meeting will be broadcast on television and carried live on the Internet.
Representatives from ministries such as Prayer Watch International (PWI) will be on hand to pray with participants.
"We can't point our finger at a nation and say you're not holy if we're not holy," said Cindy Jacobs, co-founder of Generals International with her husband, Mike, and a ReignDown supporter. "It's about holiness. It's about being a pure bride. It's a time to come back to the centrality of the cross. No personalities, just the cross."
Although there have been many corporate prayer events emphasizing repentance on behalf of the nation, "This is just repentance, and it's our repentance," said Phil Munsey, pastor of the Life Church in Mission Viejo, Calif., and a ReignDown supporter.
"The qualification to say something that day is to be willing to repent—not for the nation, not for anyone else, but personal repentance," he said. "I feel that we can't get past that. Until we do this, there's really nothing else we can do to have any influence on this country." - Read On> - Source Chrisma Online

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/23/2008 at 7:58am

I believe that what is happening in Lakeland, Florida, is what we've been waiting for...through the Internet, it's affecting the entire globe. I watched it online last night. Homosexuals are being set free. Notable miracles are occurring, including one lady set free from 52 infirmities including walking and no longer needing a breathing apparatus, and raising the a chat room.

I've been in quite a few revival meetings before when Mario Murillo was preaching in the 1980s. I've also been in others' meetings which weren't "real." I know the difference.

These meetings are full of the power of God. I believe that we can have that same power and glory wherever we are, if we simply believe and tap into it...without even physically being there. God is about to move all over the world and has in fact, already begun.

We're seeing a little trickle of it here in Boise, and it's about to increase. The most important thing, in my estimation, is to be where God has for us to be...whether it's to physically go to Lakeland or other places or to stay put.

He is sending me to Spokane, Washington this coming Monday. I've never been to Washington state before, but each of the other western states. This is sort of like a missing piece in the puzzle for me. I thought I'd be going simply as a mini-vacation, for 2 1/2 days...but no, the whole thing is prophetic, even the times I'm leaving Boise and arriving Spokane, both at the same times, as Spokane is in Pacific time and we're in Mountain time...leaving at 10:10 am and arriving Spokane also at 10:10 (John 10:10, as well as adding them together for 20:20...eyesight). My motel's address is also 2020...and more.

Something powerful is going to happen as I set my feet on the land in Washington...not sure what it is. But, I'd carried "revival" in me for the whole world for over 20 years, and the Spirit told me that I'd give birth to it on March 30, 2008. A few days later, He told me to cut the cord, which I then did by faith.

Please pray for me as I go to Spokane.



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Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 04/23/2008 at 8:24am

Praise God Ann!  Go Forth!  God is with you and great things are beginning to happen for you sister!!!  Others will be set free through you and you will see great miracles, none like ever before!  God's Glory will be like never before!  Hallelujah!!!!! 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 04/23/2008 at 9:45am

Go in the name of thee LORD with signs and wonders following you, dear Sister Ann. John G. Lake's mantle is available to and for those that will open their hearts and receive in this season. Spokane is where he and his wife set up"healing rooms" in the early 1900's and the same pattern for these "healing rooms" is being used today.  I do believe some of John's family memebers have some going in different parts of the world today. Sister Heather, from Wales has shared the opening of one there in Wales. Many prophecies and visions of about this anointing being available have been reported throughout the last 7 years. (((IT IS TIME)))!!! I encourage you to ask and seek Abba Father's heart on this for sure. God bless you and will be prayin' Ps.23, 91, 103 and whatever Holy One so instructs over you as you go and come, in JESUS name.  (((LET THE GLORY FLOW, OVERFLOW)))!!!  HALLLELUJAH TO KING JESUS, FOR IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU, OUR MAJESTIC MASTER AND LORD!!!

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/23/2008 at 12:17pm

Thanks Anita and Gayle. Yes, Gayle, I know that John G. Lake's ministry was in Spokane. I'm to visit the headquarters there next Wednesday, for a tour and prayer...just before returning to Boise.

Someone also said that he's buried there. I wonder where. Benny Hinn once went to Kathryn Kuhlman's gravesite and said that the anointing came on him then.

We have several healing rooms here. I've been to one of them a few times.

Last night, Todd was praying for the double portion anointing to come on us. He had been talking about the anointing on his life; that is, to see pictures like on a tv screen, for healings...yes, Lord. Send it forth. Equip us all so that we can do the works, whichever anointing is needed in order to do the works of Jesus.

Let it rain!!! Fire from on high!!!



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Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 3:02am

Hi Eric,

Oh please don't bring this thread down to this!

I personally know Stephen Strader, I've ministered in his church.  I know people "on the ground" in Lakeland.  I talk to one evangelist there three to four times a day on the phone, who is working on the streets there.  It's not just Todd Bently, it's what God is doing there!  My friend, who lives in Orlando, says that even driving into Lakeland you feel something "different" in the air over the city.  The miracles are happening on the street too, they're just as awesome as those in the meetings.

Eric, the blind are seeing, the deaf are hearing, the dead are being raised and the Gospel of the Kingdom is being preached!  Lives are being transformed!  Plus there is a new excitment and anticipation for Revival and the Kingdom being advanced like I"ve not seen in a long, long time!  This is not just in Lakeland, but all over America!  Just last night we had dinner with two other couples here in Texas.  We talked revival!  We then pulled out a guitar and with tears streaming down our faces worshiped Jesus.  There is a stir... There is the smell of Revival in the air!

So Eric who's doing all of this?  Who's getting us all fired up for more of Jesus?  Who's asking us to walk in more holiness and closer to the Lord?  If you say that this move isn't of God, then who do you say is doing it?  The last I read my Bible it said, "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy."  Jesus said that He has come to give, "life and that more abundantly."  So, if this move isn't of God, then you leave only one other source that it is coming from...hummm!  So maybe we've had some sort of a larger miracle happen than we thought!  Possibly the devil has gotten saved!  All of sudden the devil is drawing people closer to the Lord... maybe he's now pushing for a great awakening within the Church, causing people to go to the streets, healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the Kingdom!  I thinest not!

One last thing Eric.  If you would have been watching a few of the web casts you too would have heard Todd Bently talking about how he's been a "broken man!"  God's had him in the fire for a couple of years, breaking him, preparing him for this ministry.  So often they don't even take offerings there.  Todd has been giving up thousands of dollars per night.  He's been saying since the beginning of this move, that he's not interested in conferences any more... all he wants in Jesus. 

Eric, this is the real deal Brother!  It's the real deal!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Monika Schmid
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 4:42am


all new age/witchcraft is only  the meager copy


Take care to not miss the very real...


Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.
They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

Psalm 84,6-7

Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 5:23am

Thank you Monika for caring that I miss nothing.

Bro Larry, I hope you're right and it's the real thing ....

(there have been so many imitations in the last decades)...




Posted By: Robert Edmund
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 6:21am

Eric has been very brave to caution us in this matter.


Yes, I read the reports about the deaf hearing, the blind seeing, and scars disappearing, etc.  I know that this is the kind of thing that God does, and wants to do.



At the very least, perhaps we can be cautious that there might be mixture here – yes, some of God, but also some flesh, and even (given Eric’s comment about Todd Bentley and ‘Third Heaven Guided Visualisations’) possibly spirits ‘not from God’.



I don’t like to bring up the subject of William Branham in this context, but perhaps we should.  Branham was undoubtedly used of God, and astonishing healings, miracles and prophecies were seen in his ministry.  But, there was still mixture, especially near the end of his ministry.  The same might be said of Alexander Dowie – a great man of God, a pioneer of the faith – but things went awry near the end of his life.  The miracles in both ministries continued, but the vessels were not clean.


I think I'm just trying to say that, yes, stuff seems to be happening – in Florida AND other places – but, friends, HOLINESS and PURITY are essential.  It seems to me that, in all major revivals since about 1700, a fundamental characteristic has been the emphasis on holiness.  Dare I go a step further and say that the EXPERIENCE of conscious holiness has been preached, taught and testified to.


The individuals who have finished the course well – Smith Wigglesworth and John Lake possibly the best examples – both testified to an experience of sanctification prior to their Baptism in the Spirit.


I realise that I might be dragging up and old chestnut. Forgive me.  I just think that in genuine revival (as distinct from renewal/refreshing), God’s order is HOLINESS first, then POWER. 


There is no Pentecost without Calvary.


Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 6:23am


I know what you're saying about imitations.  However, this move of God is going far beyond Ignited Church in Lakeland, and even Todd Bently.  Ordinary people are healing the sick and leading them to the Lord on the streets of Lakeland. 

Just this morning the Lord gave me a "mini-vision."  I saw something beginning to form and it had wings.  It was revival and it was beginning to form wings for travel.  I saw them beginning to extend and felt in my spirit that this move of God was about to talke flight across the world!

It is the real deal Eric!  It really is!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 6:30am


I've seen the real and I've seen the false. I've been in MANY real revival meetings, where the sick were healed and miracles were done by the power of God. I've also been in some meetings which were fake, conducted by a different man.

This one is real. It's not about the minister being perfect in everything he's ever done. None of us have ever been perfect.

It's about the power of God and signs and wonders being done by Him. THAT is what is happening in these meetings.


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Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 6:33am

Hi Robert,

You know I really wish you would have been following what is going on there.  By the way, God TV is broadcasting these meetings live, 7:00 p.m. Eastern USA time.

But the other night we were watching and Todd Bently was talking about the great price he has had to pay for this.  He spoke, with tears in his eyes, how God has been bringing him through a hard breaking process for the past couple of years.  Todd said that he is no longer interested in the conference life style.  He is sick of this.  He says that by doing conferences he can earn 5-10k per meeting!  He's laying it all down.  I heard him say, "All I want is Jesus!" 

By the way, they are not taking a lot of high-power offerings in these meetings.  Some nights they have even totally forgotten to pass the buckets.  Now they are doing a low key offering 30 minutes prior to the meeting beginning, as they don't want to detract from what God's doing during the actual meeting, to take an offering. 

Robert, Todd Bently is a broken man!  John Wimber used to say, "Never trust a ministry leader who doesn't walk with a limp!"  Todd is walking with a limp!

I've been watching real close.  I've not always been a Todd Bently fan.  Again I know several of the key people involved, I've even ministered in Ignited Chruch.  I see nothing but the Kingdom of God being expanded there.

Blessings to you in the UK.  By the way, many are beginning to fly in from the UK to Lakeland so that they can bring the wave back to you.  Get ready... revival is heading your way!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 6:41am

Really appreciate the comments Larry.  What we have and are seeing both in our own neck of the woods and in Eastern Europe doesn't involve nor revolve around Todd Bentley nor any other one person.  In fact until reading this thread I had no knowledge of whatever is going on that Todd's involved in.

It is really all about God.  When it ceases to be all about God and becomes all about a particular person or group of people then the person's weaknesses or imperfections certainly have a bit more of an inroads to derail or side track. 

We have no-name young people who definitely are not doctrinally perfect nor fully "pure" in total knowledge of all aspects of God...going into stores, theatres and so forth and God is doing healings and ministering through them.  I am a bit passionate about the fact that people do not have to reach some unattainable level of perfect doctrine and sinless perfection before God can and will move through them.  I sat on the shelf for a long time waiting for me to be "right enough" "perfect enough" "know enough" to not fear stepping out, for fear my wrongness would cause to stumble.  A brand new believer can be used of God.  God can release a pure true message through a person who has not read the bible dozens of times and who may not know the original Greek text...and so on.

We are to grow and increase in the knowledge of God.  And if we teach we are indeed liable to greater accountability and scrutiny.  On the other hand, God is not limited by our lack of any type - physical, mental, relational, spiritual.  So long as we do not set up men as 'gods' and so forth...there's safety.  And God is faithful to bring correction and sound doctrine so long as we can hear it. 

I have not ever really followed Todd Bentley's stuff, never been to a meeting and read very little of his writings...but I do know that the past two to 4 years have been a season of intense purification and preparation for many of us.  I also can say that when I did first hear of him, that I saw a mini vision of him, this was years ago...that he was genuinely gifted and called but also was not yet fully grown.  Doesn't that describe all of us at some point?

I don't believe this thread should be highjacked to focus only on one man or woman for this report is not about a single person or place, other than Jesus Christ and His kingdom.

So far as the deliverance and restoration and healing we are seeing in Colorado & Ukraine....does satan cast out satan?  And amen to all Larry says. 

This move is not, and I truly believe and declare will NEVER be about any certain superstar, only Christ and His kingdom ... in fact in Ukraine we hit pretty hard on that entire superstar thing  because that day is over...we do not ever want to return to that.


Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 6:41am


According to my understanding, the meetings begin at 8 pm Eastern (not 7 pm). They can also be watched at - which I hear is better viewing than God-TV. Haven't tried that yet.

When I read what you'd said about them forgetting to pass the buckets, the thought came to mind to kick the buckets (out of the way)...sort of a play on words, but kind of funny in my estimation.

And, about walking with a limp...I know that you didn't mean that literally. But, this week, I've had a limp, my leg twisted out of position. Please pray that it goes back into position as soon as possible.



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Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 6:49am


No the meetings do begin at 7:00 eastern.  We are currently located where we have rather spotty internet reception.  I use a Sprit wireless card on my laptop.  One of the hazzards of travel full time, I guess, is the battle for communication.  I am finding that with rather slow connection often, that the God TV feed actually is working better.  Check it out and see.

You are right with the limp not being physical.  But seems that your limp is physical... so...RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS... WE SPEAK TO ANN'S LEG AND COMMAND IT TO COME BACK INTO IT'S PROPER POSITION!  AMEN!

Blessings Ann!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 6:53am

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Get out of the tub and come get your healing!
Stephen Strader
Apr 24, 2008


We are extending the revival through to May 4th

Seven Days a Week!  10am & 7pm
Webcast instruction at the end of this report.

BEGINNING APRIL 24th The NIGHT meetings will move to Auburndale Life Church
See the website for details.  The morning services will continue at Ignited Church. -

WATCH THE WEBCAST every day at 10am & 7pm E.S.T. -

Highlights from today’s report:
**Lady comes in on walker…  bends & twists all over the stage
**Lady with emphysema feels cold air blow into her lungs
**Lady cries out “don’t knock me down!”
**Dozens healed over the cell phone!
**Lady leaving the meeting gets a call “go back and get your healing!”
**Man watching webcast gets in his car and comes to the meeting…  healed!

Roy Fields is leading the worship tonight.  It was very deep.  Very strong!

Todd has a vision for Oregon…  five sisters had flown in to get an impartation…  they RAN UP ON THE STAGE!!!   BAM BAM BAM… 

Multiple people respond to words of knowledge.  The glory cloud is hovering over the audience.  Serious ailments and crippling disease will be healed tonight!

Dr. Clarice Fluitt had surgery on her left shoulder, just had more x-rays done last week just like the word of knowledge said, DOWN SHE WENT.

A man had nearly the same thing…  DOWN HE WENT.

Many times when someone responds to a word of knowledge, God’s power touches them, then we find out later the testimony of the healing.

A lady with a walker responded to the word of knowledge for degenerative diseases in the bones and spine…  she had four bulging discs…  FIVE DEGENERATIVE diseases…    the pain was fading while she was walking up to the stage…! 

============================================================ ======
============================================================ ======

A lady comes up with a whole list of diseases in her hand…  she had missed the healing line last night, but Todd walked by her and touched her with his coat last night…  and her healing began…  she back tonight to complete the healing…

A lady had five degenerative discs and the FIRE WENT THROUGH HER SPINE!

A man had an enlarge prostate…  medication for five years…  he was healed this morning…  he’s been urinating properly all day long!!!

A lady with degenerative discs disease…  felt the fire go through her too!!! 


A young man has a brain tumor…  Todd prayed for him last night…  went home…  had of vision of Christ coming… a black mist coming out of his head…  Jesus took his brain out of his head and poured oil all over brain and put it back!!!

A man responded to the word for prostate cancer…  just had a radiation treatment…  DOWN HE WENT.

A man responds to the word of knowledge for the tumor on the left kidney…  SUDDENLY THE FIRE COMES OUT OF TODD’S HAND INTO THE MANS KIDNEY!

A man was watching the webcast when Todd prayed for the double anointing…  grabbed his computer and received…  got up and drove two hours to the meeting…  he wants the glory!!!

A lady has a broken pelvic…  severe pain…  can’t have anymore kids…  Todd had a vision of more kids…  BOOM…  down she went!

A 9 yr old boy from the overflow room got filled with the Holy Ghost!!! 

A lady has a friend who matched the description of the word of knowledge for a lady with tubes in her ears that caused deafness…  she text her to encourage her to respond!  She has her ON THE PHONE NOW… 

============================================================ =========
============================================================ =========

A lady came up with emphysema…  labored breathing…  fibromyalgia…  She told Todd…  “DON’T KNOCK ME DOWN!”   BAM BAM   She went down!!

A medical doctor came up from Miami…  he prays for his patients because Todd prayed for him last year…  watching the webcast…  his patients are being healed in the glory he releases in his office…  he came up for MORE!!!  


Todd calls up every doctor in the house…  four more come up!!!  BAM BAM BAM

A lady with emphysema came up…  labored breathing…  suddenly, SHE FELT AIR RUSH INTO HER LUNGS!!!


A pastor was watching the webcast in Australia, Todd gave a word of knowledge for dental miracles, HE GOT 8 FILLINGS…  HE GOT ON A PLANE AND FLEW TO THE MEETING!!!  He wants an IMPARTATION!!!

Todd explains that when he goes into a vision

A man was headed for hip replacement surgery…  LEFT THE HOSPITAL…  put the kids in the car and drove 15 hours to get here…  The PAIN IS GONE… 


Todd goes into a FLOW OF WORDS OF KNOWLEDGE…  dozens of SPECIFIC words…  he commands the people to stand the moment God touches them…  PEOPLE ARE STANDING ALL OVER THE AUDIENCE!!! 

About 50 people flood the front of the stage…  the power of God is visible on most of them!

Todd starts interviewing them…  there are happening so fast…

A homeless man, had met Todd earlier today on the street, trouble talking from a stroke…  HE’S TALKING GOOD NOW!!!!

A lady with sciatic nerve…  PAIN IS GONE…  

Todd cried out…  “Angela, come up here”…  she was WATCHING ON THE BIG SCREEN OUTSIDE…  the power of God is ALL OVER HER!!!   She’s weeping…  BAM…  she’s under the power!

A lady responded to the word about a mother with a stroke in Virginia…  she CALLED HER MOTHER…  SHE WAS TOTALLY HEALED WHEN HER DAUGHTER CALLED HER!

More people…  more prayer…  glory everywhere…  bodies all over the stage… 

A lady made a list of what she needed from God…  auto-immune disease…  diverticulitis…  ulcers… 

A man has had NO FEELING IN HIS TOES for 8 years…  As he walks up to the stage, he is HEALED…  and suddenly, his LEFT HIP POPS BACK IN PLACE!!! 

Todd called out “Samantha…  Sammie”…  come up here…  Sammie comes up on stage and Todd prophecies over her…  he also releases healing for allergies…  ministry is released! 

This young lady was injured while witnessing, her L5 was injured…  Todd had just called out the L5…  power goes through her! 

A man has a bruised rib…  for several years he’s been in pain!   NO MORE PAIN!

A man called his friend on the cell who was hard of hearing in his right ear…  the FRIEND IS ON THE PHONE LISTENING ON HIS RIGHT EAR!!!  He’s in North Carolina…  he is listening now! 

A lady responds to the word for a “fallen bladder” and SHE FEELS ENERGY FLOWING THROUGH HER LOWER STOMACH!”

A lady had a lump in her breast…  when Todd called it out…  THE LUMP DISAPPEARED!!!

A lady with a cracked rib…  when Todd called it out…  the FIRE WENT THROUGH HER RIB CAGE…  no more pain!

A pastor called his youth pastor on the cell phone because he has had trouble with his knees for several years…  he was HEALED WHEN HE ANSWERED THE PHONE!  FIRE SHOOTING THROUGH THE PASTOR AND HIS YOUTH PASTOR! 


A young man fell about 10 feet in a skateboard accident…  he’s been in pain for days…  when he lifted his hands to worship tonight… 


It’s a healing explosion!  People are talking to friends on the cell phone all over the audience!!!  They are RUNNING TO THE PLATFORM WITH CELL PHONES!!!

There are coming so fast…  pains gone…  arthritis gone…  high blood pressure…  seizures…  dizziness gone…  feet healed…  many are WATCHING ON THE WEBCAST…  their loved one is IN THE MEETING…  call them on the cell phone and THEY ARE HEALED!

Torn ligaments healed!!!  More healings…   a lady comes up and she called her dad who called her sister and the sister was healed by the relayed call!!!

A lady with a stimulator on her spine and a fusion cage in lower back…  trouble walking for 7 years…  She was here for several days and didn’t get her healing…  she was two minutes from the airports to leave the meeting and fly home…  her husband was watching the TV broadcast in NY, and told her to stay and get her healing…  SHE WAS HEALED TONIGHT!!!

A 9 yr old boy had trouble with his eye…  sitting in the overflow…  he told his grandmother, “if Todd lays hands on me, I’ll be healed!”  Todd releases the anointing!!!

A lady was IN HER BATH TUB…  and her son called her on her cell from the meeting to get dressed, get back to the meeting and SHE WOULD BE HEALED!!!!  She had a fallen bladder…  SHE WAS HEALED WHEN SHE REACHED THE STAGE!!!!

Thirty people are still LINED UP TO TESTIFY OF THEIR HEALING…  so many miracles, so little time!!!


Praise Stephen Strader -


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Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 8:13am

I believe people see Todd and judge him from the get-go!  They are thinking why would God use someone with all those tattoos and the lifestyle he use to live.  Get ready Saints!  They are coming from the streets!  They won't be wearing suits and beautiful dresses!  God is doing a new thing!  God doesn't look at the outward appearance but He looks at the heart.  Don't get caught up in appearance.  You will miss the great move of God!!!!  Hallelujah to King Jesus!  I feel the fire of God when I watch this revival.  It is awesome! 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 10:56am

I know, Anita...This apparently happened in the 1970s with the Jesus movement as well. With what I was saved out of, I had no room to judge anyone for anything. I have had some problems with the religious crowd, however...I'm sure that's Todd has to deal with, too.

I'd like to see a poster with the word "RELIGION" inside of a red circle with a diagonal line running through it...I might make one myself. On second thought, that crowd might try and kill me for it. We have a lot of religious folks here in town. It is said there are more Mormons in Boise than in Salt Lake City...and the #1 spirit affecting here is also religion...even in the Christian churches.

Lord, help us all!!


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Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 11:44am

Abba Father has been warning us through many Prophets and confirmimg these warnings to us in many different avenues, not to look at the messenger, but GET THE MESSAGE!!! He has said time and time again do not scoff and scorn how ones are dressed, how they wear their hair(or no hair, for that matter), but listen to the words and for HIS voice coming through. As HE has been encouraging me to call on 'discerning of spirits' and I will know without a doubt who is speaking. And then , we have the seven-fold HOLY SPIRIT to rely on 24/7 living right inside, no have to go anywhere for HELP, just ask HIM......smiles...   Love you ALL-prayin'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 2:15pm


I didn't read all that Andrew Strom wrote here...but what I would do with it is to remove myself from his mailings.

Those kinds of "warnings" always happen when there is revival in the air. I've seen Patricia King videos and they also are the real's about the power of God to heal. People are being healed through what is happening in Lakeland regardless of who likes it or doesn't like it.

From what I heard Todd Bentley say the other night, he's ready for this...for what will come against him. PTL for that!!


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Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 2:37pm

Ann, I love Todd's heart as well as Patricia King's. Just seeing the integrity of character that Patricia has used in dealing with naysayers and people in the Body who have operated against God's Word and His principals for confrontation spoke realms to me. She also came out of a background of witchcraft and new age, and I would think that the Spirit of God within her would definitely deal with her if she steps back into any kind of defiling behaviors...

Andrew has a good heart and he does state many truths, and he is again proof, that NONE of us is 100% accurate in anything that we say and do and discern consistently, becuase our soul and flesh get int he way. We are flawed and imperfect vessels that God graciously loves and choses to flow through despite our sins and soul issues.

I think we just need to remember that THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD goes any of us. Lets be quick to err on the side of GRACE and allow the Lord to be the One True Judge who deals with his 'kids'. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it.

None of us have it all together, I wish we'd just deal with the logs in our own eyes and leave the speck in others for God to fish out, quite honestly. LOL

LOVE covers a multitude of sins... may each one of us seek the Lord for his direction and discernment of people and ministries.

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 3:09pm


Once again the "Revival Police" have shown up.  It sure doesn't take them too long to try to stop a mpve of God!  It happens every time. 

How should we judge what is going on in Lakeland, FL?  It's really simple...  Mt. 11: 11, "Jesus told them, "Go back to John and tell him what you have heard and seen - the blind see, the lame walk and the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to lfe, and the Good News is being preached to the poor."

I would call upon Brother Strom to open his eyes... He just might see Jesus!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 3:11pm


One more thing... I noted that Strom attacked Toronto too.  I just had to say this, my life, my marriage and my ministry was and remains totally changed by what I experienced in Toronto!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 8:11pm

April 24, 2008 the-r.html - Yikes... It's the Revival Police!

Greetings from North Texas!

Most likely, by now, you have heard of the powerful move of God that is taking place in Lakeland, FL with Todd Bentley, Stephen Strader and others.  If not, you can get some information and live Internet links at Todd's website: -   You can also watch these meetings live on God TV.

It is so interesting to me how much time I've spent today defending this move of God, not that it really needs any defending by me of all people, as it does speak loudly for itself.  I'll explain that more in a bit.  However, I want you to know that the "Revival Police" are coming on the scene and they are crying out their judgments loud and clear!  I know the "Revival Police" pretty well as I've been in their sights on numerous occasions myself.  They usually make their "raids" when the power of God is moving strongly, when people are getting set free and growing much closer in their relationships with God.  Every great move of God had these "Cops" show up.   Finney, Roberts, Wesley, Woodworth-Etter, Allen, Branham, Coe, etc.,  and every Revivalist worth his/her salt had to deal with this bunch.  If you want to know how much of a move of God a set of meetings are, just judge them by the presence of the "Revival Police."  If you see lots of these "Cops" you can rest assured that what you are witnessing is a down right, God sent, Holy Ghost, Gully Washer!

Well the "Cops" are on the move in regarding Lakeland!

I say to them, "Open your eyes, you just might see Jesus!"

People often say that we judge everything by "pure doctrine."  I can agree with that, but a problem remains, who's doctrine are we going to use?  I find that doctrine is pretty subjective and varies by those involved.  A cessationist would say, "Speaking in tongues is not for today, neither is healing, prophecy, etc."  Ask them about their verdict and they would strongly suggest that they are following "pure doctrine."  Then there are those who say, "If I can't find it in the Bible it's not of God!"  If you are a follower of my Blog at all, you are fully aware of how much I love and hold to the Bible.  However, much of what God does is not found in the Bible!  I know that this may shock you some, but think about it....Please show me where in the Old Testament does it teach someone to heal blind eyes by spitting on the ground and picking up the mud and put into the eyes?  Or how about the Day of Pentecost, when the tongues of fire fell and they all began speaking in tongues?  What Old Testament  chapter and verse is that found in? Do you see the problem that this thinking creates?  By the way there are many other examples of this too. 

Now, about Lakeland.  Here's how to tell the "Revival Police" to take a hike... Mt. 11:4 & 5, (NLT) "Jesus told them, "Go back to John and tell him what you have heard and seen - the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life and the Good News is being preached to the poor." It is pretty simple Friends.  The "bottom line" is the Bottom Line!  It's the results Ma'am!  Who is being glorified by miracles, signs and wonders?  Who is being worshiped in the Lakeland meetings?  I see Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God being praised, worshiped and adored!  Wow.. I love it!

One more thing about the "Revival Police," keeping with their title, "Police," I find that they often come with a legalistic, religious spirit in tow!  Go ahead and tell that little girl healed of a bad eye condition the other night in Lakeland that what she experienced was not of God! 

We have to quit judging the messenger, and see what God is doing.  When we take our judgmental eyes off of other, we might really be surprised at the beauty that we really see.  Friends, I know a lot about this, as I've been pretty judgmental in the past myself!  It's not too much fun being the police over anyone!

For me and my house we'll take Revival any day.  What is happening in Lakeland, FL right now is the real deal!


Larry the Revivalist!

my website: -

Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 8:20pm


Andrew Strom is always desperatly against renewal. I think he really wants to see a repentance only revival. I don't think he sees the multitudes who come to Christ around the world after God gets their attention by miracles of healing that demonstrate His love and glory.


Posted By: Higginbotham
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 8:35pm

Hey Guys:

It is late and I am getting older.

Someone sent me Andrew Strom's email address and all I can say is I have determined that he is anti-prophetic, anti-apostolic, anti-kingdom and therefore anti-Messiah.  OOPs! Well, maybe not that bad; but I do believe that he has an agenda bigger that this "Charismatic Event" 

I wonder what it would really look like if we got out of the way and let Yahweh be Yahweh?


Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 04/24/2008 at 10:11pm

I was meditating on all this yesterday evening not knowing what to do of all that I have read and heard from "both sides" (the 'pros' and 'cons'), then the peace of God invaded my heart showing me something obvious in my spirit about the reverential love for God. So I will stick and follow what the Lord has show me . What is it that Christians are always "worried" to miss what God is possibly doing here or there ? What a freedom and assurance we have in Christ ! How deep is God's love. The revival I want to see and live for my region is an invasion of this reverential love for God with the righteousness  that accompany it. [Oh glory ] Don't think it needs to be imported from Florida or elsewhere :) 

how could my life could be impacted by what is happening here or there, and WHY should it be ?

My choice has been made, and I'm in peace with it

God bless you all

Psalm 85

4Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause your anger toward us to cease.
5Will you be angry with us for ever? will you draw out your anger to all generations?
6Will you not revive us again: that your people may rejoice in thee?
7Shew us your mercy, O LORD, and grant us your salvation.
8I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.
9Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land.
10Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
11Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.


Posted By: richard gilman
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 4:22am

The LORD has been showing me things to pray for about what HE is doing in the land of the south (the phrase the HOLY Spirit gave me). One of the greatest weapons satan uses is to turn the body against itself.. In the Brownsville revival i believe it stopped because one of the leaders told hank handegraff(spelling?) that he would die for criticizing the move. While i see somethings of concern in the area of discernment, things that have been shown to me to pray over and support the work that the LORD is doing there, to say it is false is loco.

I have not been able to follow the revival this week, the last service i heard todd was preaching on the fire of God that completely sanctifies. I pray this message of purification comes forth.

I do feel liberty to share this much about what Abba father has shown me in private about lakeland and whats happening there.. A test is going forth, hearts are being examined, do we seek YHWH for who He is or are we seeking HIM for the miracles? I believe this "revival" is a time where a lot of God things happen, the earthquake, the winds are blowing, which will be followed byt he still small voice that brings the bride to the place of refining fire to make her spotless and wrinkle free..

Even so Come LORD JESUS, restore the heart fo the father to the son and the son to the father, bring biblical unity in holiness to your wonderful bride

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 6:13am

Amen Eric to the reverential love of God!! God is love. What would love do?

I love my son. If he was sick, I would surely want him healed. If he was sick and I had the ability to heal him, I would certainly do that. Love is an action, not just a feeling. Love does something about the objects of its love. It doesn't just sit passively by thinking "Oh well. I love my child. I'll let them suffer."

Jesus took the punishment we deserved, not only for eternal salvation, but also for our healing and deliverance. In Romans 10:9, we find the Greek word "sozo." This word includes our healing.


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Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 6:36am

I agree Ann.

the Lord is gracious and powerful. He ahs peayid a full price. I believe He heals and can do mighty things in the physical.

It’s just that I am not in pursuit for healing revivals , but if revival comes we’ll welcome healings and miracles too.  Anyway I have to walk in what has been shown to me, who knows how it will end up ?



Posted By: richard gilman
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 6:38am

Larry i am suprised at your statement that the only criteria for judging this move of God is by the miracles? I have watched and i see Gods presence there. Doctrinally i have seen very little or any at amiss, but havent seen much of todd preaching as i work second shift. The morning services i have watched via the webcast..Brother roy fields is an awesomely annointed and gifted worship leader as i saw him in person in nh..

Pray against the spirit of control that would divert the flow of what God is doing into an channel he is not authoring. The LORD wants HIS Move to flow into certain key areas, individuals...

Even so Come LORD JESUS, restore the heart fo the father to the son and the son to the father, bring biblical unity in holiness to your wonderful bride

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 7:39am

Yes, Eric, the Lord is indeed gracious and powerful. What has begun, which we call "revival" is possibly going to take many forms in different parts of the world, depending on the needs of the people there.

He is the God of great variety. He doesn't always do the same thing, or in the same way.

The people of India, or Africa, or China, certainly have different needs than the people of the USA or Europe. There's something I prayed for the people of India a year or two ago that I want to see happen in my lifetime. There are many naked in the streets there, having nothing to cover them. Because of that, I prayed that He would rain down on them with blankets. Yes, Lord, blanket them in the natural as well as with Your Spirit...let those 1 billion people know how much You love them. Provide for them what is needful for their bodies and souls.



Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 8:26am

Hi Richard,

You said, "Larry i am suprised at your statement that the only criteria for judging this move of God is by the miracles?"

I guess you've mis-understood what I've ever said my Brother!  I've never said that "the only criteria for judging this move of God is by the miracles!"  I know far better than that!

However, it's the miracles and supernatural that always seem to be the  brunt of any revival debate. 

One thing that I can say is that I personally know some of the people involved in these meetings.  They are the real deal!  They have a passion for God.  To listen to Todd Bentley the other night, speak of his brokenness was enough to bring a even a hard hearted person to tears.  Some have been willing to pay the price for htis move of God.  It comes with a great cost.  Even now the "Revival Police" are attacking the people involved.  It's difficult to be called "of the devil" no matter how many times it happens!

Yes, we need to pray for these people.  They have a great responsiblity and so far have done an awesome job!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: richard gilman
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 8:51am

Larry i discern that todd bentley is broken before the LORD. We need to keep the leaders in prayer as this is gonna stir up the hornets..

Miracles do not validate the message.. I must say that the message i have heard has been pure..

 There are genuine miracles happening and the LORDS presence is there for those who have eyes to see, discern,,

Pastor Strader is a genuine man.

I have found out that during the day you can watch the previous nights services on the uk site of god tv..


Even so Come LORD JESUS, restore the heart fo the father to the son and the son to the father, bring biblical unity in holiness to your wonderful bride

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 8:58am

Yes Richard, the hornets are already stirred!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Sonia Greenhill
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 9:02am

I personally attended several meetings and can tell you that the manifest presence of God is there.  If the Lord will allow, I plan to go back.  The glory of God is so intense that there is little, if any, preaching required.  This is not about a man but about God.

To those who choose to speak against this move of the Lord, I express caution for the word of God says that we will be judged by the same measure that we judge others.  The word of God also cautions us about "touching His anointed".

Many people are misguided in their focus.  These services usher in the presence of the Lord through worship to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Roy Fields is a very anointed musician and His love for the Lord is expressed in song.  I purchased a CD while I was there and the anointing falls in my vehicle within seconds of turning it on.  

Lord, I welcome Your presence and according to Your word, miracles, signs and wonders will FOLLOW those who believe.  Move like You want to move Lord...  We welcome the unexpected.  We welcome the unexplained.  We welcome Your winds of change!!!!

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 10:57am

TY, MY SISTER SONIA,,,(((Lord, I welcome Your presence, IN TOTAL AGREEMENT with my Sister Sonia, and according to Your word, miracles, signs, and wonders will FOLLOW those who believe.  Move like You want to move Lord...We welcome the unexpcted.  We welcome the unexplained.  We welcome Your winds of change!!!))) AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!    Love you ALL-prayin' & decreein'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 12:23pm

There was a word I heard last weekend, that the record snow falls and the late snows in the Pacific Northwest would be a sign that a GREAT AWESOME grace would be poured out in our area with signs, wonders and miracles. I pray that what is happening in Florida would catch and join with the promises over the Pacific Northwest... cause we need a SERIOUS move of God here!! Bring it Lord! Bring all of your GLORY! Amen!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 12:30pm

Hey Julie,

What part of the Pacific Northwest do you live in?


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 12:45pm

Sonia wrote "We welcome your wind of change."  3 nights ago while I was laying in bed I felt the wind in my ear.  I felt in my spirit the Lord say "Wind of Change is coming!"  Sonia, your words confirmed that for me.  Thank you!!!  Yes, Lord, bring the wind of change!!! Hallelujah!!!!

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 1:25pm

Hey Larry! I reside about 20 miles NE of Seattle out towards a town called Monroe.

This area is SO in NEED of some Holy Spirit shakein... the Seattle PI ran an article a few years back trying to figure out why the people in this area are so 'cold, distant and unfriendly'... it is even in the churches!  I am one of those people person types who loves people and makes friends easily wherever I go... however, in this area, everyone will comment on how frigid and distant people are.... We are in serious need of a move of God among the people of God to 'un-freeze' them.. lol so they can truly bring the heart of God to the masses.... pray for us! We need some supernatural release by the Lord over this area!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 7:32pm

Father God is 'setting the stage' in FL. to pour out upon HIS Sons and Daughters an immeasureable anointing and manifestation of Holy Spirit in the USA and around the world. The non-believers and critics alike will soon see the Outpouring and Impartation, as the Giftings of Holy Spirit in the lives of Believers will soon overflow into the marketplaces, highways and byways. Yes, we must be in prayer for those leaders in Fl., and for others across the US as well as other nations, who have been praying and believeing for this 'Latter Reign' outpouring. Repentance brings Revival and Restoration!!! Hearts turning from unrighteousness towards Righteousness and Holiness, transformed  by the Purifyning Fire of Holy Spirit, evidenced by tongues, healings and other signs, miracle and wonders.
All Praise and Honor to our Savior, Lord and King, Christ Jesus!
Exalt the Son of God, HE is Everlasting to Everlasting!
I have watched both the anointed Praise & Worship and the speakers, Truly this is God, for HE alone is being Worshiped and Adored by those who confess and proclaim HIS WORD!!!

For HIS Glory,
Jake Tribble

Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 04/25/2008 at 8:30pm

 We are cautioned TO TEST the spirits.

Is there fruit ? Who is getting the glory from Lakeland and all the other Glory Fires breaking out all over the world?

It saddens me when I see the enemy using doubt in some believers.

'I AM' the product of one these past "so called phony revivals"! The persecution I have had to under go in 15 years is unbelievable. It is like I have a sign on the top of my head  that says WARNING.!!!!!

When I came to Christ all those years ago  I WAS RADICALLY CHANGED!!! I was and still am consumed with love for my precious Jesus.


Brothers and sisters in Christ. PLEASE don't point a finger at what is happening in Lakeland. Bless it and receive it. Go for it all.

Todd will be just one of many  many thousands that God will use in the coming time to carry out the FINAL HARVEST.

This is just the beginning. The lord has already given me visions of other things coming. I have seen heavenly portals that are coming. Saints what's happening now is the beginning of the birth. I have dreamt for years I am pregnant. ( Trust me I am WAY past having children).  Last night I finally gave  birth in my dream...I had twins  Wow. Lord I am old but I am trusting you for everything. I only live to glorify him.

You know a few years ago while weeping before the Lord about constantly being persecuted for "attending the place I got saved". The lord spoke to me.

These were his words "did  they not say that nothing good ever comes out of Nazareth?''.

Receive ALL that is happening with Joy and cry out to be a part of it.

I do believe though that repentance and love are the primary fruit.

Be Blessed All...Diane.


Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 2:26am

Amen to this. Is there genuine fruit ? is there really repentance, and a pure fruit blooming forth ? Are the poor blessed ? is the entry to the revival free ? And if there are some who are on the point of believing in Jesus convinced of sin and then born again , or do they only receive “impartation” ?


Posted By: Carol Marler
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 7:17am

Ron, thank you for posting this event taking place in Florida.  I had never heard of Todd Bentley before I read this.  We have been watching on GOD TV for the past two nights and have been really blessed by what The Holy Spirit is doing...and it is growing rapidly!!!  We see this breaking out in our church also.  People just breaking under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  We're seeing exactly the things that Todd is saying the Holy Ghost is showing him are going to take place.  Miracles, Creative Miracles, healings of every kind, Salvation, deliverance, restorations of every kind....on and on.  NO DOUBT that this is a move of the Holy Spirit.  And, as Todd has said, God uses the most unlikely individuals to display his Glory through. 

Eric, how would you rather see a might move of God?  Believe me, when you are healed of some of these painful infirmities, you certainly would not criticize the messenger, in this case Todd Bentley.  They would laugh in your face.  satan doesn't heal people.  Remember, there is NO TRUTH in the devil.  AND, this impartation thing is real also...but, if you have been watching, the Salvation message Todd is delivering is power packed with the Holy Spirit and hundreds flood the alter every night...getting SAVED.

We're excited to see the move of God, this River of Fire, this River of Anointing.  We have had many dreams in the night about this river, this Holy Ghost anointing that is coming...and YES, Praise God, it is HERE.  We will be expecting great and mighty things in our service here tonight and Sunday.  We believe this is the Big One.  Maybe the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit before the Lord comes back.  We're humbled by this and in awe of God.  We praise you Lord.

Bless each one,



Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:00am

This is just a breeze that blows before a hurricane force wind. there is coming another dimension that goes beyond healing the physical body, there is coming a healing of spirit, soul, and body. And in the midst of it poison and foriegn objects (idols) will be removed in all these dimensions.(for those willing to let them be removed)

This is going to shake and winnow even the very "leaders" we see currently spearheading the healing revival.We have yet to see the complete nature and full purpose of this stirring, and may not see it for a few years.

This is just a small beggining point, powerful, yet much flesh still clings. There are great mysteries and seals about to be opened. Remember, many flocked to Jesus, He healed many that came, but only a few understood His mission.

Jesus loved and freely gave what He recieved of his Father. But many turned back when the infamy of his ministry made them choose thier own lives over following Him. Only 120 were left in the upper room to go forth into the true purpose of His coming. That purpose: to bring many sons into glory of His Kingdom.

Kriston Couchey 

One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:15am

To all,

I believe Andrew strom suffers from a similiar illness to what even the revival crowd lives in. It called the love of the body growing cold, and not discerning the body.

While it is disheartening to see Andrew and others finger point, it is equally disheartening to see the current movers and shakers still stuck in a form of religion and law. Even in the current happenings. But these moves are to remove those religious slave mentalities. ord=ga+4:30&version=niv&st=1&sd=1&new=1 &showtools=1 - Ga 4:30 - But what does the Scripture say? "Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman's son."

Get ready, the slave woman and her son, (that which is birthed out of the flesh) are going to be gotten rid of.


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:33am

Last night, Todd preached on Romans 8:11, one of my favorite verses. He said that each believer can tap into the Holy Spirit within us to receive from Him. Amen to that!

He called out some words of knowledge, one of which was that God is healing someone's left eye. When he said that, the power of God fell on me (as my left eye in particular has had been afflicted for over a year and I've been believing for healing). I was then led to turn off my computer and go lie down on my bed.

As I laid there, the pulsating power of God (from within) continued to cause my left eye to almost jump, whereas my right didn't do anything. It's not entirely healed yet, but I know that both of my eyes will be...and soon, especially as I go on a trip to Spokane, Washington in 2 motel's address is 2020, and more.

Blessings to all... God is moving by His Spirit all over the globe. We need to receive it, from Him. Todd just happens to be "one" of the instruments God is using. He's using all of us who are willing.

It's time to surrender everything to the One who loves us so.

Back later. I'm going to a 24 hour Burn which started at my local church last night at 7 pm, till 7 pm tonight...started by Sean Feucht, also going worldwide. These are 24 hour worship and intercession meetings. You can google him and find out where these meetings are.


Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:34am

Hi Julie,

Lord, let your Fire fall in Monroe, WA!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:37am

eric claire wrote:

Amen to this. Is there genuine fruit ? is there really repentance, and a pure fruit blooming forth ? Are the poor blessed ? is the entry to the revival free ? And if there are some who are on the point of believing in Jesus convinced of sin and then born again , or do they only receive “impartation” ?


The answer is YES to all.  Matter of fact on the "entry to the revival free" issue, they are hardly taking offerings in these meetings.  I did hear that now they are passing buckets, without making a big deal out of it, about 30 minutes prior to the meeting beginning. 


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:39am


About the "winds of change," that was the name of the angel that entered the meetings in Florida last night.

I also remembered that I received this anointing almost a year ago here in Idaho at a meeting...through a prophetic word spoken over several of us.


Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:42am

Hi All,

Last night's Lakeland meeting (Actually Auburndale now) was packed to over flow conditions again.  More than 1000 could not get into the building.  This new building hods 2800 and Pastor Strader told me yesterday that the first night they estimated 2700 in attendance.  Then last night... completely full!

Please pray... people are just beginning to fly in from other nations.  If you recall from the early Toronto days, British Airlines had to put on extra flights from London to Toronto as business people coundn't get flights, as so many were coming to be touched by God!

What a problem to have!  Yet is is a problem and deserves our prayers for the leadership team there!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:48am

Wow Ann what a confirmation!  God is so good!!! Hallelujah!

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:50am

maybe my comments do not apply.  for I have no desire at this point to view the events going on in Florida...we can MAKE these things about individuals or certain groups.  And when we do this it certainly does accentuate the inevitable failures and human weaknesses of that person.  We can either critcizingly focus on one person or else we can become "followers" of a man or group.  Either way we are serving to take the focus and glory away from God.

I can comment on what I saw in Ukraine because I have been there twice in the past year and got to minister to hundreds of people and to speak to some pastors and leaders who are actually there in order to gain further insight.  My insight is not exhaustive, however I can speak of it to some degree for I have been there and am in communication with people who are there.

I can comment on what is ememrging and on the verge of emerging here in Denver Co for I am seing it, touching it, I am here.  I have been here and have been praying for a move of God like this, which transcends any before it and which is not reliant upon humans...I can tell you of the increase in deliverances, healings and hunger...I am there.  I prayed with some of these people.  I saw some of it happen.  I can tell you of several who in my own place of work have repented and been changed from some very dark places into the kingdom of God in the past 2 or 3 years and it's increasing.

I got an email from a friend who is from Argentina and who saw the birth of the fires of revival there which, according to this friend still involves multiple churches regularly housing 10's of thousands of participants and that this has not died away or faded according to my firends.  It's going strong. I was invited to travel there to be a part of it.  I may not do that anymore than I will be going to Lakeland or watching it. I also know friends who went there in the 80's and what they witnessed in that torn country.

Let's not limit this and minimize it to be about a certain place, person or their weaknesses and failures.

We repeatedly urged the folks in Ukraine, the beautiful hungry for God people...regarding the same concerns enumerated by some.  It is a good and needed thing to urge people not to set up 'superstars', and not to seek 'fortunetelling'.  People are not perfect.  Repeated reminders and even warnings as well as prayer are definitely in order.  Calling the move "not of God" because these issues exist is quite another thing and is very dangerous ground to tread.  Those ministering must be very alert and wary to avoid stepping over into "pleasing the public" and compromising the Spirit of God.

It is good to exhort and warn against going the way of the past in which we have set up men and women as 'gods' for this WILL NOT be tolerated in this day and the days to come.  God will NOT go that way. 

There will be wolves who will need to be warned about in advance who will try and divert the flow of what God's doing and even use it for their own gain. 

What God's doing is much larger and wider spread than anything going on in Fl.  I didn't even know about that until reading Ron's thread this week.  The loudest "bang" to our vision is in my estimation maybe the tip of the iceberg.  What has recieved the most media attention and talk may not be the largest thing in numbers or international impact.

One pastor in Ukraine has a revival web site in the Russian language which gets a million and some hits EVERY MONTH.  He is a very quiet man and would easily blend into the smallest group of people.  He is very low profile and quiet.  But he is also a very key person in the thing God's doing in Eastern Europe.  I shared many meals with him and his wife. 

My Argentine friend speaks of 10's of thousands in numerous revival church settings regularly (at least weekly)...this he says has not waned in years in that country. 

My company is small and yet I have seen dramatic miracles of healing and lives changed in repentance and salvation.

In all of these venues many of the issues some caution about become issues that need to be addressed.  So address them.  Just be careful about calling "not God" things that are.... this is far larger than any of those who are a part of it at this time.  Any of us could be removed or exposed should we move the wrong direction or should we not address as released to. (some of the flesh stuff in I have addressed with prayer.  And there were a few who experienced imitation manifestations which were not of God, some of these received deliverance and restoration, and then a genuine experience of glory)

I wonder how many people traveled to be at Jesus' meetings?  How about the early apostles?  People travel quite a distance for Solomon's wisdom. We need to not be so quick to condemn traveling in an expression of hunger and to receive from God.  There is a place for it.  We warn about exporting our "brand" - and this is a legit thing to avoid...however do we not also see apostles being sent to release the same Spirit and Jesus to devout God-seeking or hungry people in many other places? 

There is a place, and will continue to be a place, for being legitimately sent of God to bring something of Him to others...and even some divine exchange too.  We all received of the awesome dear ones in Eastern Europe.  Many there have truly suffered for God in ways we haven't really imagined in the West.  There's such a glory in that.


Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:55am

Kriston... I am with you 100%. Your words are discerning and wise.

You said  " this is the breeze before the hurricane". I have seen in part what is coming. What we are seeing breaking out all over is "THE TIP". I have had visions where I see myself  walking down streets and people being INSTANTLY delivered and set free from the demonic. ( just by passing them by!) . I have seen heavenly portals where spiritually we will go in times of heavy persecution. I have seen believers ( in dreams) where they literally "glow" and all the world will know and see who they are and who they truly belong to. The Lord has shown me that this will be "A HOLY AND FINAL OUTPOURRING"  purging his true bride of all that is not from him. Some will hate "the refining" others will welcome it.

Yes the world is a dark and heavy place these days saints... but "Oh" what is coming for HIS true eye has seen no ear has heard.

I thank God for people like Todd who are willing "to go for it all"!

Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 10:24am

Hi Eric,

You know every move of God has historically had those from within the Body of Christ attack it.  If you study Church history you will note that often it is the prior movement attacking the current movement.  It happed with Finney, Wesley, Booth, and the list goes on.  It happed with me too.  In the midst of powerful meetings years ago, people getting healed, filled with the Spirit, getting signs/wonders/miracles, local preachers would preach from their pulpits to stay away from our meetings because we had "familiar spirits." 

We were being attacked by people who believed just as we did, yet because it wasn't happening in their church they attacked us.  To be honest it hurt some!  We soon got over it as we pressed into more of God, yet it wasn't fun.

Pastor Strader mentioned to me yesterday that the Internet is "full of snakes" attacking what is happening there.  He asked for prayer.  Believe me, he needs tons of it!

Eric, the American Church has been pretty dead for several years now.  She has needed revival bad.  My wife and I, and many others around the nation have completely dedicated our lives and minsitries to see this happen.  We have prayed, physically been willing to sacrifice for this one thing to happen.  I can't tell you how difficult it has been on my wife, a grandmother of 16 grand children, to leave them all behind, living full time in a motor home, chasing after revival fire!  But we feel it's worth it!  Here's the thing Eric... you are not sensing too large of a draw for yourself in this move of God.  But many of us here in the States do! 

I am blessed to get several phone calls per day from Lakeland.  I hear first hand what God's doing.  I just got off the phone from ministry leaders in California who just got off the plane in Tampa!  They are turned on, excited and are willing to stand in line for over 5 hours to get into the meeting tonight.  Eric these people are hungry for more of God!  Something must be happening in order to draw people to do something like this.

So, I would ask you... you may not understand it, you may not even like it, but please bless us Brother!  Please don't throw any cold water on these sparks that are beginning to flare up.  This is just too important to some of us.  I for one have waited my entire Christian life for true Kingdom Revival to break out in America.  To completely transform our nation.  This just might be it!  If not, it's sure a step in the right direction!

Blessings Brother!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 10:40am

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Stephen Strader
Apr 26, 2008

Day 24


We are extending the revival through to May 4th
Seven Days a Week!  10am & 7pm
Webcast instruction at the end of this report.

We have moved the NIGHT services to Life Church at Auburndale
See the website for details. 

The morning services will continue at Ignited Church.

WATCH THE WEBCAST every day at 10am & 7pm E.S.T.

WE DO NOT HAVE A VENUE YET FOR NEXT WEEK…  but God will provide!!!!

It’s only the second night at Life Church in Auburndale and it is full to capacity. We have turned away an estimated crowd of over 500. 

We have 400 in the overflow and the police department is turning cars away 30 minutes before the service starts!!!

Pray for God to show where the outpouring will go.

God, give us stadiums that will hold the thousands.

Roy Fields is leading the worship…  anointed musicians from all over are volunteering their time to minister.


The crowd worshipped Jesus, asking for less of self and more of Him. The presence and glory was so strong as we just pressed in.

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Latter and former rain is coming together. The younger generation is not taking over but working with the older. We all held hands and worshipped, declaring we are the generation who carriers God’s light. Year of favor and for the Body of Christ to shine!!

The sweet presence of Jesus came over us.

David Tomberlin read some of the exciting testimonies from the emails and chat rooms…

David writes:

A man came up on stage and said he was healed of a prostate condition.  After that, Todd looked to the screen and said any man with a prostate problem can be healed.

I put my hand on my prostate area and started praying in tongues.  Just then, a heat came over me and I can still feel the heat hours later.

I have suffered for over 7 years.  I AM HEALED IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

Brenda writes:
I was watching the webcast when Todd starting calling out healings.  He looked right in the camera and the first one he called out was a tumor in the right breast.  I had just put my hand on the tumor that I found several months ago.

Just at that moment I felt like time just stopped and it was almost like an out of body thing. It only lasted a few seconds. 

My tumor is gone!!!!

Janet from BC Canada writes:
I’m 66 years old, watching the webcast, and suffering from a bone spur in the left heel. 

I was instantly healed when Todd called out the word of knowledge!

Lorraine writes:
My daughter is bi-polar. She has been weaned off a medication for depression and is having severe withdrawal symptoms... violent anger, dizziness etc. 

They told me that it would take a year for the symptoms to stop!  

We prayed with you while watching the webcast and ALL THE SYMPTOMS HAVE DISAPPEARED. 

Brian writes from the Bristol Tennessee overflow room:
We were watching the webcast when Todd was talking to the lady that her friend was healed from being deafness over the cell phone.

I called my mother in law who suffered from neck condition that did not allow her to move her neck side to side, severe arthritis which causes her to have major skin issues, she also has a fallen bladder, and a nerve in her leg that causes pain.

So I put my cell phone up to the speaker to let her listen and Todd said that a woman with a neck condition…   that it was bone to bone rubbing back a forth…  and then Todd called out that this women was in Virginia and gave a word of knowledge over ALL of her conditions. 

She LIVES in Virginia…  She was listening to Todd’s voice over the cell phone…   she is totally healed. 


Jim writes:
We pastor a house church network in Maine and groups of us have been gathering in homes each night to watch on God-tv. 

Tonight Todd had a word of knowledge that God was healing someone who had lost their sense of smell and the power of God hit me! 

I lost my sense of smell years ago. 

Last week our dog got sprayed by a skunk and my family kept telling me how bad it was, but I could not smell it. 

Tonight, when we got home, I could smell the skunk smell on the dog! 

Elaine writes from the UK:
 I had such a bad pain in my stomach I often missed eating for a day to get enough relief from the pain to sleep. When Todd said God was healing 3 tumors in somebody’s stomach and ulcers – I WAS HEALED!!!!
I also have emphysema and 56% lung dysfunction.  Asthma set in which lowered the remaining 44% function further as did all the lung infections….

I had become progressively not just house but bed bound.  I live alone with no assistance and have passed out many a time just trying to get to the bathroom because there was not enough oxygen to fuel that exertion.

TODAY…   I am not wheezing, my chest, liver and stomach are not hurting, my sinuses are clear so is the infection in my lung , my heart is not hurting, my skin has turned pink and I can draw a full breath.

Pam writes:
I was watching the webcast Wednesday night, when Todd said to call anyone you know who needed healing.

I called my sister.  I told her about the revival and prayed for her. One of the things I prayed for was her left knee. It had been injured years ago in a car accident and now has severe arthritis.

When I prayed, nothing happened.  I told her to call me back when she felt anything.  Within 5 minutes she called me back and was crying. 

She said before I prayed for her, she couldn't bend her knee or even touch it, because of the pain. Now she is rubbing it Hard and she had NO PAIN!

To top that off, I was able to lead her to the Lord! She accepted Christ on the Phone with me.

Laura writes:
I came down from St. Louis for the Florida Outpouring.  I stayed over for Mon reconciliation meeting for family's.  Our daughter who is born again married an unbeliever who also turned alcoholic.

Our hearts broke over the life our daughter and grand kids.   We prayed with him many times, no change after 5 years, but only got worse.  

TWO NIGHTS LATER MY DAUGHTER CALLED… said HER HUSBAND has had an encounter with God

HE TOLD HER…  I have many people I need to repent to and ask forgive of, especially your parents!!   It is a miracle because he hated us!!

Linda writes:
I have been watching on the webcast for several days…  then found you on God-TV

I have been deaf in my left ear for many years.  Todd told everyone to CALL THEIR FRIENDS on the CELL PHONE and they would be healed.



Todd announces we’re looking for a larger venue!

Todd announces that we are negotiating for a 9000 seat facility right now…

God spoke to him yesterday…  I saw a great anointing begin released… 

God said, 10 different anointings…  FRESH ANOINTING… 

Total saturation…  sons & daughters saturated with FRESH OIL

This is the MOST CONTAGIOUS ANOINTING  for leaders!!! 

Tonight is the KINGLY ANOINTING…  it releases power, ruling, reining anointing…  when God takes you from where you are to the fullness of where he wants you to be…  to rule & reign in your destiny…  your land…  your place… 

There is an appointed time…  when ministries come into fullness…  John stayed in the desert until it was time…  Jesus worked in the carpenters shop until it was time… 


Saturday will be a PROPHETIC ANOINTING…  calling forth prophetic destiny…  empowers you to step into the fullness of what God has called you to do…  and activates you.

Sunday…  There will be special night of healing…  an unusual night of miracles… 

Monday will be the greater glory…   DEBT FREE NIGHT!!!

Todd shares about the visitation of the angel.  

There is something different that happens when the Healing Angel shows up.

There will be a stirring of the healing waters when the angel comes.

God is doing something special in this place. 

We all have cried out for a revival that is transferable, contagious, and will flow all over the earth!  We have cried out for a move of God that will shake cities and regions…  empty hospitals…  touch the children…  restore families…  activate the next generation to reach the world with a demonstration of the Holy Spirit and Power… 

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Rom 8
11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

The greatest power is INSIDE OF YOU…  Christ in you, the HOPE of Glory…   quicken, renew your mortal body!!!

Too many people are crying out for the glory to FALL…  but He is waiting to be REVEALED from inside of each of us.

The healing anointing comes up out of your spirit, through the soul, and out through your body!  Your voice.  Your touch.  Your eyes.

The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, DWELLS IN ME!!!

When Peter was walking to church…  he saw the crippled man…  SUCH AS I HAVE…  what did Peter have?  He had the SAME SPIRIT that raised Jesus from the dead. 


As we wait on the Lord, our spirit is renewed…  our soul is renewed…  OUR BODY IS RENEWED…  YOU CAN BE MADE WHOLE…  YOU CAN REVERSE THE YEARS!!! 


On April 3, the second day of this outpouring, I saw two mantles…  the mantles of William Branum and AA Alan. 

Todd shares his testimony of his own personal transformation.  You can read the entire testimony on

When the glory falls, you don’t have to pray for holiness, you become holy!

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Todd shares about his encounter with Prophet Bob Jones.  You can read the entire prophecy on

Todd has been preaching for years…  that the prophecy was “coming”…  but NOW IT’S HERE!!!  


In 1999, Todd was taking into a vision of a large stadium filled with angels…  strong, athletic, masculine…  it was like the last seconds of a game…  I was on the playing field and I had the ball…  the angels were chanting…


Miracles break out all over the room:

Lady with right leg crushed and had metal rod couldn’t bend leg and was healed…

Lady with severe pain in right shoulder from Jacksonville healed….

We get a message that a person in car wreck outside the church was killed beside the road… and someone in California had just died…  so we are praying for the dead raising anointing.

Lady was stabbed in the neck by a co-worker and couldn’t swallow without pain – the nerves were damaged.  She can move her neck without any limitation or pain!

Lady with irritable bowl syndrome was healed two days before…  SHE IS TOTALLY HEALED.

James couldn’t go 5 minutes without oxygen tank got healed yesterday and has now gone 24 hours without oxygen.  He had emphysema for five years… needs a lung transplant… 


Man with Herniated disk for 20 years…  pain left…  he was able to touch his toes.
Lady with bone on bone in knee was healed of all pain...  power of God was on her very heavy…  shaking violently.

Young lady with cystic fibrosis from birth and is breathing with oxygen tank…  she takes a DEEP BREATH.  No oxygen needed!

Women with knee pain was able to jump up and down with a light burning going through her body!

Lady with tumor in the breast…  TUMOR DISAPPEARED!

Man needed some dental work done…  God gave him a GOLD MOLAR!!!

A  lady had used a cane for 26 years…  chronic pain…  SHE JUMPED ALL OVER THE STAGE!!!

Todd grabs the crutch and uses it like a Holy Ghost Machine Gun…  BAM BAM BAM!

A lady had hepatitis c since 1972…  she’s had multiple surgeries…  she was sitting in the overflow…  fire went through her stomach…  even the scars are gone!

A man was in an accident about a year ago, chronic pain, trouble moving his neck… 


A lady had a black spot in front of her eye…    it’s gone… 


A lady came from California for her mom & dad who need a miracle…  Todd called out her mom’s exact condition…  When Todd prayed for her…  Todd felt a wind across his face…  the lady SHOOK UNDER THE POWER!

Todd had everyone stand and pray for the healing angels to be sent all over the world!!!

Two ladies with fibromyalgia…  one of them had a list of 25 infirmities…  brought a bag of her prescription drugs!!!  “I FELT INTENSE HEAT”     NO PAIN… 

The second lady, 25 years of chronic pain!  IT’S TOTALLY GONE!!!

A young lady from the balcony had a tumor just like the word of knowledge…  she put her hand on her thyroid…  “I felt it burning through my neck to my ear!” 


A man had diabetes 25 years…  He felt a fire shoot through his feet up through his head!!! 

A lady had five tumors…  she went to the bathroom and checked…  they are gone!!! 

A lady had a torn quad muscle in the left leg…  exactly like the vision God just gave Todd… 


When she gets up she is twitching and shaking and drunk… 


She feels something growing in her leg!!!

Todd declares: 

A lady has nerve damage called THE SUICIDE DISEASE because the pain is so severe!!!  They came all the way from Canada to get her healing!!!  

The power of God is slamming her body!!!
Touch your body now…  receive your healing!!!

Several ladies came up with nerve damage to their faces.  One lady had a tumor removed that left her deaf in the left ear!

A lady with diabetes has left her foot totally numb for as long as she can remember!!! 

She is dancing all over the stage – SHE CAN FEEL HER FEET!!!

A young lady had a back injury during a dance routine…  she was healed two weeks ago in the meetings…  came back tonight to testify!!!  She’s totally healed!

A lady from Alabama…  responded to a word about lymph nodes…  her nerves were damaged when the doctors took out 13 nodes…  BAM…  over she went!!!

A young man with asthma…  felt God’s power…  BAM…  down he went!!!

A lady is talking to her friend in California on the cell phone…  has bell palsy…  BAM…  down she goes!!! 


A lady brings her son up to testify…  and the mom is totally drunk in the spirit!!! 

The young boy is standing there, looking at Todd…  they drove for 20 hours to get here…  he has partial deafness in his right ear…  he felt an oily substance flow through his ear…  and


A young man has nerve damage in his right foot…  severed the nerve in an accident…  doctors said he would never run again…  but he’s running…  but still has about 15% damage that causes him pain and lack of coordination…  HE’S JUMPING NOW!!!


This lady watching God-TV in Atlanta…  I felt this strong wind through her left ear…  she’s been deaf for 7 years!!!   HER EAR IS OPEN.

this is the biggest one yet… 
over 100 responded!!!


Pastor Stephen Strader


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Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 2:22pm

Florida Healing Outpouring
with Todd Bentley
by Stephen Strader
Tuesday April 22th, 2008
Day 21
We are extending the revival through to May 4th
Seven Days a Week! 10am & 7pm

LIFT UP THE NAME OF JESUS!!! That seems to be the theme of the worship tonight! Roy Fields lead the crowd in the chanting song, "Shout unto God with a Voice of Triumph.


Todd reads a testimony from the webcast chat room:

Melissa writes:
I was in the upper-chat room when my husband came in and told me my best Friend Cara had just had a massive heart attack. I immediately shutdown the computer and went to get dressed to go be with her.

Then I stopped and turned straight back to the computer (lead of the Holy Spirit) and asked them to all start praying.

The way I understand it, she was clinically dead for 30 minutes and as soon as the prayers started she came back. OUR LORD BROUGHT HER BACK TO US! She is sitting up , eating talking!!!!

Testimonies in the meeting

A man with a war injury for 30 years. scratchy noise in his right ear. came to the morning meeting and was TOTALLY HEALED.

Pastor had a member with leukemia.they prayed over her Sunday after soaking in the meetings last week. SHE WAS TOTALLY HEALED OF LEUKEMIA. DOCTORS VARIFIED!!!

A man was having the cable guy fixing his TV and the man was HEALED while the meetings were PLAYING ON THE TV. Then he brought his wife to church this past Sunday, she got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit!!!

A man was having prostate problems. HE IS HEALED!!!

A hair salon owner went a half hour early to pray over her place. when her first client came in, she laid hands on her, she started SHAKING IN THE HAIR SALON!!!

A pastor from Wyoming has been suffering for 18 years. taking injections. has been watching the webcast. then came to the morning meeting and has not needed one injection all day!!!

A man who had been healed a few weeks ago in the meeting. and just got a second healing in his shoulder.

A man from Vermont drove 26 hours straight through to get here. he has a FAST HEART BEAT. it is NOW NORMAL.

Revival Fever Breaks Out in FloridaA lady received prayer in the morning meeting. could not hold her scissors without pain. she is a hair dresser. and horrible pain in her knees. was going to have to retire early. she was TOTALLY HEALED!!!

A pastor flew all the way from England to get impartation. he was standing by a lady in the prayer line with a lump on her throat. she had to leave before Todd could pray for her. so HE PRAYED FOR HER. she was totally healed!!!


A man with two ruptured discs. using a cane. fire ran through his back. HE STARTED JUMPING ALL OVER THE STAGE. the ushers couldn't catch him!!!!

A little 9 yr old girl was injured playing soccer last Saturday, was watching God-TV, and felt the power of God go through her leg and she was TOTALLY HEALED. FELL ON HER FACE IN THE LIVING ROOM!!!

A pastor from West Virginia has been holding OVERFLOW meetings in his church, broadcasting the webcast every night in his church, and people in their community have been coming for IMPARTATION OF A LIVE COAL to take it back to his community!!!

A young girl from Teen Challenge has been suffering from sciatic nerve. doctors wanted to do surgery. couldn't afford it. so she came to be healed!!! TOTALLY HEALED!!!

A lady had 52 different infirmities.

Todd prayed for her a few nights ago. she was on a breathing machine. often bedfast. deteriorating spine. chronic pain for 12 years!!! TOTALLY HEALED!!! The TRIGGER for her healing was when Todd accidentally called his assistant by THIS LADIES NAME!!!

A lady has cancer throughout her body and kidney failure. Todd suddenly sees a vision. BAM. SHE'S HEALED!!!

The ushers pick her up. SHE'S VIBRATING HER LIKE A LEAF. she can't even talk!!!

Words of Knowledge Start Flowing..

A lady needing hip replacement is INSTANTLY HEALED!!! BAM!!!

A lady with a growth behind her heart. trouble breathing.

A man with a blood clot in his right leg. runs to the stage.

A 7 year old girl had her left eye that was floating upward. when Todd called out nerve damage in the eye like a lazy eye. she put her hand on her eye. she felt something cold in her eye. said, "mommy look!". and HER EYE WENT NORMAL!!!

A man scheduled for hip replacement surgery, WALKED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL to come to the meeting tonight!!! "I just felt like I needed to come here!!!" He made them TAKE THE I.V. OUT OF HIS ARM AND HE CAME TO THE MEETING!!!



A lady SCREAMS IN THE AUDIENCE and runs up on the stage!!!!

A man in overflow room had two tumors in his back. has been prayed for three times during the revival. they are burning out of his back and out of the muscles.. Tonight he was totally healed!!!

A pastor had blockage in his lung. responding to a word of knowledge. DOWN HE WENT.

A lady came up with a fluid build up on her brain. severe infection in her uterus. chronic menstrual cycle. she came tonight to be healed.

A lady walks up on the stage with 26 infirmities. using a large metal support crutch. drove all the way from North Carolina to be healed. didn't have enough money for a hotel. slept in the rest stop. couldn't get into the building!!! Was sitting outside watching on the big screen. WAS INSTANTLY HEALED!!! WALKED UP THE STEPS OF THE STAGE. hasn't walked up stairs in 15 years!!! Scheduled for hip replacement!!!

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For over 5 minutes. the money kept flowing! OVER $5,000 was piled on her!
============================================================ ===

A 8 yr boy had a leg break that healed wrong. he saw and angel. instantly his leg was instantly healed.

A lady came in a wheel chair scooter. has been using it for over a year. came to the meeting to pray for her husbands healing. he's in the hospital on a ventilator dying. she needed two brand new knees. SHE FELT THE POWER OF GOD GO THROUGH HER. "I felt like a cold wind go through my legs and back!"




She's so drunk the ushers can't even lift her!!!

"I'm so silly!!!" "I feel pretty darn good!!!"

A man had cancer when he was young. scars on his body. while he was in the bathroom, he watched the scars totally dissolve.

A man was watching the webcast at home and heard Todd give out a word of knowledge about a blood clot in the left leg.


A young man said his ears were on fire. back of his neck icy hot. GOD IS BURNING THE TUMORS OUT OF HIS BODY!!!

A young girl, about 12 yrs old, she felt God touched her, so she left the meeting and ran through the hallways. she feels she is healed!!!


"The Glory of God has been on me throughout the night, even when I sleep."

Leviticus 8 after seven days of consecration, ON THE EIGHTH DAY!!! They consecrated the priests. This is the eighth year!!! A new beginning!!! A fresh anointing!!!

The first born had a right to the double portion. Christ was the FIRST born. and WE are JOINT HEIRS with Christ.

Are you willing to pay the price for the anointing?

Todd shares "I'll pay any price for the anointing!" I had no idea the price I would have to pay!

On the second day in Florida, the presence in my hotel room changed. the Healing Angel appeared to me with two mantles. supernatural revelations. like William Branham. and BOLD FAITH. like AA Allen.


Supernatural ministry of revelations. dreams, visions, words of knowledge, gifts of faith, gifts of healing, gifts of power. IT IS BEING RELEASED TO THE BODY OF CHRIST!!!


Todd calls up Che Ahn to share from an Apostolic perspective. "what have you seen while you were here?"

Che Ahn shares how he and others have been rejected by their brethren. there is a humility and brokenness. holiness. sanctification.

"There is a coming together of the historic revivals. AND THIS IS THE THIRD WAVE!"

Che shares how a group of revival leaders were meeting in a private meeting to seek God's face regarding the next move of God. They were just less than a football field away from the beach, sitting in a grassy area. When they began to discuss the Florida Healing Outpouring. they felt the Holy Spirit say, "this is the THIRD WAVE!"

Suddenly, a HUGE SNEAKER WAVE CAME CRASHING UP THE BEACH.!!!! The wave went all the way up to their feet where they were sitting! Che Ahn then said, "I'm headed for Lakeland!!"


The Todd calls up Pastor Stephen Strader of the Ignited Church, the epicenter of this THIRD WAVE. Todd laid his mantle on Stephen, Stephen's wife, son, and his son's wife!



Pastor Stephen Strader 6WjC9GMPoaOUevxv35Ftt-3JJtoGR3hXOERXzkuwwm5lFgkThlJQf2hSmo2X H4HDXlGGjdc8QAMtpAr34ObDHe5nQI43svx -

Posted By: Blake_Insel
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 3:13pm

just wanted to say that umm welll id just be very carful in this hour of the criticisms and such.....4 real

"Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord"

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 4:00pm

hi all,

Just want to clarify something. If we waited until we were perfected in order for the presence and move of God, then we would never see anything from Him.

These things always start somehwere and somehow by God's soveriegnty. The sad part is every move in history has repeated the same mistakes of the past.

And only a remnant got it and moved on when the rest camped and partied until the cup of blessing was drained dry. This happened in the 90's and all we got was everybody and thier brother an apostle or prophet.

My personal opinion is that God is bringing a level of fire and rain that comes ONLY in His presence. He is coming to be captian of the Lord's host. This is His first breath to bring comfort.

He always gives solace before He points out the places that need change. We are seeing the solace or anethesia before the operation (circumcision).

I can garuntee you that there will be excesses and people raising themselves up to "places" of leadership, not recognizing the real force and move behind the scenes. Theres always a false that parallels the real and even accesses the anointing.      

It's important to not be skeptical or critical, but it's even more important to really be discerning and not be swayed and drawn by men who tend to run without discernment and build Babylon all over again.

We will all get singed on this one if we really allow God to work on us. Lets let the fire of His presence do that work and remain humble as we go forward.


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Lyn McSweeney
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 4:14pm

Kriston Couchey wrote:
hi all,

Just want to clarify something. If we waited until we were perfected in order for the presence and move of God, then we would never see anything from Him.

These things always start somehwere and somehow by God's soveriegnty. The sad part is every move in history has repeated the same mistakes of the past.

And only a remnant got it and moved on when the rest camped and partied until the cup of blessing was drained dry. This happened in the 90's and all we got was everybody and thier brother an apostle or prophet.

My personal opinion is that God is bringing a level of fire and rain that comes ONLY in His presence. He is coming to be captian of the Lord's host. This is His first breath to bring comfort.

He always gives solace before He points out the places that need change. We are seeing the solace or anethesia before the operation (circumcision).

I can garuntee you that there will be excesses and people raising themselves up to "places" of leadership, not recognizing the real force and move behind the scenes. Theres always a false that parallels the real and even accesses the anointing.      

It's important to not be skeptical or critical, but it's even more important to really be discerning and not be swayed and drawn by men who tend to run without discernment and build Babylon all over again.

We will all get singed on this one if we really allow God to work on us. Lets let the fire of His presence do that work and remain humble as we go forward.


YES !!!!!


Love and Blessings!

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 5:07pm

Reign Down YOUR Holy Fire,
Purify YOUR Bride!
Burn from within me O'Lord, those
things that are not of YOU!

For HIS Glory,

Posted By: Lyn McSweeney
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 5:25pm


Pour down your glory Lord

On all who live and breathe

Pour down your glory

So many will receive

Pour down you glory Lord

It’s your glory that transforms

Pour down your glory

We need not ask for more

Pour down your glory

Over every tongue and tribe

Pour down your glory Lord

Onto your precious bride

You are our glory Lord

You are the Holy One

You are our King and Saviour

You are our Fathers son


Love and Blessings!

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 6:36pm


Thank you... I agree that there will be mass revival in the Seattle area and through out ALL of Washington State... we are SO needing the genuine move of God.... and through nameless and faceless peoples... Whomever might be an instrument to ignite the fire of God in this area, bring it on Lord... but let it be imparted to no-names with no-agendas other than the Fathers!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:11pm

eric claire wrote:

Hi Larry,

You mention Finney , Wesley and others, maybe some of today too , but you know these men had nothing to do with Gnosticism, like some of today at Elijah list and the like, who show no respect for the Scriptures, have traffic with angels , glorify of their ridiculous signs of gemstones and the like, make marchandise of the anointing , and most of all are always searching for experience or exalting them rather than the Lord. Sharp words yes , for a description of the sad state of a great part of the "Charismatic signs and wonders" movement and these kind of ministries. I pray they will repent after the show and be saved in the end. How could I curse , I am perfectly at peace and wish the best for everyone. I can't rejoyce though.  

Love you in the Lord brother.

Hi Eric,

What you wrote isn't happening in Lakeland!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Karen Bullard
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:13pm

I am all for revival and I'm glad to see people excited about God.  But I find myself searching (unsucessfully) to see discussion of Jesus, the cross, and the gospel as the main focus of many of these meetings and discussions.  If you want an eye-opener, search for the word "Jesus" when you receive a "Word from the Lord" from many of the popular ministries that send them over the internet.  Some are very encouraging words of revelation of Jesus.  However, many, many of the "words" I've seen on the internet do not even mention Him!

The Holy Spirit always glorifies Jesus.  Please prayerfully apply this simple test as you read and hear about these things.  Is is DIRECTLY glorifying Jesus and not man?  It doesn't matter if they say the word "holy" a hundred times, if they are not giving revelation of the source of all holiness in the Lamb.

I tuned into the FL meetings last night and these things begain to trouble me a bit so I eventually left off and went to read my bible.  My reading from my bible reading plan I've been following lately begin in Jeremiah 23, which is a heavy Word against false prophets.  I believe it is a strong warning also to the church.  Even as God's people were led captive into Babylon because of their adulterous spiritual hearts, could it be possible that true believer's could be led captive by false prophets into an apostate church (Babylon) because of their desire for these signs and miracles to come to pass?  It is something to consider.

God said the test for the prophets in those days was whether they caused the hearts of His people to turn from sin to Him, by the power of His Word.

Jeremiah 23:21 “ I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran.  I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. 22 But if they had stood in My counsel,  And had caused My people to hear My words, Then they would have turned them from their evil way"

Try reading the rest of this chapter if that strikes your heart. 

Regardless of how this sounds, I am in no way personally condemning any specific ministry - I personally know little except for the simplicity of the gospel of the cross of Christ.  This is what Paul said was the ONE thing He desired to know (Jesus Christ and Him crucified) and the ONE thing essential.

Let us remember that our protection and power comes soley from abiding by faith in Jesus Christ - then we will walk powerfully as His life manifests through us.  We will see signs and wonders but they will also be insignificant compared to the revelation of the Son of God accompanying these things.

with love, in Jesus,


Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:18pm

Julie Gilbert wrote:


Thank you... I agree that there will be mass revival in the Seattle area and through out ALL of Washington State... we are SO needing the genuine move of God.... and through nameless and faceless peoples... Whomever might be an instrument to ignite the fire of God in this area, bring it on Lord... but let it be imparted to no-names with no-agendas other than the Fathers!


A couple of years ago while we were having meetings in your area, I got a pretty strong vision from the Lord.  I saw a very large, old, rusty, tall, strong iron fence with a huge gate in it.  The gate was in similar condition, however it had a very huge, old fashioned, pad lock that was holding a big, big rusty log chain.  This locked chain held the huge gate tightly closed.  The fence and gate were on the main spiritual corridor of the Pacific Northwest.  Slowly I saw a huge hand holding a large key.  This key was placed in the old lock, it opened and the chain fell to the ground.  The gate then began to squeek, and very slowly opened.  As it began to open, it began to swing faster, but I noted that the essential movement was pretty slow, but as it went, it began to swing faster.

Your area is open for revival!  More Lord!!!!

Blessings Julie!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 8:26pm

Hi Karen,

You sould have been watching tonight!  There was a shout, Jesus chant going for quite a long time.  Karen, Jesus is being glorified in these meetings.  I guess it really surprises me that you didn't see Him lifted up last night!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 10:18pm

Hey Larry... VERY encouraging word. I know our area is ripe... there have been words confirming God is planning to move in this area and what you have shared also is a great encouragement, thank you!

I shall continue to pray and praise and decree and declare... FREEDOM to the captives and SIGHT to the blind that they would all see Jesus and know of His great love for them.  The PacNorthWest is one of THE most unchurched areas in the US... not that church attendence means anything, but the population of true believers is also rather small. There is lots of 'religion' here but not a lot of people with personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The consensus who are, are just as distant and seemingly not interested in drawing together in fellowship... its a pretty 'independant' area.... and that really needs to change. 

So, keep prayin for our area to break loose, please!!
  I want everything my Father has for me, to equip me to reach the lost however He leads... I pray for my decrease, His increase and His Name to be lifted up in and through me so that 'these signs shall accompany ME who believes!  And I pray that those who believe here would be set free by Holy Spirit to begin to love and demonstrate God's great love and grace to all people! God, help us!

Thanks Larry!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 10:59pm

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The man LEAPED into the air!!!
Stephen Strader
Apr 27, 2008

Day 25


We are extending the revival AS LONG AS THE HOLY SPIRIT SAYS

Seven Days a Week!  10am & 7pm
Webcast instruction at the end of this report.


We have moved the NIGHT services to Life Church at Auburndale

8000 SEATS!!!

See the website for details. 

The morning services will continue at Ignited Church. -

WATCH THE WEBCAST every day at 10am & 7pm E.S.T. -


It’s the third night at Life Church in Auburndale and it is full to capacity. We have turned away hundreds!!! 

We have 400 in the overflow and the police department is turning cars away 60 minutes before the service starts!!!

Roy Fields was leading!  Suddenly, the FIRE OF GOD HIT THE PLACE. 


Todd ran up to the mic…  FIRE…  FIRE…  FIRE… 

The entire crowd was hit!!! 

Todd was SOAKED TO THE BONE…  his bones were burning!!!

One of the Ten Anointings that was going to manifest is the FIRE ANOINTING!!! 
Tonight was just a taste!!!

Todd shares…  “I knew something was going to happen this year…  a great anointing…  didn’t know when, how, or where!”

A few days ago, Todd had an open vision…  and he saw TEN DIFFERENT ANOINTINGS…

TOTAL SATURATION…   anoint every person every night for ten nights!!!

GOD’S GREAT GRACE is upon us!!!

Do you know what comes after the fire?  The GLORY COMES!!!

Tonight is a PROPHETIC ANOINTING…  to activate and bring forth the prophetic promises that you have already had…  and NEW DIMENSIONS!!!   GIFTS…  DESTINY!!!

============================================================ =======
============================================================ =======

A lady in Washington, D.C. told Rory that she would pay for the NEXT 8 DAYS OF AIRTIME!!!

The world is coming to Florida for this Outpouring!!!

The atmosphere changed…  HOLY, HOLY, HOLY…

Todd began declaring the holiness of God – commanding every spirit of infirmity to go now!!!


The healing anointing is so strong…  it’s flowing through the building!!!

The deliverance anointing is flowing…  chains are breaking!!!




Lady drove all night long from Michigan just to be healed…  meeting with the surgeon when she gets back…   hernia so bad that it’s moved her stomach above her diaphragm…  thought she was having a heart attack and found the problem…    SHE CAN FEEL IT’S GONE!!!

A lady from rheumatoid arthritis for over 20 years…  had to be helped into the meeting…  she also has auto immune system disease…  

SHE IS FEELING A GREAT PEACE through her body!!! 


As I typed those words…  THE WEIGHTY GLORY NEARLY DROVE ME THROUGH MY CHAIR…  I began crying out!!!  Dr. Clarice Fluitt was beside me, she touched my chest, lightening went through her!

A lady came up with an infirmity…  fibromyalgia…  medical patch releases medication… TOTALLY HEALED.  NO PAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS!

A pastor who is also a medical missions doctor for 15 years…  has Meniere's Disease…  loosing his hearing…  trouble walking… 


Husband & wife were in a car accident.  The husband has been taking heavy medications for 25 years for migraine headaches with horrible side effects…  The wife has suffered from A.D.D., and they both were watching the webcast when Todd said to put your hand on your head…  BOTH WERE HEALED AND CAME TO TESTIFY!!!

A young 19 yr old lady had a bulging disc and scoliosis…  causing her to stand sideways…  couldn’t take the heavy medications because of the side effects…  she felt something pull her spine straight… 


A lady drove up from south Florida hasn’t been able to rotate her neck…  she began to SHAKE HER HEAD BACK AND FORTH VIOLENTLY…  TOTALLY HEALED.

A man has had three surgeries…  a triple by-pass…  he felt God touch his chest… he hasn’t been able to go up any steps without losing his breadth… Todd declared NEW HEART…   so to test it… 


A lady felt the electricity of God through her back…  herniated discs…  THE POWER SHOOK HER ALL OVER THE STAGE!!!

A lady with a broken back…  two metal rods in her back…  chronic pain for two years…  she can BEND OVER AND TOUCH HER TOES – RODS & ALL!!!

A lady with degenerative discs felt the power throughout her body…  the FIRE HITS HER AGAIN!!! 

A pastor responded for the word of knowledge for an I.V.   He has to put it in daily for “lead poisoning” – HE FLOATS TO THE FLOOR!

A lady with a tumor on the right breast…  it’s nearly gone…  it’s shrinking now… 


A young man has broken his arm in five places eight years ago…  caused his arm to STOP GROWING…  last night during the service his wrist cracked eight times and when he woke up this morning…  BOTH BONES IN HIS ARMS WERE THE SAME!


A lady responded to the word about I.V.’s…  she uses one every day for severe multiple infirmities…  She had asked God to have Todd give a word of knowledge about her condition.  Todd called out I.V. in the left arm!  SHE’S HEALED!

The angel of the Lord is touching the left ear…  a deaf ear…  A MAN RAN FULL SPEED OUT OF THE BALCONY…  he’s a medical student that has been losing his hearing in the left ear.


A lady comes running up on the stage!  TODD STICKS HIS FINGER IN HER EAR…  SHE SLAMS TO THE FLOOR!!!  Her ear pops open!!! 

Todd gets more…  the RIGHT KNEE…  CREATIVE MIRACLE…

A man was headed for surgery and a wheel chair because of the bad knees…  POW BAM 


A young boy had a black birthmark over his left eye…  doctors said it could turn cancerous…  it’s nearly gone!  

Every member of the family has gotten a miracle…  the mother got FOUR GOLD TEETH this morning.

A young lady is in chronic pain…  no gallbladder…  no thyroid… multiple organs failing…  HORRIBLE PAIN…  YOU CAN SEE IT ON HER FACE…  the only relief is when she takes an I.V. drip… 

Her family was in Ecuador on a missions trip.  She picked up Hepatitis C working in the dump.  Her body began to ATTACK itself and destroyed the gall bladder, thyroid, the lining of her stomach, and was destroying several other organs in her body!

She had a vision that she would be healed when Todd prayed for her…  she fell under the power…  she felt like “people were poking her body”…  Todd felt angels all around her…  she got up (during the altar call)  AND SHE IS TOTALLY HEALED!!!

Todd called out the word of knowledge for knees…  half dozen people ran up…  he went down the line… 


A lady brings up a doctors report of nine bulging discs…  fibromyalgia…  pain management…  She stood outside for five hours to get into the building…  THE POWER OF GOD WENT THROUGH HER DURING WORSHIP…  she’s healed!

A lady responding to a word for rare blood disease…  SHE FLOATED TO THE FLOOR.

A lady was watching last night when her daughter was healed of deafness… The mother had nerve damage…  and fibromyalgia… 

The power of God shot through the TV set into her body…  hit her friend who had a broken back…  had no lower lumbar…  sciatic was severed… 

She took her friend to the hospital last night for x-rays…  they told her that her lower lumbar was slightly swollen…  BUT SHE DIDN’T HAVE ONE – IT HAD BEEN REMOVED IN SURGERY!!!!   CREATIVE MIRACLES… so she got on a plane and flew down to be here!

A lady received a text message from her son who was in the meeting last night for “ringing in the ears”…  SHE HAS NOT HEARD SILENCE FOR 20 YEARS!!!  The crowd went silent…  Todd touched her ears…  “it’s working!”   Her face is on fire!!! 


A young daughter had scoliosis…  she felt God’s power go through her back…  a nurse sitting near by checked her out…  SHE’S HEALED…

Her mother had herniated discs…  and multiple infirmities… 


Todd notices that there appears to be angels all around the little girl on the floor!


The JOY hits the girl…  then the mother…  many in the crowd get hit


“I felt a cloud roll in…  I got really dizzy…  OUT I WENT!”

God is just filling up the vessel so I can release it into this crowd AND the TV audience.


Todd had all of the International Guests to stand… 


The fire went through the crowd…  internationals were slammed back into their seats!

Prophet Bob Jones told Todd today to WATCH FOR THE POP CORN prophecy to be fulfilled.   A popcorn kernel has a small bit of moisture inside of each kernel…  and when heat is applied, it POPS!!!  It’s contagious… 


Get the young people into the fire…  the children and the youth are the popcorn kernels in the prophetic word!


Get the children and youth INTO THE FIRE!!!



Every generation will be touched by this anointing!!!

Todd goes into the altar call – PEOPLE RAN TO THE ALTAR!!!


SUDDENLY, THE LITTLE GIRL WHO WAS IN SO MUCH PAIN…  JUST STANDS UP…  TOTALLY HEALED!!!  (She’s the one with the I.V’s in her arms for the pain medication)

Personal Note:  I can’t remember the last time that I’ve been hit like I did tonight.  I feel like the angel may have touched me tonight. 


Pastor Stephen Strader -


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Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/26/2008 at 11:01pm


The Wave is coming your way.  Your area is ripe for Revival!  Hang onto your hat, you're in for the ride of your life!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 1:43am

Larry Silverman wrote:
eric claire wrote:

Hi Larry,

You mention Finney , Wesley and others, maybe some of today too , but you know these men had nothing to do with Gnosticism, like some of today at Elijah list and the like, who show no respect for the Scriptures, have traffic with angels , glorify of their ridiculous signs of gemstones and the like, make marchandise of the anointing , and most of all are always searching for experience or exalting them rather than the Lord. Sharp words yes , for a description of the sad state of a great part of the "Charismatic signs and wonders" movement and these kind of ministries. I pray they will repent after the show and be saved in the end. How could I curse , I am perfectly at peace and wish the best for everyone. I can't rejoyce though.  

Love you in the Lord brother.

Hi Eric,

What you wrote isn't happening in Lakeland!


So why he is talking about angels at times ? And why Bob Jones is around ? And isn’t Todd a close friend of some who promote the “Glory realm” with gemstones and such ? MMhhh !

I don't see compassion and holy love for Jesus Christ in these meetings. It is all BAM in the belly. Héhé, if the catchers were removed , I wonder what would happened ? 

Karen Bullard wrote:

I am all for revival and I'm glad to see people excited about God.  But I find myself searching (unsucessfully) to see discussion of Jesus, the cross, and the gospel as the main focus of many of these meetings and discussions.  If you want an eye-opener, search for the word "Jesus" when you receive a "Word from the Lord" from many of the popular ministries that send them over the internet.  Some are very encouraging words of revelation of Jesus.  However, many, many of the "words" I've seen on the internet do not even mention Him!

The Holy Spirit always glorifies Jesus.  Please prayerfully apply this simple test as you read and hear about these things.  Is is DIRECTLY glorifying Jesus and not man?  It doesn't matter if they say the word "holy" a hundred times, if they are not giving revelation of the source of all holiness in the Lamb.

I tuned into the FL meetings last night and these things begain to trouble me a bit so I eventually left off and went to read my bible.  My reading from my bible reading plan I've been following lately begin in Jeremiah 23, which is a heavy Word against false prophets.  I believe it is a strong warning also to the church.  Even as God's people were led captive into Babylon because of their adulterous spiritual hearts, could it be possible that true believer's could be led captive by false prophets into an apostate church (Babylon) because of their desire for these signs and miracles to come to pass?  It is something to consider.

God said the test for the prophets in those days was whether they caused the hearts of His people to turn from sin to Him, by the power of His Word.

Jeremiah 23:21 “ I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran.  I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. 22 But if they had stood in My counsel,  And had caused My people to hear My words, Then they would have turned them from their evil way"

Try reading the rest of this chapter if that strikes your heart. 

Regardless of how this sounds, I am in no way personally condemning any specific ministry - I personally know little except for the simplicity of the gospel of the cross of Christ.  This is what Paul said was the ONE thing He desired to know (Jesus Christ and Him crucified) and the ONE thing essential.

Let us remember that our protection and power comes soley from abiding by faith in Jesus Christ - then we will walk powerfully as His life manifests through us.  We will see signs and wonders but they will also be insignificant compared to the revelation of the Son of God accompanying these things.

with love, in Jesus,


Thank you Karen.

 What you say sounds true to me (and expressed in love and prudence)  


Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 3:28am


You wrote:

"So why he is talking about angels at times ? And why Bob Jones is around ? And isn’t Todd a close friend of some who promote the “Glory realm” with gemstones and such ? MMhhh !

I don't see compassion and holy love for Jesus Christ in these meetings. It is all BAM in the belly. Héhé, if the catchers were removed , I wonder what would happened ?"

Eric, what's the bottom line for you here?  All of the thousands of miracles being reported, by the way I watched last night and doctors reports are verifying some of the healings, WHO IS DOING THESE MIRACLES?  

Here's a testimony from a pastor in California who just returned from the meetings: 

"I just flew in this morning from the Florida Outpouring where God is doing a sovereign move using Todd Bentley.  I have had the privilege of attending many great things that God is doing but there is something different about the Florida Outpouring.  As I sit at my desk writing this I am trying to figure out how to explain what I mean.  Normally, when I return from somewhere, no matter how life changing, I am happy to be back to my home in Truckee.  However, this time I am grieving to be gone from Lakeland, Florida.  I just want to go right back.  In fact, I was at the airport this morning waiting for my plane and I almost just left the airport and went back to Lakeland. 

The first night I was there was the last night that they met at the Ignite Church where they could only hold about 800 in the sanctuary.  God set it up so I could be in the sanctuary and experience the power.  Of course, the healing power of God was thick and powerful.  The Holy Spirit came down on the meetings like a thick cloud.  It was a thick cloud more like smoke than a honey cloud. 

Each night Todd anointed the pastors telling us how pastors who came to the Outpouring were able to bring the power of revival back to their home churches in the same way it was manifesting in Florida.  I am very excited about what God plans to do at River Rock!  Each night Todd read e-mails from pastors who had come and who reported revival breaking out in their churches when they returned home.  Each night Todd laid hands on us in impartation.  The final night just coating me in oil and the oil of the Holy Spirit!  I had to be carried off the stage by three men!

We all know that God wants to bring revival to the Northern California.  The reason that I went to the Florida Outpouring is that Todd prophesied that the revival was coming to Northern California via highway 40 which is Donner Pass road in Truckee where River Rock is!  Also, Todd mentioned that this was the "third wave" which God showed me He wants us to be a part of through a hehazJoWC0uaAdiYs451-k997Bb1KorYk6e0BuauC8xcmmsfhQ1GTPP78Hsx jWvs7X6MSpK3JpdbTQ4laAHAfFp5BmDUxQM-QZBX4Y6ZLqUOXVRUWjpp2m2Y 9qoEu5DfAB5V2rs9IM=" target=_blank rel=nofollow>prophetic word by Che Ahn.   I believe that this Sunday could be the beginning of the manifestation of revival! 

Eric Revival LOn Thursday night they asked pastors to come forward who had great testimonies about what God is doing in their church.  They knew who I was and they had me up as the next pastor to speak with Todd on world wide television.  However, the Spirit moved another way and I never got up before the telecast ended.  I am praying that the revival moves in on River Rock and when I return  to Florida I will have great testimonies of what God is doing here on Highway 40 in Northern California to share!  I believe that the revival comes through Truckee on Highway 40 and spreads all over Northern California.  Please join me in prayer that this starts Sunday morning!

Pastor Eric Moen"

How about that report from another Eric?  WHO'S DOING THIS ERIC CLAIRE?  Who is making people like this northern California pastor get so turned on for the Lord and wanting to spread revival fire?  You are saying that these meetings are not of God, that Jesus isn't getting glorified, then I ask, WHO'S DOING THIS?  Eric, how about all of the people that are going out on the streets, healing the sick, moving in powerful signs, wonders and powers?  How about my evangelist friend, Roger who's working the streets of Lakeland bringing dozens of people to saving knowledge of Christ through miracles?  WHO'S DOING THIS ERIC?

How about me Eric?  I've not even been to the meetings yet, I'm still in north/central Texas.  However, I'm finding myself more in love with JESUS CHRIST, finding myself more excited with His passion for the lost and hurting, walking in an increased degree of holiness since April 2, praying much more (To God my Father, through my only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ), more excited to spread His love and passion than I've been for many years!  WHO'S DOING THIS IN ME, WHO'S CHANGING MY LIFE ERIC?

Brother you just are not understanding what is going on here!  There is no talk of gemstones, but if there were, so what?  Yes, there's talk, lots of it, about God sending angels to minister to the sick and open up miracles, but who's sending these angels?  Yes, Bob Jones is speaking prophetically about this being a "Third Wave" hitting the beach, but isn't that actually what is happening?

Eric, WHO'S DOING THIS IN LAKELAND?  Is it Jesus Christ who's healing the sick, turning people on to Him, stirring great excitment for the the things of God, not only here in the States, but now all over the world?  Eric...IS IT JESUS WHO'S DOING ALL OF THIS OR IS IT SOMEONE/SOMETHING EISE? 

Are these meetings of God or the devil, Eric?


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 6:12am

I have watched some of the meetings over two nights on God TV.

Personally I am tired of the slain in the spirit ritual. I DO believe that the power of God comes on people and they are slain in the spirit. But, it has become a ritual that needs addressing.

I remember a group of us in a line being castigated by a popular "laughing blessing" preacher for not being hungry enough to recieve and fall down. He had no clue how hungry I was. My thought was "You aint got enough to drop me!" There is much nonsense. I've seen people slain that hit the floor not knowing it was was going to happen. Now it's expected.

I prayed the other night while my wife and I were watching, "Lord we recieve that anointing!" the Lord Said, "Do you want Todd's anointing to heal or mine?"

There is a reality of recieving YOUR OWN anointing that is being poured out at a certain time.

During the early 1990's I had an experience while praying in which joy filled me and I laughed while praying. I thought I was crazy but knew God had touched me. Then later I heard about the refreshings though certain ministries. But, God began manifesting this joy to those I prayed for as well. The minister that laid hands on me could not give me what I already had...

Do I need this healing revival to walk in healing? No, but it is a spark and stirring of faith for many. I have seen in the last three months the power and presence of God manifest in my own ministry, and the Lord is generally doing something accross the earth. I am personally reaching to the Lord for a continued outpouring of greater healing as I see it is being made available. But it's not through another minister or ministry I am looking for it.

We need to mature and get rid of flesh in many ways. This is, as I said earlier, a beggining, and a means to stir others and ignite the fires of God's move, lets pray men do not too quickly use it for thier own purposes like all other moves.


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 6:22am


You're right ... This is a beginning!  I'm thinking that we ain't seen nothing yet!  However, I'm so thrilled that I'm seeing the beginning take off.  It's been a long, long, dry season! 

Out of the old "River Move" that you spoke of, a simple prayer evolved..."More Lord!"  I think that prayer is very valid today as well.  I like it.  Let's not get set in a rut, let's kick out both ends and go for all that God has for us! 


Oh... about the "slain in the Spirit" thing... I sure can take it or leave it.  When I pray for people with laying on hands, I usually just take them by their finger tips.  If something happens in this area it happens, but I could really care less!  Yet I do know that often there are things that happen when one does submit to this.  It's happened to me before.  My evangelist friend Roger, in Lakeland has had Todd pray for him several times.  He's gone down each time and he said that several times he got a major download from God while on the floor. 

Anyway......More Lord!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 6:54am

Okay, I'll share something rather humorous (at least to me) about being "slain in the spirit."

I was at a prayer meeting. The leaders were praying for each individual, but somehow I was overlooked. So, I asked them for prayer, too. As they went to lay hands on me in prayer, they were slain in the spirit and fell down laughing.

What I have found over the many years of being in lots of meetings is that when the power of God comes on a person, they can no longer stand. They fall down when His power floods their inner being. That has happened to me many times.

There's a verse in the OT that speaks of when the glory of God fills the temple, the priest could not stand to minister. When His glory has filled this temple (in the NT, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit), I could no longer stand to minister to the Lord. Something had to give way.

I see nothing wrong with supernatural manifestations of God's presence. I've experienced enough of them to know when they're real. About a month ago, there was a speck of gold glitter on my left cheek for which there was no natural way it could have been there. Days before that, there was dust all over the sweat pants I was wearing. Again, there was no natural way this could have happened.

I simply walked into another room and when I returned, there it was on my legs. A friend was visiting and she confirmed to me that it hadn't been there until I went into my bedroom closet to get a box of pictures for her to see, that she noticed it upon my returning to the living room.

Can I explain the supernatural happenings? No. Do I believe it was supernatural? Yes, of course.

Can Todd Bentley explain the supernatural happenings? No. He said that when he says "bam" (as the Spirit leads him to), something happens. It's not when he chooses to say "bam" or other words. It's as the Holy Spirit speaks through him.

Yes, verifiable miracles. Even a medical doctor was healed last night.


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Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 8:16am

I cetainly am not questioning the healings going on. Let them come. While i do not agree with some things Rick Joyner teaches, he wrote something profound i will never forget. He said there is coming a time for the people of God to stand in the Glory and minister without being overwhelmed. This takes being in His glory and walking in His presence daily.

Too many are looking to a man to recieve something God has been offering all along. Everything we need for life and godliness is already ours. I think we need maturing and getting eyes off "leaders" and recieving from them.

There is a place to recieve from others. But do we still need milk? Well apparently many do, the false church structure that is current and promoted is evidence enough.

Paul says:

Heb 6:1 ¶ Wherefore leaving the doctrine of the first principles of Christ, let us press on unto perfection; not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 2 of the teaching of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 And this will we do, if God permit.

I Tim 5:22 Be laying hands quickly on no one, nor be having fellowship with sins of others; be keeping thyself pure;

Let the glory of the Lord be revealed, and may all men be drawn to Him. God use these healings to glorify your name, and may we be patient and full of grace and mercy to all of our brothers and sisters being used by You, as we all have fallen short in some manner. Let God's truth and fullness do His work in our hearts.


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 8:27am

Todd mentioned Rick Joyner last evening. He said that a couple of people from Joyner's school had come to Lakeland, received an impartation and took it back there...and a revival started there.

Todd said that Joyner told him that the true signs of a revival is that it's contagious...and that this one is that.

Todd was teaching to people two nights ago how to receive their healings from the Lord directly, basing it on Romans 8:11.


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Posted By: richard gilman
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 9:19am

To the naysayers, study the manifestations that happened when finney, wesley and whitefield preached and thier thoughts about them..

You tell me any church who says they are 100%pure and i will show u a liar..

To those who criticize something with blanket broad statements you must realize you are sinning by judging another mans servant. We need to be careful because he that speaketh lies shall not go unpunnished..

Does todd bentley worship angels? I dont think he does, but i am studying that scripture this day and waiting before the LORD to hear from HIM.. There has been such a lack of balance in the body about the supernatural realm..

Larry i am happy you were able to attend the meetings, you were blessed i am sure. Sonia also went who saw the whole story, not just what was presented on tv. Are there others who have witnessed it live? I havent heard every teaching but what i have heard i am happy has been preaching a baptism of holiness.. Of true fire,, Amen we are told Jesus would baptize us in the fire and my belief is that we dont really understand this from a pratical experience..

I feel led to share about something i was meditating on the other day, a person who i looked up to once was seeing a great move of the LORD in his ministry. They then started attacking being slain in the spirit saying it was a new age demon (kundha lini? spelling). I watched as this mans ministry dryed up and how he lost so much. I preached a message a year ago about those who go around striking the rock to produce water, as bad as sampson shaking himself not knowing the LORD had left him (or did know and went on the same ole path). The striking of the rock is done sometimes because of a spirit of unbelief, this man based his objection to the experience because he went up to a prayer line and prayed a fleece if this is from you let me be slain and he wasnt so every time it happens is not God. True story, and indicative  of i feel how many are falsely judging something because it didnt happen to them.. They come to God in a spirit of haman, who else could the KING want to bless and leave disaapointed because they ask amiss, or not in true faith..



I was meditating this week about how the pharisees etc were saying of Christ he has a demon, Jesus said can satan cast out satan? BUT IF I come and cast out the devils by the finger of God no doubt the kingdom of God is come.. Then Christ says something very profound, by whom do your teachers cast them out?? THEY dont, because they dont have the power that came from relationship.. ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT casts devils out and the Spirit doesnot abide in debate, unbelief, jealousy..

Even so Come LORD JESUS, restore the heart fo the father to the son and the son to the father, bring biblical unity in holiness to your wonderful bride

Posted By: Monika Schmid
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 10:48am

Eric, you know surely that CH and maybe F are far away to long for revival! We could learn from our brothers and sisters in USA!

I know no names mentioned in this outpouring from the Holy Spirit. I know only Bob Jones' name.

But one word struck me "LAKELAND". I am leaving 5 Min. from a lake, in August 05 he overflowed drasticaly, some parts of the city were out of order. (And other parts of the region).

To "see and hear" clear sound in this different views and voices I needed to ask the Lord if is this wave from YOU? HE says simply:  YES!

Later he told me to look at HIM! Rest in peace in ME! Rejoyce in ME!


Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.
They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

Psalm 84,6-7

Posted By: Monika Schmid
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 11:04am

Kriston Couchey wrote:
...Rick Joyner ..., he wrote something profound i will never forget. He said there is coming a time for the people of God to stand in the Glory and minister without being overwhelmed. This takes being in His glory and walking in His presence daily.


Amen, 5 years ago the Lord told me that HIS PEOPLE MUST LEARN TO STAND BEFORE HIM, IN HIS PRESENCE. Unwavering! Unshakable!


Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.
They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

Psalm 84,6-7

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 11:25am

Speaking of Rick Joyner and Morningstar, check this out when you get a chance! 0029627 - 0029627

Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 12:11pm


We certainly do need to be careful to not be naysayers. My heart is all for what the Spirit is doing. And He chooses the vessels to bring forth things in a public manner.

I obviuosly agree God is doing something in Lakeland. I also do not deny the vessels He is using. I pray it is contagious and spreads to the whole body.

My assertion and encouragement to people is to seek God for the release of this hour personally and in your places of ministry and work. I believe fully submitted and open vessels will naturally move with the rising tide of healing if they are walking in the faith and presence of the Lord. I caution to not look first to men for an impartation, but get one from God Himself. This is possible.

I gained a level of faith watching these proceedings. Faith to beleive that something is really happening all over, and I can by faith enter into greater works because the promise of outpouring is coming to fruition.

But the Lord made it quite clear to me that I am to recieve my portion for this hour from Him directly.

My not agreeing with minstry methods is not a disapproval or rejection of the work of the Spirit. I have personally missed God too many times to not realize this. Thank God He uses us where we are. God's people need much prayer to keep them from running ahead of God in this critical time.

We need to realize that the men of God used in these days are just as much walking in faith and don't see the full road ahead, and need encouragment. But we need to also see that they are just men and the tendency when God moves is to take the man and endorse him and his methods and folow men and not God.

Wow, the revival junkies I've seen who swoon at the meetings of the anointed vessel and become like groupies... Get over it folks, YOU are anointed too, God in His mercy sends people to jumpstart us at times, but you don't need anyone to teach you, the anointing in you teaches you.

The judges in the days of Israel were a "STOPGAP" measure because the people had become so hardened to God. We should have been flowing in this healing and power ever since pentecost, but God sends deliverers as stopgaps to bring us back to seeing and serving Him.   


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 12:49pm

I think this is a valid word of caution for us all!

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The Idol Of Revival
Terry Somerville
Apr 27, 2008

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April 27, 2008     

Volume 5, Number 11

The Idol Of Revival

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The Idol Of Revival

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Terry Somerville
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Dear Friends

In the last few weeks there has been a lot of talk about a great revival beginning in Florida.  In fact some are saying  it's the 3rd wave prophesied over the years! The last great revival!  Well, I haven't been to these meetings,  but what I hear is tremendous.  Praise Jesus for what He is doing there!  May this launch forth a great move of God.  But I also have a caution for those seeking "the last days revival. "
Revival, as a focus in itself, can actually take us away from God!  Jesus told us what to seek - "the Kingdom of God and His righteousness". 

Revival Idolatry
Revival is a good thing. But, making an idol of revival is a danger to the North American church.  I know because I did it myself. For many years I pressed into God seeking revival.  I wept and prayed. I studied the revivalists of the past. I looked for the right means, said the right prayers, and hoped....  We had many moves of God....but not revival.  I was often discouraged, even as God was doing great things. All because I was looking for revival.

Then the Lord spoke to me that I was an idol worshiper!  He revealed that I had made revival into an idol. Because it was about ministry I hadn't seen it taking shape.  But now, instead of serving Him in a relationship, I  served an idol of revival in my heart!  I had an inward picture of revival that controlled every aspect of my ministry!  
My relationship to Christ was focused around it.  It shaped my prayers and action. When that picture had fulfillment I was happy; when it was denied I was upset. My flesh was serving an idol!   How I repented!   

Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them?
(Ezekiel 14:3)

I had a picture of revival in my heart and I served it. 
This picture looked like 18th and 19th century revivals I'd read about, and it elevated me, the preacher God would use! It was a picture that created numbers and success and fame. I was not following God in doing a new thing, I was using God to serve my image of revival.  I prayed for Him to fulfill my picture. I was glad or mad at my congregation depending on whether they were like my picture. 

Revival In Todays Church
Oh how many preachers are serving the idol of revival in todays church.  Glad, sad, mad, or depressed by their flesh commanding idol-picture.   We are looking for the glory, angels, healings and great spiritual experiences. We have a picture of revival and success coming to our churches!  We market revival to the Christian media!  But we forget the humility, brokenness and death to ourselves that is the beginning of genuine revival.  

We Cannot Have Revival. 

We Can Only Have God

I often minister to pastors in Korea. They are calling on God to repeat the revival of 100 years ago.  The problem is, the revival of 100 years ago was among poor, simple,  outcast believers humbling themselves with each other and finally being totally freed by God!  Today  the ones asking are pastors of large, modern , successful churches with a vision to fulfill.   How do we make a shift from a 100 year old revival? We can't.  We need to forget  revival and get back to God.  

Smash Down The Idol Of Revival

... he brake in pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made; for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it; and he called it Nehushtan.
(II Kings 18:4)

At one time God used the bronze serpent on the pole to heal everyone who looked at it. But later generations worshiped it. Hezekiah had to destroy it.
The same thing has happened to revival. At one time God used revival to deliver His people, now His people worship it as if revival is a god. The time has come to smash the idol of revival!   Revival is not some "thing" to seek and to have. When a revival has happened it is very good, but it is simply a descriptive term.  Rather, we must do what Jesus told us to.

But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
(Matthew 6:33)

Now I say something that sounds utterly contradicting.

"Oh Jesus! May revival come! Possess our hearts utterly and completely. Reveal the true nature of our characters, what we love and fear, what really motivates us, and transform us,  Reveal our religious natures, how we still depend on what we do, and immerse us in your grace and love. Oh Lord, awaken your church, your bride, make her radiant and lovely. Clothe us in splendor. Make our hearts utterly your own, so your life shines through us to the whole world.


Terry Somerville

Newsletter Archives

The Last Wave 

Terry Somerville
 When we talk about the 3rd wave and the last great revival to sweep the earth,  we are talking about the greatest of all moves of God, in an earth. This is far bigger than our continent, and well outside our perspective. God is not American. This revival will be about  the Kingdom of God in the earth, not the modern western church having greater meetings. Let us recall a few prophetic characteristics of the coming wave of end time revival.   

1. The Last Revival Will Be Greater Than All
We need perspectiveGod is moving throughout the earth in fantastic ways already.  It's not new, it's just new to us!  In Asia and Africa the dead are raised, the lame walk, the blind see, demons cast out, multiplied thousands come to Christ. I have seen it and been involved myself. It is SO GREAT in some  places, I wonder if the last revival has started  and we've been missing it! Maybe we can at least catch up!   In any event,  the last revival is certainly bigger than everything that has come so far!

2. The Last Revival Will Flow Through God's People

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
In the last days God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh" Joel 2:28

The last days revival will flow through believers not just leaders. It will be a "people of the Kingdom" revival, not a "leaders and their meetings" revival. This is why it is often called the "nameless and faceless" revival. (there will still be meetings and leaders, of course. They're just not the epi-center of the revival)  This is also  why we've seen the focus on the market place in preparation for this move. It will flow through everyone.

My wife Karen often says, "I'll know it's a revival when I see what I saw happening in the 1970's.  Christians talked openly about Christ everywhere. There was real love and transformed lives. The city was shaken."  This hasn't been repeated or transcended in North America yet.

3.The Last Revival Will Be Focused On Grace 
The religious systems of the church will either change or be bypassed by the last revival. It is a grace revival!  

It's not about...
who you follow, where you go,

  what you give, who you know,
    what you do and how you do it
      No no no, NO!  
( Dr. Suess take heart)

It's Christians returning  and totally depending on the amazing love and grace of God in Jesus Christ.  Finding  total forgiveness and living in transformation. Healing and delivering even the vilest person.  It is the Holy Spirits good and joyful life expressed in every day living. It is the rule of the Kingdom in every man, blessing and expanding in this worlds business, bringing the love and character of God to everything they touch.  A wave of life and love that sweeps everyone before it.

Now thats revival.




See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 1:08pm

Great article ! I always enjoy articles by Terry sommerville

One brother I know (from south Africa) has written

When God sends revival, He will be centre stage. I believe that during true revival you will be so in awe of the Father, everyone will immediately know that revival has started.

Most people today are only looking for experiences and self fullfillment. We don't have a clue about what revival is all about!

To GOD the glory!

I believe the brother is spot on !

Have not read anywhere that Finney Wesley and others included manifestations , or angels or the 3rd heaven in their preaching or sermons. However mighty signs could occurred, included weird ones, but they were pure of that.   

Richard I have not said that Todd Bentley (or others) worshipped angels, (who would be so foolish to do that) , but I have read messages from them where they tell things (included angels) that Paul himself was not permitted to tell or boast. When biblical things are preached but the focus is changed a bit, the result is that you create seekers of spiritual experiences , followers of the “Anointing” , instead of Jesus.

Larry, I believe that your personal friends or yourself are servants of God with an integer heart, I trust you on that. I like your heart for revival Larry.

Monika, Yes F and CH today are dry places, we need revival but you know I prefer the Rain than a 'Move' (which is for me like an 'unindentified object'), to make grow the product out of earth.

Anyway this is my last post here on this thread.

Peace and grace !


Posted By: Brenda Robinson
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 1:48pm

Richard:  This forum is a forum of alternating viewpoints.  It is exactly the alternating viewpoints that gives everyone a glimpse of truth. 

Had it not been for someone standing up and opposing the way of the crowd, there are many of God's truths I would not have found.

Do not be quick to judge the naysayers.  There is room for both with all that is going on.

We all believe that our God is a God of miracles.  We all believe that He is a soon coming King.  WE all believe that He is a Healing Lord.  That He can raise the Dead.  That He is showing up in Power and Glory.  That we are days - maybe even hours - away from His coming.

We all have been waiting to experience Breakthrough.  And HE IS breaking through.  I am experiencing it personally and can personally testify that this is truth.  But a word of caution is also good when we have been cautioned that there WILL be a great separation.  And it is going to be a very fine line to perceive how and when it is occurring.  Many WILL be led astray.  How can that be? 

I have heard over and over (from Morningstar) that THE movement that is coming is a movement where no man will be honored - no name will be remembered - and the Lord will get all the honor and Glory.  ALL the honor and glory.  I believe God's movement will quickly take to the streets by those that have been hidden.  It is time to hit the streets with the marvelous news that Jesus Christ is coming and He is coming soon.

I have read prophetic words that said out of the body of Believers some will be separated out (the naysayers) and will be accused by their breathren.  I have read words that say the naysayers will by martyred by Christians because the masses believed a lie.  Satan is coming with miraculous signs and wonders.  YES, he can heal.  (Don't know that he can raise the dead - I believe only the Holy Spirit will be doing that.)  But I do believe there is a time coming soon where "something" will be coming down in a miraculous incredible way from the heavens declaring he is GOD and the masses will believe it.  Angels are even now visiting people leading them to believe that they have had a visitation from the Lord, when it fact it was a fallen angel.  The important thing to remember is the masses are going to believe a lie.  Satan has lied to humanity from the very beginning.  Without the Lord clearly in the lead, even we can be deceived.

I advise all reading this post to start asking the Lord what IS the nature of the great lie that will lead the masses to destruction.  We are so close to the Lord coming back.  Seek the answer with your whole heart.  He will reveal it to you.

In the meantime I will praise the Lord for the healings that are coming and ask that He rest on the shoulders of all to lead them into all truth.

Brenda Rob

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 1:48pm

Hummm...Eric... you did not answer my questions!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 2:13pm

Kriston wrote:
He said there is coming a time for the people of God to stand in the Glory and minister without being overwhelmed. This takes being in His glory and walking in His presence daily.
Too many are looking to a man to recieve something God has been offering all along. Everything we need for life and godliness is already ours.

YeAH God, YOU desire for me to stand, Stand in the earth and Proclaim YOUR Son, Christ Jesus to those who are living unrighteously before YOU, destined to an eternity separated and apart from YOU a Holy and Righteous God, but how will they know YOU Lord,  except someone go and tell them of the Gospel of Forgiveness, Redemption and Salvation, teaching them of YOUR Mercy and Grace, and of YOUR Holy Spirit who will come and dwell within them, anointing them with Power from On High, that they may know YOU and hear YOUR Voice, that in this others may see YOUR Glory and YOU alone be Honored and Glorified. Amen!

For HIS Glory,

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 2:30pm

Someone once said that the only safe place to be is in God's perfect will. I agree with this statement. I'm often seeking Him to be sure I'm in the center of His will for my life.

With that in mind, I've been emailing a friend in Florida who lives close enough to Lakeland to perhaps get there. I checked the airfare and it looks affordable for me, so I just might be going there soon.

It's interesting that the Holy Spirit had told me to keep a certain amount of money out of a CD this quarter, and it's enough to pay for this trip...if I'm to go. Will see what my friend says, if she really wants to go and we can arrange a time for me to come.

I have a feeling that this revival will go on for months or longer.


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Posted By: richard gilman
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 2:30pm

Julie earlier in this thread i stated one of my concerns was that people have a mistaken impression, in this outpouring YHWH is testing hearts. Do we follow signs and wonders, do they become the idol of jealousy which israel had set up in ezekiel 8..


Eze 8:3 And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy.

Eze 8:5 Then said he unto me, Son of man, lift up thine eyes now the way toward the north. So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the north, and behold northward at the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry.

Brenda my contention with naysayers is perhaps not as much them as with the spirit of unbelief (jezebel) which controls them). People like to control because they dont really trust themselves. Sorry but if you want to know the Great I AM you must come as a child..

I very strongly feel this, a lot of the criticisms that come forth are rooted in 2 things, unbelief and jealousy.. We need to listen to the wisdom of an unbeliever? Gamaliel in acts ch5 gives some advice i wish the church was wise enough to follow but sadly they must fullfill their ministry of being a barking dog saying the LORD hath spoken when the LORD did not speak..

Very appropriate ezekiel ch 13 in this discussion, the prophets of baal were spoken to bY YHWH.. A definition of divination is given, to accuse falsely the righteous while strengthening the hands of the wicked.. Sorry barking dogs of divination you do the devils work more than u do any of Gods..

Eze 13:22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life:

Eze 13:23 Therefore ye shall see no more vanity, nor divine divinations: for I will deliver my people out of your hand: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

True prophecy comes from realtionship, intimacy with Jesus.


Yes we do need to be aware and todds past teachings will be brought to light...

eric have u listened to the teachings that u are labeling new age, or are you listening to a man (andrew stroms) belief. I myself have not listened to the tape(s) in question but in my heart i question bro andrews judgement. I listened to one of his sermons and the message i heard was elitism, pride pointing to him and putting the body down. TRUE PROPHETS prefer one another above themselves and hold CHRIST as the head. Yeah we love ourselves but not to the point of self exaltation through striking the rock to whip an annointing up. Judge the fruit of the message, do i feel closer to Jesus after listening to this or do i feel defiled with a bitterness, or a spirit of fear from a false presentation of Abba Fathers character..

Even so Come LORD JESUS, restore the heart fo the father to the son and the son to the father, bring biblical unity in holiness to your wonderful bride

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 3:11pm

you know, one thing I have been taught by Holy Spirit is that GOD created all things.. and they were GOOD. We serve an incredibly GOOD God. He is not willing that ANY should perish but that ALLshould come to the knowledge of His Glory.. to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Now, since the fall, the enemy has taken the GOOD THINGS God has created and corrupted them and counterfeited the good with demonic influences.

The early church for the first 300 years operated closer to what happened while Jesus walked the earth and Holy Spirit was living actively in believers and moving through them with signs and wonders and miracles, such as we probably have not yet seen but are certainly going to be seeing.

The incorporation of making christianity, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, into a 'religion' gave the enemy a great foothold in counterfeiting the TRUTH of God and turning it in to a lie. Martin Luther, anointed by God, started the reformation... restoration (meaning to make better than original) to what was lost and forgotten and corrupted even by the enemy and by man's flesh.

God has restored much to the 'body of Christ' over the past 150 years. He has been trying to direct those who are led by the Spirit of God, who are sons of God, to take back many of the supernatural signs, wonders and miracles that satan has stolen nad propogated through new age/satanic operations.

The fact is, that what you see in new age and satanic circles is the corruption of the gifts and miraculous signs and wonders that GOD created and gave to His Body (i.e. the church as an organism, not as a building denomination or religion)

What harm is there if GOD drops gemstones? Nothing except when humans begin to focus upon the gemstones and worship the object rather than the Creator of the object.  What harm is there in manna falling from heaven? Nothing, except when humans begin to focus upon the manna instead of the Creator of the manna.  What harm is there in being slain in the Spirit? Nothing... same precept...  What harm is there in being caught up to the 3rd heaven and having visions, dreams, revelations along the lines of Paul and according to Joel Chapter 2? Nothing, except that people get focused upon the experience rather than upon the Creator of the experience.

There was no precedence for a burning bush in Moses' day. It was God... today if that occurred, you'd have people coming out of the wood work giving the devil all the credit... same is true of Moses' staff turning into a snake... Pharoph's magicians did the same thing... however, Moses' staff turned snake, swalled up Pharoph's snakes.... Yet today, how many of you would be attriburing that to the devil??  Far too many I am sure...

We are in the days where the Bible talks about the possibility of the 'very elect of God being deceived'. So, if that is the premise for those who are speaking out about this revival, then I know that GOD Himself will graciously work in your hearts to reveal the truth by His Spirit... but search your hearts also, to see that you do not have a wrong attitude or bitter root that calls good evil and evil good - It is not simply those who are getting involved in this move of God going on that need to search their hearts and let the Spirit of Truth do a work.. .it is those who are opposed to such a work, to also do the same.

God is restoring the days of Acts to His Body. With that restoration will come a HOLY AWESOME SPIRIT OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD... what happened to Annanias and Saphira, will become possibly common place again to day.  Lets caution one another on both sides of the 'fence' if you will, to keep IN THE PRESENCE of God and keep our hearts truly humbled and broken and contrite before the Spirit of the Lord...

The examples of God's judgment upon individuals who dishonored those God chose to use are many (Miriam is the one who comes to mind off hand, I am sure you can find other examples)

Make LOVE your highest aim, my friends. Let the Spirit of Truth operate in your hearts and lets all be QUICK to hear, SLOW to speak and SLOW to grow angry (James 1:9).

God Himself is quite able to deal with error, deception and corruption by the enemy. Lets forget the former things of old and allow the Lord to do a NEW THING. We all have a past and we all have done things in our past (from 1 second ago to 100 years ago) that were disobedient to God and sinful. God has/is dealing with us about these things, and we want GRACE from others because our past if NOT who we are today.  The same if true of Todd Bentley and others in leadership. Can we not grant them grace and have faith in God to know that HE, as their own Heavenly Father, is able to discipline and correct them and bring them more fully into His Holy Truth?  Certainly!

Let us allow the Spirit of the Lord to reclaim the GOOD things God has given, that the enemy has stolen to corrupt and used to counterfeit the Truth. New Age has stolen and is using the gifts the Lord has given to His Body and it is time for God's Body to take them back and restore their benefits in a right Spirit. Just like Moses' serpent ate up Pharoph's serpents. Just like the 450 prophets of Baal were powerless against the God of Eljah.

Lets give our Father by His Holy Spirit credit to expose what is sin and false and counterfeit in ALL of us (for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God) and lets extend GRACE and withhold judgment which leads to condemnation, for mercy triumphs over judgment and mercy will only be shown to those who SHOW MERCY!

Seek the Face of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) for HIS impartation since HE is moving in the earth... DONT TAKE YOUR EYES OF FATHER!!  

PRAY for Todd Bentley... and for others in this move. Cause if you are not praying for him and others in leadership as Paul directs in the Word (Ephesians 6:19), but you are speaking against him and others, you are opposing the very Word of God you say you stand for....

and please, remember the greatest of these is LOVE... for this is the more excellent way! Treat others as you would desire to be treated. If you were in error would you like to be treated in the same manner that you treat those you think are in error? I mean, truly??

Praying for us all!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 3:32pm


You said,

"What harm is there if GOD drops gemstones? Nothing except when humans begin to focus upon the gemstones and worship the object rather than the Creator of the object.  What harm is there in manna falling from heaven? Nothing, except when humans begin to focus upon the manna instead of the Creator of the manna.  What harm is there in being slain in the Spirit? Nothing... same precept...  What harm is there in being caught up to the 3rd heaven and having visions, dreams, revelations along the lines of Paul and according to Joel Chapter 2? Nothing, except that people get focused upon the experience rather than upon the Creator of the experience.

There was no precedence for a burning bush in Moses' day. It was God... today if that occurred, you'd have people coming out of the wood work giving the devil all the credit... same is true of Moses' staff turning into a snake... Pharoph's magicians did the same thing... however, Moses' staff turned snake, swalled up Pharoph's snakes.... Yet today, how many of you would be attriburing that to the devil??  Far too many I am sure... "


Who knows, maybe even Jesus created gemstones during his earthly ministry???

How about John 21:25, "Jesus also did many other things.  If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would have been written!"  (The "!" is mine... I felt that I just needed to add that!)


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 4:03pm

Amen Brother Larry!  AMEN!!! 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 4:37pm

By Matt Sorger
Part 2


God is up to something. Over the last few months we have been witnessing a dramatic increase of God’s healing, miracle power. We are stepping into a new season where signs, wonders and miracles are becoming easy. There is a shift happening in the spirit and God is calling everyone to access and step into it. Now is the time to pray for the sick like never before. There is a great healing grace being poured out.

As we have been traveling across America over the last several months the glory of God has been poured out in such a tangible, overwhelming way. There is a heavy weight of glory sweeping over those who are hungry for more of God! Hunger and thirst are the key to receiving this GREAT GRACE God is releasing. We must get our eyes off of ourselves and onto Him.

I have found myself saying “IT’S JUST THAT EASY!” As the weight of His glory has filled entire rooms His healing grace and presence has been sweeping over the people healing them right in their seats! We worship until His glory comes and then He does the rest. There is a new realm of corporate healing glory being released. We call out a sickness by the Holy Spirit and it gets healed. It’s just that easy. It’s not hard in the glory!

As we move forward into this new season it is very important to stay humble and pure in heart and to always give the glory and honor to God and not place the focus on ourselves. This will be vital to maintaining the purity and integrity of God's move.



I've been a smoker for years and I had quit but unfortunately I've had the consequences of smoking. I had difficulty breathing as a result. While I was at Matt Sorger's conference on the first night I could breathe again! Praise God. He is so good. There is no God like our God!
Robert ~ Oakton, VA


I was at a church near my home and a young Man Matt Sorger was preaching. While he was preaching I was healed! I've had problems with my hearing and I've been healed. Praise God.
Janet ~ Syracuse
, NY

At the conference Matt Sorger called out a word of knowledge. The word of knowledge was that God is healing someone with a plugged ear. That was me. When he called the word out at that moment my ear popped open and I was healed. Jesus healed me.  Praise God!
Louise ~ Syracuse
, NY


I was at the Glory, Signs and Wonders Conference in Syracuse. While I was there I was healed from a sports injury that had caused much pain in my jaw and popping of the bones. I've had this problem for ten years and Jesus was the only one that healed me. Thank you God for no more pain. God is good.
Jonathan ~ Syracuse
, NY


I've experienced so much pain in my shoulder. To just lift my shoulder up would cause me great pain. Tonight the presence of God was so strong that the Lord told me to lift my shoulder. As I lifted my arm the pain was there but the moment I lifted my arm all the way up I was healed! All the pain was gone. God healed me. Praise God.
Susan ~ Syracuse
, NY


I was at the conference in Syracuse. For about ten years I have suffered from severe back pain. I've gone to church before, but tonight God healed me completely. This is the first time I am having no more pain. I am healed. God is good. If you have any pain believe God and He will heal you.
Charity ~ Syracuse
, NY


I've been suffering from depression and tonight God healed me. Praise God.
Sarah ~ Syracuse
, NY


God healed me at the church where Matt Sorger was preaching. I've had heart problems for a while and God healed me that night when Matt Sorger called me out. Praise God. Julie ~ Syracuse, NY


My thoughts would race and it has always been difficult to get clarity and have a clear mind. The Holy Spirit flowed all over my body and I felt something lift and my mind cleared!
Melissa ~ Maricopa, AZ



I had deafness because of high fevers as a child. Tubes and fibers were destroyed in my ears because of the high fevers from kidney failure. I am now completely healed!
Cathy ~ Maricopa, AZ

I had problems with my stomach lining, neck, feet and legs. I had my Gall Bladder taken out in 2002. I wanted healing from my head to my toes - the full package and I was healed.
Linda ~ Phoenix
, AZ


I had a polyp on my knee for seven years and I was unable to straighten my leg. I had orthroscopic surgery on my knee and the surgeon said it was successful, but I walked with a limp and still couldn't straighten it. I was healed during the meeting and now can straighten my leg and walk!
Carolyn ~ AZ


I had a bone spur on the bottom of my left foot and I was limping. Then the fire came on my left foot and the pain left. There is no more limp in my walk.
Susan ~ Tacoma
, WA


I had partial seizures on the right side of my body from a form of Epilepsy of a different kind.  I started to cry while going down on the floor under God’s power. While God’s power was moving through me I experienced a short arm seizure. All of a sudden it stopped! I felt peace and happiness.
Joyce ~ Camp Verde
, AZ


I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and I am experiencing relief from the pain. This is the beginning of my healing!
Carol ~ Avondale
, AZ


I suffered from a stomach condition and digestive problems due to an eating disorder called bulimia. There was nothing the doctors could do for me. Matt turned to my area in the room and called out my eating disorder. I suddenly felt a heat in my stomach area. The power of God touched and healed me.
Renee ~ Gilbert
, AZ


Thank you very much for the prayer cloths. I received them here in Finland last week. I've really felt the power of the Holy Ghost and healing touch through them. May God bless you all in the ministry in Christ Jesus.
Jani ~ Finland


Matt, I just wanted to say thank you for submitting to God's call on your life. My experience Friday night and Saturday morning in Monroe Township, NJ completely took me by surprise. Never have I felt the weight of God's glory like that before!

I am a new Christian so I was really surprised when I felt like I couldn't stand up straight!! And when you spoke that one sentence to me by the direction and power of the Holy Spirit "God is for you and not against you" -- it shook me to the core.

I have struggled with doubting God's intentions for my life. And since Saturday, those doubts have hardly been there at all. This all comes at the end of a long season of depression so I am truly thankful. Bless you seven times over for what has been done in my heart.
Lauren ~ Short Hills, NJ


I want to thank you for your ministry at Hope for the Nations in NJ this weekend. All I can say is WOW. You have no idea what a word in season the teachings were in my life. I won't waste your time with a lot of details, but I just want to say THANK YOU for being vessels who continually are used by the Lord in my life, because you simply make room for the Holy Spirit to do what He wants and needs to do.

I also want to thank Ronnie for ministering to me at the end of the service. I was so touched by the sincere love and appreciation she has for the partners. You guys really feel like family even though I don't know you personally. I was so encouraged this weekend by the work the Lord is doing in His body and am so excited to be a part of what God is doing through this ministry.


Matt, just wanted to drop you a quick line and let you know what a huge blessing you were to us this weekend. In a day of so much charismatic abuse, I so appreciate your balance and the way in which you exalt the Word of God in your meetings. Your preaching/teaching ministry is just outstanding. The Lord met us in such a powerful way this weekend. Thank you for your obedience to the Lord and for the messages you brought. I especially want to thank you for the message on "faith and grace". It spoke powerfully to my heart. May God's continued blessings rest mightily upon you, Matt. Your humble and hungry heart brings great pleasure to the Father. Thanks again for blessing us this weekend. We were destined for Glory and that Glory was revealed in a powerful way.
Paul & Kathy ~ Jamesburg
, NJ


Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 4:54pm

Larry wrote:

John 21:25, "Jesus also did many other things.  If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would have been written!"

While we do not add to the Word of God under penalty in Revelations, there is also warnings from extracting from the written Word of God as well. Still though, those who are led by the Spirit of God ARE the son's of God!
Lets all be praying for Todd Bentley and for one another. This originated and belongs to GOD not a man. As you all are aware, the temptation will be for the one who is the conduit, to forget Jesus and get focused upon themselves. This is NOT Todd Bentley's Revival!! This is NOT Todd Bentley's impartation!! God chose to use him, and we honor God and honor Todd for his obedience to God and for paying the price ... because it will cost him everything! and us as well....  but the focus must remain ALL GOD!!

While the enemy would LOVE to get any of us focusing on Todd or giving him credit etc... to GOD be the glory alone. This will go off course ONLY if men start taking credit and glory. Prayer and intercession will protect the reality of our fallen human nature to get in pride and think more highly of ourselves than we ought.  

This isn't simply a warning for Todd... but for all of us whom God is going to use in like manner and moreso in the days to come. Jesus must increase, individuals must decrease... God will share his glory with NO MAN! 

Lets stay prostrate in heart before the King! Lets allow Holy Spirit to deal with 'our' hearts individually now in preparation for HIS infilling and impartation to reach the lost with the message of JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED!  Lets realize that human flesh wants the glory and the honor and the praise of man... and NONE of us are exempt!!

Jesus wants so co-labor with each one of us in this end times move! Lets be led by His Spirit and crucify our flesh and put to death the works of the flesh by His direction and in His power so His glory can fall and flow through us.  If we judge Todd and this move now, that same judgment will come to us.... Lets triumph over judgment with mercy and love and great grace... so God can use us too!

Go Larry-boy!
(I'm thinkin veggie tales Larry, no disrespect intended ... I love the character Larry-Boy!  and Bob the Tomato! lol, Glory!)


See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 5:02pm

oh on another note... and I think this is just very interesting to note... but earthquake activity recently is the HIGHEST ever seen... could it be that this revival is triggering signs in the heavens and in the earth??  Here is the link and the report: tml - tml

North American Quakes in Last 72 Hours
HOLLY NOTES: This list may not be complete due to the time of posting though it is updated several times daily. Quakes of "interesting" magnitude are highlighted in purple, generally reserved for events 3.0 and greater, but may include others at the editor's discretion.

USGS headers for the lines of text below read across like this:
Mag. 2.3
Feb. 10
37.861 -122.239
(2 mi) ESE
of Berkeley

Times are posted in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). tml - Convert to local time .

April 26, 2008
Holly Deyo

We have not seen earthquake numbers like these – ever – with 1221 events displayed. Yesterday something weird happened with earthquake notices. A big dump would come into my in-bucket only to be replaced by USGS with deletions – particularly for Nevada and Illinois. However, Nevada still has more than enough earthquakes to go around. Interestingly, quite a few hit Reno's ics/080426.Mogul_Quakes_Golf.jpg - Crystal Peak golf course . Players must be getting off some wicked drives. <smile> Even this map doesn't show all the individual quakes as it runs into the same problem of event overlap.

Note on the Nevada posting: It may look like more events have hit Nevada than Calif, but this isn't the case. When first posting these EQs years ago, all events below 2.0 for Calif. were cut. Ditto for Alaska and Hawaii. This got rid of the micro-events. All of tml#Anchor-CALIFORNIA-49575 - Nevada's were left in since there weren't nearly so many. The only reason they are present today is so you can see just how many shakers have hit the area. Even with the separate Cal-Nev map, it is impossible to see all the earthquakes since most are right of top of each other.

Most of the Nevada shakes are occurring in and around Reno with very shallow depths. Generally the more shallow the event, the greater potential for damage. The vast majority of these EQs are relatively small, but there is a lot of action. Today's .Reno.html - 4.7 Reno quake may be a html - harbinger of more to come .

When looking at the legend for these USGS earthquake maps, keep in mind their time frames of "last hour, last day, last week." This can be confusing because any shaker that occurred even 25 hours ago, falls into the "last week" category since their is no daily breakdown.

Mag. 2.2 April 26 00:13:02 46.059 -122.613 16.0 19 km (12 mi) ENE of Kalama, WA
Mag. 2.1 April 24 19:43:24 45.333 -118.147 6.0 4 km (3 mi) W of La Grande, OR
Mag. 1.2 April 24 18:39:14 46.927 -122.129 10.0 13 km (8 mi) ENE of Eatonville, WA
Mag. 1.3 April 24 17:59:17 46.572 -122.529 14.7 6 km (4 mi) NW of Mossyrock, WA
Mag. 2.3 April 24 07:20:48 45.128 -120.950 16.6 12 km (7 mi) ESE of Maupin, OR
Mag. 3.6 April 24 07:14:33 43.259 -125.778 10.0 112 km (69 mi) W of Bandon, OR
Mag. 4.0 April 24 05:22:40 43.104 -126.330 10.0 154 km (96 mi) WNW of Port Orford, OR

Mag. 1.7 April 23 20:30:28 45.711 -122.641 20.1 1 km (1 mi) WNW of Barberton, WA
Mag. 1.7 April 23 17:50:07 47.610 -120.296 5.8 10 km (6 mi) SW of Entiat, WA
Mag. 1.5 April 23 08:15:15 47.312 -122.448 20.5 5 km (3 mi) ENE of Ruston, WA
Mag. 1.0 April 23 02:35:53 44.488 -122.702 8.0 10 km (6 mi) E of Waterloo, OR
Mag. 1.5 April 23 01:51:13 45.135 -120.935 14.9 12 km (8 mi) ESE of Maupin, OR

CALIFORNIA 2.0 and greater
Mag. 2.7 April 24 18:50:41 34.155 -117.593 10.7 4 km (2 mi) NNW of Rancho Cucamonga
Mag. 2.4 April 26 11:06:12 37.374 -120.033 18.5 14 km (9 mi) SSW of Mariposa
Mag. 2.5 April 26 07:14:06 37.487 -119.369 17.9 30 km (19 mi) NE of Oakhurst
Mag. 2.1 April 26 03:09:03 37.474 -119.364 21.1 30 km (18 mi) ENE of Oakhurst
Mag. 2.4 April 26 01:00:32 35.882 -117.725 3.7 27 km (17 mi) SE of Coso Junction
Mag. 2.3 April 26 00:27:20 38.832 -122.806 1.8 4 km (2 mi) N of The Geysers
Mag. 2.4 April 25 19:53:42 37.483 -118.835 4.1 16 km (10 mi) WSW of Toms Place
Mag. 2.0 April 25 19:42:06 35.826 -120.373 6.6 10 km (6 mi) SSE of Parkfield
Mag. 2.3 April 25 10:48:23 35.642 -117.560 3.6 11 km (7 mi) ENE of Ridgecrest
Mag. 2.7 April 25 04:57:10 37.487 -119.367 18.6 30 km (19 mi) NE of Oakhurst
Mag. 2.1 April 25 01:18:47 39.069 -123.140 4.6 7 km (5 mi) SSE of Talmage
Mag. 2.0 April 25 00:10:09 34.040 -116.444 2.2 10 km (6 mi) SSW of Yucca Valley
Mag. 2.2 April 24 21:57:50 38.830 -122.811 2.3 3 km (2 mi) N of The Geysers
Mag. 1.8 April 24 21:34:36 33.072 -114.948 0.0 45 km (28 miles) SSW (207°) from Palo Verde
Mag. 2.2 April 24 15:45:50 37.491 -119.364 17.3 31 km (19 mi) NE of Oakhurst
Mag. 2.0 April 24 15:01:01 34.866 -116.343 5.0 23 km (14 mi) NW of Ludlow
Mag. 2.4 April 24 14:59:46 36.636 -121.257 10.6 15 km (10 mi) NW of Pinnacles
Mag. 2.1 April 24 12:49:16 37.489 -119.358 17.1 31 km (19 mi) NE of Oakhurst
Mag. 2.5 April 24 12:25:21 37.488 -119.361 13.8 31 km (19 mi) NE of Oakhurst
Mag. 2.4 April 24 09:52:36 34.866 -116.342 5.0 23 km (14 mi) NW of Ludlow
Mag. 2.0 April 24 08:06:48 33.789 -116.108 0.6 14 km (8 mi) NNE of Coachella
Mag. 2.1 April 23 21:13:33 37.325 -122.106 0.2 0 km (0 mi) SW of Quarry near Cupertino
Mag. 2.1 April 23 19:43:35 40.076 -121.476 3.2 21 km (13 mi) WNW of Belden
Mag. 2.1 April 23 16:25:05 33.865 -117.477 5.5 8 km (5 mi) E of Corona
Mag. 2.1 April 23 21:20:11 38.816 -122.807 3.4 2 km (1 mi) N of The Geysers
Mag. 2.3 April 23 14:16:32 38.822 -122.793 3.0 3 km (2 mi) NNE of The Geysers
Mag. 2.0 April 23 12:37:58 38.794 -122.794 3.6 1 km (1 mi) ESE of The Geysers
Mag. 2.2 April 23 11:05:27 38.361 -122.584 5.0 5 km (3 mi) W of Glen Ellen
Mag. 2.0 April 23 05:43:59 40.005 -122.731 1.5 39 km (24 mi) N of Alder Springs
Mag. 2.3 April 23 04:25:19 40.093 -123.769 20.7 6 km (4 mi) ESE of Redway
Mag. 4.1 April 23 01:55:29 34.866 -116.340 5.5 23 km (14 mi) NW of Ludlow
Mag. 2.1 April 23 01:48:10 34.869 -116.344 5.2 23 km (15 mi) NW of Ludlow

Mag. 1.2 April 26 12:31:46 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 12:27:48 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 26 12:17:39 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 26 12:15:48 19.407 -155.280 0.7 7 km (4 mi) SW of Volcano
Mag. 1.1 April 26 12:13:53 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 26 11:48:22 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.3 April 26 11:41:17 41.126 -114.917 8.0 5 km (3 mi) ENE of Wells
Mag. 1.2 April 26 11:22:53 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 11:20:52 39.510 -119.886 0.0 6 km (4 mi) WSW of Reno
Mag. 1.9 April 26 11:13:52 39.550 -119.939 0.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 26 10:58:29 39.510 -119.912 0.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 10:41:06 39.510 -119.912 0.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 10:40:11 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.3 April 26 10:17:13 39.509 -119.990 0.0 3 km (2 mi) WSW of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.8 April 26 10:13:02 39.529 -119.964 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NNW of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 10:10:58 39.510 -119.912 0.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.8 April 26 10:08:01 39.510 -119.912 0.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 10:02:49 39.550 -119.939 8.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 09:48:03 39.510 -119.886 0.0 6 km (4 mi) WSW of Reno
Mag. 1.4 April 26 09:46:31 39.412 -119.753 0.0 13 km (8 mi) N of New Washoe City
Mag. 1.1 April 26 09:32:27 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.9 April 26 09:27:39 39.570 -119.939 0.0 6 km (4 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 09:20:09 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.4 April 26 09:11:59 39.525 -119.927 2.1 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 09:09:59 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 26 09:00:51 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.6 April 26 08:57:07 39.510 -119.912 0.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 08:53:24 39.550 -119.939 0.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.3 April 26 08:43:32 39.510 -119.912 4.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 26 08:35:22 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 08:34:52 39.512 -119.755 4.0 5 km (3 mi) SSW of Sparks
Mag. 2.3 April 26 08:20:28 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.6 April 26 08:17:26 39.530 -119.886 0.0 6 km (3 mi) W of Reno
Mag. 1.1 April 26 08:15:54 39.530 -119.886 8.0 6 km (3 mi) W of Reno
Mag. 1.7 April 26 08:12:41 39.550 -119.939 0.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 26 08:05:49 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 26 08:03:52 39.509 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) ESE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 07:58:22 39.550 -119.939 0.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 07:51:13 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 26 07:49:16 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 26 07:44:57 39.550 -119.939 16.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 26 07:42:23 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.1 April 26 07:32:26 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.7 April 26 07:29:20 39.527 -119.927 2.7 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 26 07:27:00 39.570 -119.939 0.0 6 km (4 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 07:24:34 39.529 -119.938 12.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.9 April 26 07:21:29 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.3 April 26 07:20:48 39.510 -119.912 0.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 26 07:18:46 39.510 -119.912 4.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.6 April 26 07:14:01 39.510 -119.886 0.0 6 km (4 mi) WSW of Reno
Mag. 1.2 April 26 07:12:33 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.9 April 26 07:09:37 39.530 -119.886 0.0 6 km (3 mi) W of Reno
Mag. 1.8 April 26 07:07:57 39.489 -119.937 0.0 3 km (2 mi) SSE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 26 07:06:14 39.511 -119.859 0.0 4 km (2 mi) WSW of Reno
Mag. 1.5 April 26 07:05:36 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.8 April 26 06:58:33 39.510 -119.912 0.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.3 April 26 06:56:33 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 26 06:54:13 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.1 April 26 06:51:39 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 26 06:49:06 39.550 -119.913 0.0 5 km (3 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.4 April 26 06:45:07 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.4 April 26 06:43:50 39.521 -119.924 1.4 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 4.7 April 26 06:40:10 39.520 -119.930 1.4 2 km (1 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.3 April 26 06:39:59 39.516 -119.924 1.7 3 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul

Mag. 1.4 April 26 06:16:54 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 06:05:21 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 05:54:54 37.334 -117.130 4.0 12 km (7 mi) ENE of Tokop
Mag. 1.1 April 26 05:22:45 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 26 05:11:05 39.530 -119.886 8.0 6 km (3 mi) W of Reno
Mag. 1.8 April 26 04:48:11 39.550 -119.939 0.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.3 April 26 04:32:00 39.510 -119.912 0.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 26 04:06:59 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 03:52:45 39.511 -119.859 0.0 4 km (2 mi) WSW of Reno
Mag. 2.1 April 26 03:51:17 41.124 -114.864 8.0 9 km (6 mi) E of Wells
Mag. 1.3 April 26 02:54:15 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 26 02:40:55 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 26 02:14:09 39.529 -119.938 8.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 26 02:08:44 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.1 April 26 01:28:32 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 01:20:55 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.6 April 26 01:13:20 39.529 -119.918 1.6 4 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 26 01:09:49 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 26 01:05:10 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.3 April 26 01:01:37 39.530 -119.912 12.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 26 00:27:45 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 26 00:04:38 39.550 -119.939 0.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.1 April 25 23:59:05 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 25 23:51:57 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.4 April 25 23:41:25 37.959 -118.370 0.0 41 km (26 mi) SSE of Qualeys Camp
Mag. 1.2 April 25 23:38:55 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.1 April 25 23:25:03 50.351 -173.900 10.0 207 km (128 mi) S of Atka
Mag. 1.9 April 25 23:20:26 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 23:13:14 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.6 April 25 23:03:36 39.530 -119.912 12.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.9 April 25 22:23:16 39.538 -119.939 1.0 3 km (2 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 25 20:17:42 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.9 April 25 19:35:57 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 25 19:23:27 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.9 April 25 18:47:22 38.219 -118.652 0.0 15 km (9 mi) SW of Qualeys Camp
Mag. 2.8 April 25 18:38:03 39.522 -119.923 1.4 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 18:27:21 36.517 -115.142 8.0 28 km (17 mi) WNW of Dry Lake
Mag. 1.3 April 25 18:11:05 39.525 -119.926 0.8 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 17:57:11 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.8 April 25 17:36:17 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.3 April 25 17:30:10 39.531 -119.928 1.4 3 km (2 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 25 17:26:17 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.0 April 25 17:23:11 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 25 16:46:34 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 16:17:11 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 25 16:04:34 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 25 15:32:04 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 25 15:24:32 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 15:22:19 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 25 15:19:19 39.510 -119.912 4.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.6 April 25 14:04:40 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.6 April 25 13:38:13 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 25 13:09:56 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 25 13:08:58 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.2 April 25 12:44:42 19.786 -155.457 22.6 30 km (19 mi) SSW of Paauilo
Mag. 2.9 April 25 12:42:17 39.530 -119.935 2.9 3 km (2 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.3 April 25 12:16:54 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.6 April 25 12:07:28 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.3 April 25 11:47:08 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 25 11:40:30 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 25 10:45:41 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 25 10:29:16 39.530 -119.886 0.0 6 km (3 mi) W of Reno
Mag. 1.2 April 25 10:21:14 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 25 10:16:49 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 25 10:02:10 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 25 09:31:21 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 25 09:21:11 39.470 -119.910 0.0 6 km (4 mi) SE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 09:17:07 39.549 -119.965 0.0 4 km (2 mi) N of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 25 08:46:10 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.3 April 25 08:42:58 39.521 -119.922 2.6 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.8 April 25 08:32:41 41.244 -114.831 8.0 19 km (12 mi) NE of Wells
Mag. 1.1 April 25 07:41:03 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 07:24:53 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 25 07:19:56 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 25 07:14:32 39.510 -119.912 4.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 25 07:10:09 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 25 06:35:55 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 06:26:44 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 25 06:03:32 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 05:44:26 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.3 April 25 05:29:30 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 25 04:51:17 39.509 -119.990 0.0 3 km (2 mi) WSW of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 25 04:17:26 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 25 03:22:50 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 25 03:01:33 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 25 02:52:33 39.490 -119.885 0.0 7 km (4 mi) ESE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 02:39:19 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 25 02:23:14 39.550 -119.939 0.0 4 km (3 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 25 01:18:55 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.3 April 25 01:00:33 39.531 -119.929 2.2 3 km (2 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 25 00:49:56 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.6 April 25 00:47:52 40.375 -115.374 0.0 6 km (4 mi) ENE of Ruby Valley
Mag. 1.5 April 25 00:39:21 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 00:35:25 39.510 -119.912 8.0 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 25 00:25:41 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 25 00:23:21 39.510 -119.886 8.0 6 km (4 mi) WSW of Reno
Mag. 1.2 April 25 00:21:52 39.530 -119.912 16.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.1 April 25 00:08:10 39.509 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) ESE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 25 00:03:55 39.529 -119.964 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NNW of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.7 April 24 23:51:48 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 24 23:43:13 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.4 April 24 23:32:07 39.530 -119.912 16.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 24 23:29:24 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 24 23:27:22 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.8 April 24 23:26:03 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 24 23:18:48 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 24 23:16:41 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 24 23:14:20 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.4 April 24 23:08:41 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.0 April 24 23:06:25 39.530 -119.912 4.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.7 April 24 23:01:56 39.530 -119.912 8.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.5 April 24 23:00:15 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 4.2 April 24 22:55:49 39.527 -119.929 2.8 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.9 April 24 22:54:37 39.538 -119.936 1.6 3 km (2 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.8 April 24 22:52:34 39.537 -119.933 1.3 3 km (2 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.0 April 24 22:51:06 39.539 -119.938 1.8 3 km (2 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 4.1 April 24 22:47:04 39.533 -119.932 1.1 3 km (2 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.1 April 24 21:28:53 40.752 -116.181 0.0 7 km (4 mi) NW of Carlin
Mag. 1.9 April 24 21:20:07 40.955 -116.361 16.0 6 km (4 mi) NW of Leeville
Mag. 2.2 April 24 17:56:42 39.547 -116.110 16.0 13 km (8 mi) WNW of Eureka
Mag. 1.7 April 24 12:17:36 41.205 -114.860 8.0 14 km (9 mi) NE of Wells
Mag. 1.2 April 24 10:58:08 39.522 -119.927 2.3 3 km (2 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.0 April 24 07:33:15 37.891 -118.097 5.5 42 km (26 mi) S of Tonopah Junction
Mag. 1.6 April 24 06:29:47 41.303 -114.775 8.0 14 km (9 mi) S of Wilkins
Mag. 1.2 April 24 03:57:00 39.550 -119.913 8.0 5 km (3 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.1 April 24 03:23:27 37.491 -116.850 0.0 42 km (26 mi) ENE of Tokop
Mag. 1.2 April 23 23:02:23 36.619 -115.188 8.0 36 km (22 mi) WNW of Dry Lake
Mag. 1.4 April 23 21:42:38 39.530 -119.912 0.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 3.0 April 23 21:21:39 37.377 -114.696 9.9 14 km (8 mi) SSE of Helene
Mag. 1.9 April 23 19:37:41 39.302 -115.001 0.0 12 km (7 mi) WNW of Ely
Mag. 1.1 April 23 18:05:02 39.490 -119.885 0.0 7 km (4 mi) ESE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.8 April 23 10:52:06 37.218 -115.089 4.0 18 km (11 mi) SSE of Alamo
Mag. 1.2 April 23 09:00:03 39.518 -119.913 2.4 4 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.5 April 23 06:49:20 39.530 -119.912 16.0 4 km (3 mi) ENE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.9 April 23 06:21:09 39.515 -119.923 1.7 3 km (2 mi) E of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.4 April 23 06:21:09 39.529 -119.938 0.0 2 km (1 mi) NE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 2.3 April 23 05:02:39 37.994 -118.681 6.3 37 km (23 mi) SSW of Qualeys Camp
Mag. 2.0 April 23 04:25:00 41.203 -114.807 8.0 17 km (11 mi) NE of Wells
Mag. 1.9 April 23 03:57:12 41.283 -114.803 8.0 16 km (10 mi) SSW of Wilkins
Mag. 1.2 April 23 03:07:39 39.570 -119.939 12.0 6 km (4 mi) NNE of Verdi-Mogul
Mag. 1.2 April 23 02:51:44 39.491 -119.833 0.0 4 km (3 mi) SSW of Reno
Mag. 1.2 April 23 02:33:39 37.336 -117.484 4.0 20 km (13 mi) W of Tokop
Mag. 2.0 April 23 02:33:18 37.996 -118.681 6.0 37 km (23 mi) SSW of Qualeys Camp
Mag. 3.2 April 23 02:06:54 37.992 -118.681 5.6 38 km (23 mi) SSW of Qualeys Camp
Mag. 1.6 April 23 21:36:54 33.072 -114.946 0.0 14 km (8 miles) SSE (149°) from Helene

Mag. 1.6 April 23 06:50:02 41.990 -111.824 2.7 3 km (2 mi) SSW of Franklin, ID
Mag. 1.0 April 23 09:27:36 41.993 -111.825 2.9 3 km (2 mi) SW of Franklin, ID
Mag. 1.0 April 23 10:20:26 41.989 -111.824 3.1 3 km (2 mi) SSW of Franklin, ID
Mag. 1.3 April 23 11:18:58 41.988 -111.826 2.4 4 km (2 mi) SSW of Franklin, ID
Mag. 1.6 April 23 01:41:13 41.992 -111.823 2.3 3 km (2 mi) SSW of Franklin, ID

Mag. 1.8 April 24 20:37:44 39.623 -110.435 0.8 8 km (5 mi) NNW of Sunnyside
Mag. 1.2 April 24 02:15:40 39.681 -110.496 1.9 17 km (10 mi) NNW of Sunnyside
Mag. 1.5 April 23 21:49:17 39.975 -111.887 1.9 3 km (2 mi) NNE of Goshen
Mag. 1.4 April 23 20:20:08 39.339 -111.962 7.1 16 km (10 mi) NW of Fayette
Mag. 1.8 April 23 15:49:10 39.354 -111.951 3.7 17 km (10 mi) NNW of Fayette
Mag. 1.5 April 23 15:05:17 39.372 -111.947 4.2 18 km (11 mi) NNW of Fayette
Mag. 1.3 April 23 12:09:30 39.620 -110.422 1.9 8 km (5 mi) NNW of Sunnyside
Mag. 1.1 April 23 10:12:34 39.621 -110.422 2.1 8 km (5 mi) NNW of Sunnyside
Mag. 1.5 April 23 08:10:44 39.755 -110.898 4.6 8 km (5 mi) NNW of Helper
Mag. 1.1 April 23 07:04:54 39.328 -111.955 1.3 14 km (9 mi) NW of Fayette
Mag. 1.0 April 23 06:08:43 39.625 -110.418 1.8 8 km (5 mi) N of Sunnyside
Mag. 3.3 April 23 05:08:08 19.267 -155.551 9.8 10 km (6 mi) NW of Pahala
Mag. 1.1 April 23 01:41:25 39.641 -110.401 0.8 10 km (6 mi) N of Sunnyside
Mag. 1.1 April 23 01:41:25 39.623 -110.415 1.6 8 km (5 mi) N of Sunnyside

Mag. 3.0 April 24 02:21:51 37.051 -104.878 5.0 25 km (16 mi) WSW of Cokedale
Mag. 2.4 April 23 08:53:58 38.472 -107.615 5.0 22 km (14 mi) E of Montrose

Mag. 2.1 April 23 01:32:34 38.460 -87.860 14.4 9 km (6 mi) NNE of Bellmont
Mag. 2.6 April 24 11:44:24 38.450 -87.900 18.3 7 km (5 mi) N of Bellmont
Mag. 3.7 April 25 17:31:00 38.450 -87.870 13.2 8 km (5 mi) NNE of Bellmont

Mag. 2.0 April 23 07:21:26 36.270 -89.500 7.2 2 km (1 mi) WNW of Ridgely, TN
Mag. 1.7 April 23 17:05:49 35.530 -84.500 10.9 5 km (3 mi) ENE of Niota, TN
Mag. 1.8 April 23 22:54:59 36.520 -89.580 7.1 3 km (2 mi) E of Marston, MO
Mag. 1.5 April 24 05:12:34 36.490 -89.550 8.4 6 km (4 mi) ESE of Marston, MO
Mag. 2.5 April 25 00:45:46 35.910 -89.950 12.2 4 km (2 mi) SW of Blytheville, AR
Mag. 1.9 April 25 01:17:28 35.770 -90.150 0.4 9 km (5 mi) W of Victoria, AR
Mag. 2.4 April 23 07:11:19 36.270 -89.500 7.1 2 km (1 mi) WNW of Ridgely, TN

ALASKA 3.0 and greater For a COMPLETE of Alaska Events, - go here :

Mag. 4.6 April 25 18:03:43 52.452 -164.433 10.0 209 km (130 mi) SSE of Akutan
Mag. 4.6 April 26 04:05:39 63.080 -151.560 10.9 88 km (55 mi) NNW of Petersville

Mag. 3.2 April 26 10:41:07 54.135 -163.678 36.2 79 km (49 mi) SSW of False Pass
Mag. 3.1 April 25 17:07:12 51.782 -179.257 11.8 180 km (112 mi) W of Adak
Mag. 3.1 April 25 15:03:54 51.434 -177.989 36.6 105 km (65 mi) WSW of Adak
Mag. 4.3 April 25 14:08:04 51.858 -179.433 5.0 191 km (119 mi) W of Adak
Mag. 3.8 April 25 08:03:35 51.310 -178.590 18.1 149 km (92 mi) WSW of Adak

Mag. 3.1 April 24 20:50:06 60.180 -153.589 158.3 40 km (25 mi) E of Port Alsworth
Mag. 3.4 April 23 23:39:51 66.921 -135.848 16.7 337 km (210 mi) NE of Eagle Village
Mag. 3.3 April 23 23:38:50 51.778 -179.173 4.0 174 km (108 mi) W of Adak
Mag. 4.1 April 23 05:01:59 63.673 -150.855 10.7 75 km (47 mi) ESE of Lake Minchumina

HAWAII 2.0 and greater
Mag. 2.2 April 24 20:38:12 19.333 -155.128 5.9 16 km (10 mi) S of Fern Forest
Mag. 2.5 April 24 17:33:10 19.830 -156.109 15.8 16 km (10 mi) NW of Kalaoa
Mag. 2.8 April 24 05:33:05 19.328 -155.434 31.7 15 km (9 mi) NNE of Pahala
Mag. 2.3 April 24 02:03:33 19.805 -155.351 24.5 23 km (14 mi) SSW of Laupahoehoe
Mag. 2.7 April 23 17:37:35 19.172 -155.375 34.9 11 km (7 mi) ESE of Pahala

Mag. 3.4 April 26 09:53:22 19.720 -64.966 100.5 129 km (80 mi) NNW of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 2.9 April 26 03:21:50 18.946 -65.045 7.3 67 km (42 mi) N of Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands
Mag. 2.6 April 25 23:51:31 18.043 -65.517 16.7 7 km (5 mi) SW of Esperanza, PR
Mag. 1.9 April 25 03:44:36 17.488 -66.157 33.8 52 km (32 mi) S of Jobos, PR
Mag. 3.3 April 25 20:51:29 18.968 -63.856 46.7 56 km (35 mi) ENE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 3.7 April 25 02:53:56 19.971 -64.937 72.0 152 km (95 mi) NNW of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

Mag. 1.6 April 25 00:26:26 63.608 -149.612 100.0 39 km (24 mi) W of Denali National Park
Mag. 3.2 April 24 21:11:07 18.715 -65.045 9.2 42 km (26 mi) NNW of Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands
Mag. 3.2 April 24 20:29:06 19.035 -66.802 7.2 61 km (38 mi) N of Hatillo, PR
Mag. 3.2 April 24 20:04:59 19.062 -66.830 7.0 64 km (40 mi) N of Hatillo, PR
Mag. 3.2 April 24 09:37:50 18.946 -67.236 91.7 54 km (34 mi) NNW of Isabela, PR

Mag. 2.5 April 24 07:28:43 18.789 -64.333 47.1 7 km (4 mi) NNW of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 3.6 April 24 05:57:53 19.773 -64.948 110.1 133 km (83 mi) NNW of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 3.7 April 24 04:02:59 19.939 -64.973 73.0 151 km (94 mi) NNW of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 3.4 April 24 00:49:18 19.032 -65.447 48.7 79 km (49 mi) NNE of Luquillo, PR

Mag. 2.1 April 23 23:56:28 18.020 -66.773 20.5 0 km (0 mi) W of Magas Arriba, PR
Mag. 3.4 April 23 23:20:53 19.977 -64.999 41.7 156 km (97 mi) NNW of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 3.8 April 23 23:20:52 19.953 -65.025 2.2 155 km (96 mi) NNW of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 3.1 April 23 23:11:46 18.672 -65.250 59.0 41 km (26 mi) N of Culebra, PR
Mag. 3.3 April 23 16:56:15 18.878 -68.187 133.6 62 km (39 mi) ENE of Higüey, Dominican Republic

Mag. 2.8 April 23 16:14:14 18.701 -64.632 46.1 28 km (17 mi) NNW of East End-Long Look, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 3.3 April 23 10:03:11 19.020 -65.336 119.6 79 km (49 mi) N of Culebra, PR
Mag. 3.4 April 23 07:12:14 19.356 -67.363 4.1 102 km (63 mi) NNW of Isabela, PR

Mag. 2.9 April 23 01:38:35 18.851 -64.259 35.1 15 km (9 mi) NNE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands
Mag. 2.6 April 23 03:36:38 32.405 -115.317 6.0 23 km (14 mi) WNW of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico



Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 5:05pm

Out of the mouth of babes.....

This morning while having some breakfast I was sharing with my teenage daughter about what is happening in Lakeland Florida. I said  "you know it always happens... whenever there is a new outpouring there is always the naysayers, and that was o.k. as long as they could stand before the Lord one day and say they didn't judge his anointed ones. Some like myself who were born again years ago at one of the previous outpourings have gone on to be targeted and ridiculed by other believers as to their TRUE salvation". I then went on to say that I know ( much more than I can explain in human words) that this is "just the tip" of what is coming. She responded " what do you mean the TIP"?. I explained what I was referring to.

She said "you know what I see mom?. Imagine an  iceberg in the water. Everyone marvels at the size of it... they can only see with their physical eyes. They try to judge it by it's appearance. Some just don't want to get close out of fear. Others will gush at it's magnificence . People just see the TIP they do not see the rest because it is still submerged in water. We have no idea how big that sucker is until we go DEEPER under the water .!!!

Anything prophetic in this?.


Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 5:14pm

Julie...Earthquake activity on an island yesterday called Bridegroom Island.

A friend of mine sent me this info ( he is noticing too the prophetic significance of all this activity).

4.9 quake with 49/49 parameters: Bridegroom Island

If you will look at the map (URL below)................. will notice a group of volcanic islands known as the Mukojima
Group. Mukojima means "Bridegroom Island":

There was a 4.9 quake this morning at 37 minutes, 53 seconds after
midnight EDT and the CLOSEST island to this quake was this
northernmost "Mukojima" ("BRIDEGROOM") Island. The parameters
("locators" like a woman's "birth pangs") were ALSO 49 / 49!!!!

49 = the Son of Man
37 = the Word of God
53 = marriage

( These are his interpretations of numbers...not mine).


Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 5:17pm

perfect example Diane.. I saw it as I read what you wrote.. It was so white on top and submerged in the bluest of blue water (blue the color of revelation??) the base was a white-blue hue....  and it is MEGA - HUGE! wow!   KEEP PRAYING!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 5:19pm

Diane! Whoo hoo.. I got Holy Ghost chills on that one!!! Bridegroom Island.. Even so Lord Jesus COME! Send now Your Holy Spirit NOW! without measure!! Revive your people... then send us forth two by two to preach the GOOD NEWS with signs following... Amen!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 5:25pm

Being made alive by the Spirit but not walking in the Spirit causes a regrettable mixture.

This mixture in modern life and ministry is being exposed by the enlightenment and the fire of God moving upon the church and the world. As people of God truly begin to walk in the Spirit, the mixture within them is exposed by the light of the Spirit. Many will quickly repent, be cleansed, and continue to walk in the Spirit. However, others will justify their condition, walk out of the Spirit, and slip toward further darkness.

For those of us who are walking in the Spirit, the mixture in others, especially leaders, is quickly discerned. This becomes a burden to the person walking in the Spirit, a burden that calls for a Holy Spirit-led response to the situation. There is a snare set by the enemy to discourage and entrap us into critically judging from the natural soul and move from walking in the Spirit. We need to remember that we were a mixture before we were fully sanctified unto walking in the Spirit and that we do not have all knowledge of the specific situation. We must seek God and do and say only what we see Him doing and saying. Our hearts may be broken as we see the plight of our brothers and sisters entrapped in the love of money and seeking self-gratification using their gift and their once genuine desire for the work of God for personal gain. Or God may lead us to confront firmly with tears and love. Or God may call for some other response or no response at all on our part.

James 4:8-11: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law.


Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/27/2008 at 5:38pm

Amen Ron... well said... for us ALL

There is a snare set by the enemy to discourage and entrap us into critically judging from the natural soul and move from walking in the Spirit. We need to remember that we were a mixture before we were fully sanctified unto walking in the Spirit and that we do not have all knowledge of the specific situation. We must seek God and do and say only what we see Him doing and saying.

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: richard gilman
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 5:30am

Julie, amen to YHWH is God all by himself and totally soverign. You mention the burning bush , did moses get a statute of that event to put on display? The Holy LOGOS says you shall make no graven images, have no idols. It says that the love of money is the root of all evil, im weighing this one in my spirit as i am open to anything YHWH would do but i dont want a experience that is tainted. One specific area of concern i have seen in the lakeland chat room is the promoting of this as hyper spirtuality, much like the prosperity movement. The burning bush was a manifestation of The CONSUMING FIRE of YHWH. Who in scripture is described as inset with jewels??

Kriston, i understand where u are coming from and say amen to that all of us who are seeking YHWH will recieve a revelation of HIM as we seek HIM  with all our hearts.. I understand there are "revival" junkies. enough said on that.

However i must say this has been in my spirit as i have prayed for the move of God in lakeland. The jewish people were required to travel to the sacrifices, they were warned against staying home.. I do look at the timing of this move of the LORD, timed right around passover.. I feel the LORD showed me several leaders will miss a blessing because of pride, they are in a relationship with YHWH directly and dont need to go there to be blessed.. I read the accounts of elishas ministry in 2 kings yesterday, there are specific instructions he gave, should leadership have a naman spirit and walk in pride saying we dont need to be washed in the jordan, the rivers in syria are cleaner? HMM LOL..

Nor do i think that we need to be under bondage to go and visit, we need to pray and obey the leading of God. Gods people need to come together as one and be in unity!!!!!

Bro ron i stick with 1john if any man or ministry say they have no sin then the truth is not in them and they are liars.. All we can do is trust in the LORD for a closer purification, never making provision for our flesh.

i was listening to a event recently on the web, i said this lady is annointed, then i saw a baptist background and somethings i discerned. She said two minutes later she says i used to be a baptist.. I went to the LORD and asked HIM about why i discerned that as it seems as i sit and talk to someone i am getting more clear pictures of the things attached to them. We need more than ever to have the generational past issues to be totally seperated from us and be hid in Christ as we minister..

Even so Come LORD JESUS, restore the heart fo the father to the son and the son to the father, bring biblical unity in holiness to your wonderful bride

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 5:34am

From Mike Adkins - UK

Hi everyone

Jean and I (together with hundreds of others) packed into Trevor Baker’s church in Dudley West Midlands for a time of worship and impartation following Trevor’s return from Lakeland. Trevor was in touch with Todd Bentley by cell phone in the meeting and it was good to hear Todd’s voice coming over the PA system.

The meeting was highly charged with God’s presence and loads of people testified to healings. Like Todd says, the glory is tangible and the anointing transfers. Some people traveled for more than a hundred miles to be at the meeting (a long way in UK terms)  and the church began to fill up from mid-afternoon for a meeting beginning at 7.30pm.

Trevor has said that the meetings will continue being held for as long as hungry people will come. This looks like the beginning of something powerful in the UK.

Blessings to you all.

Mike Adkins
Coventry UK - -

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 5:53am

I greatly appreciate Sommerville's article - thanks for posting this Julie!  Having been in Christian circles most of my life, I have been on the receiving end of those leaders who do what Terry once did.  To the extreme degree.  I saw a church wane from over 300 members vibrant, alive, going to many nations and a few years down to about 20, many of whom were relatives of the leaders -- and then after I was finally released, it disbanded within a couple years.  It was the only negative move from a fellowship I had.  The experience was unable to be described in words.  All sorts of manipulating, control, deception and perpetual dissatisfaction blame and unhappiness with the people of God no matter what. ( I was even commanded to prophesy certain things in certain ways and when I couldn't get a witness in my spirit allowing me to speak these things I was told I just didn't hear God too well and was lacking in my gift and so forth)  The pressure to perform in certain matters in order to please the utterly unpleasable was horrible.  I feel it was full bloom.  It's a real pressure and temptation the enemy throws at sincere leaders who truly want good things but have mixture and need in them that drives them more than they know....

Yesterday the mesage was the abandonment of seeking His kingdom first - the pouring out and the endless walking in His kingdom and not looking to circumstances was preached in our fellowship.  This is what releases power and so forth.  We have, as mentioned before, been seeing an increase in healings and some in the past few weeks were completely verifiable by Dr's.  We have been praying for some months on the increase of this and so we rejoice that so many are being healed in Florida.  We spent a large amount of time praying for healing yesterday in the two meetings.  There was even some of it being done by the leaders.  The 'superstar' if you call Him that, is none other than King Jesus.  His kingdom is top priority.  If we take our gaze away from Him and His kingdom then we begin having self focus and then we begin not seeing what all He is doing, providing, etc.  Things begin not meeting our standards and we begin becoming critical rather than pressing in for more.  We might be a little critically judgemental as we see the very things we have been praying for seeming to come to 'others' who may even be behaving contrary to our standards or who may be 'clueless' - all the while here we are...waiting for the fullness.  Well, are we truly seeking HIS kingdom and HIS will? If so we can rejoice!  As mentioned - HIS kingdom is far larger than just our little pocket of influence....and God doesn't look to see who "deserves" it by our standards.

I know friends in a country who really NEED divine dental work.  I don't see that much of this has happened.  I mean they mostly do not have the means to get dental work and it shows.  I also recall a man in about 1980 who ministered in Mexico among peasants..suddenly and without warning or teeth were replacing rotten or missing teeth in the mouths and many other medical miracles were taking place.  They REALLY needed this.  I could get really fussy and unhappy - or blame myself or others for the absence of this I see in one place as opposed to other places...or I can press in and seek HIS kingdom.

I got two invitations to pray for people connected with my workplace for healing last week.  An inoperable brain aneurism and a tumor...the one with the aneurism and elderly lady, has decided to go home to die.  I haven't had a report yet about the tumor.  I expect His kingdom to come.  And AMEN that His ultimate design and will for us is not to die ill.  I can only do what I see my Father doing.  Instead of shutting down and 'closing up shop' - I have decided to keep praying for these and to keep my eyes open for more opportunities.  SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM!



Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 6:12am 0029627">

Two students from Morningstar Ministries went to Lakeland and when they returned revival fire broke out with power and miraculous healing among students. 0029627 - Holy Spirit Breakout: Day 1 , 0029627 - Day 2

The Lord visited us here at Heritage International Ministries on Wednesday, April 23rd, during a Bible Class in our CSCL day school, which then blew up into a 12-hour Holy Spirit break out! Kids, teachers, staff, parents, and students all were impacted by the presence of God in various ways - healing, deliverance, joy, mind and was powerful and it has continued! This video is a brief documentary of what happened on Day 1 of this mighty outpouring.
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Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 6:45am

Hi all,

I'm leaving for Spokane, Washington in about 15 minutes...for a couple of nights away from home to relax and probably intercede. As an intercessor, how could I stop?

Anyway, I'm also booked for Florida. PTL for making all the arrangements. I'll be staying with a lady friend I "met" online about 7 years ago. We'd always talked about meeting some day. Now is the time!!

I'll be there from May 7-May 12, going to the Lakeland meetings starting May 8th at least twice, maybe more.

Another online friend is helping with part of the costs.

As I've heard Todd Bentley say quite a few times, get on a plane and come and get some. Thank you. I'm going to do that.

Pray I can get in, not have to spend too much time in line with my friend, Pauly...that I receive this mighty impartation and bring it back home with me and start a revival here in Boise.

More to catch a plane. I'll have my OH password with me and am to have Internet access at the motel where I'm staying in Spokane.

Love to all,


Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 7:59am

amen richard,

I agree, we do as the Spirit leads, we go to recieve something if the Spirit moves. We do what the Lord speaks and obey. When the Lord said to me, "Do you want Todd's anointing for healing or mine", I take that as a word from the Lord to access what is available generally to the body in this hour regarding the moving of the Spirit. He is already moving here in a new way and I am encouraged more by the moving in Florida. 

But I have been careful to not tell others this is what they MUST do. I have said in essence, seek God first for his anointing. He will guide us or put the desire within us if we are to go and recieve from another. And if He does, we better go do it.

The revival Junky syndrome goes place to place seeking the experience and drinking of others anointing, but doesn't walk fully in thier own.  We just need to be aware and avoid this error. And pray...


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 9:29am

HEY, everybody
The Holy Fire has hit MO, last night my neice and her husband, both new believers less than 4 months, went to a fellowship meeting somewhere in Troy, MO.
The guest speaker there had just returned from Lakeland, FL.
They had been to Church on The Rock last week, great service with John Mason, but it is a little to far for them to travel with 2 small children under 3 yrs old.
Anyway, they called my sister-in-law this morning, about it
All she could say to me when she relayed the message was.
'They got Tow UP from the Flo' UP' ,,,
Ya'll have got to hear this, her husband said
' We have found the place we need to be"
He had been somewhat reserved in fully embracing the TRUTH, since he
had been raised Ca.
But, when the Fire of God moved on his heart,,,,,

 Hallelujah!!!! I am almost in tears as I am writing.....
OOOOH, ain't God Sooooo Good Ya'll
We must NEVER give up on those who just might be one breath shy of
"Givin' IT All to Jesus!'

I have to go,,,

For HIS Glory,

Posted By: Carol Marler
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 10:27am

WOW Jake!!!!!!!!!!

 For His Glory...Amen!!

Posted By: Carol Marler
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 10:33am

Ann.  You trip sounds fantastic!!!!!  You jump on that jet and have the time of your life with the Lord.  Bring OH something back from Lakeland!!

Posted By: richard gilman
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 11:43am

Amen, Abba bless ann on her journey. May you meet her every expectation LORD in Jesus name.

Even so Come LORD JESUS, restore the heart fo the father to the son and the son to the father, bring biblical unity in holiness to your wonderful bride

Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 12:43pm




Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 1:10pm

Diane, I LOVE THAT WAVE!  That is awesome!

Jake, I am so excited for you!  Hallelujah to King Jesus!  We serve a mighty God!!!!! 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 1:27pm


Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 4:23pm

Lord, You are sooooooo BEAUTIFUL! You're everything we hoped for, You're everything we need, You are so Beautiful to me....singing..

In His Love

Posted By: Lyn McSweeney
Date Posted: 04/28/2008 at 11:41pm

   Singing along with Kathy!!!! Yes  Jesus... you are everything we need  


The closeness of you

Meets my hearts desire

The closeness of you

Sets my soul on fire

The closeness of you

Takes away my pain

The closeness of you

Makes me new again

Lord I just live for the

The closeness of you

Love and Blessings!

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 04/29/2008 at 2:18am

Yes my JESUS, YOU are our JUBILEE!!!  Singin' with you my Sisters, "LORD, YOU are sooooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!  You're everything we hoped for, You're everything we need, You're so Beautiful to me,,,,,,singing,,,,,,OH JOY FILLS THIS HERE SOUL!!!   Love you ALL-prayin' & decreein'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 04/29/2008 at 2:51am

Also singing along with my sister!  Hallelujah to King Jesus!  You are everything we need Lord!   There is a melody in my heart and a joy Father that no one can ever take away.  The world did not give it to me and the world cannot take it away!  Thank you Father for you grace and mercy that endureth forever!!!!

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: richard gilman
Date Posted: 04/29/2008 at 7:35am

The church is coming back to the heart of worship, where its all about you, all about you Jesus. We are sorryLORD  for the things we have made it, its all about you Jesus.. sing with me bride of the LORD..

Even so Come LORD JESUS, restore the heart fo the father to the son and the son to the father, bring biblical unity in holiness to your wonderful bride

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/29/2008 at 7:41am

Howdy all,

Enjoying my stay in Spokane. There is nothing like getting alone with God and letting Him refresh you, especially when there have been some serious conflicts against you. That is what had happened to me just before leaving Boise. Writing things out on a tablet and letting Him speak to us is great therapy.

He's freeing me up now before going to Lakeland next week, so that I'm ready for receive and then to bring it to wherever else He'll be sending me after that.

Love you all. Thanks much for praying for me.

More, Lord!! More of you and less of me (us). Fire here in Spokane!! And, in Couer d'Alene (where I'll be going today).

I'd heard that there is a division between North and South Idaho. This was be my first time to the Northern part of the state.

Praying always,



Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Lyn McSweeney
Date Posted: 04/29/2008 at 4:17pm

Love and Blessings!

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/29/2008 at 4:43pm

I'd forgotten to take the directions to the Gateway Church in Coeur d'Alene with me, but the Holy Spirit brought me right to it, telling me which exit to take from the freeway and then I remembered the street name when I saw it. Met the pastor and prayed together with him for Idaho, North and South. Wow!!

Went to the Elijah House today to meet the people who work there. I found out there is a House of Prayer in Spokane right next to the Healing Rooms, which I'm visiting tomorrow for prayer and a tour before returning home. So, will also go the Spokane House of Prayer. What an adventure it is when we're following Him, and our desire is to serve Him and be used of Him.


Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/29/2008 at 6:40pm

God With Us - More Than Revival

By Ron McGatlin

Spiritual Lightening And Forest Fires

The fire of God has come near to earth with a mighty roaring sound to destroy the works of the devil. A bolt of lightning fire has struck in the forest of hungry humanity starving for a real outpouring of God. Multitudes of tired half-dead "beggars" (revival chasers) sitting beside the kingdom highway because they were too weak from starvation to continue the journey have been struck by heavenly lightening. The fire of God has been ignited on earth in a sudden lightning strike in Lakeland, Florida USA.

There is nothing man can take credit for or claim to have done to have brought this about. God did not choose a noble, admirable man of high esteem to receive the igniting strike of lightning. God chose one of the most naturally un-glorious preachers on the planet. Todd Bentley, a redeemed drug addict is short, stout, balding, covered in tattoos and piercings, plainly clothed, without smooth manners, who does not preach eloquently and does not mind laying a heavy hand on people. His speech often appears to be promoting as he calls for people to come to the meetings and get some of what God is pouring out.

It appears that God is igniting from this fire of healing revival, a move of God that is rapidly spreading to the world. As the fire is carried and spread by a mighty rushing wind, a sudden burst of downdraft from heaven blowing through electronic media to the world there is something far greater than the original lightning strike of healing revival that is igniting in the world.

The original fire in Florida may have been powerful healing revival. However, that which is igniting as it spreads around the world is more than revival. This is God coming to His people in a personal presence more intense than previous moves of God in my lifetime. In my opinion the fire that is spreading is NOT REVIVAL or RENEWAL but a new and greater presence of GOD WITH US. The cry is no longer, send us revival; it is come Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

Not A New Wineskin

However, many God seekers are confused and some are not sure why. The outpouring in Florida is a fresh, new, and real substance of God with us. However, it is not being poured out through a new wineskin. The container is not fresh, new, or completely real. The glory of God is pouring through the old revival model and methods of the last move of God. However, more change is on the way. The new wineskin may not be in Florida but in spots around the world. New wineskins are coming that will properly carry the new wine in containers that will not merchandise or mix it with the old ways.


Do not allow anything about the people, the past, or the current activities prevent you from receiving the fire anointing being poured out. For God's sake, for your own sake, and for the sake of the world, don't allow appearance of the people or splashes of flesh to turn you away. Just get touched by all of the anointing that you can, however you can. It will manifest in you with purity according to your heart and according to your need and the need of those around you.

Do not seek to reproduce the model. What is coming forth is God with us and not a model for ministry or anything else. God will come upon us with fire and reality of what we have prayed for and longed for but have not really experienced. There is real healing, real miracles, and real repentance from dead works that easily result as we come into the real work and heavy presence of God. We don’’t need to fake it. God is really with us inside and outside of our beings in such a way that miracles actually become only a side event of the presence of God. And I am not talking about only at the meetings in Florida or even only while watching them. I am talking about wherever you or I meet hungry people. The anointing of fire will be there once we are baptized in the Spirit and fire. Watching the meetings and seeing the notable miracles will soon grow boring if all we do is watch. The life and anointing will fade quickly if we do not get involved. Step out in faith and follow the Sprit in whatever, wherever, and however He leads, and God will empower.


Faith is easy in the fire. In the heavy presence of God, there is full awareness that we can do nothing. However, faith goes through the roof all the way to heaven when fire ignites and all things are truly possible with great ease. Our intellect that tries to tell us things are impossible is out of commission and non-functional as the anointing of fire in the heavy presence of God consumes our natural being.

Where there is complete faith, there is no fear. Where there is fear, there is a lack of faith. Do not fear angels. Holy angels are ministering spirits sent from God. Where the heavy presence of God is, there will be ministering spirits sent to do specific works of ministry to the hungry people. Some people will be aware of them and others will not.

Heb 1:13-14: But to which of the angels has He ever said: "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool"? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?

Do not fear manifestations. When the real power of almighty God comes into direct connection with a living human body and soul, there will be extreme manifestations. Remember God is our loving heavenly Father and will not do evil to us. Do not fear the devil. Commit your way unto the Lord and trust in Him with your whole heart. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide and keep you. Please do not think you can figure God out and judge what He is doing with your wee little human understanding. Again trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Prov 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

A Season of Intense Preparation

Strong preparation is needed for future intense times. The coming fall of all the pride and loftiness of man will facilitate a great harvest and a very serious time of extreme adjustments worldwide. The supernatural powerful presence of God will be carried by an army of people to destroy the works of the enemy from people's lives and the world. The evil works done by the enemy that have tormented and restrained the people will be removed and the people healed as salvation to all who will come is brought forth in fullness. God is with us in this season preparing many in this time of preparation for the fullness of the kingdom coming to earth.

Keep on pursuing love.
It never fails.

Ron McGatlin" target=_blank eudora="autourl - -

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/29/2008 at 7:09pm

It's starting to happen everywhere. I'd forgotten that I'd witnessed to about 3 people earlier today, while in Coeur d'Alene. Then, this afternoon, I met a trucker here at the motel. Witnessed powerfully to him and then prayed for him to experience the love of Jesus, that when he opens his Gideon Bible in his room, he'll find the real Jesus. He let me pray for him. I sensed that he did get saved.

Witnessed to others at the front desk and here in the computer room as well as during the breakfast here in the lobby.

What's also cool is that on this public computer, someone has already watched the Lakeland revival on it, as the link for it is still active. No sound here, but can see it.

Send it forth, Lord, all over the earth!! You get the glory, not anyone else. We're all in it together, each one doing his or her part...for Him/His Kingdom.



Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 3:21pm

We just got back from the Greater Dallas area where we were  holding a day meeting.  Wow... did God move!  I'm talking about real exciting things, too much to even go into here!

Corinne and I leave for Lakeland Sat. morning.  We're driving in from Texas so we'll be there for Monday meetings. 



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 3:22pm


Your article, "God With Us - More Than Revival" is just plain awesome!  Good job!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 3:32pm

Larry... go and bring back, lol :)

Washington State (no specified city) was in the list of the 12 where this would go... I am believing God for all He has for my whole state! Holy Fire of God, burn the believers in Washington State and purify their hearts to carry the habitation of your Presence!! Purge, purify, cleanse and refine and make us carriers of Your Presence so the lost will see and know that JESUS IS LORD, and He alone is the ONLY WAY to the Father and to eternal life!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 4:37pm

I haven't experienced this in some time....but I feel waves flowing while viewing this post here...just pure reports from all over everyone! 


Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 4:48pm


Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 5:00pm

wow Diane .. where do you and Lyn and Byron come up with these awesome pics!

Denise, I believe, as we continue to pray and seek Father's face, that we are going to go places with Him that 'no man has gone before' to coin a phrase from Star Trek... lol.

I have told my 19 y/o daughter to view this. She was in a christian clinic with a friend of hers in Longview, WA the other day and overheard some people talking about Florida... some lady bought 1,000 copies of some video (not sure of what) from Flordia, I believe, and my daughter picked up one. I told her just tune in on and experience it for yourself. I am watching it at work from 4-5pm and praying in the spirit that God move and flows through out my office building by His Spirit and people experience the LOVE of God...

Rock on God... ROCK ON! All glory to You Father and to your Son Jesus Christ... Holy Spirit ignite hearts with holy fire...

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 5:12pm

you bunch of Fireballs! hahahaha! hallelujah!Yeah God!

Love ya's


In His Love

Posted By: Sonia Greenhill
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 5:16pm


As you and your wife travel to Lakeland, I pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to you in a powerful way.  May your lives be forever altered as you dwell in the presence of the Master as His weighty glory falls.  May you experience worship to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as never before.  And may your cups be filled to overflowing.

Blessings in Jesus Name.


Posted By: Kyle Druey
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 6:37pm

Hello, I've been a lurker for several months but joined this evening.  I am watching the Florida Outpouring tonight on and I am so stunned and excited by what I just heard that I had to tell someone who cares 

Todd Bentley said that he received a phone call today from a prophet who confirmed a prophecy he had been given in the 40s or 50s regarding an end-time healing revival in America that would start in Florida... this will probably cause some to discount this information when I tell you who I think this prophet is... but I heard this man share this prophecy 19 years ago in person and it was amazing.  The prophet is Paul Cain, I realize he has struggled to finish well, but during the purity of his ministy in the 40s and 50s God did use him in a powerful way that is undeniable...

What I heard Paul Cain say was that there was going to be an end-time healing revival the likes of which has never been seen.  People would fill stadiums all over the country to be healed and worship Jesus, I remember he distinctly say that ambulances would drive into the stadium to have people healed... during the meetings an announcement would be made on the ministry stage saying "someone was just raised from the dead" and everyone would cry out in worship of Jesus... he also said that this revival would be covered extensively by the news media... There is more, but that is all I remember over the years.  Todd Bentley said tonight that he received a phone call from this prophet (but did not name him) that what is happening in Florida now is the beginning of this prophecy being fulfilled... Todd did not say it was Paul Cain, but his description of the man and the prophecy could only be Paul Cain, IMO.






Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 7:17pm

Email From Wayne Gwilliam

"He is alive!" was the shout that echoed throughout the tent....

 "He is alive!" was the shout that echoed throughout the tent during the Columbia Unite to Ignite tent revival sponsored by International Family Church, and organized by Evangelist Nicky Raiborde. Night after night people lined up on the platform to give their many experiences of divine intervention. Countless testimonies of physical and emotional healings, extensive dental work ranging from fillings to new teeth, testimonies of supernatural supply from extra minutes on cell phones to extra money being put into people's wallets and bank accounts.

All these miracles bore testimony to Christ's resurrection and Lordship leading many to salvation and re-dedication of their lives. Please pray as the tent leaves for New Orleans for 12 days of revival meetings.

We are planning to take the Unite to Ignite meetings across the United States two week's a month in 2009 and one week a month internationally. Evangelist's Epi Liminana (Spain), Wayne Gwilliam (Australia), Tony Accilien (Haiti), Nicky Raiborde (India), Jose Betancourt (Colombia), Pradeep Perera (Sri Lanka), Angella Reid Michels (Jamaica), and many churches have all united to accomplish these meetings. We would ask you to join with us in prayer, commit to help in a meeting, or become a financial partner with us. We all have made a fresh commitment to the same style of aggressive evangelism that birthed the church and sincerely ask you to do the same as we unite to ignite the power of salvation over our cities.


Wayne & Angela Gwilliam 48&c=7724506& -

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 7:42pm

ukraineukraine2Pastor Loren took a team of six to Ukraine April 7-18. The team ministered non-stop through 15 meetings in 8 days (minus travel days). Pastor Loren taught. Meetings were followed by marathon ministry sessions lasting for hours in which individual prayer ministry was offered to any who came forward to receive. Every venue (Kiev, Krasnoaremeysk and Dnieperpetrovsk) was filled to capacity with people traveling from all over the Russian speaking world to attend, some by all night train. In Krasnoarmeysk registration closed weeks before the conference was scheduled to begin because capacity had been reached. God is pouring out His Spirit on willing people in Ukraine with a fresh intensity. The field is wide open andcover wondrous things are set to happen as the revival taking hold in Ukraine is spreading to other former Soviet bloc nations. This was our second trip. We'll be going back! The picture to the left shows the crowd worshiping in the unfinished church sanctuary in Krasnoarmeysk. The picture to the right is worship in the rented theatre auditorium used by three churches in Dnieperpetrovsk.

In January Miroslav and Elena Bertan came from Ukraine (through a series of financial and visitor visa miracles) to record a CD of original music in our studio. Elena sings like a bird and plays the bandura, Ukraine's national instrument. After two weeks of hard work the finished product was ready. When the pastor in Krasnoarmeysk heard it, he called it "the first Ukrainian soaking CD". Before this they have always had to borrow soaking music from the U.S. This is an achingly beautiful album. Pick yours up in the bookstore! We'll try to get it into our online music page soon.

rosebud headerFor several years we have come alongside Navajo Christian leaders in the southwest to aid and nurture revival there. We will continue to feed into what the Lord has accomplished in the Navajo Nation, but the time has come to expand our outreach into Native American lands where revival has yet to manifest. Toward that end, in April our missions pastor, Ray Saragosa, and team member Rich Gianzero made the first of many trips to the Rosebud Sioux reservation with a very large trailer filled with bicycles and clothing to begin to establish relationships. We look forward to an expanding touch of God among the Sioux.

Nicky Martin had a CAT scan that revealed a nodule on her lung. This was accompanied by respiratory problems and coughing (sometimes pink in color). After prayer by a number of us, her next scan revealed that the nodule had vanished. At the same time we prayed for a women in another state with the same problem. On the same day as Nicky had her second CAT scan, this woman also had her second CAT scan. She, too, was healed.  Mike Barnes was suffering from severe kidney stones and was scheduled for surgery to remove them. The men's group prayed healing for him on the last Friday of March. Mike went for his scheduled surgery and got all gowned up and prepped. A pre-surgery CAT scan was taken. Mike testifies to hearing the doctors talking outside his door about how they had seen the stone in the previous CAT scan, but, "It's not there now!" Mike got dressed and went home. God is on the move! -


Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 8:06pm


Denise.. awesome report, wow! ... Ron ... what a report.. more Lord...

Lovin what everyone is posting.... yes Lord!

Hey Kyle.. welcome! Patricia King's website has a link to the word Paul Cain had given or told which was shared in a meeting by Wes and Stacy Campbell. Here is the link: -   

Paul Cain was given a priceless gift from God, but as we have seen, the vessel of God was susceptible to sin (aren't we all?). God is a wonderful gracious, Father and He is able to deal with sin in those who are truly HIS children.

It is my greatest hope and prayer that Paul Cain has humbly allowed the FIRE of Holy Spirit  BURN out all sin, so that he can walk delivered to where he can be fully cleansed, purged, purified and RESTORED (better than original) to partake and be used by Father in this end time move. I honor God and the gifts and calling upon this brother's life which is WIHTOUT REPENTANCE! I ask Father that you do a great Holy Spirit work deeply within this man's heart and BURN out all sin and bring full restoration and redemption and reconciliation for YOUR GLORY Father... we love you Brother Cain and believe that you are submitting to the deep workings of Holy Spirit which will bring fruit in keeping with repentance!

Father pour out your great LOVE in all of our hearts... for by this LOVE will the world know that we are HIS disciples! Greater grace Father for us all..  greater desire for YOU Father, to where you are our ONLY desire! yes!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 8:29pm


Here is a TV News Video from Tampa Bay's Channel 10 on the Lakeland Healing Revival;sid =79309 -

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 8:29pm

Wow, Larry. You're going to beat me there, to Lakeland. How long will you be staying, or do you know?

I just returned from Spokane. The Healing Rooms there are powerful and also went to John G. Lake's gravesite. The presence of God there was awesome. I sensed there were many angels there. The cemetery is like a forest. I sat in my rented vehicle and didn't want to leave as I basked in the presence of the Almighty.

I had physically looked up to Heaven saying that I salute a general in the faith, and I saluted with my right hand. The power and the love of God fell on me there. There's a flag that someone put on his grave. It is white with about a 2 inch red border on the left and right of it, and a red leaf in the middle of it. Not sure what it means.


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Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 04/30/2008 at 9:32pm

Hey there ALL, blessed beyond words here with ALL HOLY FIRE bursting forth!!! The 'anointing' was so powerful tonight coming  from our laptop as we watched Lakeland bask in HIS GLORY on I said beyond words,,,and it is gonna get stronger and brighter, and healthier, and I believe this is the 'FULLLNESS OF THE BLESSING WITHOUT MEASURE'-Rom.15:29,,,as I prayed along and for the people tonight I was reminded of my experience at the "ANAHEIM HEALING EXPLOSION" me & my Hubby were part of back in the mid 80's, same HOLY FIRE, electricity, HOT FIRE burning the spirit of infirmity out of people's bodies-YES LORD, we receive the impartations and purpose to be the vessels of honor and channels of power bringing the 'ESSENCE OF YOUR HOLY PRESENCE' wherever YOU lead us. GLORY! GLORY! GLORY!  HALLELUJAH TO KING JESUS!!!   (((WOW-WINDS OF CHANGE BLOWIN' HERE!!!))) Love you ALL-prayin' & decreein'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 12:32am

Yes, Let YOUR Holy Fire fall upon us LORD!

Hey Kyle and welcome to OH.

When any of you pass through MS. on your way back from the Florida Outpouring, would you pray for my state to receive the DOWNPOUR!

We are seeing many signs here that an AWAKENING is underway....
Since last year, many have been praying for an OUTBREAK!

I want HIS Mighty Rushing WIND to 'BLOW'!!!
I want to hear a 'Shofar of the LORD' blast the Call!

There are still so many that have not heard about Lakeland....
I have been sending the link to the ustream, and the link to this Forum.

To All, unite with us in prayer that God's Spirit directs their computers to these sites.

For HIS Glory,

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 12:56am

O'Lord, may YOUR Holy Name be Exalted!
YOUR Grace is sufficient indeed!
Bless YOUR People as our hearts seek after YOU!

Pour out, POUR OUT YOUR Spirit without measure!
Prepare us O'Lord to Invade the earth with YOUR Glory!


Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 5:42am

Ron, your posting was excellent. It greatly helped my 16-year old daughter get passed some of the "old wineskin" characteristics she saw while we were viewing the service last night. I read your posting to her last night about not getting distracted by flesh, etc. It changed her heart and she's starting to anticipate going. She's excited that we're coming out of the desert. Feels like we've been there too long. Keep us posted on what you experience. You, too, Larry!

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 7:08am

Love that photo Diane!  Jake, what part of MS are you from?  I grew up in a town called Noxapater.  It is 40 miles south of Starkville. 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 10:55am

I just felt led to share this from Patricia King ministries because there is a specific prayer below that she prays which I believe is GODS HEART and it should be our hearts as well.

Jesus spoke that by THIS will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have LOVE one for another. The days of leadership being jealous, insecure, possessive and territorial are OVER folks! The days of making what God is doing all about 'us' or 'our ministries' and 'our kingdoms' ... is also over.

Hallelujah! Its getting back to the heart of worship, where its all about YOU... all about YOU, JESUS!

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Thoughts on Revival! From Patricia Kings Personal Journal!
Patricia King
May 1, 2008">Extreme Prophetic - Home | - Resources | - Partnering | - Schools | - Itinerary | - Articles | - Prayer Requests | - Subscribe | - Contact Us

Thoughts on Revival … from Patricia King’s Personal Journal!

We are so excited about the revival going on in Lakeland, Florida, and how it is beginning to spread throughout the nation. Patricia has been keeping a revival journal to chronicle this move of God as it releases into the earth. And now, in an ongoing series, she is going to open her journal

From the Journal of Patricia King
April 30, 2008

WOW – revival is breaking out in living rooms. Our XP Volunteer Plungers were meeting two days in a row in the home of Jean and John Oakes and the Spirit of the Lord broke forth in power. It was awesome! The fragrance of vanilla filled the living room and the glory lingered for a couple of hours.

Also, I was speaking with Ryan Wyatt yesterday and he explained that during his son’s birthday party, the glory cloud of the Lord came into the room and rain manifest ... yes, “IN” the house. Melissa Fisher and Caleb Brundidge (our team evangelists) share regular reports of how the presence of the Lord is hitting the streets.

In Todd Bentley’s revival meetings in Lakeland Florida, many are getting touched with healings, miracles, signs and wonders through their computer and television screens. Around 8,000 people are showing up from around the world nightly. The power of God is escalating.

Stacey Campbell shared with me that the revival broke out in their Eyes and Wings conference last weekend and there were many miracles of healing. The presence of the Lord was so tangible.

Revival is breaking out everywhere! This Sunday night in Phoenix at the XPerience night, I am going to be praying for everyone for an impartation of the revival anointing that I received in Lakeland last week. We are pressing in for Growing in the Supernatural May 28–June 1, also. It is going to be outrageous – I can hardly wait! You will show up in power, Lord. I know. I believe. I see a vision of oil being poured out on the Body. It is anointing oil – it is revival anointing oil.

Lord, could You please help us love each other more so that we can steward revival really well? Help us to not be territorial, but to serve each other and to always want the best for each other. Help us to cover each other when we make mistakes. Fill our hearts with Your glory – Your ways – Your purity – Your power.

I want love to always be my greatest aim. I want to serve You with all my heart, all the days of my life. I want more of You ... all the time. Help me be like Enoch and walk WITH You in all things.

I love You, Jesus ... and I love revival. Thank You, Lord, for being so good all the time. Thank You for visiting us in such awesome ways. Thank You for granting the desire of our hearts... more of You. . tml?art=611 - tml?art=541 - tml?art=605 - - - tml?art=725 - tml?art=725 - htm - -"> - tml"> - .htm - tml?art=723 - tml?art=723 - tml?art=718 - tml?art=749">

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See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 11:48am

"Jesus spoke that by THIS will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have LOVE one for another. The days of leadership being jealous, insecure, possessive and territorial are OVER folks! The days of making what God is doing all about 'us' or 'our ministries' and 'our kingdoms' ... is also over.

Hallelujah! Its getting back to the heart of worship, where its all about YOU... all about YOU, JESUS!"
Quoting Julie


"Lord, could You please help us love each other more so that we can steward revival really well? Help us to not be territorial, but to serve each other and to always want the best for each other. Help us to cover each other when we make mistakes. Fill our hearts with Your glory – Your ways – Your purity – Your power.

I want love to always be my greatest aim. I want to serve You with all my heart, all the days of my life. I want more of You ... all the time. Help me be like Enoch and walk WITH You in all things.

I love You, Jesus ... and I love revival. Thank You, Lord, for being so good all the time. Thank You for visiting us in such awesome ways. Thank You for granting the desire of our hearts... more of You. "

joining in Patricia's prayer...Yes Lord! We Love You, You are our hearts desire, Thank You, Thank You for full-filling and filling-full We Bless and glorify Your Name, Be exalted in and over all the earth...Let the Wind blow, let the Rain/Reign pour forth, Your Glory poured outJESUS!the resurrection and the Life!


In His Love

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 11:56am

Amen Kath... its about LOVE, that is the key... we LOVE  the Lord our God with ALL our hearts, soul, mind and strength FIRST... then we LOVE  others as ourselves. LOVE   does no ill towards anyone!

 LOVE is the more excellent way

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 12:23pm

Here's a profound Revival Quote:

"Watching the meetings and seeing the noteable miracles will soon grow boring if all we do is watch.  The life and anointing will fade quickly, if we do not get involved."

                      Ron McGatlin

Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 12:43pm

This has been resonatin' in this here heart Bro Ron as I have watched most every night,,,LORD help me to jump in 'the river' and let all fleshy lifejackets, life-rings go,,,trust in HIM to show up and out as I lay hands on folks,,,yes and cast out demons too!!! I like what the ex- cancer patient said as Todd asked him how it was goin', "I will not be denied." Noticiable improvement in his body and countenance-it is called HOPE and JESUS has delIivered it to this man's heart! GLORY TO GOD!!! JESUS! THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE! AMEN, SISTER KATHY!     Love you ALL-prayin' & decreeim'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 12:53pm

Anita, we live in Grenada, which is about 35 miles SW of Oxford.

There has been a 'building' of revival here, Father has been 'Opening' doors that can not be shut. Just in the last 6 months, I have been blessed to be a part of a live call in radio show. There have been testimony after testimony of miracles of healing, provision and salvations from across the 5 state coverage.
I confess that I am not a dynamic speaker, but by submitting completely and totally to HIS Spirit, I have witnessed 4 of my wife's family saved and have received the baptism of Holy Spirit.
The Lord has destined us just for a time as this, and my wife and I have committed to be 'In the Way', whatever HE calls us into, there we must be found in Obedience.
Father desires much more of us, and we know that HE will always provide the means to accomplish what HE has planned for us.
Of late, I heard someone say, that each of Christ' 1st Disciples were remarkablily different in their expressions, and that is where I gained a deeper understanding as to the impact each of us have on the 'network' of family members and friends we encounter each and every day.
It was LOVE that Christ spoke so much of, and that has proven countless times to make even the coldest heart receptive to the Gospel.

For HIS Glory,

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 1:13pm

Larry Silverman wrote:

Here's a profound Revival Quote:

"Watching the meetings and seeing the noteable miracles will soon grow boring if all we do is watch.  The life and anointing will fade quickly, if we do not get involved."

                      Ron McGatlin

Thanks, Larry, for posting this quote here. As busy as I am, I don't often get the time to do much online reading. I liked this quote. He and you are right. I'm not merely watching the meetings but am going there as you also are. I'm going with a purpose in mind, to receive an impartation/activation for ministry (or as Todd Bentley said, to "get some"). I'm also expecting miracle as I go, not only for myself and others there, but for my friend I'll be staying with while there.

God always has more than one reason for having us do what He has us do. We only see in part. I'm revved up after going to Spokane. Standing at John G. Lake's gravesite was one of the most significant highlights of the whole trip. I felt as though I was in paradise. The surroundings there were so peaceful. I saw a vision of rainbows in the sprinklers and a couple of birds on the grass. A friend told me today that probably the brand name of the sprinklers is "Rainbird."

Everything that happened on my entire trip was supernatural. I could write a book about it. Even when I first entered into my motel room, it was exactly 11:11 a.m. It was Room #249 (Psalm 24:9). The night before I left, Joyce Meyer was on TBN which I watched. At the end of the program, she said that the Lord told her to lift up her head, but hadn't known what that meant. It's in Psalm 24:9.

I feel like myself again with a brand new anointing, which was prayed over me along with some prophetic words while I was at the headquarters of the Healing Rooms.

Today, I went to the gravesite of Roland Buck here in Boise. I'd thought of going for years and knew which cemetery he was buried in. Today was the day for it. He's the pastor which had the visitation of angels in the 1970s which inspired the book "Angels on Assignment."

As I stood at each of these gravesites, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about some things. There was a deep sense of love at both places.





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Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 4:33pm

Amen to that Ron McGatlin quote regarding "watching" vs "doing".  I do not have the technology actually to watch any of it at this time.  I finally tried last nite with my ancient - squirrel powered, Flintstone era -  setup to catch a bit and it was hilarious!  I think I was able to catch maybe 5 or 10 seconds at a stretch....well, this is okay, I'd rather be doing it anyhow

I am extremely thrilled to see such a sustained intense focus from our fellow countrymen and others to God...I have SO longed for the hunger to be uncapped in this nation.  It seemed to reflect the abandon and intensity of the worship we never fail to witness in Ukraine where hunger and deep love and worship is unabashedly expressed to God in the revival churches.  I sense the deep need and hunger in our nation's people all of the time.  But it's been restrained and withheld a lot, even in many renewal and revival circles except for short bursts.  Many wait for someone "up front" to stir them and inspire them...rather than throwing themselves into wholehearted abandoned worship.....may this increase and rise in all settings large and small!

Leslie - good report!

Some of my work friends, some of whom are Christians completely without any form of fellowship, expressed great interest and also some relief over how this is coming down and so on....they haven't been active since maybe the 80's so clearly perceive the shift some of the church has taken so far, just by hearing my report.  (they say to me periodically I am not 'all religious like that' but now I think they are beginning to realize there's an entire move of numbers of us who are going the same direction - away from all "that" and more into reality)


Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/01/2008 at 6:50pm

        JESUS CAN

      DO ANYTHING!!!!!!

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Jacinta Pena
Date Posted: 05/02/2008 at 1:39pm

Amen Sister Anita, Praise God... Yes Jesus can do anything..

Two Nights ago, while in worship via God Tv / with the revival in Lakeland, The Lord showed me two pictures... First, I saw the Lord holding the entire Earth in His hands. His hands were shaking holding the Earth and the earth was shaking also. Secondly, I saw a War Ship, It was moving from the Left to the right, and it was that of a Burgundy Red. 

I am not sure what the Lord might be saying but I feel urged to share it.

I will be in Lakeland this week, I am EXPECTING A MIGHTY AND GREAT IMPARTATION!! Please agree with me in Prayer for a MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In His Love, Jacinta  

In His Love, Jacinta

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 05/02/2008 at 2:00pm

We come into agreement with you Sister Jacinta according to Matt.18:19 and expect you to recieve a MIGHTY AND GREAT IMPARTATION as well as the MIRACLE you are releasing faith for!!! HALLELUJAH TO KING JESUS! We shout to YOU ABBA FATHER with ONE voice of triumph and praise!!!   GLORY! GLORY! GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!!!    Love you ALL-prayin'& decreein'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/02/2008 at 2:00pm

Yes Sister Jacinta!  In agreement with you to receive your miracle!  I am so excited for you Jacinta about going to Lakeland!  God is going to do great and mighty things through you Sister!  Bring back the anointing for OH!!!!  Hallelujah!!!!  (By the way, last night in the Todd Bentley crusade he asked a 5 year old boy if he thought Jesus could heal his disease.  The little boy said "Jesus can do anything actually!")  That is why I posted the above!  God is sooo good!!!!  

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Jacinta Pena
Date Posted: 05/02/2008 at 2:07pm

Sister Anita and Gayle,


Thank You!! Anita, I saw that little boy, The one that HAD diabetes?? It was a POWERFUL statement!!! Woooohoooo GLORY GLORY GLORY!!!!! I can feel it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!!!!

Anita... wanted to also say if you are going to be around Lakeland anytime soon... I am in Ocala about 70-80 miles away. My home is open!!!Bless you Sister.

In His Mighty Love

In His Love, Jacinta

Posted By: Jacinta Pena
Date Posted: 05/02/2008 at 2:09pm

Sister Gayle,


Thank You for your prayers and love, I receive!!!!!

With His Love


In His Love, Jacinta

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 05/02/2008 at 3:50pm

From Bob Brasset

April 30, 2008 11:51 PM

Global Revival

Hello saints of God,
On April 21, 2008 I heard about these revival meetings happening in Florida, and I checked out the live video streaming of it that night.  I felt the anointing on it as I watched it.  I continued to check it out a few more evenings that week.  By Thursday, April 24 I had responded to the urging of God, and purchased a plane ticket to go down there with a friend of mine.  The next day we were on a plane, flying to Florida.  We went to the meetings on Saturday, April 26, got blasted by God, received the transferrable anointing, and came home to Victoria the next day, Sunday, April 27.  When we arrived in Vancouver, we caught a cab to the ferry terminal.  On the way there, we received a word of knowledge for our cab driver and God healed his neck.  Then on the ferry, a guy with a broken arm got healed.  He walked away without his cast and carrying his big briefcase with his previously broken arm.  As we got closer to home, my wife was getting hit with the fire of God.  The closer we got to home, the hotter she was getting all day on Sunday.  We then held an impartation meeting at our church.  People received the impartation, were getting laid out, and getting healed.  We have continued watching the meetings and receiving from God.  Tonight we started streaming the live feed on the internet on the big screen at our church.  The presence of God was so strong.  People were on their faces weeping, crying out to God, people were getting lit up with the fire of God, and people were getting healed.  We plan to continue streaming these meetings, and engaging with what God is doing around the world.
A month ago, this thing started as a regular conference, in Lakeland , Florida, with todd Bentley sharing at it.  Well, it hasn't stopped going since then.  Tonight, April 30, marks one month of two meetings everyday of the week.  The presence and the anointing continues to get stronger.  The miracles continue to happen more and more.  The meetings started in a building with a max capacity of 1,500.  Then it moved to one that has a max capacity of 4,000.  That is the one my friend and I went to.  It has now moved to an arena with a max capacity of 9,000.  And, on Friday it is moving to an even larger stadium.  It just continues to grow.  The media has been starting to cover is happening.  People are coming from all around the world, and taking it back to their homes.  The revival fires are being lit and miracles are happening just where people are watching the live streaming.  It is not just for Flroida.  God is doing something global, and He is using TV and internet to spread this thing.  Years ago, Paul Cain prophesied a vision he saw of coming move of God.  He saw tons of noteable miracles happening and masses of people being saved.  He said stadiums would be filled, because the churches wouldn't be big enough.  He said the news media would only have good news to report.  He prophesied that it would be tons of people leading this thing, not just one big name person.  Well, recently Paul Cain said that he believes this is the beginnings of what he saw years ago.  I would love to tell you about all the miracles we have been seeing and the presence of God that has been intensifying, but you can check it out for yourself.  You can find it streaming for four hours every night on - .  You need to register an account with them to watch it, but it is quick, free, and easy to do so.  There are also other websites to watch the live stream, but the God TV website seems to be the best one.  If you don't want to register and account with God TV, you can watch it at - or find a link on - .  The evening meetings start at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time (that is 4 pm for us west coast people).
Be blessed.  Receive what God is doing.  If you live in Victoria, join us this Friday at Lion of Judah Church @ West Saanich Rd. to engage with what God is doing.  We will be opening the doors by 5 pm, and do not know when we will be closing them.  You can come whenever you can for however long you want.  We are expecting God to continue breaking out, so bring those who need healing, salvation, or just plain more of God.
Love and blessings,
Bob Brasset -
p.s.  This Friday there is going to be a special anointing released for young people.  Bring all the youngsters you can.

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 05/02/2008 at 4:42pm

Your Hands Have Been Anointed to Heal

J Lee Grady

Many Christians believe we are entering a season of unprecedented miracles. Are you ready to touch the people around you?
In the days of Jesus, rabbis observed a myriad of extra rules that were not in Scripture. Their legalistic code focused on what they could and could not touch. These guys invented the original version of the holier-than-thou religion. They stayed away from women, children, dead bodies, lepers, beggars, sinners, blood, shellfish, pigs and—especially—people of other ethnic backgrounds. They didn’t want “unclean” gentiles to corrupt them.
The Pharisees, especially, were obsessed with hygiene. They had a rule for everything from how to wash dishes to how to stay ceremonially clean after walking in the streets. That’s why they got upset when they saw that Jesus’ disciples didn’t follow the standard Jewish hand-washing ritual.
They asked Jesus: “‘Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with impure hands?’” You can almost hear their smug, nasal tone. Jesus’ reply was blunt. He called His inquisitors hypocrites; then He chastised them for “‘teaching as doctrines the precepts of men’” (Mark 7:5-7, NASB).
“The same Holy Spirit who anointed Jesus to cleanse lepers has empowered us with a healing touch.”

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 05/02/2008 at 5:08pm

Julie - interesting post there regarding the vision the man had.  When I read the description of the scene in the false revival it sounded lots like many revivals and/or outpourings such as the one in the book of Acts,  with Jonathan Edwards, Wesley, Azusa Street, Cane Ridge Ky, and so forth, also what I have read of the Argentine, African, and Welsh revivals too...this was a little troubling to me until I came closer to the end where he clarified the thought that this was to be individual and centered on the cross and individuals going out and doing the stuff, not only a crowd/spectator sort of setup.

I can see where many people may misinterpret to mean that there ought not to be any more large and even huge meetings such as we see have been going on in Korea and in many other places...but really it is more the individual hearts and lives.  I can agree that that is truth. 

We see in the OT and also in the book of Revelation as well as all over the NT large meetings, in fact the one in Revelation is maybe the hugest one I hope this person isn't implying that "large meetings have passed away"

I have no way to determine if this man actually had this vision or if he's writing sort of an illustrated sermon on these matters, however....



Posted By: Ingrun Hofmann
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 2:28am

It is so awesome to read through all your testimonies here. Even though there are not yet manifestations in our place here in Germany, I am totally convinced it will reach us too. Infact I can feel it in all my bones and cells. Praise God!

Ron, your article  "God With Us - More Than Revival" brings it to the point as always. Healings and miracles are indeed a side effect of things that are bigger. It is about Immanuel - God with us. It is about HIS Kingdom and HIM as our King! I am so excited!

In two weeks we are having a big crusade here with Benny Hinn. I am looking forward to it and expect a lot. Praise God for this mighty man of God and his coming right now in such time as this.

When we have Jesus inside of us, we have everything. It just needs to be activated.

2Tim. 1:6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.

It is not even necessary to travel to Florida. The winds of change will come as the wind is blowing overall the earth and His Glory will cover all the earth!  It is on the way to us as it is to every place in the world! Praise God! It will break out in our churches too! Halleluja!

Excited and expectant in the Lord

Posted By: Carol Marler
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 6:15am

We are watching the Lakeland Revival on GOD TV.  Yesterday I upgraded out DSL line to maximum capacity so we can stream these programs LIVE on our wide screens in the Sanctuary during the week.  For several weeks now, our church has been going through a re-birth and we are experiencing great miracles...even creative miracles from God.  We feel the God has been giving us a glimpse of creater things to come...and very soon.

One of our members took their grandchild to Lakeland for a miracle.  She loses her hair every year and all the doctors are bafled with this unknown condition.  Betty is bringing back anointed prayer clothes for our church.

My husband had a dream yesterday afternoon....He never takes naps but did yeaterday and slept for 2 hours.  Just before he awoke, he heard it raining outside...a downpour. (in the natural it was not raining.) Then he saw himself in meetings with city officials.  Telling them that we were going into a great revival and needed their cooperation and approval with all the traffic coming into Knoxville.  He told them of specific places that he needed to park cars...businesses, schools, etc.  He saw the two school buses transporting the people over to the church.  He saw our service going on OUTSIDE in our parking lot!!!

A month ago I heard "Nose bleed section"...I had to ponder what that meant.  Stadium...the top row in a stadium!   For a year now I have had several dreams of huge crowds.

Praise The Lord.....We Honor and Adore You Jesus.


Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 8:59am

Sister Jacinta thank you so much for the offer!  That just blesses the socks off my feet!!!  I prayed about going and I heard the Lord say "NO."  Don't know the reason but I do know my husband is not up to par and I shouldn't leave him probably.  Thank you again Sister!  You are such a blessing to the body of Christ!!!!

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 10:06am

Another Video Interview on Secular News With Todd Bentley

A video interview with Todd and Channel 8 in Tampa - Click here: Tampa Bay video news. -

Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 3:27pm

Last night I went to listen to a well known christian conference speaker. I will not give their name or the name of the venue as to not draw attention to the place or person.

As soon as worship started the presence of God was tangible. At times all we could sing for at least 15 minutes  was "HOLY HOLY HOLY". It was hard at times to raise your head all I wanted to do was get on my face.

At one point there was a live feed through to Eagle Stadium to where Todd Bentley was speaking. It was only for a few moments but it was powerful.

Many were healed last night at the venue I attended. Two people got up  out of their wheelchairs and began to walk for the first time in years. One person was so full of pain from bone cancer she was totally healed. Another had a lump disappear. One woman happened to go into her wallet and found double the money that was there originally. Others were healed of various ailments.

Whatever is starting to take place it is not confined to a person or place. This wave is breaking out everywhere.

Yesterday afternoon I was ironing in my kitchen with worship music playing in the background. Suddenly the power of God fell and I found myself on my knees in the middle of the kitchen with arms raised and weeping.  I received an open vision of CHRIST on the cross at Calvary. I was broken.

Get ready saints this is just the beginning . Are you hungry?




Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 3:58pm

YES LORD!!! (((HUNGRY! HUNGRY! HUNGRY!))) TY, Sister Diane, sooo much confirmation!!! HE is fulfilling the lil' guys prophecy from a few nights ago as Bro Todd asked him if he was healed and if it was JESUS that healed him, the lil guy responded, "Actually, JESUS CAN DO ANYTHING"! OH THE JOY THAT FILLS THIS SOUL!!!  HALLELUJAH TO KING JESUS!!!   Love you ALL-prayin' & decreein'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 4:17pm

Diane, awesome to hear your update... Carol.... I agree... your husband WILL need to do just what he saw in his dream!  I just wanted the news interview with Todd through Tampa Bay TV... 17 minutes and I loved that it cut off where he was talking about money... he said they don't focus on the offering and it is taken at 11pm or later  He told of how he lives a modest lifestyle and that he doesn't approve of some of the 'extravagance' that he sees in ministries...  although he does believe in prosperity... YEH,  FINALLY some purity in ministry with regards to money!  Thank you Jesus...

Let us all continue to allow the Lord to do a refining and purifying work in our hearts so our sins and issues can be nailed to the cross and dealt with by the Blood of the Lamb, so the enemy has NO holds in us with which he can bring reproach to Christ!

Father let your Spirit rise up in each one of us... may the gifts of faith, healing, miracles, words of knowledge/wisdom, discernment, prophecy flow out of us so that the lost will KNOW that Jesus is real. Draw them Holy Spirit, draw the lost to JESUS CHRIST and use us... grant us wisdom and understanding, knowledge and counsel by Your Spirit to know where we are to go and be and what we are to do in Your Name!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 4:46pm

Sister Diane, once again you grace the body of Christ with such a beautiful photo!  Thanks!!!

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 5:19pm

Watching the stream on where Todd Bentley just said that he heard from Bob Jones who called to tell him that the devil has just now become aware of what is transpiring in Lakeland... Todd has confirmed that he has felt no warfare up until this point due to living in the glory... God told Bob  that He is going to pour out such glory that the enemy will not be able to enter that realm... the occult realm the spirit of the new age and satanic realm is aware and they are not liking it... but God is going to send an anointing for breakthrough over the minds where the battlefield is at over the curses being sent by these entities.... there is coming a grace to be free from the battle in the mind, racing thoughts, torment, despair, suicide, worry, fear, anxiety etc...

We need to all be praying for Todd and this move... because it is going to ushering GREATER things... this is the hour... PRAY CHURCH! Pray!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 5:26pm

Just want to give this report... I called my daughter and told her to watch Todd... she did last night (Friday) with her fiance until after 2am... Gary, gave his life to Jesus after Todd's invitation... whoo hoo!!  Please lift Chelsea and Gary before the Lord that they would supernaturally grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ!!

I am so totally thrilled... thank you Jesus Christ.. thank you for this outpouring.. thank you for Todd's obedience.... yes Lord!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 5:42pm


Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 5:45pm

YAHOO...I'm over joyed Jules...GARY ACCEPTED CHRIST!!!


Prayers going up for maturity, knowledge, wisdom and discernment to come forth from their walk with him.We call Godly fruit forward Lord.

Lord we cry out for all our unsaved loves ones. Lord send your Holy Spirit to woo them unto you. Thank you that your word says that "thee and thy household shall be saved"...we receive it in the mighty name of Jesus.

I am off to have a chocolate bar to celebrate!  



Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: Marjo Richardso
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 5:47pm

PRAISE GOD!!!  The angels are rejoicing in heaven and we welcome Gary to the family!  

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 5:47pm

Gayle, Diane, Marjo ... thank you ... I was in tears.. God has been working in his heart for the past two years... He saw a miracle of God when his daugther was born, Chelsea was at 9 cm and the baby hadn't turned, so a friend of mine and I prayed over the phone... I laid hands on Chelsea's tummy and commanded Jordynn to turn and be born.. and within 5 minutes.. she turned and started to be born! He told Chelsea that freaked him out!!

My son Sean 23, daughters Heather 18 and Austinn 15 need a supernatural experience to know that they know that they know God is real! please pray for them also.... I claim my family to Jesus Christ... out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of God's dear son!  THANK YOU

The chocolate bar sounds wonderful... I'm out.. have one for me too

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 8:16pm

Praising God along with my sisters here for Gary's salvation!  Thank you Jesus!  Heaven is rejoicing!  Hallelujah!  Now Lord make him an anointed vessel to bring others to the Kingdom of God!  Thank you Jesus!!! 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Kyle Druey
Date Posted: 05/03/2008 at 8:38pm

Ron McGatlin wrote:

From Bob Brasset

April 30, 2008 11:51 PM

Global Revival

Hello saints of God,
On April 21, 2008 I heard about these revival meetings happening in Florida, and I checked out the live video streaming of it that night.  I felt the anointing on it as I watched it.  I continued to check it out a few more evenings that week.  By Thursday, April 24 I had responded to the urging of God, and purchased a plane ticket to go down there with a friend of mine.  The next day we were on a plane, flying to Florida.  We went to the meetings on Saturday, April 26, got blasted by God, received the transferrable anointing, and came home to Victoria the next day, Sunday, April 27.  When we arrived in Vancouver, we caught a cab to the ferry terminal.  On the way there, we received a word of knowledge for our cab driver and God healed his neck.  Then on the ferry, a guy with a broken arm got healed.  He walked away without his cast and carrying his big briefcase with his previously broken arm.  As we got closer to home, my wife was getting hit with the fire of God.  The closer we got to home, the hotter she was getting all day on Sunday.  We then held an impartation meeting at our church.  People received the impartation, were getting laid out, and getting healed.  We have continued watching the meetings and receiving from God.  Tonight we started streaming the live feed on the internet on the big screen at our church.  The presence of God was so strong.  People were on their faces weeping, crying out to God, people were getting lit up with the fire of God, and people were getting healed.  We plan to continue streaming these meetings, and engaging with what God is doing around the world.
A month ago, this thing started as a regular conference, in Lakeland , Florida, with todd Bentley sharing at it.  Well, it hasn't stopped going since then.  Tonight, April 30, marks one month of two meetings everyday of the week.  The presence and the anointing continues to get stronger.  The miracles continue to happen more and more.  The meetings started in a building with a max capacity of 1,500.  Then it moved to one that has a max capacity of 4,000.  That is the one my friend and I went to.  It has now moved to an arena with a max capacity of 9,000.  And, on Friday it is moving to an even larger stadium.  It just continues to grow.  The media has been starting to cover is happening.  People are coming from all around the world, and taking it back to their homes.  The revival fires are being lit and miracles are happening just where people are watching the live streaming.  It is not just for Flroida.  God is doing something global, and He is using TV and internet to spread this thing.  Years ago, Paul Cain prophesied a vision he saw of coming move of God.  He saw tons of noteable miracles happening and masses of people being saved.  He said stadiums would be filled, because the churches wouldn't be big enough.  He said the news media would only have good news to report.  He prophesied that it would be tons of people leading this thing, not just one big name person.  Well, recently Paul Cain said that he believes this is the beginnings of what he saw years ago.  I would love to tell you about all the miracles we have been seeing and the presence of God that has been intensifying, but you can check it out for yourself.  You can find it streaming for four hours every night on - .  You need to register an account with them to watch it, but it is quick, free, and easy to do so.  There are also other websites to watch the live stream, but the God TV website seems to be the best one.  If you don't want to register and account with God TV, you can watch it at - or find a link on - .  The evening meetings start at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time (that is 4 pm for us west coast people).
Be blessed.  Receive what God is doing.  If you live in Victoria, join us this Friday at Lion of Judah Church @ West Saanich Rd. to engage with what God is doing.  We will be opening the doors by 5 pm, and do not know when we will be closing them.  You can come whenever you can for however long you want.  We are expecting God to continue breaking out, so bring those who need healing, salvation, or just plain more of God.
Love and blessings,
Bob Brasset -
p.s.  This Friday there is going to be a special anointing released for young people.  Bring all the youngsters you can.

Todd announced tonight that Paul Cain will be coming to the meeting tomorrow night, Sunday May 4, and take the stage...



Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/04/2008 at 12:38pm

That's right, that is not confined to one person or place. Here in Idaho, about 1/2 hour or so drive from Boise, revival has broken out. There were about 40-50 salvations this week, and miracles of healing.

Much is happening all over the country, and perhaps all over the earth, too...or will be soon.



Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/04/2008 at 1:09pm

I just viewed a link Patricia King has to an interview with her, Todd Bentley and the former founder and guitarist from the band KORN, Brian Welch. God has plans for that young man, let me tell you, and it was awesome listening to what God is doing in his life and ministry and what he experienced in Florida. If you can't stream it without interruption on the high speed, do the link for dial up...

Amazing Testimonies from Lakeland: oments_video.htm - oments_video.htm

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 05/04/2008 at 1:37pm

Sharing this as we lift up Jesus, Who is the Sign and Wonder of all! He lives within each who believe in Him by His Spirit.."Go you therefore and teach the gospel" the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom..immerse them with the Good News of His Kingdom, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit..."and these signs will follow them that believe; in my name they will cast out devils, they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them, they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover."

Here's a profound Revival Quote:

"Watching the meetings and seeing the noteable miracles will soon grow boring if all we do is watch.  The life and anointing will fade quickly, if we do not get involved." Ron McGatlin


Have You Seen the Lord?
by Jeanette Reed -
Email: -

The Apostle John records that when Mary Magdalene saw the resurrected Lord Jesus, Jesus told her not to cling to Him, but to go tell His brother’s that He was ascending to, ’My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.’ So Mary went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord.”

The very next thing John records is in the evening of that same day. The disciples are gathered in a locked room because they feared the Jews. John records that Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

I find it interesting that the disciples didn’t hang out in the garden where Mary had seen the Lord. Why didn’t they wait there in that sacred spot? Was it fear of the Jews that kept them from setting up a tent in the garden and waiting for the Lord to make another appearance?

John records that Thomas was not present when Jesus first appeared in the locked room, but eight days later Jesus makes a second appearance in the locked room especially for Thomas. John goes on to record that after that Jesus revealed Himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias.

Isn’t it interesting that the disciples didn’t stay in the room waiting for another appearance of Jesus? What were they doing fishing on the Sea of Tiberias when the Lord had made two appearances in a locked room? Why weren’t they waiting there in the anointed space?

And what about Jesus? Why didn’t He stick to one location? Wouldn’t it be easier to get people to come to one place and see the risen Lord? Why is Jesus appearing wherever His disciples are? Why did He send them out instead of telling them to spread the news that He would be appearing in a locked room at a specific time?

Maybe you are reading this and thinking that I am being facetious. After all, Luke records for us in the book of Acts that Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit and then they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth. It sounds ridiculous to think of the disciples waiting in a locked room week after week because Jesus had made an appearance there. Jesus said He was sending them out.

As ridiculous as it sounds for the disciples to confine Jesus to a single location, I wonder if we need to check ourselves to be sure we aren’t doing the same thing.

Every so often, we hear reports of some sort of ‘out pouring’ of the Holy Spirit. Or perhaps it’s worded as “God breaking out” Those are encouraging reports. We can give thanks for each person who comes to Christ and each person who is healed by His saving grace.
My concern is that we tend to elevate the location over Jesus. We seem to fixate on signs and wonders instead of keeping our eyes on Jesus. It’s as if the location or the leader is the link to God’s power.
My concern is that we are failing to accurately describe our Lord who is omnipresent. As David writes in Psalm 139, “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?”

Or as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3:16, “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?”

If the Holy Spirit dwells inside those who are in Christ, why do we try to assign a location for the Holy Spirit to show up? Isn’t He already here, wherever believers are?

In the first 5 chapters of the book of Acts we read where many signs and wonders were done and thousands were coming to faith. It sounds like a great outpouring! But instead of sending out word calling people to Jerusalem, the Lord does something very different. In chapter eight we read, “And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria”

God scattered the people to the very places He said He wanted witnesses. We read on to see, “those were scattered went about preaching the word.”

Why didn’t God have everyone come to Jerusalem to get their anointing? If that’s where the signs and wonders are happening, why scatter people out?

Brothers and sisters, please consider the words of Jesus, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. God therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Jesus promised to be with us always. Not just sometimes or at certain locations. Jesus our Lord, who cannot lie, to whom are given glory, majesty, dominion and authority before all time and now and forever, He promised to be with us always.

Does Scripture record any where the disciples went that the power of God was not made known? Did the Father fail to reveal His Son? Jesus said He would be with them and He was, as King of kings and Lord of lords and the Head of the church.

If we hear reports of God’s miracles in one place let us give thanks, and let us obediently walk where He has called us to proclaim the Gospel of His Kingdom. Let us be His witnesses where He plants our feet. Surely the God Most High is not limited to showing up once in awhile.

Maybe you’ve seen a neighbor come to faith or someone in despair reach out for the hope of the Lord. Rejoice at the miracle God has done! These are not evidence of less of God’s anointing or less of God’s power. God is not less or more. God is always fully God. It is not up to us to determine the measurement of God’s work. “Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ (Isaiah 45:9)

Paul was miraculously set free from prison once and a jailer came to faith in Christ. And then Paul writes to the church in Philippi that his later imprisonment was for the Gospel to be spread throughout the imperial guard. Whether God left him in prison or set him free by divine act, it was all for Christ. One event was no less miraculous than another. All of it was for the revealing of Christ Jesus.

We are to be His witnesses, giving thanks to Him at all times and in all circumstances. If someone were to ask me today, “have you seen the Lord?” How tragic it would be if my tongue was not ready to proclaim, ‘I was dead in my trespasses and God cancelled the record of my debt that stood against me with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross.’

Jesus told His disciples, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20)

I encourage you, wherever the Lord has placed you….behold the Lamb. The Lord is at work. Be His witness. Proclaim Him to your neighbors. Tell what the Great and Mighty Lord has done. Did the Lord hold the universe together with the Word of His power today? Praise Him. Did He stay by your side and give you His peace in a hospital bed? Then praise Him. Were you far off from God and now in Christ have been brought near by the blood of Christ? Then praise Him!

I pray we will truly repent for making idols of signs and wonders instead of faithfully proclaiming the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And His name is Jesus!

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/04/2008 at 1:47pm

Amen Kath... this is a good word... we gotta get filled up, yes... but then we gotta go 'pour forth' so that the container may continually be filled with FRESH water flowing forth... otherwise we will all become like the literal, 'DEAD SEA'.... with intake but no outlet....

Spend time with the Lord and SEEK HIM FIRST... then don't forget after that, to LISTEN to His direction as He will send you out to the highways and byways with His glory upon you and as you obey Him in opening your mouth, HE WILL FILL IT... and He will flow forth from your belly, rivers of living waters, and signs and miracles shall accompany you as you OBEY the Spirit's leading...

Every infilling needs an outpouring... fill up, pour out... repeat!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 05/04/2008 at 2:26pm

YES, YES preach Kathy and Julie!
What is needed more right now, is that more listeners would become Righteous Kingdom Workers NOW!

By HIS Spirit and HIS WORD I am refreshed, and therefore I must go!!!


Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Date Posted: 05/05/2008 at 5:05pm

O.K.....I am going to explode I cannot writ this fast enough.

People it has started.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just got off the phone with my best friend and sister in CHRIST. This is what has just happened.

Her brother who has known the Lord for a little over 3 years was watching Todd Bentley on Friday. At one point Todd asked everyone who was watching via the Internet to lay their hands on their computer screens. Her brother ( we will call him Bob ) did just that. He finished  watching and then went to bed and he felt nothing. Last night he was in his living room and suddenly an angel appeared. He was totally freaked and shocked.The angel didn't speak. Bob picked up the phone while the angel was still standing there and called his sister my best friend.

When he told her there was an angel in his room she started to laugh and didn't take him seriously she said "Bob I have to go to bed I am tired" but something in the tone of his voice suddenly made her want to talk and stay on the phone. She asked Bob to describe what he was seeing and he did. She then called another brother in Christ and all three were on speaker phone. My friend said Bob what is the angel doing to which he said "nothing" comes the third person on the line (the brother in Christ) and said " Bob why don't you just start praying in tongues". He did and IMMEDIETLY he found himself in heaven!!!!! He was right beside The Lord. Jesus showed him a black board and wrote down messages to tell the world. He said when he walked with Christ in Heaven he saw people laughing and dancing, he saw the Crystal Lake . Jesus even repeated all the conversations he had on earth that day with his friends . Bob said "you heard all that" Jesus responded "I was there with you". He then took Bob to Hell briefly. Bob said the smell of burning flesh was indescribable. Jesus said " Many do not believe that this place have sen it tell them". "Tell them to REPENT for the Kingdom of  God is at hand". Jesus then took him above Israel. All this was going on for 5 hours and the other 2 were still listening on the phone lines and could hear everything ( other than Christ's voice) with Bob asking questions and repeating what he was told.!!!

This is REAL SAINTS. This man is a very humble quiet man who truly loves the Lord. He did not go to work today and nobody can reach him by phone. He is on his knees weeping and praying!

Please forgive me babbling I feel like I want to FLY!!!!


I fell like I am going to blow up!!!!!!

Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/05/2008 at 5:09pm

Diane, I love it! God is moving in the land... hardly can say that this is some deception of the enemy now eh? lol.... glory to God... More Lord!  whoo hoo... open the eyes of our hearts Lord Jesus, cleanse our hands and our hearts so that we can SEE YOU LORD!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/05/2008 at 5:16pm


All I can say is that this is the revival I have long waited for and prayed for. Thank God for the Internet and its many connections.

The Lord told me 5 years ago that just as I didn't know what my son would look like before he was born, so it would be with this revival. When I was pregnant with my son, I knew I was pregnant. I knew he would look either like me or his father.

I prayed that the revival I was pregnant with would look more like the Father than the mother (the church). Then, in mid-March, He told me that what was in me would be birthed on March 30th.

Glory to God forever!! His Name is holy!! He is doing many, many things in this revival. It is going world-wide.



Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 05/05/2008 at 10:44pm

"Every infilling needs an outpouring... fill up, pour out!" amen amen Julie!

amen said "What is needed more right now, is that more listeners would become Righteous Kingdom Workers NOW!" and i love Diane's testimony of `Bob'!  Hallelujah! ""Tell them to REPENT for the Kingdom of  God is at hand".  Glory to God!



In His Love

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 05/06/2008 at 1:59am

To all, we must be in the Kingdom age that Christ Jesus spoke of 2000 years ago. We read in God's WORD of the Apostles at Pentecost, the early outpouring of God's Spirit upon the church and the 'going forth' of those Disciples into the far countries. I am absolutely sure that I am not alone in my belief, that what we are seeing today, is the latter outpouring of Holy Spirit upon Believers.
Quite simply, the church has tried for many decades now, to proclaim the Gospel in such a way as to ????, forgive me everyone, I just can't find words to describe the way that the Gospel has been delivered enmass[(in-a-mess) purely my own thought there] around the world in the last  50 years or so.
IS what we are seeing right now, exactly how the church is to Proclaim the Gospel, just like the 1st century Apostles and Disciples did, under the Anointing and Power of Holy Ghost, and Nothing Else will Do???
Proclaiming God's WORD in Truth and with Love, God's Spirit moves through and upon those vessels of Obedience and upon the hearts of those seeking Forgiveness, Hope and Peace.
Since the 'begining' of 2008, I sense in my spirit, like many others in the Kingdom, we are hearing the 'Clarion Call', spoken from Father to HIS Faithful, 'Arise and Gird' yourselves, 'Anoint and Be Filled' with the 'Fresh Oil' of my Spirit.
These last 30 days or so, at least for me, and from what I have been reading here on OH, there are possibly millions of Believers are 'hearing' a much similiar 'Call' coming from heaven.
Right now, I am 'shaken', thinking that it is possible, that this generation might very well be the 'Last Outpost' before Holy Spirit leads us as 'Victorious Warriors' into the final 'Days of Elijah', and our Lord and King appears in the clouds, and carries HIS Bride home.
***There is more to this post, and if anybody wants to read more, please, email me.

Praying for unity, Agape NEVER fails,


Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 05/06/2008 at 10:37am


From Tennessee: Physical, Tangible Glory Cloud Visits Knoxville - Ryan Wyatt Report


The night before Kelly and I flew to Lakeland we were sitting in our living room in Knoxville, TN watching the revival with about 15 of our leaders and team.  Suddenly I physically felt a drop of water fall out of nowhere and hit me in the forehead.  I told the others that it was raining in my living room and as I said it a literal and physical "breeze of wind" blew through the room and it began to rain on everyone present.  People were physically feeling the rain and there was literally wet rain drops falling on us.  This was not a vision, this was manifesting in the natural realm.  A visible "hazy mist" rolled into the room and completely covered our group.  Our skin was literally moist with the dew of God's presence as we sat there for over an hour as it rained on us from God's glory cloud!

I tell you, I live for these moments and I believe this moment was prophetic of what God wants to do in Knoxville, all over our region and even around the world as many of you are reading this.  This outpouring that God is pouring out is contagious and it's not meant to remain only in Lakeland.  This is intended to touch the world!

I don't know about you but I am certainly not going to be passed by as God's cloud is manifesting and moving with great glory in the earth!


We came home from Lakeland and couldn't wait to impart this to the people of our own region.  This last Sunday at the Habitation (Abiding Glory's church community) we released that impartation as we released miracles into the atmosphere.  Here are just a few of the testimonies:

A woman testified that she had two tumors that visibly and physically stuck out from her lower back and they totally disappeared in the glory!

One young woman testified that she has not been able to breathe well ever since she was a little girl.  In the meeting she says she felt her lungs being stretched open and felt the overwhelming desire to breathe in deeper then she ever had before.  She took a breath and found that her lungs were completely healed.

One woman had two surgeries on her hand and it left her hand crippled to where she could no longer completely open her hand.  In the glory she found that she was now able to open her hand completely!

A woman testified that the doctors told her she has "no discs" in her back from her tailbone all the way up to her neck and that she should already be in a wheelchair by now.  She experienced terrible pain in her spine all the time until this last Sunday when she says all the pain is now completely gone!  We believe God has given her new discs in her spine!

Several testified that their hips popped back in place and all pain was gone.  Others testified that they had herniated and degenerative discs that they felt physically pop back in place in the glory!


We are planning on hosting some special Knoxville Outpouring, Impartation and Miracle meetings as we are believing for God to explode in our region.  Stay tuned for details that we will release through this email list.

Ryan Wyatt
Abiding Glory Ministries - - 8829&TPN=1 -

From Texas: Keith Miller Report - Incredible realm of God's Glory

Dear Friends:

Praise the Mighty name of Jesus! We have seen an incredible realm of God's Glory and Power being released in the meetings. We are experiencing a new level of breakthrough in which the Lord is impacting lives, churches, cities and regions.

First we give Him the glory and the honor.

Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with honor and majesty. Who covers Yourself with light as with a garment; Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain. (Psalm 104:1-2)

Isn't that a great scripture... He is clothed with light, honor and majesty& In the Throne Room and in the activity of Heaven you see why the song around the throne is, "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created!" (Revelation 4:11)

We are seeing this atmosphere of His glory flooding the services in a great way. We are experiencing the deep calling to deep place...the place where you worship out of the deepest part of you to the deepest part of Who He is...a place that you are literally moved deep within your inner man and are being established by the width and length and depth and height of His love.

Get ready for even greater depths of the Glory and Honor of God to flood services during the worship, the offerings, the ministry of the Word and the ministry time. Recently, Janet and I were in San Antonio, Texas for three days of Glory and Power meetings with our good friend, Bobby Conner, and several powerful things took place. During worship in one of the evening sessions, I went up to share and the power of God began to hit me so strongly that it felt like waves of raw power from my head to my toes. During the ministry time, a wave of power was released in the front causing as deep as 5 rows to literally be overcome by the power of God. We saw instant healings take place. People were weeping and giving the Lord honor and glory for what He had just done for them. One young lady's shoulder was instantly healed by the Lord. As every bit of the pain left, a release of fresh oil and anointing hit her and all she could do was weep and thank the Lord. The next morning the same young lady came again and was healed in her abdomen area from pain that she had since giving birth. It was awesome!

Another healing that took place was a precious man who had back problems for several years. The Lord instantly took His pain. It was awesome to see what the Lord had done for him. There were so many healings that took place as the Lord moved in great power among the people. One young group was so excited by their experience, they brought back more of their friends the next night! As the word spread that the Lord is still the same today as He was yesterday and will be forever, several different denominations began to show up for the meetings!

On the last night, a wave of power literally swept the building. Many say that the ground actually rumbled from the Presence of the Lord. The worship leader was overcome and began to weep as she felt the Angel of Presence step onto the platform. The entire platform began to shake from His

Presence. Several people testified that they felt a rumbling hit the room from the back to the front. This activity was attested to in the Spirit by Chuck Pierce. While preaching in an unrelated meeting that same week, Chuck said he stopped preaching and said that a shift or moving is taking place in San Antonio. The next day a small earthquake registering 3.7 on the Richter Scale was reported near San Antonio!


"Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough!"

Roger and Kerry

This past week during the Glory & Power Meetings held in San Antonio, Texas, we saw amazing things happen. First, building up to the meetings, I felt a stirring in my spirit that this was not going to be just another set of meetings. These meetings were holding an encounter for those wanting more of the Lord. As we walked in the first night, you could feel the expectation of those present already drawing the presence of the Lord down. The praise and worship was awesome.

We didn't have any money to put in the offering so I asked the Lord to provide us with seed for an offering. The speaker prophesied over us, "Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Breakthrough! No, I really mean it. Breakthrough is coming for you two." At the end of the meeting, a man came up and said, "This is for you." He placed some folded bills in my hand. I knew immediately what it was for. Roger and I just had to wait to see when the Lord wanted us to sow it. We didn't have to wait long. The next morning's offering was for breakthrough! We put all we had in it. That was Friday morning. Three days after the meetings, we received an e-mail indicating that our company had been selected to provide hunting services for a company " a $10,000 profit! With these funds, we were able to get completely debt-free. PRAISE GOD!

I also had an encounter with the Lord on Saturday night. After the offering, Keith stepped up onto the stage and I began trembling. The more he spoke, the more intense the tremble became. I had to bend over in my chair because the weightiness was so great. This divine encounter lasted the entire meeting.

At one point the intensity let up enough that I could raise up a bit, and as I did, the ground underneath my feet began trembling " 


Yes! Miracles Happen!!


I want to share a few testimonies -

A man from Littlefield, TX was at the meetings and was healed of bi-polar disorder (confirmed by doctors) and of diabetes! Praise God!

A pastor from Brownfield, TX was at the meeting were you had a word of knowledge about a right foot that needed healing. Many raised their hands and he went to lay hands on them. He had forgotten that he also needed healing of an acid-type hole in his foot that needed to be cut out. When he got home, he took off his socks. Brand new skin had formed - no scab, no more deep, acid-type sore, just baby soft skin!

Keith Miller
Stand Firm World Ministries -  

 From Texas: Jay West Report - They All God Healed

This weekend I was in Stonewall Texas and ministered at a pretty traditional Lutheran church. This was one of the friendliest churches I have ever been to, and made up of mostly farmers and ranchers.  The most amazing thing happened in that everyone I prayed for got well.  I have never experienced this before in that usually there are some who state that nothing happened to them.  And keep in mind that the majority of these folks were over 50 with some of them in their 80's and yes, they got well too.
Some examples -
  • A man whose index finger had recently been in a farm accident and was swollen as if three fingers were together, in just a brief amount of time after I prayed for him the swelling decreased and he could make a fist.  He was the only person I actually laid my hands on as the rest were all words of knowledge coupled with prayer.  A man whose wrist had been hurting for a number of years was healed within seconds of the word and prayer - his wife asked - can we pray for his knee too - so she laid hands on his knee and we prayed for maybe 30 seconds and that was totally healed too.
  • Another older lady in her 80's who limped in with a variety of pains and problems walked out pain free and was now walking with enthusiasm and a nice steady walk - I had a word that God was healing her lower right side of her back and at one point I felt something go from my lower right back, shoot down my right leg through my hip and into the knee and I shared that - she later testified that she felt something similar to that and like electricity and the pain in her hip and knee totally vanished.
  • God gave me a word that a lady's left ear was being healed - and this older lady testified that she was real hard of hearing in that ear and it was always clogged and now she could hear - but just prior to  her sharing, but after I had given out the word, I took off my microphone for the pastor's wife whom I previously told her that she would have a prophetic word, and she came up and used my mic to share it - well, when the lady with the former hearing problems shared that she could hear much better including me - I was now standing further away from her but not using the microphone - she could not believe that I was not using the microphone and totally amazed that she could hear so well.  Thank you Jesus!
  • During the service in the morning, they had prayed for rain as the area is a pretty severe drought and I prophesied that it would rain between now and Thursday, and later said it would rain on Thursday - the weather for that day showed no rain in sight, but it rained that night after mid-night until early in the morning over an inch of rain - when I gave the prophetic word, I went to my bed and breakfast and used the computer to check the weather and it just listed hot sunny days- today it lists growing and high probabilities of rain for this week.  Wow, God is good - incredibly awesome.
  • One more to share - after the service a lady came up and complained of the pain in her carpal tunnel syndrome and I prayed over her from across the table - and asked how she felt - she said it still hurt - I said, give it three  minutes - then many got to be talking, but after five minutes I remembered to ask her, and she said that she was completely pain free and went around the room showing people where it use to hurt, but now didn't - and in fact, that started something as several others began to testify of similar things.  This literally was the first healing service that I have ever led where everyone we prayed for got well.  Thanks to Jesus for His great love and compassion and touch.
Jay W. West - Anointed 2 GO MdM -
One of the Lesser Disciples
Equipping and Encouraging Encounters with God
Stay cool and Get HOT

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 05/06/2008 at 11:07am


Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/06/2008 at 1:26pm


Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/06/2008 at 3:03pm

I feel the fire of God all over me right now. I know that it'll be even "hotter" in Lakeland. Hope I can stand

The pastor of a house church I went to on Sunday prayed for me on the phone the other day. He kept calling me a "firestarter."


Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 5:56am



On the last night, a wave of power literally swept the building. Many say that the ground actually rumbled from the Presence of the Lord. The worship leader was overcome and began to weep as she felt the Angel of Presence step onto the platform. The entire platform began to shake from His Presence.....

May I ask what is it exactly ‘the Angel of Presence’ ?

Posted By: Philip Hanson
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 7:10am

There is a reference to the Angel of His Presence in Isa. 63:9 -

In all their affliction He was afflicted,
And the Angel of His Presence saved them;
In His love and in His pity He redeemed them;
And He bore them and carried them
All the days of old.

New King James Version © 1982 Thomas Nelson

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 8:43am

May 07, 2008 port.html - Revival Report From Lakeland

Greetings from Lakeland, FL.... (The Florida Healing Outpouring)

Wow.. what a trip on this "Highway to Revival!"

To begin, I have to apologize for not getting reports out sooner.  I had a major communication problem...MY LAP TOP CRASHED as soon as we got into Lakeland.  I'll explain further below:

We left Stephenville, TX early Saturday morning arrived in Mobile, Al for the night.  Our day of travel was jammed with ministry.  We began the morning with a conference call with other Circuit Preachers International leaders, Robert Fitts, Daniel Markoya and Michael Tummillo.  Of course most of the talk was centered on Revival, our trip to Lakeland and our upcoming meeting with Robert Fitts in Texas.  These Brothers are the "cream of the crop!"  The cell phone then rang and I dialed it pretty much ongoing for the balance of the nearly 12 hour trip to Mobile.  It's amazing how this Revival is increasing activity.  We also did a lot of "cell phone ministry."  God's using new technology for spreading His Spirit!

Sunday morning the three of us (Rascal is traveling with us too.  His new name is, "Rascal the Revival Budgie!), arrived in Lakeland very late Sunday afternoon.  We were pretty tired from the trip and by the time we got checked in, got something to eat, we crashed, feeling the need to rest before getting into the meeting schedule here.  Again our day was filled with "cell phone ministry!"

Monday morning I discovered a very grave laptop crashed!  It seemed to work OK Sunday night before bed, but when I awoke Monday morning it wouldn't start up, no mater what I tried.  Our Oakland, PA pastor, Lance Rhodes and wife Mandy, were here for the meetings and needed a ride to the morning session at Ignited Church and a ride later to the Tampa Airport.  Pastor Lance knows computers!  He checked my laptop out and gave me a bad report....It's Fried! 

We all went into the morning session with me thinking "new laptop... "  This was not a good beginning to a very great day!  The morning meeting was great, with Corinne getting prayer for her prophetic ministry.  Our fellowship with Lance and Mandy was great too.  It really worked good to be able to hear their insights into this move of God and hear first hand testimony from the weekend's meetings at Tiger Stadium.

After getting back to our motel from our Tampa Airport journey, it was time to go "Puter Shopping!"  Thank the Lord, laptops are coming down some in price, but still this was  not an expected situation so....Larry chokes some!!!  However I kept in mind that I am a Child of the Kingdom on my King's business, so I handled this situation pretty good.    We got back to the room, unpacked the new computer knowing that we didn't have too much time before we had to ready ourself for the evening meeting at the Lakeland Center, a huge 8,000 seat auditorium in downtown Lakeland.  I soon discovered that I still needed more things done before I could get the new computer on-line.   When we travel I use a Sprint wireless air card for Internet access.  I had just purchased a new one for the old computer 2 weeks ago, and of course it would not fit the new computer... different access ports.  So after yesterday's morning meeting I was able to swap it for the proper card at a local Sprint Store.

Monday's evening meeting was just plain powerful!  At one point worship leader, Roy Fields, just quit playing the keyboard and quit singing and laid on the platform floor as waves of worship went up from the crowd.  There must have been about 6,000 people in attendance.  How's that for a Monday night crowd!  As these waves began to spread, I had the vision of the worship just taking off into high Glory.  It was as if the Holy Spirit Himself was leading this event.  I've NEVER seen this happen and I got a vision of what could have happened if Roy would have let it go.  I don't think he realized what was going on, because from his position on the floor he began to sing.  I think that if he hadn't done that something very wonderful would have happened!  I fully understand Roy's actions however, as we're all learning how to move in Revival, especially this new wave. 

Todd Bentley soon took the meeting and all of sudden things changed.  This is the first time I've been in a live meeting with Todd.  I can't speak for him before Lakeland, but what I saw Monday night was a very powerful move of God coming forth from this young evangelist.  The only thing I can say is that Todd is the "Real Deal!"  The miracles rolled over us like giant waves.  There were way too many miracles taking place to even begin to talk about here.  (If you would like a daily Revival Report from Pastor Stephen Strader send me an email at: - and I'll let you know how to subscribe to his daily Revival Report written by him while he's in the nightly meetings...put "revival report" in your header so that it will get through spam filters)

Tuesday morning's meeting at Ignited Church was great.  We stood in line for an hour and had a blast talking with other Seekers of the Flame.  Pastor Stephen Strader ministered.  Corinne and I know him personally and were not at all surprised when he became totally transparent and shared what Revival has cost him and his family.  He then began to share some great suggestions on how to get healed, mixing in some great, solid Revival Theology.

After the morning meetings Corinne and I ate some lunch, got the new Sprint Card, and I began working on trying to get this new computer on-line.  Before we knew it we were getting ready for the evening session at the Lakeland Center. 

The evening meeting was another powerful one!  Heather Butler lead worship.  Great job!  Last night's crowd was even larger than Monday nights.  God showed up right away.   Again there is a sensation in these meetings that worship could take off without any human leading.  I saw that same thing occur last night as in Monday night's meeting, the potential to see the thousands of people, completely led by the Spirit worshiping God without any human leadership.  I feel that this will eventually happen as we humans learn how to flow in this extreme anointing.  Again when Todd Bentley took the meeting things just happened to flow even higher. 

Now this may be hard for some to digest here.  Everyone that knows me fully understands that I believe in, teach and completely flow in raising up true Body Ministry.  However, there is just no getting around it, Todd Bentley is carrying the anointing for these meetings!  This may be a very difficult pill for some to swallow, but it's the truth!  Todd's not preaching, he's just flowing in the Spirit and "things" are happening as a result.  Get ready folks, this move of God is going to upset your religious apple cart!  Of course the "Revival Police" don't like a thing that is going on here!  But again, I have to state, "This is the Real Deal!"  I would also warn people not to be critical of things they don't understand! 

We met Roger Webb both Monday and last night.  We had a bite to eat after the meeting with Roger and it was great to not only share fellowship with an old friend, but to get his perspective on whats going on as well.  Today we're having lunch with Pastor Dennis See and Jim Morda from Meadville, PA.  They've been here a few days and I got a glimpse of Dennis pretty drunk in the Spirit last night.  I can't wait to hear what these guys are saying.

I am sorry for the length of this post!  I was intending to write short, daily blog posts.  I guess my computer had other ideas!  You know there is no way I can document all that is happening here in just a few words!  This Revival is real folks!  The good news is that it is spreading like wild fire all over the world.  We got word yesterday that people living in Belfast, Northern Ireland could not get flights to Tampa as the flights are being booked by Revival Seekers.  Even better news is that all over Europe and other Regions Revival is breaking out.  We had word last night about extended meetings taking form in the UK. 

Get ready, we've been praying a long time for this!  Now, take a breath too.  This Revival does have some rough edges.  But we have to give it time.  God's on the move and as I've been saying, "The bottom line is the bottom line!"  In other words, how do we judge a move of God?  By the words of Jesus, "The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead are being raised, and the Gospel is being preached to the poor!"  This is happening in Lakeland, it's happening all over the world.  And it will happen with you too! 

Get ready... the Fire is falling!

More from Lakeland later...

More Lord!

Larry the Revivalist!

My website:

Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Londa Ross
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 10:01am

Hello, I am new here and I am drawn to what you are all saying about Lakeland.  Also I have been seeing bits and pieces on the computer.  I am in awe, but still questioning.  So I am diving into the word for God's guidance.  Todd seems sincere and real, I just don't understand alot of the actions, BUT saying that, I read what people write here and I read the Bible and pray.  So thank you for your memos and information.

May GOd Bless you all.



Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 12:58pm

Philip Hanson wrote:

There is a reference to the Angel of His Presence in Isa. 63:9 -

In all their affliction He was afflicted,
And the Angel of His Presence saved them;
In His love and in His pity He redeemed them;
And He bore them and carried them
All the days of old.

New King James Version © 1982 Thomas Nelson

Ah ! Thank you for the reference Philip.

In other versions (at least in my bibles in french), it is said "The angel who is before His face'.

in the same chapter of Isaiah 63 verse 10

But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them.

and in verse 14

the Spirit of the LORD led them to the Rest. 
This is how you guided your people 
to make for yourself a glorious name.

I believe the two persons (in verses 9 10 and 14) are the same ; that the angel of his presence (or the angel who is before His face) is in fact the Holy Spirit , (and not really an angel). For it is by the Holy spirit who testifies of the Son and the Father that we can become an habitation of God in Spirit and Truth.  

Thanks again for the reference.


Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 2:24pm

Londa Ross wrote:

Hello, I am new here and I am drawn to what you are all saying about Lakeland.  Also I have been seeing bits and pieces on the computer.  I am in awe, but still questioning.  So I am diving into the word for God's guidance.  Todd seems sincere and real, I just don't understand alot of the actions, BUT saying that, I read what people write here and I read the Bible and pray.  So thank you for your memos and information.

May GOd Bless you all.


Hi Londa , welcome

It is a very good thing to study the Scriptures and pray. 

The scriptures tell us that in the end-times there will be great dellusion, and that people will give up the Truth, although they will continue to 'worship' the name of Jesus. We are also told to CHECK ALL THINGS. The manifestations are on thing, the message preached is another one. And yes it seems there is good reports on this board about this 'healing revival'. There is also other reports elsewhere which are not so good. In fact, there is a huge need for all of us to come close the Lord , ask and pray , and loving the TRUTH.     



Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 2:59pm

eric claire wrote:

Anyway this is my last post here on this thread.

Larry Silverman wrote:

Hummm...Eric... you did not answer my questions!



Hi Larry,


When you will read this, you will see i’ve finally posted again. 

To answer your question, I don’t believe that’s what is happening in Lakeland (and beyond) is a move of the Holy Spirit of God.

Todd Bentley is deceived, he may have been a genuine servant of God in the beginning, but he is not operating by the Holy Spirit ('angels' anyone ?) right now. His relation with some 'prophets' and the sensual "emma' have surely been the entry point for deception. 

The real Revival will come by BROKENESS and repentance , without any hype , without anything that attacts the sight of man. then the true rain will fall. There is nothing of that (brokeness, repentance , not even the fear of the Lord) in all the positive reports of what is happening so far.



Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 3:18pm

Welcome, Londa. Might I suggest you look closely at responses/thread postings from Ron McGatlin, the elder/father in the house here, although he won't necessarily call himself that. He is a wise, very loving, and kind man and the originator, I believe, of OH. The other contributor I suggest you give weight to is Larry Silverman, another father in the house. As you have noticed there is not agreement regarding the origin of this revival and it looks like Eric Claire might be leaving us. If you choose to be part of us, you need to be willing to allow folks to disagree with your point of view. It will not be easy and, if truth be told, not everyone on OH has a full appreciation of each other, but that's life. There are folks I give more creedance to than others. I think you can ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation of the truth and then go back and read Ron's and Larry's postings. Ron has an especially good one re this revival on page 8 of this particular thread. He is aware that the revival is coming from an imperfect man but he strongly urges the reader not to be distracted by the imperfection, but to fill up on the God part of this. There are folks that really disagree with what is going on in Lakeland. There were folks that disagreed with the Toronto Blessing, that spoke harshly about the Brownsville deal and I'm sure there were folks in Argentina that trashed that revival. Look at the fruit. I don't think you can attend to this revival with your left brain because it will short out. It's bigger than we can wrap our heads around, but then that's God, isn't it? We can begin to wrap our brains around all that He does and is. With confidence, we can ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth and we can expect that prayer to be answered because it's a good question. It's not one of those "amiss prayers" that cause us to have not. Don't be too left brained on this; go right brained which allows the Holy Spirit to operate more fully. (Hopefully you understand the right brain (rational, logical, everything in order, a place for everything and everything in its place, numbers, bottom line, mathematical and carefully delineated versus artistic, spiritually oriented, colors, flowers, music, beauty, anointing, jumping in God's river, etc.)

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 5:28pm

Welcome Londa... keep pressing in to the Lord, sister...

Eric, you are entitled to believe as you wish about this move in Florida but to boldly state that Todd is deceived is really pushing the envelope for me. Have you met Todd personally? Have you interacted with him one on one? Have you obeyed the Word about relationship, where Jesus says if you have aught in your heart against someone, you are to go personally to that person and confront them? Have you even bothered to obey the Word prior to your judgments?

You are speaking accusation my brother and I know full well the 'source' of that voice. So maybe while you have one finger pointing at Todd Bentley, you forget that you have 3-4 fingers pointing back at your own self - and since your words create, might I also humbly suggest that you consider that you are possibly loosing what amounts to christian witchcraft and curses against this man of God and MY fellow brother?

I have every conviction of heart to advise you in kindness and love that you deal with the log in your own eye before you go after the speck in anyone elses eye... and that you seek to contact Todd in some way through his website and honor the instruction of the Word in obedience to confront him personally before you launch out against him in public forum. God knows Todd's heart and trust me IF Todd is deceived in any area, Father knows how to deal with His son to align him to Truth. And Father knows your heart, better than you know your own heart.... and I pray that God would grant you truth in your inward parts and reveal to you your OWN heart since you believe that you know the hearts of others so well... I pray grace and mercy and extravagant love be released to you Eric in abundance from Father's heart now....

Larry,  Todd has always been what you see there in Lakeland... just loves the Lord totally and has made the investment and paid the price to KNOW GOD in spirit and in truth... truly he is as you say... I love that God is flowing through him, because it is truly upsetting the religiious spirits immensely.. whoo hoo, just like Jesus did in his day. 

Keep the reports coming... pray please that those of us who are just unable to jump a plane and fly to Florida will receive a double portion to ignite fires in our areas! Yes Lord... for your glory...

Keep pressing in to Jesus! The Lord has been showing me that this is PREPARATION - Jesus wants us to all return to our FIRST LOVE: HIM! He wants us to fall afresh in love with HIM. To be delivered from the apathy and cycnicism and despair that religion has brought us to... enter a new into relationship with Jesus Christ and fall in deepest love with HIM... He says HE will give you this love for Him if you ASK HIM for it... ask Him Bride... Fall in love with the One who is in LOVE with you!! and enter in to this time of PREPARATION... for what is yet to come cannot be housed in us as we are now.... go deeper, hunger, thirst and crave after Jesus.... ask Him... He will pour this into you! Yes Lord... we ask, return us to our FIRST LOVE and grant us LOVE for you without limit!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/07/2008 at 5:30pm

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May 7, 2008

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Volume 5, Number 12

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Terry Somerville
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Dear Friends

I am in Korea once again, ministering at the "School Of Impartation". Most of the "students" are pastors and their wives, or Christian business men.  They are HUNGRY!  They are especially eager about the outpouring in Florida, so we prayed for the anointing to come.
Wow, is the Holy Spirit coming!  

Why not receive it by faith -long distance?  In  Numbers 11 we read how the Lord imparted the same spirit that was on Moses to the elders, and two of elders were absent. They got it anyway!

And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease. 26 But there remained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the spirit rested upon them; and they were of them that were written, but went not out unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied in the camp. Numbers 11:25-27

My Own Stories Of Long Distance Impartation
Over the years I've received numerous impartations. Gifts of healing came through evangelist Len lindstrom. The Love Anointing and more healing, came through Bob Brasset. These were tangible anointings. But I've also received "long distance" anointings. Here are two stories.

Some time in 1990
I was doing office work, had the radio on a Christian station, but not really listening to the preacher. Suddenly an impartation of the Spirit came through the radio and knocked me over. I listened,  it was Paul Cain   For weeks afterwards I could not speak normally, but stammered like him. Tremendous visions and dreams began to come in my life.  

It happened again in 1994. We were conducting  a Christian Motorcyclists camp.  Just before the first meeting my worship leader, Floyd,  asked if I had heard about what was happening in Toronto. He told me what he knew and wondered if it was God. Then we prayed something very simple, "Lord, if you are pouring out something new, we want it too. Send it here." Then we went on with the meeting.

We worshiped. The speaker came and it was good, there was an altar call. Since it was a camp out, everyone stayed and we started to worship again. The presence of God got stronger and stronger.
From the lights at the stage we could see a few at the front. They were staggering and we were hearing yelling and laughing over the band! Finally my Floyd was so drunk in the Spirit he said he couldn't go on and would pray for people. I took over the guitar as he went down. But he couldn't get withing 6 feet of anyone. They would fall in the Spirit! Some were frightened and ran away, while he said "It's OK! It's God!"  Across the field people feel under God's power for hours. Meanwhile I felt the presence of Jesus standing behind me. It was very intense. Then, He stepped into me!   I began to vibrate and couldn't stop for two days. My wife could not sleep with me, I shook the whole trailer! This was how we entered renewal.

Jealousy In Leadership
Some could not accept that we received without going to Toronto.  They actually forbid us from ministering at local renewal meetings. Later they repented. I had to deal with my own heart as well.   It was the same jealousy that happened in Numbers 11 when  Joshua asked Moses to forbid Eldad and Medad from prophesying.

And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Moses, one of his young men, answered and said, My lord Moses, forbid them. 29 And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the Lord's people were prophets,
Numbers 11:28,29

The Heart Of God Is - Receive!
But Moses has the heart of God. "Would all God's people were prophets"  Do you want to receive? Ask the Lord!  You won't miss it! God will pour on the dry and thirsty. Ask in simple faith and leave the rest to Him. Don't strive. You can't make it happen.  He will make a way, either to get to a meeting or receive on the internet (there is a definitely impartation)  or unexpectedly!  His heart is that ALL God's people receive! Believe it!


Terry Somerville

Newsletter Archives

Late breaking news  CANCER HEALED
We just received word of a mighty healing here in Korea. A fear weeks ago pastor Fred Farren from Campbell River BC Canada, prayed at the Impartation School for  a man with thyroid cancer. He was in very serious condition.
The doctors report came yesterday. The man is completely frree of cancer!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 3:47am

Welcome, Londa. You will find many people here that have a deep passion for advancing the Gospel message around the world.
Believing you will join in on some of the discussions...

Hallelujah, our Lord Reigns Eternal,

Posted By: Londa Ross
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 4:00am

Thank you everyone for the welcome.  Last night I watched Todd Bentley until 10:00.  I just kept praying and worshipping.  He mentioned Jesus all the time.  He was being patient and waiting upon the Holy Spirit.  God knows my heart and He knows I believe in Him.  I don't truly understand everything that is happening, but I give all the glory to God through our savior Jesus Christ.  I do know though, that I am reading His word more and my eyes are on Him more than ever now. 

God Bless all of you.

Love,  Londa

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 4:47am

Blessings to ya my dear Sister Londa...Pull up a chair and come join in at our OH 'banqueting table',,,we are ALL in love with JESUS and wanting to know HIM more and the LOVE of ABBA FATHER that surpasses knowledge. Amen. You will grow and your faith will be stretched as you look to HOLY ONE for clarificaton and discernment of ALL you receive from here. We love to pray for one another and give ABBA FATHER ALL glory, honor and praise as HE so graciously answers.  HALLELUJAH TO KING JESUS!!!   Love you ALL-praayin' & rejoicin'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 5:21am

May 08, 2008 lice.html - Revival Police Still on Patrol!

Greetings from exciting Lakeland, Florida..

In many ways Corinne and I are saddened this morning as we leave Lakeland, Florida and the "Florida Healing Outpouring" and the exciting ministry of Todd Bentley, hosted by our Friends at the Ignited Church here.  We are going to Punta Gorda in a few hours to visit my Mother, and then back to Texas where God's moving strongly.  Our first meeting there is Tuesday and I've already warned the leaders there that we are coming in "loaded for bear!"  On the way to our "Toad" (tow car), after the meeting, we were discussing when we would return to Lakeland!

Last night's meeting in the Lakeland Center was very possibly the most powerful meeting that I've ever been in since my days of salvation in 1973!  Corinne  and I are excited to get back on the road and in the flow of meetings as we've been downloaded a lot more Fire and we can't wait to give it away.  Last night there was a  mighty mass impartation of Fire as Todd prayed over all present, that we would be able to give the Fire away through the laying on of our hands.  I sense that this will be the case in Tuesday's meeting and beyond!

However it is interesting to note that the Revival Police are still on their patrol beats.  More and more I'm hearing how this great move of God isn't from God at all.  One person has stated on the Internet that this revival is a false revival.   I wonder what all of the people I saw healed last night, walking and running without their wheel chairs would think about the fact that this is a false revival??  Hum-mm!

Here is a tid bit to remember:  THE PREVIOUS MOVE OF GOD ALWAYS PERSECUTES THE PRESENT MOVE OF GOD!  This is pretty much an historical fact.  Here are some examples: 

  • John Wesley begins to have large outdoor meetings.  The Church of England says that "it isn't from God!"
  • General William Booth founder of the Salvation Army is booted from the Methodist Church because he's holding large outdoor meetings.  The Methodists say, "it isn't from God!"
  • Charles Finney has people all over New England coming to Jesus and the established churches band together and say, "it isn't from God!"
  • More recently Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, etc. are getting baptized in the Holy Spirit in the charismatic movement, speaking in tongues and the Pentecostal denominations say, "it isn't of God!"
  • Ten - fifteen years ago a mighty wave comes from Toronto and Florida and guess what?  Many within the charismatic movement said, "it isn't of God!"
  • From the "River" comes gold dust, gems, etc, and once again we hear, "it isn't of God!"

So here we are today, God's on the move not only in Lakeland but we're hearing reports of the Fire falling all over the world, and once again the Revival Police are saying, "It isn't of God!"  Wow.. sometimes I just can not believe the stupidity of these people who have appointed themselves to police every move of God in every generation of revival!

This current, world wide, move of the Holy Spirit seems characterized by the Fire of God falling on hungry, dry people, igniting them with a new passion and zeal for His Presence and for His Holiness.  Get ready as no "unclean thing" will enter this move.  If an anything "unclean" enters this, the Fire will soon purge it out!  This in itself gives me some great concern for the safety of the Revival Police.  In past moves of God I feel like the Lord tolerated the Revival Police.  Often these self appointed surveyors of truth would actually be used to thrust the move of God deeper into Him and His purposes.  However, I'm sensing that this time, things are changing!  God is restoring His Church into His order.  Therefore, I might suggest that the Revival Police may be walking on rather thin ice!

Please note the following words of Jesus from Mark 3: (NLT) (underline is mine)

Jesus and the Prince of Demons

"One time Jesus entered a house, and the crowds began to gather again.  soon he and his disciples couldn't even find time to eat.  When his family heard what was happening, they tried to take him away.  "He's out of his mind," they said.  But the teachers of religious law (the Revival Police) who had arrived from Jerusalem said, "He's possessed by Satan, the prince of demons."

Jesus called them over and responded with an illustration.  "How can Satan cast out Satan?" he asked.  "A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse.  Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart.  And if Satan is divided and fights against himself, how can he stand?  He would never survive.  Let me illustrate this further.  Who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods?  Only someone even stronger - someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house.

I tell you the truth, all sin and blasphemy can be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.  This is a sin with eternal consequences."  He told them this because they were saying, "He's possessed by an evil spirit.""

If you note the context of the sin of "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" you will note that it comes by calling the works of Jesus of the devil.  As I viewed last night's miracles of, "The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead are raised and the Gospel is being preached to the poor," (Mt. 11:4) my thoughts were drawn to the Revival Police of today and how this time God might not be so tolerant of them.  Remember this move of God is going to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth.  It is not just some good meetings in a Florida arena, it's the Kingdom of God invading this earth.... it is the Fire of God falling!

One last point... To any who question what is going on in this move of God, allow me to reassure you, it's O.K. to ask questions!  It really is!  However, please do not speak out against that which you do not understand! 

This move of God, as to His part,  is perfect, like all moves of God are.  However, God is choosing to use imperfect people to usher in His Glory.  Please "do not judge the movement by the movers!"  God delights in using all of us, far from perfect people, in fulfilling His purposes, example: Jacob!  So, if you do not understand what is happening in Lakeland, or even if you do not fully agree with what is going on, you would be very wise to not speak against it.  After all, there are enough Revival Police on their beat today so they DON'T NEED YOU!


Larry the Revivalist!

my website:

Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 6:14am

good stuff Larry!  I hear some who are saying what God's been doing at Lakeland and other places (much of which was transpiring prior to Lakeland, only less visibly) doesn't contain proper levels of brokkenness and repentance to meet their standards.  Too much joy involved??? I don't know...

I recall the lame beggar who was lying before the temple (the proper location and all very doctrinally correct and all) suddenly being healed and going off "leaping and dancing and praising God"  not enough brokenness?  not enough repentance?  I think not!  He was very broken, very.  All his life.  And he was definitely repentant!  He immediately rose up and left his bed and walked (leaped and danced) away.  This is TOTAL repentance. 

In another instance with Jesus a beggar was told to rise up and take up his bed and walk.  Again the religious leaders were present and did not see sufficient display of repentance and so forth...and Jesus discerning this said for the sake of these "your sins are forgiven you"

A healed blind man was also challenged along these lines...he or his lineage must have been GREAT sinners...nope - God just wanted to glorify Himself!

My deep desire and prayer is that all God's doing in all of these lives will be met with total and lasting repentance.  We are responsible to pray this way and to nurture this new and dramatically different life.  They are responsible to seek to walk in this new life in Him.  How many lepers were totally healed and how many returned to Jesus?  How many multitudes received signs miracles healings bread and fish...and how many of these deserted Him and then how many took part in crucifying Him?  WOULD ANYONE DARE SUGGEST THAT MOVE OF JESUS WAS ALSO A FALSE REVIVAL?? 

Yes indeedy---thin ice!  He has great mercy and compassion on our lack of knowledge - however things can be set into motion.



Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 6:47am


So good to hear the report from Lakeland. I arrived in Tampa last evening, very tired but blessed. Am in Oxford, Florida right now at a friend's house. My first time at Lakeland will be this evening. So glad to hear what is currently going on, meaning that Todd laid hands on each one present for the impartation of the fire. I hope that he does that when my friend, Paulette, and I go...tonight or tomorrow night or both.

About what you call the "Revival Police," as you know, what happened to me recently was like that. I was accused of having a demon just a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it's like the time when I was finally called a "Jesus Freak." I then thought to myself that I've finally "arrived." Took years for someone to call me that. Oh well. But that man wasn't saved. With the recent one, he was saved.

I thought of the verses that speak of the religious people saying that Jesus had a demon (maybe that's the one you mentioned) and also about John the Baptist.

Right now, what I see going on in the Body of Christ is that there is a division...between those who are on His side, and those who are againstHim. Since this revival started in Lakeland, those who weren't really with us (on His side) are being exposed and even angry with Him (with us, too).

It was prophesied to me last Sunday night at a house church meeting that I will have some covenant connections on the trip. In Minneapolis where we arrived late (just in time to change planes), I met a woman from the Boise area. I'd heard her name before and she'd heard mine. She's a director of a Healing Room in a nearby city to where I live. We exchanged business cards and will most likely connect upon returning home.

I can hardly believe I'm in Florida. Never thought I'd be here. Slept really well, though. God is good.

More tomorrow, Lord willing, after I've been to Lakeland.


Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 6:51am

Eric I totally agree with what you state here.  I am not focused on any individual minister or group with regard to what GOD is doing this day.  I CAN say that there are things I have seen in literally every single person or group God has used -- ESPECIALLY MYSELF -- that are flat wrong, sinful, misinformed, ignorant or far from perfect.  I don't know what Todd's teaching, I have seen none of his meetings.  I agree that it's important what you state.  I also KNOW from personal experience AND from reading the gospels that God will and does use immature and very flawed vessels.  He doesn't want them to remain in that condition, but He does use them. 

I bless you bro because I know you are after God...just don't get sidetracked please!

I have NO INTENTION of visiting the link you posted. 


Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 7:35am

Eric, I think you might have misunderstood my posting. I was not asking/wishing for your departure. You had posted earlier that you were leaving after that particular posting. I assumed you were choosing to leave. It would be rude and audacious for me to ask you to leave. It certainly is not my place to do such a thing. You are welcome to be with us but don't be offended when we disagree and/or question you.  

Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 9:59am

Thank you for you posts Denise and Leslie. And sorry for the misunderstanding :)  Anyway, have to go away for some time without any PC and internet around. Maybe will come back later. God bless you all. Fight the good fight of faith.


Posted By: Robert Edmund
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 10:24am


Courage, mon ami!



Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 1:11pm

Discerning The Signs

By Ron McGatlin
Keeping Our Focus On The Goal And Understanding The Season
God is sending a fresh wind of His Spirit across the world in this season of change. A vast vacuum exists in many of the people of the world, including most Christians. There has been a lack of the presence of God that has created a spiritual vacuum pulling upon God’s Holy Spirit to fill the void with the love and power of the presence of God to make new, heal, deliver, and transport God’s people into the next place of restoration of all things unto our God - the practical reality of the kingdom of God on earth.
God is Spirit who relates first to the spirit of man by His Spirit in the supernatural realm of the Spirit and then, flowing through the soul and body of man, manifests into the natural world to do His will from heaven on earth. Throughout much of the church and the world, there has been an extreme void of supernatural relationship to God in the Holy Spirit which has led to a lack of the manifested  presence and life of God in the world.
In this season the hunger for the supernatural life of God has become acute. In recent Holy Spirit outpourings, tastes of the presence of God have been experienced and  have stirred passion for the reality of the supernatural life of Jesus. The passion of the people for more of God has led to dramatic increase in supernatural occurrences and miraculous healings. Angels are appearing. Heavenly visions are occurring. Physical manifestations of trembling, shaking, and falling in the presence of God are occurring. Alcoholics and drug addicts are being set free and coming to Jesus. People are being born again and filled with fresh life of the Spirit of God. Visions of Jesus are seen by people in the Spirit. Signs and wonders are now being experienced much like in the time of Jesus and the first century apostles. Traveling revivalists, evangelists, churches, house churches, and schools are reporting dramatic increase in supernatural manifestations and miraculous healings.
What does all this mean? Why is it happening now? Where is this going?
Father, in the name of Jesus, we come to your throne of mercy and grace. We receive your mercy and grace. Father, we ask of You wisdom and understanding to discern the signs of this time, that we may not miss the glory you have prepared for those who love You. We open our hearts and minds to receive Your Holy Spirit and fire to enlighten and empower us to live in the fullness of Your presence and carry out Your will on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
Many Christians have been trained to discern natural things but may have had little or no experience in discerning real supernatural spiritual things of God. Like many of the religious leaders in Jesus’ day, we may have skilled natural-mind understanding and discernment but may not be well prepared to discern spiritual things by the Spirit. Probably most of us have yet to even begin to grasp the vast reality of the Spirit of God and the great significance of the work of the Holy Spirit.  And certainly, we may be clueless regarding the vast army of spirit beings called Holy Angels. These powerful ministering spirits sent from God to minister to the heirs of salvation may be a fearful mystery to many who lack mature discernment of spiritual things by the Spirit.
Mat 16:3: ....Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.
Heb 1:14:  Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?
The Greek word translated "signs" in the above verse is “semeion” and is also often translated miracles in the KJV. The Lord is speaking here about discerning supernatural miraculous happenings. We need to spiritually discern the “signs” of this time.
A lack of spiritual perception and full appreciation of the work of the Holy Spirit may cause us to improperly discern. The past focus and experience of the church of highly esteeming natural understanding of the Bible with a lack of full respect and grasp of the awesome place of the Holy Spirit has led to a weakness of spiritual perception and understanding. For this reason many cannot discern real signs and wonders from false. Sadly this often causes a rejection of the true by ascribing the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil.
Mark 16:17-18:  And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Discerning the True, the False, and the MIXTURE
Lack of mature holiness in a gifted person causes a mixture.
Mature holiness looks a lot like humility filled with love and spiritual power in a person with a pure heart and clean hands.
Unholy looks like pride with needful desire and natural strength in a person with an unclean heart and dirty hands.
A believer in process of becoming holy often will be a mixture of holy and unholy practices. This mixture is not uncommon in the leadership of churches and ministries of the church age systems.
Most believers in the church age have sought after leaders to follow that we could esteem highly. Unknowingly, we have often looked to a respected leader instead of looking to the Christ in the leader and have become followers of a man instead of Christ Jesus. We may have not prospered in our spirits and have been disappointed and mistreated because of the lack of mature holiness in the leader. Often, we then choose to blame the leader without understanding that we were part of the problem by our not following Christ. We can be led by the Christ in any person sent to minister to a current need and situation. However, we must not follow or receive from the bad part of a mixture. Follow Christ within by the Holy Spirit and follow Christ in man but do not follow another (John 10:4-5).

John 10:27  "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
The false does exist and can be discerned by their fruits (Mat 7:16-18). However, what many have called false teachers, false prophets, false apostles, and false signs are not really false but mixtures. The false relates to the unholy (the harlot). The mixture relates to immature are partly holy (the adulteress). The true relates to mature holiness (the pure Bride).
The spiritual adulteress has a husband (Jesus) but is unfaithful to Him by seeking other loves. The fruit of the adulterated mixture is good fruit from God on one side of the tree, and bad fruit from the god of self and other gods on the other side of the tree. If we are NOT following the man, we can discern and partake of the good fruit of Christ and not partake of the bad fruit. However, if we reject the good fruit of Christ, we are rejecting God and His provision for us. Think about this, if it is a mixture there is some God in it. Instead of killing the wounded or immature adulterated believer and destroying the good fruit of God along with the bad, receive the good fruit and minister the work of Christ by the Holy Spirit from your pure heart to heal and edify (grow to maturity) the believer.
God is pouring out signs and wonders in this season for a reason. 
The primary destination or objective of all God does on earth is the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. All things must be redeemed and fully restored unto our God. Fallen man and the fallen kingdoms of this world must become the kingdoms of our God.
Over two thousand years ago, an angel appeared to a virgin, and soon after the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and implanted the seed of God in her womb. A heavenly host of holy angels announced the birth of the Son of God and the process of the redemption and restoration of all things begun.
About thirty years later the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus and the supernatural work of redemption and restoration of the kingdom of God on earth began. Jesus demonstrated the kingdom through numerous supernatural miracles including healings, deliverance, and raising the dead. He demonstrated kingdom authority over nature as he calmed a storm or walked upon the sea. Miracles, signs, and wonders made known the presence of God come to reclaim the kingdoms of earth.
The cruel work of enduring death on the cross provided for redemption of all who believe. His resurrection, ascension, and return in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to indwell believers began the work of restoration. Jesus returned to earth in the Holy Spirit to indwell mankind and do the supernatural work through His people of restoring all things to our God. And again at Pentecost supernatural signs and wonders were poured out only this time through 120 waiting disciples. The mark and the tools of the work of re-establishment of the kingdom of God on earth are manifestations of supernatural miracles of healing, deliverance, raising the dead, angelic appearances, and many other signs and wonders.
I think you have figured it out by now. The reason for signs and wonders pouring out in this season is the return of the work of Jesus by the Holy Spirit to take us to the greater fullness of the kingdom. The movement toward the kingdom has been derailed for centuries by the age of man-centered religion and the lack of the real gospel of the kingdom. The return to the recognition of the massive work of the Holy Spirit began just over a hundred years ago and is now exploding into the earth. In this season we are only beginning to awaken to the reality of the Spirit of God empowering the pure, holy people of God.
Soon there will be little or no more of the adulterated mixture as holy men and women of God clothed in humility and burning with God’s glory will set the world on fire with the vast love and power of the God of heaven present on earth.
Rev 11:15:  Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!"
Psa 72:19:  And blessed be His glorious name forever! And let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen

Keep on pursuing love.
It never fails.

Ron McGatlin" target=_blank eudora="autourl - -

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 05/08/2008 at 3:18pm

"YEAH GOD!!! A 'big amen!' from this here heart. On a 'Holy Spirit guided tour' of the Glory come to earth... Several weeks ago HE had me order the book by David Herzog, "GLORY INVASION-Walking Under an open heaven"... Have been reading this book the last 2 days and have come to the conclusion this should be a 'must read' by all who want to gain understanding of the GLORY OF GOD, operate in HIS GLORY and manifest HIS GLORY!!! HALLELUJAH! GLORY! GLORY! GLORY TO GOD!!!   Love you ALL-prayin' & rejoicin' 

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: jaketribble
Date Posted: 05/09/2008 at 4:57am

Ron said
The reason for signs and wonders pouring out in this season is the return of the work of Jesus by the Holy Spirit to take us to the greater fullness of the kingdom. The movement toward the kingdom has been derailed for centuries by the age of man-centered religion and the lack of the real gospel of the kingdom. The return to the recognition of the massive work of the Holy Spirit began just over a hundred years ago and is now exploding into the earth. In this season we are only beginning to awaken to the reality of the Spirit of God empowering the pure, holy people of God.

Father has called Believers to proclaim the Gospel of Truth and Righteousness throughout the earth. HIS Spirit is outfitting this generation with a mighty outpouring of Power as we desparately seek Father and HIS Glory.
The reports coming in from around the country testify to this Truth.
This nation is about to be transformed into a 'Nation after God's own Heart', and I desire to be in HIS Will in this moving of HIS Power.
I declare MS. to be a state that praises and worships the only True God. Rising up to bring the sick and hopeless to the Master to be healed and delivered, redeemed and set free by the Precious Blood of the Lamb. To be filled with Holy Spirit in the fullest measure....
To walk by Faith, along the winding roads of the Delta, to the highways of the Coast. Bearing the Good News that our Savior and King  is abundantly able to calm the storms and bring Peace into the hearts of those who hurt and are stricken by grief.
Praise the Name of Jesus, Name above all names.
The enemy has been defeated, and Warriors are taking back all that has been stolen, bringing the captives to the precious feet of our Lord. To be Restored and outfitted for HIS Service in the Army of God. A KINGDOM of people consecrated and set apart for HIS Glory and Honor.


Posted By: Jose Bosque
Date Posted: 05/09/2008 at 8:26am

This is my response to someone who doubts!

Is location Important???? You questions can better be answered by Abraham when he decided to go back to Bethel to re-establish his covenant with God or may you could have asked Paul why he was in a hurry to get back to Jerusalem for the day of Pentecost. Church history also records the pilgrimages of God's people for centuries and just because a few zealots and heretics have copied we should not throw it out as valid.
I never went to Toronto or Pensacola. I do not even like the term God Chaser. I think it unbiblical but today we know irrefutably that something happened there that helped the Body of Christ.
I just returned from three days in Lakeland where I experienced a presence and saw with my own eyes the greatest gathering of hungry Christians these eyes have ever seen. I spoke to many of them and heard their cries for more. If there is a God in Heaven ( and I know there is) all I can say is get ready for the greatest wave of grassroots Revival in our lifetime.
My Spirit has been enlarged, hope for the Church has filled my soul and strength to live in radical holiness has been imparted to me.
The Bus has left the terminal!  In less than a year it will need no validation (Why did God start there for America?) because of the of the Worldwide outbreak of miracles,signs and wonders and the many locations throughout our country that will point to Lakeland as the epicenter for their Fire.

For the love of His Name,
Jose Bosque
Servant of the Lord called to be an apostle

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/09/2008 at 8:37am

Hello Jose and welcome to the OH forums.

I never got to Pensacola or Toronto either. But, I'm here in Florida for the next several days. Got to Lakeland for the first time last night. Powerful indeed!! Tonight, we move to another venue and Todd said that they're going to anoint each prayer request that's sent in today, and also he's going to anoint with oil each one of us.

I've been in many meetings before. None have been this powerful. Claudio Freidzon (spelling?) of the Argentine revival was there last night and prayed for us...that was really powerful. I'd heard of him before but hadn't seen him in person before last night. Saw Carlos Anacondia once before and he laid hands on me (those who needed healing). He wrote the book "Listen to me, satan."

When he says those words (listen to me, satan) in Spanish (he didn't speak English) demons start to manifest. Those who manifest demons are then taken to a deliverance tent and set free.

I've read Tommy Tenney's "God Chasers" and also met Tenney before. I don't have a problem with "chasing" God. It's just another word for "pursuing." When we seek God with our whole hearts, we will find Him.

I'm expecting to receive more of this revival fire while I'm here, to take back home to Idaho.


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Posted By: Londa Ross
Date Posted: 05/09/2008 at 9:49am

I can't make it to Lakeland.  So what I 've decided to do is invite people over to my house and have the computer on during the revival and pray and worship together.  Praise Jesus!  If anything, this has brought me closer to His word, and constantly praising Him and thinking of Him.

Many blessings... Love,  Londa

Posted By: Jose Bosque
Date Posted: 05/09/2008 at 11:36am

Hi Ann,
Last night was truly the most powerful night so far. Being Hispanic and a revivalist I have been with both of these men in Argentina and around the world. May the Lord bless you real good tonight. As for God Chaser I like Tommy and I know what he means I am just a Purist I guess.

For the love of His Name,
Jose Bosque
Servant of the Lord called to be an apostle

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/10/2008 at 8:46am

Send your prayer requests at - or - for tonight's service.

I keyed in a powerful report about last night, but it didn't post. Have pix of fiery angels. Will input them next week for all to see. Several are most likely harvesting angels, as they are jagged hearts with a sickle behind them.

Anointed with oil (lots of it) last night. Todd anointed everyone (and there were 14,000 of us, but some left). Slain 3 times in less than 30 seconds.



Books and booklets available for purchase. More information at

Posted By: eric claire
Date Posted: 05/19/2008 at 4:37am

Robert Edmund wrote:


Courage, mon ami!


Merci beaucoup Robert,  much appreciated bro.

Are you member at RS , by any chance ?


Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 05/19/2008 at 6:52am

From Email

I visited two congregations this weekend and there is something in the air also here in Finland. For a long time the meetings have been very quiet here as Finnish people are very serious especially in the church, but now I heard some laughter and something else.

Saturday I was in a meeting by a prophetic man from Maleysia and the teaching was good, but my friend asked where is the prophetic. I answered that there is self service... Anyway I talked there to some friends and when I was leaving I noticed that some serious Finnish men were rolling on the floor. :)

Today I was in an other church (Living Word!) and I arrived little late and I was really happy to notice that it was packed, I have little problems to find a seat. There was a visiting speaker, but I felt there was something else that brought people to the church. There was some laughter and other little manifestations, but I think the most amazing thing was that I felt that the worship could continue on and on. I think the band run out of songs and the pastor decided to move on with the program (there were the speaker from abroad...). The teaching was very basic and solid, but the speaker mentioned something about a little girl. I talked later with the father of that little girl. He told that on Friday when she was laying on the floor she visited heaven. There she spend time in a pool with really freshing water, she felt it was cleaning her and it was so nice. Then Jesus met her and said to her to let her imagination run wild and He encouraged her to thing bigger things! That was also on part of the message of the speaker.

People were so eager to receive and it was so nice to be there. God had little surprise for me there. I was helping there as a catcher (that is a very good place to be, you sometimes get the overflow!). I was talking to somebody and suddenly the person next to her asked me to pray for her. I love this kind of presents from God. I prayed and there seemed to happen something, she got smile to her face. Praise God!

Thank you Lord that You want to bless also Finland!


Posted By: Ian Morgan
Date Posted: 05/20/2008 at 12:15am

Larry Silverman wrote:

May 08, 2008 lice.html - Revival Police Still on Patrol!

Greetings from exciting Lakeland, Florida..

In many ways Corinne and I are saddened this morning as we leave Lakeland, Florida and the "Florida Healing Outpouring" and the exciting ministry of Todd Bentley, hosted by our Friends at the Ignited Church here.  We are going to Punta Gorda in a few hours to visit my Mother, and then back to Texas where God's moving strongly.  Our first meeting there is Tuesday and I've already warned the leaders there that we are coming in "loaded for bear!"  On the way to our "Toad" (tow car), after the meeting, we were discussing when we would return to Lakeland!

Last night's meeting in the Lakeland Center was very possibly the most powerful meeting that I've ever been in since my days of salvation in 1973!  Corinne  and I are excited to get back on the road and in the flow of meetings as we've been downloaded a lot more Fire and we can't wait to give it away.  Last night there was a  mighty mass impartation of Fire as Todd prayed over all present, that we would be able to give the Fire away through the laying on of our hands.  I sense that this will be the case in Tuesday's meeting and beyond!

However it is interesting to note that the Revival Police are still on their patrol beats.  More and more I'm hearing how this great move of God isn't from God at all.  One person has stated on the Internet that this revival is a false revival.   I wonder what all of the people I saw healed last night, walking and running without their wheel chairs would think about the fact that this is a false revival??  Hum-mm!

Here is a tid bit to remember:  THE PREVIOUS MOVE OF GOD ALWAYS PERSECUTES THE PRESENT MOVE OF GOD!  This is pretty much an historical fact.  Here are some examples: 

  • John Wesley begins to have large outdoor meetings.  The Church of England says that "it isn't from God!"
  • General William Booth founder of the Salvation Army is booted from the Methodist Church because he's holding large outdoor meetings.  The Methodists say, "it isn't from God!"
  • Charles Finney has people all over New England coming to Jesus and the established churches band together and say, "it isn't from God!"
  • More recently Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, etc. are getting baptized in the Holy Spirit in the charismatic movement, speaking in tongues and the Pentecostal denominations say, "it isn't of God!"
  • Ten - fifteen years ago a mighty wave comes from Toronto and Florida and guess what?  Many within the charismatic movement said, "it isn't of God!"
  • From the "River" comes gold dust, gems, etc, and once again we hear, "it isn't of God!"

So here we are today, God's on the move not only in Lakeland but we're hearing reports of the Fire falling all over the world, and once again the Revival Police are saying, "It isn't of God!"  Wow.. sometimes I just can not believe the stupidity of these people who have appointed themselves to police every move of God in every generation of revival!

This current, world wide, move of the Holy Spirit seems characterized by the Fire of God falling on hungry, dry people, igniting them with a new passion and zeal for His Presence and for His Holiness.  Get ready as no "unclean thing" will enter this move.  If an anything "unclean" enters this, the Fire will soon purge it out!  This in itself gives me some great concern for the safety of the Revival Police.  In past moves of God I feel like the Lord tolerated the Revival Police.  Often these self appointed surveyors of truth would actually be used to thrust the move of God deeper into Him and His purposes.  However, I'm sensing that this time, things are changing!  God is restoring His Church into His order.  Therefore, I might suggest that the Revival Police may be walking on rather thin ice!

Please note the following words of Jesus from Mark 3: (NLT) (underline is mine)

Jesus and the Prince of Demons

"One time Jesus entered a house, and the crowds began to gather again.  soon he and his disciples couldn't even find time to eat.  When his family heard what was happening, they tried to take him away.  "He's out of his mind," they said.  But the teachers of religious law (the Revival Police) who had arrived from Jerusalem said, "He's possessed by Satan, the prince of demons."

Jesus called them over and responded with an illustration.  "How can Satan cast out Satan?" he asked.  "A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse.  Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart.  And if Satan is divided and fights against himself, how can he stand?  He would never survive.  Let me illustrate this further.  Who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods?  Only someone even stronger - someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house.

I tell you the truth, all sin and blasphemy can be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.  This is a sin with eternal consequences."  He told them this because they were saying, "He's possessed by an evil spirit.""

If you note the context of the sin of "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" you will note that it comes by calling the works of Jesus of the devil.  As I viewed last night's miracles of, "The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead are raised and the Gospel is being preached to the poor," (Mt. 11:4) my thoughts were drawn to the Revival Police of today and how this time God might not be so tolerant of them.  Remember this move of God is going to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth.  It is not just some good meetings in a Florida arena, it's the Kingdom of God invading this earth.... it is the Fire of God falling!

One last point... To any who question what is going on in this move of God, allow me to reassure you, it's O.K. to ask questions!  It really is!  However, please do not speak out against that which you do not understand! 

This move of God, as to His part,  is perfect, like all moves of God are.  However, God is choosing to use imperfect people to usher in His Glory.  Please "do not judge the movement by the movers!"  God delights in using all of us, far from perfect people, in fulfilling His purposes, example: Jacob!  So, if you do not understand what is happening in Lakeland, or even if you do not fully agree with what is going on, you would be very wise to not speak against it.  After all, there are enough Revival Police on their beat today so they DON'T NEED YOU!


Larry the Revivalist!

my website:

I wonder what its going to take to make people learn what the scriptures state about the false prophets and there lying signs and wonders of the last days.
last week we were in Brisbane Australia. the Lord took us to the high place.
Mt Cootha and we looked at the city( its laid out below like a piece of pizza you can see the whole city).
We looked first and it looked good with the sun shining brightly down on it. A mother with 2 small children could not get in so the little ones could see, so we gave her our place and went and got an ice-cream.( yes i'm a big kid at times)
But the lady had held our spot, when we went back we looked and there was no city just a bay of water.
Could not believe what i was seeing turned to the man i was with on the ministering trip, and he also was shocked. and asked what was God showing us, we went to a seat a bit away and asked God what was he showing us and what if anything did he want us to do.
This is what he said today i am preparing to spew out of my mouth many cities around this planet including this one.
But he then said it is not to late if they stop doing what they are doing. when we asked what this is what he said.
1. The Church.
    Today my church has lost its way its become people pleaser's and has gone away from me and gone into the world.
 when we asked for an example.
this is what he said yesterday you were in a church and looked at the menu  above the shop  (more like a cafe than shop)  but in small writing at the bottom it had if this is your first time get a visitors pack from a staff member and it entitles you to a free coffee and donut. Then the Lord said do you think my son would be looking for a bull whip.
the only time in scriptures he showed anger in that way.
2. Next he talked about the pastors and leaders.
  He said did my son lead, control and manipulate. or did he come as a servant.
Did he use the Lords name to build his own place or did he talk about the  kingdom of heaven, and challenge people about were they were and were  they could finish. did he rubbish others or did he say only positive things.
3. then he talked about the body he said how can they belong to me when they spend so much time chasing man and lifting some up higher than me.
There is only 1 God and he is a jealous God, beware of his wrath, in case you also fall.
There was more but just sit and pray about this were do you fit in are you 1 of the remnant, or are you going to join the lost the 99% of the body that will not supp at the Lords table.
For too long we have not wanted truth but just our ears tickled and to be told so no matter what we do or who we chase we will enter heaven.
God Bless you all.
In the name of his son Jesus.
Ian Morgan.

Thank you Lord for this day you have given us.

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 05/20/2008 at 11:50am

Email From New Song Fellowship
Missions Pastor Ray Saragosa 
"Wow" Inez and I just returned from the Tampa bay area after having attended six of the meetings at the Lakeland convention center in Lakeland, Florida. Located almost in the middle of Orlando and Tampa Bay.

Back in 1993 before Toronto before Pensacola, revival had broken out here before at some camp meetings Rodney Howard Browne was Having at what was then Pastor Steve from the Ignited church there in Lakeland, Father's church, which holds 10,000, which was sold To the Carpenter's since then. In fact Randy Clark had visited there during that time and was also at the current revival last week.

There is too much to share, I would encourage everyone to go online to" target=_blank EUDORA="AUTOURL - and watch live, beginning at 5P.M. our time, at last report God T.V. was going to air the meetings for ten more day's.

There has now been confirmed Doctor verified 12 people being prayed for as a result of this outpouring who were pronounced dead, being raised back to life, one 3 year old girl in particular who had been dead for close to three days, they were going to donate her organs, and she coughed and came back to life, there was a hold because the  recipient wasn't available for the donation. 

I saw blind people and deaf people young and old being healed, I looked, talked and touched some of them directly before they received their prayer and healing, I saw it first hand, it's a tremendous blessing.
People who are terminally ill some with only day's to live being healed doctor papers in hand in some cases, others with their nurses accompanying them to the platform, standing up and walking, running, falling under  the power of the Holy Spirit, being healed or had been healed by people praying for them who had and are at the meetings. Others by watching on television, the internet, overflow meetings at Pastors homes and churches where their gathering to watch it live or recorded meetings and it's happening all over the world.

They've counted people in attendance from 214 countries.
Todd Bentley cry is "come and get some" "Bam" be healed in Jesus name.

Inez and I were touched just from the cry from the platform of "Fire".

It is truly phenomenal!

A Chief from the Morongo tribe in the deserts of Southern California and several tribal members and elder's from his tribe and a tribe in Canada were in attendance last week they presented Todd and his wife with gifts from them and the Navajo, Todd, Bob Jones, blessed them and Bob gave a word about the First Nation being the gate keepers and spiritual people and that we can't have revival in America without them. 

Praise God for the overflow, come and get some.

Missions Pastor Ray Saragosa - -

Posted By: Londa Ross
Date Posted: 05/20/2008 at 11:50am

I am totally confused. 1/2 the people say this and quote scripture, 1/2 the people say that an quote scripture.


I just wanna follow the way the Lord wants me to go.  Maybe we are just all worshiping differently?....

I love the Lord Jesus and and believe He died on the cross for my sins so I can have eternal life with Him.  My eyes should be on Him and eternity with Him. 

Love, Londa

Posted By: Mark Reece
Date Posted: 05/20/2008 at 12:25pm

Hi, Londa.

It can certainly be confusing! Often, the best way to sort it all out, is to be able to ask questions. If you have questions about specific aspects of revival/renewal I would be happy to interact with you on them. Just post them at this thread, and give me a chance to have a look at them and pray a bit.

Blessings in our Father's love,


Posted By: Londa Ross
Date Posted: 05/21/2008 at 4:48pm

Hi Mark.

Why do we have to travel to get annointed?  I thought the Holy Spirit was within us when we accepted Christ.  There is someone who went down to Lakeland and now they are up here passing on the blessing.  I'll take it, but I don't understand why it is that way.

I don't feel drawn to go there, but I liked being part of it by watching the internet.  Can't seen to get it now, though.  But this weekend, my friends daughter got kicked by a horse and her jaw was shattered.  She is immense pain.  I keep a diligent prayer going to God to help this poor girl.  I don't understand why God is healing some people, but not others.  But He is God.  I believe in Him and worship Him. 

Is there a right or wrong here?  Some people bring up scripture to prove that tongues and proficy is no more, other people bring up scripture to prove that it still does.  I just believe what has happened to me.  I pray in tongues and I didn't even pray for it.  I just believe.   I just believe God can do anything through the Holy Spirit.  I just simply believe.

Thank you for your help in this.

Many blessings,


Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/21/2008 at 5:06pm


Regarding going to Lakeland or not (I went there), I think of it like this:

On the day of Pentecost, the 120 were gathered together in the upper room when the Holy Spirit was poured out on them. There had been 500 people, but some of them left. The only ones who received the outpouring were those in that place.

I also think of pouring out a glass of water. The only place that gets wet is where it's poured out upon.

I know that you asked Mark the question, but since this is a public forum, I thought to answer it. You're right in that we are anointed, but in my understanding there are not only degrees of anointing, but also different types of anointings, for different purposes.

What I received when I went to Lakeland is the greatest empowerment I'd ever received (and I've received many over the years). You might consider submitting that prayer request to Ignited Church or through Todd Bentley's website for that girl who was kicked by the horse. The Spirit is moving through that ministry at this time. Faith is high for healing.


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Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 05/21/2008 at 5:17pm

God Is Still Moving In America

By Denny Cline, Pastor, Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Albany, Oregon

denny clineWe are beginning our third week of hosting the Holy Spirit to make an opportunity for this wonderful outpouring to grow and spread in the Northwest. Last week again God was faithful to heal and save people. Hungry pastors and leaders are coming, as well as saints from all backgrounds, even some who don't yet know Christ. Some are in much need of healing in soul and body. We are not at the levels of Lakeland yet, where there are reports of the dead being raised on the south and east coast. Certainly, we are not ready to move into a stadium. But at times, the presence of God with the manifestation of His love and goodness is overwhelming.

On Saturday night, I received this prophetic word in the meeting:

"America has been called the breadbasket of the world for decades. But now some are mocking, saying, 'Look at the dollar, look at her government.' But I will not forget your generosity America or your sacrifice and prayers. Even as you have given away your bread to help the poor and oppressed of this world, I will rain down the bread of Heaven upon you. This is your time, America. I will pour out so much of the bread of Heaven upon you, that it will be like the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. There will be enough for you and much left over to give away to the nations again in a massive worldwide missionary movement with healing, signs and wonders. Rejoice America, this is your time."

I don't have a transcript, but this is what is still in my spirit. We want to quickly see this become an "all saints move of the Spirit." So we are planning on doing "equipping meetings" for all who are local and those who come to stay over at a later time. We will likely have a Thursday through Saturday schedule for a while, and equip the saints on Friday and Saturday mornings with "teaching, impartation and activation" if we keep going. Those who are local, who want to get involved with us in the meetings to pray for the sick, must have a letter of recommendation from a pastor (whether a cell congregation or more traditional congregation), and must have been to at least three meetings to be considered for the healing team once we start the equipping meetings.

vcf worshipWhat is happening is truly transferable. We have had several reports of people coming to the meetings here (as well as what has been happening in Lakeland), where the saints are boldly taking it outside the church. One young man and a friend are now healing the sick in a store in Portland with the proprietor's blessing. God is on the move. Isaiah 55 says, “Is anyone thirsty? Let him come and buy without money."

There have been around 25 people who received Christ in the last two weekends, and you can view healing testimonies on our website ( #111;nies - click here to view). There is much more happening than what we have been able to get by interview. So if you have had a healing or life-changing event through these special meetings, please contact me at

Our meeting schedules and times follow below.

Denny Cline, Senior Leader
Albany Vineyard Christian Fellowship -

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/21/2008 at 6:11pm

Sister Londa I just want to say that I love your faith!!!!  Hallelujah Praise God!!!  God bless you my Sister!!!! 

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/21/2008 at 6:25pm

I just received an email from a woman I know in Idaho who was there  in Lakeland the same time as me (although I didn't see her there).

When she first got there, she had a dream of getting a gold tooth. Then, she got so busy, she forgot to look in her mouth. When she did, she had one.


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Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/21/2008 at 8:11pm

Ann that is awesome!!!  Love that testimony!!!  God is a healer of teeth!!!!

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 3:25am

Londa Ross wrote:

Hi Mark.

Why do we have to travel to get annointed?  I thought the Holy Spirit was within us when we accepted Christ.  There is someone who went down to Lakeland and now they are up here passing on the blessing.  I'll take it, but I don't understand why it is that way.

I don't feel drawn to go there, but I liked being part of it by watching the internet.  Can't seen to get it now, though.  But this weekend, my friends daughter got kicked by a horse and her jaw was shattered.  She is immense pain.  I keep a diligent prayer going to God to help this poor girl.  I don't understand why God is healing some people, but not others.  But He is God.  I believe in Him and worship Him. 

Is there a right or wrong here?  Some people bring up scripture to prove that tongues and proficy is no more, other people bring up scripture to prove that it still does.  I just believe what has happened to me.  I pray in tongues and I didn't even pray for it.  I just believe.   I just believe God can do anything through the Holy Spirit.  I just simply believe.

Thank you for your help in this.

Many blessings,


Hi Londa,

My, how God will honor your simple faith.  What you written about your walk with the Lord is awesome.  About the girl who got kicked by the horse, I hope that you have or will get a chance to physically pray for her.  God will, and most likely already is, use you in healing and signs, wonders and miracles.  The great thing about the Lakeland experience, which you have been partaking of over the computer, is that it's something to get and then give away.  Impartation!  So, give away all that He's given to you.  Matter of fact, the more you give away, the more you do get.

However, let me also address the other part of your post to Mark, that about going to Lakeland in person.  Years ago a very wise man, a missionary to Mexico, who moved in a powerful revival there during the 1960's, would tell my wife and I, as we were very young in the ministry then, some of the wisest words that we've ever heard.  He said, "Go to where the Fire is falling!"  The Fire of God is falling in Lakeland right now.  It will begin to spread all over the world, actually already is.  But there is just something that happens when you make the trip, something that God honors when the sacrifice of effort, financial expense, time, etc., is committed in such a trip.  We saw the same thing during the early days of the Toronto and Pensacola outpourings.  In fact the same debate about going or not needing to go was there in those days as well.

Here's my advice Londa, go to Lakeland if there is anyway possible that you can go.  I am sure you won't be sorry!  Corinne and I are still basking in and beginning to understand some of the download that we received and our trip there was nearly two weeks ago.



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 5:35am

Hi - We are continuing to get reports from Eastern Europe of healings God did there while our team was there - and also some amazing manifestations of the Holy Spirit and of God's kingdom touching the physical realm in glorious ways that began since we left and are expanding.....

we also have had the following healings reported from just last Sunday's meetings here in Denver: hearing restored, whiplash (level 8 pain on meds and pain management therapy) totally healed, some type of carpal tunnel ailment - progressivly being healed - better than I have been in years!, rheumatoid athritis symptoms which had been very bad 4 months - gone, an arthritic foot which was deteriorating - totally restored, very bad knees - dramatically improved and almost completely healed!!

This was around the same number of healings we'd had over several weeks to a few months before this.  And before that it was maybe over close to a year.  This doesn't include folks who'd received healing thru prayer in the home groups and in hosptal (one lady was on the edge of death) and in the marketplace settings and on the streets.  These were people I know, and most of these are people I know VERY well...including myself...

Ray and Inez (report above) are the first of us to go to Florida, too bad we sent such shy people there (heehee).  Ray's the guy who goes into a closed Hopi village and gets invited into the home of a tribal elder in about 20 minutes....and she allows him to video in a closed village which has signs all over that you can't use cameras there....Inez - her job's as a victim advocate for police.  She gets to go to the scenes and step in and serve in that capacity....they are BOTH very hands on...looking forward to chatting with them soon!


Posted By: Mark Reece
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 6:36am

Hi, Londa.


You are absolutely correct – the Holy Spirit fills us and remains with us from the moment of our new birth. In fact, Romans 8 makes it clear that if we do not have the Holy Spirit, we are not His. But we are talking about a slightly different thing when we speak of going somewhere to receive an anointing. I like the fact that you understand that we are talking about the presence of the Holy Spirit. Many who should know better talk of ‘anointings’ as though they were some sort of energy packet, which can be passed around like a battery. The anointing we are speaking about when we discuss renewal/revival is simply the presence of the Holy Spirit in a way which is far more tangible than we are accustomed to.


In my experience, that presence can take two forms. Because we were made to be loved by God, we were designed such that we are most fully alive in His presence – as the psalmist said, His nearness is my good (ps.73). When we spend time in His presence, we do fill up with Him. And, that presence lingers with us. We can see that in the Scripture when Moses’ face shone with a light after he spent time with God (Exodus 34), or the dead man was revived by being thrown on the bones of Elisha (II Kings 13:21). The presence of God lingers even in the material ‘stuff’ of our being when we spend time with Him. This extraordinary presence of the Holy Spirit fades as we spend less time with Him.


There also seem to be specific areas of ministry which enjoy a greater measure of His involvement for each of us. These remain more consistently present over the course of a lifetime. When these are revealed to us, it is common to speak of it as, ‘receiving an anointing for such-and-such’.


So, why should we have to travel to receive? The core reason is in line with what Larry has shared. Because of the relationship we are invited into with God – His desired relationship with us – we must have a way to take action concerning our heart convictions. If we are going to be a part of the greatest love story in the universe, we have to have a way to be lovers. It’s a bit like the money I give to my kids to buy me a Christmas gift. Could I just buy something? Sure. But I want them to have a way to work out what is in their hearts. Is God with us, all of the time, in ways more powerful than we can perceive? Sure. But He wants His children to have a way to work out what is in their hearts. Many of us are praying that He will do as He has done in the past, and manifest His presence in many places at the same time, and through many people in our day. To see what that might look like, you can read about the Great Awakening, or the travels of the Wesley brothers. But should He do that, it will still be our chance to respond to Him.


It really does reveal what is in the heart men when God fills a specific location with His presence and the work He is doing at a specific time. Consider the example of John the Baptist. He had the word of the Lord for his time, and a specific location which was remote for most people. Many, many people rejected him as a waste of time. Many others took the opportunity to express their hunger for God. And the perfect son of God? He walked more than 90 miles to stand in line and be a part of what God was doing with His people, even though it is clear that God was already with Him.


People who spend time in a location where God has manifest His presence will come away with the answer to the question they brought with them, even if they don’t like that answer. Some go asking, ‘can you wow me into believing?’ Often they are given a, ‘No, I don’t want to force you to want me.’ I have met some who went specifically asking for more power, and when they don’t receive it, they reject the whole outpouring as flesh and illusion. The best question to take with you is the question from a lover’s heart, ‘Take me away with you…’


You won’t find the right or wrong of this in clear statements, ‘you must go…’ or ‘you must not go…’ and verses to prove the point. The issue at hand is whether you hear His voice calling, ‘Come away with me My beloved’, or feel the deep heart hunger to be with Him. All of the arguments being tossed around today are really about what men are doing, and that is a side issue. You must focus on what God is doing. There is a way for you to ask Him about it. Since His presence lingers with those whom you mentioned that have come back and are praying for people, ask them to pray for you. But, first think through and pray through the desire of your heart for more of Him.


I don’t know if you have ever ministered in healing before, but if you do want to pray for your friend’s daughter, let me offer a couple of suggestions. If you get a chance to pray with her (ask her if you can pray for her healing), keep your eyes open so you can see what is happening, place you hands as near the injury as is practical, and invite the Holy Spirit to come. Be patient while you are praying – this is not a time of simple petition, but a time to allow the presence of God in you to have His way. As you sense His presence increase, ask Him to heal, then bless the bones and tissue of her face in Jesus’ name and command them to knit back together. Pay attention to what is happening with her, as well as what you are feeling. I often experience the powerful presence of the Spirit as heat in my hands, but not always. You will know when to stop, when she indicates she want you to stop, or when you know that He is finished. When you are done, be patient! See what God has done immediately, and leave room in your heart for work which takes Him a couple of days or more.


I hope there are answers to the questions you ask here. If not, or if you have others, please ask.


In our Father’s love,



Posted By: Londa Ross
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 7:42am

Mark, I want to lay my hands on her and pray for her, but this is a household that dosn't believe.  I think the mother does, (she is my co-worker) and I have given her a Bible a few years ago.  But I know the father doesn't and the girl doesn't.  So they would not let me in the house to do this.  But I will pray on it more and talk to my friend and ask her if I can.  THe girl is very private and doesn't like to be touched.  But I am not giving up, I just keep saying her name all day and all night and lifting her up to the Lord.  I believe she can be healed, I believe that with all my heart.  I am just waiting upon the Lord.  I am hoping that the family sees and believe.  I pray for salvation for the family. Praise Jesus...

Thank you everyone for your knowledge.  I will say this, I am very excited for some reason right now.

Love,  Londa

Posted By: Jacinta Pena
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 10:40am

Hi Mark,

Very well said.....I had to read it twice! With your permission, I will Print and give out.

God Bless YOU my brother,




In His Love, Jacinta

Posted By: Jacinta Pena
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 10:56am


As some of you know and have been interceding with me for my Pastor, who was so AGAINST the Lakeland Outpouring and me going to GET SOME!

Pastor just called my husband and HE WANTS TO GO TO LAKELAND SUNDAY NIGHT WITH US!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! I am doing the Happy Dance... Praise God!! 

Pray ... God gets a hold of HIM and SLAMS HIM!!!!! Double Portion!!!

Thanks my Dear Brothers & Sisters

In His Love, Jacinta

Posted By: Mark Reece
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 11:23am


Thank-you for yor feed-back... Please feel free to share this.


Posted By: Kevin D. James
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 11:45am

Ann Doupont wrote:


Regarding going to Lakeland or not (I went there), I think of it like this:

On the day of Pentecost, the 120 were gathered together in the upper room when the Holy Spirit was poured out on them. There had been 500 people, but some of them left. The only ones who received the outpouring were those in that place.

I also think of pouring out a glass of water. The only place that gets wet is where it's poured out upon.

I know that you asked Mark the question, but since this is a public forum, I thought to answer it. You're right in that we are anointed, but in my understanding there are not only degrees of anointing, but also different types of anointings, for different purposes.

What I received when I went to Lakeland is the greatest empowerment I'd ever received (and I've received many over the years). You might consider submitting that prayer request to Ignited Church or through Todd Bentley's website for that girl who was kicked by the horse. The Spirit is moving through that ministry at this time. Faith is high for healing.


'Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.' - I John 4:17

Posted By: Ann Doupont
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 11:48am

Wow, Jacinta. That's an awesome praise report. Thanks for sharing it with us. Thank You Jesus for putting it on that pastor's heart to go. May he be open to receive all you have for him to receive there!!


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Posted By: Kevin D. James
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 12:03pm

Hey brother Mark,

Why go to Lakeland Florida to receive a fresh infilling?

Scripture reveals that not all of us are anointed with 'the same gifts', and those who are gifted, have it in varying proportion and measure.

"There is one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." - Ephesians 4:4-7

This means, there is only one true God who dwells in each one of us by His Holy Spirit. He has given each of us  GRACE (undeserved favor, blessings and supernatural divine enablement) in different measures.  

Not all of us have the same measure of gifting. Not all of us are great singers. Some are better than others. Not every believer is a great teacher. Some are more anointed, gifted and have more training than others. 

Also, take note of I Corinthians 12. "There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:... (11)  But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."

Mark, here are other passages that explain how the gifts vary in type, how they function, and in the measure given to us. (I Corinthians 12:1-28, Ephesians 3:7, II Tim. 1:9).

"Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith..." - Romans 12:6

The Lord saved me way back in 1976. In the mid-eighties I got really hungry to be used in gifts of healing. I decided to go and sit under the teachings of some heavily anointed miracle ministries. I even served a few and gave into their work. Next thing I knew, the SAME EXACT ANOINTING, in the same style and with the same amount of POWER was taking place in my life.

I'm not here to write a big teaching on 'transferance of the anointing', but I thought I'd share a few scriptures and back it up with personal experience.

Brother Mark, GO GET SOME!!!

'Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.' - I John 4:17

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 12:59pm

Mark Reece wrote:
You won’t find the right or wrong of this in clear statements, ‘you must go…’ or ‘you must not go…’ and verses to prove the point. The issue at hand is whether you hear His voice calling, ‘Come away with me My beloved’, or feel the deep heart hunger to be with Him.

amen Mark, being obedient to His voice to Come away with Me My beloved. It is not an issue of going or not going but an issue of heart, that wheresoever, our desire, deep heart hunger as you said, is Him and Him alone....all things flowing from the passionate hunger of Love for His beloved and His beloved responding to His voice can Beloved is mine and I am His. Blessed communion of

In His Love

Posted By: Sonia Greenhill
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 6:38pm

Great praise report Jacinta.... 

I pray Lord for this pastor to receive the fullness of You and that His heart will be set ablaze for you......  I thank You Lord for Jacinta standing in the gap and ask for Your awesome blessings refreshing her life.  And Father, let them take the flame and ignite their church.

Glory to God...for You alone are worthy of all the praise!!!!

Posted By: Anita Lea
Date Posted: 05/22/2008 at 8:05pm

What a wonderful praise report Sister Jacinta!!!  I pray the fire of God will be great in your church!!  Hallelujah!  To God belongs the Glory!!!!

Your Sister in Christ,
Stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes... 1Sam 12:16

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