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The Islamic Crusade of Nawansega - A very surprising outcome - And The Transformation of Our Villages - Cliff Pash

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Forum Name: HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL - LOVE INVASION Reports, Articles and Discussion
Forum Discription: Tell us about your experience in the current Holy Spirit LOVE Invasion. Report what is happening in your area. Ask your questions about the outpourings of God today.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 1:40pm

Topic: The Islamic Crusade of Nawansega - A very surprising outcome - And The Transformation of Our Villages - Cliff Pash

Posted By: Moderator
Subject: The Islamic Crusade of Nawansega - A very surprising outcome - And The Transformation of Our Villages - Cliff Pash
Date Posted: 12/20/2013 at 7:36am -

The Islamic Crusade of Nawansega

Followed by a Very Unexpected Islamic/Christian Debate

A Very Suprising Outcome!

The Muslims have been holding 7-10 days of open air crusades in the Nawansega Trading Centre. The lead speaker is a very good word twister and was speaking many things that he himself fabricated and passing it off as truth. Uneducated villagers believe what they are told - they cannot read. Some die hard Muslims were beginning to threaten some of the ATK Pastors. Many of the Born Agains and many of the Muslims were demanding that I come and address the situation.

I am so grateful for the 100's of my friends in America who were praying for this time of confrontation. We needed God to somehow orchestrate what was to occur or else things could turn on us quickly - possibly with violence.

Pastor Kibet went early in the morning to discuss the ATK arrival and found the lead speaker involved in some funny things that we might call witchcraft. Immediately the Muslim speaker was at a disadvantage and was now filled with some fear. He did not know how to respond to Pastor Kibet as he knew Kibet could understand what his eyes were seeing.

Now the great "confrontation" became an Islamic/Christian debate. To their credit, I was to speak unhindered for one hour, then the Islamic speaker for one hour followed by some questions and answers.. We were suprised that the format was as it was - but remember Kibet found the main speaker earlier in the day with witchcraft.

We protected ourselves by having two police officers there. Many of our church members were there -- possibly 70 or more. Our ATK presence was very large. Many Muslims were there - possibly 500 total people, maybe more. Although some of our people had some fear, they trust me and I had no fear -- God sent me there to speak the truth.

The speaker was put off guard again because I was using Arabic words rather than Roman/Greek words for Jesus, Satan and for the Creator God. Again he was put off guard because of the way I was presenting the Christian Gospel of the Kingdom. Remember he was not from our village and was somehow unprepared.

We came with a timeline of events beginning with the Birth of Abraham and continuing through the Birth of Jesus and through Mohammed and then through the Arabic Conquest of much of the world and the Rise of the Global Arabic Empire (beginning after the death of Mohammed.) Therefore, Jesus could not be an Arab, did not speak Arabic and did not represent the Arabic Culture - even though the speaker said he did.

To make this story short, the speaker seemed to demonstrate a weakness. He was possibly an ACTOR - and sought the applause and the cheers of the audience. As his presentation went forward, he seemed to get confused and began speaking good things about Christianity!! He was formerly a Christian and began speaking good things and our ATK people were going wild with joy and the Muslims seemed to be in shock!

By the end, most people had good feelings about everything. God changed the situation from being potentially very dangerous - and there were moments when the shouting of the Muslims made me wonder about the peacefullness of everything. The presence of the Police Officers kept things from getting out of hand. And God confused the speaker and by the end, things turned to be very good for the Born Again Christians.

Thank you for praying.

Reporting From Uganda

Dr. Cliff Pash

The Transformation of our Villages

As told to Julie by Pastor Waisana Paul

This past week as Paul Waisana, who is one of our pastors, was driving me the 7 kilometers from Nawensega to Nakivumbi, our two ministry bases. I was going to meet with the Project Lydia women for the first time after being home for four months. I commented to Paul how many new buildings, houses, and new, shiny iron sheet roofs there were along our route.

What Paul said in response is what surprised me. He said God has so much blessed the people on these villages since Advancing the Kingdom arrived in 2007. Before we came, the people had no hope, and everyone was struggling to even feed their families. Not many of the children went to school. Sickness was everywhere.

Now God is blessing the crops, families have more animals; cows, goats, and chickens, and even the people are healthier. People are building new homes or improving their existing homes. In the Village of Paul, Buwanga, nobody owned a motorbike in 2007. Today, nine (9) people are owning motorbikes -- just in the one village! He said because of Project Lydia and the money that the women earn, the economics of the whole community is coming up. The women spend their money within the community, new small businesses are now able to open and thrive.

Paul also said that many people fear Dr. Cliff in these villages. I asked why and he went on to say it is because you and Dr. Cliff carry the presence of God with you, and that scares them. They still trust in their clan gods and other gods. Everyone likes the blessings that God Most High provides, but they really don’t want God.

That made me wonder why God would bless an area so much in seven years when so many of the people are still Muslim or serving their clan gods. I know now that God is patient, and wants all to know that He is Lord and there is no other.

Where we live, work and minister is very difficult, and many times we wonder if we are doing a bit of good. Sometimes it is very easy to forget all of what God has done and the many lives that have changed. Paul is a great example of a changed life. Seven years ago he was known everywhere as the town drunk, not caring for his six children.

Today he tells everyone he meets about Jesus, works full time for the church and is a pastor

Thanks to all of you for the encouragement & support over these past 7 years. May God bless all of you going into the new year 2014.

Reporting From Uganda

Julie Pash

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