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Forum Name: HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL - LOVE INVASION Reports, Articles and Discussion
Forum Discription: Tell us about your experience in the current Holy Spirit LOVE Invasion. Report what is happening in your area. Ask your questions about the outpourings of God today.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:08pm


Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 04/16/2014 at 12:47pm

About 12 or 15 Jewish young people, some from Israel and Europe, are working at various kiosks in the Mayfair Mall here in Victoria. Our healing team regularly minister in the same Mall. Last Saturday one of the team members and I approached one of the Jewish young men asking to bless him in the Name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He replied, “yes”. Immediately the Power of God overcame him. He couldn’t speak and began weeping. For the next 30 min. he was wrecked. He couldn’t function. We couldn’t communicate with him. He couldn’t serve his customers. When he recovered somewhat he was able to phone his boss, and amidst sobs, told his boss, “Please I am not capable of working right now, could someone come in and replace me.” The boss asked him what had happened. The young man replied, “I don’t know but some Christians came and prayed for me and I am overwhelmed and I can’t stop weeping and it feels like electricity or something like that is going through my limbs and torso, I am completely not functional. I can’t stand up.”
Two or three days later, my wife Sue and I went back to the mall. We asked about our young friend and how he was doing. The boss asked, ”Are you the people who blessed him and prayed for him?” He told us the young man was doing very well now. “He was very overwhelmed when you did whatever you did to him and he was”out of it” for maybe two days. Now he is very good and doing very well.”
The boss went on and asked if we were a part of those people who keep coming around the mall and blessing us Jewish people and praying for us, and loving on us? I said we were. He replied with real earnestness “You are a community of Christians who are so loving and sincere that we are all amazed. Every one of you, for the past 2 months have done nothing but love on us and encourage us Jewish people. We are all talking about it and amazed how encouraged we all are. We did not know Christians were so loving. It seems that you have no agenda but to love us and serve us and share how wonderful Jehovah is. Thank you!”
Another time I encountered a young man who told me he had little or no sense of smell. I asked if I could please heal him. He said, Well doctors can’t cure me. I had a severe injury at age 8 and and since then I have breathing problems and little or no ability to smell fragrances or odours of any kind. We spoke love and blessing and then commanded the nose to return to normal and sense of smell to return. Five days later he phoned me and said, ”Guess what happened? Right after I left you my nose began draining of the most horrid substances and types of mucus. Now I am normal and can breath normally and can smell normally and all that gunk is out of my sinus cavities.” I told him Jesus did this and how wonderful Jesus is.
Next another man came up with plantar fasciitis. (Very painful foot condition). He sat as we ministered. Then when he stood he was so surprised. “Wow.” he said, “I can hardly believe it.
There is absolutely pain no whatever!”
Chad and Karen are part of our ongoing ministry team. Here is a testimony of their experience of ministering in the same Mall: (From Karen) “It was at the kiosk in the Mayfair mall. We, Chad and I, offered to pray for Ilia, a young Jewish man. He was reluctant at first but when I offered to pay double for the product he was selling, he agreed. I prophesied over him and when we laid hands on him, he said,”I feel electricity shoot through my body. What is this? It is like this sheer power going through me.” He then told his co-worker, " she has to pray for you" I prayed for his co-worker. She asked then if I saw anything about her Mom. I said “no”. My husband then put his hand on me praying that I would get a word for his Mom. Instantly I saw a vision. It was of the girl and her mom. I shared it with her privately, with personal content just for her. She cried and cried. She was so amazed!
Then, prompted by Holy Spirit, we did follow up. Chad and I brought Ilia and a few of his Jewish co-workers with us to church. They loved it and felt God’s presence. Then we went out for dinner and had a great visit. Ilia shared that he wants to live here in Victoria and go to school to upgrade his education. He said he is trying to find his purpose and destiny.”
“We had the privilege of bonding with him and treated him like family. Chad went to the gym with him, and we all bonded. Another afternoon some of the team prayed for him. When they prayed, he saw a vision that shook him up and he wept and wept. A few days later he was saying goodbye as he had to return to Israel. We asked him what the best part of his trip was as he had done many fun things, and done lots of sightseeing. He said his favorite part of his visit was "the spiritual experiences with God - the God of his fathers."
Truly it has been and continues to be sheer joy ministering signs and wonders in the Jewish community (and in every ethnic grouping)! “To the Jew first.” It is joy. It is also an honour and a privilege.
You, too, can and must do this necessary component of the Gospel. “How” you ask. “How do I minister among the Jewish people?” My answer is, “Don’t argue. Don’t condemn. Love. Care for and then demonstrate supernaturally how much they are loved. “Heal the sick, cast out bondages. Use signs and wonders non stop!” “But”,you say, “I’ve tried to move in signs and wonders and nothing much happens...ever!” My answer is: “if nothing is happening, even when you persevere and step out in faith, then recognize something very important! Recognize that something is drastically wrong! This is NOT a normal state of affairs! This is not the way Jesus designed His church!
The solution to this terrible state of affairs. This impasse; where you step out, you attempt to evangelize and you are stymied time and time again, you find yourself unable to demonstrate any signs and wonders whatever. The solution is:
“Repent and be restored”. This is very, very important. This is of the utmost importance. We must handle this relative powerlessness in the body of Christ in North America and in the developed world scripturally. Jesus had this terrible diagnosis (and then the solution) for the powerless church at Ephesus. He said in Revelations Ch. 2:4, “You have left your first love!” ...Remember,therefore, from where you have fallen and REPENT and do the works you did at first! (The works were mighty signs and wonders) What deeds did the church do at first? Mighty ones! Jesus says to the church at Ephesus. “ Remember these deeds!”. And then it says, “or else...I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand (out of its place) unless you repent”. The lampstand is the gifts, the power and presence of God’s glorious, precious Holy Spirit. Jesus told them, “you have left your first love”. What a terrible, sad indictment!. He did not say you have LOST your first love. If you had lost it you wouldn’t know where to find it. They left it. What does it say He’ll do? He will remove the lampstand - the gifts, the power, the signs and wonders. When the anointing and the gifts, the healings, etc. when these are not flowing, that is evidence there has been a terrible departure. This word is not for just the early church at Ephesus. It is for us today. But to those with guts enough to repent God says,”I’ll RESTORE! Wow. What a precious, gracious promise. Restoration. This is the will of God for the church in 2014. Will you join me in a wholesale, united, national and international broken-hearted, humble repentance?
Repentance and Restoration is the order of the day. Gatherings are springing up. God is restoring. No other agenda. Just Jesus. Just a humble repenting and then the wonderful expectation of a restoring, a remembering and a return to our first love. We can’t do it. We can’t work it up. Jesus is the one who waits patiently for our recognition of our pitiable state. ( Eph: 2 “You do not realize you are pitiable and naked and wretched and poor...”) He is the one who longs to fully restore. And He will. He promises it.
Let’s say this to the Lord in all sincerity of heart: “Father, we (corporately and individually) have left our first love. We have left the blazing glory of first love and the day of Pentecost. We were gloriously baptized in Your Spirit and your fire and your blazing first love and deeds. We went out and boldly proclaimed your Son. You sent amazing, confirming signs and wonders. Father we have lost out way.We have left our first love. We have become lukewarm and powerless. Forgive us.
Please forgive us and please graciously restore us to our first love and restore the powerful signs and wonders as at the beginning!”
Gather together. Seek God. Repent. Expect. Expect God to show up with a supernatural restoring. Expect new, fresh baptism of fire, love and power. He will graciously restore I guarantee it. It may take time. But it is worth waiting for! Contact us. Keep us informed. Ask us questions about implementing R and R meetings in your area.
1. Call friends. Inform people. Gather in homes, coffee shops, church buildings, wherever.
2 Explain the urgency of the moment.
3. Gather with like-minded, desperate – for - Jesus brothers and sisters.
4. Look for desperate people who want God’s love and God’s power at any cost.
4. The agenda is Jesus
5. Seek His face, repent, receive restoring of the gifts and power.
6. Contact us , let us know what you are doing, let us know what God is doing, let us encourage you. We are at : phone 250 532 6654.

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