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Report from the Capital Region New York - Henry Falcone

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Forum Name: HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL - LOVE INVASION Reports, Articles and Discussion
Forum Discription: Tell us about your experience in the current Holy Spirit LOVE Invasion. Report what is happening in your area. Ask your questions about the outpourings of God today.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:07pm

Topic: Report from the Capital Region New York - Henry Falcone

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Report from the Capital Region New York - Henry Falcone
Date Posted: 04/22/2014 at 2:18pm

Dear Ron,

God is so good. We had such an awesome time in NY. The Lord was so in our midst. Your words of encouragement and prayers were very helpful. Friday night, the Lord allowed me to share about the working of the “holy spirit invasion.” People who have experienced this were able to share this beautiful work God is doing, changing us, filling us with a supernatural love for God and each other.

Many got to share and impart, but at the end we were all encouraged to come and just be with the Lord and in His presence. It was there we began to feel the fire of His love being established in our midst.The night meetings God had us do semi-circle and no pulpits or anyone really in front at all. That was a “prophetic bridge” for those who never experienced the Lord or meetings like this could find a place to put their feet and be comfortable.

I do want to say, one aspect that I don’t often mention in these gatherings whether they are “circle home style meetings” or deeper life “harvesting meetings’ much, much, much intercession is needed before, after and during. This is where the “prophetic intercessory missionaries” God is having us rise up really function. Because we are being sent into an specific geographic area, the powers and principalities in those areas have to warred against by the Holy Spirit of God praying in us and through us so that that the “people’s eye are open to see, their ears open to hear, and their hearts able to receive.”

This prayer resists the enemy to try to “blind their eyes” and also disarm the enemy in the atmosphere over that region and in the meeting. God has taught us strategies different every day and every night on how to pray for the people, the atmosphere, those who will speak, the worship of the Lord.”

This time even more since we don’t have enough prayer missionaries that can travel all the time, they all got linked up all over the country to pray and watch the meetings. Each had a specific assignment from the Lord and changing assignments as God revealed to all of us how to pray. It was so awesome how the Lord led us into battle to with.

Saturday and Sunday day time meetings we met in a complete circle. It was here we were really able to work with the cluster that God has there. We waited upon the Lord to come, and then each shared what God gave them and such a strengthening happened in each of us. I was able to share on Saturday, “the genuine from the counterfeit messages and the “kingdom message preached without the “work of the Holy Spirit love invasion from one that is filled with the love of God.”

God really taught us all and God revealed some of the enemies tactics in this region and how to go lower in Christ and keep a spirit of humility and love. Sunday, the Lord had us seek His face and then discuss your article and teaching on “Unrelenting love.” This article was exactly what we needed after teaching on the counterfeit and genuine. It spoke to each heart on what we are facing in the Capital region.

It was a divine strategy. I just felt to read a paragraph at a time, and everyone got revelation from God, instructions to help each other, and how to move forward. We did this paragraph by paragraph and they got a real filing of faith to stand in the midst of the divide and understand that the divide was from God.

These meetings were absolutely the right work to do and add to this “cluster of saints.” I can see that by our going and being added to what God is doing there, a greater impartation from the Holy Spirit comes with clarity and understanding.” We were even able to hear the Holy Spirit separate people on to “new tasks” from the Lord by the Spirit of God like in the book of Acts. It was so awesome.

Saturday night was intense. My wife got a word that God was calling us to come, “she sang out prophetically” and that there was a gentle flame of the Lord in the room, but many out of fear were running from it. There were no worship team or leaders, we just had cd’s playing until the Lord told me to play on the keyboard. I began to sing the “call to come” and about coming into the “flame of pure holy love” and not to be afraid.

Then supernaturally by God, people came to the front and fell on their faces, and God began to burn in them. Some were crying out of their hearts to God, and some came to soak. I just encouraged them to go past soaking to the place of burning and ask the Lord to take them deeper. They did and then the fire burned like an oven in the room.

As I just ministered instrumentally, I saw the Lord come in the room and bend over and take yokes off of people’s backs and break chains off them. I said, “Lord, what are you doing” He said, “I am taking out the root of rejection from the first borns.” then God had me speak what he gave me about it, and the power and fire of God hit the room. He came and healed so many of these first borns from the “false expectations put on them.”

He came to remove the yokes of “failure and not measuring up and hit the root of rejection to remove it.” Dear brother, It was so Holy and beautiful. There was no way the Lord would let them leave with these burdens and cords in their hearts. Then he just spoke to us a second time, I am healing all of those who were born out of wedlock or for a moment their being carried in their mothers womb was unexpected or unwanted. That root of rejection that entered into their hearts was there their whole life and it hurt so bad. Parents who for a moment were not happy about being pregnant, or those children born out of wedlock were still special to God.

He ministered in song over them to tell them, that they may be accidents to their parents or were born out of a rape, or for a moment unwanted by the mother or father, but God made them and knitted them together as a “gift” to their parents even in the midst of their sin. They weren’t made by an accident but they were a light of God’s goodness to their parents in spite of the rejection or sin they were in.

Brother, so many were weeping and being healed, it overwhelmed all of us. God loved us so much to come with a Holy Ghost Invasion that would get to the root of the rejection and hurt. The testimonies after this time were incredible. Peoples whole continences were changed by the Glory of God. I continued as God allowed me to share about the Holy Spirit invasion, but so many added to what God was doing in their own testimonies.

This was a bridge night to “gather the wheat” into the bark of the kingdom of night. Also, The Fire of the Baptism of the Holy Spirt came and this one young man I asked if he spoke in tongues said occasionally, I said, “no all the time.” It just came out of my mouth, and when he did. FIRE CAME And everyone was filled again with this Baptism of Fire. Many got brand new tongues to speak, warring tongues and many testified they were burning with fire from their heads to their feet.

Sunday night was really powerful for the Lord burned with burning feet of brass in our midst. It was incredible. The Lord told me that we could not even have the same strategy in prayer as any other night. that the enemy knew our tactics and was familiar with them. So it took a great listing by all of us to hear what the Lord desired to do.

His instructions came for all the intercessors to sit in the room in stead of stand. He told us to place them in the front left, back left, front right, back right and in the middle of the people and just seek His face there and pray as He led us. Then the Lord told me to play certain songs off certain cd’s not to play the keyboard. Each song took us higher and higher until we were burning with God’s Holy fire.

Not one person was in front. It was like the Lord Himself was on His throne and we were in front of it and all around with the elders sitting next to him. It was a glimpse of the heavenly temple in reality. The fire was so hot, people came to the front, but not to close because of the Holy Fire of God. Everyone was lost in the Lord, no one was singing lyrics, just overwhelmed by God Himself. God was healing them, talking to them, and burning in them. The worship of God was personal and direct to him individually, but collectively at the same time. Though some words were being song, it was not a song service. It was an Encounter with God.

When the worship ended, I could not even stand up. I was trembling on the inside because of God’s Holiness and so was everyone else. I slowly began to speak but I couldn’t even go in the center of the room. It was to HOLY and TOO HOT. You couldn’t even minister there because of God’s glory hovering in this place.

For the third night the Lord had me start talking about the Holy Spirit Invasion I have been an eye witness of. As I started just to share what I have seen in the children, the moving of God in His young adults and then older people. Everyone was in tears. I mean it. It was so so so holy. It was so witnessed in each heart it was God, they were all sobbing. God brought the Omega Generation to this meeting.

The Lord brought 7 young people 25 and under never there before who were worship leaders and musicians to sit in the front. Slowly the Lord allowed me to speak into a few of their lives, as I did, FIRE FIRE FIRE. Others then were released to add to what God was doing, and the more I shared of the testimony of this invasion, the more the Lord proved it and manifested in the meetings until they ran to the front and when they did.

THEY BURNED! THEY BURNED! God began to so invade them with the Holy Spirit. WE couldn’t move. Those who didn’t go up to the front the spirit of Intercession came on them to pray for all of them as one family. The Lord them called some to stand behind those in front like a wall behind them to protect that Holy flame. The Lord showed me that was prophetic of the Lord coming behind us with His Glory to be our rear God.

Then he did major surgery on these young people of so much. They grew up in the church, but the “system” killed the flame. The Lord only when led allowed me to go next to a few and put my arms around them and say just what he gave me, and major deliverance came. The neat thing was that even as God sent me to a few, I was not noticed at all. Everyone was so caught up in God no one saw me do this or was looking at anyone else but God Himself.

At the end of this, each one of them shared their testimonies… WOW.. Only God knew the hurt and stuff inside.. They all testified of an invasion in their hearts of God’s holy love. Then even better, those who were not at the alter one by one had words for all of them, prayer for them, encouragement for them, and for each other. Teaching came forth, prophecy, tongues and interpretation of tongues and the Body was building itself up in love.

The Bridge was made. God reached into the “church system age” and brought His wheat out. “They were able to cross over the bridge out of the 2nd day into the 3rd day, by the Lord going right to the soil of their hearts and removing everything that was hindering the “work of the Kingdom in them.” When the soil was ready, God came and watered it and fertilized it with His love and through His body. Those that never heard the Kingdom of God message were birthed out of the “womb” of the church age” into the Kingdom age and began to “wrap, cry, and be fed” just like a baby that came into the world. It was so awesome and God gets every ounce of the Glory. To God be the Glory.

Just a note on Sunday afternoon after the teaching was exactly finished on the “unrelenting love,” My first in Falcone name Grand son was born. His name Jezreel, “the Lord sows.” How prophetic is that? Unrelenting love, Holy Spirit invasion brings forth “the Lord sows.”

Thank you and to all those in North Carolina who prayed for us and the financial seeds you sowed in helping us get there. Great is your reward in heaven for your love and kindness that touched the lives of all of us there in NY.


Brother Henry

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