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News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide

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Topic: News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide

Posted By: News Room
Subject: News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide
Date Posted: 02/20/2014 at 9:52am



News from British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide older=INBOX&isSeen=false&x=-1496485006#TOP"> Praise Reports - CLICK to return to Top of Bulletin

Russia: Christianity at Olympics

Russian ice dancer Elena Ilinykh publicly crossed herself after her performance of ‘Swan Lake’ with partner Nikita Katsalapov when they won the bronze medal. Two days earlier Russian athlete Elena Nikitina publicly crossed herself before winning the bronze medal in the skeleton run. The gestures are evidence that the Orthodox Church is reviving in Russia, a country which was strictly enforcing atheism the last time it hosted the Olympics in 1980. According to a Pew Research Centre study, Russian adults identifying as Orthodox Christians shot up from 31% to 72% since the collapse of Communism in 1991 and the number of adults claiming a belief in God rose from 38% to 56% during the same period. The growing Russian openness to religion is good news for Russian evangelicals, who are active in Sochi, and also for Americans evangelizing during the Olympics.


God for his move across the nation. Pray also for the mass evangelism effort that is aiming to spread the gospel during and after the games. (Ps.72:18-19)


Court win for street preacher

A former teacher, who was ordered by a female PC to stop preaching outside Banbury Magistrates Court House, has had the charges of assault and breach of the peace against him dismissed by Oxford Magistrates Court. A police officer approached 73 year old Bill Edwards when he was preaching outside the Court House. She asked him to move on as some people inside the building found his preaching offensive. However he refused after which the PC told him that he would be arrested. Bill followed her into the police station a short distance away where he was grabbed by six officers, taken to the ground and arrested. Last week the District Judge at Oxford Magistrates Court told Bill that he had no case to answer and expressed doubt that the officer had acted in the execution of her duty. An application for a restraint order was refused and he was given an order for costs to cover his travel expenses.


God for common sense in our judicial system, and ask Him to continue to remove any iniquitousness in the police force. (Ps.72:2)

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Across the UK people have demonstrated community spirit. The following are just four groups that we can pray for: Comunities - Rev Dave Bull at All Saints Church High Wycombe said offers of help and support have outweighed those calling for help along the Thames. ‘I’ve been out to some of the worst affected places and visited houses where water has come up through the floor, it’s devastating but it brings out the best in people. Groups of neighbours are really looking after each other’. Church: - In Bridgwater Somerset The Salvation Army has been on hand 24/7 to offer a listening ear to people affected by the severe weather. Government: - A rest centre at a Golf Club and later at Westfield Church organised by Sedgemore District Council is offering people a place of safety with local residents donating clothes and food to the centre. Military: - 3,500 Royal Navy, Marines, Army and Air Force personnel providing flood relief.


for seamless communication between highways agencies, councils, NHS (health issues related to food water and clean-up), National Rail and power services. Also pray for agreements between government and Insurance agencies. (Pr.4:26)


Church of England - same-sex marriages

The legalisation of same-sex marriage does not require C of E dioceses to perform same sex wedding ceremonies. However the bishops have taken a further step by refusing to perform any official blessing for same-sex unions after they become legal in April. Neither is The House of Bishops willing for those who are in a same sex marriage to be ordained to bishops, priests, or deacons. In a statement Anglican Mainstream said, ‘We are grateful for the assurance that the idea of same sex marriages being solemnized in C of E Churches in future is not supported by the Bishops. We share the unreserved commitment to pastoral support and care of homosexual people and reject any victimisation of people whose affections are ordered towards people of the same sex’. However Anglican Mainstream also commented on there being no mention of the word 'sin' nor the Gospel’s offer of forgiveness through the cross and change through the power of the Spirit. They also were concerned that the voices of celibate and ex-homosexuals are not being heard.


for all the UK Church denominations to be led by God’s word as this subject is discussed and policies implemented across the nations. (1Cor.6:9-10)


New Cardinal Vincent Nichols calls welfare cuts a disgrace

Britain’s most senior Roman Catholic cleric has accused the Coalition of leaving increasing numbers of people facing ‘hunger and destitution’. Cardinal-designate Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, said that while the need to reduce spending on benefits is widely accepted the Government’s reforms have now destroyed even the ‘basic safety net’. Archbishop Nichols said the welfare system had also become increasingly ‘punitive’, often leaving people with nothing for days on end if they fail even to fill a form in correctly. He said it was ‘a disgrace’ that this was possible in a country as rich as Britain. The Archbishop’s criticism will be felt acutely by the work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith, who is a practising Roman Catholic.


for the Government to listen to these concerns and ensure the most vulnerable are properly supported. (Pr.28:27)


Hillsborough families complain of 'police spying' to IPCC

Solicitors for families of Hillsborough victims have made an official complaint about alleged police surveillance after the disaster. Sheila Coleman of the Hillsborough Justice Campaign has previously claimed campaigners' phones were ‘definitely tapped’ and that families were ‘effectively criminalised’. Theresa May told the House of Commons last week the IPCC would pursue the claims if any evidence of surveillance came to light but said she could not compel police forces to ‘confirm or deny’ any monitoring of families. Liverpool Walton Labour MP Steve Rotheram claimed that families had been ‘shadowed like terrorists’. Ninety six victims died on 15 April 1989, at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough stadium. Fresh inquests into their deaths will begin in March after the original accidental death inquest verdicts were quashed in 2012 following an independent report. As well as new inquests, the IPCC is examining police conduct following the tragedy.


for all that has been hidden by the police force to be revealed by the IPCC. (Ps.15)


Stand with Scotland

On 18th September Scotland will vote on its future in the historic referendum. From 23rd July to 3rd August they will host the Commonwealth Games. This is your invitation to stand with the Scottish nation at this crucial time Intercessors will be crying out to God in the Scottish Parliament from 5.30 p.m. on 25th March. We are invited to join them in prayer at Holyrood where Nigel Don MSP will host the prayer evening. Christians will pray alongside MSPs. It is being spearheaded by a group of City Church Leaders, with contributions from key Public Affairs groups with their finger on the pulse. This event will be repeated once every Parliamentary session.


for Scotland now and during 2014 as the commonwealth games and referendum vote approach. (Pr.11:14)


Helen Mirren criticises female body count in TV dramas

Dame Helen Mirren has criticised the number of dead female bodies shown on British TV dramas today. Speaking to the Observer, ahead of receiving a Bafta fellowship - the British film industry’s highest honour - Mirren acknowledged the rising level of violence on TV. She said she agreed with the British playwright Sir David Hare who recently slammed the body count in ‘contemporary drama’. Referring to the gender imbalance of corpses shown on British TV Mirren added that ‘most of those bodies are young women’. While filming action film Red 2 Mirren reportedly told the director to avoid any depictions of her killing people with guns. ‘I do get terribly upset when I see films where people are just randomly shot. I think they all have families to go to, children at home’ she explained.


for directors of film and TV to realise that good drama does not require gratuitous violence/murder usually depicting women. (Ps.11:5)


Welsh churches seek to lead the way in choosing fairtrade

Welsh churches are set to highlight issues of poverty and justice next week, as they encourage congregations to buy fairtrade products at the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight. Sunday 23 February has been named as the next stage of the Church's attempt to become a Fairtrade Province. This requires 70% of churches in every diocese to commit to using fairtrade products wherever possible. So far, 40% of churches have signed up to the initiative and organisers are hoping that next Sunday will inspire more congregations to get involved. Ruth Prince has been selling Fairtrade products at her church in Llangybi for eight years and said, ‘Local churches and parishioners can make a real difference in supporting fair trade. Just by using fairtrade tea, coffee or sugar at church eventsit lends the Church's moral authority to the movement. By raising awareness in a very practical way we can show that we are helping people in poorer countries.’


for all churches involved with Fairtrade Fortnight and especially for the Welsh target to be met. (Zec.7:9)

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Ukraine: Insight into the stalemate

Fourteen were killed when Ukrainian demonstrators and police violently clashed on Tuesday. In November President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign a free trade pact with the EU that would prepare Ukraine for EU membership. Instead he strengthened ties with Russia. Kiev is heavily dependent on Moscow’s gas (60% of the nation’s supply). Many agree motivation behind the retreat came from Moscow’s pressure. A few days after the recent demonstrations, started with hundreds of thousands demanding Yanukovych sign the European deal. Experts theorize Russia aims to unite former Soviet Bloc nations back together and wants Ukraine to join an alliance with the Eurasian Customs Union, which currently includes Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. Ukraine opposition leaders, Angela Merkel and John Kerry are condemning the Ukraine government, creating what appears to be an East/West Standoff. However, in what appears to depart from his previous stance, Putin now says he welcomes closer economic ties between the EU and Ukraine. See: h ttp:// comes-ukraine-eu-ties-amid-mediation-efforts


for Ukraine to come out of a political limbo; for an end to violent outbursts in Kiev and across the nation. (Job12:22-23)


Belgium: Consequences of legalising child euthanasia

The Belgian parliament removed restrictions on euthanasia for people under the age of 18 last week and the President of the Evangelical Alliance in Belgium told Christian Today, ‘The problem is that nobody thinks about what is coming after death and the meaning of life in the sight of God has become a non-issue.’ Kris Vleugels of C'axent, a Christian political movement from the Flanders region, suggested the law had been passed undemocratically saying, ‘RTL and VTM, (two big commercial TV networks) held a poll and sixty-three per cent of the Wallonians and seventy-three per cent of the Flemish don't want this law’. Many believe Belgians will make their feelings on the law known at the next elections in May.


for this law to be revoked, or at worst for the government to act upon the outcry and implement safeguards. (Ps.119:34)

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Canada: Say no to a bill which would facilitate euthanasia

As Quebec legislators prepare to vote on a controversial bill regarding end-of-life care, lawyers with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada have joined others across the country to raise serious concerns about the legislation by putting their name to a declaration against the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide. Bill 52 for end-of-life care requires all hospitals and health care institutions in Quebec to develop policies facilitating the provision of ‘medical aid in dying.’ The EFC lawyers and others maintain this is simply another term for euthanasia. The bill, if passed, will require euthanasia to be provided upon request to any adult person with a Quebec health card. Euthanasia is prohibited by federal law and the Canadian government has on many occasions debated and defeated attempts to make euthanasia legal. The EFC is most concerned about the potential effect of this legislation on Quebec’s most vulnerable citizens.


for the government of Quebec to honour fundamental principles of respect for human life and consider alternative proposals to increase funding and provision of palliative care centres and resources. (Ex.20:13)


North Korea: UN must act on information

A UN Commission of Inquiry on human rights in North Korea was tasked with investigating grave, systemic and widespread human rights violations. They published a report on Monday that found crimes against humanity were committed - people sent to political prison camps, tortured and executed without trial. A spokesperson for Amnesty International said, ‘The UN Security Council and the Human Rights Council should seize this opportunity and use their power and influence to ensure the North Korean government acts on the Commission’s findings. The people of North Korea deserve no less'. A referral by the UN Security Council to the International Criminal Court or the establishment of an ad hoc tribunal were two options outlined by the UN Commission to ensure those responsible for crimes against humanity are held to account. The Commission urged North Korea to acknowledge that human rights violations are taking place including the vast network of political prison camps.


for international pressure on North Korea to address human rights violations. (Is.14:3-5)


Burma: Continued ethnic cleansing of Christian Kachin

The Burmese Army is continuing its ethnic cleansing in resource-rich Kachin State. The Christian Kachin have long resisted the Burmese Buddhist regime's brutal dictatorship. The Kachin want autonomy to freely maintain their culture but the Burmese Buddhist elite and military want complete control of Kachin land so that they can exploit its resources. The situation in Burma is reminiscent of Sudan, where the Islamist-Arab regime in Khartoum is doing the same in the resource-rich mostly Christian south. Similar situations exist in Papua, Indonesia and Vietnam's Central Highlands. In each case the resistance of the predominantly Christian ethnic peoples is met with extreme military violence and ethnic cleansing motivated by greed and fuelled by state-sanctioned racial and religious hatred. When the Free Burma Rangers relief teams conducted a medical clinic for those displaced in nearby Nam Lim Pa on 30 January they found three bodies with clear evidence of torture.


against ethnic cleansing across the nations. For God to strengthen, encourage and comfort the persecuted church. (Is.5:20-21)


USA: Military misconduct

Soaring numbers of soldiers are being forced out of the Army for misconduct ranging from drugs and alcohol abuse to sexual assault, cheating during nuclear training, mistreatment of the enemy and unauthorised spending. The number shot up from 5,600 at the height of the Iraq War to more than 11,000 last year. The number of officers forced out more than tripled in the past three years. The spike in misconduct comes in tandem with new restrictions on religious liberty in the military. The Family Research Council has catalogued dozens of examples of anti-Christian hostility on their website. Pressures to impose a secular anti-religious culture on military services have intensified tremendously during the Obama administration, with the Pentagon focusing more on competence than character as they meet the demand for more troops. Although the government maintains neutrality regarding religious beliefs, Christians in the military face court martial if they are caught proselytizing.


for the US government and the US Army to uphold Christian beliefs and values in all procedures and actions. (Lk.10:27)


Nigeria: Latest Boko Haram attack

Islamist militants have killed over 100 civilians in the Christian village of Izge, near the border of Cameroon in north-eastern Nigeria, according to reports. Armed men attacked the remote village on Saturday, slaughtering dozens of innocent people and forcing many others to flee. They also detonated bombs and set fire to homes, terrifying the local community in another string of recent attacks. Izge’s population is largely Christian. It has been under emergency rule since May last year when President Goodluck Jonathan authorised increased military powers to tackle ongoing violence in the north-eastern regions of Nigeria. However, there were no military forces present in the village on Saturday. ‘A hundred and six people, including an old woman, have been killed by the attackers,’ confirmed Senator Ali Ndume. A local resident told the Guardian that ‘the dead bodies of the victims are still lying in the streets. We fled without burying them, fearing the terrorists were still lurking in the bushes.’


God’s perfect peace and protection over Christians in central and northern Nigeria, who are suffering intense persecution and living in fear of their lives. (Ps 18:2).


Rwanda: Garbage dump gospel music group

Last year three boys formed a gospel band called Shining Hope and produced their first song, ‘You Are Precious,’ singing about their transformed lives since they began to follow Jesus. David Hitimana, 19, the main songwriter and leader of the group came from a neglectful family and had a hard life, but he didn’t do drugs on the streets because he didn’t want to ruin his brain. D’Amour’s parents were killed in the Rwanda genocide and he ended up living on the streets. Pacifique Niyitanga was also orphaned at an early age and ran away from an abusive relative’s home to live on the streets. Through God’s provision they came to live at ‘Hope for Life’, and the impact on the three boys has been profound as they recognize God’s influence on their lives. ‘When we recorded this song they were so excited.’ Anderson notes. D’Amour would like to become a minister or leader in the future.


for Christian ministries reaching out to the poor, lost, orphaned and bereaved in countries currently or previously torn apart by war. (Ja.1:27)

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