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News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide

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Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 8:14pm

Topic: News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide

Posted By: News Room
Subject: News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide
Date Posted: 04/02/2015 at 10:57am

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide folder=INBOX&isSeen=false&x=2093667911#TOP" rel=nofollow>Praise Reports - CLICK to return to Top of Bulletin

Communities Secretary welcomes council prayers bill

Eric Pickles has welcomed the passing of a new law which ensures all councils have the right to hold prayers at the start of meetings. The Local Government (Religious Observances) Act received Royal Assent from the Queen on Thursday 26 March after clearing its final stages in Parliament this week. The bill means councils at any level can be 'beyond any doubt' that they can chose to start meetings with prayer without fearing discrimination accusations. The legislation which was supported by the Government was taken through Parliament by Jake Berry MP and Lord Patrick Cormack after a number of legal challenges by individuals - some of whom had been supported by the National Secular Society. Communities and Local Government Secretary and Minister for Faith, Eric Pickles said: ‘The right to worship is a fundamental and hard-fought British liberty, and the fight for religious freedom in British history is deeply entwined with the political freedoms we take for granted.’ (See AH0HIRmNvkLpf3hlGzrgbToh2Wgcr8rpzrxehxsZxk3NC72-7XFce__Ieqjd FoRI-X1JWOeZpNfBzagL4RGG95AnMhJ8LlsokPc7gKBR2ojpyAboRGsHjsXb XgxknyA5q74CGgIu5JgIGpbbG_pR4VrbFaSG-BM6mXn7f2tgmz7Lmm59sdNV nzTFnPOuoU2fc99fJUl0nHBvRh3YnrhpgbzFCJsLIUh4_htVt5kBJqZy8ZqY EUrT2stVg==&c=p3VuN_uNfAMktZDGI25KHmFLltF8BNk_uT6T2oMLAT VPMOf0YQpR1Q==&ch=uWGWwHNEbpSx5UkjJLF0RNWvx5yUYM_z7m3bOC EEZv7ORjG1BGNj1w==" rel=nofollow>Prayer Alert 01-2015 )


God that councils may reinstate prayers without fear of recrimination. (1Thes.5:17)


'Killing Jesus' breaks National Geographic ratings record

‘Killing Jesus, ’which aired on the National Geographic Channel on Sunday (29 March), scored an all-time high for viewership at 3.7 million. The TV movie also received a rating of 1.0, the highest rating since the premiere of ‘Killing Kennedy’ in November 2013. Both ‘Killing Jesus’ and ‘Killing Kennedy’ were based on books of the same titles by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. ‘Killing Jesus’ will be featured again on the Fox News Channel this Friday at 8:00pm and on Easter Sunday at 8pm. It will also air across the globe in 171 countries. The film features Haaz Sleiman as Jesus, Kelsey Grammer as King Herod the Great, and Stephen Moyer as Pontius Pilate. It also includes Rufus Sewell as Caiaphas, Emmanuelle Chriqui as Herodias, Eoin Macken as Antipas, and John Rhys Davies as Annas.


God for the clarity of the message that can open peoples eyes. (Is.35:5)

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Pornography addiction worry

A tenth of 12 to 13-year-olds fear they are ‘addicted’ to pornography, an NSPCC ChildLine survey has concluded. One in five of nearly 700 youngsters surveyed said they had seen pornographic images that had shocked or upset them, researchers found. The charity also says that 12% of those surveyed said they had taken part in, or had made, a sexually explicit video. It says that viewing porn is ‘a part of everyday life’ for many of the children who contact its helpline. ChildLine has launched a campaign to raise awareness and provide advice to young people about the harmful implications of an over-exposure to porn following the survey results. One boy under the age of 15 told ChildLine that he was ‘always watching porn, and some of it is quite aggressive’. He said: ‘I didn't think it was affecting me at first but I've started to view girls a bit differently recently and it's making me worried.’


for all the young people who feel they are addicted to pornography that they will be able to stand up against such temptations. (Ex.18:19a)


Care system gets 'biggest shake-up in 60 years'

Major changes to the care system in England are being introduced in what is being dubbed the biggest shake-up for 60 years. The Care Act 2014 includes rights for those receiving care and those who provide it to their loved ones. It includes standards for access to services from care homes to help in the home for tasks such as washing and dressing. Meanwhile, NHS and care budgets are being merged in Scotland. The Public Bodies (Joint Working) Act has been described as the most substantial reform north of the border for a generation. It effectively forces councils and the NHS to work together to provide more streamlined services. That aim is also a major topic of debate in England in the election campaign with the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, UKIP and Greens all having plans for greater integration.


that the changes to the care system will benefit those in need. (Ps.55:22)


Students have turned to sex work to fund studies

Almost five per cent of students have worked in the sex industry to reduce their loan debts or fund their lifestyles, according to a major new study from Swansea University. The Student Sex Work Project, based on a survey of 6,773 students across the UK, also found that around one in five students have considered such work and that male students are more likely to do sex work than female. Sex work varied from prostitution and escorting to stripping and internet work. The figures mean that given a total UK university population of around 2.3 million, the number of student sex workers could be in the tens of thousands. The study found that one in four student sex workers does not always feel safe and that they felt it necessary to keep their work a secret. The researchers have called on universities to do more to support those involved. AH0HIRmNvkLpf3hlGzrgbToh2Wgcr8rpzrxB9waaDMnC0vRsxJTfEmsTwEsv pX69rmba3NCf53gmYTP2YpZxR0P5UeC7cEb70orv5M5Wp90nDlWydEHlCQqs auK0guHtXN1Bd4eUnoRz5fsgM0IQJg8NxKyPUvQIMeAZHAiM7RPsUU=& c=p3VuN_uNfAMktZDGI25KHmFLltF8BNk_uT6T2oMLATVPMOf0YQpR1Q==&a mp;ch=uWGWwHNEbpSx5UkjJLF0RNWvx5yUYM_z7m3bOCEEZv7ORjG1BGNj1w ==" rel=nofollow>See also


for better support for students already involved in the sex industry and to help others from getting involved. (1Co.6:18)


One in five primary school girls 'on a diet'

New figures from the Government Equalities Office show that one in five primary school age girls say they have been on a diet, while 87% of girls aged 11-21 think that women are judged more on their appearance than on their ability. Poor body image among girls has also been associated with low participation in sport. The research shows that 23% of girls aged 7-21 don't participate in exercise because they are unhappy with their body image, and 48% of girls think getting sweaty from taking part in sports is unfeminine. There is also new insight into the long-term consequences of poor body image among young girls, which is associated with lower confidence, lower aspirations and lower social participation. Equalities Minister Jo Swinson said: ‘We absolutely need to make sure that children have resilience to deal with the world around them.’


for all parties including Government, media, schools and parents to work together to support girls and young women to overcome poor self image and low confidence. (Ps.139:13-14)


Church leaders call for review of benefits sanctions

Church leaders in the UK have welcomed a call by MPs for an ‘urgent’ review of benefits sanctions. Their support for the Work and Pensions Select Committee proposal comes after a Church report found that nearly seven million weeks of sanctions were handed out to people in 2013/2014, with as many as 100,000 children affected. People on sickness benefit because of a long-term mental health problem were being sanctioned at a rate of more than 100 per day. ‘The Select Committee Report describes a system that is broken and needs urgent review,’ said Paul Morrison of the Methodist Church. ‘Churches are often at the forefront of helping people who have been sanctioned and who are in desperate need of food, support and advice. It is unacceptable that vulnerable people can be left with no means of support as punishment for often very minor mistakes.' :


that a review of benefits for those who have been sanctioned will find the necessary support. (Ezra.10:4)


British forces update

‘Britain remains at the forefront of coalition military efforts to support the Iraqi government in their fight against IS’ says Defence Secretary Michael Fallon. ‘This effective and closely coordinated activity in conjunction with Iraqi and Kurdish ground forces has largely stalled the terrorists’ advances. In Syria, coalition airstrikes have supported the liberation of Kobane and have disrupted IS’s logistics and supply lines. However, defeating IS ultimately lies with local forces and we are helping to create effective ground forces in Syria, as well as in Iraq, so they can take the fight to IS.’ RAF Tornadoes and Reapers have been involved in successful airstrikes throughout the month. Please pray for the discrepancies between what is being asked of our Armed Forces, and the cuts proposed by government. This adds stress and uncertainty affecting not only the individual and their expected work load, but the nation and its defence and security.


for those involved in fighting against IS both directly and by training up local forces Please also pray for those young teenagers being used by IS in carrying out their evil plans. (1Tim.4:8)

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Norway: Unwelcome extremist

In Norway, an Iraqi Islamist is keeping the entire country on tenterhooks. The man, who calls himself Mullah Krekar, was granted asylum in Norway in 1991, but in the meantime has been held responsible for terrorist attacks by an Islamist group in northern Iraq. Now he's about to be confined to a small village in northern Norway. Krekar has been facing deportation for ten years because he is seen as a danger to Norwegian national security, but according to international law he cannot be sent to Iraq because he would be subject to torture and possibly the death penalty there. The Norwegian government is sending him to the isolated village of Kyrksaeteroera, on a fjord southwest of Trondheim, where he will remain until a deportation order can be enforced. The village residents - neither the Norwegians, nor the 200 well-integrated asylum seekers already there - are enthusiastic.


against the influence of radical islamists and that the authorities will be able to keep them under control.(Tit.2:12)


Ukraine: Evangelicals ‘persecuted, killed’ In Crimea

Amid ongoing fighting, evangelical Christians say they face persecution in Crimea and fear similar problems in other areas. One year after the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia, Ukrainian Christians say they are still facing persecution there by pro-Russian separatists who already have killed several believers. Evangelical congregations in particular have come under severe restrictions in Crimea, according to activists and church officials. In comments distributed by the Voice Of the Martyrs Canada (VOMC) advocacy group, a key church leader said that separatists accuse evangelical Christians in Ukraine of spying for the West. ‘Separatists have confiscated their church buildings,’ added the official, only identified as ‘Paul’ amid security concerns. Paul, who reportedly planted many churches in the former Soviet Union, said some believers in occupied areas were even killed. ‘After annexation, Ukrainian churches [were told] they had no right to exist there. Every church has had to be re-registered,’ he explained in comments obtained by BosNewsLife.


for our evangelical brothers and sisters that God will provide the support for His people. (Ps.18:18)

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Nigeria: Historic election outcome

Incumbent Goodluck Jonathan phoned former military leader Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday to concede defeat in Nigeria's presidential elections, he then followed the phone call with a written statement to his countrymen. Jonathan’s speedy action and words have hopefully prevented violent protests breaking out after calls for calm from the two main candidates and a warning by the United States and Britain against political interference amid earlier claims of vote-rigging and voter intimidation. ‘I promised the country free and fair elections. I have kept my word,’ Mr Jonathan said. A spokesman for Gen Buhari's All Progressives Congress party said, ‘Mr Jonathan will remain a hero for this move. The tension will go down dramatically.’ After a close election there will be many who are unhappy with this outcome but ‘democracy is deepening in Nigeria’ even though the poll has revealed dangerous religious and regional differences - violence still threatens. Further comments and prayer guidelines at AH0HIRmNvkLpf3hlGzrgbToh2Wgcr8rpzrxazvCF2bUGC6RKke_p2uuMYGBF lWgrM2Bkvxs91cFmSNWJWmJ1RRjOt2DuOmq3KhZnEKFs_5hCBP9XMGa6DfLn 4PwtIxLVGhpDUxz66J-CXOfKQ1lIzgCBA==&c=p3VuN_uNfAMktZDGI2 5KHmFLltF8BNk_uT6T2oMLATVPMOf0YQpR1Q==&ch=uWGWwHNEbpSx5U kjJLF0RNWvx5yUYM_z7m3bOCEEZv7ORjG1BGNj1w==" rel=nofollow>Pray4Nigeria


for calm celebrations without supporters attacking opponents, so that Nigeria’s deepening democracy may be a tonic to other countries in Africa. Pray for God to move the heart of and speak through Mr Buhari (2Ch.36:22)


Afghanistan: A mission agency request

The tribes of Afghanistan are hearing about Christ as media reach where people can’t physically go. Films, radio, websites, cell phones, SMS messaging, and even Twitter are receiving responses never seen before. As more people hear or watch programmes there is a curiosity that could have taken years to develop by more traditional means. The responses to this new media input are so numerous and significant that the need for effective follow up has grown exponentially and the infrastructure is just not there to handle the needs. What a good problem to have, yet this is still a problem. Infrastructure needs at this time are: - Mother-tongue like-minded speakers who are capable of answering questions as people call in. - High tech and website workers to develop and operate new media vehicles. - Creative minds to develop the next generation of media outreach to spiritually searching people.


for God to reveal and release the next generation of workers that are needed to meet the demand. (Lk.10:2)


Yemen: Christians suffering while Muslims fight

Yemen is the Arab world's poorest country. Life for Christians in Yemen is very hard. All Christians there are from a Muslim background and it is forbidden for Muslims to convert to Christianity. Yemen's constitution provides for religious freedom but it's a farce. Christians are routinely harassed and face daily persecution. It is impossible for any Christian in Yemen to own a Bible. This latest crisis involving Saudi Arabia and Iran will make it worse for Yemeni Christians caught between the ideologies of Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, (supported by ten countries). Neither allow the free expression of Christian faith. The Saudis have started bombing Iranian-backed rebels in Yemen. The tension between the two countries has been in the making for years. The leading Sunni power, and the leading Shia power are facing each other for influence in the Middle East and now that proxy fight is playing out in the desert sands of Yemen.


for the simple Yemeni citizens who don’t want Islamic agendas to influence their country. Pray for God to protect and strengthen the secret believers who are standing in the gap in prayer for their nation. (Pr.16:7)


Asia: 24-7 prayer gathering

The first 24-7 Prayer Asia Gathering was held in Hong Kong between February 12th and 14th. It was a key moment for the Asia 24-7 network. For five years many have been steadily sowing into relationships across the continent and this gathering was both a culmination and a new beginning. Eighty people gathered from Japan, India, Singapore, Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, and Australia. The theme of the gathering was ‘to gather with God and with one another.’ Gathering with family and close friends around holidays and special occasions is important to Asian peoples and this kingdom gathering was no exception. For many this was the first time they’d met in person after hearing of one another and interacting on the 24-7 Prayer Asia Network Facebook page. A good degree of personal sacrifice was required of those who made the trek to Hong Kong. They were all rewarded with the delight of being together and encouraging each other.


for this movement to continue to grow as they touch communities, Alpha Courses, young people, church planting and a variety of missions with God's love and the Holy Spirit. (Pr.15:29)


USA: Fighting for $15 minimum wage

Over recent months there has been a mushrooming national campaign of workers seeking a $15-an-hour minimum wage. The most recent demonstration was in Atlanta. With fists pumping in the air, some 500 low-wage workers from across the South filled the sanctuary of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church with a resounding chant to open a one-day mobilizing conference. ‘I believe that we will win’ was the defining slogan as fast food, Walmart, home health care, child care, college adjuncts, retail and auto parts workers gathered from as far away as Missouri and Texas, Virginia and North Carolina to build for the April 15 ‘Fight for $15’ day of action. Many participants wore the brightly coloured T-shirts of their area’s campaign to win economic justice and a liveable wage. The achievements of this young movement so far have raised the minimum wage in Seattle and Los Angeles, and wrestled decisions from Walmart and others to raise starting pay by a dollar an hour. AH0HIRmNvkLpf3hlGzrgbToh2Wgcr8rpzrxRIZfx62uNbp-Q61UqRloii_f6 c7wC-AhuIN9IDWrZIlj5cekxlXPu4K8eWzZ-lgS3c2FmKWhUOvi_UZ4XUP73 OfdhxUK2Fzk4yaOyBh2zWc=&c=p3VuN_uNfAMktZDGI25KHmFLltF8BN k_uT6T2oMLATVPMOf0YQpR1Q==&ch=uWGWwHNEbpSx5UkjJLF0RNWvx5 yUYM_z7m3bOCEEZv7ORjG1BGNj1w==" rel=nofollow>See also


for God to bless the national day of action with positive responses, fulfilled union rights, decent pay and safe working conditions across hundreds of cities in North America. (Pr.16:3)


Colombia: Terrorism charge against missionary

A missionary pilot in Colombia needs prayer. From jail, missionary Russell Stendal sent this message to Voice of the Martyrs Canada: ‘Somebody set a trap for me, and we walked into it. There was a secret order out for my arrest’. He states in the video message: ‘They’re accusing me of rebellion, for the missionary trips and the visits I made into rebel-held territory distributing Bibles and radios.’ Is Russ Stendal, the famed missionary to FARC terrorists in South America, actually El Gringo, a terrorist leader seeking the overthrow of Colombia’s government? That question is before a three-judge panel, based on allegations from Carlos Manuel Silva, chief sectional prosecutor for the Colombian department of Cundinamarca, which includes the capital Bogota. If a terrorism trial does occur, Christian leaders believe it has potential to harm missionary outreach across the nation, still suffering from decades of violent conflict and narco-terrorism. Evangelicals are growing by 6% per year, three times higher than the population growth rate.


for God to secure Russell’s release and for the Church to increase across South America. (Mt.16:18)


Myanmar: Possible ‘peace deal’

In February we reported Myanmar declaring a state of emergency due to fighting between the army and militia forces fighting for ethnic minorities (many of them Christian). This week Myanmar’s government and representatives from 16 armed groups reached a draft ceasefire agreement. Rebel leaders must give the green light before proceeding and the Kokang have not yet signed on. Myanmar President Thein Sein is satisfied with the deal. However Khon Ja Labang, a Catholic leader and a former member of the Kachin Peace Network currently involved in peace-building in conflict zones, noted that in spite of the Government’s statements it is ‘hard to believe’ their sincerity because the agreement does not include every group and fighting continues in some parts of the country. If it is respected, the deal could put a stop to decades of ethnic violence.


for genuine and lasting peace in the country. (Pr.16:9)

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