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300,000 people flooded the field - Many thousands of people were saved, healed, delivered and baptized into the Holy Spirit. Ghana

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Forum Name: TOP NEWS - Worldwide Kingdom/Revival NEWS
Forum Discription: Daily News of What God is Doing Worldwide - Read and Comment
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 4:01pm

Topic: 300,000 people flooded the field - Many thousands of people were saved, healed, delivered and baptized into the Holy Spirit. Ghana

Posted By: News Room
Subject: 300,000 people flooded the field - Many thousands of people were saved, healed, delivered and baptized into the Holy Spirit. Ghana
Date Posted: 12/09/2015 at 12:27pm

300,000 people flooded the field -  Many thousands were saved, healed, delivered and baptized into the Holy Spirit. Ghana

Last Day

We recently received this message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Tema-Ashaiman, Ghana. - Video> yJzIjoianpDR0tKWUFNNkJOeS1sR3VXTkxNSWh3Z0NZIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9jcnVzYWRlc1xcXC90ZW1hLWdoYW5hLWRlY 2VtYmVyLTIwMTVcIixcImlkXCI6XCIxYTc5ZjNmYmFlNjQ0NWU0YTkzZWUzN DQ1M2U5MjEyZVwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjVmMjlhYzg0N2FlMmQzODVhZ jk4YzU3MTI2ZDk5YmEyZmY0YTUzNTdcIl19In0 - More Video and Photos>

I’m coming to you on the last night of the final meeting of our Gospel Campaign here in Tema - Ashaiman, Ghana where over 300,000 people flooded the field - a reclaimed garbage dump. There could not have been a more appropriate site for the redemption miracle that took place this week. Many thousands of people were saved, healed, delivered and baptized into the Holy Spirit. It reminds me of the verse that we read this morning in our team devotions from Romans 15:19, “ In mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God…I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.” This week, the “full-Gospel” package has been delivered, and the local leaders have told me that the region has been shaken.

Tonight, after preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick, we heard wonderful testimonies. One young lady said that she had been unable to turn her neck without pain and as a result her grandmother had made a little necklace for her to wear. This necklace was to be a “protection” from pain for her neck – a superstitious charm. Tonight, Jesus healed her completely! She asked me to cut the necklace off, which I did.

We also prayed for huge boxes of prayer requests tonight (many of which were sent in by many of you – our partners around the world). There, in that atmosphere of faith and miracles, 300,000 people lifted their voices and prayed over those requests. I am sure the Lord has heard and answered.

Before praying for the nation and pronouncing a blessing for the local believers (which I always do on the final night of a campaign like this), I asked a friend, Brian Guerin, who is a guest this week – a personal friend and a powerful prophetic minister – to share what he had seen prophetically for the region. He delivered a powerful word, and the people received it with joy. I am sure that Tema & Ashaiman will never be the same again.

Thank you for praying for us this week. We are already hard at work preparing the next crusade that will take place here in West Africa. Please continue to pray for us as we keep pressing forward, proclaiming the name of Jesus to the ends of the earth. yJzIjoianpDR0tKWUFNNkJOeS1sR3VXTkxNSWh3Z0NZIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9jcnVzYWRlc1xcXC90ZW1hLWdoYW5hLWRlY 2VtYmVyLTIwMTVcIixcImlkXCI6XCIxYTc5ZjNmYmFlNjQ0NWU0YTkzZWUzN DQ1M2U5MjEyZVwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjVmMjlhYzg0N2FlMmQzODVhZ jk4YzU3MTI2ZDk5YmEyZmY0YTUzNTdcIl19In0 - If you missed any of my daily reports or inspiring photos, you can find them here! JzIjoiRTRQcG1IaEVOa0RIUGo1OVg1a2YxNzlVS0RNIiwidiI6MSwicCI6In tcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXF wvdXMuY2Zhbi5vcmdcXFwvXCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiMWE3OWYzZmJhZTY0NDVlNG E5M2VlMzQ0NTNlOTIxMmVcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCJlZDMxYjQ2OTcwZm YwNWY0Y2U5NWY4NDNiZjEzMDZkZjgyMTg0OGY2XCJdfSJ9"> Christ for all Nations

Yours in the Gospel, yJzIjoiNlRRUWJWZDR5SVdsVnhCUjQ0Y0NjU2ViRlJvIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9lbWFpbHNcXFwvMjYwXFxcL3ByZXZpZXdcX FwvaHRtbCNcIixcImlkXCI6XCIxYTc5ZjNmYmFlNjQ0NWU0YTkzZWUzNDQ1M 2U5MjEyZVwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjQ5MzRiNzk0NzAzZTJhZGVmZjIwY zZjOGE3MDQxMjBiMjVmZTY0ZjZcIl19In0">

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke,


Posted By: News Room
Date Posted: 12/09/2015 at 12:37pm JzIjoiOVRlelNoV0RKMS13YkdMQTg1SmRGMld2RkVJIiwidiI6MSwicCI6In tcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXF wvdXMuY2Zhbi5vcmdcXFwvXCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiZTM3YWRmYjEzODZkNGMzNj hlOWMxMDNjMmQ2YzY4OTNcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCJlZDMxYjQ2OTcwZm YwNWY0Y2U5NWY4NDNiZjEzMDZkZjgyMTg0OGY2XCJdfSJ9"> Christ for all Nations

Day 3

We recently received this message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Tema-Ashaiman, Ghana.

We experienced a wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit, both in the Fire Conference this morning and in the Gospel Crusade tonight here in Tema- Ashaiman, Ghana which was attended by 200,000 people! When you see the beautiful pictures of the massive crowd it’s easy to forget that we are meeting on a dumpsite. Just a few feet away they are burning trash, and goats are rummaging for food. It is truly “beauty for ashes.” We are surrounded by slums in one of the most dangerous parts of Ghana where even the police hesitate to go. I can’t say everything publicly, but there is one thing I can tell you - what is happening here is really extraordinary and significant for this region. We are making spiritual history here.

Tonight, after preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick, we heard wonderful miracle testimonies.

• One blind man, who was led around by a little boy for years, was healed tonight. He could see perfectly!

• As I was interviewing one person, the crowd began to erupt with cheers to the point that I could not hear the person I was talking to. I looked out and saw a man walking to the platform with his crutch held high. I invited him onto the platform and found that he had not been able to walk without this crutch for months, but Jesus healed him tonight!

• A woman came with a fibroid, vision problems and pain all over her body. She left restored!

• And many more…

I have been hearing of many other miracle testimonies that were never shared publicly. My driver is one. He was thrilled to share with me that he had been suffering with terrible pain in his neck for many years, but last night as I was praying for the sick, the pain vanished and has not returned. In fact, when I asked for a show of hands of those who have experienced a supernatural healing this week, literally thousands of hands went up! It reminds me of what the Scriptures say about the ministry of Jesus – that if everything was recorded, “…even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written (John 21:25).” Well, Jesus is still performing more miracles than we can count.

Tomorrow is the final meeting of this Gospel crusade, and we are anticipating one more huge harvest. Please continue to pray for us. The best is yet to come! yJzIjoiWkh5Snc3VU96U2V3ZU50Wnl4ZWxrdEMxVEVVIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9jcnVzYWRlc1xcXC90ZW1hLWdoYW5hLWRlY 2VtYmVyLTIwMTVcIixcImlkXCI6XCJlMzdhZGZiMTM4NmQ0YzM2OGU5YzEwM 2MyZDZjNjg5M1wiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjVmMjlhYzg0N2FlMmQzODVhZ jk4YzU3MTI2ZDk5YmEyZmY0YTUzNTdcIl19In0 - yJzIjoiWkh5Snc3VU96U2V3ZU50Wnl4ZWxrdEMxVEVVIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9jcnVzYWRlc1xcXC90ZW1hLWdoYW5hLWRlY 2VtYmVyLTIwMTVcIixcImlkXCI6XCJlMzdhZGZiMTM4NmQ0YzM2OGU5YzEwM 2MyZDZjNjg5M1wiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjVmMjlhYzg0N2FlMmQzODVhZ jk4YzU3MTI2ZDk5YmEyZmY0YTUzNTdcIl19In0 - Here, you can view all of the wonderful crusade photos, read my daily reports, and see the amazing things the Lord is doing in Ghana!

Yours in the Gospel, yJzIjoiVEtZclUyTUg5NGlSamNsZ2RIQUhRd2drb1BBIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9lbWFpbHNcXFwvMjYwXFxcL3ByZXZpZXdcX FwvaHRtbCNcIixcImlkXCI6XCJlMzdhZGZiMTM4NmQ0YzM2OGU5YzEwM2MyZ DZjNjg5M1wiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjQ5MzRiNzk0NzAzZTJhZGVmZjIwY zZjOGE3MDQxMjBiMjVmZTY0ZjZcIl19In0">

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke,
Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team

P.O. Box 590588
Orlando, FL 32859-0588
United States of America

Posted By: News Room
Date Posted: 12/09/2015 at 1:08pm JzIjoiMG00X3FQVm52SjItcEJUTXhJbTVmeGFsQTRFIiwidiI6MSwicCI6In tcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXF wvdXMuY2Zhbi5vcmdcXFwvXCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiNmUzZWU1YjIwZjQxNGUzY2 E4OWNkMWZlMTY0NGVhMjJcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCJlZDMxYjQ2OTcwZm YwNWY0Y2U5NWY4NDNiZjEzMDZkZjgyMTg0OGY2XCJdfSJ9"> Christ for all Nations

Day 2

We recently received this message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Tema-Ashaiman, Ghana.

I have just returned from the crusade field here in Tema- Ashaiman, Ghana where 120,000 people were in attendance – and it’s only the second day (have a look at the picture)! I preached on the blood of Jesus before we saw the demonstration of that power – curses broken, sicknesses healed and many people delivered!

• A woman who was paralyzed on the left side from a stroke, received a total healing!

• A man who was hunched over, unable to walk upright without excruciating pain, was brought to the meeting tonight in a taxi. Jesus touched him. All pain left. He walked upright for the first time in over a year!

A young boy whose sickness left him paralyzed and partially blind was made perfectly well tonight. He walked on the platform without even a limp and said his vision had returned to normal. All sickness was gone! (see the picture)

• A woman who suffered from painful ulcers said that as we prayed yesterday, she felt a sensation like ice going through her body and suddenly all the pain was gone. She didn’t give her testimony yesterday because she wanted to wait and see if the pain would return, but for the first time in two years the pain did not return. Hallelujah!

This morning our Fire Conference continued to build momentum as Rev. Peter Vandenberg and Rev. Brian Guerin ministered powerful words to the pastors and church workers. They were greatly encouraged and very hungry. Tomorrow we will pray for them to receive the Baptism into the Holy Spirit and fire!

There are now only two more days of harvest ahead of us here. Thank you for continuing to pray for us earnestly. Many souls are in the balance. yJzIjoieXlvOU5GWXpYMzFnSTVfUmdNS3JoSTQtSFRVIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9jcnVzYWRlc1xcXC90ZW1hLWdoYW5hLWRlY 2VtYmVyLTIwMTVcIixcImlkXCI6XCI2ZTNlZTViMjBmNDE0ZTNjYTg5Y2QxZ mUxNjQ0ZWEyMlwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjVmMjlhYzg0N2FlMmQzODVhZ jk4YzU3MTI2ZDk5YmEyZmY0YTUzNTdcIl19In0 - Please don’t miss any of my daily reports or the amazing photos being taken here in Ghana!

Yours in the Gospel, yJzIjoiSi1KZEFfdlgzSncwdXhXVXZPcEVhMnJCdjJRIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9lbWFpbHNcXFwvMjYwXFxcL3ByZXZpZXdcX FwvaHRtbCNcIixcImlkXCI6XCI2ZTNlZTViMjBmNDE0ZTNjYTg5Y2QxZmUxN jQ0ZWEyMlwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjQ5MzRiNzk0NzAzZTJhZGVmZjIwY zZjOGE3MDQxMjBiMjVmZTY0ZjZcIl19In0">

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke,
Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team p=eyJzIjoiaFBnY0ttWkF1LUlORWJ4czZZRmQ4XzhFUzlRIiwidiI6MSwicC I6IntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC 9cXFwvbWFuZHJpbGxhcHAuY29tXFxcL3RyYWNrXFxcL3Vuc3ViLnBocD91PT MwMDkxNjY5JmlkPTZlM2VlNWIyMGY0MTRlM2NhODljZDFmZTE2NDRlYTIyLk 5SM1pqbWFncGV3dVBsb0ZHRDkxdVJzTjkwUSUzRCZyPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJT JGY29ubmVjdC5jZmFuLm9yZyUyRnVuc3Vic2NyaWJlJTNGbWRfZW1haWwlM0 RiYXNpbGVpYSUyNTQwZWFydGhsaW5rLm5ldFwiLFwiaWRcIjpcIjZlM2VlNW IyMGY0MTRlM2NhODljZDFmZTE2NDRlYTIyXCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiOD dmOTIzZjE4Mjg2ZmM5NzgwMGE1NzA3ZWEyMDJjM2EwNDUwMGZhNFwiXX0ifQ - Edit your subscription | p=eyJzIjoiaFBnY0ttWkF1LUlORWJ4czZZRmQ4XzhFUzlRIiwidiI6MSwicC I6IntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC 9cXFwvbWFuZHJpbGxhcHAuY29tXFxcL3RyYWNrXFxcL3Vuc3ViLnBocD91PT MwMDkxNjY5JmlkPTZlM2VlNWIyMGY0MTRlM2NhODljZDFmZTE2NDRlYTIyLk 5SM1pqbWFncGV3dVBsb0ZHRDkxdVJzTjkwUSUzRCZyPWh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJT JGY29ubmVjdC5jZmFuLm9yZyUyRnVuc3Vic2NyaWJlJTNGbWRfZW1haWwlM0 RiYXNpbGVpYSUyNTQwZWFydGhsaW5rLm5ldFwiLFwiaWRcIjpcIjZlM2VlNW IyMGY0MTRlM2NhODljZDFmZTE2NDRlYTIyXCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiOD dmOTIzZjE4Mjg2ZmM5NzgwMGE1NzA3ZWEyMDJjM2EwNDUwMGZhNFwiXX0ifQ - Unsubscribe

P.O. Box 590588
Orlando, FL 32859-0588
United States of America

Posted By: News Room
Date Posted: 12/09/2015 at 1:16pm JzIjoiLUd4dFJaSGo4YlY1b0o5Qi1oaS1XYVZVdUpNIiwidiI6MSwicCI6In tcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXF wvdXMuY2Zhbi5vcmdcXFwvXCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiZmFiMDg4OTFlYWY5NGM2MT kzM2NlMzBlNGRjMjFmN2JcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCJlZDMxYjQ2OTcwZm YwNWY0Y2U5NWY4NDNiZjEzMDZkZjgyMTg0OGY2XCJdfSJ9"> Christ for all Nations

Day 1

We recently received this message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Tema-Ashaiman, Ghana.

Today our Gospel Crusade began here in Ghana, West Africa. There has been so much interest in the region that we have full working committees in two cities; Tema and Ashaiman. It’s almost like two crusades happening simultaneously. This is something we have never done before.

Our team has done such an outstanding job in preparing the crusade field in the middle of an overgrown city that has almost no options for a gathering of this size.

The field we are meeting on is literally a dumpsite with open sewage running through it, surrounded by slums. Our team brought in gravel to cover parts of the field where deep mud would make the swampy ground unusable. They built a little bridge yJzIjoibmtMb0cwVktpVHd2MzV3NU1IMXFNQkdtUGQ0IiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9jcnVzYWRlc1xcXC90ZW1hLWdoYW5hLWRlY 2VtYmVyLTIwMTVcIixcImlkXCI6XCJmYWIwODg5MWVhZjk0YzYxOTMzY2UzM GU0ZGMyMWY3YlwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjVmMjlhYzg0N2FlMmQzODVhZ jk4YzU3MTI2ZDk5YmEyZmY0YTUzNTdcIl19In0 - see picture here where those from the slums could walk across the deep sewage gullies.

When the ground was cleared, shacks had to be moved to make room. One family even gladly allowed their residence to be demolished so the crusade ground could be cleared. We gladly compensated them for their sacrifice. The outcome will be eternal fruit.

Our amazing team has overcome so many enormous obstacles! Any one of these would have stopped most people, yet they pushed through, and tonight, all of the hard work finally paid off when the opening meeting was attended by 90,000 people! Many thousands made decisions to follow Jesus tonight, and the IT department is already hard at work, as I write this, in putting the contact information of the new converts into our follow-up system database. It’s harvest time!

This morning the Fire Conference also began with Peter Vandenberg and Russell Benson ministering to pastors and church leaders. Both sessions were excellent, and I can already see that the impartation meeting on Saturday morning is going to be extraordinary.

Please continue to pray for us – we are just getting started. I expect something historic to take place this week. We covet your prayers. yJzIjoibmtMb0cwVktpVHd2MzV3NU1IMXFNQkdtUGQ0IiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9jcnVzYWRlc1xcXC90ZW1hLWdoYW5hLWRlY 2VtYmVyLTIwMTVcIixcImlkXCI6XCJmYWIwODg5MWVhZjk0YzYxOTMzY2UzM GU0ZGMyMWY3YlwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjVmMjlhYzg0N2FlMmQzODVhZ jk4YzU3MTI2ZDk5YmEyZmY0YTUzNTdcIl19In0 - You can read all of my daily reports and see the unforgettable photos here.

More to come.

Yours in the Gospel, yJzIjoiQmxULVJ5YkIzQ3hRU0lQaVFwMVRlTmtaZ1NnIiwidiI6MSwicCI6I ntcInVcIjozMDA5MTY2OSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvX FxcL25ldy5jZmFuLm9yZ1xcXC9lbWFpbHNcXFwvMjYwXFxcL3ByZXZpZXdcX FwvaHRtbCNcIixcImlkXCI6XCJmYWIwODg5MWVhZjk0YzYxOTMzY2UzMGU0Z GMyMWY3YlwiLFwidXJsX2lkc1wiOltcIjQ5MzRiNzk0NzAzZTJhZGVmZjIwY zZjOGE3MDQxMjBiMjVmZTY0ZjZcIl19In0">

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke,
Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team

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