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Topic: Digest June 13, 2013

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest June 13, 2013
Date Posted: 06/13/2013 at 7:11am Digest Publication

In This Issue
2. I See Rain Dancers Dancing on the Chains
3. Top News Headlines nheaven - 1. “HELP IS ON THE WAY”

By Ron McGatlin

We do not seek the gift; we seek the giver.

We do not seek the power; we seek the presence.

We do not seek the glory; we seek His face.

Christ Jesus is the King, and the kingdom is in and from Him. When we seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, we seek the KING, Jesus.

We cannot build a church. We cannot build a ministry. We cannot build a life, and we cannot build the kingdom of God.

Jesus did not say for us to seek to build the kingdom. He said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things would be added to you.” (Mat 6:33)

Our whole matter is to seek Christ Jesus in a personal intimate oneness relationship. The life of the kingdom of God on earth is a life of intimate oneness with God in Christ by the Holy Spirit.

If indeed we seek anything else above seeking Him and His kingdom, we are seeking another god. We are not only seeking another god, but also we will eventually serve that other god. It will eventually become our master.

If we seek exciting natural pleasure events to bring joy in our lives, we are serving a god of personal pleasure. If we seek to be greater than others or to have more than others, in any area of life, we are serving gods of self-exaltation and competition. If we seek to have more of anything other than God, in order to be fulfilled in this life, we are looking to an idol of self-fulfillment.

The basis of seeking another god is worshiping the god of self – seeking to find our lives – trying to rule our own lives.

Jesus said it clearly when He said, “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”(Mat 10:39)

Paul wrote,“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Rom 12:1)

The greatest life on earth is found in seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness way of being and doing. The greatest life of all is only to be found in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. All else in life is secondary, at best, to the life of Christ literally replacing our independent self-life with His Holy life from heaven.

For the most part mankind has yet to fully grasp the reality of Christ literally living in us by the Holy Spirit bringing the fullness of life from heaven to earth. The kingdom of God ruling and reigning on earth as it is in heaven is as close to us as simply hearing and believing that we can truly become one with God in Christ Jesus and Him in us. There is no end to the beauty, the love, the glory, and the fullness of all things in the life of Christ abiding in us living where we once lived.

Why Wait?

What are we waiting for? Why are we hesitating to fully dive off the high pinnacle of self into the glorious merciful sea of love and glory in Christ Jesus alone? Why not fall upon our faces before Him and cry out for Him to cleanse us of our self-god and willingly become living sacrifices? What in this world are we trying to protect or trying to hold on to by cautiously seeking to restrain the full release of God in our lives? Are we afraid of looking like a fool if we fully release all God has put within? Really, how much more of a fool could we be than restraining the Spirit of the living God when we could release fully all that He wants to do in and through us?

Maybe I am just writing to me, but for one I will not be a hindrance to the Spirit of God fully manifesting the life of Christ in me. I really do not care anymore. What is there to lose? The world already hates us and is already killing, beating, oppressing, and imprisoning our brothers and sisters in nations across the world. Our lives are not long on this earth at best. The kingdom of heaven is already invading our lives in this world with the experience of the glory of heaven, and there is only more to come for all who will live godly in Christ Jesus.

Something is breaking in me and I believe in others. The kingdom of heaven is breaking in, and there is nothing that will stand before us as the Spirit of God and holy angels are working with us bringing the fire from heaven that purifies the earth before us. Let the cleansing fire burn the chaff and burn the tares. We are already gathered into the holy place of God’s possession, and now the angels are gathering the tares for the fire.

We are now gathered to Him and not to anyone or anything else. God is upon us like a refiner’s fire and launders soap. The cleansing of earth is come, and there will be unprecedented results from God’s people losing their self-lives that the life of Christ may come forth in the fullness of His glory now.

The enemy is defeated!

Stand back devils; flee you demons, for the fire of God has come forth in men and women around the world who will no longer allow your wicked ways to deceive us into living our own lives.

Today there is nothing impossible to the sons of God who have fully lost their lives and in whom the life of Christ fully lives now in this day. I hear the emergency sirens of the rescue squad as I write this. They are crying out to a desperately sick and dying world, “HELP IS ON THE WAY!!!!” Can you hear the shouts of the trumpet of God that the kingdom is here, Jesus is alive and well in His people who are now losing their lives as living sacrifices that God can fully live on earth now. Truly the sound of the cavalry bugle, like in the old west, is clearly sounding CHARGE to the mounted soldiers of God to move upon the enemy forces that are attempting to take the fortifications of human existence to destroy all goodness from the earth. Let the shofars blow the clear sound of an awakening sold-out army that is prepared and ready, riding upon the winds of the Spirit and shouting to the world, “HELP IS ON THE WAY!!!

Life from Heaven

Powerful life from heaven is suddenly arising in the hearts of God’s people. A fire to stand and fight the good fight of faith has arisen and will not be denied. The army of God will not be stopped. There is nothing on earth or in hell that can stop the onslaught of the offensive God is now launching in and through His faithful humble soldiers on earth empowered from Heaven.

It may seem to you as it does to me that I have lost my mind. Indeed, it is so. It is no longer my mind, but it is His mind, the mind of Christ taking full possession and authority in His people prepared for this time on earth. Fire of God has consumed whatever portion of our minds that was left and only His mind, His will, His feelings, and His Spirit will rule in us in this time of world redemption and reformation into that which God intended from the beginning.

Folks, this is too big and too much for any or all of us to get our old natural minds around it. Truly there is a new wineskin again being formed in us. There is no way that the things that are happening today could possibly be contained in our old wineskins. The time of the shifting that has been prophesied for decades and has been progressively manifesting is now coming into place. The holy angels that were sent a few years ago that have mostly been just waiting in place are now being released. Now is the time for the full out offensive from heaven on earth.

Now is the time of the advancing Kingdom.

Ron McGatlin - -

2. I See Rain Dancers Dancing on the Chains

Amanda Leonard

The past month and a half has flown by. I seem to have lost all sense of time. Since May the 3rd, we have been experiencing an outpouring of God's Spirit here in this little town of Mayberry (Mt. Airy), North Carolina. People here are hungry. We are hungry, thirsty and desperate. Desperate for Him, desperate for MORE of Him. Have you ever been desperate? I mean so desperate that you just wanted to give up. I know I've been there, more than once.

I'll never forget the birth of my son. After pushing for an hour and a half, his head getting stuck, and me vomiting everywhere (sorry to be so graphic) but it's true.....I was desperate. I was desperate to see my precious little baby and for him to be healthy and for the pain to go away. Right before him coming into this world, I had gotten to the point where I just couldn't take anymore, desperate, just desperate.....but finally he came and I got to hold my precious promise.

The people here and around the world are desperate. I know that people around the world have been praying for years for an outpouring of His Spirit, the latter rain that has been promised and prophesied by the prophet Joel. I believe that we are experiencing just a taste right now as His Spirit is pouring out in our midst. True, spontaneous revival has stirred in the hearts of His people, we've seen people healed, delivered and set free. I believe right now, that God is preparing His sons and daughters for what is coming.

I've been hearing the word PREPARATION over and over again. I'm not even sure what we are preparing for but I know that the only way to prepare is first to endure the baptism of fire, the purifying process. God is removing all the junk in our lives so that we can truly be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Then we have to realize that this is not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). The baptism of the Holy Spirit and receiving our prayer language is essential during this time. When we don't know what to pray, we can pray in the Holy Spirit and build ourselves up in the most holy faith (Jude 1:20). Praying in tongues will only increase our faith and help in the purification process, as God will begin to reveal to us things that need to be gone in us. As He reveals these things to us, we can freely give them over to Him because the Holy Spirit in us is the one who will deal with these things, we can't do it on our own but truly with God ALL things are possible.

So I've been seeing these warriors. God is breathing His life, His love into them. The body of Christ has been asleep....I've been hearing....."Wake up Oh sleeper, Awake!!! Prepare ye the way of the Lord!!!!" God is raising up worshipping warriors who will stand on the front lines. They will fight in the Spirit. They will have swords of fire coming from their mouths, as their words carry the weight to move heaven and earth through the power of the Holy Spirit in them. Jesus is breathing His very breath into His precious ones who have been so asleep that they seem dead. As He breathes life into them, their chests begin to rise at each breath. These shining ones will only do what they see the Father doing and say what they hear the Father saying. They will walk in the authority and government of heaven, truly their faith will move mountains. Chains are going to fall off. As these worshipping warriors, worship, dance, love on Jesus and share this love to others....chains will fall off. I see rain dancers dancing on the chains of depression, suicide, abortion, cancer, anger, doubt, fear, addictions, familiar name it.....any chain that the enemy has placed on God's children, they are coming off in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!

People are desperate for the supernatural God, even if they don't know that is what they are desperate for, they are. In a world, where almost every TV show has some sort of supernatural phenomena, people are searching for the supernatural and they are drawn to it. Wouldn't it be awesome if they were drawn to the supernatural power of God?

For far too long, the 'church' has had a form of godliness yet denied the power of God (2 Timothy 3:5). Whose fault is it? Well it's ours. I repent on behalf of the church, will others join me? Is it crazy to think that we will actually be one body of Christ with Jesus being the head? I don't think so, since Paul talked about it in the bible....if God said it, it will body with many parts, Christ Jesus being the head (1 Corinthians 12). We have to cross the lines and love in spite of our differences. We've beaten down our own brothers and sisters in Christ because they are different than us, because we believe in this and they believe in that. I believe in Jesus. I love Jesus, isn't that what holds us together as one, our love for God and one another. Love is the answer, love breaks down walls, love heals hearts, love mends the broken, love feeds the hungry, love sets the captives free – love breaks the chains.

1 Corinthians 13:1 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.

Well the love of God is pouring out. His tangible love that breaks every stronghold is pouring out and people are experiencing His love around the globe. We need to do as Heidi Baker says so beautifully, "We need to stop for the One who is the ONE, and then stop for the one in front of us." As we spend time with Jesus and become one with Him, we will affect the world around us as we love like He loves. Love crosses demonational lines, love crosses racial barriers, love breaks down walls, and love will break every chain!!!!

"So Lord, even though You are blowing my mind, I know that there's sooooo much more! So God I thank You, I thank You for the promise of You, of You inhabiting our praises. I want More of You! God we don't want to spend another 40+ years wandering in the wilderness, when You Jesus have given us the ability to enter into the promised land. So many people are clinging to the promises that have yet to be birthed in the natural realm. God I thank you that those promises are not forgotten, and if You said it, Your word does not return void.

God I repent on behalf of the church, the body of Christ, we haven't kept Your greatest commandments..... to love You and to love each other. Forgive us Lord for having a form of godliness yet denying Your power. I pray that right now, even as people read this that we will be awakened by Your Spirit, that You will breathe life into us and we will raise up as the mighty warrior that You've created us to be. Warriors for Your Kingdom, fighters in the Spirit, chain breakers who dance on the chains........ we know in the Spirit it's not hard. We don't want to try to do it by ourselves anymore, thinking that we can figure it all out without You..... oh forgive us Lord. We love you and want others to know You. I pray that we as a body of Christ will come together, put aside our differences and love, love, love. I pray for a love revelation/revolution to sweep this nation. I thank You Lord for breaking every chain by the power of Your Spirit in the name of Jesus. I thank You for preparing us for the next step in Your plan.... we want to walk in Your plan Lord and not our own. I love you Jesus, in Your name we pray....Amen." nce/ - | June 12, 2013

3. Top News Headlines mp;PN=1&TPN=1 - - Nairobi, Kenya Crusade, wonderful miracles - Daniel Kolenda & Reinhard Bonnke
- 6/7/2013
The last time our team was here was 25 years ago to the month. Now a whole new generation of Kenyans are hearing the Gospel and experiencing the power of God. Evangelist Bonnke preached “The Prison of Sin.” He told the people that Jesus had not come to make the prison cell more comfortable – He has come to set them free. Wonderful miracles took place. mp;PN=1&TPN=1 - - 6/6/2013
Even though Nhamo did not see the film, the sound carried into his room, so he could follow the soundtrack as he lay motionless on his bed. “I heard the voice when Jesus was healing people and I said to myself, ‘I believe this same Jesus can come and heal me too.’” Nhamo’s father was furious. He flew into a rage, shouting epithets at Nhamo and his mother. mp;PN=1&TPN=1 - - 6/10/2013
Pundits are shocked and taken aback by the unprecedented arrogance of the Obama administration. The cold reality is that until someone steps forward in real opposition to Obama governing according to his will while ignoring all the laws, checks, and balances, we are defenseless, expendable supplicants of a tyrannical dictator. mp;PN=1&TPN=1 - - Harry Jackson: OTC Morning-After Pill Is a Pimp's Dream - 6/12/2013
Sebelius had overruled an FDA decision to make the morning-after pill available to girls as young as 15. High school girls should not be able to use powerful morning-after drugs without conferring with their parents, guardians or doctors. This kind of purchase is not the constitutional right or moral privilege of a minor. mp;PN=1&TPN=1 - - One pill can be the difference between life and death - 6/12/2013
What if it was your 3-year-old child with an intense fever, and the hospital had no drugs that could help? You plead for them to do something. Anything. They send you to another clinic 6 miles away. But it's too late. Within hours, your child's last spark of life fades. Unfortunately, this really happened to Elijah Mbaja Opande and his 3-year-old son, Paul, in Kenya. -

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Thank you for forwarding the Digest to your mail list. - -


Posted By: Jo Berres
Date Posted: 06/17/2013 at 5:11pm

Ron, This message you posted says it like it is, for
those of us who have surrendered all. There is not one
thing I could add to what you have posted. God bless you
and continue to give you insight to share with the
remnant. We are hungering and thirsting after
righteousness and to be clothed over with His garment of
Himself. "Holy Father, we long for you and your Kingdom
to come in earth, our individual piece of earth, as well
as, to the whole earth. May the knowledge of your GLORY
cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea."

Such a longing in my heart for more of Christ Seeking
His Kingdom to manifest in each one who has given all to
the Father and Christ. Hallelujah!!

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