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Topic: Digest February 15, 2014

Posted By: News Room
Subject: Digest February 15, 2014
Date Posted: 02/15/2014 at 6:42am Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Love's Garden of Righteousness, Peace and Joy
2. Bob Jones' Death - Arthur Burt's Word - Greatest Move of God
3. News Headlines nheaven -

1. Love’s Garden
of Righteousness, Peace and Joy

By Ron McGatlin

This season in which we now live probably has a much more profound historical significance than most people recognize. Only with Holy Spirit enlightenment and revelation can we begin to really know what God is doing and thereby more fully understand the times in which we live.

There are now at least two distinctly different levels of God’s intervention and working with mankind.

God’s love is like a magnet. The love of God is a force that draws some but repels others. When God’s love comes near people of one polarity, there is a strong drawing to God and then to one another. However, if the love of God in the Holy Ghost comes near people of the other polarity, they are instantly repelled.

When the power of God’s love carried by the Holy Ghost comes near a group of people, there will be two distinctly different reactions. Those with a polarity of humble emptiness and spiritual hunger are drawn to God and His love. Connection is made and an impartation of love, righteousness, peace, and joy along with power and wisdom flowing into them.

Others with a polarity of pride and fullness who are not hungry for God are repelled by God’s love. Separation takes place and an impartation of deception begins to rule the life of the person. Turning away from the manifest presence of God’s love in the Holy Spirit will always open the door for deception.

In a secular or religious environment where there is NOT a strong presence of God’s love in the Holy Spirit, there will be an atmosphere of natural thinking and natural relationships. The natural relationships may or may not be religious in nature. The people may know about God and seek to serve Him. In this environment the people of both polarities can function in a somewhat peaceful cooperation.

However, when an increased intervention of the manifest presence of God in the Holy Spirit pours out pure holy love over the entire group, the drawing and repelling will begin bringing a separation among the people who have different polarities.

Those who are repelled cannot see their lack of love and usually strongly believe that the other group has been drawn away into gross error by strange spirits. Being apart from the strong presence of God in the Holy Spirit, they will receive strong delusions that open them to cunningly devised deceptions. Their deceptions seem so much like the truth that it is difficult for many to discern what is really going on.

Supernatural power will work with the deceived people doing miracles that draw large crowds that will follow after them into the same strong delusions. This is the highly visible false revival type atmosphere that further makes room and provision for the darkness and perversions of this season. This is a devious counterfeit of the real outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the love of God bringing the miracles of Christ Jesus to the world. Many people are further driven from the real when the counterfeit is uncovered. Without the pure love and guidance of the Holy Spirit, they will see all works of miracles including the true works from God as part of the counterfeit.

2 Thessalonians: 2: 9-12: The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

There is also another part of those who have received strong delusion that are the ones stuck in the mud of dead religion. They are just as deceived as the counterfeit miracle working crowd pleasers. The stuck in the mud group go through their religious rituals and ceremonies while allowing every form of sinful worldly perversion to take over the minds of the people. They proclaim peace while the enemy takes their lives and their children’s lives, and there is no peace (Jeremiah 6:14).

God’s answer to all this is to send an untouchable undercover Holy Ghost intervention.

This intervention is unseen and untouched by the deceived religious and secular groups that have locked themselves into the strong delusions. They cannot even see the real move of God gliding in beneath the darkness imparting the pure holy love of God that implants the whole council of the truth of Christ Jesus alive and well in a people consumed by the love of God in the Holy Ghost.

In small groups in secluded places, the presence of God fills the hearts and lives of the people. In seclusion unseen be the marauding masses, miracles of healing of every sort and miracles of provision in the glory of His presence are happening. Also as the people go out one by one and two by two the undercover miraculous works of God are with them. Mercy and grace are carried to all who God directs them to minister to among those they encounter in their daily lives. Loving, humble leaders are raised up among the people without the fanfare of man’s hands but ordained by the hands of God for the work of assisting people into the reality of Christ Jesus in and with them by the Holy Spirit.

God is love, and God is Spirit. When the Spirit of God descends upon a person or a gathering of people, love permeates them. The spiritual liquid fire of God’s perfect love fills and saturates everything under His Holy Spirit canopy of love.

Spirit God imparts the pure love of His life into our spirit making our spirit and His Spirit to become one Spirit.

We are spirit-beings who live in a body and have a soul. Our spirit-being receives Spirit God and becomes the life of God in our bodies.

We become His love, His righteousness, His peace, and His joy. Sin becomes a foreign concept as our life becomes one with His life.

Our wellbeing is no longer determined by natural circumstances. We are spirit beings alive in the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ is alive in us.

Spirit reality is greater than natural temporal reality. The natural was made and consists by the Spirit. Ruling and reigning with Christ is God’s Spirit abiding in and becoming one with our spirit. What Christ believes and does in our hearts is greater and more powerful than created reality. Creation is affected by and ordered by the attributes of Christ Jesus in His body on earth.

In our designed and fully restored state, we are the Body of Christ, the temple of God on earth – a place for Him to abide and interact with the natural world to bring forth His plan and will for Planet Earth and all that is upon it.

All the evil disobedience and rebellion against God and His perfect plan for Planet Earth must be dissolved. Myriads of powerful holy angels are released to work with those in whom Christ fully abides in cleansing the earth of all that opposes God and in bringing forth His love garden of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

There is no doubt whatsoever that God in man is releasing the rule of love on earth to replace the defeated rule of evil in this world.

Once again, as in the Garden of Eden, the beautiful world ruled and ordered by God’s love will show forth His glory in perfect righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. This world will be a showplace to all creation of the King of Glory. All of this is planted in the hearts of God’s kingdom people and will never stop until it is fully established in the everlasting glory of God.

There is no end to the increase of His kingdom that is coming forth like a garden full of seed underground awaiting the springtime to grow forth and fill all the earth with its fruit. This move of God is the sprouting of the seed of the kingdom of His love underground. The living seed that is fully alive and vibrant with the fullness of Christ and His kingdom. This is the big one – the unseen work that will suddenly arise in the glory of God beyond the cataclysmic cleansing judgments of all that lifts itself against God

The fire of God’s love will destroy all that is of the deceptions of the above ground counterfeit works. The Lord will make it clear that He never knew those that are proud and filled and have no hunger for Him (Mat 7:21-23). Every tree that God has not planted will be cut down.

Presumption is not faith but a certain sense of human entitlement that demands of God. It leads to the delusion that man’s control of his own destiny is a good thing and that all is well. God will often allow what the person or group has presumed to come to them but not for their edification. On the contrary, it will be for their ruination. Their presumptions upon the promises of God without the process of cleansing and obedience will only lead to more delusion and eventual dissolution.

The same fire of God’s love fills, sustains, and empowers those who are humble, empty of self, and hungry for God and His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

The intervention of God has begun in the visible world in the cleansing judgments of God. And at the same time, under the cover of the darkness, the invasion of the Holy Ghost is intervening to complete the humble and hungry people of God. The pure holy love of God in the Holy Ghost is empowering and establishing the humble mature sons and daughters as seeds of God’s kingdom to replenish the earth with the glory of God.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:25.

Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit,

Ron McGatlin - - Bob Jones Death/Arthur Burt’s Word - Greatest Move of God the Earth Has Seen!

By Clay Sikes

                        Arthur Burt
The internet has been filled lately with a posting by Kathie Walters about a visit to the home of Arthur Burt in North Wales in 2009. Those who have known Arthur are aware of a WORD given him in the 1930s, referencing a great move of God that would be without ebb. His last little book entitled ‘No Ebb’ is a detailed understanding of that Word and the promise it represents. Arthur was told that he would be left in the earth long enough to see it begin. He is now 102, and returned home from the hospital today (2/14/2014) after yet another near death experience. Well known Prophet Bob Jones interpreted that Word as shown in the article written by Kathie Walters below. Bob Jones, in interpreting this Word, felt he too would see the beginning of this great move. He did! It is indeed happening, as forerunners this world over are now proclaiming. Bob’s death this morning at 6:22AM is a further sign, as God is birthing a new order, new season, new spiritual era for those open to receive it.

We are stepping into an accelerated time; a time of oneness with our Father – a union beyond human comprehension. As we yield to God’s Spirit and cry to Him for oneness, we will experience His Presence as never before. Rejoice, for the day of fullness is at hand! 

In His Presence,


Please feel free to repost or share this as the Lord leads.

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Kathy Walters writes:

‘The story of a prophecy given in 1930' - a prophecy given Arthur Burt, now 102. What Arthur saw so many years ago may now be 'happening.' Kathy's visit to North Wales to visit Arthur is the genesis of this story.

Kathy writes, Story of a prophesy given in 1930 – Bob Jones Birth year. Several years ago I was in Wales. I was doing an Elijah list conference. After the conference I went to North Wales, to visit an old friend, Arthur Burt. Arthur has been in the ministry for about 85 years. He was part of a tremendous revival years ago around the 1930's. When I came back to the U.S. I called Bob Jones to see if he had any word for Wales. He said, "No, but I have a word for an old man in Wales and you were just in his house." "That must be Arthur Burt," I said as that was the only older man whose house I had been in. Bob didn’t know who Arthur Burt was at that time. "What’s the word?" I asked. "Tell him, he will see the word," Bob said. "He will see what word?" I asked. "Bob said " I don’t know, you will have to ask him what word he received. He received it years ago. It was given to a group of people and they are all dead now except for him. But tell him he will see it."

So of course I called Arthur Burt in Wales. Had a conversation like this, "Arthur, this is Kathie Walters. Did you receive a word, years ago among a group of people and you are waiting to see it?" "Yes, we did receive a word." "Good," I said, "What was the word?" Arthur replied "They are all dead now, the people in that group, I am the only one left." "Yes, I know Arthur; what was the word?" I asked again "I can hear it now like it was then. I keep it in my pocket you know" Arthur said. "ARTHUR, WHAT WAS THE WORD?" I practically yelled at him then. This is the word that he read to me over the phone: remember that the promise to Arthur was that he would see this revival before he died. He is now 97 [in early 2009]. GIVEN TO A GROUP (Arthur Burt was a part of this group) 1930 - Bob's Jones birth year!


Bob Jones, speaking at a conference in 2009 [and again in 2011], said the FLOODS are movements of the Lord, the Torrents have to do with the end time revival of a BILLION people which the Lord told Bob about in 1975. A Torrent is a river in extreme flood that cannot be stopped. The parallel of a word being given to a man who is very old, who is told he won't die before the word comes to pass is the story of Simeon in the gospel of Luke, chapter 2. Bob Jones retold this story from his own perspective at a conference in Moses Lake last weekend, and he made application of this word to the Pacific Northwest. This version of the story was taken from here and here.

Clay writes:

The incredible move of God so evident in the earth today, a move without ebb, is no longer a mystery. God is drawing His Bride back to Himself, creating (for us) a time of oneness - a time of return - Him to us, us to Him. He has sent the angel of His Presence to awaken us - Revelation 22:16. He is reconciling us 'back' unto Himself. He calls to us “COME” up higher, and as we yield, He comes down and dwells with us - communion (oneness) with God, the creator of heaven and earth wants to live in and through YOU!

This isn’t a visit, as many have experienced; this is a habitation! God is coming to occupy His temple of living bricks. The City of Lights is coming down, the New Jerusalem, The Kingdom, Tabernacles. God is bringing us 'back' into the Garden, a place of peaceful coexistence as the flaming sword grants entry to any who hold no idols, whose heart is clean and pure before the Father. "Blessed are those who wash their robes that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the City. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood" - Revelation 22:14,15. Put away your idols, put oil in your lamps, and like the prodigal, run into the arms of the Father.

What is the call from heaven that the watchman now hear? This is the call; hear it! "The Spirit and the bride say Come! And let him who hears say Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free water of life...He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming soon. Amen, Come Lord Jesus. The grace of The Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen" - Revelation 22: 17-21. "I will be your God and you shall be my people." This incredible union is more a reunion - God with us, us with Him; one mind, one accord - The Head and the Body flowing and functioning as one (on earth).

God is manifesting IN HIS BODY. We are His representatives on earth, not simply in deed, but in existence – He in us! We in Him! Christ (IN US), the hope of glory. Decrease (death to self) releases increase (His desire to release Himself into His creation). As we die, He lives. The extent of our death IS the extent of our life (IN HIM). Answer this incredible call and COME: Allow God to be God in you (Jesus with skin). Do you hear the sound? There is a knock at your door. Awaken, and answer the call to “COME!”
Clay Sikes -  

3. News Headlines

Evangelist Will Graham Preaches To More Than 31,000 in Sri Lanka - 2/14/2014
The three-day Celebration of Grace with Will Graham was held Feb. 7-9. The largest evangelistic outreach ever held in the largely Buddhist nation. “Maybe you are dealing with death, and you’re not sure where you’re going to spend eternity.” In response to Graham’s invitation 6,819 people crowded in front of the stage and made a commitment to Christ.

Hobby Lobby President Speaks Out for First Time Since Healthcare Lawsuit Headed to Supreme Court - 2/14/2014
"This is God's company, and our responsibility is to operate it according to the guidelines He's given us in His Word." On March 25, the Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments in the case of Hobby Lobby's lawsuit against the White House administration regarding the contraceptive mandate in government healthcare.

Obamacare an Election 'Tsunami' Threat for Dems? - 2/14/2014
With election year 2014 underway, Democrats face a tough battle: how to convince the country the health care law isn't a disaster for millions of people. "I don't think that it has the capacity to work. But all the numbers as they come out exceed the bad news that had been anticipated." For now, Democrats hope the exemptions will help put off much of the debate.

Sekulow: IRS Won't Come Clean on Scandal - 2/14/2014
Claims that the IRS has continued to target conservative and Tea Party groups aren't dying down. Nine months after the IRS admitted the charges were true, the investigation is at a stand-still, with the White House claiming there's no corruption to be found. The IRS is trying to legally silence the groups who were targeted by subjecting them to extreme scrutiny.

Syria crisis becoming generational - 2/14/2014
The plight of children caught in the crossfire of the Syrian civil war makes for painful reading. Turkey, Iraq, and Jordan currently host hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees including tens of thousands of children, traumatized and often living in squalid camps. Lebanon isn’t far behind, with nearly 1 in 4 people living there having escaped Syria.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 2/14/2014
North Korea: Report from one growing church - USA: Native American Christian TV network launched - British children no longer know Bible stories - Majority of teachers are prepared to educate children about porn - Kenya: Terrorists targeting Christian pastors - Iraq: Life appears worse now than under Saddam - India: 2013 Christian persecution - More

Poll: Most Don't Like Obama Bypassing Congress - 2/14/2014
Obama has made changes by himself to his health care law when it's run into problems, and polls show the public doesn't like that. In a new Fox News poll, 60 percent say they disapprove of the president bypassing Congress with executive orders. You have a president who is claiming the right to basically rewrite or ignore federal laws and that is a very dangerous thing,"

FBI Raids 'Machine Gun' Preacher's Home - 2/14/2014
FBI agents recently raided his home and ministry headquarters. Childers is best known for his charitable work rescuing kidnapped children in Africa. Last year, he received the Mother Teresa Humanitarian Award for freeing African kids from the clutches of the infamous Lord's Resistance Army, a militant cult in Uganda, Central African Republic, and South Sudan.

Burma (Myanmar): continued ethnic cleansing of Christian Kachin -- a call to pray for the Church in Burma - 2/14/2014
The Burmese Army is continuing its campaign of ethnic cleansing in resource-rich Kachin State. The Christian Kachin have long resisted the Burman Buddhist regime's brutal dictatorship. While the Kachin want autonomy so they can freely maintain their culture, the Burman Buddhist elite and military want complete control of Kachin land so they can exploit its resources.

Boko Haram tactics demonstrate growth in militant sophistication - 2/14/2014
A recent Boko Haram attack in northern Nigeria is raising red flags. Dozens of Boko Haram fighters dressed in military colors reportedly raided a village in northeast Nigeria earlier this week. They shot villagers trying to escape and burned homes, ultimately destroying 70% of the town and leaving behind a death toll of 51. “the government didn’t show up for hours.” - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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