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Topic: Digest April 18, 2014

Posted By: News Room
Subject: Digest April 18, 2014
Date Posted: 04/18/2014 at 2:22pm Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. From the Foundation Up
2. Transition - From Forerunners to Manifest Sons of God
3. When God Calls
4. News Headlines nheaven - - SUBSCRIBE Digest

1. From the Foundation Up

By Ron McGatlin

Most thinking people in the world can see from their personal perspective in their small part of the massive worldwide picture that something is very much out of order in this world.

People with a spiritual kingdom of God mindset clearly see that not only all of mankind but all life on the planet and the planet itself are experiencing a rapidly deteriorating condition and are in need of a major restructuring to renew and sustain quality life on the planet for time to come.

The ultimate foundation for planet earth and all that is on it has been perfectly laid. Christ Jesus is the true foundation upon which all life in this world is to rest. Jesus came from heaven and became a man in a damaged world among imperfect people. He was birthed from a virgin without an earthly father. He was born of the seed of the Holy Spirit of God.

His perfect sinless life and death upon the cross finished the work of the spiritual foundation for the kingdom of God on earth. The foundation for the redeeming and restoring of the natural world is laid in Christ Jesus. His return in the Holy Spirit to indwell His people became the power to begin to build the kingdom of God structure upon the foundation that is laid.

The structure of the world and the people in which Jesus was first birthed into the earth was imperfect and unsuitable to become the building upon the foundation that was laid. The first century disciples began building the perfect structure of the kingdom of God upon the foundation of Christ Jesus by the work of the Spirit of Christ in them by the Holy Spirit.

Someone else had another plan.

Men wanted to make significant alterations to the building being built upon the foundation. Their plan did not fit the foundation as it was and another layer of foundational material was laid over the foundation of Christ Jesus. Man made a covering foundation of religion upon which to build their plan, their kingdom and not the kingdom of God. They called the structure of their religious kingdom “church” and could truthfully say it was on the foundation of Jesus. And indeed a bit of the original foundation seeped through the cover of religion so that what was built was a mixture of God’s words and principles with the false and empty godless ways of fallen man’s twisted thinking.

The religious church system turned away the reality of the supernatural love, power, and wisdom of Christ flowing only in the real presence of the living God within and among His people by the Holy Ghost of Christ living His life in His people building His kingdom. The kingdom reality in the Holy Spirit was rejected by the religious systems in favor of rituals, programs, and a powerless form of godliness without the reality of God imparting His pure holy love and the power and wisdom from heaven that comes with His love.


From and among the imperfect church system a SON is being birthed from the womb of a virgin generation and again without an earthly father. The HOLY SPIRIT has again penetrated (invaded) a people – a people who have died to their life from Adam and have been made alive as a pure virgin Bride now become the wife and mother giving birth to a Man Child. The past religious church system is not the father of the SON. God by His Holy Spirit is the Father.

As they did with Jesus in His first incarnation, people assume that the Son who is being birthed is really the child of a natural father and not the Son of God. They will attempt to crucify the Son again and sincerely believe they are trying to do God a service. Christ will not be crucified again. The Son of God in His temple of multitudes of sons will stand while the old structure and the false foundation are dissolved from the earth. There will not be one stone left upon another of that which man has built, and set up to be his god made with his own hands. The world will experience the fire of the cleansing judgment of Almighty God. Nothing will remain that is against the true plan of God for His kingdom built upon the fully uncovered foundation of Christ.

The new structure of the kingdom of God will bring forth the order of God upon earth and the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our God. The world and the planet could not become “on earth as it is in heaven” from within the structure of the passing church systems. Only in the original kingdom structure built upon the cleared foundation of Christ can there be the reality of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

For those with ears to hear this, this is the season of transformation that you and I were sent to this earth to be a part of bringing forth. Trivial matters of misunderstandings and persecutions are truly a small thing in the light of His glory coming forth in us.

Personally, I once thought that the phrase to take up your cross meant to keep on dying and repenting and perhaps some of that is involved. Others may have known this a long time ago but for me only recently has it been revealed that taking up the cross daily is a most glorious thing in which we daily receive the rejection and persecution of Christ in us from the religious people of the world and the anti-Christ spirit daily trying to stop the glorious kingdom of God coming forth in and through His people. Along with persecution comes the absolute all-consuming fire of God’s love so exploding within us that there is no fleshly or natural response possible from us. There is only a real and pure love and desire for all to come into the reality of His kingdom of love.

A New Structure

Everything is being rebuilt from the foundation up by the master builder Christ Jesus in the manifesting sons of God by the invasion and nurturing of the grace empowerment of God. Behold I make all things new. A new heaven and a new earth are being formed in and around us. Even as we write this, God is pouring out His love to those who are losing their lives to gain real life now in Christ and Christ in us. This seems at times that it is almost more that our natural bodies can stand.

There is no end to praise for His great Holy Ghost invasion gliding into our hearts and so filling us with intense love for God and for one another. There are not words sufficient to proclaim the glory of His love. The pain of suffering has become the glory of His love. Thank You, Jesus, Thank You, Father. Thank you, Holy Spirit, and thank you to all who have been and are a part of shaping one another into a posture ready to receive the kingdom of His love and glory, both those who have despised and misunderstood us and those who have given of the love from within their hearts. All have been a vital part of preparing a people to receive His kingdom and arise from on our faces in His presence to stand in the pure glory of the beauty of His holiness.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:25.

Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit,

Ron McGatlin - - 2. Transition - From Forerunners to Manifest Sons of God

By Clay Sikes

Not long ago, October 18th, 2013, I experienced what can only be described as a ‘reawakening’ of sorts. I sense His presence, hear His voice, speak His word, and see His power, ALL in greater measure (than ever) in my life. For several months I assumed this to be a personal thing, and one I didn’t deserve, but surely appreciate and enjoy. I didn’t identify this invisible ‘awakening’ as a move, season, era, or any other such title. I simply accepted it as one of the greatest gifts God has ever provided, as it produced the ultimate – PEACE, beyond anything I have known: A peace in the midst of one of the greatest storms in my life, ever. A real storm will test real peace or lack thereof. Talking peace and walking peace are two different aspects of the same word. Real peace cannot be manufactured or faked; and a real test will separate ‘talkers’ from ‘walkers.’ So, for me, one of the greatest signs of the miraculous is incredible peace in the midst of incredible difficulty.

Should you care to chronologically trace my writing on rg - “For our citizenship is in heaven, for which also we eagerly wait for a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform the Body of our humble state into conformity with the Body of His glory, by the EXERTION of His power that He has even to subject all things to Himself” Philippians 3:20-21.

Many are sensing this exciting metamorphous; a ‘second awakening’ of sorts. Paul Keith Davis states, “It is like a baptism of fire coming upon those who have been set apart and prepared to be mightily anointed in this juncture of Church history.”

I personally sense that many have been tried by the fires of affliction; tested and purged, purified and refined such that their “understanding is awakened.” The wicked will not see it! The angle’s words to Daniel perhaps speak to the Era of Tabernacles. “He said, Go to Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end-time. Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand” Daniel 12: 9-10. The persecution for what is written above seeks to behead the wilderness voice. Those lacking understanding have come against this with a vengeance, as the wilderness voice decrees “Another is coming in and through His Body, and through His Body will He do mighty exploits.” xNWoGcctsK5Qg/ - - - - - - - - zqyvQt5JPxaWw/ - - - - Shining LIGHT into the darkness.

3. When God Calls

By Henry Falcone

When God calls will you say, "here I am, Lord send me?" So often when the true call of God comes, it comes at the least opportune time. The Lord often calls us when we have work to do, families to take care of, a house to take care of, or whatever we believe is important to do.

Why does He sometimes do that? For one thing, He comes at these times to "test us”? He tested Abraham after He had fulfilled His promise in giving them Isaac. He said, "take the son, the son that you love and offer him as a sacrifice to me on the Mountain.” Suddenly, Abraham was undone by just a few sentences.

Everything He hoped for and everything that made his life meaningful was now to be given up to God as a sacrifice to see if Abraham would love Him above all these things? Of course, we know the answer today? Abraham had to choose God over the person he loved so dearly. A choice that could potentially rip the promise of God from him forever. I can't even imagine the agony of this test in his heart.

On the third day, Abraham reached the altar of sacrifice. There somehow he got the revelation that if God wanted him to kill Isaac as an offering, God must have a way he couldn't see of fulfilling His promise to him. The word of God says in Hebrews that Abraham reconciled that God must be ABLE TO RAISE THE DEAD! If God was to keep his promise to Abraham there could be no other way, if he took the life of his son. That is faith!

The thought of sacrificing Isaac alone was not enough for God. God wanted more from Abraham. He wanted Abraham's complete devotion and love for God above every other love. Isaac had grown a place in Abraham's heart that would have or could have been greater than the love Abraham should have for God.

In an act of obedience, Abraham picked up the knife and was about to kill Isaac in obedience to God. Then, God sends an angel, "Abraham put down that knife, now I know you love me above all these other things.”

If God called you to be a missionary could you go? If God were to tell you to give $10,000 into a work of God, would you be willing? If God told you to sell all you had to give to the poor could You? God will always provide the grace to do what He is calling us to do, if we are willing to obey.

In Luke chapter 14, the Lord sends out an invitation to everyone, "Behold all things are now ready.” The Master sends out his servant to the invited ones to tell them the day and time of the wedding has come. All things are now ready.

The servant goes to the invited guest and ask them if they will come, but each one makes an excuse. One by one they say, I have a house, I have a job, or I have a family. These are three most important issues of life and Jesus in this story shows the price of the call for them. We can choose NOW before time whether to go or not when He calls.

Would we be like Abraham and leave everything, our jobs, our homes, our families behind, if necessary and answer when He calls? Yet God often requires that of us. Abraham not only had to leave his home in the Ur of Chaldees he also had to offer His son as a sacrifice. He had to prove that he was willing go through with it before the Lord would say, put down your knife now I know you love me above all these things.

Beloved we can either make excuses to answer the call on our life or we can instantly obey and say, "Here I am Lord, send me." Beloved, don't be a sell out by saying I can't come now Lord, I have a wife, and may I come later? I have a job now? I have a family, I will come later. These excuses angered the owner of the house? He told his servant to go into the highways and byways and compel them to come until the house is full. He said, "never will those I have invited that did not come enter into my supper."

Today that call of God is going forth to many. The call to come out of the 2nd day church system age into the kingdom of God age. The upward call of the Holy Spirit to set them apart as vessels of honor in the family of God. The call to come from the Daughters of Jerusalem to being a bride. The call to continue the process of maturity to become full grown sons. When you hear the call, what will you do?

Will you make excuses as the invited ones did, or will you be the one that will come just as you are and say, "here I am, Lord, send me." Will you be one like Peter, James and John, who quickly obeyed "straightway, they dropped their nets, and they followed Jesus wherever He led? I pray that will be all of us."

Henry Falcone
Flame of Fire Ministries -

4. News Headlines

Easter a time of celebration, danger - 4/18/2014
“Passover has begun, and we celebrate Jesus' complete victory over the Cross and the Grave this Sunday. But for many of our brothers and sisters, Resurrection Day is one that is accompanied with threats and persecution. Muslim terrorist groups have promised to “FILL THE STREETS WITH CHRISTIAN BLOOD” this week leading up to Easter.

Chile: Valparaiso fire rages on - 4/18/2014
The massive Valparaiso fire continues to rage in Chile. Tomorrow marks a week since flames first erupted in a ravine and quickly swept through the port city, destroying nearly 3,000 homes. 7 of the 41 hills surrounding Valparaiso are almost completely burned down to ashes. Homes, churches, schools, community centers, and businesses– all the structures are gone.

A Shameful Day in Evangelical Christian Publishing - 4/18/2014
For many years now, publishers have been releasing books that claim the Bible does not oppose committed homosexual relationships. But it is a sad and shameful day when a major Christian publisher releases such a book and claims that it is a solid evangelical publication. This is abhorrent, disgraceful and terribly misleading. And it needs to be addressed and exposed.

‘God is Here, but I am Getting so Tired’ - Syrian Christian Mother Mourns - 4/18/2014
Hanna is a Christian woman living in Damascus, Syria with her husband. She and her husband have two young daughters. Hanna works in a school. While I’m telling you this (Wednesday), we’re in the middle of a bombing. My husband and two girls just saw one bomb falling down over 200 yards from our house. We hurried downstairs to be safer.

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 4/18/2014
Benin: Gospel broadcasts break voodoos' hold - David Cameron speaks of Christian faith in Easter message - Britain must stand against Christian persecution says PM - Muslim Brotherhood transfers HQ from London - 25 schools probed over alleged takeover plot by Muslims - Online porn seen by one in four by age 12 - Hundreds missing after a ship sinks - More>

Search for Over 100 Kidnapped Nigerian Girls Narrows - Muslims Slaughtering Christians - 4/18/2014
The search is on for the teenage girls abducted by the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria. Security forces are narrowing in on a forest in Borno state, near the border with Cameroon where they think the more than 100 girls are being held. Just after midnight Tuesday, gunmen killed a soldier and a police officer and abducted the teenage girls.

More than 70 Killed in Bus Bombing in Abuja, Nigeria at a crowded bus station - 4/18/2014
The explosion happened as commuters were about to board buses and taxis to go to work in central Abuja. There were dead bodies scattered around the area. Suspicion immediately fell on the Boko Haram Islamist militant group, which has staged previous attacks in Abuja. However, most of its attacks have been in the north-east of the country.

Nigerian senator: '135 civilians killed' in attacks by Muslims since Wednesday - 4/18/2014
("This is not a war. It is simply Muslims slaughtering Christians and nothing is being done about it.") "The attackers are suspected to be from the Islamist Boko Haram movement. At least 1,500 people, half of them civilian, have been killed in the north-eastern region this year. There was a time when the US would help supress this kind of deadly Muslim take over.

Pakistan Judge Orders Execution of Christian Couple - 4/18/2014
judge in Pakistan has sentenced a Christian couple to death on false charges of blasphemy. Irate Muslims riot and are ready to beat and kill anyone simply accused of blasphemy. The allegations against the two are bogus. The lost their cell phone ans someone sent text against Islam. "The wife cannot write--she's illiterate. The husband is a cripple from his waist down.

No change in Rohingya crisis in Western Burma - 4/18/2014
The nation of Burma has been at war with its ethnic people for the past 40 years. Ethnic Christian minority groups can usually hide in the jungle while government forces seek to destroy their population. Burma’s muslim government isn’t the only foe ethnic Buddhists, also want them gone. The crisis has been escalating since the summer of 2012. The situation isn’t going away. - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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