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Topic: Digest May 09, 2014

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest May 09, 2014
Date Posted: 05/09/2014 at 7:14am Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Peace and Joy - Tabernacles
2. Tabernacles - Highlights From 102 Year Old Arthur Burt
3. News Headlines nheaven - - SUBSCRIBE Digest

1. Peace and Joy - Tabernacles

By Ron McGatlin

A few days prior to my visit to a piece of land at the east coast of North Carolina a dark tragedy had occurred that created a strong offense of darkness upon the land affecting the godly people of the land. The men gathered and walked the perimeters of the land anointing with oil and praying driving off all darkness. The couple who owned the property went to the spot where the evil act had occurred and worshiped the Lord while cleansing all the natural residue as well as the spiritual atmosphere.

A few days later I along with several others visited the same area. I experienced something that I have experienced only once before in the natural and twice before in spiritual dreams. For lack of words I will describe it as being completely surrounded in perfect peace. The day seemed perfect walking among the scattered trees without any obstruction or obstacles, a gentle breeze blew across the water, the skies were clear, and it was neither hot nor cold. Perfect peace from heaven seemed to settle upon this place. There was not the least hint of fear or strife or any threat seemingly in the entire world. Praying gently in the Spirit, it was as if I was surely walking in a piece of heaven come to earth.

This was only a small portion of a larger piece of costal land; much of the rest of the land was a potential Garden of Eden: a place of production and life that had been in the past a dream that had failed and was now awaiting full restoration from the failure of natural human works of the previous owners.

For me this is such a clear picture of the condition of the world now and the need for the new owners of this world to bring the return to the perfect ways of God as in the Garden of Eden. God is taking us back, and the land is being reclaimed to be restored to the perfect peace of God on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus came with the announcement of the angels of peace on earth and goodwill toward man. God is in the process of restoring His kingdom; His original design of righteousness, peace, and joy on earth by His Spirit.

Joy is Peace in Action

I cannot remember where I heard it said that joy is peace in action and peace is joy at rest. Today God is speaking in my spirit to return to walking in the fullness of joy.

Believe it or not, this is something that we can do now in this time of the fulfilling of the work of Christ Jesus. We can decide in our hearts to enter walking in the full provision of perfect love that is invading our spirits by the Holy Ghost reality of Christ Jesus.

God is restoring the Garden of Eden experience of innocence, purity, and holiness of Christ abiding within our beings. His all-consuming LOVE seeks to dissolve all within us that is rooted in our past lives of worldly mixtures, creating His perfect peace and full joy in our hearts regardless of our natural circumstances. The peace of God and joy in our hearts is not dependent upon the situations and circumstances of our natural lives. Actually the circumstances or our natural lives are greatly affected by the peace and joy in our hearts.

Come up Higher

There are now two realms of existence – two realities of life in which we can choose to live. One drains our life and makes us tired and sick. The other is life giving and makes us joyful and filled with peace.

Probably most Christians have been trained, as have I, that we could not live on the “mountain top” spiritual experience all the time. It was believed that we must come back down to naturally focus upon natural things and manage life from our natural understanding with God’s help and only occasionally entirely shift our focus temporarily to the spiritual realm of existence. It was generally believed that only after death in heaven would we be able to live in the presence of God continually.

Three Major Shifts of Change

There were three major Old Testament feasts that were kept faithfully by the Jewish people and are still observed in this day. The feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles were prophetic pictures or foreshadows of the season to come in the time of the Messiah and afterwards. Christ Jesus and His work within the people of God are the fulfillment of these great patterns of spiritual reality proclaimed in the many aspects of these three great feasts. This is not meant to be a teaching on this vast subject but only to refer to some of the major points clearly visible in history.

The feast of Passover was fulfilled in natural life in the shedding of the blood of the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, for the sin of the world. At the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, the major shift of Passover was released into the world.  The second major feast fulfillment began fifty days later at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to abide in the people of God, empowering the people with the life of Christ within.

After this first century time of Christ Jesus and His disciples bringing forth the fullness of the gospel of the kingdom to this world, there came a great falling away when religion of mostly human design replaced the reality of life in the Holy Spirit. The dark ages came forth within a few centuries after the last apostle of the Lamb passed away. True believers were greatly persecuted and scattered. A perverse man-made religion developed. The Holy Spirit pulled away from the perverse religious systems that developed by the rule of man with demonic assistance. However, there was probably always hidden somewhere a remnant of true people of God even during the darkest of the dark ages.

It was only around five centuries ago that God began to restore the reality of the true works of Christ Jesus on a broader scale. First was restored the works foreshadowed in the feast of Passover. The gospel of forgiveness of sin through faith in Christ and His once and forever sacrifice at the Cross became real again as it was in the first century. It was around the 1500s that it began to be revealed and restored to the people. Salvation by faith was restored widely to the people. After around 400 years of costly and difficult restoration a major portion of the people of God were walking in this restored grace reality.

Only a little over 100 years ago the works that were pictured in the feast of Pentecost that had been birthed shortly after the life of Christ on earth, began to be restored again to the people of God. In the early 1900s the baptism and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit along with the power gifts began to be restored to the people of God. By the decades of the 1990s and the early 2000s the works of the time of Pentecost were fully restored unto a major portion of the people of God around the world.

The full spectrum of the ascension gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, and teacher began to be restored, especially the prophet and the apostle gifts began again to grace the world with the functions required for major shifting and transformation in the Body of Christ. A new dimension of praise, worship, and prayer in the Spirit along with revelation-filled Bible teaching and inspirational Spirit-empowered preaching encouraged and spiritually strengthened a major portion of the people of God.

Manifest Presence of God

During this season of Pentecostal restoration, the manifest presence of God was often present in gatherings.  In our church meetings and especially in revival type gatherings of extreme corporate worship, prayer, and inspirational preaching of the Bible, we often shifted our entire focus upon God and things above and experienced awesome encounters with the presence of God. There were often miraculous healings and spiritual encounters in the tangible presence of God with us. The works of ministering spirits (holy angels) were apparent in many such gatherings.

This was and is the wonderful godly experience of the season of restored Pentecost. This season had been pictured or foreshadowed in the Jewish Feast of Pentecost and began to manifest into the natural shortly after the ascension of Christ Jesus at the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost when supernaturally the Spirit of God settled upon God’s waiting people. The Holy Spirit empowered them with the Spirit of Christ abiding within them doing the supernatural works of Christ, the same great works as He had done before His crucifixion and ascension. And now in the past 20th century the reality of Pentecost was again restored to the people of God.

The Feast of Tabernacles

There was a third great Old Testament feast that pictured or foreshadowed a season of God within and among His people. This great feast was known as Tabernacles, a season of being with God continuously. A season of leaving the elaborate natural life and its many demands and human focused glory and entering into a season of individual and family life with God on a daily basis. A season of less focus on the luxuries of natural life and a great increase on focusing on the Spirit reality of life in and with God on earth as it is in heaven - a season when God would tabernacle with His people, and they would be His people and He would be their only God.

Apparently the fulfillment of the feast of Tabernacles was never in the past widely fulfilled as were the feasts of Passover and Pentecost. Only in this now season has the restoration of the things of God on earth including apostles and prophets and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit been available and widely exercised on earth. The real gospel of the kingdom as Jesus proclaimed and demonstrated it, that has been dormant for most of two thousand years, is now again being widely proclaimed in this day.

The season of Tabernacles is now beginning to manifest in and among God’s people. No longer need there be the coming in and going out of His manifest presence. There is within individuals and in family dwellings and in areas of our life the potential to walk and live moment by moment in the presence of God with us in a tangible sense - such oneness with Spirit God that there is never any separation and distance between God with us as the foundation and reason for our lives. This is the “come up higher” life dwelling with God in higher places.

For thus says the High and Lofty One, Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy, “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” (Isa: 57:15)

There is now beginning a major shift among many of God’s people. Earthly value systems are being changed to spiritual heavenly value systems. As God’s people continuously focus on things above and not on things on earth, many difficulties of life such as stress, over busy, running to and fro, trying to do and become things that are of little significance to real life in God. The hype and mixture of our lives will be dissolved in the pure holy fire of God’s love, and His presence in us will consume our past Babylonian style ways. The New Jerusalem lifestyle of “God with His people” will become the guiding city of life in this world.

Many extreme difficulties during the coming time of cleansing judgments will only serve to bring us back to the simple but powerful life as the Garden of Eden was before the fall of Adam. Full restoration is involved in Tabernacles. Our God is faithful and has not left us orphans but Sons of the living Father God. “On earth as it is in heaven” is becoming reality.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit – Gal 5:25.

Live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit,

Ron McGatlin - -

2. Tabernacles - Highlights From 102 Year Old Arthur Burt

By Clay Sikes

One of the greatest signs that Tabernacles is emerging (in us) is when our changed heart cries, it is no longer about me thinking in terms of getting my needs met, but rather “Use me Lord, I offer myself. Fill me full of your purpose, hope, and destiny. Forgive me of living my life unto myself; allow me to live the remainder of my life unto you. I stand ready Lord – use me!” When I’m stuck in the dispensational/mindset of Pentecost, I am always focused on getting my problems solved, my needs met – Looking to God for the next life raft. In Tabernacles, I go from defense to the offense; I transition to ‘useful instrument in the hands of God.’ Now, it is not about my business, but His. Now, I am into a flow of being about the Father’s business. Now I am living in fullness. The River of Life is flowing, and I am ‘in it!’

When the day of Pentecost was fully come, the Spirit of God moved and the Church was birthed, and the Church Age began. This started at a specific place at a specific time in a dominate condition – “They were all in one mind and one accord.” Place and time matter as we are catching a wave of God. Surfers cannot ride a wave unless they are in the right place at exactly the right time. The wave of Tabernacles is coming – getting in the right place at the right time is important. How you may ask? God-appointed ‘Gatherings’ and God-appointed ‘connections.’ You will know them by their fruit – you will know by the witness in you as to who you are ‘connected’ to. Tabernacles is about fullness – the connected Body ‘JOINED’ to its specific parts; all in one mind and one accord moving by the leadership of the Head.

When we, as individual parts, begin to realize that we belong to the Body of Christ – that we are part of something much bigger, we lose our self-identity and gain our identity in Christ. We function in our gifts in service to the Body at the behest of the Head, Jesus. Our part has a specific function, and when we are ‘functioning’ as God made us to do, fulfilling His plan in our lives, we are living life to its fullest, to its fullness in Tabernacles because Tabernacles is fullness. As Arthur has often stated, “Those who will walk in and embrace the fullness of Tabernacles will recognize that God will not give credit to another, and PRIDE takes credit and when it does, The Blessing, Power, and Grace of God is lifted. This is the governing factor; it is the controlling issue – God will not share His glory…Pride is leaven – it puffs up and destroys the plan and work of God. IF YOU ARE PREPARED FOR A GREAT WORK OF GOD, OR TO RECEIVE A GREAT BLESSING FROM GOD REMEMBER (and never forget), THE LEVEN, THE PRIDE, IS BIRTHED IN ‘THE BLESSING’ THAT OFTEN BEGINS THE DOWNFALL.”

The John 17:22 experience will not manifest until you have an Isaiah 42:8 understanding. The power is for the extension of the Kingdom, for the glory of God, and if He cannot trust me to credit Himself for the power, enablement, and inducement then the “glory” is not safe. It is never ever about ‘what I do,’ but rather ‘why I do it,’ and the answer should always be ‘The Glory of God.’ “Thine is the Kingdom, power, and glory of God” - Romans 2: 28-29. All things are Of Him, Through Him, and To Him – Romans 8:36. All things, everything! God has an absolute monopoly – nothing is left out. And that which is Of Him must go through Him, and back to Him…Not for a moment should we “keep it,” for keeping it is to believe we did it, and here is where leaven (pride) is birthed, leaven is born, and the glory is touched.

So many have been used of God mightily, but the danger always is the pride that comes by and through their success. It is the Achilles heel – the one vulnerable spot where men can lose out with God. It is not when He is wrong, but out of ‘truth’ is born leaven, pride. Pride come out of blessing. Pride comes out of an arrival of truth. Pride, the leaven, is birthed not out of failure, but success – it is the most dangerous time. Decay sets in and rottenness is the result.

Resurrection and restoration is happening even now: A remnant company is ‘coming out’ as blessing and favor replace years and years of desolation and despair. Let us pray now that humility always be with us no matter what our testimony, anointing, or gifting may be. Restoration need not be the catalyst for another downfall lest we rob God of His glory.

Clay Sikes -

3. News Headlines

Dutch Sheets Resigns From Christ for the Nations, Cites Limited Window for Change in US - 5/8/2014
Best-selling author Dutch Sheets announced Wednesday he will be leaving Christ for the Nations Institute as executive director. “The No. 1 passion of my life is seeing America experience a third great awakening. This has been my primary calling from God for over 20 years.” “I believe there is a two- to three-year window for us as a nation to see change,”

Iranian Church Growing Despite Risk of Death - 5/8/2014
Iran's new president has promised to protect the country's Christians, but attacks are intensifying. As they work to survive, CBN News was given an exclusive, rare view that few outsiders witness: a secret meeting of new Iranian believers in a neighboring country. The brand new followers of Christ received Bible teaching and participated in their very first communion.

Blacklisted students in Canada can't practice law because of their code of conduct! - No Christians Allowed? - 5/8/2014 Two Canadian law societies have decided to blacklist all students from a Christian law school in B.C. called Trinity Western University (TWU), because of that school’s Christian student code of conduct. None of those students – no matter how smart, no matter how hard-working, no matter how honest – will be allowed to practice law.

Search for Nigerian Girls Generates Global Support - 5/8/2014
The United States and other governments are offering to partner with Nigeria in its efforts to locate the hundreds of school girls kidnapped three weeks ago by the Muslim terrorist group Boko Haram. Another attack on a Nigerian village Wednesday left more than 100 dead. Boko Haram leader said Monday "Allah says I should sell. I will sell women. I sell women."

As More Girls are Abducted in Nigeria, Reports Say 90 Percent of Those Taken are Christians - 5/8/2014

Laying the Foundation for Urbana 15 - 5/8/2014

Gypsies on fire for God - 5/8/2014

News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide - 5/8/2014

HGTV Leaves Christian Values on Cutting Room Floor - Christian brothers and business owners David and Jason Benham recently got the ax - 5/8/2014

Film Seeks to Expose 'Serial Killer' Kermit Gosnell - 5/8/2014 - More News Headlines

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