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Topic: Digest October 31, 2014

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest October 31, 2014
Date Posted: 10/30/2014 at 11:05am Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. Who Do You Trust?
2. Why did the fire fall in 1857?
3. A German’s point of view on Islam

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1. Who Do You Trust?

By Clay Sikes

One of the most difficult aspects of life is remaining patient in the midst of crisis. As a type A, I am a problem solver; I fix things, and to some extent I am good at it. How can I stand still when all hell is breaking loose around me? I am a fighter by nature.

As only the Lord can do, I began to run into circumstance after circumstance that I could do nothing about. Try as I might, all effort failed. What is the brick wall I have run into? What, or better said, "Who is opposing me?" I took great stock in my own ability to work through great challenges, yet for unexplained reasons, I now faced a period in life in which I couldn't beat myself out of a wet paper sack. Was this some kind of curse?

Bedazzled, I took to my Bible; and there I found answers. Ironically, I just so happened to open it to the very scripture that stated "God resist the proud, but gives grace to the humble." What was God saying to me through these scriptures? It took me years to understand the profoundness of these words, and the fullness of their meaning. But I have it now; a treasure more valuable than gold.

You see, what I discovered is God wanted me to let Him be my problem solver; let Him show me the way to go. And in the due process of learning this, I found out that I can turn my burdens over to Him. One hundred percent of the time He will either solve the problem or show me how to. The key issue for me became who am I depending on - me or God? In learning 'how to depend upon God,' I have gained a most valuable treasure - A God who loves to help His people. All He ask of us is the willingness to truly trust, and a heart willing to trust something other than ourselves.

At this stage of life, I am not free of burdens, but I am free of carrying them. I have found a treasure more valuable than gold - A God who cares!

Clay Sikes -


Compiled by David Smithers

Two Thousand Miles of Prayer

The climax of the awakening came in 1857. Noonday prayer meetings were started in New York, Philadelphia and other cities. Then the movement spread with lightning-like speed throughout the land. In Philadelphia it is said that three thousand people attended the noonday prayer meetings, and in Chicago some two thousand were in attendance day by day. In one of Mr. Finney's meetings in Boston a man arose and said: I am from Omaha, in Nebraska. On my journey East I have found a continuous prayer meeting all the way. We call it two thousand miles from Omaha to Boston; and here was a prayer meeting about two thousand miles in extent." The entire country was stirred by these noonday prayer meetings.

Rev. John Shearer in his book on "Old Time Revivals" said: "In answer to the Church's united cry, ascending from all parts of the land, the Spirit of God in a very quiet way, and suddenly, throughout the whole extent of the United States, renewed the Church's life, and awakened in the community around it a great thirst for God. When the Church awoke to the full consciousness of the miracle, it found that from east and west, and from north and south, the whole land was alive with daily prayer meetings. And it was in these daily united prayer meetings that the great majority of these conversions, of all ages and classes, took place. The divine fire appeared in the most unlikely quarters. A large number of the elderly were converted and gathered in. White-haired penitents knelt with little children at the Throne of Grace. Whole families of Jews were brought to their Messiah. Deaf mutes were reached by the glad tidings, and though their tongues were still, their faces so shone that they became effective messengers of the gospel. The most hardened infidels were melted, some being led to Christ by the hand of a little child."

Continuous Prayer

C. H. Spurgeon commenting on this great move of the Spirit said: "In the City of New York at this present moment, there is not, I believe one single hour of the day where Christians are not gathered together for prayer. One church opens its doors from 5 o'clock till six for prayer; another church opens from six to seven and summons its praying men to offer the sacrifice of supplication. Six o'clock is past, and men are gone to their labor. Another class find it then convenient - such as those, perhaps, who go to business at eight or nine - and from seven to eight there is another prayer meeting. From eight to nine there is another, in another part of the city, and what is most marvelous, at high noon, from twelve to one, in the midst of the city of New York, there is held a prayer meeting in a large room, which is crammed to the doors every day, with hundreds standing outside. This prayer meeting is made up of merchants of the city, who can spare a quarter of an hour to go in and say word of prayer and then leave again; and then a fresh company come in to fill up the ranks, so that it is supposed that many hundreds assemble in that one place for prayer during the appointed hour. This is the explanation of the revival!"

Prayer: A Divine Attraction

Samuel Prime in his book "The Power of Prayer" described the effects the revival had upon New York City, "The prayer-meeting became one of the institutions of the city. Christians in distant parts of the country heard of them. They prayed for the prayer-meetings. When they visited the city, the prayer-meeting was the place to which they resorted. The museum or theatre had no such attractions. Returning, they set up similar meetings at home. The Spirit followed, and the same displays of grace were seen in other cities, and in the country, that were so marvelous in New York. So the work spread, until the year has become remarkable in the history of the Church. This revival is to be remembered through all coming ages as simply an answer to prayer."

Prayer At Sea

"Nor was the blessing confined to the land. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water, and a multitude of seamen saw a great light. It was as if a vast cloud of blessing hovered over the land and sea. And ships, as they drew near the American ports, came within the zone of heavenly influence. Ship after ship arrived with the same tale of sudden conviction and conversion. It was wonderful beyond words! In one ship a captain and the entire crew of thirty men found Christ out at sea and entered the harbor rejoicing.

The North Carolina - a battleship of the United States Navy - lay in the harbor of New York. Her complement was about a thousand men. Amongst these were four Christians who discovered their spiritual kinship and agreed to meet for prayer. They were permitted to use a very retired part of the ship, on a deck far below the water line. Here, then, they gathered one evening. They were only four men, but they were a united band. They represented three denominations, one being an Episcopalian, another a Presbyterian, while two were Baptists. As they knelt in the dim light of a tiny lamp, the Spirit of God suddenly filled their hearts with such joy of salvation that they burst into song. The strange sweet strain rose to the decks above, and there created great astonishment. Their ungodly shipmates came running down. They came to mock, but the mighty power of God had been liberated by rejoicing faith. It gripped them, and in one moment their derisive laugh was changed into the cry of penitent sinners! Great fellows, giants in stature, and many of them giants in sin, were literally smitten down, and knelt humbly beside the four, like little children.

A most gracious work straightway began in the depths of the great ship. Night after night the prayer meeting was held, and conversions took place daily. Soon they had to send ashore for help, and ministers joyfully came out to assist. A large number were added to the various churches, and the battleship became a veritable House of God! The North Carolina was a receiving ship, from which men were constantly drafted to other ships. The converts of the revival were scattered throughout the navy. A revival convert is a burning brand. The holy fire spread rapidly from ship to ship. Wherever the converts went they started a prayer meeting and became a soul-winning band. Thus ship after ship left the harbor of New York for foreign seas, each carrying its band of rejoicing converts, and the fire of God was borne to the ends of the earth."

Why Did They Pray?

Again we quote from Samuel Prime's book "The Power of Prayer", he explains to some extent the motivation behind such a miraculous move of prayer. He wrote, "As a nation, we were becoming rapidly demoralized by our worldliness, our ambition, our vanity, and our vices. The true, the great end for which, we believe, this nation was raised up, was being lost sight of. The very foundations were moving. We needed this 'great awakening' to bring us to our senses, to rouse up the national conscience, to arrest the national decay, and bring us back to a high tone of moral health. Nothing but the influence of a deep and all-pervading earnest piety can save this nation from the fate of all past republics. The tide of corruption must be rolled backward. This was felt; everywhere felt. The place of prayer was the place to get the help we needed. Men rushed to the place of prayer with high resolves, and with weighty demands to ask great things of God. And men rejoiced with unbounded joy when they saw what God was doing. Why should not a holy enthusiasm be enkindled? It was kindled, and God be praised."

The Challenge

"Brethren, we must pray as we have never yet prayed. Our want of success is due to our coldness of desire and slothfulness of request. We are not straitened in God, but in our own low, slender conceptions and hopes. We have not, because we ask not. If we were under a deep and solemn impression of the divine power, bounty, and faithfulness, 'how should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight'! The lesson which the revival should teach us is the duty of being instant in supplication for the larger and more glorious effusion of the Holy Spirit. Acting on this, we shall behold new marvels of love in the place of prayer."

When The Fire Fell by George T. B. Davis
The Power of Prayer by Samuel I. Prime
How To Promote Revival by R. A. Torrey
Old Time Revivals by John Shearer - Awake and Go - Global Prayer Network ntent&do_pdf=1&id=80 -

2. A German’s point of view on Islam

by Dr. Emanuel Tanay, Psychiatrist

A man whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

‘Very few people were true Nazis ‘he said,’ but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories. ’

We are told again and again by ‘experts’ and ‘talking heads’ that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectra of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam. The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history.

It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard quantifiable fact is that the ‘peaceful majority’, the ‘silent majority’, is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China’s huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.

And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were ‘peace loving’?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don’t speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghanis, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts: the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Dr. Emanuel Tanay, M. D. - - 4. NEWS HEADLINES

White House Playing a Dangerous Game with Israel - 10/30/2014
The administration allowed a "senior advisor" to tell The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a "chickens***t" and a coward for not striking Iran and for not pursuing U.S. demands for further negotiations with Abbas and other Sunni leaders. More significantly, that advisor also seemed to welcome Iran's nuclear progress....

ISIS in America: Radicalized in the Heartland - 10/30/2014
It's hard to imagine America's heartland as a breeding ground for terrorism. Yet when news emerged that two U.S. citizens had been killed in Syria fighting alongside ISIS, the path led back to, of all places, Minnesota. The two men were part of a growing number (at least a dozen) young Muslims from Minneapolis and St. Paul who have answered the call of jihad to join ISIS.

Former Muslim helps Leading The Way viewers find new hope in Christ - 10/30/2014
Ever since Leading The Way began broadcasting Christian programming to the Arab world through 24/7 satellite TV. Every week Muslim viewers are turning to the follow-up teams to know more about Jesus. viewers from the Middle East and North Africa via Skype, Facebook, email, text messages, and in-person discipleship meetings, sharing the love of Christ and God’s truth.

The extraordinary move of God in the Middle East - 10/30/2014
The nightly news may present disturbing images and a bleak outlook for the Middle East. Yet behind the horror of war, God is touching hearts in powerful ways, unleashing His Spirit among refugees, their families, and into surrounding communities and nations. “There is something happening right now that is unprecedentedThe spiritual openness is incredible.”

Joko Widodo: a sign of hope? - 10/30/2014
“Every Christian that I know in Indonesia is feeling relief and delight that this man becomes their new leader. Joko Widodo: 53-year-old Joko made history a week ago as he was sworn into office as Indonesia’s first president not to have a background in politics or military service. He grew up in the slums of Java and rose quickly from the position of mayor to president.

Oregon Woman with Terminal Cancer Has Second Thoughts about Taking Her Life this Weekend - 10/30/2014
Brittany Maynard moved her family to Oregon to take advantage of Oregon's so called "Death with Dignity Act," which made choosing to end one's life with medication legal in the state. She was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer last January, shortly after getting married. Brittany's story made headlines across the country and the world. November 2nd—the for taking her life...

Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin: October 2014 Update -- pray and don’t lose heart. - 10/30/2014

Pastors Who Met With Houston Mayor Before Subpoena Was Lifted Share Details About Their Uncompromising Meeting With Her - 10/30/2014
Yesterday, Houston Mayor Annise Parker announced she had directed her legal team to drop the subpoenas of city pastors who opposed a pro-gay city ordinance. The decision came one day after an emergency delegation of seven pastors from across the country met privately with the mayor for an hour. The meeting followed a prayer vigil held in front of Houston City Hall.

85-Year-Old Pro-Life French Doctor Fined Over $6,000 for Urging Woman Not to Abort - 10/30/2014
85-year-old French pro-lifer Xavier Dor was fined 5,000 euro ($6,350) Monday by the Appeals Court of Paris for having exerted "moral and psychological pressure" to dissuade a woman from having an abortion. In 2012, the frail, almost blind, medical doctor, pediatrician, and researcher gave knitted baby shoes to a woman who was approaching a Planned Parenthood center. - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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