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Topic: Digest February 25, 2015

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest February 25, 2015
Date Posted: 02/25/2015 at 12:03pm Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. The Spark of Life - Ignition
3. A Video Tribute to Wade Taylor

4. News Headlines nheaven - - Digest

1. The Spark of Life - Ignition

By Ron McGatlin

Today, in this writing and by a flaming sword in the mouth of many prophets, God wants to ignite an explosion of joyful powerful life beyond measure, passion and strength aflame with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Forget your circumstances and your woes and lift your eyes to the mountain of God. Hear the heavenly music of glory lifting our spirits into the vast expanses of heaven's abundance of righteousness, peace, and joy.

Let our souls be ignited with the holy fire of His heavenly love and irresistible power to conquer the enemies of God. No man can stand before us because God and His glorious power from heaven is with us. No evil, no foe, nothing can stand against the supreme power of Holy God in us and with us.

Let the fire begin in our hearts and explode into the atmosphere around us. Leap into His presence without reservation or hesitation. Shout for the glory that is fallen upon us in this hour. Abandon our fearful and tired bodies and mindsets, fly into the realms of Glory, and receive the impartations of the joy of the Lord.

Be strong in the Lord and mighty in spirit and heart to conquer all that rises against God with the contagious joy of Christ in us. This is our time to arise in spirit and inner strength of the Lord's joy. Let the strength of holiness of God within flow out of our mortal bodies transforming us into flaming ministers of the fire of God. There is no enemy that can stand against us, none that can dampen the holy enthusiasm of God in us the reality of the glory of God now and forever.

The World is the Lord's

This world does not belong to the devil or to any enemy of God. As we arise in the great joy of the Lord, the power of heaven is released in us, and powerful Holy Angels are instantly with us to work with us in delivering the fire of love that destroys our enemies and brings complete victory over all darkness of the world. The light of Glory has arisen upon us.

Eat and drink of the Lord and all He has provided. Shout and dance in His presence for the end of the long season of depression and restraint is past. The lid has been removed - prison doors are opened, and the streets are filled with the glory of God. Run and not walk, shout and not whisper, sing loudly the joyful melodies of heaven come to earth.

Our deliverance has come, the light is here, and the glory of God is round about us. Peace on earth is in our hearts and flowing out of our mouths. Our tongues are on fire with the heavenly words of the oracles of God. Our time of full redemption has come and nothing shall remove it from us. The Spirit has taken up full residence in every heart that welcomes Him. Rejoice for the Lord has come to bring us to His full life and the full expression of the life and love of God of heaven exploding into our world.

The Spark that Ignites the World

You and I are the spark of heaven�s life to ignite the fire of God in every believer in the world. Our lives in this world are the fire of God that will release the supernatural spiritual heavenly explosion of God to cause the world to become the kingdom of God.

Oh, you say, "I can't do this. I am just too weak and weary from the journey of fasting and fighting."

Take a big mouthful of the honey in the Rock. Open your mouth, and eat again of the body and blood of the fullness of God. Feast upon His every word and promise. Open wide and ingest the strength and the power of the JOY of the Lord. He is our victory. He is our strength. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Arise and shine for our light has come. There is nothing more for which to wait. Reject all that is from the past life of darkness and open to the brightness of the glory of God pouring out upon and within us. There is no foe, no other god that can stand before us, for the Lord God is with us and will never leave us or forsake us.

Abandon the life of striving, doubts, and fears and joyfully leap into the sphere of glorious joy that is in front of us right now. There is no reason to wait or hold back. Shout from the house tops that which God is speaking in our hearts and hold back nothing from the life of Christ Jesus now abiding within us. Let it now be released out from us as the shot heard round the world - the spark that ignites a firestorm of God's love and power exploding into the atmosphere of our lives, our homes, our communities, our cities and across the country side to the entire world - the world of maturing sons and daughters praising God in the strength of the Joy of the Lord.

The battle is the Lord's. Set your minds, your affection, upon the things of heaven not on the things of this world. Be strong and very courageous in the Lord. Do not go to your grave taking with you anything God has put within you to deliver to this world. Now get up from the sick bed of despair and walk in the joyous victory of the Lord. Empty your God-given cargo of love and joy to the world now while breath is in you.

Death of the Ominous Giant

Who are you, O giant who stands to blaspheme the Lord God Almighty? Who are you that plants fear in the people with your threats and terror? Who are you that the sons of God should bow before you? Who are you but a demonic giant of darkness that for a moment swings a sword of judgment upon a wayward world? Who are you but one that shall perish by your own sword? Sons of the true God shall finish you and your evil works; with your own sword shall you perish?

Saints of God, all failure is behind us. All lack and foolishness is behind us who have turned to God with our whole hearts and thrown off the works of darkness to kiss the Son and embrace the fullness of His life now in us on earth. Glory and power are unto the Son, the Lord, Savior, and King of glory. Lift up your heads, oh you gates, and the King of Glory will come in to our world. Now is the day of the salvation of the world. Fierceness of the darkness and evil spreads fear and terror among the people who have turned away from their God. Now is the day for all who fear to turn back to the God of heaven now on earth whose arm is not shortened to save all who will come unto Him with their whole hearts.

Losing Our Life to Find Life

There is little value in deliverance for those who will only turn back to their foolishness as soon as the terror is past. Only those who turn with their whole hearts to be consumed in the pure holy love of God and thereby purified forever can abide in the secret place with the Most High God for preservation and to bring forth the fullness of the reality of the kingdom of God from heaven on earth. Do not be deceived, a cry out to God to preserve your foolish sinful ways of life for your own pleasure will not suffice. Turn now with your whole heart and live in the strength of the joy of the Lord forever.

All who will lose their life now for the sake of Christ Jesus and His gospel of the kingdom will be saved to become a firebrand in the hand of God to administer His love and power in the time of harvest. Everyone who finds their life in the things of the mixture of light and darkness of this world will lose their life. That is, they will lose the life of God's love and power doing the works of Christ in them now in this life.

The joy of the Lord in us is the greatest tool we have to cause people to turn their lives over to Christ Jesus. Everyone needs and desires strength and power in life. People seeing the joy of the Lord in us is our front line witness that attracts their attention. Then when they experience the miraculous love and power of the Lord in our lives, they are drawn toward Him. Those who had in the past found their own lives in this world will be drawn to the Lord to lose their old lives and find the abundant eternal life in the kingdom of God now and forever.

The joy of the Lord in us in the midst of a world in darkness will affect the world. Everyone around us will be affected by the joy of the Lord. Those who are willing will be drawn to the light of the joy of the Lord and become firebrands of the kingdom of God. Those who are not willing to be drawn to the Lord will be repelled into further darkness and eventually removed from the earth. There shall nothing enter the New Jerusalem ruling city of the Kingdom of God life that defiles. (This is not necessarily addressing their eternal destiny. It is assuredly addressing their life destiny on earth in this life now.) Many lives may be shortened by an unwillingness to come toward the glory of the joy of the Lord pouring forth in the people of God on earth.

This is an extreme time that calls us to higher life in God. Extreme darkness demands extreme light. The joy of the Lord is the light of our souls that turns weakness into the mighty power of the living God releasing all that God has put within us into the world.

Darkness cannot prevail in the brightness of the light of God shining forth. It is fully time to remove from ourselves anything and everything that shrouds or covers the unlimited brightness of the joy of the Lord releasing the glory of His LOVE and POWER transforming a frightened and weak world. Now is the day of the Lord, the day of the coming of the Lord into full power as Head fully connected to His Body here on earth. The day of victory in Jesus our Lord, Savior and King.

Thank You Jesus! Amen!

Ron McGatlin - -


By Amanda Leonard

Looking out my window, the sunlight glistens off the white snow that has tenderly kissed the earth. Blanketing all life and wrapping it with purity. Covering the old, softening the soil. Newness, new beginnings, new joy, a fresh start. It just makes the earth seem to stand still.

The only sound I hear, is the squeals and laughter of my little gems. There's something about snow, hot chocolate, rolling heat from the fireplace accompanied with the giggles of my little ones. Little feet running wild in the snow covered landscape. Freedom. Little red cheeks and frozen icicles, gladness, singing and laughter. Makes me think of the Joy of the Lord. Oh what glory!

What has happened to our joy? What is even our definition of joy--things, people, or time?

Seems like as we get older, we tend to lose our joy. Life begins to get complicated and we get overwhelmed by situations and circumstances. Laughter and pure joy becomes a priceless oddity. If joy were something that could be purchased, it's amazing to think of what some would pay. The reality is that joy cannot be purchased and there's only one place that true, pure joy can be found. It is in Jesus.

There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is dictated by situations and circumstances, while joy is not. JOY is being in fellowship with Christ. This doesn't mean that we won't have times of grieving and loss, heartache and pain. Jesus felt loss and grief with the death of his friends and some of his family. He also wept in the garden knowing what He was to face the cross, yet He still knew the joy set before Him, as many sons would come to glory.

Children are full of joy, it's pure and real and not hindered by circumstance. Children don't even understand the definition of circumstance. Joy is not in the doing, or in things, it is in being. They may not understand their oneness with Jesus, or maybe they understand more than adults do, but that is the longing of their hearts, of all our hearts. We were made to be one with Jesus, in fellowship with Him. To return to the place we each were born from. There's much JOY in that truth. Kids are so innocent and sensitive to Holy Spirit. Let's come to Him as little children, full of His Joy.

Jesus saw from the perspective of His Father, which was why He could see the joy set before Him. Jesus could see us, His children, and His bride, filled with His Spirit, what joy filled His heart.

Just as the writer of Hebrews states, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus..." then His joy shall be our strength, our salvation, our song.

The cross of Jesus was the JOY set before Him.

Hebrews 12:2 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

I believe that just as we are to set our eyes on Jesus that Jesus had His eyes set on the Father. That's where His source of joy came from. His joy came from doing the will of the Father. His joy was the cross and all it would accomplish.

I have met people who truly have experienced many severe trials and they experience the true joy of the Lord in and through it. It's because they have fixed their eyes on Jesus the Son and not on the circumstance. The joy of the Lord is not something that can be worked up or counterfeited. Joy is not just mind over matter, or happenstance. The joy is in Him, the joy is in His cross, there is joy in the Holy Ghost.

Romans 14:17 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,"

Many in the world today, are longing for real peace and joy. Many people have paid a high price to try and achieve it. Yet, Jesus has paid the highest price for us to receive it. As we focus our eyes and set our affections upon Him, nothing can steal our joy. Even through great trials, we will have joy unspeakable and full of glory. (1 Peter 1:7-9)

2 Corinthians 7:4 "In all our troubles, my joy knows no bounds."

James 1:2-3 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

I believe now more than ever we must rest in the Joy of the Lord. His joy must be our strength in these times that we are living in now, where persecution abounds and everything that can be shaken is being shaken.

Lord we run to You as little children and receive Your joy unspeakable. We want to start anew and afresh, full of Your joy and Your peace. We want to be raptured by Your ecstatic joy. Lord, we want to be overly joyful, just like your angels!! Lord, we want to dance with the ecstatic joy like David did in the streets. Let's spread the joyfully good news of the gospel, for the Kingdom is at hand! Forgive us Jesus for trying to find joy in things, in people, in everything except You.

Lord let laughter bubble up and erupt from Your children all over the world. We rejoice in Your goodness, in Your glory, in Your joy! I thank You Father for Your joy is not based on our circumstances, our tears, our pain, trials, or persecution...for you see it ALL and You give us joy in the midst of it, because You are our Joy! For mourning may have lasted for the night, but Your joy comes in the morning! Your joy is now! Soften our hearts and break our mindsets of what we think joy is. Thank You Lord for the newness of Your joy, just like the snow blanketing the earth, we allow your Joy to blanket us and wraps us in Your glory! Pure joy. Laughs upon laughs! Contagious joy. We want to have fun with You Papa. We awaken to Your joy and spread it all over, so that others will see and experience Your love, Your peace and Your joy!

Like a child we jump up into Your lap.

We run into Your arms. Consumed by Your love.

Forever full of Your joy, bubbling up and running over.

Intoxicated in Your Joy,

Amanda Leonard - -

3. A Video Tribute to Wade Taylor

By Steve Eastman

I just produced a video tribute to Wade Taylor to commemorate the anniversary of his passing. -lives-on-3-years-after-his-passing/"> Wade Taylor had an intimacy with God that few believers have ever experienced. Although he passed away on February 29, 2012, Wade's legacy lives on through his book "The Secret of the Stairs", which opens up the Song of Solomon.

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1. News Headlines

Miracle in Houston Largest USA Crusade To Date for Reinhard Bonnke & Daniel Kolenda - CfaN - 2/23/2015
What a mighty God we serve! We are rejoicing at what just took place at the Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade in Houston, TX. Over the two nights, a total of 27,034 people came together for worship and a powerful Word. We are praising the Lord for the 2,750 people who responded to the call of salvation and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

'Why Is the West Silent?' ISIS Captives Cry for Help - 2/25/2015
Iraqi military routed ISIS forces from al-Baghdadi. Meanwhile, Peshmerga troops in drove Islamic State terrorists from the Kurdish city of Tal Tamr. But as they retreated, ISIS jihadists kidnapped at least 90 Assyrian Christians. "These women were sobbing, saying, 'What is our fault? Why is the West silent? Why is the Church not talking about our persecution?'

As Anti-Semitism Rages, Christians Stand with Israel - 2/25/2015
At a Washington conference on extremism last week, Obama claimed the world's terror threats were not rooted in Islam. He sees the issue as a law enforcement problem -- "a battle with rogues of all faiths, not a civilizational war. The notion that the West is at war with Islam is an ugly lie." But the globe is engulfed in a flood of Islamic hatred of Jews and Christians.

Israel Approves $46 Million Plan To Absorb All European Jews Following Muslim Terror Attacks - 2/25/2015
“We are bracing ourselves and calling for a mass immigration from Europe,” Netanyahu said. He made a truly stunning announcement as he issued the call for all of Europe’s Jews to come home to Israel. The bible clearly declares in the last days that all Israel will be regathered in their biblical homeland, and today’s announcement goes a long way towards fulfilling that.

ISIS takes Christians hostage in Syria - 2/25/2015
Members of the Islamic State have abducted 90 Assyrian Christians from villages in northeast Syria. Thousands of Assyrian Christians live in a string of villages on both sides of the Khabur River North of the city of Hassaka. “ISIS will not keep their word. There were a handful of people in Mosul who paid a tax in order to stay and then were executed anyway."

Islamic State Savages Burn 43 More People Alive In Iraq… - 2/25/2015
Via Fox News: Happened in the same town where they burned 45 people alive last week. The jihadist group Islamic State, or IS, burned alive on Saturday 43 people kidnapped in the western Iraqi province of Anbar, a security official told Efe. The IS militants caged their hostages then set them on fire. They kidnapped the victims over a week ago in the Al Baghdadi area.

PLEASE PRAY: ISIS Attacks Assyrian Villages in Syria, at Least 4 guards Killed, Churches Burned; Nearly 100 Christians Captured-Men, Women and Children - 2/24/2015
"Calls made by relatives of the captives have been answered by ISIS members, who said there is nothing to be done for the hostages." Some 3,000 people managed to flee to neighboring villages during the attack, which engulfed Tel Goran, Tel Hurmiz, Tel Tamar, Tel Baloaa, Tel Shamiran, Tel Riman, Tel Nasra, Tel Khareta, and Abu Tena. Christian churches have been destroyed.

Fighting Back: Find Out What Some Christians are Doing in Iraq and Syria, to Stand Up against ISIS - 2/20/2015
"Who will rise up for me against the evil-doers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16) The Islamic State (ISIS) is not the only one recruiting supporters worldwide. A Christian militia group is fighting back with outsiders of its own. "If my government won't fight them I will." The group is accepting foreign recruits along with others.

URGENT: Intercession Called for Franklin Graham - 2/20/2015
Why is Graham so bold? Because he sees an Islamic storm coming against America. He has strong discernment and enough boldness to go toe-to-toe with the principalities and powers that have targeted Christians for destruction. The enemy would like nothing more than to silence this mouthpiece for God who is confronting and pushing back darkness in our generation.

John Paul Jackson went home to be with the Lord today. - 2/18/2015
An official statement from the family coming soon. Jackson launched Streams Ministries International in 1993. Their mission statement, according to the website, is to touch people with the message of God's love, bring the awe of God back into the church and transform lives through the supernatural of the Holy Spirit. -  
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