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Topic: Digest April 09, 2015

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest April 09, 2015
Date Posted: 04/09/2015 at 7:52am Digest Publication

In This Issue
1. The Heart of God
2. Proclaim My Grace Like An Anthem
3. News Headlines nheaven - - Digest

1. The Heart of God

By Ron McGatlin

God is a consuming fire of LOVE.

Beyond all natural human knowledge and experience is the Spirit reality of all power, all knowledge, all authority, all wisdom, and all understanding embodied in the boiling, surging fire of love in the heart of God.

All creation, all life, and all time emanates from the one supreme source of all, in the one “I AM” who is now, always was, and forever shall be.

All life spiritual or natural and all substance living or dormant, solid or fluid, is all derived from the one energy source of God Almighty.

The magnitude of God is far beyond the capacity of human thought to even consider. The glory of God cannot be contained and is only partially displayed in His vast creation.

God’s perfect love is the source of all of God’s perfect creation of natural order and design, of all boundaries, alignments and relationships in all of His creation.

All of creation exists and consists in order by the design, authority, and power (exerted spiritual energy) of God Almighty.

Obviously the resources and abilities of God are unlimited. Absolutely anything is possible with God, even far more than human beings can ask or think.

Surely Adam and Eve did not fully realize what they would forfeit by disobeying God. In that act of disobedience, they lost the ability to abide in oneness with God. The perfect order of God on earth and their access to the unlimited resources of God were lost in that moment of disobedience.

God had breathed His life into Adam when He created him. Adam had to completely disregard the life of God to yield to his own independent thought from his own self-governing intellect.

Today God has breathed His life afresh into every Holy Spirit saturated person in whom Christ Jesus fully dwells. The all-consuming fire of the Love of God can abide in our bodies now in this life. All the resources from the heart of God can abide in our hearts and lives now in this life.

My dear friends this is not the normal “Christian life” as we have been living it. This is not a set of negotiable rules or positional standing automatically inherited because Christ died for us. God is speaking to us about truly becoming fully manifested sons of God on earth. This is not the way and religion of past centuries. This is the reality of biblical days as were the days of Jesus on earth in His disciples after Pentecost in the first century. This is the season of Tabernacles, the season of God in and among His people. Christ Jesus is abiding in adopted Sons of God by the Holy Spirit of God Almighty.

The Loss of Resources

Every thought and action outside the perfect will and order of God separates us from perfect oneness with almighty God and His unlimited resources. Christ Jesus lived and walked in the perfect order and ways of God and knew that all the resources of Heaven were available to Him. If he had ever once taken action outside the order of God, as Adam did, there would have been no way for mankind to regain the place of oneness with God. The unlimited resources of heaven would have all been of no avail to mankind.

Christ Jesus did not fail. He fully bore the punishment for mankind’s failures. He now can live His life in us. His life is breathed into His redeemed sons (male and female) by the Holy Spirit of God. By the continuous presence of Christ in us through our obedience in following the Holy Spirit, the unlimited resources of God are available to us.

The Restoration of Unlimited Resources  

It is in the heart of God to restore mankind and Planet Earth to its original design of mankind walking in oneness with God. It is His desire to again cause all of Heaven’s unlimited resources and abilities to be fully functioning in His people on earth.

It appears that people today, like Adam, have no knowledge of the cost of independently living without fully abiding in Christ and He in them. Many believers have simply not known that they were here to do the works of God using His unlimited resources to reclaim Planet Earth from the great disorder and devastation that results from mankind following self-government and not fully obeying the will and ways of God. Any act of disorder (disobedience) will always create an imbalance that will cause a corrective action in creation. All natural creation is programed to press toward the designed order of God. Call it sowing and reaping or universal physical law of “for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction” or whatever you choose to call it. It is a law of creation that cannot be broken or changed.

Christ Jesus came to earth for more than getting some people to go to heaven. He came to redeem and empower mankind to again become one with God fully restored to access of the unlimited resources of God for the restoration of the world to the order and rule of God, the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Only God can be God

Christ Jesus is the one and only person with the ability to live a perfect life in absolute perfect order with the will and plan of Father God. Without the fullness of the Holy Spirit bringing the life of Christ to live His life in us, no human being is able to keep the perfect order of God. Christ by the Holy Spirit can rule and reign in a person who is “crucified with Christ” and becomes a “living sacrifice” as an abiding place for Christ Jesus and Father God by the Holy Spirit.

Faith to receive the unlimited resources of heaven is not possible in natural human beings.

Faith is both a gift and a fruit of the SPIRIT.

It is the faith of Christ in us that hears and obeys every desire of the heart of the Father.

It is Jesus’ faith that can say to the mountain or the tree to be moved into the ocean and see it come to pass. Human intellect can never know enough about God or the written word to have this kind of faith. It is by the SPIRIT that the word of God produces perfect faith and perfect order into this world.

The sufferings of this world are all the result of mankind bringing disorder to the world. Only mankind turning to God in Christ Jesus and being fully saturated in the Spirit of God can turn the great turbulence of disorder in the world back to the order of God and bring peace on earth and goodwill to man.

All things are possible to the one who believes. However, no one can believe (have faith) for the unlimited resources of God and at the same time NOT walk in perfect order with God. It is not enough to say we believe in God and Christ and yet not walk in His perfect order. And again, CHRIST IN US by the HOLY SPIRIT is the way by which we can walk in perfect obedience all the way every day. Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Faith will be tested.

Often when we step into a measure of walking in the Spirit of Christ in us, God will pour out some of His great resources to us as a test.

Will we truly obey His desire and instruction and remain fully in His order, or will we allow some self-desire to begin to creep into our pure heart and misuse some of the resources from heaven apart from His direction?

Will we turn to Christ in us by the Holy Spirit to guide each step, or will we turn away from the direction of God just a little and decide in our own minds to use His resources according to our own need or desire apart from God’s leadership and direction? Selah.

When we pass the test, more faith will be given to us for even greater things. However, if we fail the test, then we will go through another process of corrective action from creation around us. Peace will be lost as disorder again raises up in our lives. God’s heart is not to destroy us but for us to be perfectly matured to step up to the next place of greater service. It seems at times it is easy to reckon ourselves dead, and at other times our self-life finds a spot of weakness in us and begins to come back to life.

Mature Sons of God have no will of their own apart from God. Every thought is taken captive to Christ.

Truly becoming one with God means we own nothing in this world, yet everything in this world and in heaven is available to us to use to fulfill God’s plan for us.

We are purchased with a price and our lives are His. We are a being in which God dwells as the unchallenged KING with total ownership of our lives. Our hands become His hands, and all that is in our hands is His. It is at His disposal and discretion to do with as He decides. We are faithful to abide in Him and to be and do only that which He leads us to be and do.

This is life abundantly that Christ Jesus came to bring forth on earth the resurrection life of Christ in His people.

Much love and abundant life in Christ and Christ in you,

Ron McGatlin - -

2. Proclaim My Grace Like An Anthem

By Amanda Leonard

Tucking in my son at night and the words keep flooding his little mind, much like a broken record. Reminiscing each hurtful lie, brings hurt and tears. Honestly it's quite hard for any Mommy to watch. Yet we (Holy Spirit and I) refuse to allow the enemy to identify one who is destined for greatness, as we are all created to manifest Jesus our Lord. His identity is being molded by the King of kings and no lie shall stand. Our identity in Christ, how important it is to know, Christ in you, the hope of glory.

I got to tell my son about the cross, about His love, His blood, His grace. How because of Jesus, because of His grace, we can forgive these people who have hurt us and eventually they won't even be able to hurt us anymore. When we have His grace, it's not just words from the bible that tell us the "right" thing to do, it's His power in us to actually walk it out.

I watched as this reality flooded his spirit. He grabbed my hand and began to pray for these kids. The very ones who had said such hurtful things to him. I watched as the Spirit of Grace flooded the room and His love and forgiveness saturated my son's little heart. He sobbed at the love he felt the Father had for these children and forgave them just as Jesus has forgiven us. He prayed for the love of God to pour out all over these kids. Wow, what a prayer that touches the heart of our Father. Such selflessness. A little laid down life. We are not our own, we were created for Him, for Jesus.

In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus is telling the crowd... He says, "43 You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44. But I tell you, love your enemy and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven.....48 Be perfect therefore as your heavenly father is perfect."

How can we be perfect as our heavenly father is perfect? It's only by His grace through relationship with Him. Grace is dependent upon relationship. Sure we may trip up and stumble but we run to Him, unashamed and ask Him to change us. Without a relationship with Him and knowing His love, we will constantly feel as if we aren't good enough and could never measure up and feel condemned. We would identify ourselves as being "just sinners" who have prayed a prayer to go to heaven but there would be no transformation. When in reality, grace has come through Jesus to bring us back to our original value and put heaven back into us. He has come to make us pure and holy and to walk in righteousness through Jesus. Grace is God's empowerment to change.

So instead of saying, "Well, I just cursed out that man on the road who just cut me off, thank God for His grace."....rather His grace would empower you to not even be upset about it. It makes me think about the martyrs for Christ, who have given their lives for the gospel and the name of Jesus is upon their lips as they are being put to death on this earth. They have loved not their own lives unto death. They have denied their selves, taken up their cross and followed Him. What a testimony of His grace, His love.

John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

We were born with a sin nature, born into Adam, that's why we must be born again into Christ. Grace came on a cross and gladly gave His life for us to become the righteousness of God. (Romans 5:12-21)

Dan Mohler gives an incredible example of this. He talks about how when Adam and Eve were in the garden after they sinned, they covered themselves in fig leaves. When they would look at those fig leaves, it reminded them of their sin. So God the Father came and killed (sacrificed) an animal to get the skins to cover them. It's a foreshadowing of the blood of Jesus, saving us from our shame and sin, but it's also a picture of Him covering us with His righteousness. So now, instead of the constant reminder of their sin, they can look down at the animal skins from the Father and be reminded of His covering, of His righteousness.

Romans 5:17 "For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ."

Grace makes the impossible, possible!

I believe that right now God is allowing us to see and understand His great grace in greater revelation and understanding! That as we proclaim His grace like an anthem, that it will ring through the cities and nations and change the way that people see themselves. That through the eyes of Jesus' blood they will understand His grace for humanity. As we see ourselves through blood filtered lenses, we will be able to see others through the same blood. His grace enables us to see them through His eyes. His grace is available to live holy as He is holy, to love as He loves, to walk as He walks, talk as He talks, to bring the Kingdom to earth. He lives in you and you live in Him!

I love what Dan Mohler says, he says, "We are afraid to preach righteousness and believe we can live holy lives by the grace of God because we relate so much with our ability to fail. We think it's humble to let that thing be held high as if it would lift God up but God has lifted us up to where He is and told us to live from the Heavenly places. If you receive the abundance of grace, you will reign as king in this realm of life. For He is the King of kings. You will pass through trials, adversity, everything that would come against you being completely unfazed and overcoming evil with good."

I hear in my spirit, "Walk in My Grace, Talk in My Grace. Love in My Grace. Grace, Grace, Grace I pour upon you this day to do the same things that I did as I walked upon the earth. My Kingdom within you is full of My grace. My grace is sufficient for you. Grace is with you on this journey, grace has made a seat for you in heavenly places. I am fully able to complete what I started in you. Receive My grace to empower you to overcome. The world cries out for revenge, I cry out for mercy. The world uses grace as an excuse to sin and not change, I say, receive my grace and be transformed into My image, like from the beginning. I have created man in My image. No more looking back at the fig leaves, I have covered you with My skins, My righteousness. Grace is upon you, in you and through you, my sons. Now go and proclaim My grace to the people like a ringing anthem of Truth."

Let's let the world see Jesus in us and shout out His grace from the rooftops. Let's reign as king in this realm of life because of the abundance of grace from our King.

Amanda Leonard my-grace-like-an-anthem/ - Time in His Presence Blog

3. News Headlines

Netanyahu: Iran's 'Zero Breakout' Sooner than Later - 4/9/2015
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Iran's breakout time for nuclear weapons production begins when the framework agreement is finalized, not in 13 or 14 years. The framework allows Iran to continue enriching uranium, moving it steadily toward nuclear weapons. Producing weapons-grade uranium may be much closer than world powers care to admit.

Kenya: "They died worshipping God" - Christians targeted in violent attack on a Kenyan university 148 people slaughtered - 4/9/2015
At least 147 people have been killed and 79 wounded after Somali Islamist terror group al-Shabaab stormed a university in Garissa, Kenya, on April 2 and opened fire on the dormitories. They released Muslim students, and shot Christians. One student said he could hear militants asking if they were Muslim or Christian. "If you were a Christian you were shot on the spot."

Garissa: only the start? - Christian University Hireing Military Protection - 4/9/2015
One of East Africa’s largest Christian universities is upping security following last week’s terrorist attack in Garissa, Kenya. “Following the heinous attacks that happened at the Garissa University, the Daystar University management has resolved to hire the KDF [Kenya Defense Forces] to reinforce security.”

Yemen civil war intensifies - God at work despite political turmoil in - 4/9/2015
The conflict in Yemen has claimed hundreds of lives. The warring factions have left power outages, food shortage, and water shortage is expected soon. Millions of people are affected. “We’re looking at the potential of a Somalia-style failed state." As violence escalated between the ruling Sunni Muslims and rebel Houthi Shiite Muslims, both the US and the UK withdrew.

Boko Haram disguised as preachers kill at least 24 in Nigeria - 4/9/2015
Islamist Boko Haram militants disguised as preachers killed at least 24 people and wounded several others in an attack near a mosque in northeast Nigeria's Borno state, a military source and witness said on Monday, April 6, 2015. The attackers arrived in cars late on Sunday and gathered people. They then opened fire on them.

Ariel University: A Model of Co-Existence - 4/9/2015
Parts of the U.S. and European governments are trying to block an Israeli university from developing good relations with and helping its Arab neighbors primarily because the foreigners don't agree with the Bible. Ariel University is located in the hills of biblical Samaria. Established in 1982 the school Now it's at the forefront of cancer and other research.

When mission aviation and tragedy collide - 4/9/2015
There’s a silver lining to every crisis, and God sometimes uses tragedy to show people the calling of lives. Take Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) pilot/mechanic Brian Marx, a MAF plane and pilot; fellow missionaries were devastated, and ministry was crippled. “I was able to see the suffering that went on in the areas where MAF had been ministering.

World Vision: Half of all Syrians have had to flee their homes. - 4/9/2015
The ongoing refugee crisis since World War II. The scale of the disaster is difficult to comprehend: estimated 12.2 million people, including 5.6 million children, have been affected by violence, internally displaced, or forced to flee to neighboring countries. That's equal to the population of Los Angeles and New York City combined. Raise your voice to help.

God at work among soldiers in Burma - 4/9/2015
In Burma, God is drawing soldiers closer to Himself in the midst of war. Free Burma Rangers released a report saying attacks in the Southeast Asian nation are the highest they’ve been since fighting renewed in 2011 after the 17-year ceasefire was broken. Karen News cited Human Rights Watch saying the conflict had led to more than 100,000 displaced civilians.

WATCH: Why Was This Prophetic Vision Kept in the Dark for 12 Years? - 4/9/2015
It was so fascinating that CBS Sunday Morning sent a reporter to interview former oil millionaire Bernard Coffindaffer. He spent all his money following the Holy Spirit. But the piece never aired. Twelve years later, the Sunday broadcast show is revisiting the piece. Watch the video to see why. - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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