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Topic: Digest September 24, 2015

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest September 24, 2015
Date Posted: 09/24/2015 at 5:56am Digest Publication

In This Issue
Abiding in the Glory Realm
A Modern-day Parable - Part 4

2. Love Story Of The Ages
News Headlines nheaven - Digest

Abiding in the Glory Realm

A Modern-day Parable – Part 4

By Ron McGatlin

In a place not so very far away in the time of signs and wonders, many of the people of mystery who had not yet ascended the Holy Mountain of God began to despair. They felt discouraged, dissatisfied, and fearful within themselves.

The words of the prophets were being fulfilled regarding the failing of their prized works of human endeavor without God. Their works were corrupting before their eyes. The grandeur and elegance of their secular humanistic godless society had become filled with immorality and violence.

The minds of the once vibrant people were first intrigued and then consumed by evil supernatural powers. Darkness was rapidly infiltrating the highest offices of the once godly nations.

Foreign armies empowered by gods of darkness were invading nations to destroy the people of God and all that they had built in the land.


Pure holy righteousness, perfect peace, and great joy abounded in the brightness of the golden cloud of the supernatural atmosphere of perfect LOVE that surrounded the upper portion of the Holy Mountain of God. The intense love of God filled every cell of the bodies of the people of God every moment of every day. Truly the kingdom of heaven had fully come to earth upon the Holy Mountain of God. The people became as one with God in Christ and one with one another by the ever present Spirit God.

The spiritual kingdom of heaven had now come to rest upon the mountain of God’s people on earth. God remained in and with His people; every tear was wiped away in His glorious presence in the great spiritual city of New Jerusalem, the perfected beautiful Bride Church of God that had been formed from heaven to abide upon this, the highest mountain above all the mountains of the earth.

Everyone in the spiritual city of New Jerusalem knew that they were here for the purpose of establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth. They understood that the patterns of life and ways in the spiritual city were to become the patterns and ways of life in the entire world.

The purified holy Bride of Christ had given birth and produced many Sons all with the DNA of God. The faithful Sons had the same DNA and the same supernatural attributes as Christ Jesus within their fully redeemed natural bodies. The Spirit Christ was actually dwelling within them.

Just as Christ Jesus had been sent from heaven to change the world over two thousand years ago, God had now prepared many Sons and called them together in the Spirit for their time of release to be sent to the world along with myriads of holy angels to establish the kingdom of heaven in all of the earth.

When the Sons were fully grown and prepared, God spoke to them, “Today you are My fully grown faithful Sons. I bestow upon you the full access and use of all of my kingdom resources of heavenly power, wisdom, and love. All things that are mine are available to you to fully bring the world and all of its people back into their rightful place as My heavenly kingdom on earth.”

“I bestow upon you authority over all of earth to fill the earth with the glory that you have received here in this heavenly city. Demonstrate My glory to the people of the world. You have dominion, and every word that I speak to you will be spoken into the world, and not one word shall fail.”

God spoke to them the great secrets of how to establish His kingdom and restore all the earth, how to make all things new as He had originally created them. He told them to obey His every word spoken to them and never listen to or follow any other word, for every voice that was not of Him was to be silenced by His word.

Then Father God called for the many Sons to kneel before Him as the Lord passed among them touching each one of them with the great sword that glowed with brightness of pure white light of His glory. Then they were told to stand as God poured the liquid fire of His love simultaneously into each one until they all overflowed with the liquid fire of His love.

He told them all to go down from the spiritual Mountain of God into all the world to restore every mountain of the world back under the authority of the Mountain of the Lord. Every mountain and hill of earthly authority was to be fully established under the loving rule of the glorious Mountain of God.

The Sons were told to demonstrate the glory of the Mountain to every living thing in the world that all the world would know that Christ Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords over all the earth.

God assured the Sons that, “No man shall be able to stand before you, for I am with you. All things are subject to the power and wisdom of My love in you. Whatsoever you speak on earth shall be done from heaven through the Mountain of God. The blood of the cross has become the liquid fire of love bringing full restoration to all the earth. Freely you have received, now freely give to all who are worthy. Do not tarry; the entire earth is suffering and groaning waiting to be set free.”

Thus the Sons of God were made manifest in the earth to bring the life from the Mountain to all the world.

The Sons began to appear among groups of the despairing fearful people. Many of the people recognized them by the glowing presence of the glory of God that was always upon and within them, for their glory never faded.

They did not speak as ordinary men but spoke with power of loving authority and complete assurance of their words. They did not placate the people with false words to build their fleshly egos nor did they make room for their impure lifestyles. They spoke the truth that cut the hearts of the people to the quick. As the people turned from their evil ways, their wounds were immediately healed with the supernatural love of God.

The sons told the people things like, “You have been lied to. The mountain you have turned away from is the mountain of heaven come to earth. I know because I have been there and sat at the table of the Lord God Almighty. I have received of the power and authority of the true God of the Mountain.” They then healed all the diseases of the people and powerfully demonstrated the supernatural power of God.

And with many supernatural words and demonstrations of heavenly power, they loved and provided for the people. The people received and many immediately were sent by the Spirit to the Mountain of God to receive the fullness of truth and reality of heaven come to earth.

Soon the patterns and ways of the heavenly mountain flowed out to the all the earth. The glory of the true kingdom ways rapidly spread across the land as each person infected others, and they in turn each infected others like yeast in a lump of dough.

All the people who remained truly carried the pure holy love of God in their hearts and lives. The whole earth began to respond to the ways of God, and all natural life was restored in the land. The plants and animals were restored, the rivers and streams were pure again, and all the earth prospered. There was no more war and no more prisons. The violent storms of the earth subsided and became life giving rain upon the lands. All the earth prospered and became again as the Garden of Eden before the fall of man.

The Spirit of God reigned supreme in those days, and the enemies of God and man were no longer found upon the earth.


Before the Sons from the Mountain were sent to restore the kingdom, the land had to be cleared of all that the anti-God people had built. The cleansing judgment of God rolled across the land like a wildfire driven by a fierce wind.

Even in the days of the great turbulence of the transition of Planet Earth when all that was not of God was being dissolved by fire, the people who had ascended the Spirit Mountain of God were able to walk and live in PERFECT PEACE. Even in the midst of the greatest turmoil of earth cleansing judgments, there was perfect peace in the high places of the Spirit. God was with His people. God’s love in and with His people was like a hen gathering her chicks under the warmth and safety of her wings.

For anyone walking in the bright cloud of His glory, as far as his eyes could see, the earth was already filled with God’s glory. Even though outside of the cloud of God’s glory the judgment fires were destroying all that lifted itself against God, it was not realized or felt inside the cloud of His glory.

The people’s minds were set on the things of the heavenly mountain and not on the things taking place in the lower world.

Their thoughts were filled with things that were true, noble, just, and pure. Only those things that were lovely, of good report, filled with virtue, and worthy of praise filled their hearts and minds. Only these things from the Mountain filled their hearts and minds continuously and perfect peace was always with them.

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

To be continued……

Ron McGatlin - -

2. Love Story Of The Ages

By Amanda Leonard

Did you know that the pages within your book hold the greatest love story that is yet to be told? Your life, like many around the world, is impregnated with words that could script a lengthy autobiography. Each person has a story and depending on their perspective, most likely will depict the way the story will be told.

Some people have endured much suffering, yet their faith and hope would prevail through the darkest of times and no matter the circumstance, it would prove to be a story of victory written within their pages. Others may have what most would consider a good life and yet because something is missing, they search for happiness in all the wrong places. Their story would be void of joy and true life. I guess it all depends on the way you look at things, your outlook. It depends on what you see as Truth and your definition of love.

So, back to the love story that you hold within your pages. Maybe you are one of the ones who doesn’t even know that you hold within you a love story of the ages. Some may have happened to plunder across this new discovery of love, and find it new and scary, yet exciting and thrilling at the same time. It’s like the feeling of butterflies in their stomach, as hope and divine romance begin to fill their being. Others are so immersed in this love story that they are living it today and since this love invitation, their feet have never again touched the ground. This love that they have found is like a pearl of great price, they would sell all they had to buy the field where it lay. With this intimate love they have found, they would gladly give their whole life and they do. This story is yours too, it’s awaiting you. Let’s jump in and begin again, to live this story of love that was created for you from the very beginning.

Here’s my story of Love, let the Seed be planted and let it grow into your own love story. It really is there, it may be hidden but it’s about to be revealed. Hint, hint, there’s going to be a Wedding and you are His Bride.

My story at first, didn’t look much look like a love story at all. In my eyes, it was a pretty much mundane and lackluster. Day in and day out, the same thing. It was full of shame, guilt, pride, hurt, self and sin. My worth was based upon what others thought of me. So from that place of rejection and insecurity, came a drive for performance and a false identity. I had an orphan spirit. Abba? I didn’t even know what that meant, much less Who He was.

Then one day, I heard about this man Jesus who became my sin, who took my guilt and shame upon Him at the cross. This, Jesus, He died for me and loved me before I even knew Him? I heard that He loved me and knew me even before my mother’s womb? It sounded too good to be true. Could there really be such a love? The Father called me His and said that I was now part of His family, that I was His daughter and He was my heavenly Father. Now, He wants to live inside of ME?!!! The very same God who raised Jesus wants to come and make His abode inside of ME!!! I was just being introduced to Him but I was already beginning to believe my own love story. I was starting to look less at myself and my lack and more at Jesus. This story was starting to get good.

Before I knew this love story about my King, it still held true. Little did I know that actually my love story had begun over 2,000 years ago. Even though I didn’t know about Him or His love for me, it didn’t mean that our story wasn’t written within the pages of my book that He had written for me before time began. It was there, hidden, yet destined to be revealed. His love caused Him to chase after me, just as He chases after you. I’ve seen a glimpse of His love and it has changed me. His love changed my perspective of our love story.

He lifted my face from the dirt, placed a crown upon my head and sealed me as His. He gave me new eyes to see through the hole in His hands, to the real me! He became to me, more than words on a page but an experiential Person who wants a love relationship with me, as He does you too. He satisfied every hunger and thirst. He told me, “All I have is yours.”, and I didn't even have to earn it. A heavenly inheritance He has given to those who are His. I found my destiny, that by His Spirit I could accomplish all that He had desired for me by His grace. I discovered that I was a son (daughter), a Bride and Wife of Christ, that I rule and reign with Him, beside Him. All the while, resting at His side and He wraps me up in His loving arms and ravishes His unconditional love upon me. Wow, what a love that the Father has lavished upon me. Upon us.

I feel like I’m still at the beginning of my journey with Him, as He continues to uncover this love story to me. I’m also learning about the reciprocation of this love relationship. I open all of myself to Him and He opens all of Himself to me. I’m learning to trust more in His ability, than my performance. I’m learning to lean into Him and His grace towards me, when I mess up. Use to, I would run away and hide when I would mess up. I’ve learned to run to Him because He’s always waiting to catch me with arms wide open. I’m learning to do less self-analysis and just open myself to Him to change me like only He can. Through this process of discovering my love story, I’ve realized that everyone has this same love story. It just has to be opened up, uncovered and read.

The Truth is Love has a face, with eyes as deep as the ocean’s bottom. He is wrapped in Light and is ready to shine through your darkness. The Truth is Love is chasing after you and you cannot hide. The Truth is that Love can break down every wall, break every chain, heal every hurt, and bring hope, healing and grace. The Truth is a Person Who knew you before you came to earth. The Truth hung on a cross for you and became sin, so that you could become the righteousness of God. The Truth is A Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world, for you. The Truth is calling you into His cloud filled chamber, for His love to change you forever. The Truth is a man named Jesus and He is the main character of this glorious love story! The Truth is you are His Bride and there’s going to be a wedding and you’re invited! Behold, the bridegroom cometh!

This story is yours too. His love for you is beyond measure. Maybe you didn’t know about this love story, or maybe you’ve just discovered His love for you, either way I promise you there’s more. I see Him unveiling the Word within you, unveiling what’s been written. He is beckoning you to abide with Him in the most intimate places of His heart. It may be messy and reckless but I promise it will be beautiful!

Ephesians 3:17-19 AMP “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And may you, having been [deeply] rooted and [securely] grounded in love, 18 be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints (God’s people) the width and length and height and depth of His love [fully experiencing that amazing, endless love] ; 19 and [that you may come] to know [practically, through personal experience] the love of Christ which far surpasses [mere] knowledge [without experience], that you may be filled up [throughout your being] to all the fullness of God [so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your lives, completely filled and flooded with God Himself]. “

Amanda Leonard ence/ -

3. News Headlines

Israel and Russia Join Forces - Netanyahu and Putin Meet: Israel and Russia Will Coordinate Military Activities in Syria - 9/23/2015
"Israel and Russia share a common interest to ensure stability in the Middle East. And I am here because of the security situation which is becoming ever more complex on our northern border... We have never forgotten that very many emigrants from the former Soviet Union live in Israel. This has a special effect on our bilateral relations." –Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah.

Lebanese Radio: Chinese Military May Get Involved in Syria Alongside Russia, Iran - 9/24/2015
Anonymous senior Hezbollah sources have said that under a certain scenario China may become involved militarily in Syria, should it become convinced that President Bashar al-Assad’s regime is in critical danger. According to these officials, Assad relies on Russian-Chinese support for his survival. Move will not be marginal, and could materialize in the near future.

Non-Stop Prayer Movement Grips Atheist China - Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, thousands of Christians are meeting non-stop - 9/23/2015
What started as a small gathering six years ago has become a nationwide prayer initiative. The Chinese government tried to snuff out Christianity. In the late 1940s, some 500,000 Chinese Christians were killed. When the Communists took power in the 1940s there were roughly 4 million Christians in China. Today, well over 100 million are followers of Jesus Christ.

Amid refugee crisis, relief is coming - Syrian Christians face life-and-death choices - 9/23/2015
About half of Syria’s population–11 million people–have been displaced, either inside Syria or have taken refuge in other countries (mainly Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan). dd in those fleeing the Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS chapters, and other militant groups, and you have 60 million people who have been displaced because of war, conflict, and persecution.

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains in California as Hundreds of Homes Burn in Butte and Valley Fires - 9/23/2015
Crisis-trained chaplains with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team are in California to minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of those who have been affected by the widespread Butte and Valley Fires. The Valley Fire in Lake County has charred 73,700 acres, 4,000 firefighters working the front lines That blaze has destroyed 585 homes and hundreds of other structures.

Preparing for Urbana 15: Part One and Two - InterVarsity’s 24th Student Missions Conference. - 9/23/2015
The end goal of Urbana 15 is getting college students plugged into missions. But, Urbana 15 and global missions in general are about something even higher. Learning from the Persecuted Church. “Missions revolves around the story of God.” Find your role in God’s story at Urbana15. The majority of college kids: want their lives to make a difference.

Nepal in Crisis Four Months After Quakes April 25th and May 12th 7.9 and 7.3 - emergency is not over yet - 9/23/2015
To date, 210 million USD is received in aid and another 222 million dollars provided directly to the Nepal government. Just two weeks ago Nepal developed the Reconstruction Authority with 4 billion US dollars. The Nepal government has yet to arrange the reception of all the monies pledged by foreign governments. Only 4% of earthquake relief funds have been distributed.

Canadian Parents Standing Strong - More Parents Begin Standing against Inappropriate Sex-Ed Curriculum—Strikes Spread across Ontario - 9/23/2015
Analysis of the curriculum documents that it introduces children to homosexuality in Grade 3, masturbation in Grade 6, oral and anal sex in Grade 7 and that it teaches there are six genders rather than two biological sexes. The controversial sex-ed curriculum violates children's innocence by age-inappropriate explicit information, and by pushing a dangerous sexual agenda.

Hagee on Iran Deal: Final Blood Moon a Divine Warning - 9/23/2015
The rise of ISIS. The Iran nuclear deal. Israeli war with Hamas. All of these world-altering events have taken place since Passover 2014, when the first in a series of four blood moons appeared. The last of these blood moons is on September 28. "The current tetrad of four blood moons is a sign from God to the world that something major is about to happen involving Israel."

Burned alive in the womb, she miraculously survived a failed abortion - 9/23/2015
“After 18 hours of being burned in my mother’s womb, I was delivered alive in an abortion clinic in Los Angeles,” “If abortion is about women’s rights, then what were mine?” “If the abortionist had been there, he would have ended my life. Instead a nurse called an ambulance, and I was rushed to the hospital.” - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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