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Topic: Digest September 30, 2015

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Subject: Digest September 30, 2015
Date Posted: 09/30/2015 at 11:12am Digest Publication

In This Issue
Forming the New Kingdom Order
A Modern-day Parable - Part 5

2. Ambassadors of Heaven Assigned to Earth
News Headlines nheaven - SUBSCRIBE Digest

1. Forming the New Kingdom Order
      A Modern Day Parable Part 5

By Ron McGatlin

In a land not so very far away in a time of signs and wonders, the people of mystery began a new life in a cleansed land.

They were called upon to build a new life upon the ashes of the past world order. The old world order was completely gone. The heavens around earth were new and very different. Almighty God and all the reality of heaven with holy angels were very near at all times. The dark forces that had occupied the heavens around Planet Earth were completely gone. There was no longer a vast cavern between heaven and earth and no distance at all between God and mankind.

It was a time when righteousness reigned across the entire world. Everyone sought to order their lives by God’s righteous ways of doing and being. As a result peace reigned in every home, every city, and every nation of the world. There was a brightness of joy upon every person and every household.

Every man looked after others as well as his own. There was no longer competition between brothers, and there was real transparency as there was nothing anyone wanted to keep hidden. No need to build emotional walls for protection from one another. Locks were not needed on doors of homes or store houses. Trust was made easy in the atmosphere of the pure holy love of the presence of God in and with mankind.

The atmosphere and the weather of the planet responded to the heavenly environment produced by God through the Sons of God ruling and reigning upon the earth. Pleasant rain or peaceful snow fell in the days of warm summers and cool winters. Vicious storms moderated, and the seas were gentle and remained in their place. The forests, the grasslands, the farm crops, and the fruit trees all grew and produced bountifully. The cattle and sheep along with all the animals of the forest, fields, and mountains prospered and multiplied rapidly.

Christ Jesus was the living head of every person and family on earth. Worship of the one true God of all creation was always in the hearts of the people. The glory of the spiritual Mountain of God filled the entire earth. Every order and activity of life on earth was patterned from the Mountain of God. Entire cities would come together to worship and praise the one true God, and there was none who opposed.

The old ways had passed away.

There was no longer need, greed, lust, nor pride among any of the people. Because these things were gone, there was no longer any fear, jealously, anxiety, worry, or strife. Without any of these negative drives in mankind, there was no more war. There was no crime and no laws to be enforced. Sickness and disease disappeared from the earth.

The life span of the people began to increase until there was no more death in the world, only a gentle peaceful transition from the natural life that is within time into a completely Spirit life without time.

There was plenty of everything for everyone. Since there was no more need for vast resources to be poured into costly destructive wars and no massive expense of hospitals, clinics, medicines, medical institutions, mental institutions, and no need for prisons, there was sufficient monetary and human resources to provide for all the needs of all the people of the world. The most important thing of all was that there was plenty of time for communion with God and glorious limitless worship and praise to Almighty God.

Life was beautiful with plenty of productive activity for everyone without over-burdening anyone. There was no rushing about striving to get things done. There was always plenty of time for lovingly relating to the children and training them in God’s pure love, wisdom, and gentle power. The children were taught from an early age that it was God who worked in them to accomplish their God-given purpose for their lives. Every adult person directly related to Father God through Christ Jesus abiding within them by the Holy Spirit from their youth. Life on earth was a natural expression of spiritual heaven.

The Living Model Pattern for Kingdom Governance

Perhaps the purest and most beautiful part of all was the God-inspired love relationship of husband and wife. It was the most intense and intimate love relationship of natural life. The two truly became one with pure love and care in total transparency and complete trust in one another. The two truly were one as Christ and His holy Bride are one. A perfect replica of God and His people was manifested in the families as a visible message to all creation of the perfect order of God.

God’s family pattern was the root and pattern for all governmental authority structures that brought the King’s order to every cooperative structure in the land. Christ was the head of every husband/father who in turn was the loving head of the wife/mother, and they together were the head of the family. The children growing up in the family obeyed their father and mother. When they were grown they no longer obeyed their parents but honored them all of their lives. They left their family homes and parents to be married and established the same godly ordered type of family in the next generation.

The family and every corporate entity in the kingdom of God was modeled after God’s family pattern that worked by love, was ordered by love, and held together by the love of God.

The entire world became a showcase to all creation and eternity of the glory of God. A natural visible and tangible demonstration of the unseen spiritual reality of Heaven and the Living God of all creation. The kingdoms of this world had become the kingdoms of our God.

THE END of A Modern-day Parable


Would it be too much for me to tell you that all this already exists in the eternal now of God? It is alright if it blows our minds, but can it fit in our spirits? Yes, it is true that the kingdom of God as partially described above in very brief and simple form, fully exists in seed form now in the God of eternal now that is firmly planted and abiding within people of God on earth.

Can my spirit and soul receive and respond to the good news that the seed of the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth is planted inside of me and you now?

With our natural eyes, we may not now see all things under the feet of Christ Jesus in the world. However, if we can see it in our spiritual eyes and feel it in our spirit mind, we can begin to live in it now and become a part of the manifestation of the fullness of it into the natural world. The appointed time of our personal fullness is the moment we see and believe the substance of spiritual reality of the kingdom of God.

What is too big for God Almighty? With God all things are possible.

Do not fear little flock; it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Ron McGatlin - -

2. Ambassadors of Heaven Assigned to Earth

By Clay Sikes

Over the centuries there has been much in the way of religious understanding that curtails any real knowledge of the “Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.” Man and his religion has limited us to human understanding, and therefore kept us void of the spiritual reality of a true role ‘on earth.’ Religion disallows the revelation that EARTH IS A COLONY OF HEAVEN, AND OUR JOB IS TO ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM IN HIS COLONY. The concept of bringing heaven’s government/culture to earth has been foreign, yet a ‘prophetically assigned awakening’ is changing all of that.

There is a set time for everything, and the time of the Kingdom to be openly displayed (on earth) has come. We have entered ‘the time of fullness ‘ – Tabernacles, a time of unity (man and God becoming one). Arthur Burt and many other prophetic voices spoke of this prior to their passing, as did the prophets of old. This oneness ‘awakening’ is happening all over the Body of Christ, like a new birth. When man awakens to God ‘in him,’ and awakens to “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4), “Christ in me, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:24-29), something great is about to happen – true purpose is about to be revealed! No longer will the stale 2nd Day – Church Age message provide life.

A restlessness is hitting the Body of Christ like a ticking time bomb – man hungers for his purpose upon earth. Look up! A witness is being birthed as Third day ‘doers’ are replacing Second day ‘talkers.’ When walk and talk marry, overcoming testimony (Revelation 12:11) becomes the witness. A ‘first-fruits’ company of ‘prophetic doers’ are being released into the earth in specific waves. First is the progressive wave of 1) Awakening (happening everywhere now), then 2) Arising (evidence of overcoming power), and lastly 3) Shinning (a ‘shinning’ of His favor and blessing, coupled with overcoming testimony). This initial wave of overcomers are pulling others along this track, much as an engine pulls a train (Joel 2:25-27).

We are indeed “foreigners and strangers” here, spirit beings known to God before the earth was made (Ephesians 1:4), sent to planet earth to inhabit a human body with a specific mission – colonize earth with heaven’s government (Kingdom). When we ‘awaken’ to the fact that we are no accident, but rather a well-intended spiritual force with a specific purpose, we ‘awaken’ to a union (reunion) with our Father who lives in heaven. Matthew 6: 9,10 comes alive when we pray “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come, your will be done ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN” – as does Matthew 6:33, “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and then all these things will be given to you…” These, and many other of Jesus’ words, implore us to understand heaven’s government such that it can be shared upon the earth.

Our inheritance is the Kingdom – our job is to colonize earth. We have appointed authority to accomplish our purpose. We have a right to be here, the devil does not. Demons are jealous that the earth is not theirs. When we as believers recognize that we as colonizers have God’s authority, the harassment of hell must stop. We are appointed to do “greater works,” which includes complete authority over demonic influences. We have the right to arrest the enemy when he unlawfully enters our domain.

We are NOT ‘human beings’ who happen to have a physical body, but rather ‘spirit beings’ who happen to be housed in a human body on planet called earth. When we ‘AWAKEN’ to this reality, we begin to sense purpose beyond human understanding – it is here, in spirit form that real life begins! We see in two dimensions – spirit and natural. Joshua and Caleb saw in both worlds, and conquered the one because they could see in the other! The limitations of human understanding fall off like scales, and “greater works” become possible. “Take the land!”

The Kingdom you serve determines how you live…your gift is your key to overcoming power: it is where your joy is – the real you! When your gift is complete, you become (like) a tree bearing fruit, a distributor of the Kingdom’s love, power, and authority on earth as it is in heaven – a witness of overcoming testimony, revealing to earth a witness of Kingdom government. When you find your gift you find life – When you distribute your gift you give Kingdom life to earth just as it would be in heaven!

You are heaven’s agent, an ambassador of the King, sent to share His Kingdom glory to earth just as it currently exist in heaven. Just as any ambassador, your job is to share your government’s position on all matters. Awaken’ ambassadors to your assignment on earth, and live like you’ve never lived!!!

Clay Sikes -

3. News Headlines

Obama Administration Covering Up the Facts on ISIS Fight? - 9/30/2015
The Marine Corps general picked to lead the U.S. fight against ISIS in Iraq is stepping down this fall. Gen. John Allen is leaving over his frustration over U.S. policy in the Middle East. The Defense Intelligence Angency sent a letter to the Pentagon's Inspector General claiming that intelligence reports are being altered to present a better picture than really exists.

Russia Launches Airstrikes in Syria, but Not at ISIS - 9/30/2015
Russia launched airstrikes in Syria today, raising concerns about Kremlin plans to prop up the Syrian dictator. Putin sought to portray the airstrikes as a pre-emptive against ISIS. Earlier in the day, Russian leaders told the U.S. to get its warplanes out of Syria immediately in a new sign that the Kremlin is growing more aggressive in its push for dominance there.

How Islam progressively takes over countries - 9/30/2015
Muslim population remains under 2% in a country, they will be seen primarily as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to other citizens. As the Muslim population reaches 2% to 5%, they begin to recruit from ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, within prisons and street gangs. From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence. 10% increase lawlessness complaint....

Christian escapes Iran, finds refuge in U.S. - Christians with an eye on biblical prophecy are growing wary. - 9/30/2015
Formerly known as Persia, Iran is mentioned in Ezekiel 38’s prophecy as having a starring role with Russia in End Times events. Persia and Rosh (Russia) are described as having a military alliance intent on invading and destroying Israel. Key talks between Iran and Russia equivalent took place back in January. Iran is blaming the U.S. and Israel for Middle East turmoil.

In New York, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam And Laid A Foundation For A One World Religion - 9/29/2015
I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I unite myself with you all. A prayer to almighty god, all merciful. - I greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful.

Showdown in California: Signature Gathering Starts for Parental Notification - 9/28/2015
One bright hope looms large for the lives of the unborn and young teenage girls—parental notification. Whereby one parent of an under-18-year-old girl would be notified before an abortion is performed on her, came within two percent of victory at the ballot in 2008. Since 2008, three major changes have taken place. Partly because of the fetal parts videos released.

Mike Huckabee Rebukes Obama for Embarrassing the Pope - 9/28/2015
President Obama threw a big shindig for Pope Francis and the guest list caused all sorts of controversy. A gaggle of gay activists were invited to scarf down cocktail weenies at the White House—along with an openly gay Episcopal bishop and some pro-abortion Catholics. Catholic Online accused the president of setting up an LGBT ambush. The Vatican took issue...

Christian Refugees: 'Please Pray for Us' - 9/28/2015
ERBIL, Kurdistan -- Many of the Christians who fled ISIS are not in the larger refugee camps. Instead, they live in neighborhoods throughout Kurdistan and in Erbil. The transition from normal life to refugee status has been hard. "For example, we came here and found out we would be living in a small apartment with five or six families. It was very difficult for us."

Fourth Blood Moon: A Blessing and a Warning - Blood Moon: Everything You Need to Know - 9/28/2015
Previous blood moon tetrads -- all falling on Jewish feast days -- have coincided with major events for Israel and the Jewish people. In 1492, the Jews were expelled from Spain and Columbus discovered America, which would become a safe haven for the Jewish people. In 1948, Israel was reborn as a modern nation. And in 1967, Israel recaptured Jerusalem during the Six-Day War...

Lebanese Radio: Chinese Military May Get Involved in Syria Alongside Russia, Iran - 9/24/2015
Anonymous senior Hezbollah sources have said that under a certain scenario China may become involved militarily in Syria, should it become convinced that President Bashar al-Assad’s regime is in critical danger. According to these officials, Assad relies on Russian-Chinese support for his survival. Move will not be marginal, and could materialize in the near future. - MORE NEWS HEADLINES

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