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Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 10/15/2009 at 9:36am

Kriston Couchey


Praise God for the revelation of the Kingdom of God coming forth in this hour. It seems you can't listen to any teaching today without the Kingdom of God being promoted in some fashion or another. God truly is speaking loudly in this hour about His intent for the hour in which we live. That intent is that in this hour the kingdom of God would be fully established.

Whenever God begins to bring to light an aspect of truth in a broad and powerful manner the enemy also comes in to inject the leaven of false teaching. The devil tries to sidetrack the work of God in order to make ineffective and abort the truth God is highlighting and bringing to birth. The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to all peoples signals the culmination of God's purposes for the earth. It was Jesus' main message, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." The Kingdom has always been God's main message, but today God is bringing to light the fullness of the message because the kingdom is NOW being established in it's fullness as God intended. We must be sure of what we are preaching and know what the kingdom is by revelation of the Holy Spirit.

This leaven being injected today is taking the basic truth of the Kingdom and twisting it with added elements that serve the flesh of men. We must beware that much of this is the bringing in of old leaven into the new Work of God. This leaven is man made teachings that are not revelation of the Spirit. They are false concepts masquerading as kingdom truth. It is important to understand the nature of the kingdom that allows us to identify and reject the false then to focus on the error being injected. The false is sent to distract and hinder God's people from entering into their destinies in Christ. Here are a few clarifications as to what the kingdom is.

...nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you.
The kingdom is the state of the heart. It is ...righteousnesses, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit. These are states of being in the hearts of God's children. The kingdom is first and foremost "within" the hearts of His children and is not an externally observable event. It is manifest among us and on the earth as we express the contents our hearts to each other and to creation.

If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Values in the kingdom are unlike the values of the world. God values the innocent and trusting faith of a child. He also values men laying down their lives in service to Him and each other. Men value positions of influence.

Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
The kingdom is comprised of a Father who is the king, and children (sons) that are brothers and sisters of Christ and each other. The first and foremost relationship in the kingdom is a deep and unbreakable sonship relationship to Father, and then an unbreakable relationship of brotherhood (and sisterhood) with each other. The inheritance of the sons in Father's kingdom is Father Himself. He is our exceedingly great reward. As His sons we partake of the divine person of Father in both nature and authority. In this inheritance, ALL things are ours in Christ.
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.
The kingdom is manifest in power. Whatever is truly of the kingdom has overcoming power. That power is the power to change lives, circumstances, and to overcome all the power of the devil. If something called kingdom does not have power, it is not of the kingdom.

...we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
The kingdom is going to be received through perseverance of hardship. The world hated Jesus, and it hates His ambassadors. Good times and success are not the promises of God. Jesus gave assurance that in the world we would have trouble, but He has overcome the world

Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
The kingdom is not about earthly riches or treasure. God can and will supply all we need and in abundance. There is a reason scripture downplays worldly riches as it pertains to the kingdom. Being financially successful is not the measure of the spiritual state of a man's heart. If it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom then for a camel to go through an eye of a needle then we need to put our focus on what is of real importance to God. In the kingdom, God provides the means to accomplish whatever task He gives, be the need billions of dollars or simply a dollar. Riches are for the sake of blessing and accomplishing our kingdom mandate. True riches are not finances or material resources.

Kriston Couchey

One of the chosen foolish and weak -


Posted By: Ken Hornsby
Date Posted: 10/16/2009 at 6:47am

Kris, I definitely see the connection here that you referred to with Ron's writing about the Spin Masters. You have spoken well here - concise with much "meat". When it truly is the Kingdom, it doesn't need a lot of extra words or man's spin; it can stand on its own. Thank you for not doing that here. It all boils down to 3 letters, that when "spun", they say something totally different: the Kingdom is never about "how"; it is always about "who".


Posted By: Stephen Michael
Date Posted: 10/22/2009 at 9:59pm

In the kingdom of heaven IN people are various sorts of blocks and
barriers to them experientially "knowing" God. This is because human
beings are part flesh and part spirit. The spirit part, or the kingdom of
heaven part IN them, has been hijacked by evil which then hides and
humans don't know that that is what's going on. The kingdom of heaven
is near (to be realized and perceived by those blocked off to it IN them!)
Indeed it is "near". Jesus came to explain that a part of humanity was near
and hidden or non-understandable as a result of evil blocking it off, and
also that His heavens as a man (fully human as well as divine) were clean
and free, and that humans can have theirs free the
Kingdom of God (His rule) experientially coming into their kingdom of
heaven (their personal heaven component or blocked spiritual part of
their dual flesh and spirit human make-up). Simple! The good news is so
simple! It only becomes complex if we don't see as Jesus sees and do
what He's doing now to have Christ formed IN us and IN others!
For many, in the transformation into the Kingdom experience IN them,
they simply haven't gone far enough into the new because they have
listened to religious "shepherds" and preachers who have not gone into it
enough either....or rather received Jesus INto them enough.
God is indeed doing a "new thing" to bypass this log jam.
This is why there's a call going out to leave the old inadequate ways and
means of "doing" so-called church but which is in effect a religious and
SPIRITUAL snare of one sort or another. If one doesn't realize and
respond, God in His love may shake your life and stuff if you are called in
His purposes. You are being called to not just "Come out" but also to
"Come up" or "Go IN". It all begins there. It all grows there. Babylon to go
from there.
The Kingdom of God is within you and needs to grow there FIRST!
Let God have His way how He does that and how He shows that...
New things are being shown....!
New things about HOW we are made as human beings and how God can
interact with us to set us free (as the dual natured beings we are) in
Christ, and especially how we relate to His spiritual Creation...the other
spiritual beings and dimensions He made...and which He made in us and
for US! These new things will blow old understandings of His Kingdom
out the window because they can be entered into and perceived indeed the Kingdom is meant to be perceived and
experienced. Love undergirds. Power exhibits the truth of it. Experientially
perceived and met IN first. Outward second. Far enough IN first for Christ
to be formed IN us. Then the outer complies. Spirit nations subdued IN
first. "Worldly" nations outer next.
Oh please stop running into the nations of the world and thinking it's
primarily the right way. Good intentions, admirable sacrifice....but not
what Jesus meant! Rest in God and let Him do the work of cleaning and
freeing IN. He will!!
What sort of things are in the way of the Kingdom coming IN to free our
personal kingdom of heaven IN us ? You can talk about external things if
you like, but there are spirit doors, spirit kings, spirit shrouds, nets,
cages, traps, spirit attachments, hooks, lines, generational spiritual
issues, marks placed on us by stars, manipulations of light and sound,
etc...tangible spirit reality that "divide" our "oneness" as individual beings
made in the image of God...used against us by spiritual wickedness. We
have been "captured" by this spiritual wickedness. Revelations of "how"
and "what to do about it" are for sure (as Ken says in his post here) found
in the "who" of Christ, and the H Sp IS our teacher and we don't need any
man (with the spiritual stuff IN him or her not properly sorted!) to "teach"
us! The "church" needs to start to be truly taught by the H Sp and to see
"reality" differently because our inner kingdom of heaven is a place Jesus
is comfortable in and so should we be with whatever He shows us about
previously hidden things IN us (He's "passed through the heavens", right?
), rather than us be at home in externally manifested but spiritual Babylon
with al its reasoning and darkened opinions!
People....your personal heaven IN you is where Jesus wants to bring the
Kingdom of God, so that you and your whole being can be ONE in Christ
rather than "divided". In order for that to happen you need to really want
it, and to let Christ show you surprising new things about the extensive
reality He made for your spirit to live in NOW. It is not just about trusting
and waiting and enduring....He wants to show and tell you the truth about
your world and His so you can be freed by His direct power IN you and
flow in His purposes properly WITH Him there, and then externally.
I want to say this too. Apostles are sent ones....sent into the inner
heavens FIRST before being sent anywhere external! They follow the Lord.
We are to be LIKE HIM. He wants that. I want that. Do you?
A practical suggestion: Optional! Lie on your bed or anywhere relaxing.
Ask the Father to give you the nations IN you and to get spiritual Babylon
completely OUT of you. Allow time for Him to move IN you by His Holy
Spirit and begin to do this. My own experience has been "swooshes" of
power as he moved IN to answer prayers like that, as I waited on Him (God
is always removing spiritual things in the way so we can be nearer to
Him). Then He can open up the areas previously darkened and show how
He wants to live there in light with HIS spiritual hosts / armies / those
who love Him, with you and IN you as you perceive new reality as it
should be experienced as part of an absolutely normal growth process.
What? You mean out of a "church" and not with my "pastor" or previous
"teacher" praying for me?....YES, for sure! Rest in that!

Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 10/23/2009 at 12:02am

What an encouragement Stephen!!! I am very glad you shared that. I know in my spirit you are speaking truth. The great hindrance to personal transformation is looking externally to others who set themselves up to be for us what God can be only by His spirit In us. and that is King of the kingdom of our being.

Wow, i am really blessed!!! I have been encouraged and changed..


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Douglas Clark
Date Posted: 10/23/2009 at 6:40am

Hi Kriston,

I agree with all of your kingdom clarifications! I have come to view error
in a different light though.   I used to see things from the premise that
God was doing His thing and that the devil was always trying to mess
things up, or somehow attempt to advert the plan of God. On one level
that is true -- He is like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. But
when I look at the big picture I see how the Father uses error to keep the
flesh from inheriting the Kingdom of God. It reminds me of the angel
with the flaming sword guarding the tree of life.

I'm not suggesting that we quit declaring the truth. To the contrary the
Spirit of God will arise in us to declare His truth and to set a plumb line.
What I am saying is I have come to recognize the synchronicity of how
ALL THINGS work together for the ultimate fulfillment of the plan of God.
The strongest case for this argument is Judas betraying Jesus which led to
the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus. While this event was in play it was
difficult for those close to Him to see the hand of God in it all. After the
resurrection -- especially after Pentecost the purpose of God became

The many false thing arising today, including the apostolic movement,
are used by God to keep out the flesh. My sheep hear my voice and not
the voice of the stranger. Sometimes getting off the track can ultimately
produce the prodigal son effect after we are judged.

Anyway, keep clarifying!


Posted By: Kriston Couchey
Date Posted: 10/23/2009 at 8:26am


that is a VERY interesting thing. I truly can see what you are saying. Error is the places the flesh likes to hide to keep alive, but in all the ways in which we are following flesh we miss the kingdom. I will embed that in my spirit... But i also see it as kind of a holding place or place of tribulation for those who refuse to "repent" (change their minds.

But also we must realize as well, the gospel of the kingdom is to be preached and when given that task I must do it when led...

How can they believe unless they hear?? And how do they hear unless they are told? But your words are good food for me....


One of the chosen foolish and weak -

Posted By: Douglas Clark
Date Posted: 10/23/2009 at 8:36am


Amen to all you said. I would add that sometimes we can find ourselves in
situations where we don't know how to repent until the thing has run its
course. Because certain things are so embedded in us that it requires a
process to flush it out and then remove it. But I still believe we are to
declare the truth, so keep on sharing what the Lord puts on your heart.

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