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Vessels and Electrcity

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Forum Name: PERSONAL SHARING - Fellowship, Encouragement, Devotional Words, POETRY, Lyrics & Pictures
Forum Discription: Share what the Lord is teaching and showing you! Interact with Christians around the world! There are some great words of encouragement shared here!
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:11pm

Topic: Vessels and Electrcity

Posted By: David Darling
Subject: Vessels and Electrcity
Date Posted: 09/03/2016 at 2:48pm

Vessels and Electricity

One thing I learned in school was about the behavior
of electrons. The only way for electricity to do it's
job is to move in a completed circuit, in the case of
a battery it exits (-) end, and then flows along a
copper wire into the (+) and any device in the loop
between the (-) and (+) will receive power as the
electricity flows through it. As long as this is
happening current will flow. However if there is a
break in the loop this is a short circuit and the
electrons will stop dead in their tracks, they will
not move unless they have a place to go. Just like
electrons will not move unless they have a place to
go, God's power also will not move unless it has a
vessel, like in the scripture Elisha and the widows
oil. Elisha told the widow to give him a vessel and it
was miraculously filled with oil. He told her to keep
giving him vessels and they were filled and finally
she ran out of vessels and the blessing stopped. Like
the Widow's oil the power of electricity will also
stop once there is no longer a “vessel”.

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