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A solemn assembly via the internet.

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 5:42pm

Topic: A solemn assembly via the internet.

Posted By: Heather Butler
Subject: A solemn assembly via the internet.
Date Posted: 08/22/2008 at 12:54am

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Rev Heather Butler
2 Chronicles 7 - 14 - 15

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

Dear friends


This prayer is a prophetic act, the sending out of it is to encourage us all to look again, to see how the Lord views our lives so that we can discern all that is Him, and be rid of all that is not of Him. The Lord is calling us to regroup, to mobilize as the army of God, but to do that there are things that we need to re learn, to look at, to get rid of, to lay down.


I believe that when we come together as one body in one accord that its very powerful, when we speak with one voice the Father hears us, which is why its important to come into agreement in prayer with each other, this is a solemn assembly via the internet, will you join me in prayer and repentance today and emable the Holy Spirit to reveal those areas in our lives that we need to change  Every blessing Heather.


I have spoken out this prayer this morning, and ask that you stand with me and cry out to the lord too. 


We are living in times where now more than ever we need to ensure that what we say and do lines up with scripture and is from right motivation .  I have felt in my own life a concern rise within me for the body of Christ and for myself as I have begun to recognise just how many of us have allowed an infiltration of things into our lives that may on the surface seem to be godly but which may not be.


 Many of us have doctrines that have been handed down to us that have been part of who we are, and we have believed those things and we need to recheck again, are they tied up in celtic mysticism, new age, wrong teachings from the platform. 


Now more than ever we need to come back to the cross, to come back to Jesus, what did he say what did he teach, how did he react to sin of any kind.


 Todays prayer is something I believe that the lord has given me to send out, so that those of us who feel the need are able to come as David did before the lord, and ask him to search us to see if there is anything that we need to change.


I believe that this is an opportunity for us all to unite in prayer to enable the Holy Spirit to come and speak with us about those things that we need to let go of, to re focus on what is important. 


Every blessing to you, I pray that Jesus in you the Hope of Glory will come and transform  lives as we are brought back to the truth of his word, and of his divine nature . blessings Heather.


Prayer of repentance.


Lord I come before your throne of Grace, and ask that you will wash and cleanse me from those things that have come into my life through unsound doctrine, through religiosity, through theories of man that were not of you. I hand over these things to you and place them at the foot of the cross, and ask you to forgive me for allowing anything into my life that would get in the way of the truth of who you are and your word.


Jesus, as I turn to you for your help in these last days, will you wash and cleanse me of any unrighteousness and impurity, I give you permission to come and reveal to me those areas in my life that I need to change, no matter how difficult that may be, I desire to be made clean in every area of my life that is offensive  to you.  Lord if I have taught anything that was not scriptural, and that was not your word, would you also reveal that to me and make a way possible for me to come to those people, and admit that I got it wrong. Father I would never knowingly advocate anything that was against your will, your plans and purposes, but I do recognise how easy it is to be influenced by many things as we walk through each day.


Lord, I don’t want to live only for myself, I desire to live only for you, so that I am not seen and you are seen, so that you will be glorified in every circumstance of my life.

Lord as I send this prayer out, would you enable those who read it to come before you too, so that many of us can be brought into that place of release and freedom.


Lord will you quiet my spirit that I may spend time with you, will you draw me into that secret place in you, so that I can come and dwell in your presence, and re focus. Will you speak to me through the truth of your word, through dreams or visions, will you enable me to get back on track once again.


Lord I love you, and am so aware that without you I can do nothing, but through you I can do all things because you strengthen me, cause me to come into that place of purity to enable that word to come to pass in my own life that many will be encouraged saved set free healed. Lord my only desire is to see you lifted up that all may be drawn near to you.


I  repent of my sin, and I leave it at the cross now, and walk away, leaving my shortcomings and sin with you, come into the newness of this day, that we may walk and talk together.


 Thankyou for your cleansing, thankyou that when I come in repentance before you that you cover me in your robes. Thankyou for your forgiveness, and for new life in you.





It's not by might not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord


Posted By: Tina Strode
Date Posted: 08/22/2008 at 8:42am

Sister Heather, I come in agreement with this prayer and may we stand together in wind and fire in the Throne Room and may our Father's promises come to pass that He receives ALL THE GLORY!  Amen

Shalom, Tina

I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.   Isaiah 42:6

Posted By: Susan Boje
Date Posted: 08/22/2008 at 8:57am

I am in agreement also with this prayer,  Let it be so Lord, search me, correct me, cleanse me and restore me.

thanks Heather, this is the Lords heart

Posted By: alicia myers
Date Posted: 08/22/2008 at 10:09am

Heather Butler wrote:

Rev Heather Butler
2 Chronicles 7 - 14 - 15

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

Dear friends


This prayer is a prophetic act, the sending out of it is to encourage us all to look again, to see how the Lord views our lives so that we can discern all that is Him, and be rid of all that is not of Him. The Lord is calling us to regroup, to mobilize as the army of God, but to do that there are things that we need to re learn, to look at, to get rid of, to lay down.


I believe that when we come together as one body in one accord that its very powerful, when we speak with one voice the Father hears us, which is why its important to come into agreement in prayer with each other, this is a solemn assembly via the internet, will you join me in prayer and repentance today and emable the Holy Spirit to reveal those areas in our lives that we need to change  Every blessing Heather.


I have spoken out this prayer this morning, and ask that you stand with me and cry out to the lord too. 


We are living in times where now more than ever we need to ensure that what we say and do lines up with scripture and is from right motivation .  I have felt in my own life a concern rise within me for the body of Christ and for myself as I have begun to recognise just how many of us have allowed an infiltration of things into our lives that may on the surface seem to be godly but which may not be.


 Many of us have doctrines that have been handed down to us that have been part of who we are, and we have believed those things and we need to recheck again, are they tied up in celtic mysticism, new age, wrong teachings from the platform. 


Now more than ever we need to come back to the cross, to come back to Jesus, what did he say what did he teach, how did he react to sin of any kind.


 Todays prayer is something I believe that the lord has given me to send out, so that those of us who feel the need are able to come as David did before the lord, and ask him to search us to see if there is anything that we need to change.


I believe that this is an opportunity for us all to unite in prayer to enable the Holy Spirit to come and speak with us about those things that we need to let go of, to re focus on what is important. 


Every blessing to you, I pray that Jesus in you the Hope of Glory will come and transform  lives as we are brought back to the truth of his word, and of his divine nature . blessings Heather.


Prayer of repentance.


Lord I come before your throne of Grace, and ask that you will wash and cleanse me from those things that have come into my life through unsound doctrine, through religiosity, through theories of man that were not of you. I hand over these things to you and place them at the foot of the cross, and ask you to forgive me for allowing anything into my life that would get in the way of the truth of who you are and your word.


Jesus, as I turn to you for your help in these last days, will you wash and cleanse me of any unrighteousness and impurity, I give you permission to come and reveal to me those areas in my life that I need to change, no matter how difficult that may be, I desire to be made clean in every area of my life that is offensive  to you.  Lord if I have taught anything that was not scriptural, and that was not your word, would you also reveal that to me and make a way possible for me to come to those people, and admit that I got it wrong. Father I would never knowingly advocate anything that was against your will, your plans and purposes, but I do recognise how easy it is to be influenced by many things as we walk through each day.


Lord, I don’t want to live only for myself, I desire to live only for you, so that I am not seen and you are seen, so that you will be glorified in every circumstance of my life.

Lord as I send this prayer out, would you enable those who read it to come before you too, so that many of us can be brought into that place of release and freedom.


Lord will you quiet my spirit that I may spend time with you, will you draw me into that secret place in you, so that I can come and dwell in your presence, and re focus. Will you speak to me through the truth of your word, through dreams or visions, will you enable me to get back on track once again.


Lord I love you, and am so aware that without you I can do nothing, but through you I can do all things because you strengthen me, cause me to come into that place of purity to enable that word to come to pass in my own life that many will be encouraged saved set free healed. Lord my only desire is to see you lifted up that all may be drawn near to you.


I  repent of my sin, and I leave it at the cross now, and walk away, leaving my shortcomings and sin with you, come into the newness of this day, that we may walk and talk together.


 Thankyou for your cleansing, thankyou that when I come in repentance before you that you cover me in your robes. Thankyou for your forgiveness, and for new life in you.






More of Christ, Less of Me..

Posted By: Heather Butler
Date Posted: 08/22/2008 at 3:01pm

thankyou lord that you answer our prayers when we come before you, thankyou that there is a turning of the tide coming to the nations, thankyou that this is a brand new day for us all as we come to you. amen

It's not by might not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord

Posted By: Heather Butler
Date Posted: 08/26/2008 at 2:31am

Dear friends

please could I ask you to print my post out, or pass it on in its entirety apart from the comments of others to those friends family and churches that you believe after prayer would benefit from recieving it.

I have had people mail to say that they prayed the prayer. We are living through difficult times as a body, and we need to simply come back to whats most important, knowmatter what the differences between us, and there are many, but the most important thing is that we come back to the lord for his direction healing guidance and love. 

Thankyou so much for your encouragments, its not easy taking the lead in some things, but I believe that this is truly of the Lord to enable us to grow some spiritual muscles in places where we have somtimes been weak or have failed.

Many blessings to you all, standing with you in Jesus

It's not by might not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord

Posted By: Helen Overholt
Date Posted: 08/28/2008 at 7:28am

i too agree with this petition of prayer for changes within myself in JESUS NAME......

"HE Who Promised Is Faithful; For HE & HIS WORD Are One"

Posted By: Heather Butler
Date Posted: 08/28/2008 at 9:17am

God bless you Helen as you serve the the Lord to His glory. I pray that you will know his love his joy his peace more than you have before, that door of opportunity to minister his love and grace will be opened to you more and more, that many would come to know Jesus because of his life in you.

blessings Heather.

It's not by might not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord

Posted By: Helen Overholt
Date Posted: 08/28/2008 at 1:48pm

Ty Heather. Smiles....As i read your response to me i sensed your genuiness of heart as you released here. i do receive this in JESUS Name and believe HE is doing so!

"HE Who Promised Is Faithful; For HE & HIS WORD Are One"

Posted By: Heather Butler
Date Posted: 08/28/2008 at 1:59pm

Dear Helen,

I just looked at your profile and web pages, beautiful, the most wonderful thing is that the word for the 26th August are a confirmation of a word I just sent out to a woman in Kentucky!  would it be alright to paste your word to her please so that she can see that the lord is confirming that word to her.

Isnt it wonderful how the lord does this, every blessing to you Heather.

It's not by might not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord

Posted By: Helen Overholt
Date Posted: 08/28/2008 at 2:01pm

Smiles........Heather, you are welcome to paste, and copy whatever you want off of that sight. For it is HIS sight and not mine. i am only a steward over it until HE instructs me to have it no longer. Smiles......

"HE Who Promised Is Faithful; For HE & HIS WORD Are One"

Posted By: Heather Butler
Date Posted: 08/28/2008 at 2:59pm

Thankyou, I know this will really bless her


It's not by might not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord

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