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Prophetic perspective: Season of Focus - Ayman Mikhail

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
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Topic: Prophetic perspective: Season of Focus - Ayman Mikhail

Posted By: Moderator
Subject: Prophetic perspective: Season of Focus - Ayman Mikhail
Date Posted: 04/09/2009 at 8:17am

Prophetic perspective: Season of Focus
Ayman Mikhail

There will be an acceleration of events world-wide in the months of April & May. So that, the picture in June & beyond will be influenced by what is going to happen soon.
A call to consider the time is mandatory now, as every single minute is important.
Natural events, economic & financial events, political events will start to appear. They could start unnoticeable at first then will erupt into crisis.
A Season of Focus is badly needed now so that the Body of Christ can discern God's Heart for such a time like now.
In this Season of Focus, enough times before The Scripture is very essential. As well, the Holy Spirit may lead some for some types of Fasting.
There will be A Wisdom from Above for those who will wait on Him.
Don't be over-consumed with many things. Just Focus. Give space to receive more. Stop wasting time.
We are following the God of the Impossibles. So let's cry & call for Seasons of seeing God's Hand like never before in all aspects. We'll see His Wonders. The earth will see His Wonders.
Prayer: Father, we ask You to help Your precious ones in this season to focus on You. Together with the Holy Spirit we say NO for all kinds of depletion that could hinder any of Your redeemed ones. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.
Under His Shadow,
Hiding & abiding in Him,
Ayman Mikhail -


Posted By: susanvercelli
Date Posted: 04/09/2009 at 11:15am

The one thing God has enlightend me on as far as focus has been...on Him and the power of the Holy Spirit and the finished work at the cross and what we r promised through Christ and need more than anything...His pressance, changes everything not our circumsatnces, yet it has been so hard not to focus on stuff...bad nes (scary) and its an inside job we first r transformed by Him...(his spirit) and find the kingdom of god within us before any circumstances change (from the inside out) but the flesh wants the outside (lookin outside to make us feel better) I know this is not true, but my flesh messes with me still!

Lookin to Jesus...the author and finisher of our started with Him and ends with Him! It all points to Him...our acess to the Kingdom, and salvation...Jesus is and was and is to come...

He is the key to our salvation, key to the kingdom of God...

so our focus and faith is on always...its never changed, we do sometimes but he doesnt...God does and has done for us what we cannot do for simple yet carnal mind complicates this (I know cuz I have!) LOL! anyway I like the title of this post...

prayin for right focus for us all!

Prayin we see Jesus, cuz as we focus and see Him we become like him...

The eye is the lamp of the body...I get distracted sometimes...loose focus! I see alot of stuff in my face!

wanna regain right focus and see His Face!

makes me think of a third day song me your Glory...wanna see your face!


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