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Passover 2010 and Beyond ~ Christine Beadsworth

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Topic: Passover 2010 and Beyond ~ Christine Beadsworth

Posted By: Tina Dean
Subject: Passover 2010 and Beyond ~ Christine Beadsworth
Date Posted: 03/31/2010 at 8:01am

Passover 2010 and Beyond
Christine Beadsworth
Mar 31, 2010


Fresh Oil Releases
Passover 2010 and Beyond


I must confess, my dear brethren and 'sistren', that I am almost at a loss as to what to communicate to you this month. I get the sense that things are snowballing at such a rapid rate that one is hard-pressed to comprehend what is happening, much less communicate it in a coherent fashion. I do realize that many of my readers do not have access to the sources of confirmation and information that I am blessed to receive and so I will do my best to bring us all onto the same page so to speak.

We have just entered the season of Passover (Monday evening 29th March/ evening of 15th Nisan) and are traversing the feast of Unleavened Bread which lasts seven days. The counting of the omer has also just begun, on the evening of 30th March (which is the beginning of the 16th Nisan) and continues for seven times seven days, culminating in Pentecost or Shavuot on the 50th day. Many saints with understanding of the times have commented on the events that unfolded on 23rd March, exactly one week before Passover. Three main things took place which speak very loudly of the season that the world is entering:

1)The president of the United States signed the Healthcare Bill (which some are calling the Deathcare Bill) into place using 22 black pens to form his signature. 22 is an important number to world occultists who are striving to bring about a one world government. This occurred on the anniversary 77 years previously of Hitler's signing of the Enabling Act which gave him power to rule by decree and ultimately decide who lived and who died – exactly the same power as the Healthcare Bill covertly gives to Obama with 22 strokes of his pen armory. The choosing of this day to sign this act was no accident but a careful lining up of numbers and dates in order to maximize the demonic power necessary to bring about diabolic plans.

2)The president of Israel , while on an official visit to the United States, was treated abysmally by Obama because he would not conform to demands by the US government. He and his government delegates were abandoned in a windowless room to think things through – not unlike a troublesome child who will not conform and is given time out – and eventually decided to go to the Israel Embassy rather than risk their phone calls being tapped from that room. It is unthinkable that America's greatest ally in the Middle East should be treated in such a fashion.

3)A 25 foot high statue of Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, sailed into New York Harbor on a barge with a suitcase by its side bearing many stickers, on its way to an exhibition of Tutenkamen and his Egyptian Culture ( recall that on a visit to Egypt last year, Obama was presented with a plaque naming him as the new Tutenkamen of the world). During this voyage the statue directly faced the Statue of Liberty. This day is also the 235th anniversary of Patrick Henry's famous 'give me liberty or give me death' speech which began the shooting portion of the American Revolution. It seems that the image of these two statues facing each other constitute a changing of the guard in the spiritual realm over America. It seems Lady Liberty is handing over her watch to the seasoned traveler Anubis. Anubis is a jackal head on a human body and it is surely no coincidence that coyotes were spotted four times in Manhattan in the week before Passover. A coyote is an american Jackal!


Those who live outside America may wonder why I place emphasis on occurrences that are not in the area of the world where I reside. Beloved, we must understand that what plays out on American soil directly affects the whole world; especially when the residing president of America sends such a antagonistic message to the nation of Israel both by his non-verbal actions and his words. This past week has displayed the hidden contents of this leader's heart in a way that plainly displays where his loyalties lie. Those with understanding of the times know that we are speeding towards a major conflict in the Middle East and that biblical prophesy is being fulfilled before our eyes (if only we have eyes to see it!) The fact that the american government is presently planning to build a new embassy at Battersea in England in the shape of a crystal cube, a deliberate counterfeit of the heavenly city that is described in Revelation, gives more cause for concern.

So, with all the above in mind, I am very much aware that this Passover 2010 marks a point of no return for all on planet earth and it is of the utmost importance to ensure that the blood of Christ is on the doorposts of our hearts and those of our loved ones. The chasm between those who are of Christ and those who serve the agenda of the realms of darkness is ever-widening.

As satan and his cohorts and lackeys hurriedly roll out their plans for world domination, we must ever remember that the upcoming battle's result was decided 2010 years ago when Christ declared, ”it is finished” and that the Word of God tells us that at a time when dense darkness is on the peoples, the glory of the Lord rises upon His saints. He is coming to be glorified in His saints, no matter what the kingdom of darkness is plotting. Remember psalm 2 – God sits in Heaven and laughs because He has ALREADY installed His king on His holy hill of Zion. Now is the time to ask of Him and He will give you the nations for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. Now is the time to ask for souls. Now as the darkness gets denser is the time to arise and shine as never before, knowing that we are citizens of another kingdom and dwellers in a city that is not built with hands!

Now that we have noted what is playing out in the kingdoms of this world, let us focus on what is occurring in the kingdom of God during this pivotal season. The Spirit of God has been highlighting for me the season of the counting of the omer and its spiritual significance in this year of 2010 and beyond. So I hauled out an article I wrote in 2007 on 'the Completion of Passover'. While it is too lengthy to insert here, one particular part really jumped out at me. It is referring the Israelites' entry into the Promised Land:

'After all the men have been circumcised, the Word tells us that they ate of the food that was in Canaan.
Jos 5:11 And they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the Passover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn in the selfsame day.

This ‘old corn’ was, in fact, stored grain that had been parched or roasted in the fire. It was not brought from the wilderness side of the Jordan but had been grown and harvested and processed by people living in Canaan. How the Israelites came into possession of this ‘stored grain’ is not clear but it was obviously obtained from those who were there already.

Here we have a picture of the Body of Christ being fed by those forerunners who have been through the fires of purification and have been held in reserve for such a time as this. Their walk has been a lonely one, venturing where the Body has not been as a whole. They have been hidden and unknown and uncelebrated, while nourished by the very grain they will be offering to the Body. What they have to share will be new to the Church. The Hebrew root for the word ‘old grain’ means ‘transition’. The word they speak will transition the Church into a place of fresh understanding of old truths. It will be a word purified by fire, a word in which all the hay and stubble has been removed; a word that can be built on. The reason that the hungry in the Church will be able to embrace and partake of this word, will be because these people will be the message. Their lives will speak. The Word of revelation from the Throne-room will have become flesh in them. Their words will be spirit and life.

So, according to Joshua 5, on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in Canaan, God’s people eat both unleavened bread ie. Bread without hypocrisy and sin (not the puffed-up hypocritical diet of teaching offered by the Pharisees) and roasted corn i.e. fresh teaching from vessels who have been refined in the fire. There is a double portion of nourishment coming to the Body of Christ for a season after the refining work of the circumcision time. Interestingly, the Hebrew word translated ‘selfsame’ day carries within it the idea of coming from the same substance. It is the exact word used in Genesis by Adam, as he described his wife, newly formed and standing before him.

Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

This picture of Christ’s Body feeding on the double portion has, hidden within its folds, the emergence and recognition of the Bride of Christ. She is of the same substance as Christ. The words she speaks testify that she has been with Jesus. Therefore, the roasted corn represents the forerunner-company of the Bride. In the formation of the very first bride, the rib which has been hidden deep within the body of Adam, close to his heart, is removed and formed into Eve. The word for ‘rib’ comes from a root word meaning ‘to limp’. These forerunners are those who have wrestled with God in the darkness until their names and characters have been changed. They are the over-comers who humbly walk with a limp, knowing that in their weakness, God’s strength is perfected. They do not speak in the persuasive words of men’s wisdom but in a demonstration of the Spirit and power.

While the Body of Christ has been in a slumber, God has been working with this rib, this group who has come apart and are being molded in His hand - He has been building and forming Christ within them. As they are unveiled to the Body at large as it arises from its slumber, there will be immediate recognition that they both come from the same substance, the incorruptible seed of Christ - and there will be an embracing and cleaving to become one.

Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The father and mother of idolatrous pagan practice and religion will be left behind and the embracing of this fresh revelation of Christ, who is Eternal Truth, deposited in the limping Company will restore that which has been removed and missing in the Body.

AS you can see, there are many confirmations of things we have discussed in the previous months of this year; primarily the mention of a bridal company who has been preserved, or put on ice, for such a time as this. It is surely no coincidence that today, the 31st March, being the 16th of Nisan, is the very day when Esther, who came to the kingdom for such a time as this, finished her 3-day fast and went, uninvited, before the king in order to overthrow the plans of the diabolical Haman. On the 17th Nisan Haman was hanged and many years later Christ rose from the grave – hallelujah – perfectly correlated timing from the hand of God!

My ponderings on the omer led me to yet another article written years ago, namely one on Pentecost and there I found an explanation of firstfruits offerings and the counting of the omer:
'A first-fruits wave offering was required at Passover, when the barley harvest was brought in. This Firstfruits celebration that occurs the day following the Sabbath after Passover is considered Early Firstfruits. Jesus fulfilled this, becoming the first-fruits barley offering that was presented to the Father after His resurrection on the third day. Fifty days later, the Latter Firstfruits occurs, called the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost).
The time between Early Firstfruits and Latter Firstfruits is called the "Counting of the Omer". Omer" is a Hebrew word that means "sheaf, measure". It was during this counting of 49 days, the counting of the Omer, that Jesus appeared to His disciples and taught them. He appeared to over 500 people in one setting, as well as to His chosen disciples and close friends. He prepared them for the bringing in of the harvest after Pentecost by updating their understanding of scripture and expanding their knowledge of Truth manifested - there was a continual emphasis on harvest throughout the time between Passover and Pentecost. Jesus Himself spoke to the disciples about them becoming witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and even to the ends of the earth in order to bring in the harvest. Out of those 500 people, only 120 moved on to the next appointed meeting with the Godhead. They remained in Jerusalem after the ascension, waiting for the promised Holy Spirit who would empower them to do what was required of them'
Note that the time between Passover and Pentecost was a time of whittling away, a removing of chaff if you will both from understandings and in numbers of followers until the day of outpouring. Remember also that not only were people removed, but during the wait in the upper room, Matthias was added to the disciples to make up the full 12 again. The counting of the omer period is a time of adjustment all round, of removing what is unnecessary and adding what is necessary in order to achieve fullness. It is a time of kingdom adjustment. Matthias was among the 120 but unnoticed until the lot fell to him by the hand of God. Similarly there will be those amongst the number who have been waiting for the final empowering and outpouring who will be ushered into center stage by God and appointed as part of the governmental apostolic company who would be His witnesses even to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Finally, with the omer still looming large in my thoughts, the Spirit led me to a description of the preparation of the firstfruits barley offering by Alfred Edersheim:
Already, on the 14th of Nissan, (on the day Jesus was crucified) the spot whence the first sheaf was to be reaped had been marked out by delegates from the Sanhedrin, by tying together in bundles, while still standing, the barley that was to be cut down. Though, for obvious reasons, it was customary to choose for this purpose the sheltered Ashes-valley across Kedron, there was no restriction on that point, provided the barley had grown in an ordinary field— course in Palestine itself— not in garden or orchard land, and that the soil had not been manured nor yet artificially watered (Mishnah, Menach. viii. 1, 2). * (* The field was to be ploughed in the autumn, and sowed seventy days before the Passover).When the time for cutting the sheaf had arrived, that is, on the evening of the 15th of Nissan, just as the sun went down, three men, each with a sickle and basket, formally set to work. ...they cut down barley to the amount of one ephah, or ten omers, or three seahs, which is equal to about three pecks and three pints of our English measure. The ears were brought into the Court of the Temple, and thrashed out with canes or stalks, so as not to injure the corn; then 'parched' on a pan perforated with holes, so that each grain might be touched by the fire, and finally exposed to the wind. The corn thus prepared was ground in a barley-mill, which left the hulls whole. ...Though one ephah, or ten omers, of barley was cut down, only one omer of flour, or about 5 1 pints of our measure, was offered in the Temple on the second Paschal, or 16th day of Nissan. ... The rest of the flour might be redeemed, and used for any purpose. The omer of flour was mixed with a 'log,' or very nearly three-fourths of a pint of oil, and a handful * of frankincense put upon it, then waved before the Lord, and a handful taken out and burned on the altar.
Note that the omer of flour resulted from ten omers of barley. In other words, this firstfruits omer that was offered by the priest was a tithe of the firstfruits barley harvested. So now we know that the omer represents the Tithe company spoken of in Malachi 3 that is brought into the storehouse in order that there may be meat in God's house. They are those who fear the Lord and whose names are written in the Book of Remembrance, who are at the appointed time openly displayed as His jewels!
As I read the description of how the omer is prepared, being thrashed with canes in order to remove the chaff without injuring the grain, I saw with new eyes the preparation of this tithe company, experiencing the discipline of God as true sons that they may share in His holiness according to Hebrews 12. They are also parched over the fire, which speaks of them being parched corn eaten on entering the Promised Land, and finally they are exposed to the wind, speaking of the ministry of Spirit of God who blows where He wills.
Today, 31st March is the very day upon which this omer of beaten and milled barley was offered up to the Lord. This company who have been through great preparation for this moment in history, are even now being offered as as a sweet offering, mixed with oil and frankincense, before the throne of God. Their lives are laid upon the altar – here am I, I delight to do Your will! In the pattern of Jesus, the Firstborn from among the dead, they too prepare themselves to be endued with resurrection power, coming forth from the place of death – death to self, death to their own plans, death to their desires – in order to form part of the many brethren of which Christ was the first! The place of the tomb becomes the womb of the morning from which spring forth His young men who are as the dew (psalm 110).
In part two I will discuss the many patterns and confirmations found in the omer and the counting of it, but for today, may the Spirit of God multiply and enrich your understanding!
In His love

In passionate pursuit of Him always....( I am my Beloved's and He is mine!)


Posted By: alicia myers
Date Posted: 03/31/2010 at 8:34am

ALL I CAN SAY IS AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for posting this Tina!

Part of this reminds me of something I read on Joseph Herrin's site a few days ago. A day after the signing of the Health-Care bill.

More of Christ, Less of Me..

Posted By: Tina Dean
Date Posted: 03/31/2010 at 10:33am


You are welcome girl....

In passionate pursuit of Him always....( I am my Beloved's and He is mine!)

Posted By: Bill Evans
Date Posted: 03/31/2010 at 7:06pm

Awesome God Bless You

Bill Evans       &n bsp;         &n bsp;         &n bsp;     

Posted By: Pamela Felix
Date Posted: 03/31/2010 at 7:29pm

Wow!!! it is not good for Barak Obama to be in the White House.  He is leading this country to hell. He needs to get saved or be removed from the White House.

A gentle answer turns away wrath.

Posted By: Jeffrey Stewart
Date Posted: 03/31/2010 at 7:57pm

I saw a very disturbing video today.  I have debated whether or not to post it at first.  It shows Barak Obama mocking God's Word then actually mocking Jesus - specifically the Sermon on the Mount, in much the same way that the antichrist will.  Such arrogance I have never seen in my lifetime.  The fact that HALF the so called Christians in this country voted for him, and I am going to be very frank here, many choosing the color of his epidermis OVER obedience to God is a very stark picture of the state of the Church in this country.  Well here it is.  This is who some of you thought would be the best leader.  You WILL give account for what you did on election day - Video link

------------- - My Home Page

The secret of great faith is being fully convinced of His great faithfulness to keep His Word.

Posted By: Pamela Felix
Date Posted: 04/01/2010 at 7:13pm

I don't have speakers or I would listen to it. But I'll take your word for it.  We really need to pray for him.

A gentle answer turns away wrath.

Posted By: Lori Torrano
Date Posted: 04/01/2010 at 9:09pm

Pamela Felix wrote:
I don't have speakers or I would listen to it. But I'll
take your word for it.  We really need to pray for him.


I'm glad you posted this. Leaves no doubt whatsoever as to how our
president truly feels about the God of the Bible.

We are commanded to pray for our leaders. I am seeking the Lord as to how
He would have me pray for this man when nothing in me wants to.

Posted By: Jeffrey Stewart
Date Posted: 04/01/2010 at 9:24pm

Lori Torrano wrote:
Pamela Felix wrote:
I don't have speakers or I would listen to it. But I'll
take your word for it.  We really need to pray for him.


I'm glad you posted this. Leaves no doubt whatsoever as to how our
president truly feels about the God of the Bible.

We are commanded to pray for our leaders. I am seeking the Lord as to how
He would have me pray for this man when nothing in me wants to.

He mockingly said "Well, then there's the Sermon on the Mount.  If we followed THAT, we'd have to shut down our Defense Department"

------------- - My Home Page

The secret of great faith is being fully convinced of His great faithfulness to keep His Word.

Posted By: Lori Torrano
Date Posted: 04/01/2010 at 9:45pm

Jeffrey Stewart wrote:

Lori Torrano wrote:
Pamela Felix wrote:
I don't have speakers or I
would listen to it. But I'll
take your word for it.  We really need to pray for him.


I'm glad you posted this. Leaves no doubt whatsoever as to how our
president truly feels about the God of the Bible.

We are commanded to pray for our leaders. I am seeking the Lord as to
He would have me pray for this man when nothing in me wants
He mockingly said "Well, then there's the Sermon on the
Mount.  If we followed THAT, we'd have to shut down our Defense

Yeah, that's the quote that sent a chill down my spine!

Posted By: Tina Dean
Date Posted: 04/11/2010 at 8:15am

Bumping this up for a refresh for anyone who has missed Part One.

In passionate pursuit of Him always....( I am my Beloved's and He is mine!)

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