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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 11:48am


Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 09/01/2010 at 3:12pm

Urgent Beyond Understanding

By Ron McGatlin

The prevailing winds of the Spirit are shifting and intensifying. Our dissatisfaction with the status quo has become an unbearable longing that is consuming us.

We are like children who desperately love our daddy. For a child daddy’s return from work brightens our day and makes everything good. But now there has been a much longer absence of his joyful presence. We don’t understand why He had to go away so long. Mommy says he is serving our country and keeping us safe, but we still cry ourselves to sleep just from the longing for his life-giving presence with us. So many things that daddy could always fix when he got home now remain unfixed. With tears everyday the child asks mommy, “Is daddy coming home today?” And every time mommy replies, “Soon, my child, soon, but we don’t know just when - maybe tomorrow.” “But mommy, I want to see his face and hug him today.”

Like the child watching the driveway from the front window, we have gathered at meetings and watched and waited for Him to come only to go back home dissatisfied and longing for His presence. Like the child’s mommy we tell ourselves, “maybe tomorrow,” and go to sleep still longing for our Husband to be with us.

Awakening to Our Lord

Some of you have already in the recent past begun to awaken from our long darkness of spiritual slumber. What a joy to find that our reality of life has been only a bad dream. Our hearts are becoming elated with love and joy as we awaken to find He is right here beside us. However, we were missing it all – all of the life-giving presence filled with love and assurance - all the exciting joyful activities and productive projects working with Him. We missed it not because He was gone but because we were not aware that He was here. WE DID NOT BELIEVE HE WAS HERE.

God is Spirit. We are spirit beings living in an earthly body. In Adam we were created spiritually awake and fully experiencing our Father’s presence. After the fall of Adam and our spiritual death, we were separated from our Father’s intimate presence. We needed redemption to be reconnected. In the fullness of time, Christ Jesus came to redeem mankind and all that was lost. He endured the cross, was resurrected, ascended back to Father in heaven, and returned as a “life-giving Spirit” to abide with redeemed human/spirit beings in the Holy Spirit of God. God is with us. Christ Jesus is with us.

We now have full access into the heavenly spiritual realm, to our heavenly Father, and our Husband Christ Jesus. Through His cross, His shed blood, His resurrection, and His coming in the Holy Spirit, He has made us potentially awakened and aware of His loving presence with us and us with Him.

I say potentially because we have a required part in being awakened to Him. We must believe.

It is faith working by love that opens the awakened life in the Spirit in us. We know faith comes by hearing by the word of God. A word from God is a living seed with DNA of God to create the life of Christ Jesus within our being. A word not from God is a seed from the enemy that is of his DNA that produces death to the potential awakening to God with us.

A word and hearing as it is used here is more than audible or written speech. It is a communication that can involve all of our senses. It may come through the natural senses or directly through our spiritual senses. However it comes to us, our spirit is involved in the planting of it in our hearts.

We become what we hear and believe. Spiritual believing is the point at which we allow the seed to be planted in the fertile soil of our hearts. Whatever we allow to be planted in our hearts will grow. Either seed from God or seed from the enemy will sprout and grow within us, if we allow it to be planted. We cannot believe (have faith) without hearing. We can wish or hope to believe differently, but we will in the final state believe what we allow to be planted in our hearts by communication. We cannot change our lives by our own effort. However, we can choose what we hear and see, and that will change us and our destiny.

In my lifetime there have been several notable moves of God among various groups. We called these occurrences moves of the Spirit, revivals, outpourings, moves of God, or awakenings. We need a new word to identify this “wake up to Christ Jesus with us” reality happening now (John 14:21).

Whatever they were called many people missed them and received nothing of the life being poured out as groups found access into the heavenly spiritual realm of the awareness of the presence of God with them.

What we are coming into now far exceeds the limited and sometimes soul-driven activities that sometimes came about in past meetings when the presence lifted. Many are set to miss the presence of God with us today because they choose to NOT HEAR and not allow the WORD to be planted in their hearts.

With what I believe is God-given technology, it is possible to experience the word of the dawning of the day, of awakening to God with us anywhere in the world where there is internet access. Wherever there is internet connection, the awakening to God’s presence message can be received. Faithful messengers can then carry the word (DNA communication) into the bush after receiving it by internet. This only works as the Holy Spirit uses the natural distribution of word and sight. It is always a work of the Spirit that carries the word to those who will hear and believe. Of course, the Holy Spirit can implant the word directly in those with spiritual ears to hear and in spiritual dreams or visions as well. Messengers as sent ones, either human or angels, can deliver the revelation of the reality of God with us and we with Him now.

This dawning will occur anywhere among any people who will hear and believe. It will not be limited to any culture or any form of presentation. It will not be limited to big gatherings or small groups. None will be denied where the DNA of the awakening word is heard and believed. DO NOT rule out the big conference meetings or the few gathered in a home or in a remote cabin in Alaska or under a tree in Africa and anything in between. It will be advantageous for some to gather in larger meetings, but it is for whosoever has the good soil in their hearts and will receive the dawning word of becoming aware of the heavenly spiritual reality of Christ Jesus now with us.

God’s presence with us is often accompanied by miracles, just as it was when Jesus was present in His first incarnation on earth.

I am including below a link to a video of a documented miracle of healing from a few days ago. There are many other verifiable supernatural works taking place now. This is a reality of signs following the word. This is a video of a pastor and his wife receiving prayer. The evangelist prays for the pastor and then turns to the wife and begins to pray for her. The pastor and his wife being prayed for are well-known to the pastor where the meetings are held (not the evangelist praying). The lady being prayed for was in a very bad automobile accident in 1987 and has been paralyzed from her waist down ever since. For 23 years she had not walked nor had any feeling or movement in her legs. This is just one verifiable sign and wonder among many that are resulting from the awakening to Christ Jesus with us.

Some people will refuse to believe the miraculous healing or the many works that are taking place in this fresh new dawning day of awareness of living in the supernatural heavenly spiritual realm and in the natural earthly realm at the same time. They will not believe, because they will not listen to or hear and believe the word coming to them. 

I am not sending this to suggest you run to that place or any other place. Run to your prayer place and repent for your unbelief and cry out to be awakened to know that your Husband is right there with you. Access comes by awareness, and awareness comes by faith, and faith comes by hearing. Keep on hearing, keep on planting the truth of God in your heart, and cast away the old seeds of religious unbelief that have grown in our hearts from the past. Here is the - link . -

The dawn is here and the day star, Jesus, has arisen in our hearts and is shining forth filling our sky with faith, hope and love.

Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin - -


Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 09/01/2010 at 6:17pm

YES LORD! TY my precious Brother, I do whole-heartedly agree, "The dawn is here and the day star Jesus has risen in our hearts and is shining forth filling our sky with faith, hope and love."  The words to a song came up as I  was reading, "when I found the joy of reaching Your heart, and my will becomes enthroned in Your love." Indeed, Iwill keep planting the Living Word, the Truth of God in my heart, knowing I will reap a harvest, and another harvest, and another harvest-HE says "bumper crops for those that have faith to believe for them." HALLELUJAH! Releasing faith as I type here,,,\o/\o/\o/ TY JESUS! 

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 09/01/2010 at 9:34pm

amen...hearing and receiving the seed word of the Kingdom of God..will cast out the seed word of the kingdom of darkness..whether religious or humanistic..awakening our hearts to the Living Relational Reality( Truth) manifesting, walking in the same faith of the Son of Man/Son of God..He has truly made it possible by His indwelling Spirit. ...thank You Jesus, thank You Father!...

Ron McGatlin wrote:
The dawn is here and the day star Jesus has arisen in our hearts and is shining forth filling our sky with faith, hope and love. 

looking at the time of our posts Ron, i think we were posting at the sametime..had shared this picture on another post..

" the knowledge(discernable appearing) of the Glory of the Lord will fill the earth as the waters cover sea"


In His Love

Posted By: alicia myers
Date Posted: 09/01/2010 at 9:58pm

Ron McGatlin wrote:

Urgent Beyond Understanding

By Ron McGatlin

The prevailing winds of the Spirit are shifting and intensifying. Our dissatisfaction with the status quo has become an unbearable longing that is consuming us.

We are like children who desperately love our daddy. For a child daddy�s return from work brightens our day and makes everything good. But now � there has been a much longer absence of his joyful presence. We don�t understand why He had to go away so long. Mommy says he is serving our country and keeping us safe but we still cry ourselves to sleep just from the longing for his life giving presence with us. So many things that daddy could always fix when he got home now remain unfixed. With tears everyday the child ask mommy, �Is daddy coming home today?� And every time mommy replies, �Soon, my child, soon, but we don�t know just when, maybe tomorrow.� �But mommy, I want to see his face and hug him today.�

Like the child watching the driveway from the front window we have gathered at meetings and watched and waited for Him to come only to go back home dissatisfied and longing for His presence. Like the child�s mommy we tell ourselves, �maybe tomorrow� and go to sleep still longing for our Husband to be with us.


More of Christ, Less of Me..

Date Posted: 09/02/2010 at 1:15am




Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 09/02/2010 at 6:53am

Ron McGatlin wrote:


... we have a required part in being awakened to Him. We must believe.


Keep on hearing and keep on planting the truth of God in your heart and cast away the old seeds of religious unbelief that have grown in our hearts from the past.

Lord, we believe... help us overcome our unbelief!



Posted By: Charity Miller
Date Posted: 09/02/2010 at 12:28pm

Thank you for this timely message, Ron!  I have felt an "extra special" stirring in my heart this week, and the Lord gave me Isaiah 60 to read yesterday.

Interestingly, I just finished the following video and posted it on You Tube today.  I've been working on it "a little here, a little there" over the past couple weeks.  It was something I did as a personal expression of my love for Jesus, so excuse the "girly-ness" ...I pray that it will bless y'all none-the-less :)

In His Love,



Weeping may endure through the night,
But a shout of joy comes in the morning!
Ps. 30:5

Posted By: susanvercelli
Date Posted: 09/03/2010 at 7:32am

Thank you for this Post Ron, for me it came as such a now on time prophetic word in my life where im at, and that video so goes along with this post, I watched it 3 times, felt such a strong pressance of God (healing) really a blessing, feel like I been asleep for awhile and being awakened to see him again! Amen!


Posted By: Jeffrey Stewart
Date Posted: 09/04/2010 at 6:44pm

Our assignment is to make Heaven visible in the earth realm.  We have taught and focused on spirituality that involves going to our prayer closet and fellowshipping with Him and developing our own relationships with Him.   Where we have missed it is what occurs AFTER we leave the prayer closet.  So He is revealing how to make it so that not only can we speak to Him with boldness in close fellowship, but He can also speak THROUGH us directly from His Throne.  So He is looking for a people who are willing to let Him transform them with His Word and His Spirit so that they can minister from the Holy of Holies to a hurting world.  This does not replace developing a personal relationship with Him but it causes us to be able to give Him the desire of His Heart by ministering to a hurting world.  So He is beginning a New Work in a few weeks that many will not understand, but His Signature on it will be very evident.  For we will begin walking in a new realm of authority, where we can take the blessings of the Heavenly Realm and make them manifest in the earthly realm.  This includes His Visible Glory, both on our faces and as a shining cloud where anyone who is sick can step into it and instantly receive their healing.  He is changing how He talks to His Bride.  He will no longer speak through symbolic prophecies, through parables, but directly, as He did to His Disciples in His Upper Room.  And those who love Him will rejoice.

Some of you folks are going to be dancing in the streets when you see the numbers of people who are about to be added to His Body.  Emptying a hospital of sick and other powerful signs confirming the Gospel do more for growth than any other method.

------------- - My Home Page

The secret of great faith is being fully convinced of His great faithfulness to keep His Word.

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 09/06/2010 at 11:31am

reup the whole of what you are sharing here Ron. quoting this portion as there is abit of misunderstanding being `promoted' re the hearing of His in the quoting of, ..just kicking out some stones being planted among, in the guise of a `jewel'..

much Love and blessings,

Ron McGatlin wrote:

 It is always a work of the Spirit that carries the word to those who will hear and believe. Of course, the Holy Spirit can implant the word directly in those with spiritual ears to hear and in spiritual dreams or visions as well. Messengers as sent ones, either human or angels, can deliver the revelation of the reality of God with us and we with Him now.

This dawning will occur anywhere among any people who will hear and believe. It will not be limited to any culture or any form of presentation. It will not be limited to big gatherings or small groups. None will be denied where the DNA of the awakening word is heard and believed. DO NOT rule out the big conference meetings or the few gathered in a home or in a remote cabin in Alaska or under a tree in Africa and anything in between. It will be advantageous for some to gather in larger meetings, but it is for whosoever has the good soil in their hearts and will receive the dawning word of becoming aware of the heavenly spiritual reality of Christ Jesus now with us.

God’s presence with us is often accompanied by miracles, just as it was when Jesus was present in His first incarnation on earth.

In His Love

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 09/07/2010 at 2:18am

Ron, thank you.

I was asking the Lord the night before last whether the first disciples had any advantage over us in that they saw, heard and touched Him in the flesh.  This is not the important issue, but served as the starting point which He used to lead me on.

All of a sudden I became aware of the reality of Him in the flesh in my mind with the sense of being close to Him... seeing His face, hearing His voice and feeling His touch... all in a human body.  I was getting a glimpse of the reality Christ in a human body and the incredible healing power emanating from Him.

I am aware that my words are not adequate to describe what I felt... I cannot give it sufficient depth... my words make it sound quite cold.

I am usually cautious with the use of the word "power" because I have seen how the power in and of itself can be so easily idolised and misunderstood.  When I use the word here, I am referring to His love which is the source of all the power.  It being His love that brings about all of the miraculous changes and transformations we see and hear about... a work of the heart to/within the heart.  Even my use of the word "love" here seems inadequate to capture His essence.

Well anyway, this got me to pondering His Body... and the discernment thereof.

After a bit of pondering the Spirit led me to Romans 8 regarding us eagerly awaiting the redemption of our bodies as the manifest sons of God.


Posted By: Jeff Kingshott
Date Posted: 09/07/2010 at 7:27pm

 Yes Ron  , boy that hit me the whole time I watched the video ! \o/

      The Lord " IS " the Spirit and where the spirit of The Lord is there " IS " freedom !

                                                                                    Thank you Ron ,

Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truths !

Posted By: Moderator
Date Posted: 09/15/2010 at 11:08am

Dear Brother Ron,
My spirit is being fed by what is posted.  I really like what you said how we can communicate by email all across the globe.  Back in the late 60's I wrestled with the Lord one night about what He was saying to me.  It was about being a missionary.  At that time I had six children at home and knew it wasn't for that time.  While at a campmeeting I received a confirmation of the call and responded in faith, knowing someday it would happen.  The word to me was far flung places of the earth.  That seemed so incredible but I believed and have trusted Father's timing.  Now in these past few days He has brought it back to my memory.  I wept inside as I realized this is the time.  Be it in the natural to go, in His strength, or by email.  I am ready to share the GOOD NEWS of the Kingdom of God coming to earth from heaven, and that is in and through us.  Hallelujah!!
As a side thought, this past summer we had hot humid weather, and without A/C it was very trying on my physical body and I was feeling my almost 80 years.  I was beginning to think I am getting old.  Yes, in numbers of years, but young at heart and there is no age in the kingdom.  Hallelujah!!  The weather has changed, which has helped, but most of all, I have been revived in my spirit and my body is getting in line with it.  I no longer think those old thoughts but am shouting the victory and giving God the glory for it is through Him I can do all things.  Glory to His Name!!  That all happened after finding your website.  What the Holy Spirit gave me back in 2003 was in a nutshell, so to speak, of what you expound on, Brother Ron.  Words cannot tell how grateful I am for finding others who are walking in the Spirit of the Living God, here and NOW.  How we have been deceived for so many years but praise God!! He is on the move and so are we!!  Hallelujah!!
My spirit is so full, I feel like I could explode.  I know how to release it, by sharing with others.  Watch out world, hear we come!!!!
In God's Great Love,
Sister Jo -

Posted By: Jeffrey Stewart
Date Posted: 09/15/2010 at 1:10pm

Jeff Kingshott wrote:

 Yes Ron  , boy that hit me the whole time I watched the video ! \o/

      The Lord " IS " the Spirit and where the spirit of The Lord is there " IS " freedom !

                                                                                    Thank you Ron ,


Heaven is the FREEIST place there is.  When He restores "on earth as it is in Heaven", the Church will be the FREEIST place on Earth.  We will experience the freedom of Heaven in the earth realm before He returns.

------------- - My Home Page

The secret of great faith is being fully convinced of His great faithfulness to keep His Word.

Posted By: Dave Spencer
Date Posted: 09/15/2010 at 2:37pm






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