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Surprise event

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 3:15pm

Topic: Surprise event

Posted By: Jim Reeve
Subject: Surprise event
Date Posted: 12/28/2010 at 11:12am

A number of us have been seeing a "surprise event" coming. I think
timing is very difficult in these matters, but I do believe something is
coming that is part of our prophetic timetable. I had the following dream
last night that I believe is from the Lord:

I’m playing this game with a partner and the idea of the game is to
ascertrain how people in a certain historical context were thinking. At the
start of the play of the game I’m looking at a large playing card that has
black and white photos of people from circa 1940's having a gay time,
singing, playing instruments, dancing, laughing, etc. This is occurring in
a club type setting in New York City. I’m told the time period is November
of 1941. The idea of the game is to now ascertain how these people were
thinking in light of the fact that the time period is right before the
bombing of Pearl Harbor. Do they sense it's coming? Are they partying in
total blindness to the threat? Are they aware of trouble in Europe, but
blind to trouble from the Pacific? Things like this are the items to discuss
in the game. Thoughts like this pass through the dream while waking.   

Interpretive thoughts: I believe an event is coming that will "change the
word as we know it" (these words were given verbatim in another parallel
dream). It will be a surprise and will come from an unsuspecting place. It
may be either economic or socio/political/military (we've also have seen
"Korea stuff").   The New York reference leads me to "economic", but its
not clear. In other dreams I and others see this as an explosion or a
volcano, so again, not completely clear (multiple dreamers getting the
same information). The dream implies people are in a revelry mode, and
thus unaware of what is coming. I don't take the dating references
literally (that is, a month or so from now), but take from the dream that
the event is close.   It is also clear many other revelations (across many
people) that there are spiritual dynamics going on as well that are
glorious. So I do not offer this in a spirit of fear, only as information for
which we should be aware, knowing that the Lord has a marvelous plan in
the midst of these shakings.


Jim Reeve
Knoxville, TN


Posted By: Lonnie Starr
Date Posted: 12/29/2010 at 9:11am


Thank you for restraining from "interpreting" your dream.  I think of dreams as prophetic messages from Father and I have understood that "prophets" are to restrain from "interpreting" the word passing through them but rather to leave that to another anointed by the Lord for such purpose.

With that said I do think that your dream is a parallel of the Pearl Harbor event of 1941 to the "surprise event" you speak of, an event that will be even more devastating to the all pervasive Babylonian religious systems of American (and world) christianity than was the Japanese attack of Dec. 7, 1941 to US military might. 

Could your dream have other implications......?  Maybe, but let's not be as Laodicea and think all is well in our midst and blow this off as though it was meant "for those other people."  It behooves us not to rest on the anointings we claim as so called apostles, prophets, etc. for most who labor under those self delusions are soon going to find out just who has favor with God and who doesn't. 

I am convinced that God's "Pearl Harbor" will be the anointing and release, a surprise event, of that nameless faceless band of misfit followers who have forsaken EVERYTHING, systems (religious, economic, political, social,) ministries, family, traditions, motives and more to become one with Him.  I believe that it is this appearing of this motley band that will precipitate the true great falling away.  Just as the Pharisees and Scribes denied Christ in His time Christ in His people will be be denied by the vast religious system that dominates the monstrosity American religious system today. 

Judgment soon comes to the house of God.



Date Posted: 12/29/2010 at 12:48pm

I am praying over this with great intensity. I am asking the Lord to bring His insight on this concerning America.


Posted By: Sarah Ann Dees
Date Posted: 12/29/2010 at 2:20pm

In response to Lonnie, I just think that it is not necessarily denominations that are religous in spirit.  Non-demonational folks, charasmatic folks etc..can all have a religous spirit.  I am reading a book about Mother Teresa and her correspondance with her spiritual director.  She truly was in love with Jesus, and gave her ALL to Him.  She was under the authority and direction of the church and it served her in the sense that she was under checks and balances..though she never doubted her call. 


I feel so disappointed with some of the non-denominational, spirit-filled churches.  I have noticed a competivness in many..based on who has the most spiritual experiences, gifts etc.  There is lack of authority.  Truly, I thought the canon laws of the Catholic church were a burden to the people, but now I see them so much differently..they are filled with wisdom.


Why would a mega church allowe a man who just had an affair speak at their conference.  Why would a man who left his wife and married his intern be welcomed with such high honor to minister to others..with out seeminly real regret.  I have decided that the Catholic church saying that I cannot take communion until my first marraige is annulled is a GOOD idea.  They are not perfect, but they do have standards that make sense.  I have absolutely been hurt terribly by "religous spirits", but they are not just in main stream churches.

Sarah Dees

Posted By: Lonnie Starr
Date Posted: 12/29/2010 at 2:51pm

Sarah Ann,

The religious spirit is in ALL of us!!!  If we will seek Father diligently and continuously beseeching His cleansing of our deepest iniquities He will respond and we better be quick to cooperate.  For those who, to date, have embraced this cleansing, it has been a long, lonely sacrifical walk but I do think that the process for newcomers will be shorter today, because of the forerunners who have made this trek.

Many people have left churches of all denominations and descriptions, however the vast majority who leave the system are yet to get the principles of the system out of themselves.  They still have to work, to be busy doing their God thing, even when He has not assigned them to any task.  Few are they who will sit at the Lord's feet until they are fully prepared to be sent.  Man (and woman) just hates to sit still.


Posted By: Lonnie Starr
Date Posted: 12/29/2010 at 2:58pm


I invite you to read my post on this thread: mp;PN=1 - mp;PN=1

We need to get our eyes off "America" and focus on a relationship with Father that will first birth the Kingdom (His absolute governance) in our persons.


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