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Dream of 1000 ft wave in San Francisco Bay by Susan O’Marra

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
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Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 1:06pm

Topic: Dream of 1000 ft wave in San Francisco Bay by Susan O’Marra

Posted By: Juanita Lantang
Subject: Dream of 1000 ft wave in San Francisco Bay by Susan O’Marra
Date Posted: 05/23/2012 at 7:17am

I laid down to sleep at 3:16 am. I dreamed that I was in California with people that we knew. We were out in the San Francisco Bay, way out past the bridge and we were all in a ship. We were also with others also in our ship. I saw Charles and Julie and Ann, and others I knew from California, and we were all together in a ship off shore in the SF Bay. We were waiting for something. We were standing on the deck of the ship and our faces were into the wind. I then saw the 1000 ft wave coming and it was approaching the SF Bay where we were all in the ship. There were other ships and boats also out in the Bay also that I could see, but I only recognized some of those who were on my ship. When I saw the wave coming, I raised both my hands straight up towards the sky. The others saw me and did this also. I knew that we were going to be lifted up upon the wave.

Then I was aware of the Statue of Liberty. I knew she was looking out towards the wave too, just like we were. I could feel her beside us in the water in SF Bay. I saw her torch in her hand and it was lit. She had her hands up and the torch was burning. She was waiting for the wave also. Her face was set firm and she did not look at anything but at the wave approaching.

Then suddenly, I was lifted up and I was sitting on her left shoulder way up in the air. I could feel her shoulder underneath me and she still had her arm raised and the torch was still burning. The wave was still coming. I knew that we were in the SF Bay and that she was in the Bay with us. We were out in the Bay past the bridge. She was in the deep waters off shore, and I was sitting on her left shoulder and then suddenly I began to slide down her shoulder and then down her arm, and then down her robe and when I got to the bottom of the statue, I was standing in New York. I then heard these audible words being spoken to her from heaven, "This is the way, walk ye in it." I woke up and looked at the clock and it said 4:12 am.

Note: it was between the times of: 3:16 am to 4:12 am; So I looked up scriptures the Lord quickened to me about the times:

Ephesians 3:16 May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].

Ephesians 4:12 His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body (the church),

Isaiah 30:20 And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers: 21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

SF Bay link: asting-symbol-of-the-citys-history-in-san-francisco/ - Wave link: ;n-milosky-dies-at-mavericks/ -

**Please go to Susan's site for the image.  I am not able to include it here** ;n-milosky-dies-at-mavericks/ - Note: in the picture above, a 60 ft wave hit the San Francisco Bay area on 3-18-11 and a famous surfer died in it.

Ephesians 3:18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God's devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];

-Susan O'Marra

05-23-12 ision-of-1000-ft-wave-in-san-francisco.html


Posted By: Quo Wright
Date Posted: 05/23/2012 at 9:26pm

Thank you Juanita for posting this.  As I was reading this, when I came to the image of the Statue of Liberty I heard Holy Ghost say that Standard.  And then I heard him say when the enemy come a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard againt him. Isa 59:19.  And lastly You shall know the Truth and the Truth will make you free John 8:32.



Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Ps 51:10

Posted By: Juanita Lantang
Date Posted: 05/24/2012 at 6:58am

Hi Quo,

I see this wave as a double-edged sword.  One that brings adversity but also an awakening of multitudes to be swept into his Kingdom.  Only His Spirit that can perfect us with His love.  He has been talking a lot about perfection of love lately and for us to be changed into our new identity.

Ah yes!  Standard and truth........aren't they needed so very, very badly in this nation, are they?  With the way things have been, it's like we're losing all of the stops and restrains.  Going back to that identity again.

Are you in San Francisco also, Quo?

Posted By: Quo Wright
Date Posted: 05/24/2012 at 8:34am

Hey Juanita,

No I'm not in San Francisco.  I'm in Atlanta.  Yes a while back I kept hearing Holy Ghost say Philadelphia and when I responded 'the city of brotherly love' I heard Him say 'let brotherly love be found among you'.  Yes God is calling us to mature in love as God said in Jer 31:3 says The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

I was reminded of when Jesus entered into the temple and overturned the tables because they'd made the house of prayer a common marketplace and I believe this same thing is going to take place now as religious systems are being torn down.  But it won't be a message of bashing on the head but a message of love.  I really do believe we're in a time where everything is coming full circle and I'm excited about the Lord.

Love you my sister.  Be blessed.


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Ps 51:10

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