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Prophecy:: To the End that We May be Established , In the Unity and Powere of Christ Body, to Honor His Way

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Topic: Prophecy:: To the End that We May be Established , In the Unity and Powere of Christ Body, to Honor His Way

Posted By: Larry Denton
Subject: Prophecy:: To the End that We May be Established , In the Unity and Powere of Christ Body, to Honor His Way
Date Posted: 10/17/2012 at 10:01am


Prophecy:  To the End that we May Be Established, In the Unity and Power of Christ Body, to Honor His Way.

By Larry R. Denton

Presented as Part One of Six Parts


Here at first I must ask for forgiveness as some reading here will find the overall message of this article difficult to comprehend as a whole. However how it is delivered with my wondering around is not “to hard to follow if given to study this narrative of the epistles being concerned of not changing their way as the Way to gather,  when they gather to obtain Godly Knowledge.

If anything, it is true then it is a matter of little as two or a house full of believers are deprived  or blessed of the Godly Knowledge for their foundational  understanding of how to Related  Godly Wisdom as Way, thereby  manifesting the  Love of Christ  in Spirit, but all His  love of the Truth needed for Righteousness by having the power of the Spirit work among those Gathered or by something that quenches and grieves the Spirits ability as He ministers to one or all each time these brethren set down to worship.

In Truth this one Way as Christ Way has been replaced as far back as when the Disciples of Christ were infiltrated by what appeared to be a bright and shining persons who was knowledgeable  of the Word of God ,but powerless within un less he or she used at the old and ancient Gentile way of professing in mind ,therefore  a talented and active professor in minds , but within able to stage being powered by his or her iniquity, set to manifest an outer light in character as Satan does in appearing as an angel of light externally by writing or speaking to smooth over and out the convictions of sin  being a preacher or teacher who could and still does speak  via  this hypocrisy in a way in which they are separated in spirit ,being deceived to believe their mere presence is within its self places then in their imagination, they are “above” and those to whom they are speaking are below, thus “students”.

This way is a Gentile approach that functions in its appearance as a form of godliness and righteously as an arrayed way to gather in honoring God that once was called a “love fest” but now is and was then made powerless to do any other thing but bring those gathered only to hear of knowledge of a man as opposed God Himself as a personal experience manifesting the following explanation of scriptures as a very sublime “nesting” event happens externally. But the way being changed in form by the Gentiles is via the very the temptations of Satan are accomplished.

There is no within one by one giving out or receiving in of the Power of God’s Understanding, therefore no Wisdom for the renewing of the minds of those gathered. Each letter or epistle of the Apostles  contrast the following verse for a reason  and in each case are that part of their souls conscious as part of the writer’s story in life, then and now even more about their life and now few have this “Word abiding in us”. We seemed to have and approve how many can appear in the Light of Christ via the light of men ,but how few have the ability to “have this Word abiding in us.


Joh 5:38-42  And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not.  Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.   And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.   I receive not honour from men.  But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.


In truth there is only one Way, that when Gathered with Christ having testified of the sanctification of a Truth that to honor Him, we Repented of our sins. That being the world’s way to approach any one or thing unless Christ is hosted in the same Character of His Father and manifested by the Holy Spirit in us.  And if one thinks and many do having departed from the modern day churches that Christ Grace is a Rule they can just go right back in seeking the Kingdom, using the same approach of gathering for the sake of honoring and receiving honor form men, speaking off and seeking there in the scriptures then: “And may I say all of us have this way to believe fixed in our minds!”

 Then why worry about the Power of God no longer being present for healings and miracles and just go on and on talking about what “could “or might” God can be or will do in sharing of our dreams, visions, and Prophecies, and then hurry to get in a line to share them with all of the “out there brethren” verse those “in their brethren’ of Whom were are having a one on one life’s experience with one another day by day, leaving all powerless thinking adrift  of what could have been understood if they had gathered and worked as some prophets did then  to test and study what is prophecy minded together in a like-mindedness together with Christ Present as His Mind to make the word given a “Living Word of Power for those gathered to drinking and eating of worldly wisdom for their life in the present. Many agreeing how good this latest prophet is yet we already know his or her latest word in the past this and or very good we will do this new one sometime in the future, while in the present their family’s are tempted to be seen in knowledge eating and drinking among the rich of and successful of this world seeking what will happen in the end time.


So here I write along with the prophecy of what is the wisdom Our Lord as His Wisdom is void among those gathering ,but  not why it’s not there , but what Our Lord has allowed me to see and understand  for my own repentance,manifesting His forgiveness in understanding how deceived we are in our thinking, manifesting this state of an  un-like-mindedness among us, and showing to us the need of our minds being renewed from the pride of using this “ so called fleshly professional but false way of professing Christ, that Satan has and will honor , that allow us to give him place among us, and remove the Spirit of God’s Word from within and among us when we gather replacing it the subjective thinking to be found being carried up among the great temple to be see on the very top pentacle of the lighted world of the Internet. In deed the Internet is a net or web for catching many, by entrapping them just to hear the Word of God, not do it. Like the flying of souls who’s wings beat to be free, the sound there off vibrating as light down to the center of Satan’s center as a Way of knowing they are caught talking and talking but have no power to gathering as one to break this spiritual strong holt.


The results being…


But what of this wisdom: But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. And if so then how easy it is to understand the wisdom of this scripture ,by which many say they believe, but like looking into a mirror and seeing one’s face; the second we turn to this old way of gathering forgetting just who it is we are about to open our minds up too happens !  Then rather than having set down to use of our own spirit; being dead to our ideas to hear Christ’s Wisdom, we just gather in lack of the Power of God as wisdom to obtain more knowledge alone giving us no Power of Unity in mind as being One before Christ present Understanding that could help all gathered help some of these gathered who are in real need of healing and deliverance.


Do you in truth do not detect to discern in Spirit, that a Host of a home may want this, but the so call arrival of a so call pastor or teacher turn the gathering into a wondering about what was and or what might be if all could get his or her new ideas of what might be the new Kingdom Way. Sing as song , by who has time to test and Judge any matter that requires what could be a long search for the Truth of a Prophecy just given, by someone; , “you know who may be too old or young to get the thing right?’


Oh yes; how lovely it appears to honor some man or women being present externally just to justify what we call the Love of God, when there is nothing in us as understanding to set down in Christ to learn of Him and then get up to go out and Walk in what we have learned in the Spirit of God. so here we all go again having divided ourselves in some powerless form of meeting and go right back to using this old gentile way of setting for hours speaking about the Power of God, but never obeying what is writing to us a Revelation from Christ to His Apostles on how we are to gather giving no heed to the Word of Our Lord Himself below.


Mat 7:22-23  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


Note that Our Lord is not teaching at this event!  He is professing what is the truth, that there are those ministering even here on this Inter-Net site that are prophesying up and out to those out here and there  in the light of men , holding out their hand to greet you and  in hope some to receive your money, yet will knowingly never have to meet, hold and/or work out of Christ Love to help you personally  one by one or one on one with the pain and suffering in body ,mind or spirit as the Way  among those hope of gathering in Christ to receive His Promise of healing and deliverance of all experiencing  the blindness, down troddeness, and imprisoning of their spirits/ souls  with un-renewed  minds  through fear on being up close  caused by impersonal cowards posing as spiritual leaders fear of the Power of God themselves to expose their own personal sins of un-belief. Quenching the fire of the Sprit of Truth not just  to the render the reconciling these brethrens souls ,but the reproof and correction  of their own traditional Gentile taught and used  way of speaking from afar , that will without question will allow the manifesting  of demons rein and rule over their own minds , knowing within then if they leave the stage they may be up-staged , so why take the chance to leave ,stop and wait on Godly correction?


Here… if any prophetic correction is given, then let it be understood that this correction goes through and is presented in every epistle found in the Ne Testament, and if it is to be disposed of  as” the Gentile way of teaching” and preaching, all of it   required down to a “t”… as Wisdom is to be abandoned, for it is not Our Lord who has left us in the Spirit of Truth, it is We who have left Him for another perception that appears externally to be the Bride of Christ , but in truth she is selling something to us that feels good, but in the end births nothing internally.


In truth the Gentile way of humanistic love is the foundation of a love that proclaims to exceed the Love of Christ, and having no perception of Christ Presence for Revelation, is to honor one another in the preaching and teaching of God’s Word as knowledge only, but void of Wisdom, from any platform, podium Thereby as Satan’s way, given to men deprived of the Power of God insures the separation and distant external control of it followers to prevent any questioning of their prestige to give the illusion of love.


 So as a “ Gentile way”  Satan servants  appears to be  loving, but in doing so but is designed to avoid the reproof and correctional part of the following scriptures concerning the Righteous Instruction of how we are to use and follow Christ as He is the Way. We must repent of this “in the light of men’s way” if we want to experience the Power of the Truth to come to our lives for empowerment of friends and families in worshiping Our Father in Heaven in Spirit and in Truth of seeking to be restored and approved on stage as way now projected in mind as the doctrine of men.



2Ti 3:16-17  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.


Here is where our correction is , in that we are not “thoroughly furnished “ unto all good works until we can ( as we share the doctrine, dreams , visions, and prophecies) among one another, to work to current understanding the Doctrine of Christ as knowledge  Comes .


Here we stand and refuse to engage ( in fear of offending and the retaining of a humanistic appearance of being found joy-filled and loving)  one by one until the understanding of what reproof Our Lord has for us; nor think we are thoroughly furnished with that wisdom needed for the one by all, or the all by one. Only then when we are dead to using this old passive Gentile Way to be accountable for the power of Our Lords Grace will we Know Him? No Him us and will honor our stand when we move to help the rich in goods, but poor in the wisdom of the Truth.


Again and on the other hand if the gathering is not free and   If we are using our time via our calling and election in the avoiding of His correction and just visit to be “seen”, just presenting more and more so called untested and judged prophecies, calling this work the wisdom of how the Kingdom of God is being accomplished in our souls, then we may be gathered, but the grace of God is powerless to meet the needs of all involved.


 We in turn “let ourselves out” of this Grace and the flesh has no choose but to manifest itself among the host or anyone given to lead;  in that all must go home or move on to a new subject less what misunderstanding or question that is before the fellowship fronts  the Offensiveness of the Truth contrasting the Unrighteousness or evil division in mind  of the misunderstanding of the individual or the group itself,  stonewalling; therefore ,delayed, for the sake of not embarrassing those who have no experienced the fear or have no understanding the matter as found in the Word of God to bring the wholeness and unity to all present. That Unity being, when experienced seals the Joy of the Gathering and I have never found one person who has experienced that not desiring to make this the foremost priority in their lives,


We must ask ourselves:” What it is we are seeking, in seeking something that allows us to experience the “The rightness of our being found as one in mind and spirit?”  That is in being who we are in and among others being the same like-mindedness of Christ and what is this? It is the manifesting of our Faith ,but more so our Hope, the end results is Gathering in the power of this energy that effects any or all being that come within it Unity of God Love in Joy!, Yet we fail to believe that to abide and wait for it ? Well to do so can be very offending because it might interfere with their work or play.


Here then is the manifestation of the passive Gentile way of division, separating the man of God from the people he is suppose to be found with one by one, then that group being separated in spirit for the one down the street ,the end results being separated for the Unity of God in the Heavens.


  The Gentile way is that way  that seeds the fear of the presence of one working in the calling of a Apostle or Prophet, because if allowed , they will : via their Gift extend the longsuffering of all gathered to work as a matter of Truth in spirit , to allow the Holy Spirit to bring what is Christ Doctrine as new knowledge for the tearing down of this strong holt of fear in on or all , presenting the understanding of the Reproof needed to deliver such and or last present the direction for a clear correction for those as how to proceed in the fellowship ,having been made free of this false understanding that has robbed them of their peace and joy to rest in and among those gathered in the use of and Un-righteous approach used in the World to play games , forming sides and comparing and competing for attention to form up a winning team, calling that way the Way of the called out ones of Christ as a life-style.


The Kingdom of God is not so, for it is at rest!




Posted By: Daniel Jackson
Date Posted: 10/17/2012 at 11:48am


Posted By: Daniel Jackson
Date Posted: 10/17/2012 at 11:50am

Larry it is true that people use worldly ways of religion. Rather than trust in what God simply says to us in His written word. They seem to be caught up in the spirit of merchandising and in competition. And in the spirit of debate as to what is God's word and what is not. Or who is a prophet or not.

The word of God is of no debate. And if anyone is a true prophet who actually did receive a word from God. The rest would debate it and vote on whether it is real or whether or not it will come to pass. As if not believing it will hence prevent its fulfillment.

The truth is that a true word from God will come to pass regardless of whether anyone believes it or not. God knows they will not believe it yet He foretells what He is going to do. So that when it comes to pass men can not say they were not forewarned and that God did not give them space to repent. Yet some do believe the word and are spared.

Of a truth it matters not if they believe for their lack of belief or discernment in no wise can hinder the word from being fulfilled. It is of no debate. Besides God and His prophet makes up a majority in heaven and earth. Whether or not any man stands up with the prophet.

Posted By: Larry Denton
Date Posted: 10/26/2012 at 12:08pm



You write this:

The word of God is of no debate. And if anyone is a true prophet who actually did receive a word from God. The rest would debate it and vote on whether it is real or whether or not it will come to pass. As if not believing it will hence prevent its fulfillment.

Here we must work on the conception of the wisdom of how those brethren were using their Instructions of Righteousness when Gathered, allowing their Faith as Christ Faith to be engaged.

 IN Truth as a matter of what I believe was so wonderfully simple  is that the Apostles and Prophets  came into a gathering of those folks who had heard the Gospel, then  being drawn (having repented of what they knew was the other old and ancient Athenian/ Greek /Gentile  way of forming a Ekklesia/ Ecclesia or poly of local people to govern , so as to relate and find what was the best way for their community or family to relate so there would be an ongoing right way in which justice would be understood ,and applied among all and  if there was any members of that community was suffering an injustice then the whole of that community error could be reproved ,and corrected.

The Good News was that Christ had come! So here we can understanding that because He had come, the Promise of His Presence would now assured ( even if as little as Two or three were gathered He would be involved)  among them  if there was a disagreement , offence, and or an evil “happening take place” it would be corrected via the Power of God and if corrected  then Our/Their Father in Heaven would add to those Gathered other to be helped to have a place in time to have food , family and work, manifesting the Life of Christ.

For example in my community there are various forms of Churches, but because none of them have any Prophetic Revelation as to their use of a false Way, they remain separated and will become war-like if one questions their way. All suffering the reality of some hove a daughter married to the son of who’s membership is tow different “persuasions” and that demands an ongoing offence “within: then as iniquity, but being imprisoned by the fear of being rejected (more so their children) all pretend in pride that one or the other will be judged for their sin, when they see which or the two groups grows the biggest.


This false  way based on the use of “half truths” ,  requires these churches to create and defend their own justification, which is sin, because they must judge who has the most knowledge and appears to be the most righteous = their own righteousness proceeding in spirit ,but having no truth in it ,calling that the love of Christ.

Rom 4:24  But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;

Rom 4:25  Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification



And?????????? How in the world did this happen and a better question is how in the world did Satan destroy the Godly Way of the “justification” of His; Christ Way, via His Truth in order that all could inter into His Way of Life in the Truth?


As a matter of Truth , in one of these “True´ Godly Gathering the Power of God ‘s presence was there via the Holy Spirit and if there be ( is)  any reason He was there it was to bring three things in principle they were to be single-minded upon was  the Teaching of Our Lord ,Who was Christ, being presented as the Doctrine of Christ by the Apostles and Prophets who were foundational in presenting it and only then were the Evangelist, Pastors, and Teachers involved caring for what was necessary for,  when it was necessary for,  and how it was necessary for those to have their minds renewed via the Gift of the Spirit ,being helped by those Gifted as an election, so at any time ,any place , or any where all involved could and would say the same things . That being that they could call on Christ and He by Way of this Sanctification bring Unity to all or one’s of minds to all who were given to worship Christ in Spirit and the Truth.


The Reproof: 


Joh 16:8  And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:


The Correction


1Co 1:28-31  And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:  That no flesh should glory in his presence.  But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:  That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.


Satan knew he could not stop the flow of the Knowledge of God Word concerning His Righteousness. However he could stop the Understating of God Word concerning Godly Sanctification and if that was stopped then “no “justification foundational for our justification of being found as “One IN Christ   .


To do this Satan needed to alter the Way of Christ , and replace it with a way of the Gentiles to reinstated a ritualized way of observing rules and regulations via  men pleasing men’s Creeds, that would assure these false leaders of their own Righteousness , power of their own personalities and profits and last but most important : The defending of God ,because He would love them more in being seen out there in the world being liked and loved without being rejected form doing business with the rich.


 Their goal for the gold was; “No more testing and judgment of any prophecy” that concerned the healing and deliverance for the renewing of the minds of the saints who in all reverence… allowing Christ to Show the a Way in which was a Way That He and His Father brought Unity in Heaven and would in that time when the Gentiles had failed at Grace just as the Jew’s had failed at keeping the Law leaving both the Jews and the Gentiles  in a doubled-minded state such as being manifested in Election for our next President  of the USA, Christ would return to justify that Same Way of the Truth need for eternal life in the Righteousness of God , for the Peace of God, for the Joy of God to be experienced eternally for all who had Repented and activated in Their Forgiveness  of all that they suffer as Christ Way was contrasted to the way of men provided by Satan himself .


WE saw by ,in and for the light of men  four presidential “debates” leaving a divided nation 50/50 with the bottom line of a nation ongoing sin of greed project the  blindness  so called men candidates  who say they believe God yet  as they as Churched  Americans proclaim a  right and  left  way , that is divided ,both willing to tell others there is their way or nothing , that in principle is  that the reason this country falling  is neither have the character to set down  to Repent of their way of believing that their own churches have any revelation via their own so called divine Church leaders . For what reason is that there is no Revelation Unity in these Churches for themselves let alone the poor of this nation, so why not let the rich remain free from paying their share of what is need for all to live with some form of hope.


This is True by Daniel’s…conscious and is it prophetic?


The truth is that a true Word from God will come to pass regardless of whether anyone believes it or not. God knows they will not believe it yet He foretells what He is going to do. So that when it comes to pass men cannot say they were not forewarned and that God did not give them space to repent. Yet some do believe the word and are spared


The Correction…


Of a truth it matters not if they believe for their lack of belief or discernment in no wise can hinder the word from being fulfilled. It is of no debate. Besides God and His prophet makes up a majority in heaven and earth. Whether or not any man stands up with the prophet.


However , in Spirit of God ‘s Grace via the election of His  Prophets are coming into this  “end time” discernment that , many will not repent of these religious false ways of worshiping the Temple/Churches built by man, as opposed to worshiping “Within the Temple not made with Hands.


Man pleasing men in trying to “sell” the external Bride of Christ and the other becoming aware that the internal Bride of Christ is not going to prostitute herself in her appearance, let alone the Truth and of the Truth that Christ Mercy for her in that she is able to have the OIL of Revelation for Her lamp.


In Truth , Truth is manifested in and among true believers in Character that they are no longer in need of defending  themselves ,God , and or their churches , but highly given to defend their Way of Christ Faith , no longer judging = Who they think they are verses who those others  are neighbors in life; as competing and comparing one another in an outer  appearance , but able to test and judge “what” many are doing that is not according to the Instruction of Righteousness in gathering to gather in  righteous  Reverence to Christ Way.


That is to receive His prophetic Revelation, of which it is a matter of Godly Revelation, for those given to seek” first” the Kingdom of God to test and judge Prophecy to witness His Own Character if and when that prophecy causes a “Working Righteous Offence” among those Gathered or on the is powerless in Character, designed to cause all to fear their lack of obeying false leaders desire to support their own worldly religious institutions of iniquity.


Here is the wisdom : Bring it before the whole of those Gathered to let Christ bring  us the Truth,  and if  any offence come of which the two who have offended one another can be resolved through Godly understanding, and or even if two more believers are allowed to work on the matter , and ?   Well “And” is if Christ via the Spirit of Truth is allowed to participate and those gathered remain united in mind to wait, then He will bring the individual or the collective ones in the disagreement to a Godly Correction for all involved.


This is a matter of faith being used and not some pretentious act that: “O Well if we bring all this up before the church, then there may be a division take place so why not be holy and stone wall the offence in being silence, less some question our authority?”  


IN the beginning the Ekklesia’s functioned in this freedom of the Truth making those gathered unto Christ  free  until Satan remove the Apostles and Prophets, suggesting how unloving it might be to offend all , so why not allow the pastor to rule  as opposed to allow the elder Apostles and Prophets to confirm  their life’s experience to the younger and the younger learning to understanding that  Godly Understanding comes by the Word of God and unless they are repented of trying to resolve life’s problems without God Revelation, then they too will  suffer the Loving Correction of God via God’s Mercy needed when some give no time to seek His Grace for himself others and God Himself.


IN Truth to debate is an ungodly way of Science, Religion, and Political  Powers , when Christ is present via the Promise of the Power of the Spirit of Truth to resolve whatever ,when ever , and however there is a working offence between any believers ( as it is their work to believe) for one or the other or both for a Godly Answer”;  to how they should not divide themselves in fear , but walk in togetherness of God Way of Love , that found  in Righteous Approach for  Peace and Joy of the Kingdom of God .


And if before those Gathered, if they still believe then God’s Love is engaged to allow them to go their way; then in the freedom of seeking how it is as wisdom what they believe will work for the Good if they Love God then free wait on Christ, not to hide in pride of silence having confessed Christ as their Lord.


In Truth if they are allowed to stay and debate the matter then they are dogs , wanting to return what they once threw up and out ,but wanting to feed ,desiring to dine on your peace and or the Joy  your Peace of being filled in mind  ,but in starving in spirit  they will rob all gathering  of their food as the bread or Word of God for all, not being able to hear Our Lord for themselves thus depriving themselves of Godly Revelation.


Php 3:1 -2 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.  Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.




Php 3:15-17  Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.   Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing.  Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.




The Apostles were given as a Way of Christ to bring Godly Righteousness

The Prophets were given to insure the Godly Understanding of Sanctification

The Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers we to announce, aid, and apply the Godly Justification of who we are, when we are, and how we are found each day in the Righteousness, Peace and Joy of the Kingdom of God


Each Temptation Satan approached Christ, Our Lord with was to cause in mind at the expense of His Spirit freedom,   to “turn, bow down, and worship, and do the work of God as Satan desire to do, using the Knowledge of God. However  because of Satan’s rebellion and blindness , can receive no Godly Revelation as understanding , but to men his way seems right ,but the end of it is death .


 When we are to honor God Way using is Revelation for us given no only to the Apostles and Prophets but to all Gathered in a Righteous Way; Understanding. And if Satan has no understanding , then no wisdom, other than to effect and infect the thoughts of others to approach life via the deception of having heard the Word of God , as knowledge ,but as a family ,never seek to trust Christ  via a one on one relationship in allowing the Holy Spirit  to confirm that Godly Understanding allowing us as being members of the same “one” Body of Christ to use His Wisdom which manifest the Unity of God the Fathers Love of all , foundation for the function of His Kingdom.


The mystery is that something is imputed to our souls, and then that something if True as Truth is True then Sanctified and “confirmed”, corroborated, and validated in us and one on one = a one by one using and applying of a Way of God that may offend those given to iniquity, but freedom to those given to Love themselves, others and God Himself that preserves the unity of their “Souls”.

Here the question of our origin and reason for being born is the results of God’s Love, and this love can only be preserved in and by the use of Truth.


Last in the patience of my “many words”  am being  very thankful you are working on these things, allowing  the Joy of you calling and election  as work , work on the following verse and tell me what Our Lord allow you to see .


Act 15:3032  So when they were dismissed, they came to Antioch: and when they had gathered the multitude together, they delivered the epistle:   Which when they had read, they rejoiced for the consolation.  And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with …many words,… and confirmed them.



Act 15:33  And after they had tarried there a space, they were let go in peace …from the brethren… unto the apostles.



In His Kindness, Bro. Larry



Posted By: Daniel Jackson
Date Posted: 10/26/2012 at 3:50pm

Larry your words stirred up allot of history. And gave me a vision as it were of how it was in the early church. Which we read of in Acts which was not based upon rituals of any kind. But upon gathering together in the Spirit to hear the word of God. And upon administering the word if the people were moved by the Spirit to testify or prophecy by exhortation and revelation. Then this followed the preaching. And everyone had their part in the body. Their witness and testimony as well as spiritual gifts. And all of this was fine so long as all was done in decency and in order.

This leads in our days to a line drawn between the pulpit and the pews such that it seems no one is righteous enough nor sanctified enough to bring forth a revelation. Unless they are the fellow in the pulpit. Who here would say he is the most righteous and most sanctified. Or to say most up right in spirit and most set apart in God. Although we are all made righteous and set apart unto Him through faith in Christ. And well this is disunity in the Spirit who sees all right believers as righteous through faith in Jesus. And no less righteous than a preacher if he be righteous.

Now if they do not want revelations or things to be revealed. God will get the revelations out there by other means.

Coming on down to your question of Acts 15:30-33. I see that the people received the epistle with joy and were consoled by it. And that Judas and Silas were stirred up in Spirit and had a witness of the word and prophecied to confirm the word. And that there was no obstinance nor dispute or debate. But all were at peace and left that way. I see also that they had no custom to prevent or stop prophets from prophecying in the gathered up assembly.

Posted By: Larry Denton
Date Posted: 10/27/2012 at 2:28pm



I believe and thankful that we are being stirred, called foward and moved. It seems that we all have recieved some Revelation over these past few years and among those all seeking the Kingdom we have joyed in the Knowledge as new Revelation of what the Kingdom is, but now come ( I believe a better understanding) that require us older brethern to Repent and in doing so be truthful among all we find our selves among  those younger , that  to move into the Power of our calling and election we must retun or turn around and go back ot honor the same preceptions of how as wisdom we are to also seek first that very simple righteous Way of ministering Truth in the Spirit as servants . 

How can this be said? But if waht Our Lord is teaching us then it seems we can appear to serve in spirit , in the Spirit ,but then ( perhaprs in fear there is where we stop of fll short ,because we all desire to honor and respect one another ,but some come to these gathering in great need of having the Truth explained to them, and it must be that all there be moved to act in the Faith of Our lord to speak thruth in love as reproof and correction, at the expence of our own need of correction . This means the event can expose those given to be the leader who in all good consciouse does not want to appear weak or unknowledgable , let alone having no understanding of presenting a Righteous Instruction . However we see the Apostle Peter having to bear up before Our Lord his own fears and his weakness, which according to Our Lords Grace is when He is unified in spirit by the Spirit of God and in this he is made strong .

This is backwards to how men respond today,and the Grace of God is left in question when we see thse same mena and women of good will  move in this form of Godlyness, and yet here and there find they have not the Powere of God within them to trutst Christ to render themselves to remain open.

This seems to be the wisdom of Gathering in such a Way as the Way ,so that form the very beginning of folks gathering that not even the Apsotles allowed themselves to placed themselves  as an authority ,but allowed everything to be shared in the Light of Christ presence.

Now you have stirred me up!  And the Joy of this correction that we may as a matter of our Faith have and are now moving from faith to faith as I have seen and experienced when I was first called ,being able to share and experience the Power of God , then in His wisdom allowwing us to alos learn how easy it was to be tempted to become pridful of our ability to convery Knowledge without fully understanding or see or hear what Our Father was doing then and now befor we try to render His love without doing so via the instruction of Rightwouness founded on the Truth. 

Here seems to be the wisdom of being found IN Christ ,being not anxious for anything and in seeing we wait in being mindful of His Grace yes, but more so His Mercy manifesting the ability to be free of some ideal that to be seen ,required us to do , without allowing the Holy Spirit to go beofre us?

He . do we not acknowledge our Lord as working ( studying ... to make sure of our calling and election? and it is a joy to do so when we have the freedoam not having  to lean on our "own understanding" but to know that as we learn we can "lean on Our Lords!!!.

Thanks and very blessed for your help for me !

Bro. Larry


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