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Let me see your eyes!

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 1:02pm

Topic: Let me see your eyes!

Posted By: Henry Falcone
Subject: Let me see your eyes!
Date Posted: 12/04/2012 at 11:04pm

My dear precious bride,

Why is your head so drooping down. Please let me lift your head up and let me look into your beautiful eyes. Did I tell you, that you truly have Dove's eyes. Yes my love as discouraged as you may feel, I know you only have eyes for me. Yes, the world is tugging at your desires. Yes, I know you have stumbled and fallen even in your devotion to me, but don't you know I placed myself as a seal around your heart. I would never forget your promise and vows you made to me that I would be the only one for you.

I know you meant it then, and in your heart of hearts I know you mean it now. I have kept those words hidden and buried in my heart where no one can touch them, and I am working perfectly in your life to bring that true love and devotion for me to come forth at the right time.

Don't look down my love, look up! Let me see your eyes. The eyes that reflect the true beauty that I am making you. You see your failures. You see your shortcoming, but my LOVE, I see you eyes. Your eyes ravish my heart! Your eyes know the depth of true love yet to be realized in your live, but soon my love, your love for me will be in full bloom.

I am coming into your garden and I am going to eat the choicest fruits that are love have produced in you. I delight in you. I delight in you. Won't you just believe me? Won't you just trust that my love for you is stronger than death. I promised I would never leave you or forsake you and I have not.

Just open your eyes wide and please let me lift your head so I can see perfectly into those eyes into the depth of your soul and I will burn up in you everything in you that is not like me. I will complete you as you behold I face and I am able to look into your eyes.

You see my love, my bride, choicest one of your mothers' womb, when you allow me to look into your eyes, you see into mine. There you will behold my glory. The glory that fills me eyes will fill every fiber in your being as I look into the depth of your eyes, and you my love will be changed from glory to glory even as I have said in my word.

I love your eyes because in them I behold the beauty of my creation. I pray you will love my eyes for in them is your source of love and life that you will need forever and ever.

So I say to you once more, "Let me see your eyes," for as you do, you will behold MY FACE! Then your eyes will truly see, your ears will truly hear and your heart will truly understand the height and depth of my love for you and your love for me. So here I go, I lift you head up to look straight into my eyes and now I am looking into your eyes. It is finished. Selah!

Henry Falcone



Posted By: Sherry Mohr
Date Posted: 12/05/2012 at 6:39am


Posted By: Colleen Philip
Date Posted: 12/05/2012 at 7:37am

Hi Henry, I look forward to reading your posts to hear more from Father's heart!  Thank you for this reminder.  I read the 'Welcome the elastic warrior' post last night & went to Milly Bennet's podcast on consecration after.  All the while she's talking about Her surrender to Jesus & the protective way He's kept her & the love that she keeps seeing revealed in His Eyes & in her time spent with Him.  My desire for the same was there, but so was the sense of failure you spoke about...not feeling able to be constant in loving HIm, in surrendering to Him & giving Him myself without taking it all back the next moment.  Milly talked about moving forward & making another decision to be fully His & it was really hard to get past the fear I'd blow it, I'd let Him down.  Thankfully His Presence was also strongly there last night, & in the midst of my self-doubt He helped me to look up, to place my trust in Him, removing it from myself & my own shaky ground & instead plant it on Him.  Your word is so right, He is the only one who can complete that work & the completion sounds so wonderful.  And He's faithful to come to us when we falter, when the doubts surround us & we're afraid to walk on in case we fail. 

For those of you out there who are in this fearful, doubting place, where you want to go on with Him, but you're unsure you can do it perfectly as you want & so you don't know if you can even Henry reminds us, just look up!  Loose those fears in His eyes, let His Love wash those doubts away, & let Him take your hand & firmly & surely lead you into that place of oneness with Him!  Don't let any whisper of insecurity or inferiority ever stand in your way of finding yourself new & complete in His Love...because when you look in His Eyes, you'll find you're already there!

Blessings, Colleen

Owe no man anything but love, carry no offences as Jesus did, & live righteously by giving generously with no strings!
"In Him we live, move, & have our being"...Amen!

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