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2013 Prophetic Word: Double Down

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 5:14pm

Topic: 2013 Prophetic Word: Double Down

Posted By: CharlesRobinson
Subject: 2013 Prophetic Word: Double Down
Date Posted: 01/01/2013 at 1:43pm

Charles Robinson, WISE Ministries International,

The Lord Says...
“Do not try to build up your finances in only gold or
silver only says the Lord but let ME be your treasure. I
am a treasure in your heart and I will fund your dreams –
which are my dreams – together we will make it through
this Perfect Storm – it is a storm that is from me so how
could it not be perfect? Remember, I am in charge and
though the sea’s be in turmoil and some may not know
where their next meal is going to come from or those of
their children I will supernaturally provide for you and
your family. It’s time for me to be the Great God that
you have seen and heard of in the past with the wonderful
examples in My Word and the great moves of God in past; I
am restoring my greatness to your lives in 2013 and
beyond. This is the Year of Our Lord, 2013! I call you a
producer, I call you My Supply; I am Jehovah Jireh your
supplier but you are going to be my suppliers to the
people of the earth. You are like My Joseph, you are also
My Storehouses, My special Joseph’s that I am now
raising- up.
2013 is going to be a year where people’s priorities
change and a year that people’s eyes open up. Their eyes
will open to see who their source really is. Is the
government their source or is it me says the Lord? It
will be an opportunity for my church to fill the voids
and meet the needs and fill them and meet them you will!”
Praying for Obama:
I have a new desire and a mandate to pray for our
president; Barak Obama. His leadership abilities must
come forth as he will be tested so much these next 4
years. We need to pray for his safety and protection even
beginning with the Inauguration on January, 20th 2013.
2013 will continue the theme of 2012 “It was the best of
times and it was the worst of times” taken from Dickens’
“A Tale of Two Cities”.

The Lord says ‘Behold, I will send a new wave of
revivalist’s to this nation and to the nations of the
world and I will instruct my gathering angels to gather
my remnant from the four corners of the earth. There
shall be a great harvest of the one’s that I have
ordained from the foundation of the world. This is before
the final battle of the ages – before the Day of the Lord
when I will fight with my mighty angels and when my Son
shall lead an awesome company into battle against the
Wicked One and his followers. Get ready for battle!
Prepare your hearts inhabitants of the earth for the time
is coming when the enemy shall be cast down and shall be
fierce because he knows his time is short and shall
deceive many (Revelation 12:7). A remnant, a triumphant
reserve I am calling forth out from the sea of humanity.
Are you one of my remnant? Are you one that may be
accounted among the 7000 prophets like Obadiah sealed-up
in the Days of Elijah? We are in the days of Elijah
again! You shall see tests of power and strength and
authority in the earth again like in the days of Elijah
and I desire to use you says the Lord! Rejoice for your
redemption is at hand and the culmination of the ages
that my holy prophets have spoken about. Be not deceived
in this day for there are many false prophets and false
Christ’s that speak not in my name but in their own name.
Turn away from these and harken unto the voice of your
Lord. The damage that is being done from these who speak
only of my grace and not my severity is great and these
false pastors and false prophets cause many to slumber
and say “where is the sign of his coming”? From such turn
away again I say unto you. But be a silver trumpet and
blow a pure word from heaven and not as a sounding brass
or as a tinkling symbol says the Lord. Blow a true and
sure word for the people. Your leaders promise you a
false sense of safety and security for you. Take heed,
the hearts of the nations are in my hand and I will have
the last word. They can plan what they wish but they, the
elitists, the central bankers, even those that call
themselves The Illuminati will know that there is a god
in heaven in this final hour and that I move nations and
I move the hearts of kings and suddenly nations and
cities shall turn to me; even in a day; I can save a
nation in a day (Isaiah 66:8) and I am calling on you to
lead this effort; do not fear for your lives or wonder
what you will eat or drink or what you will wear; I will
clothe you and feed you and direct you and you shall be
like John the Baptist’s operating in the spirit and the
power of Elijah in these last days. I will fuel
creativity and inventions in you and I will cure many
major diseases through this healing revelation;
revelation on how disease gets a foothold and how it
grows in the body; yes, there is more for science to do
but science that is led by my people. So arm yourself not
with weapons of violence (God is not saying that we
should not bear arms) but with weapons of my powerful
words within you; I will breathe upon you in 2013 and
give you a new strength to double down against the
doubling down of the enemy that will happen in the
nations in 2013. They may say “lock them down” causing
the people to “look down” or engage in even martial law
but I say “look up” for your redemption draws nigh.
Remember this earth is not your home but Heaven and the
New Earth. And you shall see with your very own eye the
fulfillment of what I have called each of you to do; I
will be faithful to my word to you; it will accomplish
that which it has been sent for and you will fulfill your
destiny in this earthly realm and in the next and you
will feed the multitudes and clothe them and give them
drink the same way that I will do or you for you are
forerunner’s in the earth for what I am going to do. Be
strong, double-down, persevere, seek shelter in me for I
shall surely protect you; they shall seek the mountains
to fall on them (Luke 23:30) but MY Holy Mountain – My
Presence shall protect and uphold you.

The use of the term Double Down:

I was not familiar with this term when the Lord spoke it
in the prophecy above. To double down means to engage in
risky behavior when someone is already in a dangerous
situation. In the game of Blackjack the term means to
double the original bet after receiving the first two
cards. You will then be given one more card. I think the
Lord used this term to show us we need to really believe
in the “hand” we have been dealt in this life (our gifts,
talents and abilities, our social status, etc.) and use
it to the maximum effectiveness and that he was going to
give us a double portion of effectiveness in this hour.

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