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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 5:14pm


Posted By: Danny Korakas
Date Posted: 02/18/2013 at 4:05pm

Could it be that in nature or God's creative order - elements which comprise our reality often reflect multiple functions within the economy or body of a single organism? In other words, a single atom or molecule may play or possess many different roles with excellence. Maybe you and I, whether as an individual, the church, society, or even nations have collectively sold ourselves short of our creative capabilities. We tend to limit ourselves to simpleton or singular status and abilities when all along we are complexly designed to exhibit creative greatness on many fronts.

Maybe, just maybe one of the deepest, one of the most basic functions of the human species is to look ahead and to produce excellence or progression in what we know as the "future." Maybe, just maybe, humanity has not experienced a far better future because we have doubted our creative ability at the individual and corporate levels. Far too often we wait upon God for these abilities and to solve mankind's issues when all along he is waiting on you to express what has been within you all along.

I will end by summarizing that if God created quarks, atoms and molecules to be excellent at many creative expressions of reality such as hydrogen expressing itself far beyond just being a part of water - Why can't you and I? Shouldn't the composite of these "abilities" possess even greater excellence and greater works than these.......


Posted By: Stacy McCarty
Date Posted: 02/18/2013 at 9:56pm

"Far too often we wait upon God for these abilities and to solve mankind's
issues when all along he is waiting on you to express what has been
within you all along."

Someone was talking to me about this idea earlier today.

I run into these two schools of thought though : 1) wait on the Lord (Ps.
27:14) and 2) God has given you everything you need so just do it.

My question is always how does wait upon the Lord fit in? And what is the
deal when you just go out and " what has been within you all
along." and nothing happens and the doors stay firmly shut? Ecclesiastes
8:6-7 says:

For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a
man's misery weighs heavily upon him. 7 Since no man knows the future,
who can tell him what is to come?

If there is a proper time and procedure for every matter then we can't just
go tromping out doing things as we see fit that day. We need clear
direction on when and where and why.

Could someone clarify/help me on this? The whole "you already have it so
go do it" message has never worked for me in my walk with the Lord so
I'm feeling rather irritated. But open to learning of course. : )


Posted By: Danny Korakas
Date Posted: 02/19/2013 at 9:09am

Hi  Stacy!

While I'm sure that I may not answer all of your questions and concerns - I'll throw my 2 cents in!

The intent of the post is not so much about "doing" as understanding our potential as creative beings when the times arise. If we're made up of a conglomeration of elements that have multiple purposes, shouldn't you and I also possess multiple purposes as the sum total created in God's image and likeness? We limit our abilities and potential far too often and the church's impact is thus reflected as barely recognizable.

There is a tremendous difference from being "filled with the Holy Spirit" and being "led by the Holy Spirit." The in-filling is a gift of grace upon salvation. On the other hand, being led by the Spirit is a personal choice or act of obedience. It is the leading of the Holy Spirit that dictates the operation and oppurtunity of these various abilities.

Oftentimes I witness the polar extremes of dead and fruitless hyper-activity along with natural and spiritual laziness. Much of the church's issues stem from these extreme expressions. Folks attempting to beat or manipulate people into salvation and folks that are so spiritually minded that it's simply a mask of natural laziness which possess little to no earthly good.

I believe the key is understanding our potential, abilities and creativity to impact the environments around us. When these opportunities come into view because we are led by the Spirit and once seized, they create situations of glorifying the Lord for only he could have accomplished it through us.

Posted By: Stacy McCarty
Date Posted: 02/19/2013 at 10:44pm



"I believe the key is understanding our potential, abilities and creativity to
impact the environments around us. When these opportunities come into
view because we are led by the Spirit and once seized, they create
situations of glorifying the Lord for only he could have accomplished it
through us."

This ties in with something I've been praying lately. I've been asking God
what else am I able to do that I'm not seeing or don't even know about
yet. God made us all with many facets and so I'd like to know what mine
are, what ones I've not seen and used yet. Introduce me to new parts of

Very interesting post. Thanks for posting it, Danny!

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