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Manifest Breakthrough - God’s Desire An Overused Word - Mike Bachelder

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Topic: Manifest Breakthrough - God’s Desire An Overused Word - Mike Bachelder

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Subject: Manifest Breakthrough - God’s Desire An Overused Word - Mike Bachelder
Date Posted: 05/15/2013 at 11:32pm

Mike Bachelder:
"Manifested Breakthrough" - God's Desire
An Overused Word

I have always been one for shying away from buzzwords and
overused expressions that many use amongst the Body. But
I believe the use of the word "breakthrough" is more than
just a buzzword because it is something that God is
trying to release to His people.

A few of the dictionary definitions of the word
"breakthrough" are: "an offensive thrust that penetrates
and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare" and "the
act or instance of breaking through an obstacle."

Breakthrough Illustrations

• A Breakthrough of Water: The main idea for breakthrough
comes from the breakthrough of water from 2 Samuel 5:20:
So David went to Baal Perazim (which means "possessor of
the breaches" that carries the idea of "the Lord who
possesses the breach, or point of breakthrough") and
David defeated them there; and he said, "The LORD has
broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough
of water." The breakthrough of water is like a crack in a
dam that continues to grow wider and wider.

• A Troop and a Wall: The next illustration of
breakthrough is from 2 Samuel 22:30: "For by you I have
run through a troop: by my God have I leaped over a

• Breaking through City Gates: Another picture of
breakthrough is when a walled city is under siege and the
opposing army is breaking the gates down with a battering
ram. A battering ram is thrust forward time after time
until ultimately the gates burst open. The importunity of
intercession can be likened to constant and continual
calling out to God until the point when the answer comes.
In days gone by, this was known as "praying through."

• Mountain climb – Refusing to give up. In Galatians 6:9,
we read, "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for
in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

When I was a young man I climbed a 10,000 foot mountain
with some friends of mine. Towards the top, it got very
difficult and one of my friends turned back. He was
unaware that we were only five minutes from the top. He
missed out because he gave up too soon. Let's not give up
because we could be just moments from the point of our

Manifested Breakthrough

Now, I'd like to share with you what I believe to be one
of the most powerful aspects of the nature of
breakthrough. It is what I call "Manifested
Breakthrough." Manifested breakthrough is not just God
breaking into a situation from one direction, but it is
God placing Himself in the very center of what needs to
change and then manifesting His power, presence and
glory. It truly is, "If God be for us and who can be
against us" (Romans 8:31).

The word breakthrough comes from the Hebrew word "perets"
which means "To break out." In the areas that we are
believing God for breakthrough in, we should also believe
Him to break out from the very center of the situation.
Zephaniah 3:17 declares "the Lord thy God in the midst of
you is mighty." In this verse the word midst means: the
nearest part, that is, the center; the word mighty means:
a powerful, warrior champion.

The Lord wants to come as a powerful, warrior champion to
show Himself strong in the midst of all hindrances,
obstacles and blockades that the enemy has erected to
stop the flow of God's purposes.

Just like in the epicenter of a nuclear bomb or the
flashpoint of a volcano, resistance in every direction is
obliterated. Whether it's breakthrough in physical
healing, financial provision, relationship issues or any
number of areas, God's desire is to bring manifested

Biblical Examples

• The Battle of Jericho: The victory in Jericho was not
the result of an advancing army breaking into the gates
of the city. It was as God's people obeyed and followed
His strategy that breakthrough came and the victory was
won. Jericho had two walls, an inner and outer, with a
combined thickness of 18 feet. I'm sure that the
inhabitants of Jericho never imagined that these walls
would be breached, let alone be destroyed altogether in a
moment of time. Our God is well able to bring
breakthrough in the midst of impossible situations.

• The Manifested Power of the Holy Spirit: The Holy
Spirit, the most powerful force in the universe, is very
active on Planet Earth today. We often do not think of
His power as being the exact same power that raised Jesus
from the dead.

The declaration of Romans 8:11 is this: "But if the
Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in
you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give
life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells
in you." We need to believe God and ask Him for the
release of Holy Spirit power – the power of the
resurrection in our lives.

Scripture also says that the anointing breaks the yoke.
Many Believers these days are walking around with heavy
yolks of everything from religious expectations to
orphaned thinking and condemnation. God's desire is to
manifest breakthrough to obliterate yolks by the
anointing (Isaiah 10:27).

• Jesus Calming the Sea: There are times that the
manifestation of breakthrough is going to come in the
release of great peace into a situation.

In Mark 4, Jesus stood in the midst of a storm that the
disciples thought was life threatening. In the midst of
that storm He declared, "Peace, be still" (verse 39).

It's interesting that the response of the storm was not
to just ease up a bit, but the Bible says, "the wind
ceased, and there was a great calm." I believe God wants
to bring great calm into the many storms of life that we
face. Even if the circumstances of that storm do not
change immediately, we can still receive "a great calm"
deep inside our hearts.

There are many other examples of manifested breakthrough
in the Bible. It seems that God has always been about
winning great victories for and through His people.
Looking Forward

I believe in the days ahead we are not only going to see
marked increases in the release of signs, wonders and
miracles, but also manifested breakthrough in this sudden
release of God's power in impossible situations that need
to change.

Let's pray for this, let's believe for this, and let's
contend for this.

Mike Bachelder, Director
Burning Heart Ministries

Mike Bachelder currently serves as Founder and Director
of Burning Hearts Ministries and has been active in
ministry since 1980, with an emphasis on intercession
since 1995. Mike and his wife, Darla, have served as
pastoral oversight for intercession and the prophetic
ministry for many years and have served as missionaries
in Scotland and have worked with intercession teams in
Scotland, England, Ireland, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia,
Spain and Morocco, as well as numerous places in the US.
Mike also operates under a preaching, exhortation and
prophetic anointing and has been preaching and doing
trainings for churches, ministry schools and other
organizations for many years. Mike and Darla also have a
great burden to see the younger generation (in their 20s-
30s) set free and released into their ministry and
calling. Mike and Darla have been married for 32 years,
raised five children and now enjoy the addition of
grandchildren to their family.

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing


Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 1:35am

Reading this I'm reminded how the term breakthrough
brings to mind the concept of giving birth... speaking of
the unveiling of the mystery, the disclosure of what has
been hidden, the exposure of what has been hidden in
darkness (as in the womb), the revealing (revelation) of
Christ within us. The term manifest also brings forth
the same picture... the manifestation (outward
appearance) of Christ (the Son) within us. It being His
appearing in this way that the whole of creation is on
tip toes waiting for :)))

Further to the understanding conveyed in the article
above... Quote: "In the areas that we are believing God
for breakthrough in, we should also believe Him to break
out from the very center of the situation." end Quote ...
I am convinced that this breaking through of the
revelation of Christ within us is the solution to
everything. It is the mystery revealed. We have Him
within... and access to all the fullness of the deity
through His indwelling in us. He has given us
everything! Our breakthrough comes from within us. The
outpouring comes from within us.

I think of how Paul put this revelation:

"But when He, Who had chosen and set me apart [even]
before I was born and had called me by His grace (His
undeserved favor and blessing), saw fit and was pleased
to reveal (unveil, disclose) His Son within me..."
(from Gal. 1 - Amp)

... and boy had he been in darkness... but that's another
story lol!


Posted By: Paule Smith
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 6:17am

"He missed out because he gave up too soon. Let's not give up because we could be just moments from the point of our breakthrough."

Really needed to hear this today, Julie. Thanks for posting.

Posted By: Hugh Meadows
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 6:29am

Mat. l0:39 - He who finds his soul life shall lose it and he who loses his soul life for My sake shall find it. (Recovery Version)  hugh

Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 6:46am

Hi Julie,

Brilliant word. I tend to think that just before breakthrough the enemy tries to get us to believe his lies and the storm is probably the strongest. Holding onto the Lord and his word is our solid rock in the extreme storms. Bless his name.



Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 9:24am

Paule - Me too... so needed this word! I think we're on
the edge of breaking through... I am reminded of birthing
my babies.... how HARD it was right before they were
birthed ... and this is how it is 'feeling' to me both in
the natural and in the spiritual dimensions... we just
need to continue PUSH-ing ... in fact I find that I am
being directed to decree a matter rather than pray ...
God seems to be directing me what to decree and I speak
forth calling what is not as though it was b/c in God's
dimension, it already is ... guess this is where we co-
labor together to bring the dimension of heaven into this
earthly realm...

wow.... honored and humbled God trusts me enough to co-
labor with him in birthing HIS kingdom and His will in
this life!!

Mandy... great share... the breaking out at the very
center of the need.... I have had many 'visions' for lack
of a better word of exactly this... it is nuclear but on
a dimension different from what we know in this realm...
we just can't give up or get discouraged or grow weary...
we MUST encourage one another to press on and press

Hugh... I woke up this morning very much aware that I am
powerless over ALL nouns .. the only 'power' I may have
is within myself co-laboring with Jesus and HIS kingdom
come and His will be done.... I died ( lost my life)
never the less, I live (found my life IN Christ) so its
no longer "I" who lives, but Christ who lives in me ...
yet he allows me to live IN Him ... amazing profound

David.. I am hearing you! We are 'right there' on the
brink .... and its going to be glorious!! we simply
cannot give up and turn back now.. no matter how we may

Bless you all! get ready for super-to-the-natural things
to break forth!!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 9:37am

Hi Julie,

Just felt to share this song in relation to what you're
saying re pressing and pushing...

Godfrey Birtill... Living in the unforced rhythms of Grace:     


Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 10:22am

thanks Mandy... I am so at peace re: a certain matter felt
that the Lord said that ITS FINISHED .. been praying in
the HS for 3 years.... and something broke the other
day... got to a place of acceptance and peace just oozed
over me like honey!!

this song is just speaking to my spirit great things..
THANK YOU for sharing...


See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 11:04am



Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 12:08pm

On the verge of giving up 2013!

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 7:17pm

Miesha... DONT ... He didn't bring you this far to leave

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 05/16/2013 at 9:33pm

Miesha, my precious Sister, don't you dare give up,,,words to a song I sing to myself & to Jesus when the darkness wants to dictate defeat,,,"I cannot be defeated, and I will not quit. I'm redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, I've been saved from satan's pit. Jesus fought and He won the battle, and He gave it ALL to me. I cannot be defeated. I'm saved. I'm healed. I'm FREE!" GO, get your communion wine & bread, seat yourself across THE TABLE from Jesus(HE IS ALWAYS THERE WAITING FOR YOU TO COME SIT),,, look into His loving eyes and partake of Him, eat the bread, drink the wine; remind Him of the Blood Covenant He ratified and established with HIS LIFEBLOOD... and you can be assured He, the Lord of your Breakthrough will have a lot to say to you...ALL GOOD! GLORY TO GOD!!! Love U ALL

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Amanda Leonard
Date Posted: 05/17/2013 at 5:36am many confirmations here!  I've definitely been having these birthing pangs and these words are exactly what the Lord has been showing and speaking to me.  Just this week I've been hearing the word "Breakthrough".....I haven't heard that in a long time.  I believe just like Mike spoke about in his writing about the 'buzz' words, I believe that's why I haven't heard it in a while but just this week I was hearing it.  God also has been showing me about the birthing process for a few months now.  The Lord had me write about it about a month or so ago and this 'baby's' name is TRANSFIGURATION! God is transforming us to the image of His Son upon the earth.....the mature sons and daughters of God.  The battle has been very hard in the recent days but a friend was praying for me online and said she heard....."PUSH AMANDA PUSH!!!'  This 'baby' is coming and we just have to declare the promises that He has already given us and shown us....speak it into the atmosphere.  It's just like yesterday I was talking with a friend and we were talking about how when we become so one with Jesus that we won't second guess will happen because we will be so one with Him, we won't have to strive or try.  Our hands will be His hands, our words will be His words, our thoughts will be His I was saying that I said that it will be "second nature"....and immediately after that the Lord stopped me and said..."No, it's your first nature!"  Our first nature is Spirit and our second nature should be flesh....we've had it so backwards :)....Lord help us....we CAN'T do it ourselves!!! 

Meisha, I just want to pray for you right now. I pray God for You to just consume her with Your love.  Show her Lord that You have NOT given up on her, show her the destiny that You have placed within her before she was even born.  God I pray for anything in her that feels like she has to do it alone....that orphan spirit has to go in Jesus' name....release the Spirit of Adoption over her, where she will call You Abba, Father, Daddy.  Give her the strength to PUSH Lord, even when she feels that she can't....thank You Lord that You are behind her just cheering her on.  I hear Him saying, "You are doing good, my daughter, just keep focusing on Me." 

Love each of you and I'm so excited about what the Lord is doing!!!  Manifested Breakthrough....YES!!!  PUSH!!!!  



Changed by His Presence

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 05/17/2013 at 8:46am

I just came across this in regards to women in natural
labour (from the website of Natural Childbirth
Education)... I share it as I feel that the natural
is pointing to the spiritual in this...

Our bodies are amazing during labor. Baby can communicate
to mom throughout labor and really sit in the “drivers
seat” throughout the birth. Baby can tell mom when they
need a break and cause what has been dubbed the “Natural
Alignment Plateau” where labor progresses but does not
increase in intensity for many hours. They can push
against moms uterus while in labor to make sure they get
into the correct position. If a mother was to be knocked
unconscious for some reason (like a car accident) and she
was in labor, baby could in essence deliver themselves.

When we tamper with the natural process and don’t listen
to our bodies or are given poor medical advice which
encourages a mom to go against her body, we see more
negative effects than positive ones.

If you are pregnant remember to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY no
matter what anyone tells you. If you dont feel the urge
to push, dont push yet. If you feel the urge to push
before you have fully dilated, push with that urge (a
topic for another day ). If you feel like walking, walk.
If you feel like rocking, rock. If you feel like being on
your hands and knees, dont let anyone get inthe your way
of assuming whatever position feels right to you. We cant
fully grasp how intricite our human bodies are, nor how
tighly knit the communication lines between moms brain
and baby really are. We need to just trust and go with
it. (End of quote)

The whole article can be found here:


Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/17/2013 at 3:49pm


I want to tell you a dream my sister had relating to giving birth to a baby. Last week my sister woke up to tell me that she had a crazy dream and she knows that blessings are on the way. First she told that we were walking and she was pregnant. But then one side of her belly began to droop. We then were in her house and she said she found her self pinned up against a door because she felt like she was about to give birth to this baby. Next she moved to the living room floor and pushed a baby out then she called for me to come to her. I was very surprise that she gave birth to baby and I told her that I did not even know she was pregnant in the first place. When this baby came out it was still in its sack water and all. My sister ripped open the sack and out came a baby so bright it was almost transparent. She said that in the dream I told her that I will name the baby and I gave him a name which was Terrian! I looked up this name and it meant(Late Summer). Although it, said to be a girls name I'm sure I gave him that name for a reason being that he was a boy. This dream was shocking to me because my sister is in a backslidden state which I'm praying for her to come back to Christ. I have been seeing some words that I gave from god to others come to past lately but I often wonder , when this year I will start to see my harvest that God said I will see this year (Resting in his promises).

Posted By: Paule Smith
Date Posted: 05/17/2013 at 4:25pm

Miesha: I was very interested in your sister's dream. Do you feel it is just for her (and/or you) or a word for the Body at large?

Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/17/2013 at 4:41pm

Gayle and Amanda!

I felt your prayers for me today because I was able to put a smile on the inside and keep one on the outside. I felt a little more lifted since the past few days. I wanted to tell you couple of visions my daughter had. My daughter has been able to see and hear from god since she was 3 years old. So whenever she tells me something I know I need to listen really hard lol. One vision she had was one with her and I were walking. She said that the lord had called the both of to come up to where he was which was in heaven. So we went and ended up on some clouds. Then says that we were bouncing on the clouds and then Jesus showed us a green car that was off in a distance from where we standing. By our surprise when we saw the car we ran to it and got in it. She saw her dad and he approach us. He had a bunch of red roses in his hand with some chocolates in a heart shaped box. He got in the car with us and went back down to earth. She says that she saw her aunt, my sister and we scared her while coming down from the clouds. My sister asked where we came from and my daughter told that we came from the clouds and my sister had "SAY WHAT?" Then my daughter said from heaven she saw a big heart that had Jesus , her dad and myself in it coming down from heaven. We all got into the car and drove away. My daughter had another vision recently. This one was that we were driving in a green car again. She said that we were going to the movies. Her dad called and ask can he come too and I said yes! She said also that God had told me something. I asked her what it was and she said that God will tell me. She says to me the sun was shining so bright on us. The last thing my daughter told me about this vision was that God had told her that things will change. Days later after my daughter told me this vision we were talking and I said to her " Kiersten I wish I knew what it was that God had told me during your vision?. She paused for a few seconds and said I now know mommy. God wants me to tell you that all of the bad that happened will change to good. I cried on her little tiny shoulders because she was comforting me in a very special way. I found out about this green car last year and I have gotten confimations about it.



Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/17/2013 at 5:02pm


When my sister told me this dream I showed her an email I had just got before she had this dream about the summertime events. I have been waiting about 6yrs for somethings and I know a lot other have been waiting to. I know a few that are true believers and stood in faith while waiting. I knew this to be about them being true believers because God told me. Everyone has there turn and I know that the true believers turn is here! It's just for me wanted to see it physically is nerve wrecking lol. Whoever the true believers are will see this real treat. God keeps reminding of this through his own voice speaking to me and then later sends confirmations.

Posted By: Paule Smith
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 5:20am

Miesha, thanks for clarifying.

Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 6:13am


All this week the devil has been starting stuff with me. I said to myself something good must be about to happen because this how the devil works. I woke this morning to learn that my way to work and my daughter's way to school wont be available anymore. I was like WHAT? I wanted to cry but my daughter was standing there watching me so I did not. I don't know whats going to happen next but I'm sure I will find out! :(

Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 6:21am

Julie , sorry I did not scroll up far enough to see your post for me !
I'm doing my best not do but it's so hard. Thank you for lifting me up love in prayer it means alot to me. Amanda and Gayle are special along with you! Please pray for my Husband , my daughter's father!

Posted By: Amanda Leonard
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 9:05am

Miesha.....all these things that the Lord is showing is very awesome!!!  I know how hard it is to wait on the Lord.  I've been praying for my husband now for 10 years and there's been times that I just wanted to give up but I praise God for His faithfulness.  At times it seems worse when I've been praying more intensely but it's because there's a battle going on.  I've even seen this in my house with light fighting against darkness.....but Praise God LIGHT WINS! 

With your sisters dream, it reminds me of several things the Lord has been speaking to me recently.  First is that the 'contractions' are coming closer together and are way more intense because this baby is sooo very close.  Like in her dream you didn't even know she was pregnant and BAM there's the baby.  It was bright and transparent which is what I've been seeing in the Spirit with the manifested sons and daughters of God.  It sounds like this baby is coming in the late hold on sweet sister!!!  Sounds like your sister is pregnant with promise and it's coming....even when we can't 'see' it (she's backslidden) but His promise is within her and has been spoken over her.....keep speaking His promises over her.   Hold on to the promises of God, even if we can't see it in the's coming!!! 

Then with you and the visions that your daughter is awesome it is when our children teach us things.  Mine have done that many times!   It sounds like your daughter is going on heavenly adventures and she's taking you with her.....and how awesome that your husband is coming along as well.  You guys met him are going first but he's coming along.  Sounds like He is showing you that you are seated in Heavenly places with Him and some will not understand when He takes you on these Heavenly adventures.  I looked up what the color green means and found this and I believe it may help some.....

Green – When dreaming of the color green the bible describes this color as growth and maturity. The bible also illustrates this color as being vegetation for man and beast.

Positive: This color could represent in a dream a natural or spiritual rest in the Lord or a renewal in one’s life (As in, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He restoreth my soul).

(Ps. 23: 2; Hosea 14:8; Ezekiel 17:24; Job 15:31-32)

This just seems to go with what I felt the Lord was saying about the green car in the visions that your daughter has been having.  You said that you saw the green car and "by your surprise you ran to it and got in." I believe that this car represents a ministry that the Lord is going to use you in...but not just you, your whole family.  And being that you were in the heavenlies and came back to earth....I feel like that God is going to take you up in the spirit and you will experience heavenly visitations, just like your daughter is experiencing right now :).  So expect to be having some heavenly encountes.  And how beautiful that your daughter saw you and your husband in a heart coming from heaven....this will be a work that only HE can do....but He's doing it!!!  Glory!!!  So rest in in in Him.....let Him drive and wait for the Lord to do something incredible in you and your husband!!!   

I hear the Lord saying...."You've been waiting my precious daughter, but hold fast and watch what I am doing!  It will happen suddenly and you will be amazed my child!"  


How awesome is our God?!  He is amazing and I"m excited for you Meisha and what God is doing in and through you!!!  Blessings sweet sister!!!  


Oh one more thing....this is something a dear friend wrote me b/c I've been feeling similar feelings this week as you were describing and I believe this is what we are experiencing.  " The spiritual atmosphere the last few days has been really tough. By the justice of GOD we are seeing demonic structures being exposed and overturned....just look at what is happening in Washington. It is causing a lot of turmoil in the spirit realm. But also there is a huge surge of religious resistance to the Kingdom advancement. There are forces that are trying to pull GOD's people back into the old. These battle lines have been particuarly fierce." 

Again Blessings!!!

Changed by His Presence

Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 2:49pm


 You are on point about somethings here and it is truly amazing  :)! I do know for sure that green car is both physical and spiritual. Last year My God Mother told while taking a nap that she had a vision with me and my daughter driving up to her house in green color car. I told her I would pray to god about this and wait for confimation. Well the next month on 5/5/12 w the date my nephew was born, I got confirmation from a lady that I never met or spoken to until that day told me about a green car and what the color represented to me both in the physical and the spiritual. She also said that my love one (Husband ) who I had been praying for , she saw NEW LIFE SHOOT FAR FROM THE GROUND INDICATING NEW LIFE N CHRIST THAT WILL COME TO PAST. This month a pastor me told that god is giving my husband a new heart and new mind and that he will bring a lot of joy and peace to the marriage. Since my daughter has been born also in the month of May 2005 she has been able to tell about events and dreams I had before she even was born let alone conceived. So If I ever doubted that there was a god before she was born , you can believe she cleared that up right away lol. It's not often that she tells me things that God has told her because she says that when God wants me to know something he will tell her to tell me. I told my sister what you said but her dream and she gave me this look like it was confirmation or it made a lot of sense. Late summer I'm guessing would be August/ September or a little sooner. I do believer that the dream was more for my sister's life concerning the promise part because I have been praying for her for so long. But over all her dream was for me also along with other true believers like your self who have been waiting in line for a miracle. August 6th would be 7yrs that I have been going through this battle. All this year I kept hearing Isaiah 43:18-19 when in fact I had never read these verses before but this scripture kept following and ring in my head but I could not see anything physically change, so I started growing weary and tired of doing and waiting sort of speak. I'm close to something because the devil has been after me all this week for sure LOL. I will share some other things with you and then you will know for  sure you are hearing correctly from god if you have an email let me know.  My email is

Posted By: Paule Smith
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 4:16pm

Miesha, I'm sorry you have had such a rough time of things lately. Like you said, break through cannot be long for you! Hang in there.

Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 5:15pm


Thanks for your support! I use what god has given me like he
said I should but when it all gone all I can do is wait. Paule,
have you felt like you just can't pray anymore the same
prayer or you have no more strength left to pray? I started
feeling like I my desire to pray like I use too has left me! I
talk to god but not like I should or use too! Only when he is
telling me to do something or someone has asked me to pray
for them. I feel the sensation of numbness at times. Things
will change my daughter says atleast I'm hoping so! :)

Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 6:38pm

Miesha ... no worries ... I was reflecting over what you
have shared and might I suggest that you 'be kind to

It is apparent that God has given you many gifts,
intercession, discernment, wisdom, knowledge, revelation,
insight, prophetic, etc.... and the reality perception is
that a totally completely defeated foe, satan, is
attempting to destroy you, a 'son' of the most High God!

Yes, it is difficult ... but I have learned that when I
am in this place of 'feeling' and being overwhelmed by my
feelings, that I can ask God to heal my perceptions on
how I am viewing and experiencing what it is I am

what I mean by that, is that we are bi-dimensional
beings: we are seated together with Christ in the
heavenly realm while we are also an ambassador here on
earth in our 'earth suit' ... the Truth is, we are
spiritual beings learning to have a human experience ...

our human experience is one of limitation in respect to
our spiritual position ... so it is way easier to become
focused on being human vs. being spirit seated together
with Christ...

may I invite you to 'elevate' your perceptions? may I
invite you to focus upon your position and identity as a
'spirit' being seated together WITH Christ at the right
hand of God? may i suggest that you look 'down' between
your feet at you in your ambassador role as a human BEING
upon this earth and identify two realities?

While being human can be somewhat limiting in some
degrees, Jesus was fully human laying aside his divinity
to be as we were created to model and demonstrate for us
what we, as humans, are fully capable of....

there is NO shame in being human... it is a glorious
creation that thrills the Father's heart .. he celebrates
us and rejoices over us with singing and dancing....

as believers our sinful nature was transferred to and
nailed to the tree upon which we died WITH Jesus ... we
are dead and our lives are now hid in Christ... yet we
live nevertheless, not us who lives but Christ who is
living within us and the life we now life we live by
FAITH in the Son of God ....

the enemy begs us to forget our Identity which is IN
CHRIST ... as Jesus IS, so are we (each) in this world...
God's very Kingdom resides within us and we really have
no need that any 'man' should teach us but HIS SPIRIT
teaches us and leads us into ALL truth ...

for we truly have this TREASURE in a 'jar of clay' and
what and who we are is progressively being revealed to us
moment by moment...

for truly the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy,
however...the enemy has NO power (but what WE give to
him) and he has NO authority, for that was stripped at
the cross.... he is impotent, defeated and a toothless
emasculated lion who roars to fill us with fear if we so
choose to embrace a spirit of fear... this is NOT from
God for God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of

It is very easy to fall victim to a pity-pot-party... to
get so focused on our selves and what we are overwhelmed
with... I know, I fight this somewhat daily... yet, GOD
who lives in us has made us victorious through His Son
Jesus Christ... and we are ELEVATED to a position of
royal honor at the right hand of the son ABOVE all
principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual
wickedness in high places and every thing that can be
named .... reminding you that God created ALL things,
visible and INVISIBLE ... but he has give US HIS
'Emperors' Anointing b/c HE is the Emperor of all
Creation, not simply King ...

so, for such a time as this were we each called.. and the
enemy seeks for us to FORGET that he HAS BEEN defeated in
all dimensions and he is UNDER our feet and we have been
given AUTHORITY over serpents and scorpions and over ALL
THE POWER of the enemy and NOTHING SHALL by any means
harm us.....

so I encourage you my sister... to begin to rise up and
DECREE A MATTER so shall it BE ESTABLISHED .. arise in
your Identity of Christ Jesus Who IS and WAS and IS TO
COME and has always been.... see yourself in your
reigning position seated together with Christ ABOVE ALL
... and then from that position celebrate and recognize
that you, in human form, are an Ambassador here whose
citizenship is in the dimension of Heaven where you are
presently seated .... and allow Christ the King to flow
through you from you, to this world ....

It is time for the Kingdom of Heaven to advance and the
Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by
force... violence is not defined by earthly definition
but heavenly perspective... we advance in the power and
authority AS JESUS IS within us... every where the soles
of our feet tread belongs to the Emperor God and His Son
King Jesus ... we are his representatives here ...

this world is NOT our home, yet this world by Divine
right belongs to us and to our generations .... and it is
time to speak the truth in love... to decree matters led
by Holy Spirit so that they are ESTABLISHED in this

we have no need to 'fear' a defeated enemy who was
stripped of his power at Calvary forever more... we have
no need to be offended by those in this world who oppose
the King Jesus b/c we can speak and decree freedom to the
captive, sight to their blind eyes, hearing to their deaf
ears and release the Truth, that 2,000 years ago their
sins, ALL THEIR SINS, were forgiven them, nailed to the
cross... they are no more enemies of God they are simply
blinded by the god of this world... yet again, we have
authority to set them free, to decree that they SEE the
Truth and receive Truth in their inward parts by Holy

We have NO NEED to judge anyone, for there is an
appointed time for that and it belongs to King Jesus ...
we are here to reconcile the people of this realm to the
Truth of the Savior and King Jesus Christ

I invite you to seek the Lord in this time that He would
elevate your thoughts to be from the Mind and
consciousness of Christ Jesus through the Wisdom of

You are a mighty warrior, clothes in robes of
righteousness, dripping with the Blood of the Lamb slain
from the foundation of all creation... you are armored
with the helmet of salvation, breatplate of
righteousness, your loins are gird about with truth, your
feet shod with the preparation of peace and you hold the
Sword of the Spirit and the shielf of faith wherewith YOU
may quench every fiery dart the enemy sends...

but again, realize that you 'fight' a defeated foe... HE
IS DEFEATED, stripped of his treasonously gained power
and authority... remind him of his defeat in Jesus Name!
You are a 'son' of the Most High God.. you are called and
chosen and YOU ARE HIS! He sought you and He bought you
and you now must LABOR to enter into HIS rest.. and cease
from your own works and receive the BEING part of
human... you are a human BEING not a human DOING....

Learn to BE, to cease striving, to rest and know that HE
who began a good work in you will complete that work IN
Christ Jesus! You are HIS workmanship created in Christ
Jesus for good works HE created in advance for you to
do.... it is NOT by might nor by power but BY MY SPIRIT

Jesus wants you to begin to LOVE YOU as HE loves you...
for only by truly loving yourself, your being of human as
Jesus loves you will you be able to truly love humanity
as Jesus Christ does.... He commands that we love the
Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind nad strength
but we are to love our neighbors AS WE LOVE OURSELVES ...
healthy self-love and valuing who we are IN CHRIST is
tantamount to our Identity in Christ... we died, yes! but
we also live transformed as a metamorphosis from worm to
butterfly ... our who DNA changed when Jesus came to live
within us by our invitation....

we are being changed from glory to glory.... progression
NOT perfection always.... Christ in us is the Perfect one
and we are being perfected in that we are being MATURED
and made in the Image of Christ, our Savior, Lord and
King Eternal!!

Give glory to the Son of God, give glory to the King of
Kings... give glory to the Might God who gave us
everything to enjoy!!

Miesha, you are called and chosen and your life is HID in
Christ... speak the truth in love, decree a matter and it
shall be established... go forth in the power of the Lord
and DO his bidding ... but don't forget to be a human
BEING by BE-ing in Christ and recognizing and celebrating
your Identity as a son of God dressed in robes of blood
drenched righteousness.... receive the freedom wherewith
Christ Jesus has made you FREE ... soar on the wings of
eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint...

You are NOT a victim my sister.. you are a volunteer and
you are empowered to live victoriously as MORE THAN a
conqueror through Christ Jesus.... receive His refreshing
now! receive the revelation into the deepest levels of
your dimensions.. may every quark, string and sub-atomic
particle that God has called by His Word that makes up
who YOU are, be filled with the glory light of HIS
Presence and resonate and vibrate at the frequency of
heavenly dimensions and resonance.... I call you to
divine alignment and release you from captivity by the
enemy to run your race and claim your Prize:Jesus!!

Glory to the Most High God for HE IS the great and mighty
Emperor of all His Creation and to His one and ONLY SON
King Jesus ... come Holy Spirit and impart to us
knowledge, wisdom, revelation, restoration, counsel,
might, and empowerment to co-labor together with you in
this earth realm from our seated position in the
heavenlies... all glory, honor, praise and power be yours
King Jesus, Amen!!

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

Posted By: Kimberly Fowler
Date Posted: 05/18/2013 at 7:02pm

Sweet Miesha, can I step into your conversation? You are not asking me, but I sense the quiet desperation. You don't need to feel obligated by anything I say but I am going to tell you what has helped my walk at times. I have a very sweet intimate closeness with Jesus; He is my husband, but just as in marriages, if the love feelings start to fade, you want to "boost" them again. He always loves us, but we need sometimes to renew our own love for Him (I have needed that at times when I felt the heat was going out on my "fire" in my love for Him). Because I know that the Word of God is the power of God unto salvation and salvation is wholeness in everything, when I have felt the love starting to lose the fire, I pray that scripture, "I shall love the Lord with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind." And I know His Word is all powerful, living and actively working and that it will not return void or empty of its fulfillment, so each time I have felt my love renewed when I've prayed that. If you are having difficulty even wanting to pray and finding words, might I suggest just reading verses out of Psalms simply as prayers. David was the great psalmist and he was a man with a heart after God and many of the Psalms mimic our feelings and heart anyway in the joyful times and the painful times, in the faithful times, in the doubtful times. He said what he felt to God, and the Psalms or whatever book you choose can be very powerful simply saying the verses as your own prayer, reading it straight out of the Bible, saying it to God. And because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, God can speak to you throughout what you are reading; and at the same time bring healing to your life in any area because His Word says that "My words are life to all that find them and health to all their flesh." His Word is powerful and living and healing and brings faith if you are starting to feel faint-hearted. He is so wonderful and has so much planned for you. And He knows what you are going through now and is patient with you. And His promises are "yea and amen" to you, but you know that. Anyway, He loves you, sweetheart, and so do I. This is only a suggestion but it works wonderfully for me. I love Him and treasure His Word because I have found treasure and life within its pages and He has led me and guided me and I've heard Him speak through the pages directly to my own situation. He is faithful and He is faithful to His Word to perform His Word, so just try reading His Word as your own prayer and relax a bit in His arms for now while He restores you!

Posted By: Miesha Woodall
Date Posted: 05/19/2013 at 2:27pm

Julie and  Kimberly,

As I read your posts it was almost are to get through all of it without feeling convicted about the way I fell about things. Julie I'm sure you sensed that "Being kind to myself" was needed to be said. I did not understand why god told me in March this year this season that HE IS GOING TO PUT BEAUTIFUL THINGS AROUND SO THAT I CAN BE IN HARMONY AND AT PEACE WITH THY SELF. Now since you said that one part Julie he reminded me of what he said earlier. I guess I can be alittle hard on myself at times and I'm hoping I will learn not to be in cases like this. I tell you both this it was hard to understand why God would say I' am part of small a remnant people when I going through so many emotions this time around. This too shall past and I will get over it but I do pray that soon I will be in quiet place so that I can get myself together. Kimberly thank you for your sweet words it was almost like an story about myself  as I read it. I do need  to be restore because I got so tired along the way if it was not for my daughter I would have given up along time ago! There are many stories I can you and visions I had since I was an early teenager about my life and when I reflect on some of them I remember that God was showing me some of what was going to happen along way.

Godbless you Both for your patients and time! :0)


Posted By: Julie Gilbert
Date Posted: 05/20/2013 at 7:22pm

Miesha .. not just being kind to yourself, but really
asking God to give you HIS love for yourself, so that you
can love YOU like Christ loves YOU ... and then from
there, love will authentically flow outward ....

My experience is that we join with the Accuser of the
Brethren more against ourselves than against others 'out
there' and a house divided against itself (us being
fractured and disassociated within ourselves) cannot

It is imperative that we begin to LOVE our own selves as
the amazing creation God has made us to be.... so we can
be truly authentic and genuine and have truth in our
inward parts....

we can't give to others what we do not possess within...
and if we do not truly love ourselves, then how can we
say we love others? we truly can't... not in the healthy
correct way God wants for us to operate in....

I prayed and asked Him to give me HIS love for myself b/c
I realized I did not love me.... I was self-
hating/loathing and self-condemning joining with satan as
the accuser of the brethren... and God convicted me in
great love and showed me how to change my beliefs about
myself which has changed how I believe beyond myself...

take good care of you and be KIND and GENTLE with you...
just as Jesus is ... because you are NOT your own any
more you were bought with a price .. Jesus is the one who
has brought you into His heart and He loves you and will
not allow you to continue to NOT love you whom HIS heart

grace and peace....w/love

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing

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