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Empowered to be a wittness!

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 12:55pm

Topic: Empowered to be a wittness!

Posted By: susanvercelli
Subject: Empowered to be a wittness!
Date Posted: 10/03/2013 at 9:40am

Acts 1
Jesus said, it is not for you to know the times or
dates, the Father has set by his own authority. But
you will recieve power when the Holy Spirit
comes on you and you will be my wittnesses in
Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to
the ends of the earth.

The apostles were to experience see and testify
the RISEN LORD! Not on a cross anymore, not a
suffering servant, but a king sitting at right hand
of God in Glorified body.
the apostles were empowered and didnt just
know of his ressurection from a book or hearsay
they saw him! They experienced him know him
intimately, jesus ate drank with them. Jesus spoke
to them about the kingdom of God, when he was
raisdd they were raised they went from hearing
about the Kingdom to experiencing it.

True wittnesess of the Lord have revelation and
real encounters constant with our risen Lord
Jesus.Jesus is still God in the flesh, the word
become flesh dwells among us.

The cloud of wittnesses that surround the king are
true wittnesses empowered supernaturally by
Holy Spirit to testify represent Jesus risen!
They carry true revelation because they recieved
it from living word..and see through Gods
perception the King of the book of revelation.

True sons of God manifesting true cloud of
wittnesses on earth, walking in the kingdom of
God ruling with a ruling king.
They dont speak from head knowledge, nor
intellect, nor presumptions of flesh mind.

They testify wittnes manifest the God of the book
of revelation.

Many cant see or accept this.
God is, was and is to come.
The begenning, the middle, the end.
Many are stuck on the middle.
They havent seen ahead, Jesus comming the
fullness of God, the end time revelation of how
he comes, how he appears, what he does..

Many wont recieve because he wont look the way
they percieve, he wont be doing things the way
they percieve he should, they fight true revelation
because they refuse to forsake their old ideals.

Some are stuck on an old revelation from past,
that had truth but not full picture. They built a
monument and tried to limit God put him in box.
God is preparring people for his comming.

Todays generation and many who call themselves
christians are not preparred. Todays generation if
they looked at book of revelation this is how they

When he admonishes confronts sin and rebukes 7
churches they will say thats relegious, were under
grace u cant confront us! They will say, thats not
loving, and whys he talking about our works?
Forget works Gids not looking at our deeds. And
whats this nonsense he rules with an iron scepter
and dashes to pieces like pottery?

God shows the Lion of tribe Judah, a sword
dipped in blood, jesus comes to avenge, the blood
of the prophets..

My prayer is for spirit of true revelation, and to
have eyes to see in this hour to discern the times.

I see judgement begins in his church, repentance
than huge revival, I see truth restored the living
word of God magnified, and the fear of the Lord
is in order for this hour.


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