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This is a timely word of the Lord that some may need to hear. - Wendy M Christie.

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:47pm

Topic: This is a timely word of the Lord that some may need to hear. - Wendy M Christie.

Posted By: Henry Falcone
Subject: This is a timely word of the Lord that some may need to hear. - Wendy M Christie.
Date Posted: 12/23/2013 at 9:44am

Beloved of the Lord,

This is a time word of the Lord of instruction some of us may really need right now. So I am cutting and pasting it from a facebook post I was sent. I usually don't do that, but this may be for some who are in great need of clarity right now on why God is removing some things and people from their lives. Hope it blesses you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


By Wendy M Christie.

This is what the Lord is saying right now! 

The Lord is not only separating the wheat from the tares (the tares are those who are not wheat but were planted by the enemy - God is removing many of these 'tares' from our lives even now. These are the ones who are not willing to go where God is asking all of His people to go - a fully surrendered life), but He is also separating the wheat from the chaff - at a much deeper level in our hearts, than ever before. (The 'chaff' is the refuse, the waist, the things that are not needed or can not produce any good or lasting fruit - the impure things or idols in our hearts). (See Matthew 13 & Matthew 3:12)

 And the Lord said,"Do not be consumed by what 'seems' to be loss to you - whether it is in the form of people or things or ministries, anything that you are finding yourselves having to separate from. This is My Mercy on your life so that you will not be judged along with the world. IF I deem for you to be reunited with any of these things or people -  I will make that happen in the timing and for the purpose that I chose.

Have you not heard Me say that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it abides alone, but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit? Surrender your hearts and all that you are to Me now and see My Salvation take over all that you are and all that concerns you. I will do it for My Namesake and My Glory says the Lord of Hosts." God is taking His people through a season of purging and threshing where all that will remain in us will be as pure gold. (See Job 23:10, Micah 3 & Luke 3)  

The Heart of God has been Grieved by so many who say they are His, but in truth are not. There have been so many who have been misrepresenting Him and His Kingdom. It is time NOW, because the time is short, to judge ourselves and ask the Lord this question... "If there be anything that is in me, at the heart level, that is not of Your Spirit, Father will you purge it from my heart and cleanse and heal my heart from all unrighteousness?" I include myself in that as well... IF we are representing Him or His Kingdom (especially leaders) we have to be Authentic in all of our ways and especially in our hearts intent.

There can be no leaven in our hearts and our hearts motivation for doing, being or saying what we do, be or say, must be pure. It is only going to be pure IF we are IN HIM (in the Spirit) being sent by Him and because HE INITIATED what ever it was that HE said to do or be or say etc... And the Lord said, "There is no 'mix' In My Spirit, therefore the 'mix' CAN NOT REPRESENT ME." (See 1 John)

We Need to Keep our eyes on HIM no matter what! The enemy is hard at work trying to cause a snare and trip us up and even using those who we would never imagine, to do so. Be sure to not be deceived and do not allow the enemy to use you or to take your authority. Also, be praying for MERCY for those who have found themselves being caught up in a snare.

In many cases, we can not even see when we are caught up in a snare because pride is blinding. This is why it is important to always be judging ourselves and seeking the Lord concerning ourselves, so He can reveal these things to us and we can quickly repent and get back on the right or righteous path.  

Also, ANYTHING whether it is a 'good cause' or not - IF it takes the focus OFF of Christ and the Cross and puts the focus on the people and things of this world, is in effect of the Anti-Christ Spirit. It is very illusive and it can even cause the people of God to go down a skewed or wrong path. It is time to come out of agreement with that which is false, so we will not be condemned along with the world. Come out of and away from the darkness and come into His Glorious light and SEE the TRUTH and BE FREE!

This NEW KIND & TYPE OF LEADERSHIP 'looks' strange to those who have been operating in a 'form of religion that denies God's Power', so they automatically reject it and assume that those who are being Spirit led are 'off' or 'in error'. This leadership 'looks' (in the natural) to be different than the OLD PATTERNS of the established 'Religious' system. God is trying to loose these old mindsets and bondage's from His people at the heart level and FREE us from this little box we have put ourselves in.

Remember that those who are in the flesh, mind the things of the flesh and those who are of Spirit mind the things of the Spirit. (Romans 8:5 paraphrased).  When we look at the 'appearance' of a thing from a place of flesh we are not discerning rightly or using righteous judgement and we are most likely being deceived. This is where the enemy has brought in many divisions.

People thinking that they are discerning, when in truth, it was just wrong judgement. It is always good to be humble and teachable and take correction when it is coming from someone who is in the Spirit and in humility and not in the flesh - BUT, be very aware of what I am about to say... We must be vigilant and be aware and DO NOT TAKE CORRECTION FROM A RELIGIOUS SPIRIT - THIS IS WHAT THIS SPIRIT WANTS - TO GET YOUR AGREEMENT! IF you give this spirit your agreement you are giving it your authority! AGREEMENT=AUTHORITY! We are talking about a spirit here, we separate the person from what may be driving them - always staying in love and love the person, but do not come into agreement with a lie.

It is time that we start minding our Father's business instead of 'business as usual' and HE is Spirit and HE is Truth! All that is done for Him must be done In the Spirit and In Truth by being completely Spirit led and walking in His Love! If you are having trouble in these areas, seek the Lord, His grace will help you to come to a place of True Hearts Surrender where you are not trying to strive to be in the Spirit or to be in Love, you just ARE...  But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him. (John 4:23 MKJV)  

 It's time to step out of the flesh, put away the childish things and step into the Spirit and walk in that which God has promised us... Being Spirit led is what 'BY FAITH' means... This is believing what God said about something that is unseen to the point that we will act on it, in the timing and the way that God told us to and when He releases us to do so.

This religious mindset wants you to 'please' it, and IF you do not 'people please' with it, it assumes you are not in love - this is not truth and remember ASSUMPTION IS NOT A SPIRITUAL GIFT!!! It is time to WAKE UP and SEE the Truth and BE FREE!  People of God, we have to be SURE on the foundation of True LOVE and not be moved or swayed by this counterfeit! 

If we need the approval or acceptance of man – it is possible that we may need deliverance from a root of rejection... Are we willing to go through the process of the Threshing floor - allowing God to remove and burn up all the chaff/fear, the refuse, the waist that is not needed, that will only get in the way of what God is asking us to do say or be in Him?  Are we willing to give up ALL - everything and everyone - at a heart level - for His Kingdom Purposes and because we Love Him and because we truly love others as well?

This includes friends, spouses, our children, ministries, our own image - EVERYTHING! IF we can not give up others when God asks us to - at the heart level, then the truth is that we do not truly love them. Remember, God asked Abraham to give up Isaac the very promise that God promised him and as Abraham did this - at the heart level - he was actually able to KEEP his promise. Are we willing to DIE to self and self-will for the cause of Christ? 

Only those who are willing to give it ALL up – especially self-will, will be the ones who God is promoting in this upcoming season... Are you willing to go through the FIRE for Him? The fire is HOT but He is in it with us and HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT! Are you ready? Let's go all in for the Glory of our Lord, Christ Jesus! 

Keep in mind, the more Authentic IN CHRIST you become, the more people will reject you. (It is negative confirmation of sorts) The Lord is taking His people to a place where rejection no longer has a sting, so we can and will be effective for His Kingdom! To God be the Glory Now and Forevermore! Amen...

Copyright © Wendy M Christie 3-17-13

I hope this blesses each of you and strengthens you for the rest of 2013 and 2014

Your fellow bond servant in Christ,



Posted By: Gina Burpee
Date Posted: 12/26/2013 at 7:35pm

Such a powerful word! Amen!!

Posted By: Deborah Connor
Date Posted: 12/26/2013 at 8:33pm

Wow, right on. Thanks SO much for posting.


Proverbs 3: 1-2
1 My son, do not forget my teaching,
   but keep my commands in your heart,
2 for they will prolong your life many years
   and bring you peace and prosperity.

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