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“Total Restoration” by PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
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Topic: “Total Restoration” by PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN

Posted By: Kimberly Fowler
Subject: “Total Restoration” by PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN
Date Posted: 01/02/2014 at 8:03am

Upstream Ministries
California mercy

“Total Restoration”

Jan 1st , 2014

I heard the Lord say “Total Restoration”

Ps 90:13-17 AMP Turn, O Lord [from Your fierce anger]! How long--? Revoke Your sentence and be compassionate and at ease toward Your servants. O satisfy us with Your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning [now, before we are older], that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad in proportion to the days in which You have afflicted us and to the years in which we have suffered evil. Let Your work [the signs of Your power] be revealed to Your servants, and Your [glorious] majesty to their children. And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands--yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it.

“This will be the year of RELEASE. Release from bondages and release from infirmities. Many others will be released through your prayers for one another. As you worship and pray there will be increase in revelation and as you stay grounded in My Word, discernment will also increase. You need to stay close to ME, to be in communion with Me so that you can hear what I am saying to you or showing you.

Escalation has been here, and it will continue this year. You are called to bring heaven to earth through your worship and prayers, and through your love towards one another. Love for others is always an outworking of your relationship with Me. If your relationship with Me is suffering some loss, then your ability to maintain kindness and peace in the midst of storms will be difficult. But if you hold on to intimacy with Me, you will have all you need to get through whatever comes.

I have revealed much to you already, but now you need the discernment that only comes from ME, for your particular situation. That means time with ME is of utmost importance right now. Come away with Me beloveds and rest in the shelter of My arms. I am your Safety. I am your Peace, your SHALOM. As best you can, put away all busyness and driveness of perfectionism, for time with ME is NEVER WASTED.

I am the Lover of your soul. I am the Resource for all your needs. Without ME, you can do nothing, so do not take on what is not yours to do. Let me lead you day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute in what you are to do. Slow down, and wait to hear. If you don’t hear anything, then you do what you should with the wisdom I’ve already given you.

The shifting some are hearing about will come and many will be shifted into a new place, or a new dimension in ME, or new relationships that I have ordained for this hour, so that My will can be accomplished in your lives. Crises will be opportunity for many to do My will. Listen for the still small voice. I will open the doors I’ve promised to open. Just take it day to day, and don’t look too far down the road unless I advise you to do so for preparation. Walk in FAITH that I AM WITH YOU, I AM FOR YOU, and I WILL DEFEND YOU. I AM the Defender of your soul, and there is nothing I won’t do for those who truly love ME.

Angelic experiences will be increased this year. The surprises I’ve promised will come in extraordinary ways, and not always the way you would expect. After all they are supposed to be surprises, so things you have anticipated, you need to lay at My feet and allow me to do things MY WAY. I AM set on growing your faith for what I expect you to do. Unless I allow situations that test your faith, how will you grow in faith ?

I am looking for surrender. I am looking for TRUST, absolute trust in ME to be the outcome of all I work into you. STAND, STAND, STAND on My Word. There will not only be encounters with My angels but in many places there will be encounters with angels of darkness. Remember I said, that Satan comes AS an angel of light. He is a great copier, but use the tools I have given you to test the spirits. DO NOT ASSUME anything. CLING to ME My beloved bride, for I will hold you in My arms, and reveal to you My charms. The charms of this world will fade this year more and more because My power will be manifest through you and you will see how fleeting this life is compared to what is ahead.

Dreams and visions will be more vivid for many. Many will go higher in experiences they’ve not had before in seeing My Kingdom. Many will also see the kingdom of darkness as never before. FEAR has to go. You cannot fight the kingdom of darkness with fear in your heart, so ask for MY PEACE and LOVE to overcome all your fears. I will take an axe to many roots the enemy sowed in lives, that will bring release and freedom from everything that has held you back from receiving the fullness I have for you.

Rejection is a great hindrance to RECEIVING all I have for you of My Kingdom. It has in many lives been generational and so difficult to throw off. But believe Me when I say that I am coming to destroy the works of darkness so that you can be LIGHT and LIFE to the world around you that needs to know ME. Speak LIFE to one another. Keep your tongue from prophesying negative, evil things about people. I’m not speaking of actual wicked things going on, because wickedness is always going on, and must be shared to pray over. But I’m talking about gossip, maligning, judging those who are lost when I have given you to bring LIFE and LIGHT, not judgment and death.

I want to be GOD to the homosexuals. I want to be GOD to the witches and warlocks. I want to be GOD to the alcoholics and drug addicts. I AM the GREAT Physician, so how can you help pull people out of the prisons the enemy has built if you condemn them and disdain them? I took you out of darkness, I cleaned you up, I delivered you. I didn’t do it all in a moment. Though for some I have. It is a PROCESS. So trust ME to be bigger than the sin of your neighbor.

Bigger than the doubt and unbelief in the hearts of those who have been bludgeoned by life. Bigger than your idea of who you think I am. I can save the tycoon. I can save the senator. I can save the governor of your state. I can turn water into wine. I can rebuke nuclear waste out of water or air, or a body. I can rebuke cancer and death off anyone. I can turn around that stubborn grown child of yours who is so contrary.
I am WAY GREATER than all the enemy can do to destroy others you know. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, I will take millions home one day. So why is it you think I am so powerless for the situations you are facing ? Is there no KING in your midst ? Have I not made you a Kingdom of Prophets, Priests, and Kings ?

Your heart must grow much bigger in FAITH beloveds. I know many of you have suffered so much for the sake of the church, and the cost of what I will do. Those sufferings have left you without expectation of fulfillment of the many promises I’ve given you. The enemy has stolen, but I WILL RESUSCITATE MY BRIDE. I WILL, I WILL, I WILL transform you and your heart will be elated and overjoyed in My presence. I am My beloved’s and you are Mine. Nothing can separate you from My love. Speak in faith, even when you don’t feel like it. I AM WITH YOU.
I will lead you into such joy you have never experienced before as you focus on Me, and allow Me preeminence in your lives.

There are many weapons in My kingdom, but remember the greatest of these is LOVE. My love is not superficial. It is not self serving, but is giving and generous. Have I not been generous to you, even when you were wrong, and still doing things that are not right, still giving in to addictions no one else knows about ? I AM a good Father, WHO gives good gifts to His children because I LOVE YOU. Love melts away distrust and unbelief. So for the unbelieving, remember love. Remember they don’t know what it looks like, many of them. All they’ve ever known is perversion of love.

When there is someone you are NOT to minister to, or not to take in, or be in relationship with, I will show you. Trust me in all your relationships. Give them to me, and I will sort it all out. I am changing alignments for many. So listen to ME. Allow me to rearrange the furniture in my house. I am a great Interior Decorator!”

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