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DREAM - The Pillar of Truth-The Fountain of Living Waters - Susan O’Marra

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Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:46pm

Topic: DREAM - The Pillar of Truth-The Fountain of Living Waters - Susan O’Marra

Posted By: Sherry Mohr
Subject: DREAM - The Pillar of Truth-The Fountain of Living Waters - Susan O’Marra
Date Posted: 02/26/2014 at 1:38pm

The Pillar of Truth-The Fountain of Living Waters

The Lord gave me a dream tonight, which upon my waking was still
happening to me, whether my eyes were closed or not….. Here, I will
share with you this experience…..

I am standing, looking at a very huge and glorious Pillar of Living
Light. It is as a torch that burns brighter than any natural torch known
to man, or seen upon the world of men. It burns with the intensity of
the sun, yet greater than a thousand suns. It is as looking into the
face of the Lord, and seeing Him.

The Pillar is so bright in its intensity, that man cannot look upon it
directly, but at an angle, and only for the brief moment that the Lord
allows. It is of Pure Spirit Essence and is the visible expression of
God. Only those who have been directly summoned by the Lord can stand
before it without perishing and they come by the Grace of God.

It emits a very direct flow of Spirit that is so Holy that is seems as
Light, but is actually the form and essence of the Father. It shines
with His Holiness and Pure Love with such an intensity that all else
pales in comparison with His Word, His Truth. His Word is living, and is
ever creating, and is the Force of His Expression that moves eternally
throughout all creation, revealing Himself to whoever would seek Him.

This knowledge floods me as I stand there. I don’t understand how I am
able to absorb this or to comprehend this, but it seems to just flow
through me and I join with Him, and am able to grasp a portion of this
Light, and it illuminates me, and I am able then to see the Lord in this

The Lord then compels me to step into the Pillar of Truth. I feel that I
cannot move, as if I am constrained by the Glory of the Light of this
Pillar, but as I think this, my feet are released, and I flow into the
Pillar. The Pillar is alive. It is as if standing in the midst of Living
Light, and it is moving all around you, and flowing through you, and
filling you all at once.

It is the Fountain of Living Waters.

All of a sudden I understand this, and can see how the Living Word
flows, and how it moves at the Will of the Father, and how it fills
everything, wherever it is sent. The Pillar of Truth, is the Living
Word, which flows forth, and is the Fountain of Living Waters that is
sent forth into the realm of men, to illuminate and water those who
would step into it.

It flows upward.

As I stand in this Pillar, this fountain, it flows upwards. The Flowing
of Truth flows upwards towards the Lord, as He is the Truth. He is the
Living Waters, and He is the Living Light. It is He that reaches out to
men upon the earth, and then flows into and upon and through those
vessels that embrace Him.

The Stream of Truth that flows forth from the Pillar, is a very powerful
River. It is being released now, as a Fountain, but will soon burst
forth as a Raging Torrent of Living Light, Truth, and it will explode in
His People with His Glory.

The Father is permitting a knowledge of Him, a portion of His Form to be
seen, at this time. He is calling forth to those who will step into Him,
and will stand in Him, and who will be watered with Him. These will then
flow with His Form, and partake of the Living Word, and it will
transform them, and bring them to the depths of His Love. The knowledge
of this Love, will then be released, and it will come forth from these
vessels, and it will flow as that Mighty Torrent throughout God’s House.
It will sweep clean all of the remaining debris taught of men, and cause
His People to shine with Him.

The Fountain is both full of His Light and full of His Glory, but also
full of His Justice. For the Word judges all things. The Judgment of
all things is left to the SON, and the SON is the LIVING WORD. The Sword
of Truth. He is all and the One.

The release of this Fountain will cause true Justice to be once again
delivered in God’s House. For the hearts of men will once again turn to
the Truth, and will embrace the Sword, and it will remain IN HIM.

Justice will no longer be held at the gates, but will be the gate
through which all will enter in. For only the Love of the Truth will
allow one to enter into the Presence of the Lord. Truth is the Plumbline
by which all will be measured and will be found IN HIM. For the Light
will once again be seen over His People, and within them.

This understanding flows through me as this river. I can grasp it and
feel it, and see it all at once. It is a part of me, and I am One with
the Lord, the Truth. It is as if there was never any separation at all.
This is the true position of His People. The relationship that the
Father desires for His People. To be One with Him, and the Son. John 17.
The Union.

Then we will walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, and we will be
One, and will see Him, and know Him, and unite with Him. Jesus pierced
that veil with His Own Flesh and prepared the way for men, that they
might have access, and became the Living Way, the true veil, by which we
might see the Lord, for no man can see the Father, but through Him. For
they are One.

Now, the invitation is to whosoever will, to come and drink from the
Living Fountain of Truth, to partake of His Living Light. Whosoever
thirsts for Him, and forsakes all, will be satisfied and will thirst no
more, but will be fully filled with Him, and know true Union. For the
Lord has called to His People to come up here, and to see Him.

Now is the Father seen among men, and the Truth shining in the darkness,
for all who would seek for it, and who would come to His Bidding. The
Pillar of Truth has returned to the House of God and they will now feed
and drink from Him.

John 1:1-14
Exodus 13: 21, 22
Psalms 51:6
John 14:6
John 7:28-38
Revelation 22:17
Isaiah 55
Matthew 11: 25-30
John 14: 6, 7
Matthew 5:6
John 6

-Susan O’Marra




Posted By: Kimberly Fowler
Date Posted: 02/26/2014 at 5:41pm

This was sweet in my spirit. Ah...the Living still my heart!

Posted By: Jeff Kingshott
Date Posted: 02/27/2014 at 2:41pm

                             WATER LIKE RAIN

 Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.

 Before the foundations of the earth I formed you as water like rain for as my word I spoke you into existance from me and as water seeks to return to its source so you pant after me . For I am your water yes but are you not the same for I washed you in my water " Sanctified " .

 Is there no sanctuary you will not find water, even the water in the desert when it evaporates and dries up is this not to return to its source and even so it comes back down as rain !

So return to me in this same manner let me use you up for as you return it shall be as the " Latter Rain " for you are not just clouds for I AM your water and you are as Me "Water like Rain " !

Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truths !

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