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Cheerfulness - Mary Clark

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 5:01pm

Topic: Cheerfulness - Mary Clark

Posted By: Sherry Mohr
Subject: Cheerfulness - Mary Clark
Date Posted: 05/07/2014 at 10:09am

Marianna, Florida
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May 3, 2014

cheerfulness ¨C happiness, joyfulness, cheer, cheeriness, jollity, exuberance, optimism, brightness, willing and without resentment.

¡¡I want My children cheerful. I do not want you to be downcast, but lifted up, your countenance bright. Will you do this for Me? Will you do this for yourself? Choose to be cheerful. I am with you, guiding your steps. I delight in you and have wonderful plans for your future. You can always count on Me to deliver My best to you. So why be downhearted. Lift up your head. Lift up you head and look on the face of the Beloved. I am smiling tenderly at you. I am beckoning you closer. Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. What better place to be than to dwell in the arms of the Beloved. That is reason enough to be cheerful. That is reason enough to stand straight and tall, looking bright with a smile on your face.

So I say to you today, beloved, "Choose to be cheerful. Choose to walk in My love for you, knowing that I am always with you and I care deeply for you. Choose Me above all else and I will see to it that you enter into that rest that I so gladly supply." I want you to be cheerful. I don¡¯t want you glum and sad, but happy, smiling at Me and smiling at others. Will you do this? Will you at least consider doing this? If you will, beloved, I will teach you some things about walking with the Beloved. Yes, I will teach you some wonderful truths that you may take into your heart forever. Choose Me! Choose to be cheerful and let Me come to your aid. Let Me assist you in your walk of happiness and guide you into the coming hour of bliss.

Now, smile. Smile at Me. Smile because your Beloved God has seen fit to bring something of importance to your attention, something that will bless you mightily, if you will but follow My lead, if you will but offer Me a smile of love!!!

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