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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 12:51pm


Posted By: Amanda Leonard
Date Posted: 06/20/2014 at 6:40am



By Amanda Leonard


Yesterday, June 19th 2014, I heard in my spirit, "I am sending a SHOCK WAVE that will shake the earth. This shaking will not be measured on an earthly scale. This wave will be felt by all and will sweep across the world in gigantic proportion. There will be shaking of everything that can be shaken and only those whose foundation is the Lord will stand. "


Hebrews 12:26: At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens."


I saw Jesus with a massive defibrillator in His hands. He was sending "Shock Waves" to restart the heart and awaken His bride from her slumber. This shock wave will gain the attention of everyone around the world. I felt that the Spirit of the fear of the Lord is going to be released upon the land and people will tremble at His very word.


Isaiah 66:2: "Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being? declares the Lord, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word."


I watched as Jesus knelt down and some people were lying on the ground, dead in their sin and Jesus took this defibrillator and placed it upon their hearts and they were jolted with the reality of His life. His love and glory surged through them and the most beautiful display of Spiritual life and reality coursed through their very being.


This shock wave was felt by everyone on the earth and in the heavens. I watched as some people felt this shock, yet they ignored the shaking, ignored the love and life of Jesus. Some were sitting at tables eating, some driving fast cars, some just doing their daily activities. These people felt the shaking, they felt the wave, yet they ignored it. They remained lifeless, without love, without hope or joy in our Lord; perishing, dead. The only life we have is in Jesus and they denied His chasing after them. They denied His attempt to revive them. I saw as tears would fill His eyes for those who had made their decision to turn away from Him.


Then there were the ones who created a resting place for Him to dwell, a tabernacle for the manifest presence of Jesus to stay.

Ezekiel 37:27-28: "My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God and they will be my people. 28 Then the nations will know that I the Lord make Israel holy, when my sanctuary is among them forever."


The ones who accepted this shock wave were supernaturally lifted up. They were being raised up as a might army, destroying the works of darkness across the land. The Lord is sending supernatural re-enforcement, holy angels are coming and waiting in great anticipation to accompany this rising army upon the earth. The light of Jesus Christ and His amazing love flowed from these ones who were awakened by His love. A light of blinding magnitude emitted from these holy ones whose only agenda is to spread the love and glory of God from one end of the globe to another. A city on a hill, a light that cannot be hidden. (Matthew 5:14). Their hearts are on fire for the one who is altogether worthy. Burning, burning, burning, arising, arising, arising, shaken to the core by His fiery love.


I also had a dream the same night. There were many people in an open room. A young man began to sing with the most angelic voice. He was singing something very simple, yet extremely powerful. All of a sudden, everyone felt this shock wave and all God's children were looking around the room and each person knew what to do and what the other was to do. There was such oneness in the Spirit, such unity. The guy continued to sing as others were declaring His truths, some were prophesying, some were reading the word, all done in unity. Healings began to take place all over the room as the glory of God was so tangible, no one even had to 'pray' over anyone, His presence just dwelled and things began to happen. I kept hearing as I was waking, "This is an assembly, this is what My assembling together looks like, do not forsake the assembling together." (Hebrews 10:25)


As I meditated on these two things that the Lord showed me, I knew they went together. Test this word and see if it bears witness in your spirit, but I believe that this "SHOCK WAVE" is awakening each of us to the reality of His Kingdom and the outpouring of His love. This supernatural love jolt is changing our hearts, actually synchronizing our heartbeat with the heartbeat of Heaven. New life is here and with this shock wave and shaking there will be a revealing of the intent of our hearts.


Every idol and false god is coming down, some will try to rebuild Babylon and some will allow the New Jerusalem to come down and invade their hearts and lives.


The Lord is wanting to fully purify our hearts to reveal His magnificent pure light shining through His sons. As the shaking (SHOCK WAVE) begins, those who surrender will arise and shine with the light of Christ in them and through them. (Isaiah 60:1) He is bringing together, these pure vessels to "assemble" together as one bride, pure and spotless. His glory will cover the earth as the water covers the seas.


Lord, I pray for each person reading this word. Some will feel this is a harsh word but others will see the love of the Father behind it. Lord let them see Your love and be revived by Your Heavenly defibrillator, jolt us with the reality of Your life and Your Kingdom within us. Strip away every hindrance that is keeping us from walking in Your complete reality. Reveal Your pure light and love shining from our very being. Your word says that everything that can be shaken will be shaken, we surrender to your shaking, to your shock waves....let them come Lord. Thank You for raising us up in this time to be a mighty army of light across this nation, across this globe.


Awaken us, Your bride to the glory of Your face, to the glory of Your love and life. Thank You precious Jesus for all You are. Thank You for Your love. In Your most beautiful name, Jesus we pray. Amen.


In the light of His love,


Amanda Leonard   


Posted By: Dorris Coulson
Date Posted: 06/20/2014 at 3:58pm

Everytime I read this I hear "All Clear". He said this to me during a prophetic work concerning the Precious Ones.



Posted By: Dorris Coulson
Date Posted: 06/20/2014 at 5:40pm

Also I have felt power surges in the spirit of: Power, Authority and Boldness, a force that can't be swayed from what he has shown, focused on the task he has given.

Posted By: Amanda Leonard
Date Posted: 06/21/2014 at 12:01pm

Amen!!!! wow...the power of this jolt...its beyond words really!!! Do it
Lord!!! Hallelujah...let Your glorious presence shake us and transform

Changed by His Presence

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 06/23/2014 at 4:45pm

Amanda, this is a "shocking" word. Sorry but in a real sense that is a good word. It is powerful with a lot of spiritual voltage behind it. Thanks for your faithful postings of what God is saying.


Posted By: Kimberly Fowler
Date Posted: 06/24/2014 at 9:44am

Ron's reply sent me into the giggles, but yes, very good word. I enjoy
reading your words and testimonies even on other sites. They are very
encouraging and bless me.

Posted By: Amanda Leonard
Date Posted: 06/26/2014 at 7:58pm

Amen :) Thanks Kimberly and all the others for your encouragement and love. Ron's statement made me giggle too, so true and exciting what the Lord is doing! God bless each of you and may His jolt of glorious love invade and change us from the inside out. Blessings

Changed by His Presence

Posted By: djdean
Date Posted: 06/27/2014 at 7:05am


Just posted a word about shaking and then read your word. Spot on and thank you for more confirmation.

"Champions are made when no one is looking"

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