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I Will Begin to Unwrap The Layers by Gail Manizak

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:37pm

Topic: I Will Begin to Unwrap The Layers by Gail Manizak

Posted By: Kimberly Fowler
Subject: I Will Begin to Unwrap The Layers by Gail Manizak
Date Posted: 06/17/2015 at 2:52pm

I Will Begin to Unwrap The Layers
Gail Manizak

Just barely have you seen the light of day. It is a time of
being Born Again; AGAIN…..learning and growing. Though you
feel weak, you are stronger than you think you are. I saw
you when you came, you came running like the lost child you
were, and I met you there, just like I said I would.

There are areas of growth and this will come about by some
changes in your thinking and in your understanding of Me. I
am tearing down some old mind sets in your lives, erected
by man. Now, new and fresh vision are yours for the asking.
Ask that you might receive. Many are the layers of the ways
of the world that have been placed upon you. Layer after
layer, layer after layer, and even now the Lord says, “I
will begin to unwrap the layers and make all things new for
you”. As you have called upon My name, this is the year I
am beginning to remove those many layers and the LIGHT of
the Kingdom is coming in. Your life will be light and
bright and darkness will flee.

I am re-digging wells in your life, wells of joy, wells of
hope, well that will never run dry. You have been far away
and now have come home. My light, and My love has drawn
your heart to Me. As a very small child you were Mine.
There came a time you ran like Jonah ran. You followed your
own way. Like the Prodigal, you took your inheritance and
ran away and lived in the world and according to the ways
of the world. As you made that choice to come to Me and to
call upon My name, the traditions of men, wrong beliefs and
deception, those things that have held you captive are now
replaced with truth, and everything that is good and
honorable. I have waited for this day, to see you turn and
remember Me once again. You are My children and the world
cannot have you. Reach out and touch Me. Allow your
thoughts and your prayers to arise, allow Me a time RENEW
and RESTORE all that the enemy has stolen.

Many are the ways that My children can turn. Let nothing
stop you from coming into the intimate place with Me. Sit
with Me for awhile, lets chat. Bare your soul, your burdens
and every thought of concern to Me. Lay all these
distractions at the foot of the Cross and allow Me to work
in you even as you have asked. I am a Father who loves you
and knows every step you take. I alone watch over you to
protect you and guard you, keeping you in the everlasting
way. Rejoice and rest! Rest and trust! It has been a long
journey in a desolate land, come in and rest and refresh
yourself in the arms of Love . Amen and Amen!

Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice!

Gail Manizak

The Power and Presence Ministry

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