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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 4:40pm


Posted By: Yolanda Ballard
Date Posted: 09/01/2016 at 7:27pm


Shared by Yolanda Ballard

Remain silent upon your bed.  Yes, be still and know that I am God and that I am in control of all things.  I am the Sovereign King of glory and nothing can happen without My allowing it but if you do not pray My will to be done and My kingdom come you show that you do not care if the enemy takes over with his plans and purposes.  

I want you to continue to test the spirits behind everything that goes on in the camp and if you are not doing this, you need to because there are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Many are just too trusting and follow after the multitudes rather than just follow Me.  

I want you to know that there is a separating taking place this very hour.  I am separating the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats.  You can tell them by their fruit but be so careful you are being led by My spirit and not by the spirit of the age.  Many have come under attack and are working through many situations in their lives.  Many are going through the fire and much dross is being brought to the surface.  So if you see fruit that might not be sweet be careful that you are judging by My spirit and not by what you see.

I am refreshing My bride because she has made herself available to Me by seeking Me first.  She delights herself in My intimate presence and love.  She longs to be with Me and because she has placed me first in her life I will bless her with the desires of her heart.  Keep your focus upon Me.  Do not look to the left or to the right.  Practice My presence and in knowing Me and My voice.  

Take the time to smell the roses and to bask in the presence of My love in creation.  Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of your many blessings by getting you to look at the negative around you, by looking at his works.  Stay behind your shield of faith.  Confess My word and not what you see.  Stand on My promises; waver not in unbelief or in doubt.  

This is the end of all ages and the enemy is coming in like a flood but I promise to rise up a standard against him and that standard in you is My holiness.  Without it you cannot see Me or know what I am doing.  To follow Me you must live a life that is sanctified by My grace and truth.

Reach out and touch the hem of My garment for I am ready to set many free from affliction and infirmities that have weighed you down.  I am going to heal your heart from all the abuse from the taskmasters, the accuser of the brethren.  Yes, I promise to pour out My rain and refresh you and give you new wind in your spirit to finish the race that is ahead.  Be encouraged because you have My strength to carry you on.  This is the day of breakthrough.  Be ready and anticipating receiving a powerful anointing to reach the multitudes says your God.

At The Father's Feet

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