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from Slavery to Sonship - Exodus , identity transformation by By Richard Speight and various authors

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Topic: from Slavery to Sonship - Exodus , identity transformation by By Richard Speight and various authors

Posted By: kelly Tuller
Subject: from Slavery to Sonship - Exodus , identity transformation by By Richard Speight and various authors
Date Posted: 12/28/2010 at 2:24pm

From various authors

Key Verse Malachi 4 :5 -6  (last verse)   Roman 8: (all the verses regarding to the sons of God  ) Luke 15: (Father (Father God),   the older son and younger son )

The orphan heart is a pandemic in the Body of Christ these days. We are like the fatherless generation in Malachi 4 who is under the curse of orphan hood. We are like those mentioned in Romans 8:15 who are subject to a spirit of bondage. That word bondage is defined in the Greek as “a state of a man which prevents him from enjoying his inheritance.” That’s why God is trying so desperately to heal us in this hour of the orphan heart. An orphan heart cannot be cast out or delivered. It can only be re-positioned through adoption.

Pastor Richard Speight has been my friend for almost ten years. In his book Come Rest, Richard shares living truths from the Lord, realities that he personally experienced and is now teaching. Considering the degree of fear, pressure and stress attacking people in our world, Come Rest is a road map into the love of God. -- Francis Frangipane

The Jedidiah Identity
By Richard Speight
( r?pagename=FaithHighway/Globals/DisplayTextMessage&PROJE CTPATH=10000/1000/728&sermonid=textsermon_1247 815065749&customerTypeLabel=Weekly&sermontitle= Version%20en%20Español%20Aquí%20a%20la%20brevedad" target=_blank rel=nofollow> - En Español )

Then David comforted Bathsheba, his wife, and slept with her. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son, and they named him Solomon. The Lord loved the child and sent word through Nathan the prophet that they should name him Jedidiah (which means "beloved of the Lord") as the Lord had commanded. (2 Samuel 12:24-25)

What defines you? Is it what you do? Some find their meaning in life by "making a difference." But what happens when you don’t? Fear of failure can become your god when you find your identity through making a difference.

What defines you? Is it who you are? Some think they have found enlightenment in the saying, "It’s not what you do but who you are that matters." Unfortunately, that thinking sets us up for a self-centered life---"I"dolatry. Fortunately, there is another way.

The Bible tells the famous story of David and Bathsheba. King David, a man who loved God with all his heart, made horrible choices in arranging the death of Bathsheba’s husband (Uriah, his loyal friend and soldier) so he could take Bathsheba as his own. God confronted him through the prophet Nathan, and David repented. (Sometime read David’s prayer of repentance in Psalm 51. If you ever blow it, pray that prayer with all your heart and watch what happens.)

Though God forgave him, David experienced the painful consequences of his choices.

After the death of the child conceived in his adulterous affair with Bathsheba, David took her in as one of his wives. They named their next child Solomon, which means "peaceable." They were declaring, "We’ve been through a lot, but maybe we can have some peace now." They were like many people in our day, hoping for mere survival and maybe a little peace. It’s the best the world hopes for, and the best the world can offer.

But Jesus offers so much more.

Notice that "they named him Solomon," but the Lord named him Jedidiah---"beloved of the Lord."

As long as Solomon found his identity in being loved by the Lord, he became the wise king. But when he found his identity in being the wise king, he was given over to idolatry. Each one who is saved in Christ is His "Jedidiah." This identity is the Lord’s desire for every person. When you find your identity in what you do, your security depends upon your performance; but when you find your identity in being loved by the Lord, your security depends upon His performance.

We often make statements like, "I am a pastor… I am a teacher… I am a mother… I am a consultant… I am a student… I am an athlete"---often statements of identity. The truth is not that I am a pastor, but that I am a beloved child of the Lord who is doing the work of pastor.

If my happiness depends on what happens, the evil one can steal my happiness away. But if I rest in being the Lord’s beloved, then real life begins to well up inside me to overflowing.

Letting Jesus Love You
Jesus says, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10, NKJV).

When my daughter Emily was editor of her college newspaper, she wrote an opinion column entitled, "Avoid identity theft, just be a schmuck!" Nice satire! Who wants to steal your identity if it’s not worth anything? However, the Bible says you were made in God’s image; you are of ultimate value to Him.

"This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins" (1 John 4:10). Out of his real love for you, God sent His Son to rescue you by dying on the cross for you. The Lord invites you to come to Him and find real rest, real love, and the real identity He has won for you---the Jedidiah identity.

What’s in a name? As a Jedidiah, you would let more and more of Jesus’ loving presence rest upon you, and as you let Him be enough for you, He will transform your life.

Make no mistake, there is an enemy who wants not only to steal your identity but to kill and utterly destroy you. However, the One who made you loves you. This wonderful rescuer, Jesus, died on a cross for all of us schmucks! He wants to rescue and fill you with life overflowing. Let Him. He wants to reveal to you the secret of true contentment: let it be enough to just be loved by Him.

LET’S PRAY! Lord, You know how driven I can be. I’m so tired of proving my own worth. It’s lonely being so dependent on myself. I need more than just a little peace. I’m tired of finding my identity in what I do. I want to enjoy life as Your beloved child. I sometimes act as if You are not there and don’t care about me. Please forgive me. Help me feel secure in Your love. I choose to let You love me. Please show me how much You love me. Teach me to let Your love be enough. Shine Your light on the dark stuff in me. I give my hurts, fears, and angers to You. Clean me out! Fill me up with Your love.

I am putting my life truly in Your hands. My security now depends upon Your performance, not mine. I am Your Jedidiah. In Jesus’ name, amen.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Posted By: kelly Tuller
Date Posted: 12/28/2010 at 2:45pm

Accept ve-as-a-child-of-god.html" target=_blank rel=nofollow> 


Your true identity is as a child(son)  of God. This is the identity you have to accept. Once you have claimed it and settled in it, you can live in a world that gives you much joy as well as pain. You can receive the praise as well as the blame that comes to you as an opportunity for strengthening your basic identity, because the identity that makes you free is anchored beyond all human praise and blame. You belong to God, and it is as a child of God that you are sent into the world.

You need spiritual guidance; you need people who can keep you anchored in your true identity. The temptation to disconnect from that deep place in you where God dwells and to let yourself be drowned in the praise or the blame of the world always remains.

Since that deep place in you where your identity as a child of God is rooted has been unknown to you for a long time, those who were able to touch you there had a sudden and often overwhelming power over you.
They became  part of your identity,  You could no longer live without them,  But they could not fulfill that 

divine role,  so they left you , and you  felt abandoned.  But  it is precisely that experience of abandonment that called you back to  your true identity as a child of God,

Only God can fully dwell in that deepest place in you and  give you a sense of safety. But  the danger remains that  you will let other people run away with your sacred center,   thus throwing  you into anguish.

It might take a great deal of time and discipline to reconnect  your deep , hidden self and your public self ,

which is known , loved and accepted but also criticized by the world,   Gradually , though , you will begin feeling more connected and  become more fully who you truly are – a child of God, There lie your real freedom.

Excerpt from The Inner Voice of Love by Henri  Nouwen

Henri Nouwen discovered the truth of all this through his own painful experience. He had forgotten that, first and foremost, he was God’s child and he had slid into idolatry. His idolatry took the form of a friendship. The love and appreciation that his friend gave him became to him like the love and appreciation that God gives him. In a sense, his friend became like God to him. When his friend withdrew his friendship, Henri suffered horribly. It felt to him like his life source had been taken from him. He had mistakenly worshipped something other than God, depending on that thing for his well-being and, when it was taken away, he fell into a deep depression. He lost his will to live.

Thankfully, Henri had not completely forgotten God. He was able to turn again to God, to the true source of his life and, as his connection to God was restored, he began to heal. He began to remember that he was God’s child above and beyond, behind and before anything or anyone else. Whatever else life on this Earth handed to him, he could put it in its proper perspective because he remembered that he was God’s child.

Henri expressed this insight in an entry in his journal entitled “Accept Your Identity as a Child of God.” This is what he wrote to himself and, ultimately, to all of us. sure-by-henri-jm.html" target=_blank rel=nofollow>For Now, Hide Your Treasure by Henri  Nouwen

You have found a treasure: the treasure of God’s love. You know now where it is, but you are not yet ready to own it fully. So many attachments keep pulling you away. If you would fully own your treasure, you must hide it in the field where you found it, go off happily to sell everything you own, and then come back and buy the field.

You can be truly happy that you have found the treasure. But you should not be so naive as to think that you already own it. Only when you have let go of everything else can the treasure be completely yours.

Having found the treasure puts you on a new quest for it. The spiritual life is a long and often arduous search for what you have already found. You can only seek God when you have already found God. The desire for God’s unconditional love is the fruit of having been touched by that love.

Because finding the treasure is only the beginning of the search, you have to be careful. If you expose the treasure to others without fulling owning it, you might harm yourself and even lose the treasure. A newfound love needs to be nurtured in a quiet, intimate space. Overexposure kills it. That is why you must hide the treasure and spend your energy in selling your property so that you can buy the field where you have hidden it.

This is often a painful enterprise, because your sense of who you are is so intimately connected to all the things you own: success, friends, prestige, money, degrees, and so on. But you know that nothing but the treasure itself can truly satisfy you. Finding the treasure without being ready yet to fully own it will make you restless. This is the restlessness of the search for God. It is the way to holiness. It is the road to the kingdom. It is the journey to the place where you can rest.

Excerpt from The Inner Voice of Love by Henri  Nouwen

Henri Nouwen  1932 - 1996 was a  Catholic priest


Posted By: kelly Tuller
Date Posted: 12/28/2010 at 3:10pm

Jack and Trisha Frost Shiloh Place Ministries

THE HEART OF SONSHIP  and the Heart of Orphan -

  • a88c-48d4-9a32-261d43e3d9b2 - Slavery to Sonship (1) (Jack and Trisha Frost)

  • 9d30-4646-bae6-261d43e3d9b2 - Slavery to Sonship (2) (Jack and Trisha Frost)

  • c704-4899-a1a5-261d43e3d9b2 - Orphan or Son Handout


    Posted By: kelly Tuller
    Date Posted: 12/28/2010 at 3:16pm

    From - -

    Restoring the Generations – Part 1

    Monday, October 25th, 2010

    Restoring the Generations Conference held on Oct 22-24, 2010 was one of the most powerful conferences that KingdomLife has ever done. I don’t even think you can call it a conference. It was more like a group of people assembled together for a holy moment in time. We have never experienced God do so much in our midst in such a short amount of time. Literally, within a 24-hour timeframe, God restored generations, healed the orphan heart, turned the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the sons to the fathers, brought closure to cycles of abandonment, and opened the door to a whole new era of kingdom advancement. To say this weekend was “significant” doesn’t even do justice to the depth of God that was worked into our hearts. It was truly a weekend of redemption, connection, and crowning.

    So much took place this weekend that we felt like we had to break it down into part 1 and part 2. So part 1 will cover Sonship vs. Slavery and the Orphan Heart, and part 2 will deal with Apostolic Fatherhood, Building Generational Highways, and a synopsis of Saturday night’s profound encounter. Don Crum kicked off the meeting on Friday night with the topic of Sonship vs. Slavery. He began his message by using the illustration of an air conditioner filter, and he said that our understanding of sonship is like a filter by which we process everything in life. Our mindset/paradigm/theology defines Father God and how we relate to Him. Many of us in the Body of Christ have been taught how to relate to Father as a servant, but we’ve never been taught how to relate to Him as sons and daughters. It is possible to be a servant in the kingdom without being in a father/son relationship with Him. The master/servant relationship is one that is performance/task oriented and it is based on the fear of punishment or the hope of reward. In contrast, the father/son relationship is inheritance-oriented and it is based on love and trust. In Luke 15:29, we see an example of a son who lived in his father’s house, yet operated out of a slave mentality. Even though he had been in his father’s house from a child, he did not understand that all that his father had was his. He thought that he had to work for it by serving his father, and because he didn’t walk in his sonship, he was never fully able to understand what the word “inheritance” really meant. In contrast, the prodigal son received a first-hand revelation of sonship when he humbled himself to his father and asked to be like one of his hired hands, only to find out that his father didn’t view him in such a way. The father viewed him as a son whom his heart longed for, and to whom belonged all of the rights and privileges of his kingdom (or domain). Once the prodigal son allowed his father to love him and receive him, he immediately stepped back into sonship and began to walk in his inheritance.

    The next topic covered at the conference was the “Orphan Heart” by Pastor Larry on Saturday morning. The word orphan by definition describes one who is “bereaved or lonely, or one deprived of parents by either death or desertion.” The orphan heart is one that is disconnected from acceptance, love, and security by reason of damage and rejection by authority. The orphan heart is a pandemic in the Body of Christ these days. We are like the fatherless generation in Malachi 4 who is under the curse of orphan hood. We are like those mentioned in Romans 8:15 who are subject to a spirit of bondage. That word bondage is defined in the Greek as “a state of a man which prevents him from enjoying his inheritance.” Christians are walking in a state of bondage that prevents them from enjoying what is rightfully theirs through Christ. They do not understand that they’ve been adopted into God’s family. That word adopted literally means “to be placed or seated as a son.” Slaves do not have an inheritance; only sons have an inheritance. The enemy of our soul works so very hard to make sure that we operate as spiritual slaves our entire lives so that we will perpetuate the orphan heart. What does the orphan heart look like? Let’s take a look.

    The orphan heart is one in which there is great emotional pain and a loss of belonging. It is a heart that is created through wounding and abandonment by authority figures. The person with the orphan heart will:

    1. Struggle with authority
    2. See God as only a harsh taskmaster
    3. Be relationally-challenged and only experience very shallow relationships
    4. Build walls to protect themselves
    5. Not do well with intimacy
    6. Become self-reliant, not needing anybody else
    7. Become self-improvement addicts
    8. View submission as manipulation
    9. Be fiercely independent
    10. Strive to be loved and accepted
    11. Work themselves to the bone trying to find acceptance from others
    12. Never feel satisfied or be able to “do” enough

    The orphan heart is perpetuated generationally through abandonment, fear, and loss. It can be passed down from your family line all the way to you. The orphan heart will never allow you to rest. It will never allow you to feel loved or accepted.  It will prevent you from understanding your true identity and from walking in your destiny. It will hinder you from possessing your inheritance. That’s why God is trying so desperately to heal us in this hour of the orphan heart. An orphan heart cannot be cast out or delivered. It can only be re-positioned through adoption. Through understanding that we are adopted and that we have a place at the Father’s table, our hearts can turn TOWARD the Father and we can begin to function as sons. This is where we find our inheritance. Our inheritance as sons is to possess the earth and have dominion. It is not about getting gold, silver, wood, hay, and stubble as much as it is about possession, advancement, occupation, and reigning and ruling with Christ. God is looking for sons and daughters in this hour. He doesn’t need slaves.

    The good news is that you can be healed of the orphan heart and possess your inheritance. Many in our conference this weekend were healed of the orphan heart, and we expect to see many this year possessing their spiritual inheritance!

    Covenant Sonship

    Monday, June 7th, 2010

    Romans 8:14 “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.”

    We are living in a time when our nation needs change.  Not just any change, but the type of change that can only come through mature sons and daughters.  And in a time when our land is crying out for the revealing  of the sons of God (ver. 19), can any true sons and daughters be found in the kingdom of God?  We have plenty of babes and more than our fair share of spiritual adolescents, but are there any mature ones?  Are there those who know the secrets of the kingdom, possess the power of heaven, and know how to release the manifested glory of God that brings change?  The kingdom of God is the only thing that is going to effect change in our culture, and understanding and walking in the kingdom of God as mature sons is the first step.

    Maturity is something that every believer must attain to in their Christian walk.  Even Jesus went through 3 stages of spiritual development in His walk.

    1. He was first a babe (Luke 2:12).  Jesus came to this earth in the form of a man, but He had to begin His journey as a babe.  The word “babe” in Luke 2:12 is translated “newborn.”  It is defined as “needing to feed and nourish someone frequently.”  It’s spiritual connotation refers to newly born again believers.  Each one of us has to be born into the kingdom of God through a spiritual rebirth (John 3).  Many in this world today are becoming born again Christians, but these individuals need the type of around the clock nurturing, nourishment, and care that can only come through mothers and fathers in the faith.  We need more mothers and fathers in the faith that know how to care for these babes.
    2. Then he was a child (Luke 2:40).  The word child here means “half grown boy or girl.”  The spiritual connotation refers to immature Christians.  How many immature Christians do we have in the Body of Christ today?  Everywhere we turn, we see immaturity.  We even see entire church systems in America built to facilitate spiritual immaturity.  Churches spend countless millions of dollars building the best Sunday entertainment venues in the world, the best rock and roll worship shows, the biggest and best children’s and youth ministries, and countless other outlets to keep the Saints entertained, busy, pre-occupied with themselves, and feeling good.  Is this not immaturity?  Is this not feeding half grown boys and girls the milk of the word instead of teaching them to grow up so they can receive the meat of the word?  When everything in Christendom centered on you and your needs being met so that you can feel good and have your ears tickled, are you not an immature believer?  And that’s ok to an extent.  Even Jesus was a child at one point, but the Bible says that He grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom…”  Church, it’s time for you to grow up!  It’s time for you to take off your diapers and put your big boy and big girl pants on.  It’s time for you to learn that the kingdom is not about you.  The kingdom is about God, and releasing His glory, His power, and His love to the world.  The kingdom doesn’t center on man; it centers on God.  It’s a realm where He is King, and He’s at the center.  Saints, you get to surround the throne, but you don’t get to sit on the throne.
    3. Then He became a mature son (Isaiah 9:6-7).  The Bible says that even before Jesus was born, He was a son.  It says that the government would be upon His shoulder.  The word government is defined as “prevailing princely power.”  It is a word that represents maturity and sonship.  The increase of God’s government rests upon the shoulders of mature sons and daughters.  Those who are mature know how to carry His government in the earth.  They know how to access the heavenlies and legislate into the earth realm.  They know how to execute His judicial decrees and release His order in such a way that it brings His manifested power and glory to earth.  They know how to shift things in the natural realm by walking in a place of maturity in the spiritual realm.  They have, by reason of use, learned how to exercise their senses in discerning both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).  Mature sons can cut and divide between what’s spiritual and what’s fleshly.  They can discern light from darkness.  They can cut and divide the Word of God, and they can wield the the weapons of warfare effectively to bring about victory in every arena of culture.  Jesus was able to do the miracles He did, effect the change that He brought, and change the world in which He lived because He was a mature son.  “And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey[ed] Him.” (Hebrews 5:9) 

    In Wrapping up, Here are 5 Quick Points about Spiritual Sonship:

    1. We’re all on the road to spiritual sonship.  None of us have fully arrived.
    2. One mark of walking in spiritual sonship is being able to receive reproof, correction, and rebuke from spiritual fathers and mothers in the faith without being offended.
    3. We need the help of the Holy Spirit in order to become mature sons and daughters in the faith (Romans 8:15-17).  This is something that you can’t do on your own.  You need God’s help.
    4. Going through spiritual suffering is a part of becoming a mature son, but don’t get caught up in the sufferings.  Keep your eye on the glory that shall be revealed in you through Christ (Romans 8:18).  We will all experience suffering, but the weight of glory that is being developed in our lives far outweighs the challenges we must go through.
    5. Spiritual sonship says, “God, no matter whether you do what I want You to do in my life, heal me or don’t heal me, deliver me or don’t deliver me, I trust in You.  I trust in You till the death.”  Sonship starts when trust begins.  No matter what happens in your life, you acknowledge that He is Master, that you love Him unconditionally just as He loves you unconditionally, and you make your choice to continually walk together with Him.

    Posted By: Stacey Yerian
    Date Posted: 12/28/2010 at 5:02pm


    Just wanted to let you know I deleted your post The Afflictions of Love by Francis Frangipagne as it is already posted under the Personal Sharing/Fellowship Forum and therefore is a duplicate posting.  It is also not something I would consider a Current events discussion.


    From glory to glory,
    Anastasia Lee

    Posted By: Kriston Couchey
    Date Posted: 12/28/2010 at 6:52pm

    Kelly, thanx for the teachings. I will post this under kingdom/apostolic transformation articles. Also, please give credit in the title to the person who wrote the article, i will do so on this one for you to see what i mean.

    One of the chosen foolish and weak -

    Posted By: Deanna Harris
    Date Posted: 12/29/2010 at 12:46am

    Thank you, Kelly for posting.  Just printed out the chart from Shiloh Place this week-end showing the difference between an orphan and a son.  Right on time for my husband and I.

    Blessings and Happy New Year,


    Posted By: Stacey Yerian
    Date Posted: 12/29/2010 at 1:37am

    Great articles Kelly.  Thanks for posting.  LOVE IT!!!!!

    From glory to glory,
    Anastasia Lee

    Posted By: Sarah Ann Dees
    Date Posted: 12/29/2010 at 4:32am

    Thank you, Kelly.   I agree about the need for spiritual direction!  The charasmatic nuns here, study for three years to become sprititual directors!

    Sarah Dees

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