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A Pleasant Thunder by Jim Grayson

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 3:43pm

Topic: A Pleasant Thunder by Jim Grayson

Posted By: Pamela Helmick
Subject: A Pleasant Thunder by Jim Grayson
Date Posted: 05/20/2008 at 11:12am

Lexington, Kentucky
A Freshening Wind


“A Pleasant Thunder"

May 18, 2008

“My Heart's Beloved, you are Mine and I have been preparing your own hearts for what is to come in the future, in all ways.  Judgment is to come on the earth, and the Body of Christ is to be judged as to Her ability to purvey the Truth.  Those who hold forth the Truth as I have presented it but woe be to those who have not, who have changed and altered the Truth which sets men free.  This is the time for those who preach, teach and prophesy to examine their hearts, words and beliefs to see if they entirely line up with what I have put forth in My Word.  There is no room to go one way or another; there is only one road down which you may travel and that is the road of My Everlasting Truth.  You cannot go through My Word and pick and choose what you want to put forth and leave other parts behind.  With Me, and with My Word, it's all or nothing.  You know that, if you know Me, and you know what you must do.  That is all I'll say about it for now.

"I am also preparing you for what is to come in the lives of My individual children, for I have a Divine Plan for each of you and if you will wholly give yourselves to Me, I will make you a flowering garden in a dry and dreary place, a place where those who are dying from spiritual thirst may drink of the Living Waters My Son Jesus has provided.  You will speak and your words will be a pleasant thunder to their hearts, like the rumbling of a coming rain on parched ground, bringing forth Light and Life where there was only darkness and death and they will be refreshed...because you gave yourself to Me to be used for My Kingdom, which is your Kingdom, too.  Always remember, what is Mine is also yours.

"Some will do miraculous things.  I have spoken of this before but I must speak on it more for most would, or could, not accept the fat a 'mere human being' can do the things of which I have spoken but I say to you, a child of the Most High King who is filled with My Holy Spirit can do anything, so long as it is My will.  You can walk on water, you know, but only if there is a purpose in it.  There is no room for 'show boating' in the Kingdom of My Heart.  No, a selfless life I seek, My Beloved, and with that life, I can accomplish much and make that one not only a blessing to others but a blessing to Me and to themselves, for they will see what I have done through them and they will weep tears of Divine Joy, their hearts singing in My Spirit for what has become of their comparison to what it once was, or could have been had they not given themselves over to Me.  Most who do these things will have a past of which they are ashamed but a repentant heart is fertile ground for Me and I can do all things through such a one as this.  Anything is possible to those who believe.

"Take a look through My Word and see what I have done in the past with a life totally submitted to Me.  Look at the lives of the Old Covenant prophets.  Look at the life the apostles and others, like Stephen.  He gave himself to Me and he suddenly found himself doing great signs and wonders among the people, and before he gave up his life for Me, I gave him a gift, by allowing him to see My Son and Me, even before he closed his eyes to pass from the realm of the earth to the realm of My Spirit, of My Kingdom.  Look at the life of My Own Dear Son; remember, He was in human form.  He could have sinned but He chose a higher road.  I say to you, if you will choose that same higher road, desiring righteousness rather than self, I will do things through you which My Son did, and even greater.  That is My Word to you.

Think about these words, My Beloved.  Know I give them all in love, even those which warn of My judgment.  If I was not the Epitome of Love, I would simply strike down those who dare to tamper with My Word but instead, I have warned those who have ears to hear and if they are wise, they will repent and I will joyfully forgive them and hold them close to Me.  It's not too late to change and come to Me for forgiveness.  Again, I AM Love.  I will embrace you, no matter what, so long as you repent and ask My forgiveness, which I freely give to all who ask.

"Some exciting times are coming.  Prepare your hearts to walk in the realm of miracles and healing, of setting the captives free and of even altering the course of nature, so long as I will it.  I tell you...I promise you.  You will be amazed."

Faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love.

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