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Are you discontent with mainstream Christian following?This is a prophetic word for you.

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 3:43pm

Topic: Are you discontent with mainstream Christian following?This is a prophetic word for you.

Posted By: Diane Nicolosi
Subject: Are you discontent with mainstream Christian following?This is a prophetic word for you.
Date Posted: 05/26/2008 at 6:51pm


Jason Holbeche.

We believe that there is a greater call coming upon those who are discontent with the mainstream Christian following. This is a year of restoration of dreams and relationships.
Dreams: There is a violent shaking coming upon those who have buried Kingdom dreams under the elements of this world. A time has come when we are to acknowledge that we live in an equal reality that has far greater power than that which is in the earth. We must recognise and respond to the heavenly reality that is in our lives which is: the Kingdom of God that dwells inside of you (Luke 17 v21). So don’t worry if all around you begins to be tried and tested, or if you get the sense that you’re beginning to lose control of some of the practical things in your life. A shaking will take place until all that is left is the promises of God spoken into and over your life. Let the debris fall away and leave a canvas that shines the Glory & Promises of God in your life. Be careful not to hold on to that which you cannot take with you.
Relationships: There is a season of the restoration of Kingdom relationships coming this year, no matter how far the gap may seem in the flesh. Many have experienced a break down in the body through relationships which has left many wounded from the last year, this has been a clear objective from the enemy to stall and mask this current season which we are entering. We have been given the grace to overcome all that has come against our lives, so we must now apply that which has been given to us. This restoration period is to prepare the body for battle and the outpouring in the coming days; realignment is needed before we can receive & engage in the next outpouring from Heaven. Without a firm foundation built around us in love, there is no place for God to establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Therefore if your prayers have been based around Matt 6 v10 (let your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven) then get ready for the promises over your life to be exposed for His Glory, although this may not feel like a comfortable or peaceful time for the many. This requires wisdom from heaven as in James 1 v5 (If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him, NKJ) as we may just be praying against circumstances that have been allowed by our Father to bring us and prepare us for this next season. It is a time to ask the right questions. It is time to ask Him how we can work though these circumstances and not how He can release us from them. David beat Goliath because had had fought through many battles before hand, against the Lion and the Bear (1 Samuel v 37), each time becoming stronger. He gained strength from the battles, which then prepared him for his next fight. So don’t allow this time to pass by like the wind, or we may not be ready for the next season & battle that is coming.
There is greater provision for those who are obedient to their calling, almost like an endless availability to Kingdom resources. It is not the season to adopt another persons calling; each one of us is made intricately by our Fathers hand to encourage the body, in our own individual way. Hold on to that which is from Him specifically for you at this time, because using someone else’s gifting in this time will only bring you discouragement. This has greater implications than you may realise, as you were intended for this very moment in time everything that you do is for the building & strengthening of the body. So if we deny what He wants to do through us specifically, it will affect the body as a whole. It is our role before God to be obedient in these days to what He has given us. It is also our role to protect our leaders and use the gifting He has given us, to edify the body of Christ in love, for the equipping of the Saints

Father let thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .


Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 05/27/2008 at 6:31am

Diane, thank you for this posting. It was excellent and timely.  I am sure there are multitudes of us that have been praying that God's will be on earth as it is in heaven over many situations and circumstances. It's a new day and we have unique and individual callings upon our lives that God has predestined for each of us. As we humble ourselves in obedience to Him abandoning ourselves to Him, He will accomplish those things that concern us and He will guide us into our destines to accomplish His purposes. We don't have to manipulate, machinate or "work" things to do what He is calling us to do. Doing well those things set before us and walking in obedience will get us into alignment with Him. It's actually really easy and very user friendly.

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