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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 3:42pm


Posted By: Prema Laban
Date Posted: 06/05/2008 at 4:27am

Hi everyone

I felt the Holy Spirit ask me last night when I was witnessing His outpouring via God TV: what more are you waiting for, Prema?

I know that for years there have been many, like me, who have sought His heart, have cried out for more of Him, have refused to contaminate ourselves with "the system" - and as I saw the hunger, the desperation in the lives of the people who were sick and in pain and dying, something in me crumbled.

I know that there are many theoligical discussions happening on what is and what isn't God - but I urge you - LET US HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE SO GREAT A GOD who despite our weaknesses, our disobedience, our stubbornness of heart still in His love and compassion, chooses to overshadow us with His presence.

We may have had our own understanding of what would happen "one day" - when everyone gets their act together, what could happen when "all is sorted out and everyone has come into the same understanding" , we may have thought about how we expected things to turn out, have focused on the new and turned away from the old - i urge you to set aside every preconceived notion of what we thought it would be like, everything that we see that we can argue about, criticise, label, theorise about - as to why this shouldn't be, couldn't be. musn't be and let us in humility of heart and on bended knee acknowledge HIS SOVEREIGNITY.

He has said: I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. What is man that He should be mindful of our pet peeves and doctrines and methodology?

For those of us who can join in with the live broadcast as it is happening, who carry the real presence of Jesus in our lives and hearts because He has brought us to the place of surrender, i urge you - let us surrender to Him, the precious Holy Spirit - let us come into agreement with Him, with our all, as one undivided heart.

We have heard cries of Resurrection, Life! being released by those who are experiencing the outpouring in a supernatural way not seen for decades - allow yourself to see through His eyes, what would happen if every one of us who know Him and love Him, truly saw what He sees and declared wherever we find ourselves on this planet that the day of His habitation, the hour of His dwelling in a people is here!

I feel that the outpouring is happening to the measure that there is a surrendered "Jesus" on the earth - a people who have committed themselves to Him wholly - can He trust us in this hour to stand with Him even when we don't understand why there, why like this, why with them? The manifestation of the sons of God that people have talked about for years - will manifest to a creation that is groaning under the weight of sin, disease and death.

Great is His mercy toward us, His lovingkindness toward us, day after day

Forever faithful to us, Always providing for us.

Great is His mercy toward us, day after day.

What would happen if we set aside our own understanding and allow Him to be God?

Love always






God has us in mind...
No eye has seen, no ear heard, no mind conceived...


Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 06/05/2008 at 6:11am

 Amen, my Sister. It is still ALL about JESUS!!! LET YOUR GLORY COVER THE EARTH, LORD GOD, AS THE WATER COVERS THE SEA. Christ JESUS in us, the whole worlds hope of GLORY!!!    Love you ALL-prayin' & decreein' & rejoicin'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 06/05/2008 at 10:33am

Quote Prema "The manifestation of the sons of God that people have talked about for years - will manifest to a creation that is groaning under the weight of sin, disease and death."

amen Prema and yes a surrendered will to the will of our about our Father's business. Laying aside our preconceived mindsets or experience and living in each moment be-ing taught of Holy Spirit in the moment, be-ing led of Holy Spirit in the moment and walking in Holy Spirit in the moment. We live in the moment of the Eternal ( Jesus Christ) and the Eternal (Jesus Christ) appears, full-filling the moment. His Governing, Kingdom appears in demonstration of Spirit and power( rule over), overcoming. Death is swallowed up, devoured in Victory... Life. Jesus said, I Am the Resurrection and the Life, he who belives in Me, though he were dead, yet will he live.

Let's prophesy to the Nations..Behold Him!

The hour is coming and now is when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear will live!

In His Love

Posted By: Prema Laban
Date Posted: 06/05/2008 at 12:05pm

Amen, Kathy!

We have to learn moment by moment just to BE):

Jesus is the resurrection - the way, the truth, THE LIFE and He will be made manifest in a people who live surrendered to the spirit of Truth who gives us life.

Love always



God has us in mind...
No eye has seen, no ear heard, no mind conceived...

Posted By: Lyn McSweeney
Date Posted: 06/05/2008 at 2:23pm


Yes Amen Prema!!!!!

Love and Blessings!

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