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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
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Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 8:43am

Father’s Love Heals

By Ron McGatlin

(I feel the need to ask you again as I have in the past to be patient with me as you read this article. There is a very evident and in my opinion significant change taking place that will change how we view and relate to the love of God.  It is not reasonable in one article to bring full evidence needed to effect change. Therefore, I ask that if some of this word is difficult for you, please allow the Holy Spirit through prayer and biblical research to confirm or deny what is said. If this confirms what is already in your heart, be blessed. If not it may be that I may not be saying it correctly. You may want to print this out and read when the time is available. – Ron)

Has God’s Love Changed? 

God does not love people differently in the New Testament from how he loved people in the Old Testament. There is a new covenant and restored potential for intimate relationship with God in the New Testament, but God’s love is the same.

We probably all know that the Bible says that God is love, and we have probably all read or heard Jesus’ commandments to love God and love our neighbor. Since God is love by His nature He loves everyone. God would never do anything bad to the people He loves. However, is it possible that, like a surgeon who cuts into a person to do good to the person, that God would make an incision (wound) to change us for the better? And would not that be doing good to us?

The surgeon who operated on me five years ago when I had cancer gave me the worst wound I have ever experienced. He cut me down the middle of my abdomen from just below the rib cage downward around the belly button an on down till I was laid completely open. During the operation my blood pressure went so low that I was very near death. When I awoke the pain was just as bad from this helpful incision as it would have been from an enemy attack. They kept me on morphine and other medication to make it possible to endure the pain from the wound the surgeon had made to take out some of my organs and remake some of the connections by taking parts from one place making them into another part in another place.

God did not put the cancer in me. He never does anything that is not for our ultimate good and in accordance with His plan. The doctor who removed the cancer from me had nothing to do with putting it in there. He was a tool in God’s hands to remove it. It was God who healed me. The cancer had eaten through the wall of the organ and was expected to be in the blood stream and spreading. However, there was no cancer found anywhere else, and in five years there never has been even though we chose to not have chemo therapy.

Why did God not heal me miraculously without surgery? I waited for 6 months after diagnosis for a miracle healing before submitting to surgery. I don’t know why He did not heal me miraculously, but I am very glad He healed me.

God’s ways are higher than man’s. The way we think things should be is not always the way God does them. He has a much higher and much longer range view that we do. It is a mistake to attribute our limited way of thinking to God.

Isa 55:8-9:  "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

God is Spirit and is vastly more profound and preeminent in every area than the natural understanding of mankind. Therefore, it is by the Spirit that the fullness of truth is discerned. Truth and love that produces wisdom and unity is achieved by moving from natural contemplation to the much higher level of spiritual communion with God.

One of the most serious needs in God’s people is to truly know Him. Not only knowing about God and knowing how to receive from Him but personally knowing Him. Deep hidden mysteries of the mind of God are known to us through intimate relationship through Christ in the Spirit. We will know His love, how it affects us, what it is like, and the purposes of it through Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Yes, His written word will confirm the knowing received from personal relationship in the Spirit. In fact, through intimate relationship parts of the Bible that were veiled to us will be opened to us.

God’s love for people and His purposes for mankind are intertwined.

Our Heavenly Father has a greater objective, a destination for His children beyond where we have been.
It is His purpose, His objective of His choosing, not ours. Few if any have yet achieved the fullness of God’s objective for His children. There is a level of life in God ahead of us that we have not seen. This is where we have been headed for the last two thousand years. A portion of believers are now desperately hungering for spiritual reality with God that far exceeds anything they have known. Most may not be able to clearly define what they so intensely desire, but they feel they must have it. There must be the real – real purity and holiness – real love and power – real supernatural miraculous works – real spiritual living - real intimate oneness with God, and all without mixture.

In my opinion, over the 75 years of my lifetime there has never been such an intense hunger for God among a remnant of believers across the world. Most of the church goes on as usual while the secular world and false religions are becoming more hostile toward God.

However, there is a remnant that is not going on as usual. This remnant of God’s people can no longer tolerate the mixture of humanistic self-seeking ways of the past. They are consumed and obsessed with the desire for the reality of God in the Holy Spirit. They want to worship and love Him with their whole lives. They desire every breath, every thought to be toward God. The highest part of their lives is meeting with a few of like desire to pray and worship in the manifest presence of God. This is NOT the “Christian life” as it has been. This is the growing up or maturing of the church into real sons of God – grown up sons. We are groaning waiting for the coming forth of the real grown up sons of God.

Rom 8:18:19:  For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

 The objective and destination God has for His children is for them to become what we have never been: the mature sons of God who are as Christ is in the world without mixture and inseparable from God.

1 John 4:17:  Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.

Within the heart of the objective God has for His children is intimate communion with Him. Father’s love is fulfilled as we become one with Him receiving the love He pours into us that passionately explodes within us to reflect back to Him in brilliant expressions of His glory beyond measure. His power and wisdom flow with His love into those who love Him. The first part of God’s purpose for mankind it to collectively flood massive, worldwide, brilliant expressions of His love and glory back to Him in pure holy adoration beyond human measure.

The second part of Father’s purpose for His sons involves pouring out the reflective brilliant expressions of His love – to cover all the earth with His glory, power, and wisdom. God is pouring out on earth through His firstborn Son within His many sons to cover the earth with His glory so that the kingdom of God is present on earth as it is in heaven, and all the earth is ruled by His righteousness. This is God’s purpose. This is His call to us, the great commandment and the heart’s desire of Father God Almighty.

Mat 22:37:  Jesus said to him, "’You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind’. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

Is there anything better for people than to be fully in the purpose of God? In our personal life experiences, God’s greatest good for us is to love Him and be about our Father’s business. We know from scripture that all things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Truly, for man and God, this is the most blessed life on earth. This is the purpose and fulfillment of Father’s love and objective on earth. It is our highest good and the heart desire of God.

Rom 8:28:  And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

God is preparing a people.

Not everyone is at the place at this time of becoming grown up sons, sons who will move on the earth as Jesus doing the works that He did and greater works than He did on earth in His earthly body. We are at different stages of maturing in Christ. Like natural people we need different food and different nurturing at different stages of growth in Him. Some of this article may not be for you at this time. If you are not experiencing the desperate hunger for more than you have seen to date and are satisfied in the place you are now living and serving, be assured God completely loves you and continue to flow the grace He has given in the place He has provided. He will cause you to move on if and when He desires and you are ready. There are different places and many jobs to be done in the kingdom.

There are those of us in this day who are being called to leave the pleasant places with our spiritual mothers and move out to become a mighty army with our LORD and Father on a perilous but victorious journey. There is a movement beginning in the people of God to become willing volunteers who will endure through the pain and suffering of taking up our cross to follow Him through the greatest change the world has ever known. These are the mature sons of God for which the groaning creation awaits.

Mark 8:34:  When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

Mark 10:21:  Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me."

Luke 9:23:  Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.

God’s passion in His Sons

God’s passion is intense to have a people of His purpose on earth truly living in His image and being as He is in the world. Within us our passionate desire to be made into His full grown sons is also becoming intense. We are becoming willing to fully submit to the processes of change that requires cutting down our old tree (way of life) – our old “Christian” life structure mixed with other purposes and practices, that He may replace it with a new tree of His life for His purpose only.

In the practical reality of the spiritual process of cutting down and rooting out our old damaged and distorted life structure, there will be painful loss and separation. Our inner soul that is trained in self-survival sees that our existence as the person we were is being attacked for destruction and will fight to preserve our structure of life as is. The more we allow our souls to guide us to fight against the cutting down and removal of our old life of mixture, the more the destructive forces increase. Yes, we truly want to become pure holy sons of God in His image. Yes, we really want to be in the world as Christ is. Yes, we want to pour out to the world the love, power, wisdom, and glory of God. But first we must endure the painful loss of the old life structure as it crumbles into ashes leaving us nothing of our past imperfect damaged life of mixture.

Oh, the pain and the sorrow as we feel the mighty blows of the axe from God at the very trunk of our existence bringing down the life structure we had become. Our souls cry out. Our screams of painful resistance with the process go unheeded. Our violent rebukes of the devil that we believe is destroying our lives accomplish nothing. The seemingly merciless blows of the axe continue to cut deeper into the core of our life structure. We do not see that the passionate love of God is behind every cutting blow. Every wounding strike of the axe moves us closer to the change that we truly desire, to be conformed to God’s original intention - to be fully in His image filled with only His life and His purpose.

Our loving and all wise Heavenly Father is changing what we could not change. He is not afflicting us to teach us a lesson, nor is He angry and punishing His people. Father knows the old tree of other purposes that is bearing other fruit must be removed before the new life structure of His life, His love, His power, His wisdom, and His glory can become the new life structure to be reflected as brilliant light back to Him and out to the those around us, spreading to the ends of the earth, filling the earth with the glory of God.

Yes, God allows affliction of the old life that He might heal us and fill us with His resurrected life. There is always ultimate love and purpose in what God does. He is preparing mature sons of God for His purpose and His glory. His mercy endures forever.
Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever (Psa 136:26).

Job 5:17-18:  "Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects; Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. For He bruises, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands make whole.

Heb 12:5-7:  And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: "My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the LORD loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives." If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?

Yes, God uses various means including natural authorities and people to afflict and cut down our old life. Often He uses our friends as instruments of affliction to us. It is not always the wounds of an enemy that afflict our old self-life. It can be the wounds of a friend that are used. Our ultimate healing is the resurrection life of Christ born in us through our personal cross experience.

Prov 27:6:  Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Zec 13:6:  "And one will say to him, 'What are these wounds between your arms?' Then he will answer, 'Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.'

God may use instruments for our affliction such as friends and He may allow the enemy partial access for a season. However, it is God allowing the wounding of the old life and God healing His people through the process of change that we desired but were seemingly powerless to accomplish. The happiest and most powerful people in the world are those who have had the old life cut down and the fullness of the life of God growing in its place. Happy is the man whom God corrects.

Truly the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

 Satan and his powers of darkness are masterful deceivers. Our natural mind, human compassion, and understanding are no match for the schemes designed by the cunning craftiness of the supernatural intellect of the devil.

Only with the supernatural wisdom of God by His Spirit can we accurately discern and easily see through the devious plots of the enemy. Because much of Western Christianity has historically denied the fullness of the reality of the Holy Spirit and depended upon intellectual discernment, the enemy has been able to establish massive strongholds of false beliefs regarding the love of God.

The sweet kisses of the false gospels that see the love of God as a humanistic kind of love that takes no action to change His people is deceitful and provides no healing and no resurrection life. All God does and all He allows to touch His people on earth always leads toward resurrection life of Christ in us – righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit in this life now.

Mark Reece wrote this statement of the enemy’s deception regarding the love of the Father, “
God’s love is soft comforting, acceptance.” Which leads to, “You don’t have to change.” Which leads to, “you can remain independent.” We finally end up at the original lie, “You will be as God; separate and equal...”

God is preparing us to rule and reign as full grown sons. He will have a holy people on earth and the kingdoms of earth shall become the kingdoms of our God.

Keep on pursuing love.
It never fails.

Ron McGatlin - -


Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 10:31am

Father, give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we may know you better." (Eph. 1:17)

Posted By: Mark Reece
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 10:43am

Hi, Ron!


Nicely put. I think I would actually push some of this a bit farther than you have here, especially the issue of ‘mature’ sons. To us, mature means independent – a complete anathema in the Kingdom. We are not qualified yet to even imagine what a mature son would look like. I know I’ll get hammered about Jesus being our example, but after thirty-five years of listening to sermons and reading theology I know how broadly that example can be interpreted. I don’t think that His example is really understood, yet.


If we work backward from the presenting lie that you have listed here, “God’s love is soft comforting, acceptance.” Which leads to, “You don’t have to change.” Which leads to, “you can remain independent.” We finally end up at the original lie, “You will be as God; separate and equal...”


As you pointed out, quite the opposite was our Father’s intention in creating us as His children. We are first of all to be insatiable in receiving His love, and then like a mighty flood in releasing it back to Him and to the world around us. We are intended to join into the community and ‘dance of Love’ of the Trinity Itself, and thereby extend it to all creation. The break-down in all of this is our own inability to actually receive His love.


His love never changes; it is the bedrock of His nature. As such it is not simply emotion or feelings; it is actual spiritual ‘stuff’ which is transferred between Him and us, and between His children. This being said, it cannot be received just any old way we please. It requires certain things of the heart to receive.


This is where our problems really begin. The life most of us live is based on certain principles that are accumulated over the years, but often never stated openly. Things like, “I will never be hurt again…”, “I will be strong (or rich or popular) so I will be safe…” are taken as lessons learned from the pain of growing up in a fallen world. They knit together into a self-centered worldview, which leads to a self centered life. Will God afflict someone to breakthrough this illusion? Actually, I don’t think He has to. I’ve lived that way long enough to know how dry, lonely, and brutal that life is. Yet, the thought that He would lean hard on this flimsy lie to hasten its destruction can only be viewed as mercy.


There are two jailers who protect this prison we build for ourselves. The first is unforgiveness, especially of our parents. They were given by God to teach us how to be loved by God, Unfortunately, they didn’t know how to be loved themselves, and did a less than perfect job of caring for and teaching us. Granting them grace and turning back to the source of love to receive what He originally intended is critical. The second jailer is the vows we have made as a result of the hurts we have not forgiven. Without turning from the decisions for independence we made based on a lie, we will not have hearts open to His love.


The Good News is we do not have to tackle this alone. Once we know (Alas for how long it took for me to hear the full truth in today’s church environment!) the full story of our Father’s intent, we enter into an ‘ask and receive’ mode. Do you want to come home? Ask – you will receive! The same Holy Spirit who was given to awaken you to sonship, is the one who will shine in your heart to cleanse you of unforgiveness and independence, and He will bring you into such love as you cannot imagine before starting this journey. Eph. 3; 14-21


Blessings my friend!


Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 11:17am

Wonderful! Lately I have been considering this, my friends:

I am familiar with Ron's teaching of the life-pattern trees. In his writing
he leaves it open for there to be yet others he may not have addressed, I
believe I am finding one which goes well with this article, also Mark's

It's the faithful detached tree. Many people have remained faithful to
God, even God's people. They also remain not fully engaged. They walk a
true honest existence. There's been change in their life. Things have
been transformed. They are quite satisfied on reflecting that things are
as thy should be. But what hurts the Lord so deeply is that, no they don't
worship another god. He is the only God in their life. Yet they withhold
and refrain. He has given all of everything and opened every door window
curtain and made His whole life a sacrifice for them. Yet they retain a
separateness within. It's that they are not willing to have the pain of
being fully engaged, that total entrusting of all they are and do unto Him.
And they don't even know it! Oh the life they could live if only willing to
give all.

They retain independance and wrongly think they have it's an
inside thing. Deep inside. And because they have not surrendered all to
Him as He has for them, they are yet unable to be connected with the
others in that similar manner....

This speaks to many of us. Maybe most of us, who have committed our
full life and worship to the one God. But still not fully put together and
functional within the body.


Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 11:25am

It's observable that very often those who have been most damaged by life are the ones who find it most difficult to receive healing. 

Its the revelation of God's grace which brings healing.

Posted By: Dave Spencer
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 11:43am

Mark, I'll join you in the possibility of being 'hammered' for saying this but we should, in general, give up our TVs or severely limit our time watching TV.

TVs are not innately bad for us but the problem is this: that we tend to choose to watch that which we already like and/or believe.  So we don't change; in fact, we become more set in our ways.

I have a friend who, when I want to tease him, I tell him that he's been 'foxified' from watching so much of the Fox news.

My advice (I know, it's an unwise man who gives unwanted advice) is to spend at least an 1/2 hour per day alone with God.  I like to sit in the back yard in the evening and just listen for God and enjoy His creation.  Better than TV any day of the week!  Try it, you'll like it!

With His Love,

Posted By: Lyn McSweeney
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 9:28pm

Love and Blessings!

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 10:12pm

I think its possible to reduce the time it takes to become mature by inviting and welcoming the chastening and refining, like David asked God to search him and lead him in the way everlasting.  In Rick Joyner's "The Final Quest", he tells how he was shown that the quickest way to ascend to the top of the mountain was to invite God's judgement.

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 07/24/2008 at 11:28pm

Dave, my Brother  HALLELUJAH TO KING JESUS!!!  Love you ALL-prayin' & decreein' & rejoicin'

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 07/25/2008 at 8:52am

Mark Reece wrote:

If we work backward from the presenting lie that you have listed here, “God’s love is soft comforting, acceptance.” Which leads to, “You don’t have to change.” Which leads to, “you can remain independent.” We finally end up at the original lie, “You will be as God; separate and equal...”


As you pointed out, quite the opposite was our Father’s intention in creating us as His children. We are first of all to be insatiable in receiving His love, and then like a mighty flood in releasing it back to Him and to the world around us. 

(Bold mine)


Amen Mark, Very well said. This has continued to grow and to be refined to me more clearly since the original article.



Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 07/25/2008 at 9:08am

1. Father’s Love Heals

By Ron McGatlin

(I feel the need to ask you again as I have in the past to be patient with me as you read this article. There is a very evident and in my opinion significant change taking place that will change how we view and relate to the love of God.  It is not reasonable in one article to bring full evidence needed to effect change. Therefore, I ask that if some of this word is difficult for you, please allow the Holy Spirit through prayer and biblical research to confirm or deny what is said. If this confirms what is already in your heart, be blessed. If not it may be that I may not be saying it correctly. You may want to print this out and read when the time is available. – Ron)

Has God’s Love Changed? 

God does not love people differently in the New Testament from how he loved people in the Old Testament. There is a new covenant and restored potential for intimate relationship with God in the New Testament, but God’s love is the same.

We probably all know that the Bible says that God is love, and we have probably all read or heard Jesus’ commandments to love God and love our neighbor. Since God is love by His nature He loves everyone. God would never do anything bad to the people He loves. However, is it possible that, like a surgeon who cuts into a person to do good to the person, that God would make an incision (wound) to change us for the better? And would not that be doing good to us?

The surgeon who operated on me five years ago when I had cancer gave me the worst wound I have ever experienced. He cut me down the middle of my abdomen from just below the rib cage downward around the belly button an on down till I was laid completely open. During the operation my blood pressure went so low that I was very near death. When I awoke the pain was just as bad from this helpful incision as it would have been from an enemy attack. They kept me on morphine and other medication to make it possible to endure the pain from the wound the surgeon had made to take out some of my organs and remake some of the connections by taking parts from one place making them into another part in another place.

God did not put the cancer in me. He never does anything that is not for our ultimate good and in accordance with His plan. The doctor who removed the cancer from me had nothing to do with putting it in there. He was a tool in God’s hands to remove it. It was God who healed me. The cancer had eaten through the wall of the organ and was expected to be in the blood stream and spreading. However, there was no cancer found anywhere else, and in five years there never has been even though we chose to not have chemo therapy.

Why did God not heal me miraculously without surgery? I waited for 6 months after diagnosis for a miracle healing before submitting to surgery. I don’t know why He did not heal me miraculously, but I am very glad He healed me.

God’s ways are higher than man’s. The way we think things should be is not always the way God does them. He has a much higher and much longer range view that we do. It is a mistake to attribute our limited way of thinking to God.

Isa 55:8-9:  "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

God is Spirit and is vastly more profound and preeminent in every area than the natural understanding of mankind. Therefore, it is by the Spirit that the fullness of truth is discerned. Truth and love that produces wisdom and unity is achieved by moving from natural contemplation to the much higher level of spiritual communion with God.

One of the most serious needs in God’s people is to truly know Him. Not only knowing about God and knowing how to receive from Him but personally knowing Him. Deep hidden mysteries of the mind of God are known to us through intimate relationship through Christ in the Spirit. We will know His love, how it affects us, what it is like, and the purposes of it through Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Yes, His written word will confirm the knowing received from personal relationship in the Spirit. In fact, through intimate relationship parts of the Bible that were veiled to us will be opened to us.

God’s love for people and His purposes for mankind are intertwined.

Our Heavenly Father has a greater objective, a destination for His children beyond where we have been.
It is His purpose, His objective of His choosing, not ours. Few if any have yet achieved the fullness of God’s objective for His children. There is a level of life in God ahead of us that we have not seen. This is where we have been headed for the last two thousand years. A portion of believers are now desperately hungering for spiritual reality with God that far exceeds anything they have known. Most may not be able to clearly define what they so intensely desire, but they feel they must have it. There must be the real – real purity and holiness – real love and power – real supernatural miraculous works – real spiritual living - real intimate oneness with God, and all without mixture.

In my opinion, over the 75 years of my lifetime there has never been such an intense hunger for God among a remnant of believers across the world. Most of the church goes on as usual while the secular world and false religions are becoming more hostile toward God.

However, there is a remnant that is not going on as usual. This remnant of God’s people can no longer tolerate the mixture of humanistic self-seeking ways of the past. They are consumed and obsessed with the desire for the reality of God in the Holy Spirit. They want to worship and love Him with their whole lives. They desire every breath, every thought to be toward God. The highest part of their lives is meeting with a few of like desire to pray and worship in the manifest presence of God. This is NOT the “Christian life” as it has been. This is the growing up or maturing of the church into real sons of God – grown up sons. We are groaning waiting for the coming forth of the real grown up sons of God.

Rom 8:18:19:  For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

 The objective and destination God has for His children is for them to become what we have never been: the mature sons of God who are as Christ is in the world without mixture and inseparable from God.

1 John 4:17:  Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.

Within the heart of the objective God has for His children is intimate communion with Him. Father’s love is fulfilled as we become one with Him receiving the love He pours into us that passionately explodes within us to reflect back to Him in brilliant expressions of His glory beyond measure. His power and wisdom flow with His love into those who love Him. The first part of God’s purpose for mankind it to collectively flood massive, worldwide, brilliant expressions of His love and glory back to Him in pure holy adoration beyond human measure.

The second part of Father’s purpose for His sons involves pouring out the reflective brilliant expressions of His love – to cover all the earth with His glory, power, and wisdom. God is pouring out on earth through His firstborn Son within His many sons to cover the earth with His glory so that the kingdom of God is present on earth as it is in heaven, and all the earth is ruled by His righteousness. This is God’s purpose. This is His call to us, the great commandment and the heart’s desire of Father God Almighty.

Mat 22:37:  Jesus said to him, "’You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind’. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

Is there anything better for people than to be fully in the purpose of God? In our personal life experiences, God’s greatest good for us is to love Him and be about our Father’s business. We know from scripture that all things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Truly, for man and God, this is the most blessed life on earth. This is the purpose and fulfillment of Father’s love and objective on earth. It is our highest good and the heart desire of God.

Rom 8:28:  And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

God is preparing a people.

Not everyone is at the place at this time of becoming grown up sons, sons who will move on the earth as Jesus doing the works that He did and greater works than He did on earth in His earthly body. We are at different stages of maturing in Christ. Like natural people we need different food and different nurturing at different stages of growth in Him. Some of this article may not be for you at this time. If you are not experiencing the desperate hunger for more than you have seen to date and are satisfied in the place you are now living and serving, be assured God completely loves you and continue to flow the grace He has given in the place He has provided. He will cause you to move on if and when He desires and you are ready. There are different places and many jobs to be done in the kingdom.

There are those of us in this day who are being called to leave the pleasant places with our spiritual mothers and move out to become a mighty army with our LORD and Father on a perilous but victorious journey. There is a movement beginning in the people of God to become willing volunteers who will endure through the pain and suffering of taking up our cross to follow Him through the greatest change the world has ever known. These are the mature sons of God for which the groaning creation awaits.

Mark 8:34:  When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

Mark 10:21:  Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me."

Luke 9:23:  Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.

God’s passion in His Sons

God’s passion is intense to have a people of His purpose on earth truly living in His image and being as He is in the world. Within us our passionate desire to be made into His full grown sons is also becoming intense. We are becoming willing to fully submit to the processes of change that requires cutting down our old tree (way of life) – our old “Christian” life structure mixed with other purposes and practices, that He may replace it with a new tree of His life for His purpose only.

In the practical reality of the spiritual process of cutting down and rooting out our old damaged and distorted life structure, there will be painful loss and separation. Our inner soul that is trained in self-survival sees that our existence as the person we were is being attacked for destruction and will fight to preserve our structure of life as is. The more we allow our souls to guide us to fight against the cutting down and removal of our old life of mixture, the more the destructive forces increase. Yes, we truly want to become pure holy sons of God in His image. Yes, we really want to be in the world as Christ is. Yes, we want to pour out to the world the love, power, wisdom, and glory of God. But first we must endure the painful loss of the old life structure as it crumbles into ashes leaving us nothing of our past imperfect damaged life of mixture.

Oh, the pain and the sorrow as we feel the mighty blows of the axe from God at the very trunk of our existence bringing down the life structure we had become. Our souls cry out. Our screams of painful resistance with the process go unheeded. Our violent rebukes of the devil that we believe is destroying our lives accomplish nothing. The seemingly merciless blows of the axe continue to cut deeper into the core of our life structure. We do not see that the passionate love of God is behind every cutting blow. Every wounding strike of the axe moves us closer to the change that we truly desire, to be conformed to God’s original intention - to be fully in His image filled with only His life and His purpose.

Our loving and all wise Heavenly Father is changing what we could not change. He is not afflicting us to teach us a lesson, nor is He angry and punishing His people. Father knows the old tree of other purposes that is bearing other fruit must be removed before the new life structure of His life, His love, His power, His wisdom, and His glory can become the new life structure to be reflected as brilliant light back to Him and out to the those around us, spreading to the ends of the earth, filling the earth with the glory of God.

Yes, God allows affliction of the old life that He might heal us and fill us with His resurrected life. There is always ultimate love and purpose in what God does. He is preparing mature sons of God for His purpose and His glory. His mercy endures forever.
Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever (Psa 136:26).

Job 5:17-18:  "Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects; Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. For He bruises, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands make whole.

Heb 12:5-7:  And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: "My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the LORD loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives." If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?

Yes, God uses various means including natural authorities and people to afflict and cut down our old life. Often He uses our friends as instruments of affliction to us. It is not always the wounds of an enemy that afflict our old self-life. It can be the wounds of a friend that are used. Our ultimate healing is the resurrection life of Christ born in us through our personal cross experience.

Prov 27:6:  Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Zec 13:6:  "And one will say to him, 'What are these wounds between your arms?' Then he will answer, 'Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.'

God may use instruments for our affliction such as friends and He may allow the enemy partial access for a season. However, it is God allowing the wounding of the old life and God healing His people through the process of change that we desired but were seemingly powerless to accomplish. The happiest and most powerful people in the world are those who have had the old life cut down and the fullness of the life of God growing in its place. Happy is the man whom God corrects.

Truly the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

 Satan and his powers of darkness are masterful deceivers. Our natural mind, human compassion, and understanding are no match for the schemes designed by the cunning craftiness of the supernatural intellect of the devil.

Only with the supernatural wisdom of God by His Spirit can we accurately discern and easily see through the devious plots of the enemy. Because much of Western Christianity has historically denied the fullness of the reality of the Holy Spirit and depended upon intellectual discernment, the enemy has been able to establish massive strongholds of false beliefs regarding the love of God.

The sweet kisses of the false gospels that see the love of God as a humanistic kind of love that takes no action to change His people is deceitful and provides no healing and no resurrection life. All God does and all He allows to touch His people on earth always leads toward resurrection life of Christ in us – righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit in this life now.

Mark Reece wrote this statement of the enemy’s deception regarding the love of the Father, “
God’s love is soft comforting, acceptance.” Which leads to, “You don’t have to change.” Which leads to, “you can remain independent.” We finally end up at the original lie, “You will be as God; separate and equal...”

God is preparing us to rule and reign as full grown sons. He will have a holy people on earth and the kingdoms of earth shall become the kingdoms of our God.

Keep on pursuing love.
It never fails.

Ron McGatlin - -

Posted By: Dave Spencer
Date Posted: 07/25/2008 at 11:20am

Ron, this revision is a masterpiece - the Master has been given a free hand through His Spirit in you to paint a wonderful picture of what the Christian life should be.

With His Love,

Posted By: Kathy Bippus
Date Posted: 07/25/2008 at 11:53am

You've brought a plate-full here Ron,

At the base or root of this tree (of knoweldge) is the wanting control over. It comesforth in many forms and He will lay the axe to the root. We'll do things independent of Holy Spirit, not being led of and these can all be seemingly `good things.' We may see something within the scriptures and quote it in or over a situation etc. but it is not a rhema, Spirit breathed word for that moment, time, situation, person etc. We know we are not to be led by need or emotion, as you shared ` human compassion' but be taught & led of Holy Spirit in each moment, situation, etc.. And so we put ourselves in the place of God in the not being taught( hearing) and led of Holy Spirit. We oust Him and put our-self on the throne. When it comes down to it, His Love and faith( trust, which walk hand in hand) is not yet fully formed. When I think of this, pride goes before a fall, how great is His Love to allow us to fall! You shared quite sometime ago this, and it is truth...

"The pain we thought would destroy us will lead to the reality of holiness that we seek.

Painful loss that can never be recovered brings deep grief. Loss of that which I treasure above all else, that which is closest to my heart and most important to my life leaves me a broken person without the desire to go on living. My broken heart fills with pain moment by moment. There remains no strength within me to recover myself. The suffering has overwhelmed me. In my deep darkness, I close my eyes to die AND THERE YOU ARE MY LORD, MY GOD. YOUR LOVE WASHES OVER ME AND SATURATES MY BODY, SOUL, AND SPIRIT. I am melted into You, and my empty lifeless soul is filled with YOU my love, my LORD, my GOD.

And here I shall forever remain a broken man with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, a man humble and meek beyond death, living only in YOU as YOU live YOUR resurrected life where I once lived. For it is no longer I, but Christ. YOU LORD are the revived life of my spirit. YOU LORD are the life of my heart. In YOU LORD do I live and move and have my being."

In His Love

Posted By: Mark Reece
Date Posted: 07/25/2008 at 12:20pm

Well said, Ron. I think your adjustments help to capture the loving motivation of our Father. While our hearts are still captives of shame, it is very difficult to grasp what is happening to us in difficult times. Until we are actually touched by His love, we respond with fear that we are being punished. His perfect love drives out that fear and positions us to endure for discipline’s sake. Recalling that discipline is the repetition of a difficult task until it becomes our nature to do the task has helped me endure.


Lately, I have found myself fascinated by this text:


Phi 3:7  But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Phi 3:8  More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, Phi 3:9  and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, Phi 3:10  that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; Phi 3:11  in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Phi 3:12  Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Phi 3:13  Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, Phi 3:14  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


Paul has experienced the violent death of that old tree, that old way of existing, which was his in his life before Christ. In his words, it was just rubbish. Good riddance to bad trash… But, beyond this he has found an ambition to enter into the sufferings of Christ to the point of being conformed to the likeness of His death.


What a challenge!


To be so gripped by the steadfast and unquestionable love of our Father that one can endure on behalf of others their own suffering… Isn’t that what Jesus did for me? It was my sin He was beaten and killed for in order to bring me home to our Father.


I am so challenged by the idea that as we are changed by His love, and see that all hostility and punishment ended at the Cross, as we are able to surrender to hardship as a tool in our loving Father’s hand, we will also be transformed in our thinking about the suffering of others. Our judging from the objective outside will cease, and we will seek to enter into it with them as an agent of our Father’s love – bearing the same pain they experience so that His love can be seen in the midst of the pain. Then eyes blinded by the tears of this world will see, and ears deafened by the devils mocking will hear His voice saying, “This is the way; walk in it…”


Well, clearly my thinking on this is at an early stage. I’m not sure if I’ve actually communicated what I am seeing in this. But, you do provoke me to thought, and for that I am grateful.


Blessings my friend!


Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/26/2008 at 4:35am

Ron you said:


“Not everyone is at the place at this time of becoming grown up sons, sons who will move on the earth as Jesus doing the works that He did and greater works than He did on earth in His earthly body.”


Jesus has commanded (pretty strong word) us to:

“…preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:7-8a)


You also said:


“The objective and destination God has for His children is for them to become what we have never been: the mature sons of God who are as Christ is in the world without mixture and inseparable from God.”


What God is impressing upon me more and more, is the need for the true knowledge of God.  Whilst I agree totally that “knowing” can only come through intimacy with the Holy Spirit, I’m also observing in myself and others how areas of deception can remain hidden if we only rely on this way.


I’m discovering that by meticulously studying Jesus’ life on earth, areas of false beliefs about God are being exposed in me.  (My article on “Building a proper kind of alter to the Lord our God” highlights some of the false notions that have been exposed.)


In order to be as Christ is in the world without mixture we need true knowledge of Him.  This means taking every thought captive and comparing it to the truth of Christ as revealed to us through the gospel accounts.  Paul describes our false ideas about God as strong-holds and they need to be pulled down.  He was saying this as he defended himself as a true apostle (2 Corinthians 10).


2 Corinthians 10:5

[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)

(emphasis mine)


I know I keep banging on about this, but I feel its crucial to where we’re at at the moment.

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/26/2008 at 5:24am

Please have patience with me also as I try and explain, maybe I'm not saying it right yet.

Let us not get deceived into believing we can do this without testing everything against the true knowledge of God, that is revealed in the life of Jesus, as recorded for us in the gospel accounts.  Let's not fall in to the cunning trap of the enemy, like Eve did, and think we can go it alone without referring to God's Word.  There are deep treasures being dug up by the fore-runners.  Let us take heed of the mistakes of the Israelites and resolve not to make the same mistakes again, in order to prevent our harvest being stolen. (see Judges 6 - the story of Gideon overcoming the Midianites.)

Posted By: Larry Denton
Date Posted: 07/26/2008 at 7:09am


Dear Brother Ron,

Growing up on a farm near Garland,Tx near the East Fork of the Trinity River there was on thing that I feared the most. Spiders, snakes, scorpions, among many other kinds of varmits, I was always  aware od  by not in shear fear of.

What did lived right behind our house, on the edge of our big garden. It lived vai the plow, fire and hoe in a spot about five by twenty feet long , as short , rich in green color, as little plants.

 I was warned from the time to time  (I can remembere to this day) to give heed to these harmless looking plants as they did not appear like the larger varities with big spines or of needles did.

But as life goes so , you no from time to time, in doing chores and or playing I would find myself in the patch, having fallen down, eye to eye with  them !

To this day, I have only one word that fits the experience and that is fire.

Friends and cousins would come from the big city and  right out of the car I would take them to the patch and tell them. "See this patch of little weeds, well those are stinging netteles and  fire crackers and gas , will not hurt like they hurt!"

Note.. that I use the word hurt in that it's pain by fire  in and of itself bad, but then there is that inter and on going  horrible hurt.

Years later, like you to some degree  I too would suffer the effect of operation the had gone south, so much so a cardio-vascular team would restart my heart three time, and when I became conscious I would experienc what I could imagine a man setting in fifty-five gallon barrel of gasoling on fire.

In that fire death become irrelavant and what does you want out, and so it goes with mandkind, alway looking for a way out, even at the expence of outers and then there are those who seen to see, and understand how it is that fire is taking a way a life and run into it to save another, given to trust something within them , that overcomes fear , being something before doing something!

But , speaking of the persons who run into the fire , I do now think they run into the fire... minding the fire, but it the knowing in spirit that another , is being reduced to ashes and what  is calling out is one spirit... that which is left and true and it is an eternal and understood, but feared cry in which even the religious talk about but run from.

This fear a matter of knowing yes, but more so understanding, and in that understanding one moves . In this he or she becomes something within themselves , in that they experienc the wisdom of  God , in that death is no longer revelant.

But the fire is there!

And it seems like it is an eternal thing... like a place via time one can get into and cannot get back or out of.

Luke 3:16-17 (KJV) 
    John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:  Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.

I am sure the scripture above containing the small word "and" is , was and will be a question for great minds in ivory towers of theology, but to me and (and means and) and to be baptised in God Love manifested in the presence of the Holy Spirit is one things, but the fire is another. Thereby in faith we come for both healing from it and wisdom to keep form it as this kind of spiritula fire is unquenchable.

Is this a contradiction, and I would say yes, in that every one likes the ideal of God's love for us, but why the Fire?

Why Fire , no... I think, so as to ask Our Lord: " For what reason is there this fire?"

Song 8:6 (KJV) 
    Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.


Proverbs 26:20-21 (KJV) 
    Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.  As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife.

Did not John the Baptist prophetic words fortell of something that would burn away the hearts of contentious men and women, given to strife, in that someone was coming and now in our day , some one is returning?

Having said all of the above, Here is as scripture, as it has come to me in the Lord and I believe it is for you. You in that all of what you are speaking of here is a matter of  bothe the love of God and the fire of being corrected.

Be encouraged our Brother!

Luke 13:31-35 (KJV) 
    The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee.  And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected. Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!  Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

And in your prophetic stand , the Pharisees will tell you... to get out!

"Come away form the fire as it is killing others and if you stand here it will kill you!"

And it will come to you mind, I have see the casting out of devils and experienced the healing power of the Holy Spirit, but who am I to run from the greater fire that is coming , for it will bring a perfection in me and all those I love, and it is the desire of my heart! I know what befalls the prophets, never the less it is before me to gather with Our Ling Who is Christ...all that call upon Him.

Many call but cannt gather and it is for this reason their houses or worship will become houses of desolation. Many can not see Him now, but He is here and and throught the fire we come , perfected as it is a matter of Righteousness and it is in His love that we are not consumed. 

In this we come, not of His Name but in His Name!

He in Name ... is hallowed in that He is found in love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,goodness, faith, meekness,and temperance and we who have walked with Him in the fire have tasted the same fire in the flesh and through this pain the affections and lust there have fell away and we see the Kingdom coming!

Mark shared :

 ...of the enemy’s deception regarding the love of the Father, “God’s love is soft comforting, acceptance.” Which leads to, “You don’t have to change.” Which leads to, “you can remain independent.” We finally end up at the original lie, “You will be as God; separate and equal...”

Take heed to this word as it is prophetic, in that the gate is wide for those who look for any other way to come to the Kingdom , avoideing any Gatheing where there is the "fire" of conviction, set in and among those Our Lord has gifted to both cast and heal, so that all may be perfected...

1 John 2:5 (KJV) 
    But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

1 John 4:12 (KJV) 
    No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

Kinship is kendled in the fire!

Thank you brother Ron... and all gathered sharing here...  as folks in the fire are fire, in that they in their prophetic warmth , also being in their being, bring light to the gathering of souls.

"It's the third day!"

Bro. Larry





Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 07/26/2008 at 2:58pm

Hello Mandy,

Thank you for your loving concern.

Mandy wrote:

Ron you said:

“Not everyone is at the place at this time of becoming grown up sons, sons who will move on the earth as Jesus doing the works that He did and greater works than He did on earth in His earthly body.”


Jesus has commanded (pretty strong word) us to:

“…preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:7-8a)


You also said:


“The objective and destination God has for His children is for them to become what we have never been: the mature sons of God who are as Christ is in the world without mixture and inseparable from God.”


What God is impressing upon me more and more, is the need for the true knowledge of God.  Whilst I agree totally that “knowing” can only come through intimacy with the Holy Spirit, I’m also observing in myself and others how areas of deception can remain hidden if we only rely on this way.


I’m discovering that by meticulously studying Jesus’ life on earth, areas of false beliefs about God are being exposed in me.  (My article on “Building a proper kind of alter to the Lord our God” highlights some of the false notions that have been exposed.)


In order to be as Christ is in the world without mixture we need true knowledge of Him.


It is good to see you growing in the Lord as you spend time interacting here on these forums. There is lots of fresh new spiritual ground that you are walking into and beginning to receive understanding and experience will come as you continue to receive and be edified.


There are levels of relating to God in the Spirit that you may be just beginning to investigate and I am sure that can cause a bit of uneasiness as you look for boundaries and consider the terrain of the new spiritual environment.


Before looking in more detail at the above quote let me be sure I know what you are trying to say. Let me know if I am missing it. I think you are speaking of the importance of having knowledge of God from the Bible and contrasting that to knowing Him in the Spirit.


Let's think about that for a moment. Would it be more real and more intimate to read a book about your best friend or to spend time with your best friend getting to know them personally? Would you know your friend better from the practical experience of interacting with him or her or reading the book.


In relating with your friend you can ask questions and get direct answers. Now let's further suppose that the friend had written the book. Do you think that anything the friend told you or what you experienced in personal communication would be different from what the friend had written? I think you would agree that there would be nothing in what the friend would say that would contradict what was written in the book the friend had written. However, you would get to know the friend much better and share intimate hugs dining together and other personal things that could cause you to share a deeper more real love relationship based on understanding and experiencing much more detail than what the book had said. Yet, if you have never been able to spend time with your friend the things written are the best way you have of  knowing about your friend.


Knowing God is greater than knowing of God. Before we come to know Him in a real intimate relationship knowing of Him is wonderful. Many people who love all they know of God from reading about Him have a glorious and wonderful experience ahead of them in moving into a greater relationship with Him in the Holy Spirit.


Please know that myself and all of the people who are regular participants and have been for years are serious Bible people. Most of them have spent many years in the Bible and are grounded in the Bible word. Even Laurence Lilly who is in his 80s has spent many years in the Bible and has great knowledge and experience in it.


I discovered the Bible 54 years ago when I was 21 years old and have spent much time in reading meditating and studying the precious words of the Bible. I was thoroughly discipled in Bible Churches which are associated with Dallas Theological Seminary. Teaching was what we were all about. We had very little of the Holy Spirit or what most would call preaching but we had hour after hour every week of Bible teaching. In those early years my prayers were to a God that seemed up in heaven somewhere but the Bible was right with me. If you read the books that I have written you will find that some of them are about one third scripture. What you are seeing is not a lack of Bible it is a fulfillment of what the Bible is saying.


Again stop me if I am wrong about what you mean in this next comment.

Ron you said,


“Not everyone is at the place at this time of becoming grown up sons, sons who will move on the earth as Jesus doing the works that He did and greater works than He did on earth in His earthly body.”


Jesus has commanded (pretty strong word) us to:

“…preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:7-8a)


I think you are pointing out that everyone should be doing these things. That is exactly true. Yet, are you raising the dead, cleansing lepers, and so on. Are the people in the pews where you have gone to church doing these things? This is the place we are coming to and there are sons of God today doing these things and more. The sons coming forth are spoken about in the Bible and are as moving into being and doing what we all should be.

There is more that can be said here but I am running out of time.




Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/27/2008 at 4:34am

Hi Ron,

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

It seems that I’ve communicated rather badly what I’m trying to say.

I'll start with your second point. 

Jesus has commanded (pretty strong word) us to:

“…preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:7-8a)

The point I was wanting to make is that this is what we are being prepared to be doing.  It is what the church was set up to be doing and is being prepared to fulfill.  We haven't been able to because we're not in that place ourselves yet.  It was not a criticism of anyone, but an observation that we as a body are not fulfilling our commanded duty because we're not ready yet.  My own concern that I’m not fulfilling all of it yet, is driving me closer to God to be made ready.

Now your first point.


My comments were made upon a general observation across all streams of the church I have had and currently have contact with.  They were not directed at any individual specifically.  


I see a lot of people in the ‘pentecostal’ and ‘charismatic’ style streams who have embraced the guidance of the Holy Spirit and are seeking intimacy with Him but are not checking everything they’re hearing or feeling against scripture, and interestingly - they’re not maturing.  So every thought that comes into their heads is assumed to be from the Holy Spirit even when it very clearly does not match up with God’s written word.  When we rely totally on our intuition (like Eve) and do not check it against what God has actually said (which Adam knew) we are open to deception.  Even Jesus, when He was tempted in the desert, referred back to the written word.


My concern is for less mature Christians, not those who are already well grounded in the Bible.


Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/27/2008 at 6:37am

Ok, I’m going to have one more stab at this because I’m not going to have regular access to a computer after today (unless something changes).


We know that we have been commanded to:


“…preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:7-8a)


Ron, you asked me if I’m doing this.


In answer to this, I regularly preach the message of the Kingdom being near, I regularly heal the sick and occasionally cast out demons. I haven’t cleansed any lepers yet (there aren’t too many around in my neck of the woods) and I haven’t raised any dead yet (but then I haven’t tried yet).


I work with a healing ministry which has a higher percentage success rate than Todd Bentley’s.  The success rate has been increasing over the years and at our most recent healing day we healed just under 95% of those who asked.


We do not see the volume of miracles seen at Lakeland because we don’t feel called into that type of ministry.  We are called to equip the church through teaching and training in order for them to go out and fulfil the Great Commission themselves.


So, I can say with confidence that we have learned some stuff, which I am trying to pass on to you guys (albeit very badly by the seems of it).


8 years ago, before my involvement with them, the people here, in frustration and distress that they weren’t helping everyone who wanted healing, admitted that what they knew didn’t work very well and cried out to Jesus for Him to show them how He did it.


Now it takes a very humble heart to do this.  Hence the need for humility to be forged in the sons of God.


They were prepared to throw out everything they had learned about healing and listen to Jesus start teaching them from scratch.


He took them to the gospels and started revealing how He did it.  What they discovered was that it was very different from everything they had ever heard or learnt previously.  They had to demolish strongholds of wrong beliefs and have their minds renewed, again this required a lot of humility.


So, the message we present is not “Come and get some” but “Come and have your mind renewed”.


(It would be helpful for you read my comments at “Building a proper kind of alter to the Lord our God”, to get a better understanding of what we've learned.)


One of the major shifts was from seeking to give people a power encounter, to seeking to give them a grace encounter.  I point to the corresponding increase in fruit if you are questionning this.


Generally speaking, it seems that those in the ‘pentecostal’ and ‘charismatic’ streams are having the most difficulty dealing with this paradigm shift.  There are deeply entrenched mindsets which many are reluctant to let go of.


Many in the more traditional streams are ‘seeing’ it when this teaching is presented to them and they are receiving it and forging forward in preparing the church to fulfill the Great Commission.


Please take the time to re-read all the things I’ve said, and ask Jesus to confirm if what I’m saying is right.



Love Mandy 

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/27/2008 at 6:51am

Oh yes, I almost forgot to say, this is the ministry's website if you want to look further: - Don't be put off if its not you're usual style, truth is truth, whatever the packaging.  This too requires humility.

Posted By: Ron McGatlin
Date Posted: 07/27/2008 at 7:09am

Yes, Mandy I have read all you posts and am in agreement with most of it. Yes, the Bible Word is vital to growing spiritual Christians who are NOT realy through their cross experience and are prone to hearing other voices and not knowing the difference. Yes, the charasmatic stuff is like that and infiltrated with mixture. And yes scripture is vital as a schoolmaster to disiciple them with truth and correction. Yes, there must be a maturing of people who are called to be forerunner sons of God. Yes, it is great that you are becoming one of these mature sons and are doing the works of healing, deliverance and miracles. All that is the way things are.

Pleas go back and reread the final edition of the article that this thread is about. God is not speaking to us about where we the church HAVE BEEN AND ARE NOW. HE IS SPEAKING TO WHERE WE ARE GOING. Which is a people of His kingdom bringing forth the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. The mixture in church and people must go and we must allow ourselves to go through the taking up of our personal cross and allowing the LOVE of God to further purify and make holy the people of God.

Yes, this is normal maturity for all of God's people to become duplicates of Jesus sons of God. At this point not all the people are willing and not all the people are free of religious deceptions. However, some are coming through and becoming grown up sons to lead many more sons to glory. Full grown sons walk in the SPIRIT. They hear and obey the WORD of God. They abide in the spiritual realm in Jesus and the life giving Spirit of Christ abides in them. There is none of the flaky stuff that has been going on in the charasmatic church of the past and NONE OF THE LUKEWARM RELIGIOUS DEATH OF THE SLEEPING DENOMINATIONAL CHURCHES.

This is a new / old place. A place where God has from the beginning sought for His people to walk and live. The church of the past centuries missed it because the Bible word was studied and interpreted and translated by men WITHOUT THE FULL MEASURE OF WALKING IN THE SPIRIT. Intelectual discernenment of the Bible leads to gross error. Most all cults and deceived religious people read, study and quote the Bible. Without the HOLY SPIRIT who wrote the Bible and Who is still speaking to people today it is impossible to get truth from the Bible. Demons love to quote the Bible. The Bible is good but it is NOT GOD. It is a message from the Holy Spirit and is profitable and foundational for training and reproff to bring us to Christ Who by His SPIRIT can live within and instrucht His mature sons. The Holy Spirit will never contradict Himself. The truth wriiten in the Bible is the same truth He will speak in much greater and deeper reality than the written word in turly intimately relating to the TURTH Jesus Christ.

Yes, I know the church is NOT There and we must have maturing gifted sons to teach and demonstrate the love, wisdom, power, and glory of Christ Jesus and lead them unto a practical cross experience of dying to self and becoming only alive as the resurrected life of Christ abides within them.

Praise God for all He is doing. Mandy please experience the Kingdom Growth Guides on this site.

Much love and appreciation.


Posted By: Jeff Kingshott
Date Posted: 07/27/2008 at 9:43am

 Ron this may help ?!

Zechariah 3

Vision of the High Priest

 1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him. 2 And the LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?”
3 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the Angel.
4 Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying,
Take away the filthy garments from him.” And to him He said, “See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes.”
5 And I said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.”
So they put a clean turban on his head, and they put the clothes on him. And the Angel of the LORD stood by.

The Coming Branch

6 Then the Angel of the LORD admonished Joshua, saying, 7 “Thus says the LORD of hosts:

      If you will walk in My ways,
      And if you will keep My command,
      Then you shall also judge My house,
      And likewise have charge of My courts;
      I will give you places to walk
      Among these who stand here.
       8 ‘ Hear, O Joshua, the high priest,
      You and your companions who sit before you,
      For they are a wondrous sign;
      For behold, I am bringing forth My Servant the BRANCH.
9 For behold, the stone
      That I have laid before Joshua
  Upon the stone are seven eyes
      Behold, I will engrave its inscription,’
      Says the LORD of hosts,

      ‘ And I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
       10 In that day,’ says the LORD of hosts,

      ‘ Everyone will invite his neighbor
      Under his vine and under his fig tree.’”

 Joshua 24:25-27

25 So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day, and made for them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem.
26 Then Joshua wrote these words in the Book of the Law of God. And he took a large stone, and set it up there under the oak that was by the sanctuary of the LORD. 27 And Joshua said to all the people, “Behold, this stone shall be a witness to us, for it has heard all the words of the LORD which He spoke to us. It shall therefore be a witness to you, lest you deny your God.”

 Last night while waiting on the Lord I received this word . . .

A white dress is what I AM preparing for you ,

Do not let your own righteousness draw it a-skew ,

For I AM THE WAY into THE FATHER'S hands ,

Come with ME ! And " TAKE BACK MY LAND ! " ,

The inheritance that you seek ,

Is firmly planted under your feet ,

Where ever your feet go , &verse=36&version=45&context=verse - Deuteronomy 1:36
Except [Joshua, of course, and] Caleb son of Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to him and to his children I will give the land upon which he has walked, because he has wholly followed the Lord.

I Shall give you as My Word says so ,

Do not look for heaven above you ARE My Kingdom , My priest , My Beloved ( Overcomer ) , 2&verse=28&version=31&context=verse - Genesis 32:28
Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome." 11&verse=12&version=31&context=verse - Matthew 11:12
From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.

Take off your rancid clothes ,

For I AM dressing you with " ME "  "My Sharon", "My Rose" . . .


 Joshua 14:6-9 

6Then the people of Judah came to Joshua in Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, You know what the Lord said to Moses the man of God concerning me and you in Kadesh-barnea.

    7Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh-barnea to scout out the land. And I brought him a report as it was in my heart.

    8But my brethren who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt; yet I wholly followed the Lord my God.

    9And Moses swore on that day, Surely the land on which your feet have walked shall be an inheritance to you and your children always, because you have wholly followed the Lord my God.(A)

Song of Solomon 2

Beloved [a]

 1 I am a rose [b] of Sharon,
       a lily of the valleys.


 2 Like a lily among thorns
       is my darling among the maidens.

The girl's name Sharon \ - sh (a)- - ron \ is pronounced SHARE-en. It is of - Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "a - fertile - plain ". - Biblical - place name: refers to - flat - land at the - foot of - Mount Carmel. The - Song of Solomon describes the - beloved Schulamite woman as a - flower of Sharon.



Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truths !

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 07/27/2008 at 9:48am

Hi Ron,

Thank you I will take time to read your Kingdom Growth Guides.  I first came across them a couple of years ago, that's why I came back to this site while I had a few clear days of free access to a computer.

When I said about re-reading my writings, I was in fact referring to what I've written in the "Building a proper alter to the Lord our God" topic.  In there I give a  commentary on what I observe happening in the current climate, from the viewpoint of what I've learnt about healing which has catapulted me into a ministry in which we are seeing upto 95% success rate.  We're not 100% yet, but we're way ahead of most of the church.  We have unearthed some deep treasure and are trying to pass it on to other fore-runners for them to run with it also.  This is for the upbuilding of the church (global).

It is very much about WHERE WE ARE GOING NOW!

Much love and respect,


Posted By: Jeff Kingshott
Date Posted: 07/27/2008 at 1:56pm


The girl's name Sharon \ - sh (a)- - ron \ is pronounced SHARE-en. It is of - Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "a - fertile - plain ". - Biblical - place name: refers to - flat - land at the - foot of - Mount Carmel. The - Song of Solomon describes the - beloved Schulamite woman as a - flower of Sharon.

  The Schulamite

  By Dr. Kluane Spake

The lonely and unhappy 17 year old King was very board with his life. Everything in his palace was made of gold. He may have yawned and said, “There’s no silver, or bronze -- just gold.” Everywhere he looked was the same ol’ thing -- gold walls, gold tables, and boring gold dishes. Yet, he was alone.

Everyone wanted young King Solomon’s favor. But, he had no real relationship in his whole life. In fact, he later had 300 wives and 700 concubines and he found no happiness from them. How would he know if anyone cared for him, or if they were after his money? Insincere associations were doubtlessly a way of life. Yet, this day he rode over the meadow fields and found new meaning in his life.

The First Encounter:
Let’s imagine the story… Once upon a time, this young, barefooted girl worked out in the fields. Her brown skin glistened as she worked in the garden sun. Her skirt was probably tied up into her belt so she could move easily. She had her own garden to tend and care for (just like we have our own spiritual garden). This was a gorgeous day. She touched the fresh leaves and smelled the fragrances of the air. The breeze billowed grain sheaves into waves upon the hillside. Suddenly she noticed a young stranger riding by on a white horse… hummm, who could that cute guy be? The white horse reared up to a quick stop beside her and the rider said, “Hey there, how ya’ doing?” The Schulamite turned away to blush and sigh. But inside herself, she thought, “I’m in love!”

She stands in wonder, just wanting to melt in his eyes. He walks over to her and it’s love at first sight. She whispers shyly of sweet nothings. She doesn’t know that he has a kingdom of gold -- she loves him for who he is. She loves the fact that he loves her. And, he responds.

We can imagine them skipping around the meadows, playing tag, and picking daisies, “He loves me, he loves me not.” Garlands of flowers spring back from under their feet. Not knowing his identity, she sighs, “Your name is like ointment poured forth.” Maybe she looks in his face and coyly says, “I tell you what, you are the cutest thing I ever saw.” And when they kissed, she said, “Your kisses, they’re sweeter than wine.”

God looks for us to not adore the power He has, nor the power He gives, but rather who He is. Out of righteous coupling emerges Godly passion. Our worship isn’t supposed to be an out-of-control frenzy of but rather a passionate response from our transformed nature. Passion has been defined as “a feeling by which the mind is powerfully effected or moved.” Passion moves the mind and the will to action. It’s not a war-hoop of clamoring, gonging noises, but an interchange of fellowship, and communion. It’s a two-way connection, when we long for Him and He longs for us. He says, “I’m drawing you,” and then we run to Him. Through this exchange of giving and taking we continue to serve and please Him with our lives. This concept again is “koininea,” the reciprocation and reply to worship. God calls us to know Him in “Koininea” which is Godly fellowship and intercourse.

By understanding their passion, we can continue our story. The Shulamite frolics across the mountain taunting “I bet you can’t catch me,” so he chases her all the more. Then, she accidentally runs right into the palace. She stops cold and stares at the columns of gold, chairs of gold, and rafters of gold encircling above and sobs, “Are you the king? I’m so dirty and brown, and my clothes are filthy... I didn’t know who you were.” Have you noticed that when we see who God is, then we see who we are? (Woe is me, I am undone.)

Then Solomon strokes her raven hair and says, “O my dove, in the clefts of the rock.” Are we there in that cleft? Moses hid in the cleft of the rock when the glory passed by, just like we hide in Jesus. Solomon says, “O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, In the secret places of the cliff (stairs KJV), Let me see your countenance, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, And your countenance is lovely.”

You may answer, “God, don’t look at me, my dress is all dirty, sin has made me filthy. I have stains on me,” He says, “I just want to see your face. Just let me hear you talk.” Imagine, He wants to know all about you and everything you think about. He knows every hair on your head and says, “Don’t pull back from me. I think you’re beautiful. You’re my chosen one.”

As he caresses her, she blurts, “Oh, Solomon, I’m a nobody, a nothing. Why you would even chase me around the field? What do you see in me?” Then she buries her head in his shoulder, “I want to love you. I don’t care if you’re king or not. I don’t want things. I want Who You are.” I want who You are!

Her response could have been, “Oh goody, I’m going to get ten million drachma and drive a shiny new Mercedes chariot! And, just think of the presents!” But only His presence, (not presents) mattered. That’s why Solomon wanted to give her everything He had; shelter, security and safety. That’s the picture of being “In Christ.” If we’re not within this cleft of the Rock, then we’re not in the presence of those gathered unto Him -- the church.

He doesn’t care how soiled our past has been, He says we’re acceptable. He knows the mistakes we’ve made and that we’re going to make. We don’t surprise Him. He loves us anyway. The amazing thing is, He accepted us before we changed, and that’s why we’re able to embrace future change. His acceptance is more precious than diamonds, more costly than fine gold. He pours His presence into you right now, imparting the gifts of His Spirit.

The world eagerly waits to see if you really have a relationship with God. Learn to hide in that secret place until others can receive from you. There will be the time when you can say, “I have something to tell you. I’ve seen with the eyes of my heart, and I know Jesus can make your life different.”

King Solomon wrote 1005 songs; only one of which remains for us to study. Only the Shulamite pleased him and lingered in his memory. Solomon writes of the only true love of his life, a story that vividly portrays the dynamic church in these final hours. Their names, Solomon and the Schulamite both mean peace. He describes her beauty as awesome as an army with banners. Together, we comprise that bride who’s face is like Mt. Carmel (7:5). The bride shows herself as the ultimate revelation of creation, the beautiful, multi-ethnic integration of redeemed believers from every country, people, and nation. Paul says that even our uncomely parts are vital to this complex wonder. In that wholeness and togetherness, we’re integrated into the great mystery of the body functioning as one.

We are intermingled with one another as our individual rivers stream into the heavenly city. Suddenly the eminent conclusion of the Gospel age breaks to reveal the Bride-maturing from adolescence at last, with no restrictions as to race, class, or gender. Having been lodged in the womb of the morning (Ps. 110), we’re the candidates for the breaking of a new day. With unveiled eyes we stand breathlessly before Jesus, who glorified the Father by finishing His work. In an ongoing process, He shares with us the glory that He had, and He glorifies Himself IN us (Jn. 17). The glory once lost returns, the ark becomes reestablished and contained within us.

The ecstasy of His nearness brings wholeness. He gives us hidden manna, and we become concealed in the cleft of the rock -- sealed within the secret places of the stairs (Song of Songs 2:14). We’re children of God's old age, of the last days, clothed in the splendor of His might. The taste of the kisses of His lips evoke our internal passion of unabashed praise -- because He transcends all others. He releases us to be the redeemed remnant, arrows of destiny, firepots and spearheads of God. We destroy the evil kingdom and our feet are upon the footstool of His enemies. There we worship, at the finished defeat of all evil. Surely, we’re the threshing machine, the battle-ax, and the children of the Third day. We’re the expression of His character on this earth that proclaims the finished work of the cross.

Song of Solomon asks who this is that comes out of the wilderness as pillars of smoke (6). Why, it’s you, it’s me! We’re in His likeness. The “Light of the world” calls us lights -- a city set on the hill. Clothed with a dazzling armor of light, the sons of the Light-Giver exhibit His character and illuminate the lightlessness. Deep calls unto deep as we draw out of the heavenlies to receive a Salvation that completes our purpose, and perfects that which concerns us. We, the shimmering city, stand as a fortress of protection that illuminates the way for others. We arise to dispel the ignorance of the darkened past and display (manifest) His grandeur.

“Come closer,” He calls, “let me show you who I Am.” “Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken... But thou shalt be called Hepzibah” (Is.62:4). I will adorn you with honor and clothe you with heavenly light. You shall be called “Hepzibah,” meaning, “My delight is in you.” Certainly, this illustration restores the pre-fallen Eden-paradise (Eden also means place of “delight”) relationship with God. Delight yourself in Him and He rejoices (vs. 5). Stand in totality, trusting only in Him -- without excuse, without reaction or anger, and without looking for acceptance from others.

We accomplish His purposes - becoming a new race that stewards this earth -- in Love. A Glorious church, not of ourselves, but because of Him. Winter ends. We find our Lover no longer hiding behind the lattice - because nothing separates us anymore. His superior, unchanging and eternal priesthood seals up inside us, and we become enveloped in Him. Because of His poured out blood, we are fused together into Him, flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone (having united with one another as one with Him, being In Him and He in us, Eph. 5:30).

It’s time to rouse up into the time for love. We awaken to taste His lips that drip with myrrh. Fresh oil gushes from our understanding. We, the comparable helpmeet, are bound to Him eternally with a covenant of LOVE. We’re the epitome of God's desire, faint with love, and unified by the Spirit of God. Jesus is our all in all.

Adapted from author’s book, “From Enmity to Equality”

Posted By: Denise Detwiler
Date Posted: 07/28/2008 at 6:52am

just to go along with this entire topic of fully engaging in relationship with
God, I was reminded of the following:

some people's concept of God is indeed reflected in their concept of His
written word. our treatment of one will expose our concept of Him

my atheistic middle school English teacher mocked and scoffed at
anything spiritual, however taught a subject she was passionate about.
The Bible As Literature. She regarded it as a collection of religious fables.
She made much fun and belittlement of the idea there were actual events
and a real person named God involved. But it was her favorite book. He
favorite topic.

many Christians have a partial engaging with God. Maybe they met Him
once. They have a measure of revelation enough to know He's real.
However much is still in the head and memorization and a humanly
contrived way of relating to Him. There could be "God encounters" from
time to time, and they really do believe and even have seen some evidence
of some of it in their lives or heard about it. But the real full-fledged
connecting is not happening. They treasure the memories of the
wonderful encounters they had, and never really enter in in fullness.

for many people the words of others, maybe the words on this forum, are
just words. we know a real person has written them. we know that in
many cases the person is telling 'real stuff' at least from their own
perspective. and it's beneficial. but there's a part of knowing people that
goes beyond just their words. when we begin to touch the spirit of the
person, and know the spirit behind the words...more life and more real
relating begins to occur. thus is so with God. His words too are in this
same way. without engaging Him fully in all areas then we fall short of
what He has opened to us. This is precisely what I mentioned in my
earlier post. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE!

so often we can respond to what we think a person or God are saying by
merely trying to mentally analyse their words or responding to what those
words may have represented to us in our past...or how we feel about
those words. This is not full engaging. Not full relationship.

Many people in our nation too, Mandy, have NEVER read the bible. Even
literally many who never knew what the bible is, never knew who Jesus is.
When they encounter Him they come from the modern paganistic
teaching that whatever being is real to you now, as your feelings and
experience, that is your god. And nobody's god is superior to anothers'.
Not only that but whatever you decide to make that god out to be, by
whatever name you call also fine too. They do not have even a
touch of the foudation in scripture to guide them in knowing that a
preacher, for example, may be calling Holy Spirit which is totally contrary
to His character and nature. And they accept it. He says "read My lips"
(word) - when engaged as through a living relationship then His words
will not be lifeless literature nor will they be a set of rules to be adhered
to mentally or emotionally. It will be a small but important part of
relating. Real relating.

Larry and Laurence are our "relating guys" on the forums here. Guess
who use the most words?


Posted By: susanvercelli
Date Posted: 07/28/2008 at 8:16am

Thanks Denise for pulling up this today and thanks to all who have added to this post, what really stood out to me after reading was the importance of knowing God not just knowing about Him, and understanding His love, like the part about the ax cutting down the old root? This helped me today, cuz there has been alot of cutting down and I sometimes get mad and scared when this happens and question God, like do you really love me? why ya let this and that happen? One thing I heard so clear for years now was God said to me, Susan you will know my Love! (a rehma word) but this has been a desire of my heart, I just dont always understand what ya hafta go through to know his love? I"ve heard it said be carefull what ya pray for, but for me I tend to think I"m just not satisfied unless I know Him and His love, and as I can recieve Love, only then can I give it, and for me its so easy to love those who love you, but to take the high road and love those who have hurt you so bad? Oh this flesh! Such a mind battle sometimes! But for me only as I experience true Love and mercy, I hafta be reminded and remember what has been given to me? Sometimes I fail and fall short (just as we all have) but I truly believe Love is the Key, as Ron say"s from the word Love never fail, keep pursuing Love, Just still seeking true Love from the Father, Anyway this was a good post, for me I need to not just know His Love from what others tell me I"m still seeking a fresh revy right from him, (had some before) but I need more! kk thanks all!


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