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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
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Posted By: Donna Smith
Date Posted: 11/11/2008 at 7:08pm

Nothing Secret About Their Code Names Or Is There?

To the body of Christ for your discernment:

Could God be trying to tell us something through this?  I pray that God will give us understanding/revelation.  I pray that He will reveal to us what we need to know to pray according to His will in this day and age.  Praying....that HIS kingdom come HIS will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  What is His will for these next few years? Do we know? Just questions to consider....

 For God [does reveal His will; He] speaks not only once, but more than once, even though men do not regard it [including you, Job].Job 33: 14

Barack Obama’s secret service code name is:Renegade

Guess what the definition of renegade is?

Let’s start with - Wikipedia :

Renegade (Middle Ages), a term for a fallen Christian or a knight without allegiance. From Spanish renegado, from Medieval Latin renegatus, perfect participle of renego deny

Let’s look at the definiton of Rendegade in the - Merriam-Websters Dictionary :

1 : a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another

2 : an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior

To the best of my knowledge, the US Constitution is not based on Socialism, and since that is Barack Obama’s economic philosophy, his code name is very fitting.

Michelle Obama code name is "Renaissance" given by the secret service.

Renaissance "rebirth" of certain classical ideas that had long been lost to western Europe.

Humanism and the Renaissance therefore played a direct role in sparking the reformation as well as in many other contemporaneous religious debates and conflicts.

Read more @ -

Daughter/Sasha (7 yrs old)  code name is "Rosebud": Meaning pretty young girl or a bud of a rose.

Daughter/Malia (10 yrs. old) code name is "Radiance".


Posted By: Janine Nicole
Date Posted: 11/11/2008 at 7:42pm

very interesting. where did you get the information on what there secret service names are?

Posted By: Lisa Simmons
Date Posted: 11/11/2008 at 8:45pm

The names, as I saw them, also are were on Fox news today.

Lisa Simmons

"Though He slay me,yet will I trust in Him..." Job 13:15

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 11/11/2008 at 9:11pm mes-obama,0,2687400.story

'Renegade' joins 'Twinkle,' 'Rawhide,' 'Lancer' on list of Secret Service code names

Rex W. Huppke

Tribune reporter

12:36 PM CST, November 10, 2008

When John Kerry was running for president, his daughter Vanessa joked that if her father beat George W. Bush she wanted her Secret Service code name to be "the hot one."

Dad didn't come through for her, and the Bush twins probably got a good laugh out of it, knowing that for another four years they'd carry the awesome aliases "Twinkle" and "Turquoise."

Since the time of Harry Truman, commanders in chief and their families have been assigned security code names. Truman's was "General." Dwight Eisenhower was known as "Providence." And John F. Kennedy, perhaps suggesting a Camelot theme, was "Lancer."

The Obama family recently received its new (and alliterative) names: "Renegade" (Barack), "Renaissance" (Michelle), "Radiance" (Malia) and "Rosebud" (Sasha).

Vice President-elect Joe Biden's security name is "Celtic."

These not-so-secret names are chosen by officials at the White House Communications Agency, which was not inclined to comment on the selection process. In a previous news report, an agency spokesman said the names are assigned by "sheer whim."

Thus Ronald Reagan became "Rawhide" and Rosalynn Carter "Dancer," Jacqueline Kennedy "Lace" and Caroline Kennedy "Lyric."

Though not always perfectly fitting the individual, the White House Communications Agency does a commendable job generating names that carry a certain grace or gravitas, unlike, say, the meteorologists who name hurricanes.

Of course anything is a step up from the generic names: POTUS (President of the United States); FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States); and the barely pronounceable VPOTUS (Vice President of the United States).

And even the lesser characters in and around the White House get special names.

Press Secretary Scott McClellan was known as "Matrix." Kennedy buddy Frank Sinatra had his own code name: "Napoleon." Pope John Paul II was "Halo."

Then there are the fictional political characters from the long-running television show "The West Wing." First daughter Zoey Bartlet was dubbed "Bookbag," while Dee Dee Myers-like White House spokeswoman C.J. Cregg was "Flamingo." President Jed Bartlet--the greatest fake president of our time--was known at different times as "Eagle" and "Liberty."

Fictionalized or real, the very idea of code names swings open the door to comedy.

On David Letterman's show in 1993, Al Gore read a Top 10 list of good things about being vice president. No. 1: "Your Secret Service code name: 'Buttafuoco'!" And in the years since, Gore has repeatedly quipped about being so boring that his Secret Service code name is "Al Gore."

During this year's campaign, Jay Leno mocked some of Sarah Palin's foot-in-mouth moments by saying: "It's gotten so bad her Secret Service code name is now 'Joe Biden.' " (Palin's code name actually was "Denali.")

And Conan O'Brien said this about Obama: "They say that Barack Obama has been successful in politics because he's a black man who doesn't make white people feel threatened. Yeah, which explains Obama's Secret Service code name: Al Roker." -

Copyright © 2008, - Chicago Tribune

Posted By: Donna Smith
Date Posted: 11/12/2008 at 4:21am

Good Morning Janine.

In regards to: where did you get the information on what there secret service names are?

It was on fox news, on aol and also it is already listed in the wikipedia encyclopedia on the internet,  see for yourself @ - .
Blessings to you on this beautiful day the Lord has made.
In His Love,

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