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Heightened attack against those who pray.

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
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Topic: Heightened attack against those who pray.

Posted By: Rev H Butler
Subject: Heightened attack against those who pray.
Date Posted: 04/16/2009 at 9:14am

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Heightened attack against those who Pray.

 Rev Heather Butler

Now more than ever we must cover each other in prayer. The enemy will stop at nothing to tear us down and make us feel sick and tired, discouraged and weak, fearful and depressed.


It would be easy to look at the world around us and feel hopelessness descend upon us, what is happening globally is out of control, but not out of the control of the Lord!


The way we perceive this season matters a great deal, we can either sink or swim, its not time for going under, but time to bring light into the darkness of a world that is writhing in pain on many fronts.


I have seen many in ministry buckle at the knees this last year, under the strain of  a heightened attack of the enemy against them. Many of these ministries are those who pray for Israel, who are worshippers  and encouragers in particular.


I have begun to notice a trend, many men and women in ministry are being targeted, many are falling sick and ill with fibro myalgia,  M.E CFS, tiredness, lethargy, and other illnesses that make it difficult for them to minister, many with illnesses that attack the throat and the voice box and the chest and lungs.


The enemy wants to shut us up! But we are not going to keep quiet, and must do something about this together.


We have to come back to that place in Jesus where we can be washed in his presence, taken back to the truth of His word,  and refreshed by His Spirit. 

Many are being drawn aside into that secret place in the Lord, it’s a good place to be, because in this place his heart can be revealed to us, and we are enabled to build upon those areas where we have become complacent. Often times one of those places we can become complacent about is our personal prayer times, because we are just so tired and worn down by every care and concern.


Now is the time to rise up, to pray more for each other as we enter into this new season.


We need to build a network of people committed to praying specifically for those in ministry in whatever form that takes, its time to cover one another.

We cant pray for every one in ministry personally, but corporatly we are able to ask the lord to reveal to us those ministries and people who need our prayers.


Its time to fight back, to take back that land, to stamp on the enemies head as we unite in prayer for one another. 


I will be praying for this website, its not possible to mention you all by name, but the lord has given us a voice to speak out from His heart words that will change the spiritual atmosphere over the nations etc and I believe its important to ensure that this voice is not silenced, because it is a great source of encouragement to many, of teaching, of insight, it’s a finger on the pulse of what is happening through the nations, and a heart after releasing the word of God into lives that need refreshing and encouraging, stretching and uplifting.


Please can I encourage you to pray for those the lord lays on your heart as your read this note.  


Its time to stand against the tide of the enemy and hold back the attack against us, its time to say “no more” “enough is enough” its time to begin to release all that we have been trained to do, to release those faith fuelled prayers into the heavenly places and watch His kingdom come and touch the earth of our lives like never before, so that we can truly say

"mountain WHAT MOUNTAIN"A we toss those mountains into the depths allowing the Spirit of God to overcome and superceed everyone of those situations, you will see the ripple effects, as a great tsunami of his might and power are downloaded into your life and causes an overspill of the kingdom of heaven to flush throughout your life.  Wave after wave of His Spirit to wash over you, your church, your town or city, your nation!


Unity is so important, and we can be united in this, together we have great strength. These are end times, time is short, its all hands on deck, and now more than ever no matter how we feel its time to step into this next era unafraid, uncompromising, and undo every act of the enemy against the people of God.


Its time to continue to run the race together, we can do this In Jesus name.

 Its time to activate real faith in our lives, time not to faint and grow weary but a time to stand and stand for all we believe in. Its not time to hide away, but a time for action as we come together in Him. Take the sword, hold it high, and sweep it at an enemy who is totally crushed by the power of it over him.  Now thats what real bible bashing is all about!


Every blessing and much appreciation.





It's not by Might not by Power but by My Spirit saith the Lord.


Posted By: Patricia Hamel
Date Posted: 04/16/2009 at 2:19pm


Hi Heather,

Right away I knew the names of three who were in this very situation.  The enemy has been trying to shut up their voice but they are arising and are determined to fight and win.  The gates of hell shall not prevail against us.

Blessings, Patricia


But he said, Yea rather, blessed
are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Luke 11:28

Posted By: Rev H Butler
Date Posted: 04/16/2009 at 3:10pm

Amen, I am pleased to here that you are lifting them up in prayer.

. I am amazed at just how many people I have ministered to in the healing rooms this last few months who have these illnesses, they can be so debilitating, and much of the problem is that some do not recognise them as illnesses, its very frustrating, and very real.

We fight not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities, but praise God, Gods truths are greater, and superceed every act of the enemy against them. I will be upholding them with you.

Every blessing Heather.

It's not by Might not by Power but by My Spirit saith the Lord.

Posted By: Marjo Richardso
Date Posted: 04/16/2009 at 4:46pm

I'm so thankful you posted this Heather!  It's an important issue that oftentimes gets ignored, since we all have our own dilemmas to deal with...

Two things I'd like to share about my personal experience regarding this;
Physically, whenever the battle heats up I get this choking/lump in my throat feeling and it can stay there for days at a time. And the other thing I "spiritually" experience is apathy and indifference, feels like trodding on a dry parched land.  When this happens I stop crying (I cry a lot which helps in casting off burdens), I forget to pray (!) and just go through the motions of everyday life.  That's awful!!!  I love to be in the Spirit and having continuous flow of communication with the Lord, so it feels pretty devastating when the opposition builds up.

When the enemy manages to distract us and take our eyes off Jesus it's easy to get discouraged and sidetracked... We start looking at our own weak points and incapabilities, forgetting all about who grants us both the will and the way. So we also need to pray for continuous enabling and equipping for the saints that are in need. And keep our eyes on Jesus -the author and finisher of our faith.

Posted By: Lori Torrano
Date Posted: 04/16/2009 at 9:08pm

I can sure relate to this. Glad you exposed this thing.

I've felt very blocked lately (owe some people on this board a full copy of a
word the Lord gave me and every time I sit down to finish it I'm distracted or
tired or something.) I can't get done what needs to get done. Can't pray as
I should and normally do. I've got a neck/head/sinus issue going on too. I
know its opposition so I'm pressing in through fasting and more prayer. But
I'm not quite to the other side of this yet but I will be soon. I will not allow
the enemy to sideline me.

Posted By: Rev H Butler
Date Posted: 04/16/2009 at 11:30pm

Dear Marjo and Lori

it is a very real issue, and one that many of us suffer with, but we are entering a new day, and now more than ever, even in the midst of the things that would come and distract us and take our focus we must train ourselves to come into that place, even if its whilst washing the dishes, or whilst at work, or doing the shopping, because we are in a time like neve before and need to remind ourselves of who we are in Christ.

you know what, it would be so easy for me to have laid down and cried today, to have been on my knees before the lord because of peoples misunderstandings of who I am. Im not a rev first, Im a woman in love with her lord, that is the most important element of my life, but Ive been on a journey that many have misunderstood, and Ive been on sabbatical since October because of a lack of confidence.  Ive had to get back into that place of prayer and restoration, not backing off from who the lord made me to be, but standing in the midst of it and not worrying about what others think because so long as the lord knows my heart thats ok.

I felt sick, and worried that  someone told me off for using my rev on this board, but they had no idea where I was coming from, and everything within me wanted to back off, to run and hide, they felt I had done something wrong, and I had to recognise  that this trying to please men does not work, that I have the freedom to be who I am in Him.

Im sharing this for two reasons, one is because often people misunderstand us, and its not their fault we are all in our various stages of grace. Know one walks our walk for us we do it in the lords hands.

You know what, I came back to the board after a time away because I needed to sort out many things with the lord, I couldnt get on the website with my old name, so I used the first thing that came to mind lol and boy did someone get cross about it. I could have run, I could have thought "I get this in the real world, I dont need this on a place that I considered to be safe" but instead I chose to re focus, to email that person in love, and to stand on the promises of God in my life.

You know what, there will always be critisism, there will always be the pointing fingers, we simply just have to move ahead, focus on whats important and not look at these things.

Im trying to be vulnerable before you all, so that everyone will understand that each of us has been through much to be used of the lord, that some things are not as cut and dried as we think they are in others lives, its time to stop focusing on what people think and say, and its time to start to live in the realms of the Spirit upon the earth and pour out encouragment, love, hope faith, healing and so much more.

Im just a woman in love with Jesus. Simple.

love and blessings Heather.

It's not by Might not by Power but by My Spirit saith the Lord.

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 04/17/2009 at 6:22am

Heather, I think you misunderstood me. I was not "cross" with you and it was not my intent to "tell you off."  I know a lady in England who calls herself "Reverend." I wonder if women do this because so often women are not recognized in a pastoral position because of certain denominational attitudes that believe women should not teach men. Actually, I like Hev Rev. I think that sounds very approachable. Plus, I think you can feel confident in the use of "Rev" because someone deleted my posting, which I think would indicate they concur with you.

Posted By: Marjo Richardso
Date Posted: 04/17/2009 at 6:16pm

Hey dear sisters (and brothers) -we're all a work in progress!!!  Even our emotions and misunderstandings serve a purpose -to encourage, exhort, correct, bear the burdens, whatever the need be. The main thing is for us is to grow in the knowing of the Love of Christ! And when we don't see eye to eye let's remind ourselves of WWJD -and how He got down on His knees to wash the disciples feet...

And let our yea be yea and nay be nay "lest we fall into condemnation"   and end up offending or being offended. Mercy covers all!

Thank you Heather for sharing your heart here with us! I don't care about names or titles but it's precious to read testimonies about who we are in Christ! 

Matthew chapter 5    Love,

Posted By: Tina Strode
Date Posted: 04/19/2009 at 11:25pm

Thanks for posting this, Heather!  Blessings....

I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.   Isaiah 42:6

Posted By: Larry Denton
Date Posted: 04/20/2009 at 9:12am


Dear Heather...

In love… as I am too… a Reverend and or Ordained Minister approved in Character by many, I also am given in the Spirit to "drop" the concept of Reverend. Even the word Brother, if it becomes a stumbling block.

This is what Leslie Grewing is saying to some degree. Meaning that in and among those who came here as prophets do no seek that identity so we do not project the ideal of and office.

I can receive you as and elder or sister and or brother in the Kingdom. He it is a matter of honoring the Apostils, Prophets. Evangelists, Pastors, and Teacher. Al given to honor and reverend the presence of Our Lord.

1 Cor. 12:11-12 (KJV) 
    But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.  For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

And you shared...

You know what, there will always be criticism, there will always be the pointing fingers, we simply just have to move ahead, focus on what’s important and not look at these things.

What is import here in this open space is that we can freely share and be corrected, via a religious mindset, but seek to honor one another as all having the ability to receive a prophetic correction... In the is we do not "move on" but Wait with one another to see and feel if our prophetic perspective is a matter or Righteousness and or our "own" righteousness. It being a matter of ones intellect / flesh to defend our elves as opposed to allowing Our Lord to do that.

Our Voice is here, but it can be judged in over and this in turn “Test “the spirit of those who speak. And in dong so we all find ourselves in need of correction. But if we hold our peace we love via a Kingdom love and “learn” and in learning …” abide “in the patience of Our King Who is also prophetic...

In this love our identity, is upheld in our knowing within we are relating in a Righteous Manner. Bearing fruit regardless of what knowledge we think we have …

In doing so many are learning to drop titles , and bearing up the concept that we are in no need of preserving , projecting  to present anything among one another but our Peace as one fruit among the nine fruits manifested  in the Name of Our He honors the Power of the Holy Spirit.

In the truth of relating in a righteous manner... we are to look “at these things” because it is the will of Our lord the bear up one another and it is because the church of this land or any land have not taught this , that they have gone “on” and divided themselves .

As it is all do not speak in tongues, al here do not always convey what the are asking, let alone write well to say what the are asking, so I am blessed at you stand, but please stay to walk among those of us seeking something much bigger the we ever could “think about “as a place with in ourselves called the Kingdom of God. As it is changing and in doing so we are throwing off the dress of the religious church and resolving out selves to wear what is a righteous robe which draw no attention to itself , but speak truth in love.




Posted By: Heather Butler
Date Posted: 04/21/2009 at 11:04pm

ok I took on board all that each of you said, thankyou for your insight, we are a work of art in progress.

I want to get back to the word that I sent out at the beginning, and say that something serious is brewing and I need to share what I believe is happening.

For whatever reason, more often than not there are people in our churches with definate giftings and talents who are not used, so they sit on the back rows of churches shackled and chained to the seats by a leadership who will not enable them to step into what the lord has given them.

I understand that for a season the lord may need to correct things in our characteur to enable us to step into ministry with a right attitude etc and that is brilliant, but, I see many who remain in that place of waiting because of misunderstandings, and the misgivings of those in leadership over them.

There is a real lack of discernment in the churches today, we need to be praying for this, because I believe that this is the season for uprooting and tearing out. This is a season of the Father bringing us into the place of his word, and of reveling our own hearts concerning our agendas  etc  if leadership continue to sit on those the lord has gifted them with, I believe that he will raise up those sat on by his own hand, and will open doors for them to step through. He is in effect binding up the strong man of these peoples lives, he is enabling them by disabling the influence of those who will not enter into that place in him of releasing the captives.

Serious words, not easy to release, but none the less essential, so that many out their who are in these places of binding the people can be brought to repentance and carry on with that walk in him.

It's not by might not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord

Posted By: Lori Torrano
Date Posted: 04/22/2009 at 6:39am

Yes, Heather. Reading your last post some of what you're saying I can
to. In fact at the moment, I've gone from feeling blocked as I mentioned
in my earlier post on this thread to feeling like giving up ministry entirely
and just focusing on my family. For a variety of reasons, I question now
what I've heard from the Lord and the prophetic words spoken by others
over my life. Maybe I've really missed it. There just seems right now like
such an intense opposition and the words the Lord has given me
(directional about what's coming) are so not what people hear now (even
very close prayer sisters who have deep relationships with the Lord who I
consider very Godly) that I'm really thinking it's me.

Maybe it really is a time to just withdraw and be quiet. Maybe it's not
opposition but the Lord pruning me back.

Posted By: Graham Smith
Date Posted: 04/22/2009 at 7:43am


That just sounds like transition to me...

Hang in there, Sunday's comin'!

Mikamocha B'Elim Adonai

Posted By: Mandy Gay
Date Posted: 04/22/2009 at 7:58am

Hi Lori,


Do the following posts speak to you?


Don’t Give Up On the Hope of Your Calling—Speak to the Mountain! - Joni Ames -


Love Mandy

Posted By: Heather Butler
Date Posted: 04/22/2009 at 2:53pm

Dear Lori

dont give up! you are almost at the place where the lord desires for you to be, to give up now when you are so near would tragic.

Transition is right, I wonder if the caterpillar could see the end result of his life when he was shut up on a small dark place for a season, not seeing anything around him at all. No one else could see his either, just a dark uncomely looking object that was hanging around. But oh, in the right season, what a metamorphesis took place, and when the butterfly emerges the glory is there for all to see.

Lori, family matters, but so does the wider family, there is a balance in it all, and you will find that as you continue to walk that highway with Jesus right beside you.

Those of us  reading this post, please could we agree to pray for Lori today, in agreement for her release and breakthrough, for clarity of vision and discernment.

blessings to you Lori you're doing great.

psalm 68

It's not by might not by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord

Posted By: Gayle Getz
Date Posted: 04/22/2009 at 7:08pm

Absolutely Sisters & Brothers,,,coming into agreement with you ALL that Lori receives 'breakthrough', that LORI comes to know JESUS as her own personal, 'LORD OF OUR BREAKTHROUGH'... we give YOU ALL praise, honor and glory for Lori's victory. Holy Spirit, we thank YOU for releasing clarity of vision and discernment RIGHT NOW& we decree it is so, in JESUS' NAME. AMEN. TY JESUS, our KING OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Shalom-nothing missing, nothing broken-Gayle

Posted By: Lori Torrano
Date Posted: 04/22/2009 at 7:58pm

Sincere and deep thanks to you Graham, Mandy, Heather and Gayle. I really
appreciate your thoughts, prayers and concern---and encouragement.

I will prayerfully consider all you are sharing so that I can hear the Lord in
this. Please feel free to share anything else you may feel led to tell me. I am
trying to make sense of these disappointments and get past discouragement
to breakthrough.

This whole thread was so timely. Thanks, blessings and love to you all. Lori

Posted By: Larry Denton
Date Posted: 04/24/2009 at 10:41am


Dear … Sister Heather....

You shared the flowing and I can receive it as a blessing in that you are now given to seek the Kingdom and...?

I will prayerfully consider all you are sharing so that I can hear the Lord in
this. Please feel free to share anything else you may feel led to tell me. I am
trying to make sense of these disappointments and get past discouragement
to breakthrough.

Am I let out in you thanking all here of what you have experienced...


I say that not to be rude, but into love, but How it is you want to "get past all these things” is to do something here we are all learning to do... 


That is to approach Our Lord. Who is Christ... in gathering in such away that how ever gifted you are and regardless of you gifting we are given to honor the host of any gathering as and elder .

Yes you hare called and have worked on you election as a pastor (I think... that is how you used the prefix to your name = Rev.) but in the Righteousness of the Kingdom of God we are no long given to think our way one how to do church. To do this allows us to approach one another in in being the church...

Here is a prophetic correction that has in it a Righteous direction. .

Gathering under a host and or you be the host and invite Our Lord and then you as and elder set back and use self-control = a Fruit of the Sprit to manifest itself with you. And in doing so you will become conscious that in the way = a Righteous way. You are humbling yourself before a leaving and present Christ.

In this you have now allowed Charity/Christ to be the Lord of Host ... I may tune you inside out to keep quite until you are sure you have the peace to shared, but then what is within your spirit will pop out as compared to some thing you have you think you have to be in order to honor the Lord.

When folks get to a place in peace...they ask you to share... then it will be from your experience as an elder that what you have to say will "back up...what you have to share in the spirit of you mind, as opposed to Just what you have on your mind...

See the wisdom. In the peace of God all these ladies are saying to you cane is you and that get you past all the fear you were taught as a preacher...

Our Lord took seven years to get that out of me and even now some of it still come up, but fast to repent ….

In listening to you. as a prophet , Our Lord has as is requiring me to honor you stand as you have given your self to work out you election via a calling and "over here " Our Lord use other gifting to bring other gifting into understanding regardless of our divers knowledge of any doctrine...

It Unity things in which love proceed the fear of being rightly related and in the proceeding of being this brings much Fruit...

We are Pursuing as Bro. Don suggest here on earth as it is done in and elder who now is in Faith.... and Elder among us...

 Bro. Larry...



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