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Severely Hurt and Heartbroken!

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Forum Name: Encountering Life's Issues - Is there a God? Is God real?
Forum Discription: What's a relationship with God all about, and what's Jesus Christ got to do with it? Have you recently been touched by God's reality? Are you wondering how you can be? Are you feeling there's a deeper purpose for your life? Are you facing a crisis and need prayer. Someone cares. Post your need here
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 2:17pm

Topic: Severely Hurt and Heartbroken!

Posted By: Guests
Subject: Severely Hurt and Heartbroken!
Date Posted: 05/11/2009 at 9:18am

I am deeply hurt now. My boyfriend and I have been going out for 2 years. We've been having our ups and downs and he is my first serious relationship and the one I lost my virginity to, with promise, he would be the first and last; He promised to marry me and all.

To cut the whole story short, the problem started when he was behaving srange and just distanced himself from me. I kept asking and all, trying to make sure, asking him if he wanted a break, he told me nothing, i was still his girl only for me to find out he had cheated and now happened to be my friend.

Well we did work through it and I forgave him, only for me to find out things, from his phone to his behavior and all. Shutting me out for months not communicating well with me and every little thing i say or try to do, he would use it against me but still wouldnt tell me we should break up and all.

we were fine, we were meant to see one day, he didnt show up or call, i had to call, his reply was he was busy, continued for 4-5 times, then i blew up one day and insulted him through txt msgs, though i didnt mean them and apologised the nxt day begging and begging, even told my elder brother to beg him on my behalf.

No communication, nothing. I remember the sacrifices I made for him not too long,gave him part of my school fees which im in debt now. i went to his house today, and he didnt let me in. He told me another woman was upstairs and if I've had sex with other men. I told him no, he said i was lying and maybe that was why i was frustrated because I haven't had sex. I don't know how to hold a man and all. That it was over.

Please what did I do to deserve such??? How do I get over this??? Im so hurt.



Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 05/11/2009 at 1:05pm

Hi Val,

Welcome to! 

Wow.. by your post, it looks like you certainly have some trials and tribulations going on in your life.  You know there are a few things that you didn't mention, things that might have some serious implications for your situation.  I guess the first thing that I'd be interested is what is your current walk with the Lord like?  Are you a part of a good church?  Even though the Church isn't always perfect, often times you can meet some good people that can help you with direction in your life.  The Bible has lots of answers for situations that you are finding yourself in. 

The main thing for you to know is that, in spite of our mistakes and even sins, God makes a way for us to escape it all through Jesus Christ.  So, I want to point your direction to Him.  In Matthew 6:33 Jesus says, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these other things will be added unto you!"  So... as you seek God, continue to chase after Him with everything that is in you, you will soon note that the problems of your life will loom rather small compared to the great love of God through Jesus!

Keep us all updated, I'm sure that many who read your post will hold you up in prayer!



Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05/11/2009 at 1:42pm

Larry Silverman wrote:
Hi Val,

Welcome to! 

Wow.. by your post, it looks like you certainly have some trials and tribulations going on in your life.  You know there are a few things that you didn't mention, things that might have some serious implications for your situation.  I guess the first thing that I'd be interested is what is your current walk with the Lord like?  Are you a part of a good church?  Even though the Church isn't always perfect, often times you can meet some good people that can help you with direction in your life.  The Bible has lots of answers for situations that you are finding yourself in. 

The main thing for you to know is that, in spite of our mistakes and even sins, God makes a way for us to escape it all through Jesus Christ.  So, I want to point your direction to Him.  In Matthew 6:33 Jesus says, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these other things will be added unto you!"  So... as you seek God, continue to chase after Him with everything that is in you, you will soon note that the problems of your life will loom rather small compared to the great love of God through Jesus!

Keep us all updated, I'm sure that many who read your post will hold you up in prayer!



Thanks for your reply. Firstly when you say things, things like what? I don't really understand the question. Secondly, My walk with God now isn't as close as it use to be. It's like I'm so hurt with so many situations, I'm feeling hopeless, I stare at my Bible and nothing. This relationship really changed my outlook on life. It has broken me especially when I put so much into this and a lot of things that happened. I have a good church but since it's not too close to my house, I don't go as much as I would have loved to.

I'm so broken, I don't even know how to communicate with God. It's like I'm dreaming.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05/11/2009 at 1:44pm

Michelle Steyn wrote:

Oh Val, I am so sorry for the hurt you are feeling right now. Believe me when I say that I too have made wrong choices in the past that have resulted in alot of hurt. I am only telling you what I have learnt myself through my own experience ... I believe that each and every one of us are shaped and moulded by our past, our upbringing, our experiences, our disappointments or hurts etc.  These parts of us or issues, shape our choices and it is this part of us that drives us to enter into unhealthy relationships and to make bad life choices.  It is only through surrendering ALL of our lives to God, that He can heal those hurts and release us into the future that He has planned for us.  It is a painful and difficult process to undergo as you are forced to confront all that is painful within you - God forces us to deal with all the unmet needs we hold to close to our hearts.  But in the end, we come out whole people.  And it is only through surrendering your will to God, that He will direct your feet along the path that He has chosen for your life ... and it will be a path that leads to abundant happiness, joy, love and peace.

I would recommend that you read the various books written by Liberty Savard that explain in detail about the unsurrendered soul.

And always turn to God for help ... He's always waiting with open arms for you.

In His love,


I believe the only option and alternative I have to suicide now is God. I'm just so so so hurt. I was even asking if It's God actually punishing me or hurting me. I believe God is alive and there and he would heal me, I just dont know when.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 05/11/2009 at 2:05pm


You say that God is the only option or alternative to suicide.  You are so correct on that.  I want you to know that God is not punishing you or hurting you in anyway.  The reason I know that is that this is not his character at all.  God is so madly in love with you.  Please believe me when I say that He is not at all keeping away from you in any form, and that includes reading and understanding your Bible.  You know Jesus said, "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, and I have come to give live and that more abundantly!"

Sometimes we make bad choices in life and there are always consequences to those choices.  That is never God's fault.  However, the great truth is that God's desire is to help us find help and deliverance from our bad choices.  The reason I know is that I've made some real bad choices myself in times past.  I cried out to Him and soon saw things begin to change.

Val... you are in my prayers!  I am telling my wife, Corinne about you too, and she'll be praying for you too!

Be blessed!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05/11/2009 at 2:26pm

@Larry Silverman

Thank you so much. Please put me in your prayers, I really need help. I'm so hopeless and down.

Posted By: Larry Silverman
Date Posted: 05/11/2009 at 2:30pm


You got the prayers.  My wife just read this thread and she's praying too.  I'm sure more Openheaven friends will join with us too!

Please keep in contact!


Dr. Larry Silverman, M.C./Psy., M.Min., D.C./Psy.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05/11/2009 at 2:35pm

I would definitely. I'm just looking at all the sacrifices I made, everything he had done to me and I forgave, also knowing who I am, just one day, i blew up with words. I didn't mean them, he has frustrated me so much but I keep tolerating and now he made me look like a failure. Told me I don't know how to hold a man. Forgetting the good things I've done for him and how he frustrated me so much to the extent and begging him for weeks???

It really really hurts.

Posted By: Leslie Grewing
Date Posted: 07/12/2009 at 8:13pm

Val, I just read your posting that's two months old. How are you doing? I think that this guy is not the best choice for you. It doesn't look like he holds you heart too tenderly in his hands.  The first time you love a man it doesn't work out is always very painful. But, I don't think it's a good thing to beg and beg because it usually doesn't end well. From what you said about his cheating and other behaviors, I think you need to let this relationship go. I think the more important thing at this point is for you to spend time with God in a quiet place where you can allow him to heal your heart. Although men can be wonderful, we need to realize that we get our fulfillment and fullest love from God. Most men are unable to love us in the manner that our hearts desire. I'm so sorry you've gone through such pain but if you'll turn to God and ask him to heal you and show you what the truth in this matter is, he will. In relationships, when a gal gives herself to a man outside of marriage, she is setting herself up for the potential of a lot of pain as well as the potential of STDs. Sleeping with a guy is jumping the gun. Marriage should come first. It's God's order for our lives to protect us. However, in our nation there are very few people advocating chastity. It's very hard to stay pure and not all guys in the Church are pure and living with pure motives.  Can you find a group or cell where there are young women with older women mentoring them? I think it might be good for you to find a mature women to help you in your walk with God. What you have gone through would/is too difficulty to go through by yourself.  You'll get so tangled up in your emotions that you won't be able to necessarily think straight. I hope this posting finds you on the way to recovery and knowing that this guy is not good news.

Posted By: Lisa Simmons
Date Posted: 10/03/2009 at 1:00am

Hi Val,


I understand your hurting, because I have been there.  Really been there.  Rejection is a stabbing pain that seems unending.

My only words to encourage you would be to bring to your understanding that the very things that this man has done to you wrongly, everyone has done to God.  We have lied, cheated, ignored, mistreated, put on the back burner etc.  And now knowing this, you can find it in your heart to forgive this man, not go back to him, but forgive him, letting go of all bitterness that will keep you from spiritual health, because you, and I have been guilty of the same adultry to our Lord.  Wow!  The grace of God, once we see it, we can dispense it.

This man, as you have explained above, is using you, though he may find comfort in you or familiarity, its not love, not the love that God shows us to show.  I know it hurts, but when you are broken and open the door to Jesus once again, he heals.  And you'll be ministering to other broken hearts :)

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