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Strange dream

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Forum Name: VOICE OF PROPHECY - Prophetic Words
Forum Discription: This forum is specifically for prophetic words and the discussion of those words.
Printed Date: 01/17/2017 at 3:26pm

Topic: Strange dream

Posted By: Dave Spencer
Subject: Strange dream
Date Posted: 11/11/2009 at 10:28pm

The Lord said to post this dream I had last night because someone here would understand it even though I do not.

I was sent to a large learning facility as a substitute teacher.  When I arrived in the classroom, everyone was kind of like zombies, even the teacher.  The students were of various ages, from very young to seniors.  I told the regular teacher that I had been assigned as a substitute and he looked at me like I was crazy.

 I asked, "Where do I sign in" and he said, " There isn't a sign-in place" and was kind of angry about it.

So I went to the admin. office but there was no doors, just windows.

The dream repeats again and then ends.

With His Love,


Posted By: Adam Gouroutidi
Date Posted: 11/12/2009 at 12:12am

Dear Dave!
The repeating of the dream is a declaration that God has made up His mind about it and will not change His will, just like the two dreams of the Pharaoh.
You are going to be sent and minister to almost dead people, ministries or Heavenly visions that were never brought to life, new ones or older ones.
The regular teacher is the wicked spirit that brought all those people and ministries and visions to almost death.
The only way to sing in is by the blood of the Lamb and you asking to do so is a testify that you are aware of it and the teacher's frustration about you asking to sign in is his eternal purpose to cancel the blood of the Lamb.
The admin's office had no door because the admin. Himself IS THE DOOR and you going there is, the Lord's Word telling you that you must ALWAYS go to Him.
It is the time of Eccl.12:1-3

Posted By: Maria Woolston
Date Posted: 11/12/2009 at 12:16am

Greg Woolston

A beggar went into a city looking for King David. He approached a fountain where women use to laugh and play but there were only King Saul's soldiers around it. He approached one of the dwellers and asked him where he might find King David. He looked nervously to the soldiers and pushed past them. He asked many but they responded with indifference and coldness. Eventually he was translated to a large room. Seated at the table was the leader of the township. He said, "Please kind sir can you tell me where King David is?" The spirit of mockery came upon the leader and he said, "David's heart is as a lion. and his arm is as the strength of a bear. He'll cut you down before your'e a mile near."  The poor man's heart broke. His body trembled as he sobbed. Then immediately he was translated to David's dwelling in the cave, Adulin. The place of refuge.

God is raising up a people after his own heart. He is sick and tired of excuses, indifference, tolerance toward that which is not of Him.

Your dream made me think of the above dream.

Joseph had eleven brothers and there was only one he longed to see. His true brother. the one that came from the same womb as he. I believe the Lord is saying as he entered the vineyard of the Gentiles. "If I do not see my btother's face, you shall not see my face."

Remember in the book of Malachi it is written, "A people that feared God spoke one to another." God looked upon them and was pleased. He said, "I will spare you as a Father would spare his own son. I will make you jewels in my crown. I WILL GIVE YOU THE POWER TO DISCERN BETWEEN THOSE THAT SERVE ME AND THOSE THAT DO NOT.

I believe your dream is summed up in that last sentence..

Remember that which is born of God will witness with one another.

There is a people that have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. They worship me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.

They have eyes to see but do not see, ears to hear but do not hear --- zombies. Carnal Christian, unbelieving believers---- the book of Jude speaks of them. Forever learning and never coming to the knowledge of God.

The knowledge of God shall be the stability of our times. Remember Jesus said, "Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I know you not."

Let the blind teacher lead the blind.

Did Jesus come to resurrect the religious sector and lift it up??? No
They lifted our King up and nailed him on the cross.

It's a man made establishment. There is no door in that establishment. Because Jesus is not their door, Jesus is not their way, Jesus is not their truth, Jesus is not their life It's King Saul's camp. It's Eli and his sons place of dwelling. It's Joeph's 10 brothers.

"Come out, come out from her, you who bear the vessels of the Lord. Be ye clean."

I believe with all  my heart that the hour is late. I see our blessed Saviour walking into the temple and He says, "The hour is late". He looks around and says, "There is no good thing here." But praise God. I hear him say, "I'm going to the house of Bethany, to the house of the poor. The hi ways, the bi ways, the hedges, the come, won't you come. For the banquet is laid. Won't you come for the feast is prepared. And the invitations shall go out through the streets and alleys and all along the country lanes where the idle people are gathered. And they'll hear, and they'll come. I tell you they will come. The beggars, the blind, the lame." 

 Just as I am without one plea. Oh Lamb of God. I come to thee.

Not many noble, not many wise, not many learned can hear Him.

The waters shall break and that which is born of God shall cry, "He's coming, He's coming. Jesus is coming."

Jewels, rubies. diamonds, emeralds come from deep, dark places in the earth. Are formed through great pressure and duress. When the Living Waters are poured out from heaven and crash down upon the earth. Plunging down past the mountain high into the valleys low it will seek out and flow into the lowest parts of this earth and the negligence of the religious system shall be the jewels in His crown. Isn't He lovely, altogether lovely. Oh what a great King we serve. Yet while we were sinners He loved us. To be awakened by His Grace, His great Grace. And Oh His tender mercies washing us closer to His love so that we might be reconciled to our Father.

Posted By: Sherri Lynn
Date Posted: 11/12/2009 at 5:41am


I don't have an interp, but will share my own experience.  Three times I have dreamed of zombie-people.  In all three of the dreams, the zombie-people were people in the church.

I don't mean to be offensive in any way, that was just my experience with zombie dreams.

Posted By: julie scott
Date Posted: 11/12/2009 at 6:29am

Dave, I submit this for your discerment...if I were to have had the dream, this is how I would interpret it...

You are a sub, an 'outsider' if you will.  You have come to disrupt the status quo. The school represents 'church' (not the remnant), and the zombies are those with no Christ-life in them...those who do not know Jesus.   The admin, having only windows, but no door represents those who are kept out of God's presense (perhaps b/c of thier own rules and regulations.) They can see the Kindom of God, but they can not partake (until they break free from the man-made laws.) I feel that this dream is about the laws within the churches today, the legalism, and of course those who are simply going through the motions. The fact that the teacher was angry about having no sign-in place means that all are welcome to the Kingdom of the dismay of many churches that strive to keep people out (via thier regulations and laws).


Again, for your discerment..God alone is the interpreter. And He will lead you to the truth.

Posted By: Dave Spencer
Date Posted: 11/12/2009 at 7:02am

Thank you all for your service to the Lord and your concern.

Ec 12:12  And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

"The Kingdom of God is not just words but also power."

Time for "being" and "doing in faith" is here.  Repeating book learning over and over again without application is what turns us into zombies, isn't it?

What good does it do to look carefully at ourselves in the mirror as we past and yet take no course of action to change for the better?

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for Your leading, correction and encouragement.  Thank you, Jesus, for Your church.  Thank you, Father, for Your Love and Truth.

With His Love,

PS It is true that at the end of the dream I was neither in the classroom nor in the admin building.

Posted By: alicia myers
Date Posted: 11/12/2009 at 8:13am

I had a zombie dream about two weeks ago..I was literally screaming in my sleep to the top of lungs out of frustration that I woke up with a headache..My cousin told me I was screaming at the top of my lungs out loud..I just remember being so frustrated that NOBODY knew what I was saying and were like zombies..I was literally screaming at them..I figured if I kept screaming they would wake up out of their zombie like state...Everybody around me was literally a zombie, except for me.....

More of Christ, Less of Me..

Posted By: Vince Sucec
Date Posted: 11/12/2009 at 8:13am


A learning facility represents spiritual instruction. In this case it is obvious that it is lifeless spiritual instruction.

You cannot enliven dead instruction, there is no "sign in place"- there is no "substitution" which carries us to life other than Him.

Perhaps this is a stage where He is teaching you deep things about the differences between liberty and the leaven, grace and the law, the Spirit and the letter ...



Until we all come into the unity of the faith ...

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